@@Jacob.Springer If you attract people to the vision of free energy (or free heating) and in one month you have 2.2M views of the video (even if it's fake), then you are a good TH-camr and you probably get some money for it, and you don't have to care at all that you show nonsense in the video.
5:26, not a closed loop. beyond the press did something like this, but they capped out at ~52C/125F using neodymium magnets spinning at about 5000 RPM. that speaker magnet's doing a couple hundred RPM or so. it also took beyond the press something like an hour and change to hit 52C, in a more or less closed environment. this thing is in the open air. even if it were a closed loop, it would take most of a day, and a slight breeze would negate any gains. and most induction heaters take 800-1KW of power somewhere in the mix to even get middling results. for a proper one? 3kVA up to 10kVA at 20+ volts, depending on how beefy you want it to be. they also usually need active cooling capable of keeping the coils from glowing (and a pump system to actually make the liquid being used to cool/transfer the heat move through the system. the heat alone isn't going to do it the way this is 'rigged' up.). this rig (even if it did actually work) might produce millivolts and microamps respectively, at best. which wouldn't produce much of squat. you could probably measure the coil itself for some sort of slight (1-3f) difference, but i doubt it would be much more than that. and it wouldn't be useful to anyone for anything meaningful. the final nail; listen closely. in parts just before 'high' readings, you can hear the torch (@ 4:52 ) used to heat the metal up thats being 'read'. at 5:00, the copper coil isn't discolored. at 5:19, it is. but only in a small spot. copper starts oxidizing in this fashion at around 200C for a minute (300F, which is the upper range of typical stove burners, though with longer times and lower heat, say, 200F, its possible for it to discolor. 100F? nah. not like this). in summary; this is bs, don't buy into it.
@@johnku888 Its so disingenuous though and wasting peoples time, like the lying hushmoney funded trillionaire pope. Reasons why our planet is taking a generalized nosedive with malignant church mafia sociopathy as putin murders cities full of people.
thanks, this came up on my feed and i got a bit excited but i decided to come to the comments first. a lot of people saying it doesn't work. It would be nice if something like this could create heat enough to matter. Last winter was a killer.
Oh thankyou so much I was using a magnet from a loudspeaker and was able to cool the whole house down in one minute as well as refrigerate milk and all my softdrinks, I just couldn't believe it. Many many thanks. Stupid from Australia. Xxxxxxx.
Glue like the one used here in your video is called Cyanoacrylate. It will set MUCH faster, and be a lot stronger of a bond if you try to apply baking soda to the location before applying the glue. It will set almost instantly, so be quick if you need to do any assembly after applying the glue. Two other "additives" I can say also give great strength/cure time results, are graphite, and styrafoam. I've used all three seperately and even used all three together. It's a game changer. If you didn't already know about it, I hope it comes in handy for you. Just figured it may help if you didn't already know. Keep up the great videos!
Firstly, you need a circle of magnets with switched poles. You cannot use that magnet with 1 side spinning in his circle. As this means you are using 1 single side of the magnet only, which is only 1 pole. So your video is a fake demonstration. The speaker magnets have their poles located on both flat surfaces. Using one side, is 1 pole. So you cannot have eddy current induction. You need both poles. North and South. Which means plus + and minus - to create an eddy current shortcircuit.
@@gdolphy that will mean poor magnetic flux. So. You need the maximum strenght magnetic field, both poles to create an eddy current flow into the metal
Since a single pole faces the element, this setup will not work due to the lack of magnetic field change needed to introduce the current. Despite of that it actually gave me the idea of how this principle with proper design can be used for my solution.
I see no reason why this wouldn't work if it was designed properly with opposing fields. Rotating magnet inside the coil may be more efficient but then how efficient would it be overall? Experimentation is the way forward 😊👍🏼
his joint look close are not sealed and the magnet he never showed nor proved it had oppotise poles around thts face and 99.9% of this style the flat face ias one singula magnetice pole to react and cause induction heat the pols have to flip back and forth rapid and strong enough to induce heat, he might pick up a minor flux from the inside arc but he firts need to know where his poles at in relation to each other this is pure 100% scam video. his input and outputs are at same level and BELOW the coil anyone that remamber the physics heat rises not sinks. the tech works but not the way this guy is trying we did induction heat treating in work i did for 45 years and this guy is a joke and its a scam video to get advetisers moneys for traffic and views
It's the classic TH-cam trend: 'let's just bolt a load of random junk together to produce a viral fake video'. What an absolute waste of everyone's time
When a wire cut a magnetic field In Move, there is some induction inside. If that induction is short circuited, then some electric current makes calor inside, by Joules effect. Yes, it's true. But how much power that makes ? What is the resistance of all !? That magnet, even powerfull, can't create a very lot of calories, who make increase temperature to 120°!! If the principe is true, there is Always in all that experiments, a Barrier :the performance... Your system have to be Moved..And it's that movement who Make the result.... No move, no power..!To Say that it reach 120°,is a Fake for attract spectators.. ...
Thankyou so much, my house is like a oven in the winter with all doors open, I hooked the house electrics up to it and I have no lecky bills now, as im attached to the grid it now runs all the electric in the country. your genius has no bounds
And he is getting the viewership for TH-cam whether it makes sense or not. There are many of this sort of scams on TH-cam. I wished TH-cam had technical people to prove these stupid unworkable inventions before handing them money. However it is a form of entertainment and that’s the only thing TH-cam is looking for-viewers.
How to make a Induction Heater By Magnet / alternative in the gas crisis....creative and I'm happy to see the video, success for "MR COVER ....."....Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia OK
Кандидат на нобелевскую премию ! Нет, не за тепло из ниоткуда Только за "сварку" люминтия с медием при помощи оловяния 🤣🤣🤣 А дальше просто чЮдеса чЮдестные, полученные из аклематора с ржавыми клеммами электромотория с магнитием на 10й скорости ... Но это уже не интересно, хАчЮ получить рИцепт пайки люминтия ! (больно бить не буду 😜) Но кое что в этом всё-таки есть ! Полтора ляма придурков(я в их числе) посмотрели на эту хрень 🤑 + за идею !
Медь будет нагреваться только на ниодимовых магнитах а этот магнит херня и вообще используются магниты с разными полярностями так что это фейк как и сварочник на электро помпе от холодильника.Я ж когда то тоже пытался сделать такой нагреватель обычными магнитами с разными полярности аж из 10 штук результат 0!
You wiil need one of those "Free Energy Generators" to charge the battery. It may take a while for the rotating magnet with such a large air gap to heat the coil.. You could die from cold exposure before you could raise enough heat to get you warm.
Well, not if the room is 31C ;) Me... if it got below freezing and all I had was that battery, I think I'd be lighting that board on fire, and anything else that burns. Old school, I am. More than one place to recover chemical energy.
The heat generated by electric heater plugged to this accumulator is BIGGER than heat generated by mechanical magnets. Just law of conservation of energy.
