No one has ever proved anything against her. Real champion, no less champion than Florence Griffith Joyner. No one has ever trained as hard as her, man or woman.
She may be intersex like Caster Semenya. Jarmila never gave birth, right? That's one possible sign. And yes, the Soviet-controlled countries gave their athletes many substances, often without their knowledge let alone consent. That was so tragic on so many levels. Regardless of what Caster does, that record will eventually fall. Pamela Jelimo showed us that it's possible, IMHO.
In the 1980s sportswomen were subjected to chromosome tests, so I don't think she can be intersex. Moreover, she looks and sounds like a woman in this video.
I believe you that Jarmila never used drugs because she is a Classy Lady and a person that I called Friend. I am Mel Lattany world class sprinter and I travel with her around Europe to different meeting and it was always great treat to watch her run. God bless this great natural runner. Thank you my friend.
She ran like a Mack truck because that's what steroids do. No one negative splits the 800 because they don't have the sort of strength that a steady diet of steroids provides. The IAAF ought to erase all the records set prior to random drug testing.
As a English native, Czech speaker, I find the Czech comments here simply incredible...just because she's a true Czech, doesn't mean she didn't take a bucket load of steroids to run these times...and it's not Czech hating, or jealousy, just a simple fact
One thing about her appearance. She reminds me of how retired ballerinas look. They work themselves to death physically and when they're older you can tell, their body is sort of permanently marked by the effort.
My aunt trained with her in Czechoslovakia and told me that she basically trained herself harder than any man could. She did lift a lot of weights and actually picked up cinder blocks, potato sacks and barrels as part of her training. I think a lot of this had to do with her appearance, much like Martina Navratilova. The nutrition, training regimen and hard work are probably the reason about this. I used to think she was drugged up like the DDR athletes, but now I am not so sure. Her jaw though makes me suspicious, but in general Czech women do not age well.
+metsdudenj she is 100% doped... with all the advances in science women should be easily running quicker now than the 80s. There are few bigger drug cheats in history
how easy to blame for doping when they do not know about jarmile. Facts: She has been living in the countryside since she was living and working on a farm. since puberty she was more powerful than men. started training by Miroslav Kvac, who noticed that he was not giving up and performing enormous performances. has been training hard for over 10 years. miroslav quac trained her individually. Every day he ate meat, without him he can not work and race. The only thing that was used at the time was vitamin B12, which she mentioned. just read the book on the training of Miroslav Tkač. She never took anabolics, as is the case in every gym today - for young boys. Jaromir Jagr, Emil Zatopek, also trained hard and did not need doping. When you know nothing about Jarmile and you have not been able to do anything, then you say nonsense about doping.
"since puberty she was more powerful than men" - no, just no :) You gave it away when you said, "Every day he ate meat, without him he can not work and race" - notice that you said "he" instead of "she".
@@aChristian4RonPaul He obviously used a translator and copied the text without checking, it is visible e.g. from Czech forms like Jarmile not translated into English and there is also this wrong translation with the confusion of genders. In the Czech language those words she/he are often not used, because the gender is noticeable from the form of another words and then the translator automatically uses the gender he in the English translation. That's the whole secret of his supposed psycho-process.
yea, I totally understand. I am a guy, was running 400m and still I have the feminine movements because of my body build. It's simple. Really harsh training for building power, strength and stamina. That was the key, not sumthing like "looking and running like men". And yes, she had no children, because our regime that time and her trainer. And then it was too late. You didn't live in the 70's and 80's in Czechoslovakia, so it's obvious you don't understand why she's had no kids.
This woman's record is dubious to say the least. I find it strange that for the majority of her athletic years (her peak years) she achieved nothing then started breaking records in her 30's that athletes today can't reach, despite the fact facilities are better, athletes are professional, in fact people aren't getting anywhere near hers, Marita Koch and Flo-Jo's times. We now know the eighties was an era tainted by drugs, I really think these records should be reviewed! For the sake of women's athletics to get the publicity it deserves!
No, you don't. You are talking about running technique, while I was talking about MOVEMENT. And yes, I've been to the CSSR in the 1970s, and 1980s, and mind you, I saw lots of women with children, many more than there are today, btw.
