The Rich Man And Lazarus - Pr. Stephen Bohr - State of the Dead - 3ABN

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 32

  • @theway5563
    @theway5563 6 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This pastor is one of the greatest Bible scholars today. Thank God for those that are filled with the Holy Spirit and teach the whole TRUTH like the Apostles did.

  • @letsgobrandon177six
    @letsgobrandon177six 10 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Oh praise the Lord. What a brilliant teacher. I learn so much from Stephen Bohr. But all glory goes to the Father in Heaven. Amen!

  • @atmchannel1125
    @atmchannel1125 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Patsor Stephen bhor is the greatest teacher of all the world specifically in the area of theology..

  • @gabrielmatthews9494
    @gabrielmatthews9494 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thanks be to God for all the understanding of His servants! It is a gift of God to understand, and be able to share His word.

  • @yardenvyofvirginia8780
    @yardenvyofvirginia8780 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent teaching Brother!!! Nailed it!

  • @stevenjohnfoster8785
    @stevenjohnfoster8785 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    this is a magnificent series

  • @Trump145
    @Trump145 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Let the truth be known.

  • @Sirach144
    @Sirach144 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lazarus and the Richman is not a parable about heaven and hell but about the judgment against the Jewish Nation.

  • @calvinmcnorton7466
    @calvinmcnorton7466 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    There are several points of interest that are never brought to view in these types of discussions and I would like to just mention a few. The individuals that are mentioned in this parable have no physical addresses or places of abode. Aside from the mention of a gate that the beggar was lain, there was no city mentioned as well. What further complicates the misuse of this parable in attempting to prove the existence of hell right now, is that no funeral notices went out and no places of burial or tombs were mentioned. At least we know where the patriarchs were buried and there is even speculation as to the location of Jesus tomb but nothing in respect to these two individuals. Real people have real houses that they lived in with real cities and real addresses and if they died they had real funerals and were buried in real graves or tombs. There were not even real people to mourn their deaths and no funeral procession. Further to this is to enquire of anyone that believes in hell burning right now and the veracity of this claim, to explain to enquiring minds what the soul or spirit is made of, what is it's substance? Most claims suggest that the body is a mere crust for the soul or spirit and the spirit leaves the body at death and is an ethereal substance made up of a vapor mist or is immaterial. There is a fatal fault at this point to transition from vapor or mist that is immaterial to bodies that have tongues and fingers and flesh that burns and eyes that can see billions upon billions of miles and voices that can communicate. There is a serious disconnect here and if people made the effort to discover the biblical definitions of what a soul is and what the spirit is, a lot of confusion about the "Rich Man and Lazarus" being a real story would be cleared up.

  • @georgeforyan113
    @georgeforyan113 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Correction: The five brothers are the sons of Jacob (Israel) and his first wife Leah. Leah had six sons, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. Judah was the son who eventually became Judea, of which the Pharisees are decedents and Jesus was addressing the Pharisees. The Pharisees, being related to Judah as you see was one of the sons of Jacob and Leah. Judah had five brothers as you see from the list previous I have written. These are your five brothers in the fathers house of Israel (Jacob). Lazarus is the same name of Eliezer, the Gentile servant of Abraham (Gen. 15:2-3). Abraham was going to give the covenant and the promise to a Gentile because he had no son of his own. God told him that this Gentile, Eliezer will not inherit this promise and so Eliezer, or the Greek name Lazarus is poor and destitute because the promise did not go to the Gentiles, but only to the nation of Israel, who is the Rich Man. That was the purpose for Jesus using the name Lazarus (Eliezer) in the one and only parable where he uses a name.

  • @richwilson4551
    @richwilson4551 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Air is not the air we think of in the sky. Please see pastor Arnold Murray. Rapture theory 1,2,3,4 and 5. He has many teachings on end times. It’s def not what the majority of what we have been taught. Especially in the Pentecostal churches. I just discovered this pastor here talking about lazurus and rich man. I’ll have to keep listening to him. Seems that he teaches along the same line as pastor Murray. But not exactly sure yet. Study to show yourself approved.

  • @contemplate-Matt.G
    @contemplate-Matt.G 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The five brothers represent the five brothers of Judah. Judah also had five brothers. Judah is the name from which we get "jew". The rich man is Judah. Incidentally Judas and Judah are the same name in the original.
    Lazarus is greek for Eleazar. Eleazar was the servant of Abraham from Damascas. Eleazar would have gotten Abraham's inheritance if it were not for the birth of Isaac.
    Eleazar represents Gentiles who are now included in the inheritance.