That's the point. t's shocking that there are people who believe that. If it were that easy then all energy problems would be solved. As always with videos like this, nothing more than clickbait. "Law of conservation of energy" as you write. I thought it was part of general education. Greetings Robby
Esos imanes, solo tienen 1 de los 2 campos magnéticos en cada cara ...o sea que estarias haciendo girar siempre el mismo polo; no se genera ninguna corriente de cortocircuito en esa bobina de cobre..por lo tanto no hay nada que genere calor... Tampoco se sabe que es ese liquido que mete...Aunque sea cual sea, no se va a calentar.... Inclusive, la fuerza magnetica de ese iman es minuscula para generar cualquier corriente. No funcionara
Hats off to you, yet another free energy scam that people believe! Well done, you have over four million views. Why can't I think of something like that!
Spiegami come fai a riscaldare il radiatore se dentro non hai messo nulla... Forse è l'olio che ad un certo punto cifai vedere? Perché se è così devi spiegarci come hai fatto a riempire il circuito dato che lo hai chiuso con la serpentina e se è vero quello che hai mostrato la serpentina era vuota perché altrimenti non riuscivi a saldarla e ti ha lasciato aria nel circuito. Ammesso e non concesso che sei riuscito a riempire il circuito senza bolle d'aria all'interno... Se non metti una pompa che fa girare l'acqua dentro il circuito come fai a far riscaldare il radiatore? Il magnete non è così forte da generare una induttanza tale da scaldare la serpentina fino a 120 gradi per cui hai trovato sicuramente un modo per immettere nel circuito acqua già scaldata proveniente da una altra fonte di riscaldamento inoltre il motore da 12 volt non sembra che sforzi nemmeno un po'. Per tutto questo, anche se l'idea sembra buona, e chiaramente un FAKE. La batteria inoltre ogni tanto dovrai pur caricarla e se non hai i pannelli solari o qualche altra energia green farlo avrà il suo costo.
secondo me è totalmente fake, a parte la sezione di scambio di calore il cui commento sopra condivido pienamente, anche la parte relativa al magnetismo non ha alcun senso....
@@jancasuperinvece la parte magnetica è la sola che ha un senso (per me) ... Ci sono altri video non FAKE che ne dimostrano la validità, ma... Per il resto lo si vede armeggiare dietro il radiatore come se aprisse le valvole di un circuito nascosto proveniente da sotto che porta l'acqua al suo circuito. Tra l'altro il dispositivo magnetico così come concepito da lui non potra mai generare una temperatura così alta dell'acqua nel poco tempo mostrato anche perché come già detto il circuito dovrebbe essere mezzo vuoto ed il poco fluido rimanere statico e presente solo nel radiatore e tra l'altro non ha nemmeno messo una pompa. Ha voluto appositamente creare un fake. Peccato perché ripeto... L'idea non era niente male.
@@alberto3028 seguramente, aunque por ese asunto del principio de la conservacion de la energia creo que al final producir la misma cantidad de calorias necesita la misma energia y lo que cuenta es cuantas veces las transformas, es decir una bomba de calor debe pasar de energia electrica a mecanica para producir calor por compresion del gas, ademas, una bomba de calor debe tener una resistencia en la unidad exterior de evite el congelamiento del radiador. Al final todo este cuento del ahorro parece que no existe porwue hemos llegado tecnologicamente a ser muy eficientes. A pesar de ser mas eficiente la factura electrica es mucho mas cara wue antes, hemos invertido en cambiar nuestras luces incandecentes por led, equipos de comprrsion inverter, lavaropas inverter, cocinas de induccion, y sin embargo la factura es cada dia mayor. Algun dia entenderemos que no hay energia barata ni limpia.
@@alexispatino8254 puedes ponerle lo que sea porque no va a circular ya que la parte que calienta esta a media altura del radiador, si pusieras el radiador sobre el imán o más arriba que el imán el líquido circulará de abajo hacia arriba al calentar y el ventilador extractor debería estar solo en la parte alta para extraer el calor y hacer que el líquido bajara al enfriar y fuera nueva. Ente hacia el imán. Bueno digo yo.
This is like a perpetuum mobile - find 20 reasons why this setup cannot work! Some noticed it below. I guess that this is an excellent video for physics exam: list all items which are wrong here. If you get 5-6 - this is C, if you find more than 10 - it is B, and for A one will need to list more than 15 reasons.
No e probado hacer uno,pero si no lo ves en el mercado,es por q las empresas q fabrican calentafores de todo tipo, no les combiene,asi funciona el mundo desde hace mucho tiempo,quieren q lo q compre,dure poco,se rompa,para vender partes o no partes y compres otro,lo que creas q no funciona por q es primitivo,no quiere decir que no funcione,proba hacer uno,es facil de copiar, pero tambien hay q entender como funciona y quizas tu hagas una mejor version!
Pobre ingenuo, las cosaa simples no estan en el mercado, como pir ejemplo automoviles que solo usen agua como combustible, de hecho la gasoluna sino fuese por su alto conrenido de agua, no funcionaria porque es solo el hidrogeno del agua lo que hace la explosion en esta mezcla.
I took a wood block, painted one half to blue, the other to red. All of a sudden it turned into a bar magnet 😂 Mr Cover, try it in your next "project" and shoot a video on that.
The speaker magnet has 2 circular channel, so dual north/south entities, the field orbit is not parallel to the tubing, hence the atom excitement is non linear, atoms are colliding in non sequential orders. I would change the coil to a U extended past the magnet, cut channels radially.
Максимум, что там может возникнуть это ток короткого замыкания, ибо радиатор является проводником, но судя по количеству витков, величина этого тока будет такой малой, что вряд ли ее хватит, чтоб нагреть такой большой радиатор.
Даю секретный совет. Берешь нихромовую проволоку от паяльника, отрезаешь нужный кусок и подключаешь к аккумулятору. Без медных трубок, масла, моторов, магнитов и деревянных дощечек. Никому не рассказывай. Кстати, насчет работоспособности, вообще,данной конструкции большие сомнения.
You could place the motor and spinning magnet directly under the radiator, and use isulated ducting around the whole. tihing. Put sheet metal bearers arount the parts and pour in some pumis. put fins on the magnetic and place a closable vent there. Top the whole thing with a porcelain toilet lid, to capture and hold heat longer. Actually the whole thing inside a toilet tank could be perfect. A heating element is simplest. I dont know if it is less efficient.
WHen i first saw this i was pretty sure it wouldnt work. Isn't the magnetic field somewhat constant here? Doesn't it need more of a change than it spinning inthe same direction as the field it creates?
@@thomasmaughan4798 I clicked on it trying to figure out what reasons they'd provide for it being superior to a heat pump. I don't normally get these types of videos and I downvote all the perpetual motion bs anytime they show up. Just like I did this one once I realized what it was.
