I haven’t even finished my toast, and my spiritual mind is blown in the best way possible. Praise the Lord for the wisdom’s He’s given you to discover this, pastor John
This is pure, Spirit-led, exegesis right here from Elder John Piper. Those scribes and Pharisees were blind and hard-hearted Scripture twisters who made their disciples twofold children of condemnation. I didn't realize that leading point with Micah and Matthew but now it's so obvious. This is why not mere scholarship but the regeneration and illumination of the Holy Spirit is essential if we are to understand and receive the things of God, because otherwise we may end crucifying or rejecting he who is the Word of God himself thinking that we are the ones on the side of God. Dear Lord, please have mercy and speak to our hearts with truth and clarity!
Now I see why I should be reading my Bible more, all these years and I haven't noticed this discrepancy, I feel so ashamed 🙈. Thanks Pastor John for sharing this angle of looking at it. Happy New Year everyone 🎉
Piper - this was a very insightful point. Thank you. I'm glad I clicked on this video. If I may say, I wish you'd teach from the gospels and other narrative books more often. Just as your "men of whom the world were not worthy" bios are your best talks (in so many people's opinions), I think for the same reasons... that your talents lie most in teaching on the narrative portions of scripture. There I said it. And I think Matthew in particular is tragically under-preached these days. As Genesis is to the Old Testament, Matthew's gospel is to the new. It is its cornerstone, its μέτρον. Thank you for speaking so well of the Lord Jesus. Be blessed.
+Marty Blackman.. The bible was written by the Scribes and the Pharisees had complete control over what is in the bible. You are putting you trust in Gods enemies!
Forgive me, I’m new to these videos, is the argument that you should only be reading the King James Version of the Bible? That all other Bibles twist and change the meaning of what was being said? Even insert some complete nonsense in them? I’m relatively new to my faith, I read the NLT Bible and have heard warnings that it’s NOT what was actually written. However I’m not good at all at reading Old English (for lack of a better term) which is why I chose that Bible. But I’d rather struggle through reading the truth over what man has changed to suit them.
Old English isn't that hard because we have dictionaries and online sources. Reading carefully and making sure you use dictionaries anytime your uncertain what a word means helps also. I have found that many English words even the ones we use today have multiple meanings and by praying to God and asking him to reveal to you his wisdom and truth through his Holy Spirit helps also.
Hello James! First, I think these videos and Desiring God are a great place to grow in your faith and to learn how to approach the Bible (carefully, thoughtfully, prayerfully, etc!) They have helped me a ton. And not speaking officially whatsoever, but I know Pastor John & Desiring God do not subscribe to King James-only positions, nor hold to the idea that all modern versions are corrupted, etc. Most differences between the KJV and modern versions (besides the old/modern English) are due to the manuscripts being translated from - with modern version using older sources (closer to the originals) than were available when the KJV was translated. It's not a matter of people going in and changing whatever to suit them, though that is a claim often made from the KJV-only camp. Even when verses are not included in a few cases, it's because many older sources don't have those verses, suggesting they were actually added later, etc. and thus were included in the manuscript the KJV was translated from. Do keep in mind though, most differences in all manuscripts are expected things, copyist errors, misspelled names, numbers, etc. We have better reasons than ever to believe what we have today is extremely close to the originals. Pastor John/Desiring God mainly use the ESV as far as translations go. You can read more about that decision here: www.desiringgod.org/articles/good-english-with-minimal-translation-why-bethlehem-uses-the-esv Basically, it's a good balance between being literal and understandable. As far as the KJV-only position itself - nearly all mean well I'm sure, but most have been raised on half-true histories and misinformation about the KJV and other translations. Not that there isn't anything to look out for, or things that aren't concerning with some publishers, but the KJV-only take on the situation is a bit extreme. I'd suggest checking the KJV against the ESV, for example - again, even with verses removed that appear in older sources - no core doctrines are changed or removed in the least. Core doctrines aren't just a single verse any way. Even secondary teachings are nearly untouched. The Gospel is still 100% the Gospel. As for the NLT, it could be a good place to start from, but not for use as a study bible since it's much more of a paraphrase than a direct translation. Some places the NLT does a great job at carrying the meaning over into English in an accurate and stirring way, other places it can move too far from the original. Again, it could be a good start for grasping the basics! One could even use it for general reading and another translation for more in-depth study. But translations like the ESV, CSV, NASB and others do a pretty good job of being both close to literal and yet understandable. And, as far as the main argument of this video! It's actually Pastor John explaining why the Old Testament seems to have been misquoted by the priests and scribes during Jesus' day, concerning the birth of the messiah. Both texts he's showing in this video are from the same translation, and the KJV has the same differences between them. Basically the religious rulers quoted or paraphrased it in a way that fit them a bit better, which is why it seems different when they quoted it in the New Testament vs. what is written in the Old. Hope that all helps, James! And praying 2020 will be a blessed year of growth in the faith for you, brother :)
