I love how the devil is just chilling in his throne during the first phase. For all we know he's probably chilling in a bigger throne during the second one.
I love with how they treated Satan in this game. No haunted cartoon discovered, no creepypasta like story, no satanic rituals or other cliches, it's just the devil making a living with a casino and being a swell demon at it in Hell. I'm surprised honestly.
@@james1311na I was using peashooter and smoke bomb. I beat them using peashooter and chaser. Does it really make sense to tell someone who already beat the boss "to get better equipment"?
I love that the final boss actually looks and feels like a final boss. Though I wish the second phase was either harder or longer in some way, the visuals definitely overshadow the other bosses. This is easily my favorite boss level.
Second and fourth phase are pretty easy but maaaaan that third phase is hard. Where there's only three platforms there is soooo much crap coming at you. Stuff from the sides, moving platforms, falling obstacles and the little slow flying demons. Is tough. The end when there's just one platform is easy though, I don't think ive ever even taken damage there.
No idea but that's what Elder Kettle says in the beginning, that some of the debtors turned themselves into monsters in order to avoid having their souls taken. But I think it's a bit self explanatory in the ending. When you see them all together you'll notice they aren't in the forms they took when they were beaten meaning that all the transformations that come afterward was them turning themselves into monsters to avoid being beaten but ultimately it was not a permanent transformation but temporary yet powerful.
Wanna know what interested me the most? When fighting a boss(the other ones besides the devil), Cuphead pulls up his pants and mugman drinks himself, meaning that they are both ready for a fight. But the Devil tortures them by showing his little eye animation, Due to that, Cuphead and Mugman jump in fear, knowing that things are gonna get crazy in a bad way. That just shows how much fear they have when fighting the devil, same thing for the second phase.
The feeling when you defeated the devil is just so satisfying. The fact that you beat the devil himself as a cup is awsome. Especially when you made him cry and it’s the last stage
It is not the same for Goopy Lee Grande, since in his last form, he is in a tomb. And the cuphead himself kills him in the gravestone, meaning an certainly absolute death.
To anyone who might be confused with the ending: Each of the bosses (minus the Casino-Exclusive ones, Dice and Devil) you fight aren't evil". Sure some of them are jerks, but most of their fights are merely them defending themselves in their own ways. I assume that they were put in a similar scenario as The main duo: The Devil tricked them, but they escaped with their souls. While some are implied (The frogs might've been about the eat the flies at the diner for example), they never really do anything evil.
eh, a some of them are pretty evil, they're just not Lord freakin' Satan himself, Cala Maria regularly sinks ships and swallows sailors, Brineybeard's a pirate so that's self explanatory, and the Phantom Express seem pretty happy to kill
sAUFvevo Wally died tho we literally saw him about to get eaten, Goopy was killed on screen by the player, and Dr Kahl Was not the one who lost his soul, it was his *robot*. This is probably why we didn’t see some of them, because they didn’t make it to the end.
@@J_The_JBAHAHA My absolute favorite thing of the DLC (and, I think, the entire game) was the secret Angel and Demon boss fight, and the whole Broken, Cursed and Divine Relic thing that came with it.
@Destroyer 2099 Nah. Grim Mathcsitkc is hard, Dr. Kahl is really hard, but the Devil is the only fight in the game I haven't mastered. I don't get how people can say he's easy. I just don't get it. That flame trident/ goat arm combo is just impossible to dodge.
@@thesnatcher3616 I just got to the final boss but yeah the robot wasn't that hard lol The hardest boss by FAR for me was the casino, I finally beat it after like 2 years
If anyone's having trouble, here's the strategy that worked the best for me. Scroll to the bottom to find a short list that covers it in less detail. First, let's talk about what Shots to use. I like using Spread Shot and Chaser. Charge Shot would have worked better in place of Spread, but I'm ass at using it, so feel free to use it instead. Smoke Bomb for me was a necessity. As for super art, I recommend using Super Arts II or III. Now lets cover the fight itself. In phase 1, spend the most time you can standing under him and whaling on him with Spread or Charge Shot. Instead of wasting time to shoot the little devil minions that come from the corners, just jump over them so you can focus on getting the most damage possible on The Devil. As soon as you see him start an attack, switch to Chaser and smoke bomb away from him. I can't give much help on dodging the attacks themselves, as that's something you're gonna have to learn on your own and find out what works best for you. All I can say is for the spider, you can just run back and forth, sometimes smoke bombing if he's going to drop near you, and he will never hit you, and to not stay in the left corner when he does either the blue fireballs attack or the blue bouncing balls attack. Oh, and stay away from him during the transition to Phase 2. It has a hitbox, and I learned that one the hard way. Now that you're in phase 2, (the easiest phase imo) stay on one of the platforms directly to the sides of the middle one, so platforms 2 and 4. Again, try fucking him up with Spread or Charge. When he uses the Spinning Axe attack, just wait for it to come around at you and then smoke bomb to the middle platform before jumping back to the platform you were on. Be sure to parry the pink bomb every time he summons it, or else it'll make a huge explosion and possibly fuck up any chances of dodging the axe. For the Poker Chips, just smoke bomb to the middle platform before jumping right back if they're about to fall on you. This one is over pretty quickly, so let's get onto Phase 3. Phase 3 to me is the hardest, he just saps your health dry in an instant. For this phase, I recommend using Spread the whole time if you have it equipped since you're almost always near him. If you have Charge Shot, I wouldn't bother, as you have to spend a lot of focus on aiming, charging, and repeatedly hitting the shoot button. Again, I can't offer much advise for dodging the attacks, but I've found that if you only kill one of the big purple guys who spit skulls at you, it's much more manageable to dodge them without having to waste time shooting the second one. Save your Super Art for this phase if you're using Super Art III and use it to