What is wrong with the lady she just want and push her daughter in the river so she can drown and ran away leave her there aloe she is very very bad so please help that girl she needs your help right now she is alone out there you need to help her and save her from that ugly bad and witch and evil lady very very bad lady she needs to go to jail for good do not let her out she deserves to be in jail for ever
Why does she treat her bad the police officer was just trying to say her from a man that wanted to hurt her that's why the police officer ran and help her and the bad man ran away I do not understand why bad Mother's and Mother's In Law treat there daughter and daughter's In Law So so ugly why can't you put a stop to that Im sorry but it hurts me to say girls that can talk and girls that are nice being treated so so bad please help them do not let nobody treat them bad no more you need to put a stop to that There are so many bad people out there I see this woman treating this poor girl so so bad why She is working while she is seating down just screaming at her and pushing her to the ground please help her please I hope God punished the bad woman for being so so rude to the poor girl I just saw her how she push her to the ground and kick her that is so so ugly And it hurts me to see that Please help her from a friend that cares for girls who are treat bad please Take care you are not alone God is always with you A friend Maria God Bless you
A polícia tem que preder ele por abuzo
What is wrong with the lady she just want and push her daughter in the river so she can drown and ran away leave her there aloe she is very very bad so please help that girl she needs your help right now she is alone out there you need to help her and save her from that ugly bad and witch and evil lady very very bad lady she needs to go to jail for good do not let her out she deserves to be in jail for ever
Tem que preder ele abuzado de mulher em defesa caso de polícia fosse meu marido ele já está preso
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Why does she treat her bad the police officer was just trying to say her from a man that wanted to hurt her that's why the police officer ran and help her and the bad man ran away I do not understand why bad Mother's and Mother's In Law treat there daughter and daughter's In Law So so ugly why can't you put a stop to that Im sorry but it hurts me to say girls that can talk and girls that are nice being treated so so bad please help them do not let nobody treat them bad no more you need to put a stop to that There are so many bad people out there I see this woman treating this poor girl so so bad why She is working while she is seating down just screaming at her and pushing her to the ground please help her please I hope God punished the bad woman for being so so rude to the poor girl I just saw her how she push her to the ground and kick her that is so so ugly And it hurts me to see that Please help her from a friend that cares for girls who are treat bad please Take care you are not alone God is always with you A friend Maria God Bless you
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