Even the most seasoned transportation industry professionals have a few questions every now and again. Check out the ATS learning hub for answers to many of these top queries. And, if there's something you don't see, let us know. Your questions deserve to be answered and we're happy to do so! www.atsinc.com/learning-hub
Pallet spaces would be a better choice of wording. For example, I have hauled over 500 40"×48" pallets in a trailer. But I only have 30 pallet spaces for the same size pallets. And even though a trailer is 53ft long, it doesn't always mean there is 53ft of space inside.
O.k., suppose I got a bulk head in front with 8 pallets of my frozen load. The wall 8 pallets of milk (40x40) 4 pallets of my boxed dairy load. And 6-pallets for meat dept. How much room is left to squeeze some produce on that truck. ( Starbucks came with my dairy, deli and bakery too ) and I got all my returns waiting to be loaded on the truck, to wave by by to. Shrink wrapped milk lugs. Bones and fat to make pink slime, and cardboard bale's.
Well this sounds like a fun riddle! 🙃 If I am reading this correctly, 26 pallets would still put you at capacity. That being your 8 + 8 + 4 + 6. Unless you double stack them.
Thanks for the reply! That's the way I got my loads at grocery stores out in Colorado. I did do a lot of double stacking and so did my warehouses. I had to unload the trucks for company requirements. plus my milk lugs had to be shrink-wrapped.
Even the most seasoned transportation industry professionals have a few questions every now and again. Check out the ATS learning hub for answers to many of these top queries. And, if there's something you don't see, let us know. Your questions deserve to be answered and we're happy to do so! www.atsinc.com/learning-hub
This is very helpful.
Glad it helped!
Pallet spaces would be a better choice of wording.
For example, I have hauled over 500 40"×48" pallets in a trailer. But I only have 30 pallet spaces for the same size pallets.
And even though a trailer is 53ft long, it doesn't always mean there is 53ft of space inside.
Thanks for the suggestion!
O.k., suppose I got a bulk head in front with 8 pallets of my frozen load. The wall 8 pallets of milk (40x40) 4 pallets of my boxed dairy load. And 6-pallets for meat dept. How much room is left to squeeze some produce on that truck. ( Starbucks came with my dairy, deli and bakery too ) and I got all my returns waiting to be loaded on the truck, to wave by by to. Shrink wrapped milk lugs. Bones and fat to make pink slime, and cardboard bale's.
Well this sounds like a fun riddle! 🙃 If I am reading this correctly, 26 pallets would still put you at capacity. That being your 8 + 8 + 4 + 6. Unless you double stack them.
Thanks for the reply! That's the way I got my loads at grocery stores out in Colorado. I did do a lot of double stacking and so did my warehouses. I had to unload the trucks for company requirements. plus my milk lugs had to be shrink-wrapped.