damage The Devil. If you play your cards right, (haha I'm so funny) you're practically done with the fight! Phase 4 is really just a test of how long you can last, it's not really all that hard. Still, though, don't underestimate it. I've died many times because I just wasn't thinking during the last phase. Just spend the most time you can under him fucking him up with Spread/Charge, there's really no need to switch to Chaser. When a poker chip is about to fall on you, jump to a side before quickly smoke bombing back. If you chose Super Art II, you can use it here and you'll have to do little to no dodging. Do all this and before you know it, you've beaten The Devil! Sorry for writing a novel there, but this fight is hard and I really wouldn't be able to get my strategy across if I tried making it short. Still, though, I'll try shortening it. *Use Spread or Charge Shot and Chaser, use smoke bomb, and use Super Arts II or III *For phase 1, try spending the most time you can attacking underneath him with Spread/Charge. When he attacks, switch to Chaser and focus on dodging *For phase 2, stay on platforms 2 and 4 and whale on him with Spread/Charge like phase 1. If a poker chip is going to fall on you or he summons the axe, wait for it to get close before smoke bombing to the middle platform. Be sure to always parry the pink bomb. *For phase 3, use Spread the whole time if you have it equipped, you're almost always hitting him in this phase. You can get by with just killing one of the purple demon dudes, as one of them is manageable to dodge. If you're using Super Art III, save it for this phase. *Lastly, for phase 4 you're gonna want to do the same thing we did last phase; shooting him with Spread the whole time if you have it equipped, and if you don't, just use Chaser. When a poker chip is about to fall on you, just jump away and smoke bomb back in. If you're using Super Art II, save it for this phase so you can completely destroy him without having to focus as much on dodging for a short period of time.
I thought phase 1 and 3 were hard but 2 and 4 were really easy. 1 is just multiple different times for a lot of his moves, and his "spells" were really hard to read sometimes, you're screwed sometimes from bad RNG. 2 was easy, just learning to dodge the chip was the hard part. Parry bat bomb and just swap platforms inwards when the axe passes that platform. 3 was like 2 but 10x harder. So much stuff coming at you! My strategy was charge shot the side dudes whenever they spawn and always go to whatever platform the chip last fell on. I-frame dash through the little blue flying demons to another platform. This MIGHT be the hardest phase of any boss. I think only the robot's last form or the dragon's last form can compare. 4 was really easy, just jump away from the chip and dash back to the platform. Ive beaten it a few times in the last two weeks and I don't think this phase ever landed a hit on me.
i think this is the first boss that actually wants to murder cuphead and mugman, and not for protection like the other bosses, the cutscene at the start shows that the devil is hellbent on killing cuphead and mugman. holy shit like they're only kids man
the bad ending is just true nightmare fuel. also on the devils other stage if you get a game over you have a very nice picture of the devil holding cuphead and mugman's heads. yeah...i consider the age rating on this game will now be rated M. XD
It shows that there was never really a “deal” with the Devil. He made the cups _think_ there’d be some leniency if they collected all the Soul Contracts in time, but he was really planning on taking their souls either way. Though true to his nature, he’ll pretend the deal was legitimate if you “break” it first.
MrKennyWilliams stop with asking sequels, the devs went through hell making this game. (pun intended) why would they make a sequel? I wanna see something else that this company has to offer. Not another sequel to a game that will take another 7 years of hell to make
Probably one of my favorite interpretations of Satan in modern media I've seen in a long while, at least design wise. He's the perfect blend of every classic "horned, red, pitchfork carrying" persona throughout history, from the satyr attack, to the smaller demons running around his feet, to even transforming into a Chinese myth dragon. Yeah he ends up being a crybaby, and there's not much else to him other than being "bad," but it works to the simplicity of this game, and honestly for the longest time that's how Satan was characterized throughout western culture: just bad and not much else.
Have you ever thought that maybe King Dice and the Devil forced Cuphead to lose his gamble just so he'd do the Devil's dirty work for him? Think about it like this. In King Dice's stage, the main gimmick is that he summons dice that Cuphead (or Mugman) can stop at any time. But it's being rolled midair by what we're left to assume by possibly some sort of magic performed by King Dice. In the main story, Cuphead kept on winning until the Devil eventually gambled with them. But what if said dice in the casino were also controlled by the King? What if he purposely made the dice land where they did, and eventually force a snake eyes for his boss? Just a fun little thought I had.
Not to mention how the Devil clearly hands his own pair of dice It could be either rigged from the start, or the Devil's dice were rigged while the normal Craps dice weren't
Jeez, this game is so unique and creative. Must've spent hours just watching gameplay, it really sucks you in. Kudos to the developers, they've trully created a masterpiece.
Jay Villanueva try reaching till that part it's hard as anything see you may think the devil does easy attacks when you see but it requires GREAT TIMING it takes 1-3 hours of practice to beat him
Now that they're proven, probably not as long as you might think. The real challenge will be keeping the REAL devil (known as E.A.) from polluting their work.
I love how the first faze is a relatively easy fight with whimsical music and a normal looking devil. Almost as if the devil isn’t taking you seriously at first. But then he realizes it will be a legitimate fight and he gets big and scary, the music flairs and the real fight begins…
+Send Help the wally that was eaten was actually Wally Warbles (the bird, he was eaten by his paramedics), the wally with the robot cat you are talking about is Werner Werman
Good luck! I just beat the Devil today and surprisingly I actually found the last boss of the game the hardest for once! Different people find different bosses the toughest though; a lot of the bosses people complained about I found easy and vice versa.
I knew it. All the debtors eyes’ were yellow. They were in servitude to the Devil, so they used a bit of his power to become monsters for a short while.
