@@chazgray4284 you are lost and very deceived.If you think you just need to believe 1 John is a letter to the church of born again saved believers he's not talking to the unsaved world telling them you just need to believe and you're saved... Understand from the book of Acts to the book Revelation are all books written to the saved born again Baptized in Jesus Name Holy Ghost Filled Church not to unbelievers
@@aChild-of-God1006 yes because if I don't believe why would I get baptized and go to church and do Good works because if you rely on your own works you're not saved
@@chazgray4284 The Book of Acts is the first church or when the first church started and it tells us what we must do to be saved!! 37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, WHAT SHALL WE DO? 38 THEN PETER SAID UNTO THEM, *REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST* 39 For *THE PROMISE IS UNTO YOU AND TO YOUR CHILDREN AND TO ALL THAT ARE AFAR OFF EVEN AS MANY AS THE LORD OUR GOD SHALL CALL* Acts 2:37-39 KJV
@@aChild-of-God1006 And you have demonstrated how unlearned you are. The Book of 1 John is written to believers, true. What saves a man is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and his death burial and resurrection on the 3rd day. For that is the gospel you must believe to be saved. 1 John 5:13 just lest you know once you believe you have already received eternal life. That lasts forever.
@acstrife well, everyone on here demonstrates how unlearned you guys are about *HOW THE CHURCH AND THE PLAN OF SALVATION IS UNDER A NEW COVENANT AND HOW THIS NEW COVENANT REQUIRES US BE BORN AGAIN BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST WITH THE EVIDENCE OF SPEAKING IN OTHER TONGUES TO BE SAVED AND HAVE SALVATION... THE LIKE FIGURE WHEREUNTO EVEN *BAPTISM* DOTH ALSO NOW *SAVE US* (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, *but the answer of a good conscience toward God*)by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: 1 Peter 3:21 KJV
Must be frustrating for Ditmar to repeat himself when a newbie stumbles to his channel and pulls the same verses which has already been addressed so salute to you
@@monzred7081 Idm that at all, what’s annoying is people who don’t even watch the video and comment when the video addresses their points 😂. Or if you press them on scripture and they don’t respond and just resort to repeating their points or going to other scripture like a parrot before even addressing the one at hand. That’s most interactions but rarely you’ll find a profitable and intelligent person, even if you disagree with them. That isn’t frustrating, I actually enjoy it. I don’t like letting false gospel comments sit without he refuting them though, but I can’t reply to them all.
Brother Hoxha, if it were the case that there were elements routinely omitted from explanations of the Gospel, would you think it would be edifying to the hearers to include them? Romans 2:16...on the day when, *according to my Gospel* , *God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus* . Acts 24:25As Paul expounded on righteousness, self-control *and the coming judgment* Felix became frightened and said, “You may go for now. When I find the time, I will call for you. If such a thing were the case, what a blessing it would be to share those underemphasized elements, no?
Hi Mr. Hoxha. I am familiar with you previously from your Creating Attractive channel, which I found very helpful in my own endeavors. I also subscribe to the free grace doctrine, however I occasionally have some trouble with some verses. I wanted to bring up one to you in hopes that you would make a video/respond to my comment. Matthew 5:13-16- if the saltiness is the light, and the light is good works, the saltiness is also the good works. Jesus says if the saltiness has lost its savour, it is cast out and trodden under the foot of men. So the logical conclusion is that if you stop your works, you are cast out as worthless. Am I missing anything? I would hope that you don’t say simply: “this doesn’t mention salvation anywhere near it.” As that doesn’t feel like a satisfactory response, and it would be a weak argument if I ever said it to another person who brought it up.
