very handy trick - the iflex clamps are big enough that you can clamp around all the hots and neutral and measure ground fault/leakage current. very handy to measure the feeders to a panel and then shut off loads one by one to see when the misplaced current goes away. just as a heads up, this wont give you any precise readings and cant do mA current to check why GFI breakers are tripping. I have a 369fc for the in depth troubleshooting
Thanks for the insight! I plan on doing some more live streams. Would you ever be interested in doing one with me and sharing some of your tips and tricks on this application and others?
very handy trick - the iflex clamps are big enough that you can clamp around all the hots and neutral and measure ground fault/leakage current. very handy to measure the feeders to a panel and then shut off loads one by one to see when the misplaced current goes away. just as a heads up, this wont give you any precise readings and cant do mA current to check why GFI breakers are tripping. I have a 369fc for the in depth troubleshooting
Thanks for the insight! I plan on doing some more live streams. Would you ever be interested in doing one with me and sharing some of your tips and tricks on this application and others?
As far as performance is there any difference?
When you say performance do you mean accuracy?
Theres also the 771 :)
I have the previous non FC 376. Good meter except the battery terminals always cause me problems and 100mA curent resolution just isn't enough.