Easily the best boss of the game. It's rare for super-hard games to get a decent climax. It usually ends up either sloping down at some point or will just be par for the course and less a final test of skill. This guy, however, is a proper last test. The precision needed on the first phase demands absolute perfection, the second and third phases test your awareness in your surroundings, with alot more mobility and multi-tasking going on and the final part is an effective panic-moment, alot easier than it looks and only really there to trick you into a beginner's trap (Paid off the reserve the invincibility for that one). It's all the central mechanics previous bosses played around with, rolled into 1.
I frickin love the fact that he says "HAVE AT YOU!!" right before the fight. I swear it was a Castlevania reference with how Dracula said that right before battling Belmont in Symphony of the Night.
I think they did a really good job of keeping the spirit of old school cartoons! Right down to oddly heartwarming aspects along with he creepy surreal visuals. Good stuff!
I love how they took time to add extra detail by showing what the Devil wants in his EYE! I’m not kidding! When the fight begins, and Devil looks closely at Cuphead, It shows his pupil turn into a knife cutting a cup! 0:19
I re read my comment and it sounds really offensive lol, I'm not saying the game is easy, it is challenging and really good, but not the hardest game I have played
I loved how Cuphead embraced how occasionally creepy those old rubber hose cartoons could be. The Devil literally jumping out of skin is as funny as it is slightly disturbing.
Is it just me, or does it seem like the Devil has the most fluid animation out of all the bosses in the game? Like, even just his idle animation on his throne looks so much smoother than anything else, as if they really went all-out and gave him more breakdowns and inbetweens on his movements.
I love this boss fight, I beat it on my first try, even tho it took damn near 30 tries to kill most of the other bosses, I feel like the boss was lacking still enjoyed it never the less
There might be an explanation for that. The Devil toys with those he doesn’t see as a threat. It’s not until the three-platform phase that he stops toying with the players.
The Devil in Cuphead video game: A legit threat and pretty terrifying The Devil in the Cuphead show: A Drama Queen who’s considerably terrifying in the Inkwell Isle universe
And keep in mind, the show takes place before the game, so by this point in the game, he’s had time to plan things out & figure out a way to truly be a serious threat.
@@ursapolargalactica from what I understood at first, the show takes place before the events of the game, but I’ll take your word for it; if it’s in a different timeline or different universe than the game world, it would make more sense.
@@AlastorAltruistGaming The show doesn't share continuity with the game. It's just an adaptation--its own separate take on the same concepts and characters. That's most evident with Chalice, who in the game is a legendary figure trying to find a way to be alive again, while in the show, she's a street scammer who can willingly go back and forth between ghost and person.
That's the point of Cuphead, all fights are short, it's just a matter of skill. There's no way anyone of normal skill level would finish this boss in one trial
This fight is seemingly shorter than most of the others in terms of the boss's strategies. It being the Devil I just sort of expected it to have at least 2 more phases. A final boss is suppose to be the ultimate challenge. I'm not saying it's bad. The fight is hard, yeah. Its just odd to me that the Debtors seem to have more creative and deadly strategies than the guy they were afraid of.
I notice that the only bosses that wasn't at the celebration were Wally and Goopy, who are actually dead. I kinda want the developers to follow up on that and have the son of Wally be the main villain of a sequel if they make one.
I like the devil of the game over the one in the show. He s way more menacing and a threat here (even if he becomes ridiculous when he cries at the end)
Despite the Devil being a bad guy, he looks like a very cool character. I mean his design looks great: simple but not boring, Not completely over the top, he looks great
I doubt that, you know how many years they spent making the game? Seven years, and all those years of drawing every frame can make you tired as hell...
It's still so hard to believe this is a game. If I saw this as a kid 25 years ago I'd think it's just another cartoon.
That's what you get when you make things with love and effort! :)
They used cell animation
And even made the music with real instruments
The 3D objects where real models
Even the book
That’s how
Pointy Bits I see you’re older than me.
“Good for nothing king dice”
**Literally cries when a cup beats him**
@Aidan Fields Yeah but to be the part where you're actually fighting him is super short and easy compared to this
I would cry when a cup defeats me too
if i was defeated in a battle by a cup that only used a finger gun for a weapon i would cry too
@@sillygoofyliquidgoober gonna cry?
I mean not for nothing but if you where beaten by a Cup, you’d probably cry too.
I would cry too if I was defeated by two little mugmen
But you have to remember these little Mugmen did destroy all your debtors
+Alex McPherson you feel bad for the Devil!? but he's real and evil and stuff ! ! ! ! !
fairymairah is he crying
@@alexmcpherson3221 What kind of satanist feels bad for Lucifer
fairymairah he isn’t real, lmao
I love how the devil is just chilling in his throne during the first phase. For all we know he's probably chilling in a bigger throne during the second one.
Nah satan aint on a throne
@@BananaButFresh It’s a game.
I love how when you enter the depths of hell, the music has this final battle feeling, while still being jazzy and cartoony, THIS GAME IS PERFECT
A masterpiece
I love with how they treated Satan in this game. No haunted cartoon discovered, no creepypasta like story, no satanic rituals or other cliches, it's just the devil making a living with a casino and being a swell demon at it in Hell. I'm surprised honestly.
just classical old school devil stuff
the game is influenced by 30-s to 40-s cartoons so thats the main reason
Hatsooneh Meekoo
Like what? This game focuses more on friendly and fun themes, well, except the bad ending.
i think this is mostly kid friendly
check kirby 64 for your daily dose of nightmare fuel please
Yea these days they put way WAY to much satanic stuff in their movies and games and people are beginning to think that it's okay.
No satanic stuff is not good at all.