No, he's not saying that. He's analyzing only one version and explaining how the pharisees completely missed the point of old testament texts, he's not going between versions. You don't have to read the king James version to encounter God's word, but you should research which versions are widely used and how they are translated. I'd say that the most prominent one I personally know is the ESV. Being new to the faith, the obligation you have to study the Word is not as much as someone like John Piper. You will gain much from simply sitting and reading and meditating. Someday perhaps you will read the KJV and will find something new in its language. But most people do not rely on that as their main source because it becomes troublesome to get anything out of it. Newer translations (the good ones) are usually just updated language that we can easily understand. The unique thing with the NLT That I just learned is that it's actually a revision of another less accurate version called the living Bible. It is made more accurate, but it's not directly translated from KJV or the original languages, if that makes sense. I'm not sure if that rules it out or if the text still holds up, further study is needed. If you feel compelled to get another translation, I would recommend ESV or NIV. Hope you're doing well!
As the Lord is sovereign you have to understand the bible is the whole truth whether it’s written in Aramaic or English, the Lord put those people in place to correctly translate the bible at the given times of history. I wouldn’t say that different translations are incorrect but you have understand the context and time it was translated. I highly recommend the NKJ, NLT or AMP they are great and have solid understanding for our period of time.
James Karl Not the argument at all! The NLT translation is very accurate and by no means inserts things that originally weren’t there. Kjv, Niv, Esv, Nlt, all are faithful translations!
Agreed 100% with everything said. Scripture, while holy, inspired, and inerrant has been twisted by the scribes. This is a parallel for the end times, today. The church is going to get everything wrong in regards to how the Christ will appear. He’s going to come in a way no one expects. The Son won’t even know initially. Or the Daughter. The Almighty could choose a woman to be the Messiah if he wanted to. If you don’t believe Christ could return as a woman, you will definitely miss him initially. Or her. Pastor John, please make more videos like this that communicate controversial truths. It is time to begin waking the Church up. If you are a believer, you need to be hitting the scriptures hard, especially the Old Testament. This is an excellent resource that goes to the original Hebrew and Greek. It allows for easy cross references of scripture and what you will learn will blow your mind. Be careful though, because the more you seek, the more you will find and you will eventually become addicted to studying the Word. Then you’ll actually want to make disciples because you are so excited about what you have learned. Next thing you know the entire world will believe and the Kingdom will come. www.quotescosmos.com/ #2020Vision
Yes. It is another name for Bethlehem. An older name which denoted the same city. This was a custom among the Jews whereby they marked key lineages Gen35:16 & 19 And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour. (...) And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem. Gen48:7 And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan in the way, when yet [there was] but a little way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath; the same [is] Bethlehem. We find out in Chronicles how the name derives: And Penuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah. These are the sons of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem. 1Chr4:4 See also 1 Sam17:12, Ruth 1:2 & Ruth 4:11 ! If you've got a few extra mins, look up John Gill's commentary on Psa132:6 which verse reads thus: Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood. We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool. Pretty amazing to see how it all ties together like fine twined linen. Cheers
I think the scribes are verbally paraphrasing, adding in their own eisegesis, and showing their ethnocentrism before the royal audience. Even though the scribes probably had this scripture memorized in Hebrew, they would be translating perhaps on-the-spot for Herod right? God Bless and thanks for the insight! Also, please don’t mind the trolls in the comment section-I think any channel with 400K+ subscribers is bound to have trolls!
We are So Fortunate that Martin Luther..and others..had the bible printed many years ago..So Now we can Read the bible ourselves and With Jesus Help determine what is True.. And we do not have to depend on men to tell us.
