Not only does Abyssal Mask reduce their MR, it also increases yours by 10 as well for every nearby enemy so you just completely negate Sorc Shoes by the opponent even harder. Fun thing is that with Mask + Crypt/Void your opponent will always be at -50% Magic Resist and reduced further if using any flat pen amount.
I'm actually surprised you haven't mentioned Galio at all. After his mini-adjustment, he's probably the best potential abuser of Abyssal Mask because currently his best and most popular 1st item rush is Hollow Radiance, an mr item. So he could probably go: Abyssal-Riftmaker-Situational AP/Tank item or Bamis-Abyssal-Riftmaker-Hollow/Sunfire
@@baoboba I thought it was a little less and it probably was for a while but still. The fact that those are roughly equal in value except we're talking about EVERY use case vs when you're LITERALLY sitting on top of their ENTIRE team is supermassive
I'm a Swain OTP and I build it any game the enemies aren't 4 or 5 AD. Though the "free thinkers" in emerald just go all AD with ADC mid SURPRISINGLY often
Emerald tries out so many builds, and somehow they work sometimes, i remeber almost dodging because my team comp was ass ( no frontline ) but somehow we managed to win
Also VERY amazing on Rammus, since he is sort of a Tank-Assasin who mostly deals magic damage. It allows him to still be strong even in games where he doesn't face that many autoattackers
There is new season pretty soon as well, I wonder how Riot will break everything with it. In most cases we had more stable meta before Worlds than now. Yet, here we are. Though I still don't see how Abyssal Mask counters ADC meta, unless those 'adc' are 'apc'. Still it is economically very good right now. Pretty OP even, but it is situational. If you're not Amumu or Galio, at least.
yea it doesnt really "counter" the adc meta as much as encourage the normal midlane mage picks but now because the jungler builds abyssal 1st/2nd so if a decent mage player sees his jungler hovering something that builds abyssal hes gonna lock in ap every time and shit on people when he roams bot with the abyssal carrier
Bro, the mages you shown who have high winrates in emerald+ have like 0 pickrate. Even Nilah (who is a very unpopular ADC mind you), had 22K games played on bot. The only mage who achieved the same rate is Seraphine, the others are not even half as popular. Thats not nearly enough games to try and prove "they are objectively better". Lower pickrates tend to have higher winrates too, but even Nilah has around a 2-3% pickrate across all ranks, so she is unpopular to begin with and only played by her mains, who will of course have a better winrate
@@einjharrelraca Yeah uh, no :DD Every toplaner gets sit on by her in the first 3 levels, only some of them can even match her later in the laning phase. There's a reason why ADC's are meta in lanes where assassins and mages (their biggest counters) are played, you know. There are a few counters, like Malphite, but those are easy bans for the Vayne player
@tamas9554 meta. Yeah so meta with their....... 46% winrates in those lanes. XD yeah, 46% winrate and >1% pickrate, look out, meta domination coming through. XD And the VAST majoirty of the non-juggernaut cast afk walks vayne top to death if they dont int 3k gold before level 3. Sounds like a skill issue if you're struggling to deal with her. Maybe play more than just garen, sett and mordekaiser?
Just remove the exp differential bot in a solo lane. That is the main reason they are going solo lane. no one wants to play a carry role and be 2-3 levels down the enemy while ahead!!
That or buff MR on Range champs. Make it so mid and mage supp can’t delete them, promote assassins for ADC heavy teams as they should be the ones to counter them, not AP champs
The point of the exp differential is you have a SUPPORT with you. If your support cant make up for the level disadvantage then they picked wrong, stay together with your support like your suppose to.
kick out yr support. they are useless. all they do is int, steal your minions with their support item and siphon your exp.they are No-skill shitters; abuse them till they run to Top or Mid.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin A lot of times this doesn't happen. The support is doing something else. In games, where the support really sticks to the adc, almost the whole game, I see a strong adc and support duo. But the later thing happens not that much.
To be perfectly honest - ADCs mid have been viable for many many years. I don’t mean mid-tier either. They have been able to stand toe to toe in laning phase and mid game with mid range mages for quite awhile. The downside has always been the functionality of the comp and what happens if or when you get behind because of jungle/support pressure. Stattik being a real item option, regen runes, and probably most importantly a shift in jungle/support meta to allow for comp flexibility is what smooths the curve.
