I Ranked Every Generation 1 Pokemon And You Won't Believe Who Came Out On Top!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024
  • I Ranked Every Generation 1 Pokemon And You Won't Believe Who Came Out On Top!
    The following list details the 151 Pokémon of generation I in order of their National Pokédex number. The first Pokémon, Bulbasaur, is number 0001 and the last, Mew, is number 0151. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced. MissingNo., a glitch, is also on this list.
    Featured original Gen 1 151 Pokémon:
    • Bulbasaur
    • Ivysaur
    • Venusaur
    • Charmander
    • Charmeleon
    • Charizard
    • Squirtle
    • Wartortle
    • Blastoise
    • Caterpie
    • Metapod
    • Butterfree
    • Weedle
    • Kakuna
    • Beedrill
    • Pidgey
    • Pidgeotto
    • Pidgeot
    • Rattata
    • Raticate
    • Spearow
    • Fearow
    • Ekans
    • Arbok
    • Pikachu
    • Raichu
    • Sandshrew
    • Sandslash
    • Nidoran (female)
    • Nidorina
    • Nidoqueen
    • Nidoran (male)
    • Nidorino
    • Nidoking
    • Clefairy
    • Clefable
    • Vulpix
    • Ninetales
    • Jigglypuff
    • Wigglytuff
    • Zubat
    • Golbat
    • Oddish
    • Gloom
    • Vileplume
    • Paras
    • Parasect
    • Venonat
    • Venomoth
    • Diglett
    • Dugtrio
    • Meowth
    • Persian
    • Psyduck
    • Golduck
    • Mankey
    • Primeape
    • Growlithe
    • Arcanine
    • Poliwag
    • Poliwhirl
    • Poliwrath
    • Abra
    • Kadabra
    • Alakazam
    • Machop
    • Machoke
    • Machamp
    • Bellsprout
    • Weepinbell
    • Victreebel
    • Tentacool
    • Tentacruel
    • Geodude
    • Graveler
    • Golem
    • Ponyta
    • Rapidash
    • Slowpoke
    • Slowbro
    • Magnemite
    • Magneton
    • Farfetch'd
    • Doduo
    • Dodrio
    • Seel
    • Dewgong
    • Grimer
    • Muk
    • Shellder
    • Cloyster
    • Gastly
    • Haunter
    • Gengar
    • Onix
    • Drowzee
    • Hypno
    • Krabby
    • Kingler
    • Voltorb
    • Electrode
    • Exeggcute
    • Exeggutor
    • Cubone
    • Marowak
    • Hitmonlee
    • Hitmonchan
    • Lickitung
    • Koffing
    • Weezing
    • Rhyhorn
    • Rhydon
    • Chansey
    • Tangela
    • Kangaskhan
    • Horsea
    • Seadra
    • Goldeen
    • Seaking
    • Staryu
    • Starmie
    • Mr. Mime
    • Scyther
    • Jynx
    • Electabuzz
    • Magmar
    • Pinsir
    • Tauros
    • Magikarp
    • Gyarados
    • Lapras
    • Ditto
    • Eevee
    • Vaporeon
    • Jolteon
    • Flareon
    • Porygon
    • Omanyte
    • Omastar
    • Kabuto
    • Kabutops
    • Aerodactyl
    • Snorlax
    • Articuno
    • Zapdos
    • Moltres
    • Dratini
    • Dragonair
    • Dragonite
    • Mewtwo
    • Mew
    • Missingno

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