Trying to think of ways to use this property for quantum computation. Switching and routing a light beam through a series of geometric paths, is certainly one application.
The issue with demonstrating evanescent coupling is that you need to keep a space filled by air in between the two relevant mediums. If you add water, what you get is a less steep refractive index variation, that suppress the total internal reflection, this is not evanescent coupling. What you want to do is to get both halves of the medium to be a fraction of a wavelength appart. In the visible range that's a separation of the order of tens of nanometers, good luck with that. To give an idea of how small that is, two pieces of material that are that flat will bond quite strongly with each other if put in contact. If you want to really show evanescent coupling, I think that it could be done with surface waves by using the effect of depth on the phase speed of waves.
with wet finger on the back of the cup there is no more plastic - air but newly created plasit - water surface with different total difraction angle. No evanescent wave behavior IMHO.
The person who disliked this clearly has no barriers
Hey, welcome to my Kitchen.
Im gonna show you quantum tunneling and evanescent waves using light. I like you man :D
I've come all the way to my final year in university doing physics, and I've never seen a better explanation!!
These videos make the course worth doing
6:07 so the finger appearance on that side is caused by quantum tunneling? 😱😱
I was curious why does that happened. Now I got the answer.
I like the spooky bit at the end
I quite like the mysterious Chinese style. Even get a bit terrified at first.
Wow, this is such a great explanation
Trying to think of ways to use this property for quantum computation. Switching and routing a light beam through a series of geometric paths, is certainly one application.
The issue with demonstrating evanescent coupling is that you need to keep a space filled by air in between the two relevant mediums.
If you add water, what you get is a less steep refractive index variation, that suppress the total internal reflection, this is not evanescent coupling.
What you want to do is to get both halves of the medium to be a fraction of a wavelength appart. In the visible range that's a separation of the order of tens of nanometers, good luck with that. To give an idea of how small that is, two pieces of material that are that flat will bond quite strongly with each other if put in contact.
If you want to really show evanescent coupling, I think that it could be done with surface waves by using the effect of depth on the phase speed of waves.
Thanks, it really helped me👍🏼
Which Daniel Day-Lewis film is this from?
with wet finger on the back of the cup there is no more plastic - air but newly created plasit - water surface with different total difraction angle. No evanescent wave behavior IMHO.