Google I/O 2011: Accelerated Android Rendering

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 49

  • @Dhruvam
    @Dhruvam 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    2019, and I am still watching this!

  • @jasongao6407
    @jasongao6407 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2020,and I am still watching this , too.

  • @patilvikasm
    @patilvikasm 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    2022 and I am still watching this!

  • @RealShanShan
    @RealShanShan 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To be honest even though Hardware Acceleration does help tremendously, the most important issue IMO with Android is that it does not prioritize user-interaction well enough over services that run in the background.
    I have a Galaxy Nexus and have been an Android developer for more than 2 years now and I still don't understand why they're not considering the iOS approach where everything else is put on hold once the user starts interacting with the device to guarantee the best experience possible

  • @AdrianMeredith
    @AdrianMeredith 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you people even watch the video, he was not at all saying that gpu acceleration is not requried. He was trying (admittedly badly) to say that the hardware should be able to keep up, but it doesnt'. It was meant as a question, Hence they showed the graph showing the speed of memcpy to pixels and therefore gpu acceleration IS requried.
    Also the opt in is because the gpu acceleration is not completely finished, all canvas operations will be gpu accelerated in time for ICS.

  • @BeerTower
    @BeerTower 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @KingKhain No, he only said that GPU acceleration is more important on tablets because, compared to phones, they have more pixels but not much more memory bandwidth.

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @TheVNeto I see a pattern emerging here, and am stunned these corporations cannot. HTC: no HW acceleration for basic UI, falling sales and financial difficulties. Samsung: HW acceleration for 'most' (but not all) standard apps (email, browser etc), sells more Android handsets that anyone else. Anyone else see the pattern?

  • @AchwaqKhalid
    @AchwaqKhalid 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    @romainguy & @chethaase Hardware Acceleration is always welcomed whether the CPU is strong or not, think about the battery life, the CPU will always find something else to play with.

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @lilmoe2002 I fully agree with you on everything except one point - ICS hasn't "fully" addressed this issue! Galaxy Nexus is much better, but the 'stuttering' and 'jitteriness' when panning around a web page is still very much alive. It's an awful experience, and if you're sensitive to fluidness (or lack thereof), then I suggest you think very carefully before buying a Galaxy Nexus.

  • @berbap7478
    @berbap7478 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    2024 and I am still watching this where is 2023?

    • @GoogleDevelopers
      @GoogleDevelopers  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Time flies, right? You can access all the Google I/O 2023 sessions in this playlist here 👇

  • @JayBomb999
    @JayBomb999 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Romain's attitude toward hardware acceleration has been frustrating for quite a long time. It really amazes me that a smooth, lag-free UI seems to be so low on the Android team's list of priorities.

  • @chrischoy9
    @chrischoy9 12 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    @shockwave2291 Even my first iPod touch with single core 412MHz processor didn't lag when browsing.
    My second android phone is coming BTW and it's a galaxy s!! not lag at all

  • @Technology2Extreme
    @Technology2Extreme 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Myself Being a Software Enginner ... I recommend buying an iphone rather than using an android phone which lags , choppy feeling .
    Google makes a big mistake by not utilizing the GPU ...

  • @pushvanjay
    @pushvanjay 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you think they were expecting and Apple-like applause during the pause at 5:00?

  • @chrischoy9
    @chrischoy9 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @chrischoy9 Galaxy S's web browser is hardware accelerated.

  • @AnmAtAnm
    @AnmAtAnm 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @KingKhain No, he posed the question, but answered no, multicore is not sufficient

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @TheVNeto As the sad owner of a Galaxy Nexus running ICS 4.0.1, I can confirm that while things are better (i.e. transitions), scrolling still suffers and is not buttery smooth and fluid.

  • @jrdatrackstar
    @jrdatrackstar 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    to me they are always going to overpass this the general population of consumers who use android dont know what hardware acceleration is. as they say...."if it aint broke dont fix it" and to the general public nothing is "broke" so Google doesnt see it as being "broke" and Android will continue to sell well.....