I just saw a literal teacup make Satan cry...
hey how would you feel if you were getting beaten up by a a cup and a mug
@@rubbishh2637 I would scream when I see my favorite mugs grow hands and feet, and one starts drinking itself...
He's actually a milk cup
@@rubbishh2637 do you support saten or something cause if you do then you going to hell
The pupil turning into a bomb has the cleanest animation in this game.
ToluDude What about his pupil turning into a cup being shattered by a cleaver at the beginning?
@Pro Zenitsu that was one of the dopest animation I've seen. Haha.
The animators did a really good job, they deserve a great coffee and money
Not anymore.
At the time, it was, the dlc makes this look lame
Getting that “knockout” at 4 AM after grinding this boss out for hours is probably one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced in a game
I've been playing Cuphead for a bit less than a month and I finally beat Ribby and croaks, I hated the third phase tiger
@@CorrupToastthat boss took me three tries. please get the right equipment
@@james1311na I was using peashooter and smoke bomb. I beat them using peashooter and chaser. Does it really make sense to tell someone who already beat the boss "to get better equipment"?
@@CorrupToast you still have more bosses, so yes
@@CorrupToasti beat the game in half a week because I had the right equipment
I love that the final boss actually looks and feels like a final boss. Though I wish the second phase was either harder or longer in some way, the visuals definitely overshadow the other bosses. This is easily my favorite boss level.
Second and fourth phase are pretty easy but maaaaan that third phase is hard. Where there's only three platforms there is soooo much crap coming at you. Stuff from the sides, moving platforms, falling obstacles and the little slow flying demons. Is tough. The end when there's just one platform is easy though, I don't think ive ever even taken damage there.
@@wr5488 The Devil has a tendency to toy with those he doesn’t consider a threat. Maybe the third phase is when he finally gets serious.
Same. This boss was hard af for me but is still my favorite.
@@kylestubbs8867 the first phase is the hardest phase tho and he has like 10 different moves that he uses on you lol
this boss it's so hard I almost cried reading your comment
Kinda funny how all the debtors went through the trouble of turning themselves into monsters only to find that Cuphead and Mugman freed them.
Netsaver sorry we brutally killed you for our own reasons ! Can you forgive us ?
Wait they turned themselves into monsters? How did they do that?
No idea but that's what Elder Kettle says in the beginning, that some of the debtors turned themselves into monsters in order to avoid having their souls taken. But I think it's a bit self explanatory in the ending. When you see them all together you'll notice they aren't in the forms they took when they were beaten meaning that all the transformations that come afterward was them turning themselves into monsters to avoid being beaten but ultimately it was not a permanent transformation but temporary yet powerful.
Oh yeah that's true they all look less hostile as they were before.
Netsaver all of the debtors: we know
Wanna know what interested me the most?
When fighting a boss(the other ones besides the devil), Cuphead pulls up his pants and mugman drinks himself, meaning that they are both ready for a fight.
But the Devil tortures them by showing his little eye animation,
Due to that, Cuphead and Mugman jump in fear, knowing that things are gonna get crazy in a bad way.
That just shows how much fear they have when fighting the devil, same thing for the second phase.
That's really interesting and i like it.
Me too
How does this comment not have more likes?
@@vidyuthegde648 Because it's rather obvious.
There’s a new animation where Cuphead flexes and his arms get massive and the liquid in his cup bubbles
The feeling when you defeated the devil is just so satisfying. The fact that you beat the devil himself as a cup is awsome. Especially when you made him cry and it’s the last stage
A happy ending for everyone. Except for the bird.
And goopy
It is not the same for Goopy Lee Grande, since in his last form, he is in a tomb. And the cuphead himself kills him in the gravestone, meaning an certainly absolute death.
not for goopy either
*BIRD UP! (Dun dun duuun!)*
To anyone who might be confused with the ending:
Each of the bosses (minus the Casino-Exclusive ones, Dice and Devil) you fight aren't evil". Sure some of them are jerks, but most of their fights are merely them defending themselves in their own ways. I assume that they were put in a similar scenario as The main duo: The Devil tricked them, but they escaped with their souls.
While some are implied (The frogs might've been about the eat the flies at the diner for example), they never really do anything evil.
I guess Dr Karl is evil though, cause he's not there :)
Raging Raving Wally Warbles, Goopy le Grand and the Root Pack, they're probaly just out of frame
eh, a some of them are pretty evil, they're just not Lord freakin' Satan himself, Cala Maria regularly sinks ships and swallows sailors, Brineybeard's a pirate so that's self explanatory, and the Phantom Express seem pretty happy to kill
sAUFvevo Wally died tho we literally saw him about to get eaten, Goopy was killed on screen by the player, and Dr Kahl Was not the one who lost his soul, it was his *robot*. This is probably why we didn’t see some of them, because they didn’t make it to the end.
@@sAUFvevo I mean we do see Wally getting salted by two other birds-
Just think. If Cuphead and Mugman didn't lose the bet to the Devil, everyone would still be in debt.
as g-man once said"the right man in the wrong place can make all the differences in the world"
The dice were rigged im pretty sure
@@Shrimpfriedpee agreed. I mean, this is literally Satan we're talking about, there's no way so many people lost to him and cuphead did as well.
Fornax and mugman
I said yes when he asked me to join his group... I'm pure *evil*
This game screams with creativity
the dlc might bring even more creativity, like, an ice wizard using a whale to bitch slap us? thats creativity.
@@J_The_J “whale bitch”, lol
@@J_The_J the dlc boss fights were insane
My absolute favorite thing of the DLC (and, I think, the entire game) was the secret Angel and Demon boss fight, and the whole Broken, Cursed and Divine Relic thing that came with it.