You can NEVER tell from one's voice. Jack Dempsey had a very "feminine", pitched voice, while Zarah Leander's voice was deeper than mine -- yet she had kids. But maybe J.K. has undergone surgery after she stopped competing -- I know some athletes who have ;-)
I saw the video of Marita Koch talking about Irena Szewinska, and it made me think again about the whole doping thing. Szewinska was miles better than the rest but no-one says she doped. I think there are just exceptional athletes who work exceptionally hard. These days track is more fashionable so there are more girls working hard at athletics. Seeing Kratochvílová now, I'm not sure she doped.
Well, having no kids is not a proof in itself. Fertility is destroyed by Turinabol, and they all took it, incl. Marita Koch (who, btw, doesn't look all that masculine to me), or her friend Marlies Goehr. There are very few exceptions, though. Annette Wiegmann had 5 (!) kids -- but she never really reached the top when she was young -- and continued running afterwards. She has won more than a dozen world championships in the masters -- she's 54 now --, as Mrs. A. Koop. It's easier to tell...
i think it not ,it hard training ,core training,when you look at her times,today 1 think runners could break her 800m time 1.53.28 ,i think ajee wilson of usa will get close to it.
Did she use ? no one will ever know, she may not even know hereslf, however her and Koch are both alive and looking well which cant be said of FJ. FJ reminds of the cyclist Fausto Coppi who once replied to a drug use question with the answer if 10 doses would kill, I would take 9 and win. FJ obviously took 10.
I'm agree with you glower125. Nobody know, I think she didn't use. In spite of the fact that she really has a very developed muscle structure, no woman to the world trains so hard as her.
Já jsem atletiku dělala i i dlouhá léta trénovala a pán pode mnou se hodně plete,bylo plánované dopování,jasně,že tajně,my a celý výhodní blok za komunistů,hlavně východní Němci a naši nebyli o nic pozadu s tím dopingem a Jarmila dřela opravdu strašně,nebyla talent a bez dopingu by ty výsledky nepřišly,nebyly by špatné,ale určitě né světové a hodně neskutečné světové rekordy a koulařka Helena Fibingerová to nevyloučila/prostě to věděla/,ale pokud to brala Jarmila,musela to vědět a jakoby to nevěděli oficialně,ale stejně doping dostávali a myslím,že to tušili a i věděli,že jim do takzvaných vitamínů dávají určité podpůrné látky a opravdu se stačí podívat na určité atlety té doby a všem je to jasné...
The "records" set in womens athletics during the 1980's are, I'm sad to say, an absolute JOKE. None worse than the USA's "Flo Jo" at 100m and 200m, closely followed by the 400m and 800m "records" set by Jarmila Kratochvílova. These 4 "records" will never be beaten. An absolute disgrace and embarrassment to the sport, and deep down everyone knows it.
V té době dopoval každý a spousta sportovců se k tomu dokázala přiznat. Odpověď na otázku proč si myslíte, že váš rekord nebyl překonán? Protože v dnešní době jsou přísné dopingové kontroly, vzorky se schovávají i několik let a doping se už kolikrát prokázal zpětně. Kdyby existoval vzorek z té doby kdy běžela, 100% by se něco našlo. Podívejte se na její tělo v té době, to není Jarmila, ale Jarmil. Vážila bych si jí mnohem více, kdyby se k dopování přiznala. Obávám se, že její rekord už nikdy nikdo nepřekoná a pokud ano, tak pouze dočasně...
Dámo vy máte v hlavě pěkně nasráno,vyjadřujete se k něčemu o čem víte jenom kulový, a proč nebyl její rekord překonám ,no proto že se takový talent zatím nenarodil .
milá paní máte pravdu,co píšete,je pravda,že jarmila dřela a moc,ale jsem atletiku dělala i i dlouhá léta trénovala a pán pode mnou se hodně plete,bylo plánované dopování,jasně,že tajně,my a celý výhodní blok za komunistů,hlavně východní Němci a naši nebyli o nic pozadu s tím dopingem a Jarmila dřela opravdu strašně,nebyla talent a bez dopingu by ty výsledky nepřišly,nebyly by špatné,ale určitě né světové a hodně neskutečné světové rekordy a koulařka Helena Fibingerová to nevyloučila/prostě to věděla/,ale pokud to brala Jarmila,musela to vědět a jakoby to nevěděli oficialně,ale stejně doping dostávali a myslím,že to tušili a i věděli,že jim do takzvaných vitamínů dávají určité podpůrné látky a opravdu se stačí podívat na určité atlety té doby a všem je to jasné...
