Jackson and TVB should make a documentary of his life and his journey. Being an athlete to become an artist going far away from his own home and succeeding fields is not an easy thing to do. His working ethic, the way he thinks always amaze me and not everyone can be like him. I am so proud of him.
Not all artists can be like Jackson. Smart, multi-talented, hardworking, warm, humorous and humble, he is also good at public speaking and a good motivator, also has a good personality and beautiful inner beauty. Do nott forget that he is also photogenic and has a very sweet smile. So awesome.❤💐
The absolute sweetest man in the whole world. One of a kind. One in a million. So genuine. So generous. So kind. So amazing. He's incredible. An extraordinary human being. Unlike anyone in this crazy world. A sweetheart. 😭😭😭 I love him. 🥹🥹
Thank you TVB for having Jackson! Love the interview and him speaking in Cantonese. I was able to understand it from all my years of watching TVB dramas haha. But can we also have English subtitles for international fans?
I have only been following Jackson for 1 year and I can see why so many people are his fan. Jackson is the definition of a real artist and true creator. He gives his all in everything he does. I quickly became a fan after seeing how real he is, I like how open he is with his fans and doesn’t try to hide his true feelings. He has the sweetest personality and everyone that meets him will say the same thing. Jackson Wang you are easy to love ❤️🪄
Jackson, don't give yourself too much pressure, live a normal life and don't let anything affect your confidence and road to stardom. You have achieved so much through your hard work and creativity so do complete and fulfill your 10 year plan before you take a real good rest and live a happily married life with 2 kids.
He is a priceless treasure, because he is the most complete man I have ever seen both personally and in his profession. And what's even more amazing is that he was able to transition beautifully to enter the world of entrepreneurship and other fields. Brilliant and Wonderful Jackson!
what is most impressive about Jackson is his attitude & determination, all the effort and maximum dedication he puts into anything he sets out to do. he is the MOST hardworking artist out there, and i love that even after achieving all that he has, he is still one of the most grounded humans & treats others always with kindness & warmth. he truly deserves all the happiness and love.
The interview was really good, letting the outside viewers know about the true him. He's a gem that was underrated in HK and deserves to be recognized by many more HK people. I respect any decisions he makes for his life such as if he wants to step down from the front stage and do something else he likes, not a problem (ofc better not😅). As a fan and a supporter, I just want to bless him happy, healthy without mental stress, and have a very promising future in his life. Hope he'll find his perfect match one day when the right time comes. He should be a good dad cuz like father like son.
His dedication and willpower is leaving me speechless. Jackson Wang is an inspo and example for many young people. I’d love to watch his documentary on how he overcame all his challenges when he was so young. Very special life and I hope he finds happiness.
Jackson 🥹🥹 been a long time since I watched TVB. love these tête-à-tête with Jackson as always. English translation soon please 🙏 come back soon to Malaysia ❤
i found this episode 's storyline and editing are particularly impressive, not because im a Jackson's fan, but the mv, concert, social media clips really add depth to the interview and it allows more people to know about him. HK media has not been very keen on Jackson in the past (is it bacause everytime he introduce himself, he says "im Jackson Wang from China"?).. For those Jacky(s)nickname for his fans, we not only admire his artistry, his creativity, his artistic ans commercial sense but also his personality, the way how he treats his family, friends, co-workers, fans..and yet he's willingness to expose his true self in this industry, its really very precious and commendable.
jackson is a real international celebrity,❤ super talented but also super humble not like those hk local artists... always saying fuck this fuck that thinking himself such a big deal lol 😆
多謝TVB 搵黎王嘉爾,地地道道既香港人靠自己既努力,無人脈無後台,紅出國際真係對年青一代好好既榜樣❤❤❤
王嘉爾真係好真實. 紅到全世界都唔驕傲. 我提議香港政府請他來香港開演唱會👍👍👍
@@sylviac9087 真香港人之驕傲~香港政府唔識做~真係可惜
就是, 他如在港開演唱會, 肯定世界各地的歌迷都會搶票, 更能帶動旅遊。
多謝芷珊姐姐,香港有jackson 呢個咁優秀既藝人,真係香港之光, 真正世一❤❤❤❤
不停重複看 Jackson 這個訪問,實在太好睇! 謝謝 TVB 讓我們能看到這位既成功又不驕傲的藝人
看得出 Jackson真的是累了想退到幕後想有愛情,你做甚麼選擇,我們 fans 都會支持你,不要給自己壓力呀!