  • @jamesmccluskey6560
    @jamesmccluskey6560 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I share with you a parable that Jesus gave that has Greek Mythology in it.
    May the truth be known.
    The Pagan Greek Mythological Underworld and the after life.
    1. Greek Mythology-- Spirits go to 2 different places after death.
    The rich man story teaches that spirits can go to one of 2 different places after death.
    2. Greek Mythology-- One of the 2 places is for people who submitted to the Greek religion.
    Many preaches teach that the poor man went to where he went because he was a good Christian.
    3. One of the 2 places is for people who did not submit to the Greek religion.
    Many preaches teach that the Rich man went to where he went because he was not a good Christian.
    4. Greek Mythology-- One of the 2 places has fire in it.
    In the rich man story, there is fire in one of the places.
    5. Greek Mythology-- One of the 2 places does not have fire in it.
    In the rich man story, there is no fire in one of the places.
    6. Greek Mythology-- One of the 2 places has punishment in it.
    In the rich man story, there is punishment in one of the 2 places.
    7. Greek Mythology-- One of the 2 places has no punishment in it.
    In the rich man story, there is no punishment in one of the 2 places.
    8. Greek Mythology-- The 2 places are separated by a great gulf.
    In the rich man story, the 2 places are separated by a great gulf.
    9. Greek Mythology-- If someone is in the 2 places, they can see each other.
    In the rich man story if someone is in the 2 places, they can see each other. Luke 16/26
    10. Greek Mythology-- People in one of the 2 places can speak with someone that is in the other place.
    In the rich man story , if someone is in the 2 places, they can speak to each other.
    11. Greek Mythology-- The fire in Hades is magic fire that can burn a spirit with out consuming it.
    In the rich man story, the fire, in Hades is magic fire that can burn a spirit with out consuming it.
    12. Greek Mythology-- The purpose of the gulf that separates the 2 places is so people can not go from one place to the other unless of cores Zeus gives special permission.
    In the rich man story, the purpose of the gulf that separates the 2 places is so people can not go from one place to the other.
    Luke 16/26
    13. Greek Mythology-- There is a ferry boat that can ferry people across from one side to the other.
    In the rich man story it speaks of people who are not able to ferry from one place to the other. Luke 16/26
    14. Greek Mythology-- Bad place is called Hades.
    In the rich man story Hades is the bad place.
    There is a very obvious similarity between The story of the Rich man and Lazarus and Greek Mythology.
    Why is that?
    Because Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and incorporating their falls traditional ideas (Greek Mythology) in to his parable because he knew they would understand it.
    Why ells do you think Jesus never spoke again about (Abraham's bosom)?
    Because it was a tradition that related only to the Pharisees.
    It was not teaching any one about how the after life works but merely incorporating
    their tradition/Greek Mythology, into a parable that they could understand.
    Luke 16:19-31
    If lazarus in this parable did not have a physical body, water would be pointless. Why? Because it would just go right through him. We know when one dies their physical bodies do not disappear and go to ( magic fire land/ Hell) this proves the story is not to be literal.
    In the New Testament canon, Yeshua referred to "Gehenna," the valley of Hinnom, where garbage burned continually, corpses were sometimes deposited, and in earlier times, people had been sacrificed. He only referred to it to illustrate his lessons about spiritual growth and the Earthly realm--that the earthly body was meaningless and would be thrown on the garbage dump. Some suggest he was warning the entire Jewish nation that it must turn away from its Earthly focus and reform by being more concerned with spiritual growth and the inner person, and if it didn't, the Jews would be destroyed in fire. He was right, of course. Jerusalem and the temple were torched in 70 CE.
    However, he didn't refer to a hell as everlasting torment for people who didn't swear allegiance to him. By the time of the first English translations of the New Testament, the hell myth had been so well rooted in church tradition that where the translators saw "Gehenna," they simply inserted "hell" as the translation. That led to the misconception about hell being in the New Testament and in Yeshua's teaching.
    The Old Testament
    The Old Testament refers to "Sheol" (Hebrew) or "Hades" (Greek) as the place of the dead where all who die go. It simply means "unseen." In no instance in the Old Testament does it refer to a place of torment where people go after death. The Anglo-Saxon (English) word "hell" originally also meant "unseen," so it was a suitable translation from "Sheol" or "Hades." However, hell came to be the place of torment, fire, and brimstone in church tradition, so it lost its original meaning in Anglo-Saxon.
    Thomas B. Thayer on Hell in the Old Testament
    (From The Origin and History of the Doctrine of Endless Punishment by Thomas B. Thayer, 1855)
    Today, even the church is drawing back from the hell myth, realizing that it has no Biblical basis and is simply incompatible with a loving God.
    The word hell, in the Old Testament, is always a translation of the Hebrew word _Sheol,_which occurs sixty-four times, and is rendered "hell" thirty-two times, "grave" twenty-nine times, and "pit" three times.
    By examination of the Hebrew Scriptures it will be found that its radical or primary meaning is, The place or state of the dead.
    It is plain that it has here no reference to a place of endless torment after death.
    It is plain, then, from these citations, that the word Sheol, "hell," makes nothing for the doctrine of future unending punishment as a part of the Law penalties. It is never used by Moses or the Prophets in the sense of a place of torment after death; and in no way conflicts with the statement already proved, that the Law of Moses deals wholly in temporal rewards and punishments.
    This position, also, I wish to fortify by the testimony of Orthodox critics, men of learning and candor [who were currently professors of history and theology at Oxford when Thayer wrote]. They know, and therefore they speak.
    CHAPMAN. [Mark Chapman, Oxford theologian and historian] "Sheol, in itself considered, has no connection with future punishment." Cited by Balfour, First Inquiry.
    DR. ALLEN says: "The term sheol does not seem to mean, with certainty, anything more than the state of the dead in their deep abode."
    DR. CAMPBELL. "Sheol signifies the state of the dead without regard to their happiness or misery."
    DR. WHITBY. "Sheol throughout the Old Testament signifies not the place of punishment, or of the souls of bad men only, but the grave only, or the place of death."
    DR. MUENSCHER. [A distinguished author of Dogmatic History] "The souls or shades of the dead wander in sheol, the realm or kingdom of death, an abode deep under the earth. Thither go all men, without distinction, and hope for no return. There ceases all pain and anguish; there reigns an unbroken silence; there all is powerless and still; and even the praise of God is heard no more."
    VON COELLN. "Sheol itself is described as the house appointed for all living, which receives into its bosom all mankind, without distinction of rank, wealth, or moral character. It is only in the mode of death, and not in the condition after death, that the good are distinguished above the evil. The just, for instance, die in peace, and are gently borne away before the evil comes; while a bitter death breaks the wicked like as a tree."
    [Thayer continues] These witnesses all testify that sheol, or hell, in the Old Testament, has no reference whatever to this doctrine; that it signifies simply the state of the dead, the invisible world, without regard to their goodness or badness, their happiness or misery. The Old Testament doctrine of hell, therefore, is not the doctrine of endless punishment. It is not revealed in the Law of Moses. It is not revealed in the Old Testament. To such result has our inquiry led us; and now what shall we say of it?
    Today, even the church is drawing back from the hell myth, realizing that it has no Biblical basis and is simply incompatible with a loving God.