Elise is also insane with abysal mask since her q range is 50 less range than abyssal mask range. And elise is op with flat mag pen so you build storm surge demon fire abyssal and rabs you end up doing true damage to any champ with less than 80 mr Also one thing I have found is absolutely broken this season is j4 support since he works very well with both of the top botlane stompers he can rush 1st item abysal mask for apc's he has knock up and slow and most importantly the cageult that keeps the adc's/ apc's still for the top apc's like ziggs, brand, syndra, swain, hwei. Example j4 eq r ziggs ults on his r for center hit damage. Next he is also good with the adc's that run lethality like jinx, caitlyn, samira, jhin you just max q to shred 26% of enemy armor and all it will take is a collector and a dirk to deal true damage to enemy. J4 is funny enough the best support this season
yup, when i saw the abyssal changes i knew it was op, been running it on every champ apart from long range mages like xerath, but on diana and stuff im buildin it EVERY GAME
0:54 me with my duo that is my dedicated adc that has never played an adc in that position. Literally we have been playing together for years, we have way more than a 1000 games together I have no count but we play atleast 5-6 matches per week for 4 years, without counting weekends, and I have never once see him playing an adc outside of aram.
Dude thats what ive been saying for so long now. It's crazy slept on rn. If you deal magic damage, abyssal mask is a must have. If not, it's still a must have unless youre running 5 physical champs
2:53 I was gonna say that you're wrong because of Senna, Kog'Maw, Jinx, etc but then I thought to check what the range type is for Abyssal Mask. It is center to edge, while auto attacks are edge to edge. This means you're even more wrong, because Caitlyn has 650 attack range, which translated to center-to-edge range is 715
Wait what about Aurora too, actually. her ult is basically the same range as abyssal and she can bounce around and stick on people in fights with it too.
i buy that shit in every single aram game i play. I also rush it second as maokai top after sunfire or hollow radiance. The item has been giga broken since its tweak to percentage reduction instead of flat, it just stayed under the radar because it's a tank item and force of nature feels better to buy because of movement speed. I sometimes buy it on renekton too, specifically when my team is ap jungle, mid, enchantress or zone ap support.
People are confused by the %MR Reduction being additive. Remember, reduction has always been additive. The difference is just that this source is percentage, not flat.
Hear me out - "supported" starting items for ADCs, which activate whenever an ally is nearby. Make them build up stats to a certain point then vanish from inventory to become a permanent buff for the rest of the game. This lets RIOT nerf ADC items slightly, making ADCs naturally want to be in bot-lane rather than solo lanes. ADCs could still be picked for solo roles, but they'd not get such great items to work with. It has worked well with support items, so I'm shocked RIOT hasn't thought of this already.
So essentially make support versions of current jungle items. It could work, although supports also get extra wards from their support items. You can't get rid of the extra wards since it's part of the support's job to both ward and clear wards with oracle lens.
i find it hilarious people complain about adc in other lanes but bottom. you now have the squishiest enemy to blow up. just get good and build a thornmail and the adc meta is wrecked its a skill issue if your losing to adc teams
Tbh in solo lane is a skil issue to lose to marksmen,marksmen are really strong only between lvl1 to 5 after they just fall off down in a cliff until they scale again in late game and in fact it is what you see in winrate terms marksmen in other lane just win a lot less than classi picks
@@elia0162 Yeah, say that to pre-nerf Trist mid who could literally half hp you on lvl 3 in like 2 seconds. The problem is they are so oppressive in lane it becomes hard to even farm, and thats not taking into account how you just lose all the early kill potential, which hurts assassins a lot. You could say that its easy to oneshot them after lane phase, but by that point they usually get so ahead its not even an option
in ranked games, yes u r right, but in pro games, when early phase win in laning can be scaled and snowball so hard, and pro player hardly make any mistakes in positioning, adcs mid are literally destroying any classic mid picks right now
Yeah try facing a Varus or Vayne as an immobile tank or bruiser in top. You need gold and items to have enough damage to punish them but they won't let you get there, and they will even build tanky items because their champions have so much free % max hp damage already anyways
First they overcorrected tanks by adding too many sources of anti-tank items, runes, and giving every champion tank busting Now I guess it’s ADC’s turn Edit: also building it on Galio is hilariously strong
The problem is the fundamental flaw of xp in botlane. ADCs will always be like two levels down coming out of lane and thus feel/be weaker than the rest. Riots fix? Buff ADC champs. The result? ADCs are now really strong making high mobility ADCs broken in solo lanes where they can still get more xp. I think to prevent ADCs to leak into other roles they have to address this problem first everything else is just trying to cure the symptoms…
Lowered XP in botlane is the cure to making botlane ADCs not take over the game. Tell me, what do you think happens when 2 people who have the advantage of more items and more abilities also get the same amount of XP as someone laning solo? They take over the fucking game. Shared botlane XP is to give sololanes SOME kind of advantage over botlaners who otherwise will have more items total and more abilities available over their sololaners.
