"Did you think merch wouldn't happen!? It has defeated the wallets of thousands, consumed the fanbases of style, and references, and tone!" I know this isn't good, but it's the first thing that came into my mind 😂
I feel like the different factions vehicles can be summed up in a few words Covenant: smooth, sleek and purple The banished: spikey, sharp and red The UNSC: square, militarised and green The Prometheans: alien, shiny and blue The flood: hippidy hoppidy, all your vehicles are now our property
Xperia, the zebra pattern is designed to confuse the vision of those who see it. Its rather affected as well, even being used on some warships in World War II.
@@HiddenXperia basically yes, and also because of the way the lines were painted, they just confuse the human brain. The lines wouldn't all be going in one direction, there would be... Sections I guess you could say, were the lines go in one direction
The Zebra has a special pattern to confuse predators when there are many zebras close together, their strange pattern makes predators think there are much more then what there actually is. It sort of works for warships if there are many, but they’re often separated by very contrasting blue, clear, or gray water. I would think Multicam camo would be better though.
It's called dazzle camouflage or razzle dazzle if you want to look it up. It's not for concealment but to make it much more difficult to figure out things like the ship's heading, its speed, its armaments or even what class it is. It was also supposed to make it difficult or nearly impossible for someone to use a rangefinder to figure out how far away the ship is. Using prisms and lenses a rangefinder shows you an image broken into parts. Once adjustments are made to align the broken image it told you how far away your target is. With the irregular lines of dazzle camo it's hard to tell if the broken image is aligned even when it is.
@@DesidiosumCorporosumHominis yeah ik, I just couldn't remember the name, one of my other replies mentioned the name lmao. Still, its super interesting
I always enjoy seeing The vehicles each faction makes to solve the same problem and how it differs from faction faction For example what did each faction make for a light fast maneuvering vehicle The UNSC: the mongoose The covenant: The ghost The Banished: The chopper (I know the chopper was used by the covenant but it’s very clearly a brute vehicle)
The cruel irony about the chopper was that it was a farming tool made as a peace offering by the Huragok, but hijacked and turned into a weapon by the Brutes.
@@MishraArtificer I'm a huge Battle for middle earth fan and I love the halo wars series. HW2 is a great game, the banished are a good Covenant replacement. I loved the campaign and the DLCs
The zebra pattern on the enduring locust is probably flash colouration which redirects enemies attention (and therefore) the focus of their fire towards its armoured hull instead of the vehicle's crew compartment. Flash colouration was historically used on battleships to counter submarines by confusing the guy using its periscope before the invention of SONAR.
Gotta say, I'm loving your t-shirt designs. You clearly have some talent for it! You've hit a nice blend of your own style while still looking 'Halo'. I really enjoy your use of colours, retro-aesthetic and Japanese writing. I could see these selling anywhere!
Something that I'm worried about in Infinite is that the developers will ignore the designs from Halo wars 2. From what I've seen, they made the elites blue and the grunts orange again, which isn't really "Banished". I haven't seen the spike rifle, the marauder, the reaver, the blisterback or the shroud. I REALLY hope Infinite will have the same things Halo Wars 2 did. That's just my opinion.
Imagine having all these vehicles in Halo infinite's multiplayer warzone mode Massive warzone maps and having the ability to summon any alien as a ally to go with you, or a expensive Grunt Mek with a grunt inside that follows you around
I just thought about how sick Scarab fights could be in Halo Infinite, imagine rushing the Scarab with a warthog, and then jumping out, and grappling up into the lumbering giant machine, then fighting your way through it to get to the core, god. Give it to me that sounds so fun. Seriously hyped.
The Mega Bloks prowler you mentioned kind of reminds me of the Type-29 Shadow in Halo 2 Outskirts but can be more in line with just transporting troops instead of vehicles
If you add the music used in this video. I think that'll be a cool addition in the description. Your videos are awesome btw. Just thought I'd add this to thought.