Human DNA... Is correct. I worked in the electrical power generation industry for 34 years and I can tell you that you need a relative motion between magnetic flux and a conductor such as copper to achieve electron movement and thus heat
'...And in my Next video, I'll show the SIMPLE process of assembly of the perpetual motion machine...', '..after that we'll tackle 'free energy' machine..'! B.S. -John
you know what sucks these kind of fake videos do affect the very people who build them not for fun but the poor people in rural areas who buy all the supplies out of necessity for an alternative source to save money. In Mississippi when a tornado hit youd see people rebuild from the pile of trash leftover on the concrete slab as they didnt have homeowners insurance and would try to make gadgets like this to survive. So if this is fake as others pointed out least you could do is put a disclaimer in otherwise if again it is fake shame on you. Unfortunately tons of people are gullible and yes sometimes people deserve what they get but do their kids deserve to lose out on a meal cause of the parents stupidity? Just like when people scam others they say they deserve it as they should know better but again if you cost their kid say college or even become the victim of abuse due to the parents wrath after being scammed it just screams to me go to you know where
Absolutely. One reason I do research and find these is trying to make something to save money like you said. I'm just lucky enough to have a background and know what's what, sometimes not before I watch some or most of the video tho. And for these video makers it's not even the point if it works or not. It gets views. That drives subs, then they make money. F$#k them all. Thanks for your comment.
Объясни мне . Принцип индукции работает в быстром изменении магнитного полюса. А у тебя магнит вращается одним полюсом . Это тоже самое если магнит поднести и оставить 😂
Главное полдня показывать как из говна и палок создать термоядерный реактор, особо акцентируя внимание на том как спаять криво отпиленные трубки , и как прикрутить эту хероту к куску кривой доски. Волшебник б...я
Creo que no es posible. Primero y principal el campo magnético del imán en esa rotación es siempre el mismo, ya que los polos están en lo planos. Segundo, el caño de bronce y el aceite, no son magnéticos.
Bad, calculate the efficiency...electricity is applied to the motor, the motor moves the magnet, the magnet heats the water with an alternating field....Ask to turn on the heater ...))
@@ИмяФамилия-у4м9ч No, I think it is a good idea because simple to build when the electronics are not well understood, I will build one myself and publish the video on my channel.
@@ACHRAFSELLAMSPACE And the meaning ? Well, Foucault currents, well, a lot of details ....when the nichrome spiral does the same...it will turn electrical energy into heat ....for power from 12 volts, there are special heaters for cars...
This would have been far more effective using simple nichrome wire. No noise, better efficiency, far fewer parts. Also notice the copper loop is shorted together, making it poor at heating through eddy currents. An old toaster or hair dryer has plenty of nichrome and it's easy to use.
@@arminmohammadi1 all you need to know is Ohm's law and the power relationship. Use a multimeter and read the resistance of the nichrome. Let's say it reads 100 ohms, just for sale of argument. Let's also assume you have a 12 volt supply. It won't matter if it's AC or DC as long as the AC voltage is RMS. 12 volts through 100 ohms yields 120 milliamps of current, and we know that power in watts is E*I or the product of voltage times current in amps. That would be 1.44 watts. Lower resistance yields more current and therefore, more watts of heat transfer. Let's say you have 10 ohms, which is much more likely if you use the nichrome from a toaster or hair dryer. 12 volts through 10 ohms yields 1.2 amps, and 12 * 1.2 is 14.4 watts. How fast will it heat? 1 gram of water takes 1 calorie or 4.184 joules (that is watt-seconds) to raise it 1 degree C in temperature. So, 14.4 watts will add 1 degree C to one liter of water in 290.6 seconds, if there is absolutely no heat loss. Raising that liter by 20 degrees C will take about an hour and 37 minutes. As you can see, it takes many watts for many seconds to get anywhere using nichrome, and that's just about the most efficient way to do it, with close to 99% transfer efficiency. The inductive thing in the video is grossly out of its league by orders of magnitude. It's simple physics to see why.
Getting "free" power out of a magnet as it degrades (the energy has to come from somewhere) is an old trick by now but I am glad you could show us how to DIY.
Why drive a motor to generate current to heat a coil. Can you not just use the battery to heat the coil. This can avoid the losses in the multiple energy conversions.
"Why drive a motor to generate current to heat a coil." Because its awesome. Things spin! The battery would be exhausted in about 5 minutes heating the heat exchanger.
Nope. The idea is to make it complicated so laymen are fooled to believe it could actually work. It's just elaborate clickbait. Using this video in my classes to teach students how to spot a fraud.
Montieren Sie Peltierelemente neben die Heizspule und Sie können mit dem erzeugten Strom Ihren Akku wieder aufladen und vielleicht auch einige Zimmer im Haus beleuchten. 🤣🤣🤣
Takes 300 degrees C or 574 F to get solder to adhere to Aluminum. Clearly the amount of aluminum sucking the heat away would have been smoking hot and turning color. It only stuck to the copper, and this is seen later when tipped up. This says scam in so many ways
I'm guessing this is supposed to create heat from the friction of the oil circulating? I don't know if that would actually produce anything useful, but even if it did, how is a spinning magnet supposed to get oil moving?
Тема интересная. Пиздежа много. Чтобы нагреть, нужно менять полюс магнита. Здесь он постоянный. Кроме того нужен расшерительный бак. Его здесь нет. И. Последнее. Для этой системы нужен насос.. В данном моменте естественная циркуляции не будет работать.
Это конечно фейк но, такие магниты бывают по диаметру двух полюсными что касается циркуляции в жидкость добавить металлические взвеси , а вот насчёт расширительного бачка это промах.
Это чувырло туда масло налил. Вообще, эта хуета работает на наведенной индукцией (токи Фуко), нагрев идет за счет короткого замыкания в медной трубки (катушка индуктора) КПД этой гамасятины не известен, Все эти свистоперделки лепят для поднятия и бешеных просмотров , не отпускает сладкая тема альтернативной халявы
Every time you see a train carrying coal, you know it's fuel for electric vehicles! :) Каждый раз, когда Вы видите состав с углём, знайте, это везут топливо для электромобилей! :)
While this is correct in this particular situation, that's not always true. You've been brainwashed with laws of science to believe this. For instance I put 0 energy into my solar panels, yet they produce 3-6 kwh of energy per day. Or just take a magnet and stick to your refrigerator and calculate how many watts of power per day it would take that same magnet to stick to the refrigerator if it were an electromagnetic. Where does that energy come from? This alone destroys Einstein's masonic laws of deception. And while I do believe about 99.9 percent of the so called free energy devices on here are hocus pocus, there is that tiny small percentage of ppl that have created such devices, they do exist. There's 2 guys that have accomplished this and one of them was offed, the other one nobody has heard from him in over 5 years so he's either missing or dead as well. If your interested in their stories and their work, their names are Stan Myers, and Gerard Morin. Gerard Morin had published all his work on TH-cam for free. Stuff that will blow your mind away, and stuff that can and had been repeated successfully.