  • @JayBomb999
    @JayBomb999 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AndyTurfer Woah. I don't doubt your dissatisfaction with ICS and the GNexus, however, your experience seems to contradict the vast majority of reviews and hands-on demos I've seen. Can you elaborate a bit? Perhaps provide a video demonstration of the issues you are seeing?
    I am very sensitive and easily annoyed by lag and stuttering. However, I have not seen or read anything to indicate that your experience is normal. Certainly not warranting your level of vitriol.

  • @JayBomb999
    @JayBomb999 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AndyTurfer Yes, you warned me. :) Still, I'm pretty happy with the GNex. I have not upgraded to 4.0.3, but I seriously doubt it will resolve the issues I detailed.
    While I think Win7 phones and iOS are definitively smoother, there are many reasons I will continue to choose Android. I won't bore anyone with this list. A buttery smooth UI is but one bullet point to be weighed against others.
    With that said, I expect better from Google. This is NOT impossible & should get the highest priority.

  • @KingKhain
    @KingKhain 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hopefully, we'll see hardware accelerated canvas in ICS's browser (WP7 will have it with Mango and IE9 for mobile) and also WebGL. I know Sony Ericsson has been showing it on a custom browser of theirs, and I think Mozilla has it in Firefox 4 mobile or will implement it soon. I wouldn't like the Android browser to remain behind compared to competitors or 3rd party browsers. The Android browser should track very closely what Chrome is implementing, with a 6 months delay at most.

  • @cowkmetyiu
    @cowkmetyiu 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AndyTurfer Samsung enabled HW acceleration for its handsets (i.e. phones not tablet e.g. Galaxy S..). OMG I understood why Galaxy S is damn smooth..

  • @janis605
    @janis605 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ok, so they really think it s ok because CPUs on phones are getting faster? No, it is not because screen resolutions on phones are also getting bigger. So, it will always stay at this level which is just laggy sometimes.

  • @riknos3289
    @riknos3289 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @JayBomb999 Fortunately Ice Cream Sandwich is supposed to fix this for us. About time!

  • @KingKhain
    @KingKhain 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did he just imply in the beginning that since multi-cores CPU's are coming we don't need GPU acceleration for phones, but just for tablets?
    Just because the CPU can handle the UI now doesn't mean it can do it in an efficient way! The GPU can do it more efficiently, otherwise you wouldn't need it for tablets, either. And by the way, Android phones are not just in the high-end....There will be 600-1000 Mhz phones for years as they get into under $100 price ranges. Will they get laggy phones?

  • @kllrnohj
    @kllrnohj 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @AndyTurfer wtf are you ranting about? It has GPU acceleration, that's what the entire fucking video is about. Android 3.0+ has full GPU acceleration of the UI, as has been stated and repeated many, many times now.

  • @statikeffeck
    @statikeffeck 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    doesn't using the GPU use less battery power because it's better at drawing? That's another benefit, if true

  • @quekzhihao1
    @quekzhihao1 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please tell me ICS will enable GPU acceleration for the UI on smartphones!

  • @saquibs20
    @saquibs20 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    i've used honeycomb on motorola xoom and some apps are very crappy. i don't know whose fault it is. don't they have a QC department?

  • @perennialEnglish
    @perennialEnglish 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    4:50 Is there a whitepaper on GPUI? :*)

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Unbelievable!! Absolutely unbelievable!! No GPU acceleration, and it's not needed because hardware is getting better? This is Google's answer to Android issue 6914? Google is trying to convince the world that GPU acceleration for the basic UI in Android handsets isn't needed? Good luck with that!
    I'm so glad I have an iPhone. Never again will I buy anything Android.

  • @Grahamaan27
    @Grahamaan27 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    why do you think updates for androids take so long already? this is nothing new, every phone already needed their own tweaks based on hardware.