Can you hear/see the way the evil one plotted to use the hubris and jealousy of Herod to accomplish his goal to eliminate the Christ child? The New Testament scribes and Pharisees were played.
What is the Logic? To putting your life and your trust and faith in a book that was written and complete control over it by Gods enemies? The Scribes and Pharisees. If God Gives men free will..then how do you know which are Gods words or the words of the scribes and Pharisees?
I am Still Repenting of listening to Men like piper. Everyday I Tell GOD I am So Sorry..And Please Forgive me For ForSaking HIM and listening to men like piper. These men destroyed my Life and even though I have wasted a lot of time listening to them..I am Asking GOD..Please Would He Restore my Life..and I Promise NEVER to Listen to Them Again! I will Never Forsake Jesus Again! A very hard lesson for me to Learn and a warning to You People. Jesus Should be Your ONLY Source.
+atam mardes.. Reading the bible is an addiction..like any other. These people are addicted to this thought control. I grew up in this addiction..it is very hard to recognize and Overcome. I don't know if you are familiar with any addiction..but that is all it is. These people will never admit that. God has delivered you from this addiction..be grateful! I have read the bible enough now.. That reading it..is starting to Cure it.
“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” James 4:8. You may hate God but he loves you. I used to hate God, but he revealed his love for me and now I live for him. All you have to do is ask to know him and trust him with your heart and he will reveal himself to you.
+atam mardes.. You are Right! Christianity is Not God. It is some men's idea of who God is. Who God Really is..is You..the You Within You who tells you Christianity is not It. God is the You Within You..Who wants the BEST For YOU.
So john piper doesnt believe The Lord will do as HE said HE would do and PRESERVE HIS PURE WORDS...FOREVER..-->6The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Psalms 12:6-7
david crane You’re acting like John Piper put the deviation between the OT Micah 3:5 and NT version himself. I too believe that all scripture is “divinely breathed” but this is never a reason to abandon sound textual criticism or join a KJV-only cult. The words were “divinely breathed” in their ORIGINAL form and preserved according to the same principles to which God exercises His divine hand in all matters of destiny. I honestly have no idea why Pastor John gets so much flack!
@@ronglennproductions5416 it might be because he doesnt have the right spirit in him.... these verses....... IN THE CORRECT TRANSLATION... flow in PERFECT HARMONY [Mat 2:6 KJV] 6 And thou Bethlehem, [in] the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. [Mic 5:2 KJV] 2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee shall he come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth [have been] from of old, from everlasting.
Piper abuses the bible and Sells Jesus..as Judas did..and stands in GODS Place in your life. GOD Warned you about making idols and seeking them..instead of GOD..HimSelf. You will Learn..the hard way.
Kathleen Wharton, I personally take offense to his solid Biblically-dense teaching presented in its historical, textual, Biblical context with sound logic, humility, and an open mind.
kathleen Wharton Then we agree that in today’s age it’s better to be over-cautious of the teachings of men than over-accepting. (I’m just not sure why you’re here watching this video then.) :) Even if you think Pastor John is a false teacher why wouldn’t you go and spread tour message of discernment to the prosperity folks, the word-of-faith folks, the KJV-cultists, the Mormons, the cessationists, the preterists, the “Holy” laughter folks, and the most subtle deceivetof them all-the NEW AGERS!! Can we at least agree that the Church has worse problems than John Piper?? God Bless
+ronald glenn.. God Does Not allow me to listen to Any man. I agree with you totally on all that you mentioned. I was a Mormon and that is how I learned. A church that abuses the bible ..controls you with their selection of bible verses..Sells Jesus and takes Gods Place in your life too. Listening to men destroyed my peace of mind..my health and my life. Jesus Saved me From them ALL. I am just trying to warn people as Jesus has asked me to do.
I haven’t even finished my toast, and my spiritual mind is blown in the best way possible. Praise the Lord for the wisdom’s He’s given you to discover this, pastor John
This is pure, Spirit-led, exegesis right here from Elder John Piper. Those scribes and Pharisees were blind and hard-hearted Scripture twisters who made their disciples twofold children of condemnation. I didn't realize that leading point with Micah and Matthew but now it's so obvious. This is why not mere scholarship but the regeneration and illumination of the Holy Spirit is essential if we are to understand and receive the things of God, because otherwise we may end crucifying or rejecting he who is the Word of God himself thinking that we are the ones on the side of God. Dear Lord, please have mercy and speak to our hearts with truth and clarity!