Hey. That's interesting I have not heard that before, but it is fairly straightforward to answer. 1. You're right, it doesn't mention salvation or the sense in which the person is cast out (is it to hell?). But actually the “cast out” has nothing to do with that, it’s just part of the analogy (like hiding a lamp under a bed) to demonstrate the salt not performing it’s desired function. I’ll explain a bit more on that shortly. Now of course we could exegete what the passage means itself, but this alone makes this a very weak argument to debunk Free Grace. It is firstly highly figurative, which means it is not as clear as possible and requires carefully analyzing, but it also doesn't mention anything to do with salvation in v.13-16. With that being said, I can also explain why it doesn't pertain to salvation. 2. You are correct, I'd say the light being hidden under a bed and salt not performing its function means it is not being profitable or efficacious in its purpose (to do good works). The light and salt itself are not good works per se, but its function and efficacy are good works if that makes sense. So the light is still a light (that is your identity in Christ, you are light in the Lord (Eph 5:8), but when you hide a light under a bed, it isn't doing what it ought to be doing, although it is still a light. Salt that loses its savor is also still salt, so it is not as if the salt itself is good works, and if you don't have good works, then you aren't the salt of the world. Rather, it is that if you (the salt) lose your savor, you aren't performing your desired function as salt, and what happens to you? Now you are used as salt to like cast on the ground or whatever, not to enhance the taste of something (figuratively), which is the desired function of the salt. You, as the light and the salt, are intended to enhance the quality or flavor of the world. So no, you without good works doesn't mean you aren't salt or light still. By the way, this is actually another proof that faith WITHOUT works is still real faith, just like light hidden under a bed (not shone before men) is STILL truly light. That is your identity in Christ, and a lack of displaying your light to others doesn't change the fact that you truly believed and thereby have eternal life (John 3:16). The savor of the salt and the shining of the lamp before others are the good works, not the salt and light itself. The light is still light, but good works are when you shine that light before others or have a proper savor. 3. This concept is very analogous to a "dead faith" in James 2, which you can watch my other vids on or read my book on that. it just means not profitable in the same way. Or, the withered plant in the parable of the Sower in Luke 8 and Matt 13 (which I also made a vid on recently). A plant that doesn't produce fruit is basically worthless--it is still a plant, still possessing the seed of God (the Holy Spirit). The plant was still born, but it is withered, unprofitable, and "dead'. it can return to vitality and become profitable again with the right conditions, but right now, it just isn't performing its intended function. The same applies to a "dead" faith--it is still real faith, just not profitable to help others and glorify God (Titus 3:8). If you have a "dead" faith in this metaphorical sense, you are literally like a light that is hidden under a bed, it may as well be that the light isn't even in the room lol. In the same way, a believer may as well not even be a believer in the practical sense if he isn't going to help anyone or do any good works with his faith. If you were an atheist, you'd have the same level of use or profit to others. 4. The context in that Matt 5 passage proves a lack of good works can't mean "cast out to hell", because directly after in Matt 5:19-20, we see this person classified as breaking the commandments still IN the kingdom of heaven--the same place the greatest who kept the commandments is in, and the same place you NEED a superior righteousness to enter (Matt 5:20), a kind we know only obtainable through Christ's imputed righteousness by faith alone (Rom 3:20-24, 4:5; Matt 21:28-32). We also see rewards mentioned in v.12, so that may pertain to what happens if you do let your light shine before men and even get persecuted for the faith--you obtain rewards. Hope that helps.
@@DitmarHoxhaI appreciate your response. I don’t often receive one from others. I see how it is now. Point 4 was good as well. I don’t mean to be a burden but I may comment again for any more questions I have. I have no free grace friends and have more than a few antagonists at Christ Club from my school.
@RealEyesAnalyze The Bible says that the Faith that ditmar supports should be thrown out and trampled on... basically destroyed... but ditmar supports this kind of faith. Think about that.
A comforting thought, but unfortunately there is no way to know if what Paul says is true, so certainty is impossible. NOBODY has assurance of salvation, so it's best to stop living in delusion.
@@asphilosophyusa 1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
@@DitmarHoxha I don't think you see my point. You can verify that what John is saying here is true. Your _faith_ is that it is true, but you can't know that. As such, you can't have certainty. You are no more certain of your eternal fate than the conditionalists.