i play an obscene amount of udyr and yea abyssal is just plain broken. so broken that i feel like udyr might catch a stray in the coming balance debacle even tho hes being propped up by his first 2 items being so broken
well udyr is broken rn and has been for like 5 or 6 patches now. His damage is just plain ridiculous. And he has perfectly viable AP and AD AND tank builds. Almost no other champion has this option.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin ad is coinflippy. but tank is busted because he applies liandrys for like 6k damage a game. if they nerf liandrys, they hurt a lotta other champs. if they nerf udyr damage, he dies out cuz his damage is literally his only shining factor. Its obv way too high for too little effort but hes not as tanky as sej mumu maokai etc just cuz hes not building lots of resistances first 2 items. riot clearly doesnt know what to do about it so theyll probably just damage nerf him anyways even tho its CLEARLY liandrys being the most gold efficient damage item in the game. but hey then the precious mages the very video is about would suffer, cant have that.
Simple.. ad beats ap. Had this problem for awhile. All ad team usually whens vs all ap team in aram. Plus they just have way too many items for ad. Very lil difference in ap builds
This could all be avoided if they let bot laners have the same exp and they balanced marksmen around the new experience. Balancing them around being lower leveled and then being surprised that they are strong when they go to a solo lane and are the same level is crazy
Its all fun and games until you get the random ryze main on your team going ROA, warmogs, abyssal and running around with mundos hp bar and oneshotting everyone... kinda like mundo. The adc meta was a high elo phenomenon, i havent seen a single adc in over 100 games in emerald/dia this season on either team that wasnt completly useless and a non factor no matter what position they played. Its usually was "which bruiser/tank gets ahead, this team will win no matter the gamestate." I wish id see a game where its actually adc meta, but all i see is bruisers in top mid jgl getting fed and 1v9 the games.
Yea but ADCs are carries and the only ones that can DPS down mega tanks and fighters. Late game they have 215% total AS ratio autos with armor pen, life steal that happen multiple times per second with many of them having large range, steroids, or do that damage in an AOE. Force of nature and kaenic rookern just completely shut down magic damage dealers. And having an ADC on your team forces the enemy team to stack at least some armor or risk getting obliterated. Mages counter ADCs, they are designed to burst people with spells.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeh? abyssal scepter has caused the exact same issue in a season years ago. why on earth is the effect in the game still. didn't they remove it at some point?
@@tamas9554 item was Dogshit for years upon years bro. Literally the #1 historically trash item, I can't think of any better examples. I could never even get teammates to build it when the time was perfect because it was hailed as so useless. There were niche uses but they were so few and between that ppl were uncomfortable whipping it out, it was that bad
1:27 overall disingenuous video but this one especially,up until last patch the combined pickrate of all mages bot was lower than the pickrate of a single ADC mid or top you cannot convince me a 0.3% pickrate champ isn't just being drafted into and in the perfect teamcomp,they are not better than ADCs they are drafted in winning game also sorcs got nerf as well,mage (and assassin) items got overnerf a couple of times the only thing i agree with is that mask has been overtuned since forever and anyone who has any magic damage and is somewhat close range should buy it
first mage meta then adc meta and now back to mage meta? this season sucks for bruisers and assasins 😭😭 please riot buff bruisers/assasins or nerf mages/adcs 😭
Xd mages are terrible this is just adc meta lol. I don't get how are they this delusional I play swain into zeri mid and it's unplayable she melts everyone...
