Manny goes over how to navigate through the page to quickly find information you are looking for. He also goes over the 2025 Princess medal reveal.
Hello there! You have two options. You can sign up for Telegram alerts when spots open up. This is not official runDisney information so it is not on the site. Sign up for Telegram (which is free) and search runDisney alerts and even for Princess alerts. The other way is the charity part of the video. I know one is You can email her and ask if she has any bibs left for a particular run. You will have to fundraise though. Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask more questions. Create a Magcial Run!
Any ideas of how I can get a race number for the princess half in February?
Hello there! You have two options. You can sign up for Telegram alerts when spots open up. This is not official runDisney information so it is not on the site. Sign up for Telegram (which is free) and search runDisney alerts and even for Princess alerts. The other way is the charity part of the video. I know one is You can email her and ask if she has any bibs left for a particular run. You will have to fundraise though. Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask more questions. Create a Magcial Run!