  • @youtubeceoruinedyoutube
    @youtubeceoruinedyoutube 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    That kind of kills the idea of true multitasking, does it not?
    I like having my services run in the background without being terminated or paused.
    I think Project Butter solved a lot of these smoothness issues.

  • @JayBomb999
    @JayBomb999 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just bought the Galaxy Nexus. Coming from the Nexus One, it is definitely an improved experience all around, but...
    UI Lag is still there. Pinch to zoom in the browser, Gallery or especially Maps stutters, pauses and often just completely fails. The browser scrolling has improved but still, frustratingly, it sputters and lags (without Flash). All other apps are no different. Their responsiveness sucks as much as ever. Scrolling in menus and Music is perfect though.
    I'm disappointed. Again.

  • @pnoozi
    @pnoozi 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's like nobody at Google has ever used an iPhone.

  • @wonpyokim
    @wonpyokim 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    15:12 android 3.0

  • @zarjesve2
    @zarjesve2 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    I do not understand this at at 34m20s
    this young guy say "you have a listview and you enable the hardware layer and user starts calling the list on every frame of this callAnimation, we will redraw the list into the hardware layer and than we will draw the hardware layer onscreen, so we will be doing twice the amount of work."
    why would Android redraw everything in hardware layer when user scrool listview?
    this is uber stupid - or I do not understand it!
    @TopComments same as M$ in 90's ;)

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @JayBomb999 I just released this: v=KLAizRc2Iuc. I'll release more in the next few days (comparing third-party apps like Engadget, the default SMS application etc). While ICS is an improvement, it's definitely not the answer. The problem still exists. The problem is the problem itself is very difficult to explain, and in my video I don't believe the camera used has a high enough frame-rate to really demonstrate the issue.

  • @Willey1986
    @Willey1986 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Doe we need it? DO WE NEED IT? Sry, but Android is lagging as hell when there are 5-10 Apps running. You need a 1,2 Dualcore GHz to render a simple home screen switch without lags? My iPod 2G or iPhone 3G are much more smoother especially when using the browser. So are you kidding me asking that question?

  • @ShadowriverUB
    @ShadowriverUB 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Or else Android using render to texture, everything will be rerendered each frame in OpenGL in order to be showed.

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @JayBomb999 I did try warning you, and I share your frustration :(. Fool me once Google, shame on you. Fool me six times, shame on me!
    Have you upgraded to 4.0.3 to see if that improves things? I was so frustrated with my Galaxy Nexus that I sold it and bought a £200 Windows Mango handset (which is like a breath of fresh air, I have to admit). I simply cannot tolerate basic UI glitchiness in a £520 handset.

  • @thomas_gaga9551
    @thomas_gaga9551 6 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Google Galaxy Nexus - ICS 4.0.1 - scrolling still not buttery smooth. It's nearly 2012!! I request that the title of this video be changed to 'Lack of Accelerated Android Rendering'. Google are simply unable to get it right (yet numerous other companies have). Scrolling on the Galaxy Nexus is jittery and not consistently fluid (although the transition effects are much better and smooth). Google just don't know scrolling.

  • @JayBomb999
    @JayBomb999 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    @riknos3289 Ice Cream Sandwich looks fantastic in my opinion and I will be among the first in line to get the Galaxy Nexus.
    The only thing bad I can say about Android 4.0 so far, is that it leaves very little for assholes like me to complain about. ;-)

  • @DBuilder1977
    @DBuilder1977 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    zis iz ze mask, zis iz ze button

  • @kriss2005
    @kriss2005 13 ปีที่แล้ว

    Enable it on PHONES!!!

  • @AndyTurfer
    @AndyTurfer 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    @JayBomb999 If only that were true :(. I have a Galaxy Nexus and am extremely disappointed. Scrolling is NOT buttery smooth. It's better, but the jitters are still there. I might try and make one of those 'But Does it Blend?' videos to try and recoup the money I paid for this overpriced junk.