Dámo ,že jste se věnovala atletice a pak i trenování ( možná tak na úrovni okresního přeboru ) no a co ,atletiku provozuje ticíce lidí , jaké jste měla výsledky v atletice žádné , ( nula ) tak nechápu co opravňuje atletickou nulu Veru Hordovou plácat nesmysly ,že Jarmila nebyla žádný talent ( JARMILA BYLA MEGATALENT ) a když se rozumbrada vašeho formátu zmiňuje o plánovaném dopování východního bloku tak nezapomeňte se zmínit o dopování ve spojených státech ,kde to s tichou podporou státu prováděly soukromé firmy. A to již od padesátých let ,kdy byl pro sport objeven syntetický testosteron ,a posleze v šedesátých letech kdy byl vyroben anabolický stereoid stanozolol , hojně zneužíván zejmena v atletice , v roce 1983 kdy Jarmila běžela v Mnichově světový rekord tak dopinková kontrola již byla schopna tyto látky v těle sportovce odhalit. ( na stanozolol byl pozitivní v roce 1988 na Olympijských hrách v Soulu kanadský sprinter Ben Jonson ) . Musím se opakovat ale máte v hlavě pořádně nasráno vyjadřujjete se k něčemu čemu vůbec nerozumíte a víte otom kulový .
What kind of steroids,chemicals or something else was she (better say he,because she was like a man) on when made all those big results??? Soviets invested a lot of medicine in her...
She was part of the 'steroid block' of East Europeans. It is noticable that now drug testing technology can detect every offense, modern athletes cannot come close to running times like this. Don't tell me that in 30 years nobody has had the talent or application, yet they are a dozen metres behind this false run. Many of the old world records will stand forever, because without the drugs they are not possible to repeat. The more time that passes, the more obvious it will become.
No one has trained as hard as her what crap! From 1960s onwards everyone trained as hard as hell Dawn Fraser Swimming was swimming miles in training & she was a sprinter! Athletics Peter Snell 800m 1 mile runner was running up 2 100 miles a week with crappy shoes & basically no Sports Science back then!This Woman is kidding no one Everyone knows about Koch Flo Jo & Her u don’t hold World Records for 40 years against modern Science Training shoes Tracks everything!Also how come she improved so quickly in her Late 20s just like Flo Jo show me her running when she was 25 & running 54 seconds for 400m they both had significant spikes in performance not 1-2% year on year these 2 improvements were astronomical in the space of 18-24 months if u believe them u think the World is flat & everyone’s best mate Lance Armstrong was also Clean
He never had to take drugs, because he is a man. In 1983, I ran the 400 m a good deal faster than him, and I could have won any women's competition, I just didn't look feminine enough ;-)
Skvělá ženská klobouk dolů ,skromná. Jako Husákovy děti jsme měli štěstí pořád venku.Hodne zdraví ji preji
La más grande junto a Marita Koch.❤❤❤🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿
serdeczne pozdrowienia dla pani jarmili kratochvilovej , wielkie podziękowania za znakomitą urodę
Absolutní legenda !!!
No one has ever proved anything against her. Real champion, no less champion than Florence Griffith Joyner. No one has ever trained as hard as her, man or woman.
Everyone knows she was doped, till it came out her sweat glands!
She and FloJo both.
She may be intersex like Caster Semenya. Jarmila never gave birth, right? That's one possible sign.
And yes, the Soviet-controlled countries gave their athletes many substances, often without their knowledge let alone consent. That was so tragic on so many levels.
Regardless of what Caster does, that record will eventually fall. Pamela Jelimo showed us that it's possible, IMHO.
In the 1980s sportswomen were subjected to chromosome tests, so I don't think she can be intersex. Moreover, she looks and sounds like a woman in this video.
Kirstin Morrell, mega bullshit what you say.
PaulVinonaama in this video, yes, probably many years without male hormones or steroids. She was still an amazing athlete.
I believe you that Jarmila never used drugs because she is a Classy Lady and a person that I called Friend. I am Mel Lattany world class sprinter and I travel with her around Europe to different meeting and it was always great treat to watch her run. God bless this great natural runner. Thank you my friend.
Latt996, top comment!
