When the internet was expensive & the country have no platforms like we see right now lt was interesting but now it's not necessarily to deliver on the book format he can have a channel on you tube or he can do it in the TV, nobody want spend hours on the book like this.
ዶ/ር አለማየሁ ዋሴን ጋብዙልን
የጠያቂዎችን ስም በኤዲቲንግ በጽሑፍ ቢገባስ ጥሩ አይሆንም ወይ?
When the internet was expensive & the country have no platforms like we see right now lt was interesting but now it's not necessarily to deliver on the book format he can have a channel on you tube or he can do it in the TV, nobody want spend hours on the book like this.
Lemetadem botaw yet akababi new mebiyas snt new please ngerugn
benetsa nw 4kilo abrhot lib jerba
Stop .talking, it is valueless. let the government do its governing.