Seriously interesting! Coincidentally, I’ve bought my first ever 21mm to shoot on the M11P. And, I’d only recently decided 28 was my favourite focal length. I used to be a telephoto guy, 75mm … it all turned around after decades.
I quit film for digital in 2005-06 and even then I was considered a 'late adopter'. I kept all my B&W negs, but I culled my chromes down to around 3000 shots, taken between 1986 and 2006. It was a massive archive of images before that cull. They will all be scanned (to make them internet/computer accessible as digital files), but it's a mammoth task. Even so, a good scan from a quality B&W neg or colour transparency can be better than the files from early or cheap digital cameras.
I was a Corbis photographer until they shut down in 2016. To me it was one of the worst moments in recent photographic history. The diversity of images in the Corbis holdings , and their acquisition of many historical/archives images, was a great thing. They had tens of thousands of my shots, too. I got sales every month and I respected them as an entity and an organization. I shoot elsewhere now (stringer/contractor, etc), but I miss Corbis. I know they were paid a lot to depart the industry, but some things are worth more than money. When Getty took over the Corbis archives, they kept only a small number of images and photographers. Most were let go.
Contrary to what has been propagated, the 50mm lens is not the standard lens because of its similarity to what the human eye sees, its actually the 21 mm lens that has the same horizontal FOV of that of a single human the horizontal. To me if distortion is controlled, the 21 mm is the most natural way of seeing a photograph.
Strange how we all see a bit different.. 21 …. 28 .. far to wide for me …. 35 …. 50 .. 90 … that’s my ball park ..My current fav is 50 mm and my .58 viewfinder on my film MP.. Mr Page is a legend and his book Page after Page is a great read …recommend to any fan of this man …
I hear this a lot and it is simply not true. This people were killed during war time and would’ve anyway, despite someone photographing them, without this documented, history would be missing vital information on these issues and times.
@@nickfanzo I understand the value of documenting life, but too many photos have been taken, but in my opinion, it has hardly changed the evil that surround us in many ways.
.. I admire his work!!!!!.. , but I don't admire the over priced branding of a camera manufacturer who is completely out of date, I've owned leicas but that was in the film days... Today, and with digital, they're not even in the ball park, "unless you've got deep pockets "..... Yet they still don't produce the goods... still can't compete...... , they've been overtaken along time ago .... It's not about the brand!!, its about the photographer and his /her eye...... Just my 2 cents worth.....
Every couple of years , regardless of what you buy , it's digitally out of date .This is the electronic problem . When a functioning Olympus OM1n was able to cover 30 years or whenever before it disintegrated on you , is long gone now ....... Yes , decent Leica is very expensive , like Rolex , but the watch will last decades past the camera's circuits/software . So many people take so many photos of so many things these days that it's becoming white noise . Social media has exploded . I've pulled the plug on much of this stuff and gone back to old Blue Note jazz , playing my '54 Les Paul Gold Top/ LP Tweed Twin and enjoying coffee with a view down the valley from my balcony . Stress free ................
@@npet6842 Well, you get a minimum ten years of hard professional use out of a digital M in a lightweight, compact form. The only comparable cameras in terms of durability and service life are the single digit cameras from Nikon and Canon, which actually cost more than an M. Now of course you're getting autofocus there, but you pay a hefty penalty in terms of size and weight. Don't expect any mirrorless offering currently available to offer comparable service life. You can buy a series of Fujis for the price of an M if that floats your boat but in the end you'll have spent just as much money if not more.
@@Tom_TH-cam_stole_my_handle No one here to fix it for you though .......... and there won't be parts either . And don't forget modern lead free solder life is abysmal .
@@npet6842 Leica says parts for ten years, which was why I gave that figure. Nikon and Canon would be the same. I agree that you won't be handing on any digital camera to your children but on the other hand a used Leica does hold its value better than any other system. But don't forget the lenses, they will last virtually forever whereas lenses from the big boys with their complexity are junk once the focussing motor burns out. The area where Leica really does deserve criticism is in their service turnaround times.
Met Tim in Croatia. He was doing a talk at a gallery in Dubrovnik. What a legend .
It's good to hear Tim talking about Larry Burrows, I always held his work in the highest regard.
That was powerful! Thank you Tim Page & whoever else that made this video possible.
You're very welcome
That image of the carnage and med evac helicopter is so powerful. This exhibition looks like it will be great.
Seriously interesting! Coincidentally, I’ve bought my first ever 21mm to shoot on the M11P. And, I’d only recently decided 28 was my favourite focal length. I used to be a telephoto guy, 75mm … it all turned around after decades.
Great to see Page; his book Page after Page sent me off on my own journey.
A legend with a legendary camera 📸
Brilliant video.
