Collateral is an asset used to get a loan, acting as a backup in case of default. A credit card, on the other hand, is a payment tool that allows you to borrow money up to a certain limit without requiring collateral.
B paypal entekefilka wala hanti shihir yelen. Eti paypal mis credit card connect entegiekayo, shiu b pay pal entekefilka eti kifilit ab credit card yirie eyu. Slezi wala hanti kewti ayigebirin.
Selam naka ykun’Senay family’ yes, you right batch 2003 !!! I really do not remember the classes. Great reminder!! Join us if you can to the zoom and we will have some chats.
i have a question on my visa card , after i paid my current balance is zero then the available credit and the credit limit must be equal but in my case the available credit is less than one dollar than my credit limit . so where goes $1 , confusing me .
Kubur haw Sle ati nay nexa tewefaynet Kedime yemesgn Kexile ati ati timihros nay America trah ymesil Europa bflay Germany ke Kemey ymesleka Hade du misti timihro zeleka Abnet Ab Germany sparkasse, ab Holland ING zameselu alewu
Thank you for your kind words and support. We would be happy to have you join us on zoom Z You can find a link of our telegram channel on the description of this video. We will send you information and links to the channel.
ብጣዕሚ ኣገዳሲ ትምህርቲ ቀጽሎ።
ጽቢቅ ትምህርቲ ብሉጽ ኣገላልጻ ክቡራት ኣሕዋት ቀጽልዎ ሕብረተሰብካ ምምሃርን ሓበረታ ምምጋብን ዓቢ ኣበርክቶ እዩ'ሞ ብጣዕሚ ነመስግን❤
ኩቡር ሓው ብጣዕሚ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ ትምህርቲ ዩ የቐኔልና ።
Thank you 🙏
Bzuh nemesgn yeshat amlak ybarkum
Thank you 🙏
I am appreciation for your wonderful guidance and support. Thank
Many many thanks ❤️
Thank you my blessings brother waw I am proud of you
Thank you 🙏
Thank you very much for informing.
Always welcome
Waw interest lesson.thanks
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for watching.
Thanks for your time
You’re welcome!
Thanks your ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you too ❤️❤️
Thank you man
You're welcome!
Nice. Behaki. Xebuk. Timhrt
Thank you!
Thank u bro
Any time
ኣንታ ኣበይ ደኣ ኔርኩም ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘይፈለጥኹም፡ ብጣዕሚ ንፉዓት ከምዚ እይው ንህዝኻ ምግልጋል። ኣጆኹም ቀጽልዎ ኢኹም።
ጽቡቅ ትምህርትን ንጹር ኣገላልጻን
ክብረት ይሃበላልና
Thanks brother, I’m so happy to get great information with our language easily and much helpful
Glad to hear that. Thank you for watching!
ብጣዕሚ ጠቃሚ ሐበሬታ ብዙሕ ተጠቂመ አብ ናይ TH-cam ካብ ዝጠፍእ ጊዜ እታ ዝረባሕኩሉ ፕሮግራም
እዚ channel ጠቓሚት ኮይና ብምርካብካ/ኪ ብጣዕሚ ደስ ኢሉና። ብሕጂ ንዝርግሖም መደባት ካቡ ንላዕሊ ክትፈትዎ/ውዮ ተስፋ ንገብር 🙏
ኣዝዩ ጠቓሚ ሓበሬታ። ብዙሕ ሰብ ሰኣን ፍልጠት ኣብ መወዳእታ ዘይብሉ ዕዳ እዩ ዝኣቱ፡ ገሊኦም ዋላ ክትሕግዞም እንተበልካ እውን ከም ፈላጣት ኮይኖም ይቐርቡ። ህይወት ዝቕይር ትምህርቲ እዩ ብፍላይ ንመንእሰያት ምስ ባንክ ሓደሽቲ ዝላላዩ ዘለዉ።
እወ ገለ ሰባት ዋላ ክትሕግዞም እንተደለኻ: ድልዋት ኣይኮኑን። ክሕገዙ ዝደልዩ ኣሕዋት’ውን ውሑዳት ኣይኮኑን እሞ: በቲ ዘለና ዓቕሚ ንተሓጋገዝ ንዐበ 🙏
I am amazed this will change our society please keep it up.
Thank you for your kind words 🙏
Thank very much this is really great it will definitely help our community
Happy to help, Simon. And thank you for the support.
Thanks brother kexlo des zbl tmrti
Thank you.
Thank you somuch
You’re welcome.
Thank you very much for your explanation
You’re welcome. Thanks for watching!
Sebay thanks bro
You’re welcome!
Thank you so much brother
You're welcome. Thank you for watching!
Thank you very much I appreciate you.