2:14 the greatest timing ever in that bossfight
teacher: the test isn’t even that hard
the test:
buddy u havent seen the robot yet
2:41 burn the tests
@Destroyer 2099 Nah. Grim Mathcsitkc is hard, Dr. Kahl is really hard, but the Devil is the only fight in the game I haven't mastered. I don't get how people can say he's easy. I just don't get it. That flame trident/ goat arm combo is just impossible to dodge.
@@thesnatcher3616 I just got to the final boss but yeah the robot wasn't that hard lol
The hardest boss by FAR for me was the casino, I finally beat it after like 2 years
@@tricko8000 King Dice? Or The Devil? Or is it both?
I can't get over the animation in his eyE at the start... This boss oozes personality, even if it feels underwhelming in how he fights.
The real final boss: the jump dash in the tutorial.
@@cdwilliams2141 ok.
*Dean Takahashi intensifies*
oh god please no
If anyone's having trouble, here's the strategy that worked the best for me. Scroll to the bottom to find a short list that covers it in less detail.
First, let's talk about what Shots to use. I like using Spread Shot and Chaser. Charge Shot would have worked better in place of Spread, but I'm ass at using it, so feel free to use it instead. Smoke Bomb for me was a necessity. As for super art, I recommend using Super Arts II or III.
Now lets cover the fight itself. In phase 1, spend the most time you can standing under him and whaling on him with Spread or Charge Shot. Instead of wasting time to shoot the little devil minions that come from the corners, just jump over them so you can focus on getting the most damage possible on The Devil. As soon as you see him start an attack, switch to Chaser and smoke bomb away from him. I can't give much help on dodging the attacks themselves, as that's something you're gonna have to learn on your own and find out what works best for you. All I can say is for the spider, you can just run back and forth, sometimes smoke bombing if he's going to drop near you, and he will never hit you, and to not stay in the left corner when he does either the blue fireballs attack or the blue bouncing balls attack. Oh, and stay away from him during the transition to Phase 2. It has a hitbox, and I learned that one the hard way.
Now that you're in phase 2, (the easiest phase imo) stay on one of the platforms directly to the sides of the middle one, so platforms 2 and 4. Again, try fucking him up with Spread or Charge. When he uses the Spinning Axe attack, just wait for it to come around at you and then smoke bomb to the middle platform before jumping back to the platform you were on. Be sure to parry the pink bomb every time he summons it, or else it'll make a huge explosion and possibly fuck up any chances of dodging the axe. For the Poker Chips, just smoke bomb to the middle platform before jumping right back if they're about to fall on you. This one is over pretty quickly, so let's get onto Phase 3.
Phase 3 to me is the hardest, he just saps your health dry in an instant. For this phase, I recommend using Spread the whole time if you have it equipped since you're almost always near him. If you have Charge Shot, I wouldn't bother, as you have to spend a lot of focus on aiming, charging, and repeatedly hitting the shoot button. Again, I can't offer much advise for dodging the attacks, but I've found that if you only kill one of the big purple guys who spit skulls at you, it's much more manageable to dodge them without having to waste time shooting the second one. Save your Super Art for this phase if you're using Super Art III and use it to damage The Devil. If you play your cards right, (haha I'm so funny) you're practically done with the fight!
Phase 4 is really just a test of how long you can last, it's not really all that hard. Still, though, don't underestimate it. I've died many times because I just wasn't thinking during the last phase. Just spend the most time you can under him fucking him up with Spread/Charge, there's really no need to switch to Chaser. When a poker chip is about to fall on you, jump to a side before quickly smoke bombing back. If you chose Super Art II, you can use it here and you'll have to do little to no dodging. Do all this and before you know it, you've beaten The Devil!
Sorry for writing a novel there, but this fight is hard and I really wouldn't be able to get my strategy across if I tried making it short. Still, though, I'll try shortening it.
*Use Spread or Charge Shot and Chaser, use smoke bomb, and use Super Arts II or III
*For phase 1, try spending the most time you can attacking underneath him with Spread/Charge. When he attacks, switch to Chaser and focus on dodging
*For phase 2, stay on platforms 2 and 4 and whale on him with Spread/Charge like phase 1. If a poker chip is going to fall on you or he summons the axe, wait for it to get close before smoke bombing to the middle platform. Be sure to always parry the pink bomb.
*For phase 3, use Spread the whole time if you have it equipped, you're almost always hitting him in this phase. You can get by with just killing one of the purple demon dudes, as one of them is manageable to dodge. If you're using Super Art III, save it for this phase.
*Lastly, for phase 4 you're gonna want to do the same thing we did last phase; shooting him with Spread the whole time if you have it equipped, and if you don't, just use Chaser. When a poker chip is about to fall on you, just jump away and smoke bomb back in. If you're using Super Art II, save it for this phase so you can completely destroy him without having to focus as much on dodging for a short period of time.
I thought phase 1 and 3 were hard but 2 and 4 were really easy.
1 is just multiple different times for a lot of his moves, and his "spells" were really hard to read sometimes, you're screwed sometimes from bad RNG.
2 was easy, just learning to dodge the chip was the hard part. Parry bat bomb and just swap platforms inwards when the axe passes that platform.
3 was like 2 but 10x harder. So much stuff coming at you! My strategy was charge shot the side dudes whenever they spawn and always go to whatever platform the chip last fell on. I-frame dash through the little blue flying demons to another platform. This MIGHT be the hardest phase of any boss. I think only the robot's last form or the dragon's last form can compare.
4 was really easy, just jump away from the chip and dash back to the platform. Ive beaten it a few times in the last two weeks and I don't think this phase ever landed a hit on me.