Well, you need to understand the *FULL* circuit. You put power into the motor, and the camera, and the computer for video editing, then upload the results to youtube. If enough people laugh/believe, you earn some revenue and can maybe pay your electricity bill... to run the air conditioner because it's freaking 31C in that room. There's physics, there's electronics, and then there's capitalism. Free energy devices are *fool* powered. And, the algorithm rewarded the OP for your comment just the same as the guy asking where to get the stuff to build it. There's no winning... all you can do is smile. Me, it was good for a laugh, even if my feed is going to be full of this crap for the next week.
@@4Fixerdave I think most ppl with half a brain can figure out bogus free energy videos. But yeah I liked your comment about paying your electric bills if you get enough views from this stuff, made me laugh as well. Most of this stuff I just like to watch just to read the comments.
I make high power electric stove from a Magnet => th-cam.com/video/o5MHR0_osrM/w-d-xo.html
@@Jacob.Springer If you attract people to the vision of free energy (or free heating) and in one month you have 2.2M views of the video (even if it's fake), then you are a good TH-camr and you probably get some money for it, and you don't have to care at all that you show nonsense in the video.
Load o bollokes yeah
@@Eternal.002 it's a cooling coil and or evaporator of any fridge or freezer
En venta de repuestos automotriz se usan para disipar calor de las cajas hidromaticas ( automáticas ). Allí las consigues
Please explain how it works, its my humble request🙏🙏🙏
5:26, not a closed loop.
beyond the press did something like this, but they capped out at ~52C/125F using neodymium magnets spinning at about 5000 RPM. that speaker magnet's doing a couple hundred RPM or so. it also took beyond the press something like an hour and change to hit 52C, in a more or less closed environment. this thing is in the open air.
even if it were a closed loop, it would take most of a day, and a slight breeze would negate any gains.
and most induction heaters take 800-1KW of power somewhere in the mix to even get middling results. for a proper one? 3kVA up to 10kVA at 20+ volts, depending on how beefy you want it to be. they also usually need active cooling capable of keeping the coils from glowing (and a pump system to actually make the liquid being used to cool/transfer the heat move through the system. the heat alone isn't going to do it the way this is 'rigged' up.).
this rig (even if it did actually work) might produce millivolts and microamps respectively, at best. which wouldn't produce much of squat. you could probably measure the coil itself for some sort of slight (1-3f) difference, but i doubt it would be much more than that. and it wouldn't be useful to anyone for anything meaningful.
the final nail; listen closely. in parts just before 'high' readings, you can hear the torch (@ 4:52 ) used to heat the metal up thats being 'read'. at 5:00, the copper coil isn't discolored. at 5:19, it is. but only in a small spot. copper starts oxidizing in this fashion at around 200C for a minute (300F, which is the upper range of typical stove burners, though with longer times and lower heat, say, 200F, its possible for it to discolor. 100F? nah. not like this).
in summary; this is bs, don't buy into it.
So reported the video?
Why wasting so much time explaining why this is a lie? It's a lie and that's it, you're not gonna change stupid people mind.
@@johnku888 Its so disingenuous though and wasting peoples time, like the lying hushmoney funded trillionaire pope. Reasons why our planet is taking a generalized nosedive with malignant church mafia sociopathy as putin murders cities full of people.
thanks, this came up on my feed and i got a bit excited but i decided to come to the comments first. a lot of people saying it doesn't work. It would be nice if something like this could create heat enough to matter. Last winter was a killer.
Its 100% fake vedio doesn't flow physics law
Oh thankyou so much I was using a magnet from a loudspeaker and was able to cool the whole house down in one minute as well as refrigerate milk and all my softdrinks, I just couldn't believe it. Many many thanks. Stupid from Australia. Xxxxxxx.
Glue like the one used here in your video is called Cyanoacrylate. It will set MUCH faster, and be a lot stronger of a bond if you try to apply baking soda to the location before applying the glue. It will set almost instantly, so be quick if you need to do any assembly after applying the glue.
Two other "additives" I can say also give great strength/cure time results, are graphite, and styrafoam. I've used all three seperately and even used all three together. It's a game changer. If you didn't already know about it, I hope it comes in handy for you. Just figured it may help if you didn't already know.
Keep up the great videos!
ما السائل الذي وضعتة الرديتر
Porqué no escriben en cristiano? En castellano?
Предлагаю автору поехать в город Челябинск 10 января и в лесу в палатке попробывать этот обогреватель. Вот это будет интерестно.
Dacă vrea să nu mai iasă zdravăn de-acolo, să meargă ! Cei prezenți îl vor bate până se va lăsa de escrocherii !
Пусть даже десять штук возьмёт.
В челябинский лес зимой в шлепках и шортах не пускают!🤣🤣🤣
Пошабашит через минут 5 с такими технолохиями))))))
@@Oleg_Mercedesovich пускают, только специальных , с меховым подбоем
Firstly, you need a circle of magnets with switched poles. You cannot use that magnet with 1 side spinning in his circle. As this means you are using 1 single side of the magnet only, which is only 1 pole. So your video is a fake demonstration. The speaker magnets have their poles located on both flat surfaces. Using one side, is 1 pole. So you cannot have eddy current induction. You need both poles. North and South. Which means plus + and minus - to create an eddy current shortcircuit.
Yes u need to magnets for the magnetic force
You can tell it’s fake since they didn’t put oil in it and not a single drop of oil escaped the poor solder joints
Is it possible if the magnet has an imbalance in its field by creating a sloped magnet or tilting it a few degrees?
Imbalance yields flow... There are unipolar motors... So I wonder about that as well. Resonance too...
@@gdolphy that will mean poor magnetic flux. So. You need the maximum strenght magnetic field, both poles to create an eddy current flow into the metal
The only way this pile of scrap parts is going to create heat is if you light it on fire.
Să cumpere 5m cubi de lemn de foc. 😅😅
It would actually work. Have you ever heard of an induction stove? It's the same thing
@@johnjacobson8484brother on this scale it’s probably outputting about 5watts of heat😂
That's what it does it starts on fire no nuts
@johnjacobson8484 i do know an induction stove works. This is not that.
I just had to click on this, I needed a good laugh! Thanks for not disappointing. I could drop a log that would produce more heat.
Если не учиться в русской школе, где прподают физику и химию, то мир будет полон чудес и загадок!
Since a single pole faces the element, this setup will not work due to the lack of magnetic field change needed to introduce the current. Despite of that it actually gave me the idea of how this principle with proper design can be used for my solution.
Can you share about your project?
I see no reason why this wouldn't work if it was designed properly with opposing fields. Rotating magnet inside the coil may be more efficient but then how efficient would it be overall?