Thank you 🙏
ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ ትምህርቲዩ። GBU የሕዋት ቀጽልዎ።
Thank you!
@@FidelFinance thanks bro it is good to learned as
@@alazarzerehabte6131 You're welcome ☺
ጽቡቅ ትምህርቲ ከቡር ሓው እዚ ግን ንኣብከሉ ዓለም ዘለና ዶ የገልግል ይኾውን?
Thanks brother
You’re welcome
Thank you! Extremely helpful
Glad you've found it helpful! Thanks for watching.
Thank you for your dedication to teach our society ❤❤❤
Our pleasure! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Desbele and Brhin for your heplfull information.
Thank you Tirhas.
እዚ ደኣ ሓይሊ ዝህብ እንድዩ ዘይፈለጥናዮ ኔርና ሕጂ ክረዲት ካርድ ከምጽእ እኸይድ ኣለኹ
What is the differece b/n collateral and credit-card .
Collateral is an asset used to get a loan, acting as a backup in case of default. A credit card, on the other hand, is a payment tool that allows you to borrow money up to a certain limit without requiring collateral.
Thank you
You’re very welcome!
ደስ ዝብል ኣጋላልጻ ኩቡር ሓወይ❤
የቐንየልና ❤️
ብጣሚ ኬፍ ዘለዎ መደብካ ቀጽሎ ካብይ ጀሚረ ከኣ ኩሉ ክገብረልካ እየ Shear Like subscription
የቐንየልና። ነዛ Chanel ክትዓባ ትገብረልና ኩሉ ሓገዛት ነመስግን 🙏
Thank you for your time Yehwat! Btami agedasi Tmhrti Ayu!!❤
Thanks for your kind words and suport. It means a lot to us ❤️
Waw very nice lecture 🎉
Thank you 🙏
ፈጣሪ ዕድመ ይሃብኩም እምበር እንታይ ክንብለኩም።
ምኽንያቱስ ነዚ ኣማኢት ኣኽፊሎም ኢዮም ዝምህሩኻ ኖ ፡ ንስኻትኩም ግንሲ ብነጻ ትምህሩ ግዜኹም ትውፍዩ ጽዓትኩም ትውፍዩ በዚ ሎሚ ግዚኡን ሓይሉ ( ጽዓቱ) ብነጻ ዝህበካ መንዩ?
የለን። ስለዚሲ ጥዕናን ዕድመን ይሃብኩም ደጊመ እብለኩም።
ብጣዕሚ ደስ ዝብልን መሊስና ክንጽዕር ዘተባብዕን ጽሑፍ።
ክብረት ይሃበልና 🙏
Aghedasi timhirti yekenyelna, yehwat Desbelen Berhanen ketsliwo
Yekenyelna Senay.
good job
Thank you!
Nice thanx
Thank you
My dear brother, thank you so much! We have learned a lot from this video. Keep the good work. May God bless you and your family!
Glad it was helpful! Thank you for watching!
Thank you for the explanation yehwat 💯💯💯
You’re welcome. Thanks for leaving a lovely comment 🙏
ገሊኡስ ብኣጋጣሚ ጽቡቅ ይከይድ ነይረ😂፥
ገለ ዓይነት ትምህርቲ ኣስተማቂረዮ ብጣዕሚ ይቀንየልና የሕዋት ስለ'ቲ ተገዲስኩም ትምህርቲ ዝሃብኩምና!
ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ።
ሕጂ ከኣ ኣብዚ ዝረኸብካዮ ሓበሬታ ትውስኸሉ: መሊስካ ትዓቢ 🙏
Thanks very much guys keep up the great job
Thanks for the support, we'll keep up the good work!
የቀንየልና ክቡር ሓው።
ደስ እንዳበልና። የቑንየልና ንሕና እውን 🙏
ደስ እንዳበልና። የቑንየልና ንሕና እውን 🙏
Thank you Brother,excellent lesson.
Thanks for kind words and support
Thanks more Bro
Its my pleasure. Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment on our video 🙏
Its really Amazing
Thank you.
Great idea brother
Thank you 🙏
Keep it up the good work
Thank you for the encouragement. We will ❤️
Thanks❤❤❤ kexlo buzuh eina nmhar zelena memhr
You’re welcome. Nihna nidelyo ewin bhansab kinabi kinimehar eyu. Bzuh timeharu kemzelekum miflat trah bzuh ketebabana yikil yu. Thank you.