@ I promise you I am as certain that I will go to heaven and possess eternal life as the fact that I exist. That’s not prideful or overstating something I can’t know, it’s just the nature of what Christ did for me. Do you think I’m a Calvinist or that I need evidence of good works to prove the veracity of my faith or that I need to persevere to the end of my life? If not, I don’t see why I can’t know I believe and am therefore saved. If I’m trying to persuade others of what I believe…then I believe it is true that Christ is the savior who died for my sins and rose again. Even if I didn’t do that, I know in my head what I currently believe to be true, in the same way that I believe men cannot transition to become women or believing that trump fairly won the election, for example. I assent to those truths, and at the moment, that’s what I believe. I see you have philosophy in your name but don’t over philosophize simple things. If you’re picking at whether John or Paul could be lying or false, that’s a different discussion altogether. I’m assuming you’re a Christian to begin with though. If you aren’t, I’d approach why I believe that they are truthful first then what I said before follows naturally. However, practically, I DO know I will go to heaven with an overwhelmingly high degree of certainty. Now people can be wrong about things that are probabilistically near certainty (like the fact that we exist or other axioms of physics or math for ex), but until that’s proven wrong, that faith rests on very sound evidence. I think this kind of philosophy is pretty vain though. I prefer to discuss the scriptures.
@@DitmarHoxha You claiming you "know" those things isn't the same thing as you _actually_ knowing them. You are no different from the muslims, Mormons, JWs, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. who "know" their religion is true. Your "knowing" is based on words in a book, which may or may not be true. How could you go about validating the promises of eternal life in the Bible? You can't. It's just your faith. You won't know your fate until it happens, just like everybody else.
They aren't mutually exclusive, it depends on the context. The bible refers to believers as the spiritual or "true" Israel in one sense (Rom 2:28-29, 9:6), but it also alludes to literal Israel in another sense (Rom 9:30-33 or 11:7 & 11:20 cannot be "spiritual Israel" since it says they didn't believe). That isn't a contradiction, in certain contexts it is just meant in different senses to point to God's emphasis on his spiritual children instead of favoring a specific ethnicity on that basis alone. One isn't more "truly Israel" than the other in a general sense, it just depends in the way Paul is using it. Literal Jews are more literally Jews than non-literal Jews, while "spiritual" Jews are more spiritually children of God than literal Jews. I don't think it is a really important topic though.
You're teaching a false man made doctrine of just believing and your automatically saved That's a lie from the devil you must be born again of the water and of the spirit to be saved Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, EXCEPT a man BE BORN AGAIN, he CANNOT see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, EXCEPT a man be BORN OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he CANNOT ENTER into the KINGDOM OF GOD. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the SPIRIT is SPIRIT. Marvel not that I said unto thee, YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN. John 3:3-7 KJV BEING BORN AGAIN OF THE WATER IS GETTING BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND BEING BORN AGAIN OF THE SPIRIT IS RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT/GHOST WITH THE EVIDENCE OF SPREADING IN OTHER TONGUES!! Acts 2:38 Tells us this 37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, WHAT SHALL WE DO? 38 THEN PETER SAID UNTO THEM, REPENT, AND BE BAPTIZED *EVERY ONE OF YOU* IN *THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST* FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. 39 For THE PROMISE is unto YOU, and to YOUR CHILDREN, and to ALL that are AFAR OFF, EVEN AS MANY AS THE LORD OUR GOD SHALL CALL. Acts 2:37-39 KJV
@@aChild-of-God1006 John 1:12-13 12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God
@DitmarHoxha John 1:13 is talking about a spiritual birth being born of the Spirit which can only happen through baptism in Jesus Name and the infilling of the Holy Ghost! Here's John 1:13 in the Amplified Version who were born, not of blood [natural conception], nor of the will of the flesh [physical impulse], nor of the will of man [that of a natural father], but of God [that is, a divine and supernatural birth-they are born of God-spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified]. The Word Made Flesh John 1:13 AMP
@@Romans4Verse5 But if you truly believe in Jesus the Lord God Almighty you will follow and obey the rest of His Word you can't live your life or make a doctrine off one verse of the Bible
A straightforward gospel, gotta love 1 John 5:13 best knowing you will have eternal life forever.