Experimentation is the way forward 😊👍🏼
Everyone noticed that right off
Plus no circulation, what you could use Superfluids, I love it
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
Never in a lif time whil heet. Siance of Fizic whil bee never agride🤣
People are quick to make comments about tech they don't understand, this guy is showing already known tech. This does work.
his joint look close are not sealed and the magnet he never showed nor proved it had oppotise poles around thts face and 99.9% of this style the flat face ias one singula magnetice pole to react and cause induction heat the pols have to flip back and forth rapid and strong enough to induce heat, he might pick up a minor flux from the inside arc but he firts need to know where his poles at in relation to each other this is pure 100% scam video. his input and outputs are at same level and BELOW the coil anyone that remamber the physics heat rises not sinks. the tech works but not the way this guy is trying we did induction heat treating in work i did for 45 years and this guy is a joke and its a scam video to get advetisers moneys for traffic and views
Doesn’t matter if it’s fake or not to him. 200k subscribers and 200 million + views. He is happy.
It's the classic TH-cam trend: 'let's just bolt a load of random junk together to produce a viral fake video'. What an absolute waste of everyone's time
If that was so easy and true nobody will pay gas heating just buy few magnets snd heating for years then
Rewarding the pranksters.
Its not fake
@@sextoyrepairman1621 magnet will die and lose magnetism eventually too
Great video. I also loved the sound of the Munchkins living next door to you!
When a wire cut a magnetic field In Move, there is some induction inside. If that induction is short circuited, then some electric current makes calor inside, by Joules effect. Yes, it's true. But how much power that makes ? What is the resistance of all !? That magnet, even powerfull, can't create a very lot of calories, who make increase temperature to 120°!! If the principe is true, there is Always in all that experiments, a Barrier :the performance... Your system have to be Moved..And it's that movement who Make the result.... No move, no power..!To Say that it reach 120°,is a Fake for attract spectators.. ...
Sony PlayStation Portable Handheld Slim & Lite - Piano Black (PSP-3004) Burnout
Как там двигается теплоноситель?
В холодильнике есть насос который гоняет газ по трубам. А тут трубы подключены внизу.
Yes, it is fake. Not a bad idea but you get no more heat out of it than if you put a resistor on the battery.
Your right but it can run a steam engine to make electricity for cars, No more Flames, I thought of it first. 🥇
Thankyou so much, my house is like a oven in the winter with all doors open, I hooked the house electrics up to it and I have no lecky bills now, as im attached to the grid it now runs all the electric in the country. your genius has no bounds
This guy's videos are hilarious! Almost on a genius level.
I'll wager, that, 85% of people who watch these believe they're true.
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
Dunning Kruger at best. I use induction cooker everywhere, at home and in RV. it is the most efficient heating and cooking there is.
It's fake isn't it right?
@@yoonpark8311 You are right !, and fraud in the direction of TH-cam. Where is the administration looking?
And he is getting the viewership for TH-cam whether it makes sense or not. There are many of this sort of scams on TH-cam. I wished TH-cam had technical people to prove these stupid unworkable inventions before handing them money. However it is a form of entertainment and that’s the only thing TH-cam is looking for-viewers.
How to make a Induction Heater By Magnet / alternative in the gas crisis....creative and I'm happy to see the video, success for "MR COVER ....."....Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia OK
Uda coba pak ?
@@wahyuhidayat5118 Untuk penghangat air, tinggal pastikan pipinya bersih... 👍
Кандидат на нобелевскую премию !
Нет, не за тепло из ниоткуда
Только за "сварку" люминтия с медием при помощи оловяния 🤣🤣🤣
А дальше просто чЮдеса чЮдестные, полученные из аклематора с ржавыми клеммами электромотория с магнитием на 10й скорости ...
Но это уже не интересно, хАчЮ получить рИцепт пайки люминтия ! (больно бить не буду 😜)
Но кое что в этом всё-таки есть !
Полтора ляма придурков(я в их числе) посмотрели на эту хрень 🤑
+ за идею !
Не мешал бы ты, примитивный щенок,нам русским людям ебать голову европиосам. Видишь ведь сам,кто чем занят,кто чем развлекается.
@@БлагоеНамерение-н6с О блин...
Инфузории на болотах проснулись ))
@@Bosjak63 весна знаете ли
Always nice to hear those Jawa's on the background!
I watched this whilst taking a dump, exactly what I'm about to do with this video
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
lmao, I'm doing the same thing
Don't exceed 2000 rpm or you will distort the space/time continuem and end up in a different galaxy.
А почему вырезали часть где вы греете всю эту конструкцию из газовой горелки?
:D "мальчик убирай веревку"
он просто с верху феном горячий воздух гонит
Медь будет нагреваться только на ниодимовых магнитах а этот магнит херня и вообще используются магниты с разными полярностями так что это фейк как и сварочник на электро помпе от холодильника.Я ж когда то тоже пытался сделать такой нагреватель обычными магнитами с разными полярности аж из 10 штук результат 0!
Блин , ребят, так чо не работает всётаки, я то уже стоко наплонировал....
Что-то 3,14#дежом попахивает, даже не так, воняет!!!
Very Clever and Very Innovative!!! Great Job!!!😃👍💛💛💛💛💛💛
You wiil need one of those "Free Energy Generators" to charge the battery. It may take a while for the rotating magnet with such a large air gap to heat the coil.. You could die from cold exposure before you could raise enough heat to get you warm.
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
Well, not if the room is 31C ;)
Me... if it got below freezing and all I had was that battery, I think I'd be lighting that board on fire, and anything else that burns. Old school, I am. More than one place to recover chemical energy.
Will you please let me know where you bought the large radiator - I cannot locate one online that is comparable in size. Thank you 👍
try your local auto parts supply.
@@massudcnee6649 Thank you, I will def do that 👍
The heat generated by electric heater plugged to this accumulator is BIGGER than heat generated by mechanical magnets. Just law of conservation of energy.
That's the point.
t's shocking that there are people who believe that.
If it were that easy then all energy problems would be solved.
As always with videos like this, nothing more than clickbait.
"Law of conservation of energy" as you write.
I thought it was part of general education.
Greetings Robby
Hi, nice video. Can I ask, where is all the extra volume of the water going as it expands to 100 degrees C?
I don't see any expansion vessel.
Esos imanes, solo tienen 1 de los 2 campos magnéticos en cada cara ...o sea que estarias haciendo girar siempre el mismo polo; no se genera ninguna corriente de cortocircuito en esa bobina de cobre..por lo tanto no hay nada que genere calor... Tampoco se sabe que es ese liquido que mete...Aunque sea cual sea, no se va a calentar.... Inclusive, la fuerza magnetica de ese iman es minuscula para generar cualquier corriente. No funcionara
Hats off to you, yet another free energy scam that people believe! Well done, you have over four million views. Why can't I think of something like that!
Spiegami come fai a riscaldare il radiatore se dentro non hai messo nulla...
Forse è l'olio che ad un certo punto cifai vedere? Perché se è così devi spiegarci come hai fatto a riempire il circuito dato che lo hai chiuso con la serpentina e se è vero quello che hai mostrato la serpentina era vuota perché altrimenti non riuscivi a saldarla e ti ha lasciato aria nel circuito.
Ammesso e non concesso che sei riuscito a riempire il circuito senza bolle d'aria all'interno... Se non metti una pompa che fa girare l'acqua dentro il circuito come fai a far riscaldare il radiatore?
