Struggle Love in Japan | Learning The Hard Way That Love Alone Won't Pay Your Bills | Issarant

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @pinklotus9684
    @pinklotus9684 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    💖💖💖💖💖 Hello there, great video with good advice once again. 💖💖💖💖💖

    • @CoMic95
      @CoMic95  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hello, thank you for watching and for being here for so long :)💝

  • @CoMic95
    @CoMic95  ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This video is NOT to drag the married women here who made these mistakes but I DO want to help put the unmarried women on game especially those that are younger than I am. I want you to learn from these women and to become capable of sniffing out misleading BS from them too. I have been played by rich men but I would NEVER tell my daughter not to date them because I know good ones exist and that financial security is a NEED in a marriage for her just like a FINE woman is a need for a man.
    I broke up into 2 parts. The first half here talks about how women try to scare you out of dating men that have money by scaring you into believing that you will be stuck in an abusive relationship rather than the woman taking accountability and admitting that they chose to ignore his faults in favor of his money. Not all men with a good job or that are rich are running around beating and cheating on their wives. Neither of those things are exclusive to rich men either contrary to the fact that it seems like it these days. A lot of women chase after men with money and don’t care to look into anything else then instead of sharing the full story they make it sound like he went from buying her handbags to suddenly abusing her or being a deadbeat.
    I have read stories of women acting like their husband was a monster because he wanted a housewife. Meanwhile I have girls messaging me on a regular basis asking for advice on how to date men that want a housewife.
    The second half of this video I talk about struggle love. I keep seeing women marry men that seem cool and fun. The guy in a band, the DJ, the man with tattoos, the guy who is working retail at 30 etc.. A lot of these women have no problem working or doing things 50/50 and that is fine. Not every woman can become a housewife because there aren’t enough men for that to happen. However these women swear money is not important UNTIL their man isn’t pulling his weight in the relationship. He is not helping you pay the bills because something conveniently came up and took his money. You find out that he is a bad father to your children and a bad husband to you. Now you are wondering how you can afford to keep your daughter in international school and your son in daycare because you're ¥50,000 short this month.
    If you KNOW IN YOUR HEART that you want to be a housewife then stop dating and MARRYING bum niggas that cannot give you that lifestyle. I see women crying online about how scary daycare is and all I can do is think THANK GOD I have a husband who is educated and has enough money where I NEVER have to worry about bills and when I do have children in the future I don’t have to worry about being able to afford nursery furniture baby gear etc..
    Money is just as important as personality and physical attraction.
    I find it interesting that women are quick to scare you out of dating rich men but even when things go bad with pookie I have NEVER watched a single video or read a single post telling you to avoid broke niggas so you don’t have to be stuck crying at work with postpartum scars and rushing home after a long day of work just to pay late fees at daycare and then having to come home and do housework.
    I also see women talking about how being a housewife doesn’t make sense because they need the extra salary. No sweetheart YOUR HUSBAND needs a higher salary and you shouldn’t have married him. That’s the truth. Of course if your man has no money then you shouldn’t be a housewife because he cannot afford to support you and the children that you produce for him.
    This is not a broke man’s game. I will make another video about this topic later on but in a nutshell please understand that being a housewife is a luxury these days. Men want women to give up their desire for financial stability but men will NEVER give up their want for physical beauty and youth.
    We don’t bash men for wanting the pretty girl but they will bash you and label you a golddigger for wanting your family to have financial security, education for your children, family vacations, and quality food.
    Date and marry whoever you want to for whatever reason BUT don’t get on the internet LYING to other women about what really happened when it goes bad. YOU KNEW you married a loser that couldn’t provide. YOU KNEW he had no savings account when you said your vows. YOU KNEW that he didn’t have a college degree and now you want sympathy when you can only afford to keep one of your kids in daycare and have to take your oldest child out of their sports club because you can’t afford to pay the fees alone. He didn’t change on you. The problem is that you IGNORED the truth. You wanted marriage so bad that you refused to think like an adult about the things that DO matter. You didn’t ask the right questions and you didn’t observe him or meet his family and ask them the right questions too.
    Men will fool you. They act like they hate gold diggers but as soon as you put money in their pockets they chase after the SMART women who only fuck with men that are well off.
    Anyway, to summarize it all. Please ONLY marry men that have the ability to provide the lifestyle that you want for you and your family. DO NOT date men based on potential. Do not marry men JUST because they have money.You have to have balance between a good man and financial security.
    Don’t marry a cute tall bum and act surprised when you are stuck with the baby and bills. Likewise don’t marry a rich always busy no romantic and emotionally unavailable man and then act surprised when he is cheating, lying, and beating you. PLEASE learn from the mistakes of other women.
    Don’t let people who ruined their own lives by not vetting men SCARE you out of marrying a good man.
    I am no stranger to f-boys but at least unlike these girls I can own up to my own mistakes AND I can acknowledge that while yes there are bad men with money, there are tons of men who have their stuff together financially AND Education wise that don’t do these things. Don’t expect perfection in your partner but don’t compromise on important things like finances. Marrying a broke man that likes the same things as you is all fun and games until you are stressed out over bills and childcare and find yourself working multiple jobs all of this while dealing with conflicting feelings about divorce.
    The problem is not rich men. The problem is poor dating choices. The problem is pretending like money doesn't matter. The problem is wanting to build with a man when that is something that he needs to do alone. Do you ever hear men talking about finding big fat ugly b*tches and building with them to help them lose weight, learn how to dress do their hair and makeup?
    EXACTLY! Men look for women that already figured it out BY 👏THEMSELVES 👏!!!!! You will never here a man say well I thought that I could teach her how to eat right and exercise and I thought that maybe if I bought her some designer makeup she'd at least become a 10 . Meanwhile women are delusional. We will SWEAR that you have to build with a man aka play coach and Big Momma to a grown ass bum nigga that lacks education, motive, goals, and financial stability and if you get lucky, after spending months-years playing both sides you might get a ring and the luxury lifestyle that you desire.
    Stop marrying and having babies with these men because they look like anime characters or you like Japanese men. I am so tired of reading these stories. It is NOT a good enough reason to marry someone. If you want to marry dumb at least choose the rich guy so your kids can have food in their stomachs, a bed to sleep on and their education paid for. Quit Letting Ninja Pookie run game on you. I learned my lesson BEFORE I got married. I am trying to put you on game so that you won't be dumb enough to walk down the aisle with Ninja Pookie and have his babies only to wind up dealing with a ghost daddy for your babies and spooky bills left unpaid on your kitchen counter.
    Don't get mad at me! Get mad at ya momma and daddy for not teaching you how to find a good man. I didn't have parents or siblings to teach me this stuff but I was smart enough to learn from observing the people around me I KNEW that I didn't want to struggle when I got married or had kids. I don't even know how much the utilities were this month because I don't even touch the bills. If I want to buy an expensive unnecessary but cute baby toy my man got it. I don't even have a child yet and my husband is already discussing private school options with me. Meanwhile these girls are trying to persuade their man why they need money to register Baby Taro for Kumon which is not even a fraction of the cost of a good international school.