@@chazgray4284 you are lost and very deceived.If you think you just need to believe 1 John is a letter to the church of born again saved believers he's not talking to the unsaved world telling them you just need to believe and you're saved... Understand from the book of Acts to the book Revelation are all books written to the saved born again Baptized in Jesus Name Holy Ghost Filled Church not to unbelievers
@@aChild-of-God1006 yes because if I don't believe why would I get baptized and go to church and do Good works because if you rely on your own works you're not saved
@@chazgray4284 The Book of Acts is the first church or when the first church started and it tells us what we must do to be saved!!
Acts 2:37-39 KJV
@@aChild-of-God1006 And you have demonstrated how unlearned you are. The Book of 1 John is written to believers, true. What saves a man is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and his death burial and resurrection on the 3rd day. For that is the gospel you must believe to be saved. 1 John 5:13 just lest you know once you believe you have already received eternal life. That lasts forever.
THE LIKE FIGURE WHEREUNTO EVEN *BAPTISM* DOTH ALSO NOW *SAVE US* (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, *but the answer of a good conscience toward God*)by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 3:21 KJV
Amen brother. 🎯
thank you!
Must be frustrating for Ditmar to repeat himself when a newbie stumbles to his channel and pulls the same verses which has already been addressed so salute to you
@@monzred7081 Idm that at all, what’s annoying is people who don’t even watch the video and comment when the video addresses their points 😂. Or if you press them on scripture and they don’t respond and just resort to repeating their points or going to other scripture like a parrot before even addressing the one at hand. That’s most interactions but rarely you’ll find a profitable and intelligent person, even if you disagree with them. That isn’t frustrating, I actually enjoy it.
I don’t like letting false gospel comments sit without he refuting them though, but I can’t reply to them all.
make a video interpreting first john completely and conecting it to other books as such as john 15.
Brother Hoxha, if it were the case that there were elements routinely omitted from explanations of the Gospel, would you think it would be edifying to the hearers to include them?
Romans 2:16...on the day when, *according to my Gospel* , *God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus* .
Acts 24:25As Paul expounded on righteousness, self-control *and the coming judgment* Felix became frightened and said, “You may go for now. When I find the time, I will call for you.
If such a thing were the case, what a blessing it would be to share those underemphasized elements, no?
Can you do a video on predestination
Hi Mr. Hoxha. I am familiar with you previously from your Creating Attractive channel, which I found very helpful in my own endeavors. I also subscribe to the free grace doctrine, however I occasionally have some trouble with some verses. I wanted to bring up one to you in hopes that you would make a video/respond to my comment.
Matthew 5:13-16- if the saltiness is the light, and the light is good works, the saltiness is also the good works. Jesus says if the saltiness has lost its savour, it is cast out and trodden under the foot of men. So the logical conclusion is that if you stop your works, you are cast out as worthless. Am I missing anything? I would hope that you don’t say simply: “this doesn’t mention salvation anywhere near it.” As that doesn’t feel like a satisfactory response, and it would be a weak argument if I ever said it to another person who brought it up.
Hey. That's interesting I have not heard that before, but it is fairly straightforward to answer.
1. You're right, it doesn't mention salvation or the sense in which the person is cast out (is it to hell?). But actually the “cast out” has nothing to do with that, it’s just part of the analogy (like hiding a lamp under a bed) to demonstrate the salt not performing it’s desired function. I’ll explain a bit more on that shortly. Now of course we could exegete what the passage means itself, but this alone makes this a very weak argument to debunk Free Grace. It is firstly highly figurative, which means it is not as clear as possible and requires carefully analyzing, but it also doesn't mention anything to do with salvation in v.13-16. With that being said, I can also explain why it doesn't pertain to salvation.