Now I see why I should be reading my Bible more, all these years and I haven't noticed this discrepancy, I feel so ashamed 🙈. Thanks Pastor John for sharing this angle of looking at it. Happy New Year everyone 🎉
Piper - this was a very insightful point. Thank you. I'm glad I clicked on this video. If I may say, I wish you'd teach from the gospels and other narrative books more often. Just as your "men of whom the world were not worthy" bios are your best talks (in so many people's opinions), I think for the same reasons... that your talents lie most in teaching on the narrative portions of scripture. There I said it.
And I think Matthew in particular is tragically under-preached these days. As Genesis is to the Old Testament, Matthew's gospel is to the new. It is its cornerstone, its μέτρον.
Thank you for speaking so well of the Lord Jesus. Be blessed.
Great insight on my favorite subject--'The New Testament Use of the Old Testament.'
Thank you!
A very good 4-part teaching. Just highlights that I should be reading my Bible slower.
+Marty Blackman.. The bible was written by the Scribes and the Pharisees had complete control over what is in the bible. You are putting you trust in Gods enemies!
God with the Holy Spirit gave me confirmation today. Thank you 💪👌
Forgive me, I’m new to these videos, is the argument that you should only be reading the King James Version of the Bible? That all other Bibles twist and change the meaning of what was being said? Even insert some complete nonsense in them? I’m relatively new to my faith, I read the NLT Bible and have heard warnings that it’s NOT what was actually written. However I’m not good at all at reading Old English (for lack of a better term) which is why I chose that Bible. But I’d rather struggle through reading the truth over what man has changed to suit them.
Old English isn't that hard because we have dictionaries and online sources. Reading carefully and making sure you use dictionaries anytime your uncertain what a word means helps also. I have found that many English words even the ones we use today have multiple meanings and by praying to God and asking him to reveal to you his wisdom and truth through his Holy Spirit helps also.
Hello James! First, I think these videos and Desiring God are a great place to grow in your faith and to learn how to approach the Bible (carefully, thoughtfully, prayerfully, etc!) They have helped me a ton. And not speaking officially whatsoever, but I know Pastor John & Desiring God do not subscribe to King James-only positions, nor hold to the idea that all modern versions are corrupted, etc. Most differences between the KJV and modern versions (besides the old/modern English) are due to the manuscripts being translated from - with modern version using older sources (closer to the originals) than were available when the KJV was translated. It's not a matter of people going in and changing whatever to suit them, though that is a claim often made from the KJV-only camp. Even when verses are not included in a few cases, it's because many older sources don't have those verses, suggesting they were actually added later, etc. and thus were included in the manuscript the KJV was translated from. Do keep in mind though, most differences in all manuscripts are expected things, copyist errors, misspelled names, numbers, etc. We have better reasons than ever to believe what we have today is extremely close to the originals. Pastor John/Desiring God mainly use the ESV as far as translations go. You can read more about that decision here: www.desiringgod.org/articles/good-english-with-minimal-translation-why-bethlehem-uses-the-esv
Basically, it's a good balance between being literal and understandable.
As far as the KJV-only position itself - nearly all mean well I'm sure, but most have been raised on half-true histories and misinformation about the KJV and other translations. Not that there isn't anything to look out for, or things that aren't concerning with some publishers, but the KJV-only take on the situation is a bit extreme. I'd suggest checking the KJV against the ESV, for example - again, even with verses removed that appear in older sources - no core doctrines are changed or removed in the least. Core doctrines aren't just a single verse any way. Even secondary teachings are nearly untouched. The Gospel is still 100% the Gospel. As for the NLT, it could be a good place to start from, but not for use as a study bible since it's much more of a paraphrase than a direct translation. Some places the NLT does a great job at carrying the meaning over into English in an accurate and stirring way, other places it can move too far from the original. Again, it could be a good start for grasping the basics! One could even use it for general reading and another translation for more in-depth study. But translations like the ESV, CSV, NASB and others do a pretty good job of being both close to literal and yet understandable.