I quit film for digital in 2005-06 and even then I was considered a 'late adopter'. I kept all my B&W negs, but I culled my chromes down to around 3000 shots, taken between 1986 and 2006. It was a massive archive of images before that cull. They will all be scanned (to make them internet/computer accessible as digital files), but it's a mammoth task. Even so, a good scan from a quality B&W neg or colour transparency can be better than the files from early or cheap digital cameras.
I was a Corbis photographer until they shut down in 2016. To me it was one of the worst moments in recent photographic history. The diversity of images in the Corbis holdings , and their acquisition of many historical/archives images, was a great thing. They had tens of thousands of my shots, too. I got sales every month and I respected them as an entity and an organization. I shoot elsewhere now (stringer/contractor, etc), but I miss Corbis. I know they were paid a lot to depart the industry, but some things are worth more than money. When Getty took over the Corbis archives, they kept only a small number of images and photographers. Most were let go.
Contrary to what has been propagated, the 50mm lens is not the standard lens because of its similarity to what the human eye sees, its actually the 21 mm lens that has the same horizontal FOV of that of a single human the horizontal. To me if distortion is controlled, the 21 mm is the most natural way of seeing a photograph.
You are right that the 21mm has a roughly similar angle of view, but a lens around the 40-50mm mark has a similar perspective to the human eye.
21 is my preferred focal length too. Same lens different Leica. The M9. Love this video of Mr. Tim.
Tim Page also wore a Nikon f, quite a lot
Amazing images and story
Just. Wow.
600,000 slides eh ? Amazing
Absolute legend of a dude.
Strange how we all see a bit different.. 21 …. 28 .. far to wide for me …. 35 …. 50 .. 90 … that’s my ball park ..My current fav is 50 mm and my .58 viewfinder on my film MP..
Mr Page is a legend and his book Page after Page is a great read …recommend to any fan of this man …
*too wide
@@linjicakonikon7666 get out once in a while mate .. you might find a life ..
I like it!! love leica.
Why is the edition monochrome, when the slides are colour?
I don't noir.
Who said they were?
Thanks for the visit
A lucky bastard! At least he made the most of it and came back with the photographs.
What a pity that the tragedy of some human beings is the success of others.
Your one of the very very few to notice this.
I hear this a lot and it is simply not true. This people were killed during war time and would’ve anyway, despite someone photographing them, without this documented, history would be missing vital information on these issues and times.
I understand the value of documenting life, but too many photos have been taken, but in my opinion, it has hardly changed the evil that surround us in many ways.
@@julioestebanperezescudero6246 I think it did have changed some things to some degree
Larry Burrows didn't like him at all. In Saigon the big blah blah guy. Page would like to be like Burrows... what a nerd.
.. I admire his work!!!!!.. , but I don't admire the over priced branding of a camera manufacturer who is completely out of date, I've owned leicas but that was in the film days... Today, and with digital, they're not even in the ball park, "unless you've got deep pockets "..... Yet they still don't produce the goods... still can't compete...... , they've been overtaken along time ago .... It's not about the brand!!, its about the photographer and his /her eye...... Just my 2 cents worth.....
That's why you don't like Leica, because you only have 2 cents 😂
Every couple of years , regardless of what you buy , it's digitally out of date .This is the electronic problem . When a functioning Olympus OM1n was able to cover 30 years or whenever before it disintegrated on you , is long gone now ....... Yes , decent Leica is very expensive , like Rolex , but the watch will last decades past the camera's circuits/software . So many people take so many photos of so many things these days that it's becoming white noise . Social media has exploded . I've pulled the plug on much of this stuff and gone back to old Blue Note jazz , playing my '54 Les Paul Gold Top/ LP Tweed Twin and enjoying coffee with a view down the valley from my balcony . Stress free ................
@@npet6842 Well, you get a minimum ten years of hard professional use out of a digital M in a lightweight, compact form. The only comparable cameras in terms of durability and service life are the single digit cameras from Nikon and Canon, which actually cost more than an M. Now of course you're getting autofocus there, but you pay a hefty penalty in terms of size and weight. Don't expect any mirrorless offering currently available to offer comparable service life. You can buy a series of Fujis for the price of an M if that floats your boat but in the end you'll have spent just as much money if not more.
@@Tom_TH-cam_stole_my_handle No one here to fix it for you though .......... and there won't be parts either . And don't forget modern lead free solder life is abysmal .
@@npet6842 Leica says parts for ten years, which was why I gave that figure. Nikon and Canon would be the same. I agree that you won't be handing on any digital camera to your children but on the other hand a used Leica does hold its value better than any other system. But don't forget the lenses, they will last virtually forever whereas lenses from the big boys with their complexity are junk once the focussing motor burns out. The area where Leica really does deserve criticism is in their service turnaround times.