"Great Natural runner" nothing further from the truth.
Latt996. What rubbish!! She was built like a linebacker!
She ran like a Mack truck because that's what steroids do. No one negative splits the 800 because they don't have the sort of strength that a steady diet of steroids provides. The IAAF ought to erase all the records set prior to random drug testing.
Surprised she is still alive...and female
Every single top athlete trains very, very hard. Hence, there's has to be something else.
Jarmila - the best ever!😍 A Sportswoman in gazelles and tigresses style. The sexiest body what I see in athletics.
As a English native, Czech speaker, I find the Czech comments here simply incredible...just because she's a true Czech, doesn't mean she didn't take a bucket load of steroids to run these times...and it's not Czech hating, or jealousy, just a simple fact
+TheJanicek007 lol
English native, Czech speaker means what on Earth? 😂😂 That you checked one Czech word in the dictionary? 😎😮
One thing about her appearance. She reminds me of how retired ballerinas look. They work themselves to death physically and when they're older you can tell, their body is sort of permanently marked by the effort.
she was clean, only extreme training and hard work
Clean?! Lmao
😂😂 good ironic
Once upon a time in athletics.........
My aunt trained with her in Czechoslovakia and told me that she basically trained herself harder than any man could. She did lift a lot of weights and actually picked up cinder blocks, potato sacks and barrels as part of her training. I think a lot of this had to do with her appearance, much like Martina Navratilova. The nutrition, training regimen and hard work are probably the reason about this. I used to think she was drugged up like the DDR athletes, but now I am not so sure. Her jaw though makes me suspicious, but in general Czech women do not age well.
+metsdudenj she is 100% doped... with all the advances in science women should be easily running quicker now than the 80s. There are few bigger drug cheats in history
You said one word - her JAW! That says it all!!😳😳😳
@steven842684 please tell her to put her 1.53.28 in munich '83 on youtube so we can FINALLY see the race lol
Look, J.K. is a woman. You can tell also because of her voice, I've seen her today and she's a female. Believe it or not, she is.
Translation: Were you indeed juiced up when you set your world records? Answer: Of course.
how easy to blame for doping when they do not know about jarmile. Facts: She has been living in the countryside since she was living and working on a farm. since puberty she was more powerful than men. started training by Miroslav Kvac, who noticed that he was not giving up and performing enormous performances. has been training hard for over 10 years. miroslav quac trained her individually. Every day he ate meat, without him he can not work and race. The only thing that was used at the time was vitamin B12, which she mentioned. just read the book on the training of Miroslav Tkač. She never took anabolics, as is the case in every gym today - for young boys. Jaromir Jagr, Emil Zatopek, also trained hard and did not need doping. When you know nothing about Jarmile and you have not been able to do anything, then you say nonsense about doping.
"since puberty she was more powerful than men" - no, just no :)
You gave it away when you said, "Every day he ate meat, without him he can not work and race" - notice that you said "he" instead of "she".
@@aChristian4RonPaul He obviously used a translator and copied the text without checking, it is visible e.g. from Czech forms like Jarmile not translated into English
and there is also this wrong translation with the confusion of genders. In the Czech language those words she/he are often not used, because the gender is noticeable from the form of another words and then the translator automatically uses the gender he in the English translation. That's the whole secret of his supposed psycho-process.
yea, I totally understand. I am a guy, was running 400m and still I have the feminine movements because of my body build. It's simple. Really harsh training for building power, strength and stamina. That was the key, not sumthing like "looking and running like men". And yes, she had no children, because our regime that time and her trainer. And then it was too late. You didn't live in the 70's and 80's in Czechoslovakia, so it's obvious you don't understand why she's had no kids.
@crwnikeboy - do you think Evelyn Ashford was doping?
This woman's record is dubious to say the least. I find it strange that for the majority of her athletic years (her peak years) she achieved nothing then started breaking records in her 30's that athletes today can't reach, despite the fact facilities are better, athletes are professional, in fact people aren't getting anywhere near hers, Marita Koch and Flo-Jo's times. We now know the eighties was an era tainted by drugs, I really think these records should be reviewed! For the sake of women's athletics to get the publicity it deserves!
FloJo's record may have been wind-aided despite what the gage read that day.
quien podria traducir a español esta entrevista?
legenda ! :)
Adam Smíšek mega koks
@@user-gz7zw4dl3l dokaž
No, you don't.
