I'm not quite sure how I ended up here, however I'm certainly pleased! My beautiful daughter turned me on to this brilliant and talented young woman a few yrs.ago. I've been a devoted fan every sense. 🎶 Real talent and music has the power to transcend throughout generations and an apparent age gap! "ROCK ON!" Thanks for sharing!
Amazed of how She sounds EXACTLY as recorded in studio. Amazing
I'm not quite sure how I ended up here, however I'm certainly pleased!
My beautiful daughter turned me on to this brilliant and talented young woman a few yrs.ago. I've been a devoted fan every sense.
🎶 Real talent and music has the power to transcend throughout generations and an apparent age gap!
Thanks for sharing!
4:14 : And Zora said “Let there be light” with a single note, and there was light...
My lens hated that moment... :D Sorry for that haha
@@DeniseHofs Don't be sorry, I love this special effect so much! Thank you for having hold on so valiantly, camera in hand!
Zora is a female name of Slavic origin that means "sunrise". She was just true to her name.
Que ganas de verlo en vivo, lastima que vivo en latinoamerica =(
ty for share this video =)
Hermosooo ✨🖤 Beautiful
awesome band....amazing song..i love it
Great video! thanks
My mother told me some day i stand by
Bello!! 😢🤟🔥🔥🔥
Thank you so much for the video! My dream is to watch "My Down-To-Earth Lover" live :(
I'll make sure to record it for you the next time they play it live 🖤
@@DeniseHofs thank you 🖤