Il magnete non è così forte da generare una induttanza tale da scaldare la serpentina fino a 120 gradi per cui hai trovato sicuramente un modo per immettere nel circuito acqua già scaldata proveniente da una altra fonte di riscaldamento inoltre il motore da 12 volt non sembra che sforzi nemmeno un po'.
Per tutto questo, anche se l'idea sembra buona, e chiaramente un FAKE.
La batteria inoltre ogni tanto dovrai pur caricarla e se non hai i pannelli solari o qualche altra energia green farlo avrà il suo costo.
secondo me è totalmente fake, a parte la sezione di scambio di calore il cui commento sopra condivido pienamente, anche la parte relativa al magnetismo non ha alcun senso....
@@jancasuperinvece la parte magnetica è la sola che ha un senso (per me) ... Ci sono altri video non FAKE che ne dimostrano la validità, ma... Per il resto lo si vede armeggiare dietro il radiatore come se aprisse le valvole di un circuito nascosto proveniente da sotto che porta l'acqua al suo circuito. Tra l'altro il dispositivo magnetico così come concepito da lui non potra mai generare una temperatura così alta dell'acqua nel poco tempo mostrato anche perché come già detto il circuito dovrebbe essere mezzo vuoto ed il poco fluido rimanere statico e presente solo nel radiatore e tra l'altro non ha nemmeno messo una pompa.
Ha voluto appositamente creare un fake.
Peccato perché ripeto... L'idea non era niente male.
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
The project has shortcomings
@@ابوخالدالصمادي-ج7ف it's a fake!
You got to love it when these experts put everything on a glue.
La pregunta es cuanta electricidad necesitas para producir el mismo calor con un resistencia
Mich würde interessieren ob das einen Mehrwert hat und nicht lieber gleich den Strom nutzt
No lo sé, pero un compresor de aire acondicionado con bomba de calor sí que es más eficiente que una resistencia.
@@alberto3028 seguramente, aunque por ese asunto del principio de la conservacion de la energia creo que al final producir la misma cantidad de calorias necesita la misma energia y lo que cuenta es cuantas veces las transformas, es decir una bomba de calor debe pasar de energia electrica a mecanica para producir calor por compresion del gas, ademas, una bomba de calor debe tener una resistencia en la unidad exterior de evite el congelamiento del radiador. Al final todo este cuento del ahorro parece que no existe porwue hemos llegado tecnologicamente a ser muy eficientes. A pesar de ser mas eficiente la factura electrica es mucho mas cara wue antes, hemos invertido en cambiar nuestras luces incandecentes por led, equipos de comprrsion inverter, lavaropas inverter, cocinas de induccion, y sin embargo la factura es cada dia mayor. Algun dia entenderemos que no hay energia barata ni limpia.
Amigo me podrias decir que liquido le pones y que cantidad
@@alexispatino8254 puedes ponerle lo que sea porque no va a circular ya que la parte que calienta esta a media altura del radiador, si pusieras el radiador sobre el imán o más arriba que el imán el líquido circulará de abajo hacia arriba al calentar y el ventilador extractor debería estar solo en la parte alta para extraer el calor y hacer que el líquido bajara al enfriar y fuera nueva. Ente hacia el imán. Bueno digo yo.
Just soldering copper to aluminum would win the nobel prize by itself.
This is like a perpetuum mobile - find 20 reasons why this setup cannot work! Some noticed it below. I guess that this is an excellent video for physics exam: list all items which are wrong here. If you get 5-6 - this is C, if you find more than 10 - it is B, and for A one will need to list more than 15 reasons.
Ah, but it is working. It's a subscribers generator.
Cool 😎 concept....great video..... I hope you success.... I will not be negative.....
Si fuera verdad ya estaría en el mercado!!!
No e probado hacer uno,pero si no lo ves en el mercado,es por q las empresas q fabrican calentafores de todo tipo, no les combiene,asi funciona el mundo desde hace mucho tiempo,quieren q lo q compre,dure poco,se rompa,para vender partes o no partes y compres otro,lo que creas q no funciona por q es primitivo,no quiere decir que no funcione,proba hacer uno,es facil de copiar, pero tambien hay q entender como funciona y quizas tu hagas una mejor version!
Pobre ingenuo, las cosaa simples no estan en el mercado, como pir ejemplo automoviles que solo usen agua como combustible, de hecho la gasoluna sino fuese por su alto conrenido de agua, no funcionaria porque es solo el hidrogeno del agua lo que hace la explosion en esta mezcla.
I took a wood block, painted one half to blue, the other to red. All of a sudden it turned into a bar magnet 😂 Mr Cover, try it in your next "project" and shoot a video on that.
The speaker magnet has 2 circular channel, so dual north/south entities, the field orbit is not parallel to the tubing, hence the atom excitement is non linear, atoms are colliding in non sequential orders.
I would change the coil to a U extended past the magnet, cut channels radially.
does the dunning kruger effect mean anything to you?
is that part of the Darwin awards ?
Can’t wait for the perpetual motion machine video!
Максимум, что там может возникнуть это ток короткого замыкания, ибо радиатор является проводником, но судя по количеству витков, величина этого тока будет такой малой, что вряд ли ее хватит, чтоб нагреть такой большой радиатор.
Тоже так подумал. Дичь полная. Я еще понимаю нагреватель индуктивный, вещь как самый эффективный для дома. А это чушь какая-то.
Además de eso nunca habrá auto inducción con un campo magnético y cobre, y si no que ponga la chorra verás como no le quema, que mente tan ignorante.
Воопшето что он залевал в радеатор??
@@tvoyrab2552 наверное масло какое-то!!!
Самое крутое здесь пайка алюминия с медью!)
Даю секретный совет. Берешь нихромовую проволоку от паяльника, отрезаешь нужный кусок и подключаешь к аккумулятору. Без медных трубок, масла, моторов, магнитов и деревянных дощечек. Никому не рассказывай.
Кстати, насчет работоспособности, вообще,данной конструкции большие сомнения.
You could place the motor and spinning magnet directly under the radiator, and use isulated ducting around the whole. tihing. Put sheet metal bearers arount the parts and pour in some pumis. put fins on the magnetic and place a closable vent there. Top the whole thing with a porcelain toilet lid, to capture and hold heat longer. Actually the whole thing inside a toilet tank could be perfect. A heating element is simplest. I dont know if it is less efficient.
What brand of snake oil did you use to fill it up with.
He never put the name of oil
@@luisleon9157 I think that went straight over your head...
Füll Wodka ein, wenn es nicht warm wird, kannst du den auch trinken. 😊😊😊
WHen i first saw this i was pretty sure it wouldnt work. Isn't the magnetic field somewhat constant here? Doesn't it need more of a change than it spinning inthe same direction as the field it creates?
How is this any more efficient than a straight resistive wire? It's not a heat pump.
It isn't. A resistor on the battery would be more efficient.
@@thomasmaughan4798 Yeah it's like all this work ... or you could just use a part 1/10th the cost of the radiator.