在世界這麼有影響力的香港歌手, 終於有港媒認真去介紹給大家認識了。
王嘉爾好正!非常不容易做到今天成績!Proud of Jackson Wang
希望TVB可以多d揾王嘉爾合作~ 💖
多謝TVB,多謝芷珊嘅團隊,睇到成個節目好用心。有真正去了解Jackson 同希望通過個節目介紹這位香港出生嘅國際巨星比未認識佢嘅人。Jackson 真係香港嘅驕傲❤️👏
多謝TVB! 多謝芷珊姐姐及團隊的用心製作!仲訪問埋王爸爸,好細心!大家都好心痛Jackson 跑足十年,人都累透了!佢嘅努力換來驕人成績,為港、為華人爭光!係王爸媽、Jacky 們的驕傲!為跑得更遠,好好休息一下,保重身體,再衝!香港這個家等你衣錦還鄉、凱旋歸來!We miss you, too! ❤❤❤
原來佢咁紅,我去拓骨個泰國🇹🇭師傅話佢係泰國好受歡迎,原來唔止,係全球🌎,呢個節目令我了解王嘉爾多咗 。❤❤
我都好鍾意Jackson, 但我更尊重佢對自己人生嘅決定。好希望佢可以放慢腳步,有享受生活、享受人生的一天。他將自己貢獻給舞台、fans, 已經好多好多。有冇諗過王爸爸王媽媽一樣好掛住個仔,希望Jackson可以同父母去旅行,陪伴到家人,擁有家庭樂。錫你嘅fans 一定會咁做。
Jackson好正好真, 節目拍得好好
多謝芷珊訪問Jackson ,他真的好優秀,香港之光,期待香港開演唱會🥹🥹
Jackson and TVB should make a documentary of his life and his journey. Being an athlete to become an artist going far away from his own home and succeeding fields is not an easy thing to do. His working ethic, the way he thinks always amaze me and not everyone can be like him. I am so proud of him.
王嘉爾Jackson 人品睇得出好好,訪問對答好真實,無架子。全世界都認識他都不驕傲自滿。 Jackson 94年出生,年紀小小已在韓國開始做練習生,知道自己的不足之處,要比別人努力幾十倍先可以成團再開始自己職業生涯。十幾歲小朋友一個人在韓國,家人不在身邊,當中嘅辛酸和淚水要自己默默承受,他那份堅持和毅力好令人佩服。Jackson 好 creative ,好喜歡他每個MV的作品,如果在35歲轉做幕後,也絕對無遺憾。亦期待他以後的作品。希望他能在40歲前夢想成真能夠有自己心愛嘅伴侶和孩子,開心快樂哋過自己想要的生活!