2. You are correct, I'd say the light being hidden under a bed and salt not performing its function means it is not being profitable or efficacious in its purpose (to do good works). The light and salt itself are not good works per se, but its function and efficacy are good works if that makes sense. So the light is still a light (that is your identity in Christ, you are light in the Lord (Eph 5:8), but when you hide a light under a bed, it isn't doing what it ought to be doing, although it is still a light. Salt that loses its savor is also still salt, so it is not as if the salt itself is good works, and if you don't have good works, then you aren't the salt of the world. Rather, it is that if you (the salt) lose your savor, you aren't performing your desired function as salt, and what happens to you? Now you are used as salt to like cast on the ground or whatever, not to enhance the taste of something (figuratively), which is the desired function of the salt. You, as the light and the salt, are intended to enhance the quality or flavor of the world. So no, you without good works doesn't mean you aren't salt or light still. By the way, this is actually another proof that faith WITHOUT works is still real faith, just like light hidden under a bed (not shone before men) is STILL truly light. That is your identity in Christ, and a lack of displaying your light to others doesn't change the fact that you truly believed and thereby have eternal life (John 3:16). The savor of the salt and the shining of the lamp before others are the good works, not the salt and light itself. The light is still light, but good works are when you shine that light before others or have a proper savor.
3. This concept is very analogous to a "dead faith" in James 2, which you can watch my other vids on or read my book on that. it just means not profitable in the same way. Or, the withered plant in the parable of the Sower in Luke 8 and Matt 13 (which I also made a vid on recently). A plant that doesn't produce fruit is basically worthless--it is still a plant, still possessing the seed of God (the Holy Spirit). The plant was still born, but it is withered, unprofitable, and "dead'. it can return to vitality and become profitable again with the right conditions, but right now, it just isn't performing its intended function. The same applies to a "dead" faith--it is still real faith, just not profitable to help others and glorify God (Titus 3:8). If you have a "dead" faith in this metaphorical sense, you are literally like a light that is hidden under a bed, it may as well be that the light isn't even in the room lol. In the same way, a believer may as well not even be a believer in the practical sense if he isn't going to help anyone or do any good works with his faith. If you were an atheist, you'd have the same level of use or profit to others.
4. The context in that Matt 5 passage proves a lack of good works can't mean "cast out to hell", because directly after in Matt 5:19-20, we see this person classified as breaking the commandments still IN the kingdom of heaven--the same place the greatest who kept the commandments is in, and the same place you NEED a superior righteousness to enter (Matt 5:20), a kind we know only obtainable through Christ's imputed righteousness by faith alone (Rom 3:20-24, 4:5; Matt 21:28-32). We also see rewards mentioned in v.12, so that may pertain to what happens if you do let your light shine before men and even get persecuted for the faith--you obtain rewards.
Hope that helps.
@@DitmarHoxhaI appreciate your response. I don’t often receive one from others. I see how it is now. Point 4 was good as well. I don’t mean to be a burden but I may comment again for any more questions I have. I have no free grace friends and have more than a few antagonists at Christ Club from my school.
@@RealEyesAnalyze lol yea ik know how it is. Np I like responding.
@RealEyesAnalyze The Bible says that the Faith that ditmar supports should be thrown out and trampled on... basically destroyed... but ditmar supports this kind of faith. Think about that.
@@DitmarHoxha dude amazing interpretation!
A comforting thought, but unfortunately there is no way to know if what Paul says is true, so certainty is impossible. NOBODY has assurance of salvation, so it's best to stop living in delusion.
@@asphilosophyusa 1 John 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
@@DitmarHoxha I don't think you see my point. You can verify that what John is saying here is true. Your _faith_ is that it is true, but you can't know that. As such, you can't have certainty. You are no more certain of your eternal fate than the conditionalists.
@ I promise you I am as certain that I will go to heaven and possess eternal life as the fact that I exist. That’s not prideful or overstating something I can’t know, it’s just the nature of what Christ did for me.