@@henriquesousa9683 U can play any mage into zeri lol. Ekko, sylas, leblanc, kata, hwei, galio if u count him, diana, vex, xerath. lol Mages have no counters really. Thats their whole point. They get free laning phase in return for little map pressure. IF anything counters them its things like tryndamere maybe and zed or something with big gap close. But if they play right theres not much u can do to them mid lane.
So what youre saying is that now adc will be top and mid laner, mage will be bot lane, and low mobility ad bruiser can go cry in a corner.
As it should be on proper levels of play
I don't want to be that guy but marksman after lvl 6 fall off in a cliff in terms of power because people just flash over you and oneshot you
@@elia0162 What? You can't be over plat if you're saying this
That is why garen has a incredible high wr rn
Not only does Abyssal Mask reduce their MR, it also increases yours by 10 as well for every nearby enemy so you just completely negate Sorc Shoes by the opponent even harder.
Fun thing is that with Mask + Crypt/Void your opponent will always be at -50% Magic Resist and reduced further if using any flat pen amount.
Aren't those items mutually exclusive? You can't build Mask + Void or Crypt
@@Jiroscopio_Yup, you can only go 1 big pen item.
Can still go Stormsurge and Shadowflame though
@@Jiroscopio_yes but your mates can do void
Botlane supp goes abyssal and adc goes a mage
Yes you can only build one.
What I meant to say is one person Carry's mask and the other with void/crypt so u get the maximum value.
I'm actually surprised you haven't mentioned Galio at all. After his mini-adjustment, he's probably the best potential abuser of Abyssal Mask because currently his best and most popular 1st item rush is Hollow Radiance, an mr item. So he could probably go:
Abyssal-Riftmaker-Situational AP/Tank item or
Actually the crown goes to Amumu, Followed by Galio and Udyr.
That is pretty insane though how the item went from 9 pen or whatever it was to 30%. Massive bump there
up to 25 flat to 30%
@@baoboba I thought it was a little less and it probably was for a while but still. The fact that those are roughly equal in value except we're talking about EVERY use case vs when you're LITERALLY sitting on top of their ENTIRE team is supermassive
@@pinnacleexpress420 but before you could buy void with it !
I'm a Swain OTP and I build it any game the enemies aren't 4 or 5 AD. Though the "free thinkers" in emerald just go all AD with ADC mid SURPRISINGLY often
Yes, emerald is just troll elo. Just like low masters.
Emerald tries out so many builds, and somehow they work sometimes, i remeber almost dodging because my team comp was ass ( no frontline ) but somehow we managed to win
ive been abusing this item on mundo and gwen for a year its a really good item, and it just keeps getting buffed for no reason
Ornn is also an S Tier Pick on which Abysal works extreemly well especially as you max W which has 16% max Health magic DMG
Also VERY amazing on Rammus, since he is sort of a Tank-Assasin who mostly deals magic damage. It allows him to still be strong even in games where he doesn't face that many autoattackers
Yup, don’t forget it buffs Thornmail and Bami’s Cinder damage too.
This, and i also take smite ignite. Unless they picked cleanse, their carry is over
There is new season pretty soon as well, I wonder how Riot will break everything with it. In most cases we had more stable meta before Worlds than now. Yet, here we are. Though I still don't see how Abyssal Mask counters ADC meta, unless those 'adc' are 'apc'.
Still it is economically very good right now. Pretty OP even, but it is situational. If you're not Amumu or Galio, at least.
yea it doesnt really "counter" the adc meta as much as encourage the normal midlane mage picks but now because the jungler builds abyssal 1st/2nd so if a decent mage player sees his jungler hovering something that builds abyssal hes gonna lock in ap every time and shit on people when he roams bot with the abyssal carrier
Bro, the mages you shown who have high winrates in emerald+ have like 0 pickrate. Even Nilah (who is a very unpopular ADC mind you), had 22K games played on bot. The only mage who achieved the same rate is Seraphine, the others are not even half as popular. Thats not nearly enough games to try and prove "they are objectively better".