And, as far as the main argument of this video! It's actually Pastor John explaining why the Old Testament seems to have been misquoted by the priests and scribes during Jesus' day, concerning the birth of the messiah. Both texts he's showing in this video are from the same translation, and the KJV has the same differences between them. Basically the religious rulers quoted or paraphrased it in a way that fit them a bit better, which is why it seems different when they quoted it in the New Testament vs. what is written in the Old. Hope that all helps, James! And praying 2020 will be a blessed year of growth in the faith for you, brother :)
No, he's not saying that. He's analyzing only one version and explaining how the pharisees completely missed the point of old testament texts, he's not going between versions.
You don't have to read the king James version to encounter God's word, but you should research which versions are widely used and how they are translated. I'd say that the most prominent one I personally know is the ESV.
Being new to the faith, the obligation you have to study the Word is not as much as someone like John Piper. You will gain much from simply sitting and reading and meditating. Someday perhaps you will read the KJV and will find something new in its language. But most people do not rely on that as their main source because it becomes troublesome to get anything out of it.
Newer translations (the good ones) are usually just updated language that we can easily understand. The unique thing with the NLT That I just learned is that it's actually a revision of another less accurate version called the living Bible. It is made more accurate, but it's not directly translated from KJV or the original languages, if that makes sense. I'm not sure if that rules it out or if the text still holds up, further study is needed. If you feel compelled to get another translation, I would recommend ESV or NIV.
Hope you're doing well!
As the Lord is sovereign you have to understand the bible is the whole truth whether it’s written in Aramaic or English, the Lord put those people in place to correctly translate the bible at the given times of history. I wouldn’t say that different translations are incorrect but you have understand the context and time it was translated.
I highly recommend the NKJ, NLT or AMP they are great and have solid understanding for our period of time.
James Karl Not the argument at all! The NLT translation is very accurate and by no means inserts things that originally weren’t there. Kjv, Niv, Esv, Nlt, all are faithful translations!
Agreed 100% with everything said. Scripture, while holy, inspired, and inerrant has been twisted by the scribes. This is a parallel for the end times, today. The church is going to get everything wrong in regards to how the Christ will appear. He’s going to come in a way no one expects. The Son won’t even know initially. Or the Daughter. The Almighty could choose a woman to be the Messiah if he wanted to. If you don’t believe Christ could return as a woman, you will definitely miss him initially. Or her.
Pastor John, please make more videos like this that communicate controversial truths. It is time to begin waking the Church up.
If you are a believer, you need to be hitting the scriptures hard, especially the Old Testament. This is an excellent resource that goes to the original Hebrew and Greek. It allows for easy cross references of scripture and what you will learn will blow your mind. Be careful though, because the more you seek, the more you will find and you will eventually become addicted to studying the Word. Then you’ll actually want to make disciples because you are so excited about what you have learned. Next thing you know the entire world will believe and the Kingdom will come.
Great observation
Is Ephrathah a town?
Yes. It is another name for Bethlehem. An older name which denoted the same city. This was a custom among the Jews whereby they marked key lineages
Gen35:16 & 19
And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour. (...) And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem.
And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in the land of Canaan in the way, when yet [there was] but a little way to come unto Ephrath: and I buried her there in the way of Ephrath; the same [is] Bethlehem.
We find out in Chronicles how the name derives:
And Penuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah. These are the sons of Hur, the firstborn of Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem.
See also 1 Sam17:12, Ruth 1:2 & Ruth 4:11 !
If you've got a few extra mins, look up John Gill's commentary on Psa132:6 which verse reads thus:
Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood. We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.
Pretty amazing to see how it all ties together like fine twined linen.
I think the scribes are verbally paraphrasing, adding in their own eisegesis, and showing their ethnocentrism before the royal audience. Even though the scribes probably had this scripture memorized in Hebrew, they would be translating perhaps on-the-spot for Herod right? God Bless and thanks for the insight!
Also, please don’t mind the trolls in the comment section-I think any channel with 400K+ subscribers is bound to have trolls!
We are So Fortunate that Martin Luther..and others..had the bible printed many years ago..So Now we can Read the bible ourselves and With Jesus Help determine what is True.. And we do not have to depend on men to tell us.
Can you hear/see the way the evil one plotted to use the hubris and jealousy of Herod to accomplish his goal to eliminate the Christ child? The New Testament scribes and Pharisees were played.