Honestly Halo wars 2 was so good because of how different the banished felt. Same tech, different look. Hoping they add more into infinite to get that feel.
I’m not sure if you’ve done a video on it, but you should showcase all your halo props and collectors items! I’m interested in buying some, as well as other fans too I’m sure! Seeing the iconic mans collection himself could give some inspiration!
Besides the legendary video HiddenXperia bestowed upon us am I the only one who wants the Halo: Reach energy sword animations back (walking and sprinting)
It’s a bummer we didn’t see more of these in Infinite. Missed opportunity considering the Banished mainly just human vehicles other than Ghosts and the occasional Wraith/chopper
I think the "zebra pattern" is supposed to be Dazzle Paint. Dazzle Paint was used in ww2 on ships, the idea being the that it would make judging the shape and direction of travel of the ship incredibly difficult. The idea could be that they gave the cockpit area that paint in order to make it difficult for anyone to target it with AT weapons when it's in motion, increasing the survivability of the crew, as it's less likely the crew area will be hit directly
It looks like the Skiff Intercept is based of that vehicle in Halo 2 A. In New Mombasa going through the tunnels you have to knock out a bunch of these vehicles and some of them carry ghosts
hahaha thank you, I literally cannot operate in the morning until my bed is made. It's the first thing I do when I get up, I have no idea how people can function with an unmade bed
if the covenant vehicles are purple because they are made of nanolaminate, what are the banished vehicles made of?, or they just painted this material and added the plates and spikes?
It’d be cool if you fought the banished scarabs in infinite like in halo 3, except it’d be different, where you could grapple hook onto the top. Once on the top, and then do a hijacking animation for breaking the hatch where all the crew is, but you’d have to melee it only. After breaking the hatch, you’d jump down, kill the crew, and destroy the scarab by destroying a weak spot on the inside.
"Did you think merch wouldn't happen!? It has defeated the wallets of thousands, consumed the fanbases of style, and references, and tone!"
I know this isn't good, but it's the first thing that came into my mind 😂
Looks really good! What's the story behind the Asian (I'm guessing Japanese, but I really don't know) characters and symbols
Too bad im broke
I’ll be very disappointed if we don’t have large scale battles against Scarabs in the game.
Right we got the engine to run it
I really want that even if they have to put it down to 60fps I'd be fine
Even if it's just a single scarab I'd be happy
if the Banished Scarab isn't in Infinite it's a 0/10 for me
I kinda want 5 scarabs with a few supporting vehicles, and humanity’s side has dozens of hogs. We do have the hardware to support that.
The Covenant: Nooo you can’t just cut up and modify our vehicles!
The Banished: Hahah blisterback go brrrrr
Don't talk to me! I am famous! Don't dislike my good good GOOD videos! Don't talk to me, dear thes
Dont listen to AxxL hes dateing his sisters
@@ThaTrashman1954 incestry 100
The banished are China when ever they get any thing
Bleep bloop!
I think you may have missed the most important one of all: the banished forklift
A weapon more powerful than the Rings..........
a weapon to surpass metal gear...
Oh… oh no. Oh no no no. Oh Fu-!
Hold the f****** phone there's a forklift 😦
@@followerofjesustilltheend8315 in reach my dude
“Iconic vessel for your finest liquids.” I don’t think I ever heard someone describe a mug that way lol.
He is British after all
Yeah we always say it like that other here lol
Last time I was this early, Chief trusted 343 guilty spark.
The first time or second time?
Harry Smith Last time I was this early, the community still trusted 343
343 guilty sparks was used to be human once..
@Damn Boi You didn't realize Noble six was saved by Thel Vadamee and Jun Noble 3 during off camera?
I feel like the different factions vehicles can be summed up in a few words
Covenant: smooth, sleek and purple
The banished: spikey, sharp and red
The UNSC: square, militarised and green
The Prometheans: alien, shiny and blue
The flood: hippidy hoppidy, all your vehicles are now our property
This made me laugh so hard🤣
Well said. 👏
Love this.
Still cant get over that opening no matter how many times I see it.