Lower pickrates tend to have higher winrates too, but even Nilah has around a 2-3% pickrate across all ranks, so she is unpopular to begin with and only played by her mains, who will of course have a better winrate
Meanwhile. Top laners crying about ryze and his 0.8% pickrate, and vayne and her 1.8% pickrate. XD
@@einjharrelraca Play against Vayne top with any Juggernaut and you'll know true suffering, I assure you :D
@@tamas9554 i mean. Play vayne into anything that isnt a juggernaut. You'll know real pain. XD
@@einjharrelraca Yeah uh, no :DD
Every toplaner gets sit on by her in the first 3 levels, only some of them can even match her later in the laning phase.
There's a reason why ADC's are meta in lanes where assassins and mages (their biggest counters) are played, you know.
There are a few counters, like Malphite, but those are easy bans for the Vayne player
@tamas9554 meta. Yeah so meta with their....... 46% winrates in those lanes. XD yeah, 46% winrate and >1% pickrate, look out, meta domination coming through. XD
And the VAST majoirty of the non-juggernaut cast afk walks vayne top to death if they dont int 3k gold before level 3. Sounds like a skill issue if you're struggling to deal with her. Maybe play more than just garen, sett and mordekaiser?
Kat being a battle mage is a wild statement 😂
That ASSASSIN is out of control at times lol
Just remove the exp differential bot in a solo lane. That is the main reason they are going solo lane. no one wants to play a carry role and be 2-3 levels down the enemy while ahead!!
That or buff MR on Range champs. Make it so mid and mage supp can’t delete them, promote assassins for ADC heavy teams as they should be the ones to counter them, not AP champs
The point of the exp differential is you have a SUPPORT with you. If your support cant make up for the level disadvantage then they picked wrong, stay together with your support like your suppose to.
kick out yr support. they are useless. all they do is int, steal your minions with their support item and siphon your exp.they are No-skill shitters; abuse them till they run to Top or Mid.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin A lot of times this doesn't happen. The support is doing something else. In games, where the support really sticks to the adc, almost the whole game, I see a strong adc and support duo. But the later thing happens not that much.
Yeah and then solo laners would be just a bunch of HP with CC
Galio crying a river right now !
To be perfectly honest - ADCs mid have been viable for many many years. I don’t mean mid-tier either. They have been able to stand toe to toe in laning phase and mid game with mid range mages for quite awhile.
The downside has always been the functionality of the comp and what happens if or when you get behind because of jungle/support pressure.
Stattik being a real item option, regen runes, and probably most importantly a shift in jungle/support meta to allow for comp flexibility is what smooths the curve.
Elise is also insane with abysal mask since her q range is 50 less range than abyssal mask range. And elise is op with flat mag pen so you build storm surge demon fire abyssal and rabs you end up doing true damage to any champ with less than 80 mr
Also one thing I have found is absolutely broken this season is j4 support since he works very well with both of the top botlane stompers he can rush 1st item abysal mask for apc's he has knock up and slow and most importantly the cageult that keeps the adc's/ apc's still for the top apc's like ziggs, brand, syndra, swain, hwei. Example j4 eq r ziggs ults on his r for center hit damage. Next he is also good with the adc's that run lethality like jinx, caitlyn, samira, jhin you just max q to shred 26% of enemy armor and all it will take is a collector and a dirk to deal true damage to enemy. J4 is funny enough the best support this season
Works great with Rell. The extra armor shred can absolutely destroy squishies
That's some high quality editing
yup, when i saw the abyssal changes i knew it was op, been running it on every champ apart from long range mages like xerath, but on diana and stuff im buildin it EVERY GAME
Yeah, I build this on heimer with conqueror. It is pretty strong especially if you can kite well.
0:54 me with my duo that is my dedicated adc that has never played an adc in that position. Literally we have been playing together for years, we have way more than a 1000 games together I have no count but we play atleast 5-6 matches per week for 4 years, without counting weekends, and I have never once see him playing an adc outside of aram.