I love the devil’s intro
How crazy is his eye? He can make a picture of a cup being smashed by an axe!
ya made me laugh. sign language is what we need from cuphead 2
He should probably get that checked out
I mean you ARE shooting at his eyes, who wouldn’t be crying?
i think this is the first boss that actually wants to murder cuphead and mugman, and not for protection like the other bosses, the cutscene at the start shows that the devil is hellbent on killing cuphead and mugman.
holy shit like they're only kids man
cutscene at the start of the battle*
He is the devil he gives 0 fucks
Devil son
Ur gonna get a beating
I’m gonna make u cry
And then
I’m gonna free them all
SEGA Saturn Gaming
He's the devil.
The others don't want to hurt him because they don't wanna die.
Hold up...
Can kids legally gamble in this world? Are these kids so good at gambling the devil took interest in them? How old are these two?!
He absorbed the onions soul
RIP Onio. Onio Will Be Missed.
Onion Bro UNITED
That must be why he cries
the onion is named weepy
7 reptile sins omg
What a nice Christian ending that was.
The bad ending is the opposite of that.
Also very anticlimactic.
Your comment made me burst out laughing. But yeah, I just love games where you do the devil's bidding.
the bad ending is just true nightmare fuel. also on the devils other stage if you get a game over you have a very nice picture of the devil holding cuphead and mugman's heads. yeah...i consider the age rating on this game will now be rated M. XD
DesignzRUs1 "Atheist here"
Fuck off. It was a joke. No need to announce yourself to the world.
1:18 this trumpet sound is incredible
I love it when Trumpets make that sound
The fact that bad ending is easier to achieve than good ending
The wrong path is more often than not the easy one.
It shows that there was never really a “deal” with the Devil. He made the cups _think_ there’d be some leniency if they collected all the Soul Contracts in time, but he was really planning on taking their souls either way.
Though true to his nature, he’ll pretend the deal was legitimate if you “break” it first.
Fnaf 3
My god this game is so beautiful...looks insanely difficult though! I would still play it, but I think I would get angry with it pretty quick!
Janeil Nold you will. Drives me fucking nuts sometimes lol
for fucking sure that it's hard but in a fun way
God right its hard like break your thumbs hard
Janeil Nold lol
Janeil Nold I finished it already it was hard but not to hard but the devil MY GOD IT WAS SO HARD
The music, the design, and the actual fight all come together to make perfection in a video game.
"And They didn't-Until the Next time! But That's another Story...."
In probably 2022
Edit: Oh my goodness
Josh Ferrer I can wait 4 years
MrKennyWilliams stop with asking sequels, the devs went through hell making this game. (pun intended) why would they make a sequel? I wanna see something else that this company has to offer. Not another sequel to a game that will take another 7 years of hell to make
theyre making a dlc coming out next year, loo it up
nope, 2019
“Hey boss… it looks like cuphead beat yo-“
The animation for the devil freaks me out and looks absolutely amazing at the same time. The shading and the detail is just incredible
Probably one of my favorite interpretations of Satan in modern media I've seen in a long while, at least design wise. He's the perfect blend of every classic "horned, red, pitchfork carrying" persona throughout history, from the satyr attack, to the smaller demons running around his feet, to even transforming into a Chinese myth dragon. Yeah he ends up being a crybaby, and there's not much else to him other than being "bad," but it works to the simplicity of this game, and honestly for the longest time that's how Satan was characterized throughout western culture: just bad and not much else.
The Devil, a god, feared through history, god of hell,
Was beat by a cup
And cried like a baby.
The irony
Cybroniks did you just call the devil a god? Don't ever do that again. *ever*.
THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD he can do whatever the hell he wants
Have you ever thought that maybe King Dice and the Devil forced Cuphead to lose his gamble just so he'd do the Devil's dirty work for him? Think about it like this.
In King Dice's stage, the main gimmick is that he summons dice that Cuphead (or Mugman) can stop at any time. But it's being rolled midair by what we're left to assume by possibly some sort of magic performed by King Dice. In the main story, Cuphead kept on winning until the Devil eventually gambled with them. But what if said dice in the casino were also controlled by the King? What if he purposely made the dice land where they did, and eventually force a snake eyes for his boss? Just a fun little thought I had.
"So clever, so dapper, *ya betta' believe this dice is loaded.* Hi-de-ho!"
- King Dice (AKA: sleazy casino manager)
Blue Fire Yup, that's what a 1930s cartoon villain would do. I thought it was obvious that it was rigged.
You may be onto something
Not to mention how the Devil clearly hands his own pair of dice
It could be either rigged from the start, or the Devil's dice were rigged while the normal Craps dice weren't
Definitely I believe he cheated gotta remember the devil is the father of all lies
Jeez, this game is so unique and creative. Must've spent hours just watching gameplay, it really sucks you in. Kudos to the developers, they've trully created a masterpiece.
0:19 love that animation.
after the devil's animation you can hear him laugh
Whoever is playing this, must be a fucking god, that shit is ridiculous
deadly army this ain’t like dark souls dude. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to beat this easy ass game
J イルカ idek, i need the game to myself tho
J イルカ >Easy ass game
I bet you a dollar you haven't played it at all
@Rickitly Ricked It's not that hard though. It has some difficulty.....but it's not that hard.
DesignzRUs1 neither is dark souls...
Wow the devil is a crybaby
Jay Villanueva try reaching till that part it's hard as anything see you may think the devil does easy attacks when you see but it requires GREAT TIMING it takes 1-3 hours of practice to beat him
but yeah that's true.
Kinda hoping a dark soul ending for this one? Yeah............
Jay Villanueva every villain has a soft side
Barney The Dinosaur villain like jigSAW?
This game deserves a 10 out a 10!
11 out of 10*
I couldn't agree with you more!!!