Same here the only intro on youtube I never skip.
I like it
Does a grunt being thrown in the air count as mobile artillery?
Technicality yes?
Yes of course.
This is indeed of upmost satisfaction.
I've seen enough, i'm satisfied
@@odstinbound2335 *utmost
Xperia, the zebra pattern is designed to confuse the vision of those who see it. Its rather affected as well, even being used on some warships in World War II.
Ohhhhhh I've heard that before actually, good catch! Pretty sure they'd use it on the hulls of warships so they blended in with the waves or something
@@HiddenXperia basically yes, and also because of the way the lines were painted, they just confuse the human brain. The lines wouldn't all be going in one direction, there would be... Sections I guess you could say, were the lines go in one direction
The Zebra has a special pattern to confuse predators when there are many zebras close together, their strange pattern makes predators think there are much more then what there actually is. It sort of works for warships if there are many, but they’re often separated by very contrasting blue, clear, or gray water. I would think Multicam camo would be better though.
It's called dazzle camouflage or razzle dazzle if you want to look it up. It's not for concealment but to make it much more difficult to figure out things like the ship's heading, its speed, its armaments or even what class it is.
It was also supposed to make it difficult or nearly impossible for someone to use a rangefinder to figure out how far away the ship is. Using prisms and lenses a rangefinder shows you an image broken into parts. Once adjustments are made to align the broken image it told you how far away your target is. With the irregular lines of dazzle camo it's hard to tell if the broken image is aligned even when it is.
@@DesidiosumCorporosumHominis yeah ik, I just couldn't remember the name, one of my other replies mentioned the name lmao. Still, its super interesting
the Skif Intercept looks like a cross between the prowler and the shadow
Its just the "Skif" my man.
I always enjoy seeing The vehicles each faction makes to solve the same problem and how it differs from faction faction
For example what did each faction make for a light fast maneuvering vehicle
The UNSC: the mongoose
The covenant: The ghost
The Banished: The chopper
(I know the chopper was used by the covenant but it’s very clearly a brute vehicle)
The cruel irony about the chopper was that it was a farming tool made as a peace offering by the Huragok, but hijacked and turned into a weapon by the Brutes.
We seriously needed ghosts and wraiths with shielding in the fps versions.
Yea I agree with you that would be great
All of Halos FPS gamers should really embrace RTS long enough to try out Halo Wars 2. We were Atriox fans before his recent fame and notoriety.
After Chess and the Battle for Middle-Earth games, I just can't find RTSs fun.
@@MishraArtificer I'm a huge Battle for middle earth fan and I love the halo wars series. HW2 is a great game, the banished are a good Covenant replacement. I loved the campaign and the DLCs
Ah, the sweet hopes of a brighter time...
So much enthusiasm here!
An iconic vessel for all of your favourite liquids -Hidden Xperia
It made me laugh for ages
What was the vampire again?
@@captainjackpugh6050 was a anti air vehicle
@@k1ng4nickpolk64 nah it was an anti-air aircraft
@@zavieryazzie9710 yeah that's what I meant thanks for correcting me tho
True, but the Phantom is so much more iconic that it would be a crime not to bring it back
Worm Intelligence (W.I) - now that's a exotic sci-fi concept!
Methane wagon is perfect for grunts. Literally gigantic plasma grenades waiting to blow.
Last time I was this early, Johnson was still alive.......
I'm right here though?
@@sgtpaloogoo2811 lol yay
@@sgtpaloogoo2811 so hes not very early
@@IasEatsIT he died 13.5 years ago bro
Banished vehicles Halo wars 2: anime.
Banished vehicles halo infinite: Netflix adaptation.
This is some of the coolest merch I've seen!
Glad to see another iconic video in my notifications.
0:15 This is only part 1. He is covering every INDIVIDUAL Banished vehicle's lore.
The zebra pattern on the enduring locust is probably flash colouration which redirects enemies attention (and therefore) the focus of their fire towards its armoured hull instead of the vehicle's crew compartment.