Herod died in 4 B.C.
What is the Logic? To putting your life and your trust and faith in a book that was written and complete control over it by Gods enemies? The Scribes and Pharisees. If God Gives men free will..then how do you know which are Gods words or the words of the scribes and Pharisees?
I am Still Repenting of listening to Men like piper. Everyday I Tell GOD I am So Sorry..And Please Forgive me For ForSaking HIM and listening to men like piper. These men destroyed my Life and even though I have wasted a lot of time listening to them..I am Asking GOD..Please Would He Restore my Life..and I Promise NEVER to Listen to Them Again! I will Never Forsake Jesus Again! A very hard lesson for me to Learn and a warning to You People. Jesus Should be Your ONLY Source.
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible."
Mark Twain
+atam mardes.. Reading the bible is an addiction..like any other. These people are addicted to this thought control. I grew up in this addiction..it is very hard to recognize and Overcome. I don't know if you are familiar with any addiction..but that is all it is. These people will never admit that. God has delivered you from this addiction..be grateful! I have read the bible enough now.. That reading it..is starting to Cure it.
“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” James 4:8. You may hate God but he loves you. I used to hate God, but he revealed his love for me and now I live for him. All you have to do is ask to know him and trust him with your heart and he will reveal himself to you.
Just try talking to him! What is the harm?
+atam mardes.. You are Right! Christianity is Not God. It is some men's idea of who God is. Who God Really is..is You..the You Within You who tells you Christianity is not It. God is the You Within You..Who wants the BEST For YOU.
First you must prove God is not just a figment of your delusional imagination, then accuse me of hating God.
Pray and ask god who the messiah was and you will see its yeshua
So john piper doesnt believe The Lord will do as HE said HE would do and PRESERVE HIS PURE WORDS...FOREVER..-->6The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. Psalms 12:6-7
*Warning to the Reader: the Above Comment Contains a Logical Fallacy*
@@ronglennproductions5416 please explain brother...
david crane You’re acting like John Piper put the deviation between the OT Micah 3:5 and NT version himself. I too believe that all scripture is “divinely breathed” but this is never a reason to abandon sound textual criticism or join a KJV-only cult. The words were “divinely breathed” in their ORIGINAL form and preserved according to the same principles to which God exercises His divine hand in all matters of destiny.
I honestly have no idea why Pastor John gets so much flack!
david crane KJV-onlyism is cancer 🤮
@@ronglennproductions5416 it might be because he doesnt have the right spirit in him.... these verses....... IN THE CORRECT TRANSLATION... flow in PERFECT HARMONY
[Mat 2:6 KJV] 6 And thou Bethlehem, [in] the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
[Mic 5:2 KJV] 2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, [though] thou be little among the thousands of Judah, [yet] out of thee shall he come forth unto me [that is] to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth [have been] from of old, from everlasting.
Piper abuses the bible and Sells Jesus..as Judas did..and stands in GODS Place in your life. GOD Warned you about making idols and seeking them..instead of GOD..HimSelf. You will Learn..the hard way.
Kathleen Wharton, I personally take offense to his solid Biblically-dense teaching presented in its historical, textual, Biblical context with sound logic, humility, and an open mind.
+ronald glenn.. God Corrected me from listening to men. I stated the Truth. Take it or Leave it..and good luck to you.
kathleen Wharton Then we agree that in today’s age it’s better to be over-cautious of the teachings of men than over-accepting. (I’m just not sure why you’re here watching this video then.) :) Even if you think Pastor John is a false teacher why wouldn’t you go and spread tour message of discernment to the prosperity folks, the word-of-faith folks, the KJV-cultists, the Mormons, the cessationists, the preterists, the “Holy” laughter folks, and the most subtle deceivetof them all-the NEW AGERS!! Can we at least agree that the Church has worse problems than John Piper?? God Bless
+ronald glenn.. God Does Not allow me to listen to Any man. I agree with you totally on all that you mentioned. I was a Mormon and that is how I learned. A church that abuses the bible ..controls you with their selection of bible verses..Sells Jesus and takes Gods Place in your life too. Listening to men destroyed my peace of mind..my health and my life. Jesus Saved me From them ALL. I am just trying to warn people as Jesus has asked me to do.
kathleen Wharton OK! Are we friends now? Lol -May God Bless your life!