  • @lettherebelight1492
    @lettherebelight1492 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The thief did not GO ANYWHERE that day.
    The christians put the COMMA BEFORE the word *today* to deceive the people.
    The thief is in his grave to this day awaiting resurrection on judgement day. Rev. 20: 11-12
    Luke 16:19-31 is a PARABLE. A parable cannot be taken LITERALLY.
    Israel was DIVIDED into two kingdoms:
    The southern kingdom - Kingdom of Judah (Benjamin, Judah & Levi)
    The northern kingdom - Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes)
    Both kingdoms were taken captive.
    The kingdom of Judah was taken captive by the Babylonians.
    The kingdom of Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians.
    ONLY The kingdom of Judah returned from exile.
    The other 10 tribes of the Kingdom of Israel did NOT return and remained scattered among the nations. The LOST sheep of the house of Israel.
    The 10 tribes that were scattered lost their identity and became "gentiles".
    Paul was sent to preach to the descendants of the 10 tribes that were scattered among the nations.
    Yahshua was speaking to THEM . Luke 15: 1-2 tells us WHO Yahshua was speaking TO.
    And he spake THIS parable unto them. Luke 15:3 nowhere does it say "THESE parableS".
    All previous verses are RELATED to the same matter.
    The rich man is Judah. Judah still had the covenant, the sabbath, the feasts. a RICH man.
    When we read Genesis we find that Judah has FIVE brethren.
    Lazarus is Ephraim/the house of Israel. The lost ten tribes were WITHOUT covenant. poor.
    Luke 15:11-32 - The two sons are Judah (Kingdom of Judah) and Ephraim (Kingdom of Israel).
    The younger son is Ephraim. The younger son of Joseph is Ephraim.
    The Older son is Judah.
    The lost sheep, the lost coin are ALL related to the 10 tribes of Israel that were scattered among the nations.
    This scripture has NOTHING to do with "hell".
    The word "hell" is NOT even found in the scriptures. You are reading a TRANSLATION of the scriptures.
    The word used in the scripture is: Gehenna.
    Gehenna was Jerusalem rubbish dump that was kept burning 24/7. the sinners were NEVER aloud to be buried in Yahshua's days so after the stoning the body of the sinners were cast into Gehenna. Look it up. ALL that was cast into Gehenna was turned into ASHES.
    The lake of fire is in the same place Gehenna was less 2,000 years ago.
    There is much more...
    May Yahweh bless you.