真係暖男一名,人品家教好,好識得做人,錫屋企人之餘,對歌迷同身邊既人都好好,尊重亦真誠待人~ 難怪圈中不論前輩同輩後輩都好鐘意佢~ 即使紅到有今日既成就,都冇目中無人,唔囂張臭寸,唔晒命,唔吹自己有幾叻!由GOT7開始10年黎一直默默地努力,對自己高要求,比其他人付出多10倍努力,幾辛苦都好都從來冇半句怨言投訴~換著係香港所謂既"明星" "頂流" 已經係度賣慘😂🤣淨係性格人品同身為一個專業藝人歌手應有既工作態度已經高下立見,層次唔同!Jackson絕對值得有今日既成就,一切都係自己堅持努力付出得黎👍🏻
Not all artists can be like Jackson. Smart, multi-talented, hardworking, warm, humorous and humble, he is also good at public speaking and a good motivator, also has a good personality and beautiful inner beauty. Do nott forget that he is also photogenic and has a very sweet smile. So awesome.❤💐
多謝TVB 同芷珊姐姐訪問Jackson. 真係越認識Jackson越鍾意佢!由一個運動員變成一個歌手,變成一個演藝人員真係唔簡單,而佢大部份都係靠自己努力而成功!一個好真好真嘅人,有D心痛佢講嘅說話!希望佢可以搵到一個愛佢錫佢嘅伴侶💏 !Jackson 係香港之光❤️❤️❤️
王嘉爾❤红不驕 擁有堅毅精神及才華,真心很欣賞他,祝他永遠幸運健康,找到人生方向 🥰💪💪 中國香港之光 世一 快回香港開演唱會
世紀暖男, 人品好, 有才華, 孝順, 真誠真心, 細心, 我愛你! 辛苦了需要休息與你父母享受你的旅行, 人的身體都有極限, 過份透支真的要需要休息及放鬆
I love listening to him speaking in Cantonese. So lovely !!🥰
多謝TVB , 芷珊姐姐及團隊, 好正,好真誠❤永遠支持Jackson🎉
The absolute sweetest man in the whole world. One of a kind. One in a million. So genuine. So generous. So kind. So amazing. He's incredible. An extraordinary human being. Unlike anyone in this crazy world. A sweetheart. 😭😭😭 I love him. 🥹🥹
真正superstar, 香港之光👍
個人亦勤力, 有禮
超強的個人魅力! ❤
多謝芷珊姐姐及TVB專纺Jackson ❤比香港人認識佢多d這個國際巨星❤
真係好好人品,又唔會show off 自己屋企有幾大,揸乜車
多謝芷珊姐姐團隊!多謝TVB!節目好正👍🏻,資料蒐集、內容、提問、選曲、MV、剪接... 都好好!Jackson 真係創造咗好多華人第一,希望更多人了解 Jackson,支持 Jackson!💕💕
Thank you TVB for having Jackson! Love the interview and him speaking in Cantonese. I was able to understand it from all my years of watching TVB dramas haha. But can we also have English subtitles for international fans?
pls do, TVB
芷珊姐姐已經落坑了😂 我2016年認識Jackson後覺得佢好特別好真好勤力又靚仔 馬上就跌到坑底 現在都出唔到來也不想出來😂 我作為8年粉絲我非常非常希望Jackson響香港(家)開演唱會 多謝tvb和芷珊姐姐 希望透過個節目可以比多啲香港人認識Jackson 佢真係值得擁有更多更多❤
最欣賞王嘉爾身為香港土生土長男藝人不單擁有國際知名度且能善用其影響力在歐美國家說好中國故事 ,他絕對是這一代年輕人的典範作為公眾人物應有某程度上的社會責任。🥰👑🫶✌️❣️
對,我都覺得你說中個point ,佢as an artist/entertainer真係好難得
好真誠,好感動!永遠支持Jackson ❤
Jackson 真係好叻仔❤
Tvb 今集真的超正 超真實真心的嘉爾 令人更加感到他的真誠 無論對家人 對朋友 對FANS 都那麼真摯 Casual 好正能量 孝順 坦率 勤奮 有理想的年青人 我們都支持你祝福你愛護你 ❤😍😘🧧💞🌟🙏🍀🌺🎊
I have only been following Jackson for 1 year and I can see why so many people are his fan. Jackson is the definition of a real artist and true creator. He gives his all in everything he does. I quickly became a fan after seeing how real he is, I like how open he is with his fans and doesn’t try to hide his true feelings. He has the sweetest personality and everyone that meets him will say the same thing. Jackson Wang you are easy to love ❤️🪄
Jackson, don't give yourself too much pressure, live a normal life and don't let anything affect your confidence and road to stardom. You have achieved so much through
your hard work and creativity so do complete and fulfill your 10 year plan before you take a real good rest and live a happily married life with 2 kids.
