the only way i can see the dread and prismatic being in the final shape before the delay and them not saying anything is if the dread were the enemies in the raid and prismatic was somehow a mechanic from the raid
and i just realised the sound guy even said they weren't working with a lot of time so they used some cool bladder sounds they already had and then recorded themselves crushing jello and merged them to make the sounds of the husk
the only way i can see the dread and prismatic being in the final shape before the delay and them not saying anything is if the dread were the enemies in the raid and prismatic was somehow a mechanic from the raid
and i just realised the sound guy even said they weren't working with a lot of time so they used some cool bladder sounds they already had and then recorded themselves crushing jello and merged them to make the sounds of the husk
Irish brethren I hear, salute I do
Go maith mo dheartháir!