My fav times bot have been stuff like Darius adc naut support, play it right and it stomps whilst also being fun
Dude thats what ive been saying for so long now. It's crazy slept on rn. If you deal magic damage, abyssal mask is a must have. If not, it's still a must have unless youre running 5 physical champs
Evellyn with this item is also really good, cause she also reduces mr on her W
Don’t build this on Evelynn, you actually want the extra AP damage to help your AP ratios and spells one shot the targets.
2:53 I was gonna say that you're wrong because of Senna, Kog'Maw, Jinx, etc but then I thought to check what the range type is for Abyssal Mask. It is center to edge, while auto attacks are edge to edge. This means you're even more wrong, because Caitlyn has 650 attack range, which translated to center-to-edge range is 715
Wait what about Aurora too, actually. her ult is basically the same range as abyssal and she can bounce around and stick on people in fights with it too.
Ahhhhhh My must buy item on Leb
Imagine they change abyssal so hard like wildrift.
Remove aura + Add charge dmg based on magic receive upon cc'ing enemies.
yea as a swain mid one trick, i transferred to bot with dark harvest, malignance and abyssal mask, and I win everytime
i buy that shit in every single aram game i play. I also rush it second as maokai top after sunfire or hollow radiance. The item has been giga broken since its tweak to percentage reduction instead of flat, it just stayed under the radar because it's a tank item and force of nature feels better to buy because of movement speed. I sometimes buy it on renekton too, specifically when my team is ap jungle, mid, enchantress or zone ap support.
Idk if anyone mentioned this but its the reason why Caitlyn is a very common ban this season
you sure about the Sylas buffs my man?!?
People are confused by the %MR Reduction being additive. Remember, reduction has always been additive. The difference is just that this source is percentage, not flat.
Immediately threw Kata in the gutter after she had finally found some relevance and not hell like landing phase
Interesting! What do you think about Lissandra using it?
Amumu with abyssal is very balanced. :)
"Often need multiple spell rotations" nah roll your keyboard once and enemies die in season 14
Is phreak still head of balance team? because if he is they need to fire that guy, theres 0 balancing going on
It's balanced (AKA Absurdly Busted) for ADCs because how else will Phreak climb out of Emerald?
If u cant beat it join it abyssal jinx time
Bruiser Diana 2nd item Abysl Mask is working very well for me
Jungle or mid
@@The_Lightless jgl
@@The_Lightless Liandries first
@@AtLeastVision I have been running nashors rocketbelt for quickest 2 item spike but I’ll try this.
@@AtLeastVision Thanks bro. I will be joining you haha
Tldr build abyssal mask in games with magic damage 🤯
Rumble will be bugged until the end
abyssal mask vladimir is gonna cook so well probably
you can make video about potions as well why the iron one is the best of 2 others
Kassadins base damage has been gutted since early 2023 lol what
I swear it so underrated my friend don't even know it exist!
Hear me out - "supported" starting items for ADCs, which activate whenever an ally is nearby. Make them build up stats to a certain point then vanish from inventory to become a permanent buff for the rest of the game. This lets RIOT nerf ADC items slightly, making ADCs naturally want to be in bot-lane rather than solo lanes. ADCs could still be picked for solo roles, but they'd not get such great items to work with.
It has worked well with support items, so I'm shocked RIOT hasn't thought of this already.
So essentially make support versions of current jungle items. It could work, although supports also get extra wards from their support items. You can't get rid of the extra wards since it's part of the support's job to both ward and clear wards with oracle lens.
good to know now aurora might usethis tech
What about Abyssal mask on Voli with his current ROA/Flicker blades build?
its an amazing thresh top first item
What about azir? Remember the tank azir meta vid u guys made?