ሰላም ደስበለን ብርሂንን ኣብ ስራህኩም ኣሳልጦ እንዳተመነኹ ኣነ ክሓቶ ደሊየ ዘለኹ ንኣሜሪካ ጋሻየ ገና ኣመት ኣይመልዓንን ዘሎ። እዚ ኩሉ ንህብረተሰብና ተንቅህዎ ዘለኹም ከየመስገንኹኹም ኣይሃልፉን ኣነ ክሓቶ ደሊየ ዘለኹ ናተይ credit card ውሑድ እዮም ሂቦምኒ 500$ ህጂ 30% ንክጥቀመሉ ይውህደኒሎ ህጂ እንታይ ክገብር ኣለኒ ? ኩሉ ተጠቒመ ቅድሚ due date ክከፍሎ ይከዓል ዱዩ? እንተ ተጠቒመ ወላ ሓንቲ ጸገም ኣየምጽዓለይ ዱዩ? የመስግነኩም
ክረዲት ካርደ ምህላወ እኮ ሐደ ስብ ለቃሕ ዘይብሉ ኣብግዜኡ ዝከፍል እንተኮይኑ ዝኮነ ነገር ክልቃሕ ይክእል ወላወን ገዛ ክትገዝእ ትክእል ማለት ኢዩ ኣብ ሂወትካ እናተጠንቀቅካ ብዘይ ክረዲት ካርድ ክትነብር ዝሐሸ ኢዩ ለቃሕ መብዝሒ ኢዪ
Thanks bro keep up it's important my country people
You’re welcome. Sure, we will. Thank you for the support 🙏
Thank you for your amazing information it means a lot ❤
Thank you 🙏
ኣነ ኣብ ካናዳ ኢየ ዝነብር ሓንቲ ክረዲት ካርድ ካኣ ኣላትኒ ።ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ሓንሳብ ሓንሳብ ግን ወርሓዊ ከፊልካ ኮለኻ መሊሱ ካኣ ክንድዚ ዘይተኸፍለ ኣሎካ ዝብል ይመጽእ ።መሊስካ ከይድካ ትኸፍል ።ትሓቶም የረድኡኻ ፍጹም ይደናገረካ ።በዚ ምክኒያት ሕጂ ኣጺየዮ ።ብደቢት ካኣ ይጥቀም ።
Charismatic person
Thabk you 🙏
Thank so much zhawey bzuh mhirkani kab lbi yekenyelna kexlwo
Thank you ❤️
Good lesson
Thank you.
Nay zoom meitewi Abey nirekibo
Nay telegram ab description alo. Link nabu ena nisedo.
Wala serah zeyblika do geza ketgezi tekli eyka
Ayikealin aykonen gin kebid (b flay mortgage kitiwehab) eyu. (Ekul cash entehaliuka gin kitgezo yikeal eyu. kab hager nab hager kea yifelale.
btami xubuk tmhrti eyu . kemey geyrka credit score taahti entre koydu ter'y0
Abey tikimet yiwisino eyu. Neabnet ab England, 3 credit agencies alewa check kitgebrelen tkl (Experian, CreditUnion ....)
@@FidelFinance ab Norway eye zkmet
@@philimedia2384 Ab Norway kab 0-100 eyu zihiseb. 0 btami hamak kabu endaleale kisab 100 eti perfect malet yu. Check nimigbar Experian, Bisnode, wey CreditInform kittikem tkl eka. Ab TH-cam ezikone bzabom tsehaf kimetsalka yu.
Good information, keep it up please !
Thank you. We will 🙏
Abe erop ke kemey eyu endhir telkihika bekemey temlso
Useful guys thanks
Glad you found it useful. Thank you!
Thanks berthers betamy tebuk
Kemzi elka comment endageberka tetebabana zeleka nemesgin 🙏
Nice job bi PayPal and twint k malet misti natka nay card bank sile ziteasasere bezi ente kefelka k entay shigr alowo tanx
B paypal entekefilka wala hanti shihir yelen. Eti paypal mis credit card connect entegiekayo, shiu b pay pal entekefilka eti kifilit ab credit card yirie eyu. Slezi wala hanti kewti ayigebirin.
Thank you Brother
You’re welcome!
Hi. Nanki bankisttmnti. Abthatt. 20. Bir. Bkash. Kifl. Yblu
Amazing! No buddy can explain better, Love it❤❤❤
Thanks for the kind words and support ❤️
❤ahiwaty Begakum eba ab zoom atikum koruss gemirulina betamy ea ezi timhertukum deszebleni
ኣብ zoom ኢና ንህቦ ዘለና እዚ መደብና። ናይ telegram channel link ኣብ description ናይዛ video ኣለካ ርኸበና።
ብሐጺሩ ነታ ሽዑ ክትክፍሎዘይካኣልካ ጸኒሕካክትክፍሎ ይሕግዙካ መክስብ ግን ኩሉ ግዜ ነታ ባንኪ ኢዩ
Thank brother
I had no information about credit card
You’re welcome! Glad you learnt something about Credit card.