    • @janetdavidson8798
      @janetdavidson8798 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can not interpret scripture correctly .

  • @stevenjohnfoster8785
    @stevenjohnfoster8785 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    this parable is saying about the dead not being able to give an explanation 0f death as they remember nothing 0f it ,, if they d0nt hearken unto the Prophets then they Will certainly get n0 m0re a reason by some one who has been raised from the grave as the grave has n0 knowledge

  • @jeffburt1953
    @jeffburt1953 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    In genesis abraham would live long and be buried with his fathers.. his father was a idol maker and would be on the other side with the rich man .

  • @bigcountry9563
    @bigcountry9563 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does one believe a tortuous and a rabbit can talk?

  • @yolandosoquite3507
    @yolandosoquite3507 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What happened to Lazarus who was resurrected..suffered the second death?..Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the NEW Earth

    • @Jesus7is7coming7soon
      @Jesus7is7coming7soon 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lazarus was resurrected by Jesus as a demonstration to the unbelieving crowd, especially for the pharasees who doubted to much that He was the Son of God. But He did not resurrect him for eternal life. He did pass away, just as much as the other people passed away. They did not die the secon death, because that woudl be the eternal death. The "just" died the "regular" death and when Jesus comes back one day he will resurrect them again for eternal life, provided there people, these specific people did not turn their back on Him, but continued to believe in Him. The only ones that did not die again and assended with Jesus into heaven, when He assended were the ones that came out of their tombs at His resurrection in order to testifiy of His resurrection to the people. These He took with him to heaven as the "First fruits". Any other questions, please contact me! Yours, Miriam

    • @lesliechambers3031
      @lesliechambers3031 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are misunderstanding the bible. First, the Lazarus the parable refers to is mainly symbolic, not specifically the Lazarus who was the friend of Jesus, along with his two sisters. Besides, do you really think it likely Lazarus became a diseased beggar later in life? Second, what is called the "second death" has nothing to do with the fact that Jesus resurrected him and had to naturally die again as we all do. The second death is imposed only on the wicked after they are resurrected for judgement. God does not deny them due process. They will know why they are being sent to the lake of fire to be permanently destroyed, from which there is no more resurrection. God has no use for them! I believe the bible says the second death has no power over the saved.

  • @mikedollinter4053
    @mikedollinter4053 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jesus would never share truth in the bible to confuse or mislead his sheep. Jesus used names And He pulled back the
    curtain a little, so we can see what happens to the sinner after death. Jesus said " there will be weeping, wailing
    and nashing of teeth. The rich man was buried and Lazarus was carried by the angels. AMEN !!!

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      mike - I guess you didn't really listen because you are falling back on your erroneous preconceptions. No human has gone to Heaven that has died the 1st death, except for Moses and those that were resurrected when Christ was & ascended with Him. Only two men never saw death & were translated directly to Heaven by Christ - Enoch and Elijah. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. You still believe the false doctrines of Papal Rome (pagan) that we either go directly to Heaven or Hell at death. Impossible, because 1st comes judgment. Those that died in Christ are being judged right now and Christ Jesus will bring his REWARD with Him. They will be resurrected at His coming and will be given new bodies that are incorruptible and are immortal. We do not have a separate spirit or soul. We ARE living souls. We we die, we sleep a restful, unconscious sleep. It will seem like a brief moment in time when we are resurrected at the 2nd coming. Life after death other than this is PAGAN and comes from Rome. Most Protestant denominations never got ALL the way out of Rome's apostasy. The other lie of Satan is eternal punishment in Hell. Impossible with a God of love and this would immortalize evil (sin). God will eradicate all evil and memory of it. The Bible only promises ETERNAL life to the saved - not the unsaved. They will PERISH in the lake of fire prepared for Satan and his deceived angels. The saved live in eternal fire, because God is a consuming fire and only the saved can live in his presence - in His glory.

  • @alanhales7977
    @alanhales7977 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pro Stephen Bohr, you are getting Hell, as In Hades, the place of torment for unbelievers mixed up with Hell, as in the lake of fire.
    You quote the Bible, but you don't believe it.