Flash colouration was historically used on battleships to counter submarines by confusing the guy using its periscope before the invention of SONAR.
I like how he has to flex the needler replica in his merch announcement. To be fair though it's a badass replica and the shirt designs are quite nice.
Ah yes an iconic vessel for my liquids I must buy this
Gotta say, I'm loving your t-shirt designs. You clearly have some talent for it! You've hit a nice blend of your own style while still looking 'Halo'. I really enjoy your use of colours, retro-aesthetic and Japanese writing. I could see these selling anywhere!
I can't believe how extremely awesome the new halo infinate intro is
Its amazing
Everytime I come back I am awed by your intro, its one of the coolest on youtube
This is what makes me happy
your an absolute genius Hidden X, love your passion on the lore and no joke... you are my go to for halo knowledge. Keep it up!
Best TH-camr March ever, that “When you first saw this shirt...” was so smooth
Something that I'm worried about in Infinite is that the developers will ignore the designs from Halo wars 2. From what I've seen, they made the elites blue and the grunts orange again, which isn't really "Banished". I haven't seen the spike rifle, the marauder, the reaver, the blisterback or the shroud. I REALLY hope Infinite will have the same things Halo Wars 2 did. That's just my opinion.
I agree
Imagine having all these vehicles in Halo infinite's multiplayer warzone mode
Massive warzone maps and having the ability to summon any alien as a ally to go with you, or a expensive Grunt Mek with a grunt inside that follows you around
The clothing line is probably the most fire clothing line I've seen from every youtuber, Great Job man!
The Skiff looks like a mix between a Shadow from Halo 2, and a Prowler
The scarab is exactly how mechs would be used on the battlefield if we ever develop technology that advanced
The banished be like: makes vehicle, but is also a plane, also adds missiles, and lasers
A lot of the classic vehicles look like they were just up armored and given a different plasma type. The Scarab is probably the biggest change.
I just thought about how sick Scarab fights could be in Halo Infinite, imagine rushing the Scarab with a warthog, and then jumping out, and grappling up into the lumbering giant machine, then fighting your way through it to get to the core, god. Give it to me that sounds so fun.
Seriously hyped.
I'd like to see skitterers in infinite. I can just see myself moving up a mountain or something and just getting swarmed by them. Would be pretty cool
Fun fact, the scarab wasn't actually meant to be a combat vehicle, it's a mining drill, which they use for quarrying and excavating.
Yeah but a pickaxe can still kill someone lol
Intro looks great, been a while sense I’ve watched a vid
The Mega Bloks prowler you mentioned kind of reminds me of the Type-29 Shadow in Halo 2 Outskirts but can be more in line with just transporting troops instead of vehicles
Halo infinite needed all of these vehicles to be legendary
If you add the music used in this video. I think that'll be a cool addition in the description. Your videos are awesome btw. Just thought I'd add this to thought.
Great video as always I hope you do this with the UNSC and maybe the sentinels
Thank you Sir Lore Master
Grats on the merch, super badass designs man!
0:30 HiddenXperia: where you blinded by its majesty.
me: blinded?
HiddenXperia: paralyzed dumbstruck?
me: no
First off, still can't get over that new intro it's amazing, Second I love the merch looks great!
pretty sick designs big man, very creative. dont see that too often with merch
thanks chief
Honestly Halo wars 2 was so good because of how different the banished felt. Same tech, different look. Hoping they add more into infinite to get that feel.
I'm exited to see the older brute weapons and how they possibly changed
I’m not sure if you’ve done a video on it, but you should showcase all your halo props and collectors items! I’m interested in buying some, as well as other fans too I’m sure! Seeing the iconic mans collection himself could give some inspiration!
When you first saw this shirt, were you blinded by it's majesty?
Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?