@@Trahloc Exactly. Who would click on it? Many know its bogus but click on it anyway because it is entertaining.
@@thomasmaughan4798 I clicked on it trying to figure out what reasons they'd provide for it being superior to a heat pump. I don't normally get these types of videos and I downvote all the perpetual motion bs anytime they show up. Just like I did this one once I realized what it was.
Moment with an yamaha oil is genius :3 thank you so much!
great oil!
Take temperature in the morning then take temperature after it's been in the sun all day. Miracle
haha~ good idea
Human DNA... Is correct. I worked in the electrical power generation industry for 34 years and I can tell you that you need a relative motion between magnetic flux and a conductor such as copper to achieve electron movement and thus heat
'...And in my Next video, I'll show the SIMPLE process of assembly of the perpetual motion machine...', '..after that we'll tackle 'free energy' machine..'! B.S. -John
после я открою ателье по ремонту вечных двигателей
@@demonasd1710 Und ich mache ein Schulungszentrum für die Nutzer dieser Geräte auf. 😂😂😂
That materials have used, and where do you have take the resistence? The battery? Thanks
😂😂😂😂😂 физику запутал так ,что она тепло стала выдавать!
amazing! i once seen Jim Layhe on trailer park boys put a tp roll on his member, both amazed me
hola , que fue ese liquido que le puso al radiador , muy bueno el video gracias ¡¡¡¡¡¡
That's motorbike oil
Are your magnets axially magnetized or diametrically magnetized?
you know what sucks these kind of fake videos do affect the very people who build them not for fun but the poor people in rural areas who buy all the supplies out of necessity for an alternative source to save money. In Mississippi when a tornado hit youd see people rebuild from the pile of trash leftover on the concrete slab as they didnt have homeowners insurance and would try to make gadgets like this to survive. So if this is fake as others pointed out least you could do is put a disclaimer in otherwise if again it is fake shame on you. Unfortunately tons of people are gullible and yes sometimes people deserve what they get but do their kids deserve to lose out on a meal cause of the parents stupidity? Just like when people scam others they say they deserve it as they should know better but again if you cost their kid say college or even become the victim of abuse due to the parents wrath after being scammed it just screams to me go to you know where
Kesinlikle haklısınız
Absolutely. One reason I do research and find these is trying to make something to save money like you said. I'm just lucky enough to have a background and know what's what, sometimes not before I watch some or most of the video tho.
And for these video makers it's not even the point if it works or not. It gets views. That drives subs, then they make money. F$#k them all.
Thanks for your comment.
I agree, maybe its time to speakup!
Объясни мне . Принцип индукции работает в быстром изменении магнитного полюса. А у тебя магнит вращается одним полюсом . Это тоже самое если магнит поднести и оставить 😂
Главное полдня показывать как из говна и палок создать термоядерный реактор, особо акцентируя внимание на том как спаять криво отпиленные трубки , и как прикрутить эту хероту к куску кривой доски.
Волшебник б...я
Nice demonstration of magnetic induction induction
Rotating magnetic field
Wonder if adding iron filings to fluid will increase output?
No. And to make it clear, this thing is fake.
A load of crap, as stated by many,
@@brianfox420 th-cam.com/video/L4ShXUwwIQI/w-d-xo.htmlsi=iNCGryLbvtNt1Epd
5:17 left side of the coil you can see discoloration from torching the coil not there in previous shot. Lmao
eagle eyes :)))
4:53 you hear the torch turn on 😂
Complimenti molto interessante
Mi hai dato delle idee per i miei video, buon lavoro.
Creo que no es posible. Primero y principal el campo magnético del imán en esa rotación es siempre el mismo, ya que los polos están en lo planos. Segundo, el caño de bronce y el aceite, no son magnéticos.
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
Good Idea for winter!
Bad, calculate the efficiency...electricity is applied to the motor, the motor moves the magnet, the magnet heats the water with an alternating field....Ask to turn on the heater ...))
@@ИмяФамилия-у4м9ч No, I think it is a good idea because simple to build when the electronics are not well understood, I will build one myself and publish the video on my channel.
@@ACHRAFSELLAMSPACE And the meaning ? Well, Foucault currents, well, a lot of details ....when the nichrome spiral does the same...it will turn electrical energy into heat ....for power from 12 volts, there are special heaters for cars...
That saved me from trying it. On to the next life changing pull on the slot machine of life.
Мир сошел с ума.
собрал данный аппарат, проверил. залил в трубку жидкий крептонит и теперь моя лодка летает без гравицапы!
Amazing how this type of misinformation gets through the algorithms like immigrants through the southern border
Kiepsko Ci wyszło, mi to pokazuje 5000 stopni Celsjusza i to zimą.
Любой вид преобразования энергии теряет КПД, проще греть напрямую, через термоэлементы.
Да, и на каждом переходе среды.
Вы уверены, так принято пологать в наше время, не более того.
Usas la misma potencia.
La diferencia es la durabilidad
Вы уверены?, ознокомтесь с тепловым насосом Frenetta.
This would have been far more effective using simple nichrome wire. No noise, better efficiency, far fewer parts. Also notice the copper loop is shorted together, making it poor at heating through eddy currents. An old toaster or hair dryer has plenty of nichrome and it's easy to use.
Looks like the author of video has never heard about the law of conservation of energy )))
okey but i can't find a true calculation nichrome wires for low power
@@arminmohammadi1 all you need to know is Ohm's law and the power relationship. Use a multimeter and read the resistance of the nichrome. Let's say it reads 100 ohms, just for sale of argument. Let's also assume you have a 12 volt supply. It won't matter if it's AC or DC as long as the AC voltage is RMS.
12 volts through 100 ohms yields 120 milliamps of current, and we know that power in watts is E*I or the product of voltage times current in amps. That would be 1.44 watts. Lower resistance yields more current and therefore, more watts of heat transfer.
Let's say you have 10 ohms, which is much more likely if you use the nichrome from a toaster or hair dryer. 12 volts through 10 ohms yields 1.2 amps, and 12 * 1.2 is 14.4 watts.
How fast will it heat? 1 gram of water takes 1 calorie or 4.184 joules (that is watt-seconds) to raise it 1 degree C in temperature.
So, 14.4 watts will add 1 degree C to one liter of water in 290.6 seconds, if there is absolutely no heat loss. Raising that liter by 20 degrees C will take about an hour and 37 minutes.
As you can see, it takes many watts for many seconds to get anywhere using nichrome, and that's just about the most efficient way to do it, with close to 99% transfer efficiency. The inductive thing in the video is grossly out of its league by orders of magnitude.
It's simple physics to see why.
@@thorargent You may introduce me to a good source of education
Mr. Charles Schultz, you are an enlightened man, can you tell us whether this video is fake or real ? I really wish this video was true. )
Getting "free" power out of a magnet as it degrades (the energy has to come from somewhere) is an old trick by now
but I am glad you could show us how to DIY.
A magnet has no energy inside.