This is what happens when skilled people do what they love the most with a decent budget and with no lame CEO telling them how to do their jobs
1000000 out of 10 I love this game I can’t wait for the show and dlc
Fr, I might actually replay Cuphead but with Mugman, it's such a great game
“Not only did you bust up my good-for-nothing King Dice…”
Bro, he literally has the longest boss in the game, and you think he’s a good-for-nothing?
Ok but I find it so badass and cool a creepy way when the Devil's eyes turn white and he starts speaking in tongues making his trident rotate
The animation on the devil is awesome
Couldn’t agree more
These animations are legendary
*Wait until Dashie finds out Satan has escaped and is coming for him when he gets to this part of the game.*
Ko Ender
Ko Ender you're right this part is hard af (pause) he will rip his head and go and agree with DEALF
oo i predict that he'll say: *"OH SHIT SATAN IS AFTER ME WHERE IS MY HOLY WATER GUN?"*
Ko Ender I'm watting for Cory-X to go to this part of the game.
0:23 Devil turns into goat
0:44 Devil turns into spiderman
2:18 Devil turns into crybaby
Devil: Get the contracts or else!
cuphead: Ok im sorry!! :(
devil: Hahaa!
cuphead: **gets all contracts**
Devil: Ok give them to me!
cuphead: *lol no*
bruh momment
Those credits are hilarious.
PowahSlap Entertainmint Ikr fin
PowahSlap Entertainmint yes it was.
He skipped the credits =\
PowahSlap Entertainmint l,,,,kkkk
PowahSlap Entertainmint p
I hope they make Cuphead 2 (though it would take a long time)
For the hand-drawn animation, to create new enemies and scenery, a long time it will take.
Also, they better make the tutorial boss easier. Took 15 lives, but managed to get it.
Now that they're proven, probably not as long as you might think. The real challenge will be keeping the REAL devil (known as E.A.) from polluting their work.
I WILL MAKE IT! if i knew how to code...
TPDManiacXC626 And maybe even more drawers.
There's Cuphead, and then there's BLUE Cuphead
Liam Vickers the blue one is mughead.
He was making a joke about Luigi often being called Green Mario.
So, when will there be a pink cuphead and green cuphead?
Tran Vinh Nhat you're kidding right? It's mugman.
I love how the first faze is a relatively easy fight with whimsical music and a normal looking devil. Almost as if the devil isn’t taking you seriously at first. But then he realizes it will be a legitimate fight and he gets big and scary, the music flairs and the real fight begins…
I loved the boss and level design in this game, most creative I've ever seen
I must have this gsme seriously creative and beautiful
Also where is the crazy doctor with the robot?
neyney V he lost his clothes he couldn't come
Out collecting the totally not Chaos Emerald's I guess
Actually he was a bad guy. so i think he died
Neither Goopie or Wally appear on the ending. Guess they died as well.
+Send Help the wally that was eaten was actually Wally Warbles (the bird, he was eaten by his paramedics), the wally with the robot cat you are talking about is Werner Werman
Wow he’s already done with cuphead and I’m over here only on my second boss
Destomics Gaming im stuck on baroness von bon bon :(
Stephen LaPorte I am now on her too
Im on Puff the Magic Dragon with acid reflex
I finished 3 W after I wrote this
Good luck! I just beat the Devil today and surprisingly I actually found the last boss of the game the hardest for once! Different people find different bosses the toughest though; a lot of the bosses people complained about I found easy and vice versa.
I knew it. All the debtors eyes’ were yellow. They were in servitude to the Devil, so they used a bit of his power to become monsters for a short while.
Not all of them had yellow eyes,take the frogs and Wally and Grim and Goopy for example,they only got the power boost
Tornait Cala Maria only had Yellow eyes in the Second Phas- oh she turned into a monster
Tornait i
Tornait werman didnt
Tornait honeybottoms isn't a monster and neither dr. Khal.
For Devil's sake, that eye animation in the begining was beautiful.
the devil: "well you defeated my good for nothing lackey king dice!"
also the devil:cries when 2 mugmen defeat him
Easily the best boss of the game. It's rare for super-hard games to get a decent climax. It usually ends up either sloping down at some point or will just be par for the course and less a final test of skill. This guy, however, is a proper last test. The precision needed on the first phase demands absolute perfection, the second and third phases test your awareness in your surroundings, with alot more mobility and multi-tasking going on and the final part is an effective panic-moment, alot easier than it looks and only really there to trick you into a beginner's trap (Paid off the reserve the invincibility for that one). It's all the central mechanics previous bosses played around with, rolled into 1.
Until chef salt baker introduced himself.
The Devil (Phase 2) has to be the best looking boss in the game.
Yeah I think that was the point. Also I fucking love your profile pic
@Hypernova I follow no religion. But even so, what's your fucking point?
Hypernova how does liking a picture of the devil make you a muslim
jingex logic 2017 i guess?
It has fantastic animation.
I love the second phase, the really fast and zany music, a lot of enemies and attacks on the screen, it's really a hell of a time
just if cuphead can obtain the sweater this fight would be easy.
breaking cups are nothing compared to fetching their souls
Cuphead 2 confirmed
Angrycobra 123 Coming 1945 (Plus 80 years)
I know this is probably a joke but why would there be a part two?
DesignzRUs1 at the end it said they had a second adventure thingy
DrScaphandre at 3:11
It said they got into trouble again then it says until next time. More than likely meaning we'll get a sequel.
2:20 the devil may cry
I frickin love the fact that he says "HAVE AT YOU!!" right before the fight. I swear it was a Castlevania reference with how Dracula said that right before battling Belmont in Symphony of the Night.