still works
i find it hilarious people complain about adc in other lanes but bottom. you now have the squishiest enemy to blow up. just get good and build a thornmail and the adc meta is wrecked its a skill issue if your losing to adc teams
Tbh in solo lane is a skil issue to lose to marksmen,marksmen are really strong only between lvl1 to 5 after they just fall off down in a cliff until they scale again in late game and in fact it is what you see in winrate terms marksmen in other lane just win a lot less than classi picks
@@elia0162 Yeah, say that to pre-nerf Trist mid who could literally half hp you on lvl 3 in like 2 seconds. The problem is they are so oppressive in lane it becomes hard to even farm, and thats not taking into account how you just lose all the early kill potential, which hurts assassins a lot. You could say that its easy to oneshot them after lane phase, but by that point they usually get so ahead its not even an option
@@tamas9554 Trist can still do that, she just cant spam her Q anymore.
in ranked games, yes u r right, but in pro games, when early phase win in laning can be scaled and snowball so hard, and pro player hardly make any mistakes in positioning, adcs mid are literally destroying any classic mid picks right now
Yeah try facing a Varus or Vayne as an immobile tank or bruiser in top. You need gold and items to have enough damage to punish them but they won't let you get there, and they will even build tanky items because their champions have so much free % max hp damage already anyways
First they overcorrected tanks by adding too many sources of anti-tank items, runes, and giving every champion tank busting
Now I guess it’s ADC’s turn
Edit: also building it on Galio is hilariously strong
I always use abyssal mask on mordekaiser when I'm using it.
Free Mr and magic pen on a AP burst juggernaut? Well say good bye to the tanks.
Literally all the games of the chogath botlane and the winrate come from me, i have 1000+ games with cho adc LOL
The problem is the fundamental flaw of xp in botlane. ADCs will always be like two levels down coming out of lane and thus feel/be weaker than the rest. Riots fix? Buff ADC champs. The result? ADCs are now really strong making high mobility ADCs broken in solo lanes where they can still get more xp. I think to prevent ADCs to leak into other roles they have to address this problem first everything else is just trying to cure the symptoms…
Lowered XP in botlane is the cure to making botlane ADCs not take over the game.
Tell me, what do you think happens when 2 people who have the advantage of more items and more abilities also get the same amount of XP as someone laning solo? They take over the fucking game. Shared botlane XP is to give sololanes SOME kind of advantage over botlaners who otherwise will have more items total and more abilities available over their sololaners.
i play an obscene amount of udyr and yea abyssal is just plain broken. so broken that i feel like udyr might catch a stray in the coming balance debacle even tho hes being propped up by his first 2 items being so broken
well udyr is broken rn and has been for like 5 or 6 patches now. His damage is just plain ridiculous. And he has perfectly viable AP and AD AND tank builds. Almost no other champion has this option.
@@WorldKeepsSpinnin ad is coinflippy. but tank is busted because he applies liandrys for like 6k damage a game. if they nerf liandrys, they hurt a lotta other champs. if they nerf udyr damage, he dies out cuz his damage is literally his only shining factor. Its obv way too high for too little effort but hes not as tanky as sej mumu maokai etc just cuz hes not building lots of resistances first 2 items. riot clearly doesnt know what to do about it so theyll probably just damage nerf him anyways even tho its CLEARLY liandrys being the most gold efficient damage item in the game. but hey then the precious mages the very video is about would suffer, cant have that.
Nah ppl don’t even group in the low elos
sylas laughing. i also get lifesteal for free.
and still stealth and overloaded champions are still no counter no matter what patch
thoughts about lilia using mask?
The adc problem has an easy solution. You don't want ADCs played any other lane? Just disable them on the rest of the three lanes. Ez
i was abusing on kassadin before it change for flat pen it was disgusting
wait, %based magic resist reduction stacks additively, what the hell why?
Simple.. ad beats ap. Had this problem for awhile. All ad team usually whens vs all ap team in aram. Plus they just have way too many items for ad. Very lil difference in ap builds
This could all be avoided if they let bot laners have the same exp and they balanced marksmen around the new experience. Balancing them around being lower leveled and then being surprised that they are strong when they go to a solo lane and are the same level is crazy
Oh boy… can’t wait for my mage item get nerfed. Mage buffs seem to never last long.
U highlighted cho as if he isnt a mage, but they play him AP lol
Its all fun and games until you get the random ryze main on your team going ROA, warmogs, abyssal and running around with mundos hp bar and oneshotting everyone... kinda like mundo.
