Grady-White 251 CE Test 2015 - Updated - By

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2025
  • For more review, test, performance data, captain reports and more about 2015 Grady-White 251 CE , go to
    The Grady-White 251 CE is the first model in a new series -- called Coastal Explorer -- that is specifically designed for the millions of people who live near large bodies of water and want to go boating both in protected water and along the coast as well. Further, the 251 CE has been carefully designed to incorporate all of the best features that have proved to be popular with families who enjoy watersports activities such as swimming, beaching, and towing sports. Our test boat was powered by a single 300-hp outboard that gave her a top speed of 49.2 mph and a range of 211 statute miles at best cruise.

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