You are talking about running technique, while I was talking about MOVEMENT.
And yes, I've been to the CSSR in the 1970s, and 1980s, and mind you, I saw lots of women with children, many more than there are today, btw.
@ragers66 If you ever saw her mother, you would see Jarmila takes after her.
You can NEVER tell from one's voice. Jack Dempsey had a very "feminine", pitched voice, while Zarah Leander's voice was deeper than mine -- yet she had kids.
But maybe J.K. has undergone surgery after she stopped competing -- I know some athletes who have ;-)
Althea Gibson had a high pitched voice I think. Like Julia Childs.
Stromba girl :)
I saw the video of Marita Koch talking about Irena Szewinska, and it made me think again about the whole doping thing. Szewinska was miles better than the rest but no-one says she doped. I think there are just exceptional athletes who work exceptionally hard. These days track is more fashionable so there are more girls working hard at athletics. Seeing Kratochvílová now, I'm not sure she doped.
Clean! How can you mean that? 🚻💨👎🏻
Well, having no kids is not a proof in itself. Fertility is destroyed by Turinabol, and they all took it, incl. Marita Koch (who, btw, doesn't look all that masculine to me), or her friend Marlies Goehr. There are very few exceptions, though. Annette Wiegmann had 5 (!) kids -- but she never really reached the top when she was young -- and continued running afterwards. She has won more than a dozen world championships in the masters -- she's 54 now --, as Mrs. A. Koop.
It's easier to tell...
i think it not ,it hard training ,core training,when you look at her times,today 1 think runners could break her 800m time 1.53.28 ,i think ajee wilson of usa will get close to it.
Did she use ? no one will ever know, she may not even know hereslf, however her and Koch are both alive and looking well which cant be said of FJ. FJ reminds of the cyclist Fausto Coppi who once replied to a drug use question with the answer if 10 doses would kill, I would take 9 and win. FJ obviously took 10.
I'm agree with you glower125. Nobody know, I think she didn't use. In spite of the fact that she really has a very developed muscle structure, no woman to the world trains so hard as her.
. Giddaaaaaaaaaaaaaadaheeeeeeere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Já jsem atletiku dělala i i dlouhá léta trénovala a pán pode mnou se hodně plete,bylo plánované dopování,jasně,že tajně,my a celý výhodní blok za komunistů,hlavně východní Němci a naši nebyli o nic pozadu s tím dopingem a Jarmila dřela opravdu strašně,nebyla talent a bez dopingu by ty výsledky nepřišly,nebyly by špatné,ale určitě né světové a hodně neskutečné světové rekordy a koulařka Helena Fibingerová to nevyloučila/prostě to věděla/,ale pokud to brala Jarmila,musela to vědět a jakoby to nevěděli oficialně,ale stejně doping dostávali a myslím,že to tušili a i věděli,že jim do takzvaných vitamínů dávají určité podpůrné látky a opravdu se stačí podívat na určité atlety té doby a všem je to jasné...
dopovali všichni do jednoho co z toho vyplívá,atˇ všichni co ukazují prstem,tím myslím bývalé nynější a budoucí atlety si ten prst ukousnou!
The "records" set in womens athletics during the 1980's are, I'm sad to say, an absolute JOKE. None worse than the USA's "Flo Jo" at 100m and 200m, closely followed by the 400m and 800m "records" set by Jarmila Kratochvílova. These 4 "records" will never be beaten. An absolute disgrace and embarrassment to the sport, and deep down everyone knows it.
Absolutely. None are credible - from 100 m to 800 m. And the more time that passes and they still stand, the more farcical it gets.
V té době dopoval každý a spousta sportovců se k tomu dokázala přiznat. Odpověď na otázku proč si myslíte, že váš rekord nebyl překonán? Protože v dnešní době jsou přísné dopingové kontroly, vzorky se schovávají i několik let a doping se už kolikrát prokázal zpětně. Kdyby existoval vzorek z té doby kdy běžela, 100% by se něco našlo. Podívejte se na její tělo v té době, to není Jarmila, ale Jarmil. Vážila bych si jí mnohem více, kdyby se k dopování přiznala. Obávám se, že její rekord už nikdy nikdo nepřekoná a pokud ano, tak pouze dočasně...