Why drive a motor to generate current to heat a coil. Can you not just use the battery to heat the coil. This can avoid the losses in the multiple energy conversions.
"Why drive a motor to generate current to heat a coil."
Because its awesome. Things spin! The battery would be exhausted in about 5 minutes heating the heat exchanger.
Nope. The idea is to make it complicated so laymen are fooled to believe it could actually work. It's just elaborate clickbait. Using this video in my classes to teach students how to spot a fraud.
Montieren Sie Peltierelemente neben die Heizspule und Sie können mit dem erzeugten Strom Ihren Akku wieder aufladen und vielleicht auch einige Zimmer im Haus beleuchten. 🤣🤣🤣
¿Que es ese líquido que le colocas como intercambio térmico?
That's the same thing I was wondering nobody on here seems to know
Чувак, зачем тебе обогреватель? У вас в Кампучии и так круглый год +31°С......
Может это охладитель
У них в каждом доме такая поделка, по этому и такая жара круглый год. 😂
You created a device
to burn your fingers ! 🤺
well done ! 👏🥰 🥳
Exelente q cantidad de aceite y q tipo
what is that some kind
of language ? 👈🤪
Or are you trying to
hex me ! 🥳
Nicht die Finger, wohl eher das Hirn. 🙄🙄🙄
Z czego ta chłodnica i co to za płyn do środka?
Chyba to olej do grzejników olejowych.
z tego co widać na butelce może to być olej do przekładni.
Stary próbowałem z różnymi olejami i huj z tego, co on tam wlał
... Nie wiem
Wodka!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Merhaba Petek'in içine koyduğunuz şey nedir Yağ mı gaz mı nedir?
My only concern was the solder melting
Takes 300 degrees C or 574 F to get solder to adhere to Aluminum. Clearly the amount of aluminum sucking the heat away would have been smoking hot and turning color. It only stuck to the copper, and this is seen later when tipped up. This says scam in so many ways
So, this is better than just running some electrical current through Nichrome wire?
Na, das kann ja jeder. 😋😋😋
Creative video, thanks :)
Mr.Cover, peteğin yan tarafına bir tane fan koy ve ısıyı dağıt..Isınma daha güzel olur....
Тесла отдыхает, по сравнинии с этим факиром
Давайте ЭТО чувырло ЗАБАНИМ ! Кидайте на этот канал страйки. Пусть познает сладкий вкус халявы !
Тэсла устарел
where can I find such radiator? Thnaks
температура радиатора близка к температуре плавления припоя.
, con ese invento te vas a morir de frío
Газовая горелка греет как ни как
I'm guessing this is supposed to create heat from the friction of the oil circulating? I don't know if that would actually produce anything useful, but even if it did, how is a spinning magnet supposed to get oil moving?
In dem Öl befindet sich Eisenpulver!!! 😋😋😋
Лям просмотров за неделю,так что система работает,а греет оно или нет это не главное
Подвох: принёс аккум и всю идею разрушил!!!!
What do you call this aluminium radiator and where do you get one? That would be prefect for a sand battery I'm planning to make.
Какой бред! Зачем обманывать? Для полноты картины источник питания тоже должен быть из автомобильных свечей и магнитов!
1 000 000 просмотров на ютубе это 1 000 $ автору канала . Он вам ещё и не такое за бабки покажет .
@@НашСемейников фигасе! Не знал. И как теперь это развидеть? :)))
Let's BAN THIS Chuvyrlo! Throw strikes on this channel. Let him know the sweet taste of freebies!
Great job ❤
Тут ещё нужно подумать как сделать чтобы это устройство не разорвало от избытка давления при нагревании
Тут не над чем думать, потому что это фуфел
однозначно гудок от паровоза надо ставить для сброса лишнего давления
Oder die Leser dieses Beitrages vor Lachen! 🤣🤣🤣
+5M views are quite impressive for a science video of that kind.
Тема интересная. Пиздежа много. Чтобы нагреть, нужно менять полюс магнита. Здесь он постоянный. Кроме того нужен расшерительный бак. Его здесь нет. И. Последнее. Для этой системы нужен насос.. В данном моменте естественная циркуляции не будет работать.
Это конечно фейк но, такие магниты бывают по диаметру двух полюсными что касается циркуляции в жидкость добавить металлические взвеси , а вот насчёт расширительного бачка это промах.
Тема обуительная ! Особенно для тех кто в школе на уроках спал .
Это чувырло туда масло налил. Вообще, эта хуета работает на наведенной индукцией (токи Фуко), нагрев идет за счет короткого замыкания в медной трубки (катушка индуктора) КПД этой гамасятины не известен, Все эти свистоперделки лепят для поднятия и бешеных просмотров , не отпускает сладкая тема альтернативной халявы
magnetic field does not change while spinning if the magnet is axial. This can't work....
Ale bzdury !
Zmieniasz prawa fizyki ?
How long is that coil going to last having copper soldered directly to aluminum..?
13 years and 3 days
Länger als das Aluminium! 😂😂😂
I hope this nonsense gets you the money you need to survive
wow wow very good
Every time you see a train carrying coal, you know it's fuel for electric vehicles! :) Каждый раз, когда Вы видите состав с углём, знайте, это везут топливо для электромобилей! :)
Trop facile pour être vrai..... Bon fakes
In this set up ,you cannot take more energy of what you give.
While this is correct in this particular situation, that's not always true. You've been brainwashed with laws of science to believe this. For instance I put 0 energy into my solar panels, yet they produce 3-6 kwh of energy per day. Or just take a magnet and stick to your refrigerator and calculate how many watts of power per day it would take that same magnet to stick to the refrigerator if it were an electromagnetic. Where does that energy come from? This alone destroys Einstein's masonic laws of deception. And while I do believe about 99.9 percent of the so called free energy devices on here are hocus pocus, there is that tiny small percentage of ppl that have created such devices, they do exist. There's 2 guys that have accomplished this and one of them was offed, the other one nobody has heard from him in over 5 years so he's either missing or dead as well. If your interested in their stories and their work, their names are Stan Myers, and Gerard Morin. Gerard Morin had published all his work on TH-cam for free. Stuff that will blow your mind away, and stuff that can and had been repeated successfully.
Well, you need to understand the *FULL* circuit. You put power into the motor, and the camera, and the computer for video editing, then upload the results to youtube. If enough people laugh/believe, you earn some revenue and can maybe pay your electricity bill... to run the air conditioner because it's freaking 31C in that room. There's physics, there's electronics, and then there's capitalism.
Free energy devices are *fool* powered. And, the algorithm rewarded the OP for your comment just the same as the guy asking where to get the stuff to build it. There's no winning... all you can do is smile.
Me, it was good for a laugh, even if my feed is going to be full of this crap for the next week.
@@4Fixerdave I think most ppl with half a brain can figure out bogus free energy videos. But yeah I liked your comment about paying your electric bills if you get enough views from this stuff, made me laugh as well. Most of this stuff I just like to watch just to read the comments.