Hawey credit card nay usa ab Canada yserh do
Ewe yiserih yu. Gin gele zeyiserih kea kihulu yikil eyu. Credit card zikibelu zikone tikal rika kitikemelu yikeal yu.
@Fidel Academy - Financial Education thanks for your Response Appreciate
Thank you desbele awesam ,are batch 2003 in tti c10 am i correct?
Can you give us more details on what you mean by this?
Selam naka ykun’Senay family’ yes, you right batch 2003 !!! I really do not remember the classes. Great reminder!! Join us if you can to the zoom and we will have some chats.
i have a question on my visa card , after i paid my current balance is zero then the available credit and the credit limit must be equal but in my case the available credit is less than one dollar than my credit limit . so where goes $1 , confusing me .
30% tray dina kntkemelu zelena kulu gize? For example 100% tetekime kdmi bank statement mimxiu entemeliseyo ke?
Kemzi zibelkayo 100% mitikam win yikeal yu. Ab system keyhalefe keltifka entekefilkayo malet yu. Gele gizie denguyu Kihalif yikil yu. Ab mitinkak yedli.
Tsibikti hito, yekenyelna.
ከም ካልኣይ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ወርሒ ኣብ ባንኪ ምስ ከድኩ ክረዲት ኣጠቃቅማኻ ጽቡቕ ስለዝኾነ ክሳብ 21
ሺሕ ዶላር ክትወስድ ይፍቀደካ ኢሎም ነጊሮምኒ ኣለው ።ነቲ ገንዘብ ምስ ወሰድካ 2 ፐርሰንት ግን ትኸፍል ኢሎምኒ 2 ፐርሰንት ክንደይ ዶላር ይበጽሕ ።ብካሽ ኸ ነቲ ዝፈቀዱለይ ሰልዲ ከውጽኦ ኸ ይኽእል ድየ ።ንሓወይ ከምጽኦ ስለዝደለኹ እቲ ገንዘብ ደልየዮ እቲ ገንዘብ ተበልኩዎም ኸ ሳዕቤን ኣለዎ ዶ
Azina nemesgn kurat yehwat qexlwo
yekenialna filtetkum yebiyo Ezigabiher tsibuk nmahar alena
Kibret yohabelna. Tsibuk timeharu mihilawkum abi neger yu neana. Thank you.
Thank you.
ኣነ ኣብ ስወደን ይነብር crédit cards ኣለኒ ጊን ኣይፈለትክዎን በጃኹም ኢባ ተሓባብሩኒ
Ab ketsali video kinserih kinfitin ena. Senbet misana enteatika kea migrketsnalka
Ane 7 visa card aloni gn 00 eu mexini
ከምዚ ዓይነት ትምህርቲ ዩ ብሉጽነቱ ዘይረኣየና ዘሎ . ስለዚ follow ንበሎም please , ካብ ህዉተታ ንዉጻእ ።
Thans alot ክቡራት መማህራን
1) ዉልቃዊ ሕቶይ፡ መጀመርታ video ኣየነይቲ ኢያ ብኣኣ ክጅምር ስለዝደለኩ የ ❤❤❤
Thank you.
Nay Stock market entedelika abza link aleka kulen -
Nay Real Estate entedelika -
Entay mo kiwexo 5/5 long life to u
Thank you!
After I heard your lesson, I became a millionaire ❤
Thank you
Great to hear!
ካብ ዘለዋና ናይ ዩቱብ ቻነላት እታ ዝበለጸት ቀጽልዎ የሕዋት ጽቡቅ መግቢ ኢኩም ትምግቡና ዘለኩም ኣዝየ የመስግን
ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘርጊሕናየን ዘለና ቪድዮታት ብምፍታካ/ኪ ደስ ኢሉና። ብሕጂ ዝዝርጋሕ ካብዚ ንላዕሊ ክጠቕመካ/ኪ ከኣ ተስፋ ንገብር 🙏
በ ኣማርኛም ንገረን if you know
Kubur haw
Sle ati nay nexa tewefaynet Kedime yemesgn
Kexile ati ati timihros nay America trah ymesil
Europa bflay Germany ke Kemey ymesleka
Hade du misti timihro zeleka
Ab Germany sparkasse, ab Holland ING zameselu alewu
thank you all for servesi
keep it up
God bless you ❤
Thanks for your support Zemichael. It’s a pleasure to have you in our community!
Lekah tket tbl
Yikreta, ayteredatnan ezia tsihifti.
Thank you for your brilliant explanation ❤️❤️
And i need to join in zoom
Thank you for your kind words and support. We would be happy to have you join us on zoom Z
You can find a link of our telegram channel on the description of this video. We will send you information and links to the channel.
በአማርኛም ስራልን
We don’t speak Amharic unfortunately!