Dámo vy máte v hlavě pěkně nasráno,vyjadřujete se k něčemu o čem víte jenom kulový, a proč nebyl její rekord překonám ,no proto že se takový talent zatím nenarodil .
Navíc běžela obrovský závody hned za sebou a oba dala
@@arnoldd2284 no koukám,že vám někdo nasral do huby,mírněte se laskavě...
milá paní máte pravdu,co píšete,je pravda,že jarmila dřela a moc,ale jsem atletiku dělala i i dlouhá léta trénovala a pán pode mnou se hodně plete,bylo plánované dopování,jasně,že tajně,my a celý výhodní blok za komunistů,hlavně východní Němci a naši nebyli o nic pozadu s tím dopingem a Jarmila dřela opravdu strašně,nebyla talent a bez dopingu by ty výsledky nepřišly,nebyly by špatné,ale určitě né světové a hodně neskutečné světové rekordy a koulařka Helena Fibingerová to nevyloučila/prostě to věděla/,ale pokud to brala Jarmila,musela to vědět a jakoby to nevěděli oficialně,ale stejně doping dostávali a myslím,že to tušili a i věděli,že jim do takzvaných vitamínů dávají určité podpůrné látky a opravdu se stačí podívat na určité atlety té doby a všem je to jasné...
Dámo ,že jste se věnovala atletice a pak i trenování ( možná tak na úrovni okresního přeboru ) no a co ,atletiku provozuje ticíce lidí , jaké jste měla výsledky v atletice žádné , ( nula ) tak nechápu co opravňuje atletickou nulu Veru Hordovou plácat nesmysly ,že Jarmila nebyla žádný talent ( JARMILA BYLA MEGATALENT ) a když se rozumbrada vašeho formátu zmiňuje o plánovaném dopování východního bloku tak nezapomeňte se zmínit o dopování ve spojených státech ,kde to s tichou podporou státu prováděly soukromé firmy. A to již od padesátých let ,kdy byl pro sport objeven syntetický testosteron ,a posleze v šedesátých letech kdy byl vyroben anabolický stereoid stanozolol , hojně zneužíván zejmena v atletice , v roce 1983 kdy Jarmila běžela v Mnichově světový rekord tak dopinková kontrola již byla schopna tyto látky v těle sportovce odhalit. ( na stanozolol byl pozitivní v roce 1988 na Olympijských hrách v Soulu kanadský sprinter Ben Jonson ) . Musím se opakovat ale máte v hlavě pořádně nasráno vyjadřujjete se k něčemu čemu vůbec nerozumíte a víte otom kulový .
What kind of steroids,chemicals or something else was she (better say he,because she was like a man) on when made all those big results???
Soviets invested a lot of medicine in her...
He never was a girl
She is a woman.
She was part of the 'steroid block' of East Europeans. It is noticable that now drug testing technology can detect every offense, modern athletes cannot come close to running times like this. Don't tell me that in 30 years nobody has had the talent or application, yet they are a dozen metres behind this false run.
Many of the old world records will stand forever, because without the drugs they are not possible to repeat. The more time that passes, the more obvious it will become.
Huge drugs cheat
She is he
No one has trained as hard as her what crap! From 1960s onwards everyone trained as hard as hell Dawn Fraser Swimming was swimming miles in training & she was a sprinter! Athletics Peter Snell 800m 1 mile runner was running up 2 100 miles a week with crappy shoes & basically no Sports Science back then!This Woman is kidding no one Everyone knows about Koch Flo Jo & Her u don’t hold World Records for 40 years against modern Science Training shoes Tracks everything!Also how come she improved so quickly in her Late 20s just like Flo Jo show me her running when she was 25 & running 54 seconds for 400m they both had significant spikes in performance not 1-2% year on year these 2 improvements were astronomical in the space of 18-24 months if u believe them u think the World is flat & everyone’s best mate Lance Armstrong was also Clean
He never had to take drugs, because he is a man. In 1983, I ran the 400 m a good deal faster than him, and I could have won any women's competition, I just didn't look feminine enough ;-)
She is not a man. Find out how she looks today, there is nothing masculine about her now.
You're a liar. How can he be your aunt? At most, he could be your uncle!
More manly than even Caster Semenya from South Africa, what's with the 800M?
Doping Doping Doping!!!!
drug cheat!!!