The most eerie part for me is when you go into the depths of hell for the final phases. Sometimes I gotta close my eyes, that thing creeps me out.
Awww! This was cute! And holy crap that animation on the devil! Gorgeous boss fight!
Gotta admit, did not expect this game to have such a nice ending.
I think they did a really good job of keeping the spirit of old school cartoons! Right down to oddly heartwarming aspects along with he creepy surreal visuals. Good stuff!
What about gameplay?
Haven't played it myself but from I've seen it looks pretty solid too.
Nikki Lee I
2:17 "Devil may cry" 😂😂😂
I really love the announcer at the beginning of every battle for some reason, lol.
I love how they took time to add extra detail by showing what the Devil wants in his EYE! I’m not kidding! When the fight begins, and Devil looks closely at Cuphead, It shows his pupil turn into a knife cutting a cup!
People Already Finished This Game?
The game is short and although it is hard for the nowadays casualized gamers it is just normal if you think about hard games
What? I can't even pass the tutorial.
You should go into journalism then
I re read my comment and it sounds really offensive lol, I'm not saying the game is easy, it is challenging and really good, but not the hardest game I have played
Well getting A+ in every level is pretty hard...
I love how in the game he’s this intimidating overlord who some might find genuinely terrifying to take on, but in the show he’s a bit more of a goof
I loved how Cuphead embraced how occasionally creepy those old rubber hose cartoons could be.
The Devil literally jumping out of skin is as funny as it is slightly disturbing.
I love the how they made the devil in this game and I think it's so cool how he just chills in his chair as he trys to behead a couple cups
Is it just me, or does it seem like the Devil has the most fluid animation out of all the bosses in the game? Like, even just his idle animation on his throne looks so much smoother than anything else, as if they really went all-out and gave him more breakdowns and inbetweens on his movements.
I love this boss fight, I beat it on my first try, even tho it took damn near 30 tries to kill most of the other bosses, I feel like the boss was lacking still enjoyed it never the less
There might be an explanation for that. The Devil toys with those he doesn’t see as a threat. It’s not until the three-platform phase that he stops toying with the players.
I swear the intro eye action is ON POINT!!! I love that start.
The Devil in Cuphead video game: A legit threat and pretty terrifying
The Devil in the Cuphead show: A Drama Queen who’s considerably terrifying in the Inkwell Isle universe
And keep in mind, the show takes place before the game, so by this point in the game, he’s had time to plan things out & figure out a way to truly be a serious threat.
@@AlastorAltruistGaming the show is another universe
@@ursapolargalactica from what I understood at first, the show takes place before the events of the game, but I’ll take your word for it; if it’s in a different timeline or different universe than the game world, it would make more sense.
@@AlastorAltruistGaming The show doesn't share continuity with the game. It's just an adaptation--its own separate take on the same concepts and characters. That's most evident with Chalice, who in the game is a legendary figure trying to find a way to be alive again, while in the show, she's a street scammer who can willingly go back and forth between ghost and person.
I rlly love the animation of the devil just...sitting on his throne
I love how all of Devil’s tears are all parryable in the final phase.
"My good-for-nothing lackey, King Dice"
Few minutes later: Waaahh Dice please help me these cups are too strong!!! 😭
The devil with
Roundabout, converge, super art 2, and astral cookie is literally a cheat code.
This is the closest representation of what the actual Devil looks like
Cuphead did what Dante couldn’t: make a Devil cry
2:13 was mad clutch
This fight is way too short in my opinion.
Voks but it's hard 😏😏
That's the point of Cuphead, all fights are short, it's just a matter of skill. There's no way anyone of normal skill level would finish this boss in one trial
This fight is seemingly shorter than most of the others in terms of the boss's strategies. It being the Devil I just sort of expected it to have at least 2 more phases. A final boss is suppose to be the ultimate challenge. I'm not saying it's bad. The fight is hard, yeah. Its just odd to me that the Debtors seem to have more creative and deadly strategies than the guy they were afraid of.
think it would of been interesting if he threw the 7 deadly SIns at you.. just in cutesy cartoon form
Raging Raving I also expected that
Elements 🥔🪭🍌👤 - the devil - full song on 24 seconds 0:00
who else comes here after watching the series? :D
I notice that the only bosses that wasn't at the celebration were Wally and Goopy, who are actually dead. I kinda want the developers to follow up on that and have the son of Wally be the main villain of a sequel if they make one.
TheMaleLilligant Dr kahl wasn't there to
Omg i literally just realised that, Goopy turned into a grave, and Wally got served.
Then who will be the villain of the dlc?
@Inconfused 45 we see him getting salted by the birds
The ending was just the cutest😭😭😭
I like the devil of the game over the one in the show. He s way more menacing and a threat here (even if he becomes ridiculous when he cries at the end)
Teacher: The test isint that hard
The test:
Despite the Devil being a bad guy, he looks like a very cool character. I mean his design looks great: simple but not boring, Not completely over the top, he looks great
This ended better than I thought it would. I guess this game isn't so bad afterall!
sawedoffshotgunz yeah, but. Didn't the medic birds eat wally warbles after you beat him?
paladin productions I was more worried about everyone in Inkwell Isles losing their souls to Satan himself.
This should've been the ending: cuphead:golly mug man can't wait to tell people how many keyboards were smashed
"But that is another story" cuphead 2 confirmed?
James_616 More like a DLC
James_616 yeah they are probably making cup head 2 or a another game
I need that
I doubt that, you know how many years they spent making the game?
Seven years, and all those years of drawing every frame can make you tired as hell...
Eliancito Montes But they can always take a break. :)
0:41- Popeye scream
0:20 when your mom comes with the belt
i kinda feel bad for him when he starts crying but then i remember he’s the devil