The adc meta was a high elo phenomenon, i havent seen a single adc in over 100 games in emerald/dia this season on either team that wasnt completly useless and a non factor no matter what position they played. Its usually was "which bruiser/tank gets ahead, this team will win no matter the gamestate." I wish id see a game where its actually adc meta, but all i see is bruisers in top mid jgl getting fed and 1v9 the games.
It definitly doesnt feel like an adc Meta
If everyone builds abyssal mask. No one is
I play trist adc look at her win rate bot now after all the nerfs and she is STILL PLAYED MID IN PRO
I'm not gonna lie. I have never used it😂 I even forgot about it😅
Great time to be an Amumu player
Oh so when every other role went bot its ok but when adcs go to other lane its a problem
Yea but ADCs are carries and the only ones that can DPS down mega tanks and fighters.
Late game they have 215% total AS ratio autos with armor pen, life steal that happen multiple times per second with many of them having large range, steroids, or do that damage in an AOE.
Force of nature and kaenic rookern just completely shut down magic damage dealers.
And having an ADC on your team forces the enemy team to stack at least some armor or risk getting obliterated.
Mages counter ADCs, they are designed to burst people with spells.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeh? abyssal scepter has caused the exact same issue in a season years ago. why on earth is the effect in the game still. didn't they remove it at some point?
How does Trinity force benefit cho'gath?
Adc has been bad botlane since the exp nerfs compounded by the item nerfs…. Mages have BEEN better botlane
Reduce 30% of MR of enemy 💀
Amumu builds it, so it gives magic pen and bonus true dmg on magic dmg to everyone? Looks like an op combo to me.
Its a terrible take, who the hell even uses it? :DD
Very niche item which isn't good on a lot of champs
@@tamas9554 item was Dogshit for years upon years bro. Literally the #1 historically trash item, I can't think of any better examples. I could never even get teammates to build it when the time was perfect because it was hailed as so useless. There were niche uses but they were so few and between that ppl were uncomfortable whipping it out, it was that bad
What was the point of 12.10?
Why the fuk do they buff something right after nerfing another. Just nerf smth and leave everything else the same and test
Doesn't it only affect one enemy champion?
so what you're saying abyssal mask 2nd buy varus is good
buff assassins' items buff rengar
Pls tell me they not nerf blade of the ruined king again
Don't teach people how to itemize. It's a huge advantage for me. ALSO Don't buy force of nature, it's obviously trash...😂
pay someone on fiver to void the vid next
thank you so much for showing us mages have more wr than adcs on botlane. most disgusting sht ever and annoying.
Adc shouldnt be lock down to bottom
1:27 overall disingenuous video but this one especially,up until last patch the combined pickrate of all mages bot was lower than the pickrate of a single ADC mid or top
you cannot convince me a 0.3% pickrate champ isn't just being drafted into and in the perfect teamcomp,they are not better than ADCs they are drafted in winning game
also sorcs got nerf as well,mage (and assassin) items got overnerf a couple of times
the only thing i agree with is that mask has been overtuned since forever and anyone who has any magic damage and is somewhat close range should buy it
Nah adc are still good if you have spacing and actually auto till your last breath
Why is maxmoefo ranting about league?
rito is new to mobas, give them some time.....
Just remove absorb life already
first mage meta then adc meta and now back to mage meta? this season sucks for bruisers and assasins 😭😭
please riot buff bruisers/assasins or nerf mages/adcs 😭
Xd mages are terrible this is just adc meta lol. I don't get how are they this delusional I play swain into zeri mid and it's unplayable she melts everyone...
Zed and kata are strong. Any mage is strong atm wdym
Mages are strong since item rework what do you mean
@@elia0162 bruh try to play a mage into zeri mid and compare ur impact with hers? It's beyond ridicullous
@@henriquesousa9683 U can play any mage into zeri lol. Ekko, sylas, leblanc, kata, hwei, galio if u count him, diana, vex, xerath. lol Mages have no counters really. Thats their whole point. They get free laning phase in return for little map pressure. IF anything counters them its things like tryndamere maybe and zed or something with big gap close. But if they play right theres not much u can do to them mid lane.