謝謝芷珊的訪問令我地了解多啲Jackson, 更加喜歡他,enjoy your life Jackson ❤
He is a priceless treasure, because he is the most complete man I have ever seen both personally and in his profession. And what's even more amazing is that he was able to transition beautifully to enter the world of entrepreneurship and other fields. Brilliant and Wonderful Jackson!
I think it's brave and wise for him to say he wants to step away from the spotlight and live life.
what is most impressive about Jackson is his attitude & determination, all the effort and maximum dedication he puts into anything he sets out to do. he is the MOST hardworking artist out there, and i love that even after achieving all that he has, he is still one of the most grounded humans & treats others always with kindness & warmth. he truly deserves all the happiness and love.
好優秀既Jackson Wang👍👍👍👏👏👏💪😍
" I am jacksong wang, from china" what a legend. Much respect.
Do what you love and follow your heart, good luck and wish you the best, Jackson!
呢輯王嘉爾真係剪輯得好好,多謝TVB , 多謝芷珊姐姐,有呢個咁好既一集,睇到佢內心,佢爸爸既心底說話。。一定要重睇🎉❤
可唔可以播多集呀?? 王嘉爾呢一集太精彩❤
jackson佢咁紅 都仲nice真係好難得 我都愛上佢❤
The interview was really good, letting the outside viewers know about the true him. He's a gem that was underrated in HK and deserves to be recognized by many more HK people. I respect any decisions he makes for his life such as if he wants to step down from the front stage and do something else he likes, not a problem (ofc better not😅). As a fan and a supporter, I just want to bless him happy, healthy without mental stress, and have a very promising future in his life. Hope he'll find his perfect match one day when the right time comes. He should be a good dad cuz like father like son.
One and only Jackson, he is Legend 👍
Jackson 太厲害❤
Love you Jackson 😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹🌹
His dedication and willpower is leaving me speechless. Jackson Wang is an inspo and example for many young people. I’d love to watch his documentary on how he overcame all his challenges when he was so young. Very special life and I hope he finds happiness.
Proud of Jackson
Jackson looks so pure and genuine 😍 I wish there's English subtitle 🥺
Jackson 超靚仔💟💟💯💯
Jackson ❤
Jackson 🥹🥹 been a long time since I watched TVB. love these tête-à-tête with Jackson as always. English translation soon please 🙏 come back soon to Malaysia ❤
i found this episode 's storyline and editing are particularly impressive, not because im a Jackson's fan, but the mv, concert, social media clips really add depth to the interview and it allows more people to know about him. HK media has not been very keen on Jackson in the past (is it bacause everytime he introduce himself, he says "im Jackson Wang from China"?)..
For those Jacky(s)nickname for his fans, we not only admire his artistry, his creativity, his artistic ans commercial sense but also his personality, the way how he treats his family, friends, co-workers, fans..and yet he's willingness to expose his true self in this industry, its really very precious and commendable.
So interesting, I LOVE this so much !!!🥰
Love you Jackson 💕
芷珊姐 每個人都有自己想過的生活 十年後大可以退居幕後 做Production 做培訓有志向的年青一代做新星 或發展其他事業 他也想好好地去為自己和家人相聚 一起好好去生活啊 👍🌟🏆
jackson is a real international celebrity,❤ super talented but also super humble not like those hk local artists... always saying fuck this fuck that thinking himself such a big deal lol 😆
Thanks for the interview with Jackson Wang 🔥🔥
Jackson, you actually didnt miss a thing. It's just a different life from us. Most people would die for an interesting life like yours, I'm serious.
Jackson Wang ❤