1pacificredwood for real weather reports, cloudy with 100% chance of chemtrails and Nexrad transmitters and satellite transmitters to control the weather
It isn't gambling. One can either hedge their risk or speculate. Neither of these are gambling unless you have no idea what you are doing and speculating however the same could be said about the market. The individuals using these are not just blindly guessing
1:54 the wink
1pacificredwood for real weather reports, cloudy with 100% chance of chemtrails and Nexrad transmitters and satellite transmitters to control the weather
But there is derivatives for electricity
But it's only between utility companies if I'm not mistaken right?
It is gambling...future your betting
It isn't gambling. One can either hedge their risk or speculate. Neither of these are gambling unless you have no idea what you are doing and speculating however the same could be said about the market. The individuals using these are not just blindly guessing
weather forecasting isn't gambling though......
No weather modification has been going on for decades