Do you think I’m a Calvinist or that I need evidence of good works to prove the veracity of my faith or that I need to persevere to the end of my life? If not, I don’t see why I can’t know I believe and am therefore saved. If I’m trying to persuade others of what I believe…then I believe it is true that Christ is the savior who died for my sins and rose again. Even if I didn’t do that, I know in my head what I currently believe to be true, in the same way that I believe men cannot transition to become women or believing that trump fairly won the election, for example. I assent to those truths, and at the moment, that’s what I believe.
I see you have philosophy in your name but don’t over philosophize simple things.
If you’re picking at whether John or Paul could be lying or false, that’s a different discussion altogether. I’m assuming you’re a Christian to begin with though. If you aren’t, I’d approach why I believe that they are truthful first then what I said before follows naturally. However, practically, I DO know I will go to heaven with an overwhelmingly high degree of certainty. Now people can be wrong about things that are probabilistically near certainty (like the fact that we exist or other axioms of physics or math for ex), but until that’s proven wrong, that faith rests on very sound evidence.
I think this kind of philosophy is pretty vain though. I prefer to discuss the scriptures.
@@DitmarHoxha You claiming you "know" those things isn't the same thing as you _actually_ knowing them. You are no different from the muslims, Mormons, JWs, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. who "know" their religion is true. Your "knowing" is based on words in a book, which may or may not be true. How could you go about validating the promises of eternal life in the Bible? You can't. It's just your faith. You won't know your fate until it happens, just like everybody else.
@ what do you believe? Are you an agnostic?
Dit do you believe we are Israel? Or Israel is the church? If so make a vid on it
They aren't mutually exclusive, it depends on the context. The bible refers to believers as the spiritual or "true" Israel in one sense (Rom 2:28-29, 9:6), but it also alludes to literal Israel in another sense (Rom 9:30-33 or 11:7 & 11:20 cannot be "spiritual Israel" since it says they didn't believe). That isn't a contradiction, in certain contexts it is just meant in different senses to point to God's emphasis on his spiritual children instead of favoring a specific ethnicity on that basis alone.
One isn't more "truly Israel" than the other in a general sense, it just depends in the way Paul is using it. Literal Jews are more literally Jews than non-literal Jews, while "spiritual" Jews are more spiritually children of God than literal Jews.
I don't think it is a really important topic though.
You're teaching a false man made doctrine of just believing and your automatically saved That's a lie from the devil you must be born again of the water and of the spirit to be saved
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, EXCEPT a man BE BORN AGAIN, he CANNOT see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, EXCEPT a man be BORN OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, he CANNOT ENTER into the KINGDOM OF GOD. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the SPIRIT is SPIRIT. Marvel not that I said unto thee, YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN.
John 3:3-7 KJV
37 Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, WHAT SHALL WE DO? 38 THEN PETER SAID UNTO THEM, REPENT, AND BE BAPTIZED *EVERY ONE OF YOU* IN *THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST* FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. 39 For THE PROMISE is unto YOU, and to YOUR CHILDREN, and to ALL that are AFAR OFF, EVEN AS MANY AS THE LORD OUR GOD SHALL CALL.
Acts 2:37-39 KJV
John 1:12-13
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God
John 3:16 is the verse everyone knows but don't actually believe.
@ yep, very true.
@DitmarHoxha John 1:13 is talking about a spiritual birth being born of the Spirit which can only happen through baptism in Jesus Name and the infilling of the Holy Ghost! Here's John 1:13 in the Amplified Version
who were born, not of blood [natural conception], nor of the will of the flesh [physical impulse], nor of the will of man [that of a natural father], but of God [that is, a divine and supernatural birth-they are born of God-spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified]. The Word Made Flesh
John 1:13 AMP
@@Romans4Verse5 But if you truly believe in Jesus the Lord God Almighty you will follow and obey the rest of His Word you can't live your life or make a doctrine off one verse of the Bible