*+10 seconds*
Congrats on the clothing, my dude! It’s SICK
The skiff intercept might be a banished variant of the Type 29 troop/vehicle transport
The banishes blister back and reaver are the bomb!! Missiles... Missiles everywhere
When I saw that 4k was finally supported on my computer I HAD To re-watch that ICONIC Into
Besides the legendary video HiddenXperia bestowed upon us am I the only one who wants the Halo: Reach energy sword animations back (walking and sprinting)
Hidden Experia your hair cut looks perfect. It fits you well😎
Made a desicion today, im getting the first sword of silent shadow from your intro as a tattoo! Also the mug, getting the mug for christmas
Damn it would be really cool to see some unsc repurposed vehicles like imagine a mantis with melee capabilities
Blisterback more like, I want to see that blisterback Flood infested.
Okay, those wraiths are badass af
AY, I just finished binging your flood-Vids lmao! And I see this! THANKS
*Lore behind the most badass vehicles*
Love the intro and banished videos are cool
Gosh darn I love the new intro, it looks sick
It’s a bummer we didn’t see more of these in Infinite. Missed opportunity considering the Banished mainly just human vehicles other than Ghosts and the occasional Wraith/chopper
I remember that thing @ 8:53. A big, slow target for easy-Pickens.
That is the coolest merch I’ve ever seen from an influencer! Ngl!
The Skiff Intersept is just the Skiff
Goddamn dude you've been hitting the gym a lot. Them muscles are showing more and more each upload.
I think the "zebra pattern" is supposed to be Dazzle Paint. Dazzle Paint was used in ww2 on ships, the idea being the that it would make judging the shape and direction of travel of the ship incredibly difficult. The idea could be that they gave the cockpit area that paint in order to make it difficult for anyone to target it with AT weapons when it's in motion, increasing the survivability of the crew, as it's less likely the crew area will be hit directly
It looks like the Skiff Intercept is based of that vehicle in Halo 2 A. In New Mombasa going through the tunnels you have to knock out a bunch of these vehicles and some of them carry ghosts
The new intro looks awesome!!!
We really need the Banished versions of the Revenant and Seraph to happen.
I saw some mega contrux the other day and I think it’s confirmed that the original reach shot gun is returning and also the arbiter might return too
Wtf I went on vacation for a couple months come back and ur intro went from cool to fucking badass
Can you do a series on the complete halo timeline showing everything since the beginning of the halo universe? pls
That would have to be an entire series, and I think Installation00 is already doing it...
Ngl the skiff looks like a pretty cool vehicle to drive think it would probably be like a warthog and specter but bigger in gameplay
Luc be looking fly with the merch and the cut 👌
This arsenal of vehicles will be of great use in my conquest across the galaxy
Merch looks dope! Good stuff mate
You should do a video reviewing the Vehicle Inventory of the Spirit of Fire from Halo wars 1/2. They got some pretty cool tech
They should make a Scarab made to counter the flood that has a glassing beam mounted instead of its focus cannon
0:05 in and already had to give you a thumbs up for the perfectly made bed. Now time to make mine! 😆
hahaha thank you, I literally cannot operate in the morning until my bed is made. It's the first thing I do when I get up, I have no idea how people can function with an unmade bed
@@HiddenXperia I want to get to the point where I do it subconsciously, military style.
@@HiddenXperia Easy: having it unmade makes it easier to get back into it.
youtuber w merch that actually looks fire!??!? yessirrr
The merch is actually fire 🔥 ngl
Anyone knows the music that sounds on the background in 12:16 ?
if the covenant vehicles are purple because they are made of nanolaminate, what are the banished vehicles made of?, or they just painted this material and added the plates and spikes?
Covenant tech, now unshackled from stagnant dogma. Truly a frightening prospect.
I like useing skitters in swarm tatacts aswell endless waves of those things is very effective
We need both scarab variants as mega construx as a set . I would love to get the volatile scarab because man that thing looks cool
damn bro lost alot of weight and looks great! good shit man, i see climbing has been good for you
It’d be cool if you fought the banished scarabs in infinite like in halo 3, except it’d be different, where you could grapple hook onto the top. Once on the top, and then do a hijacking animation for breaking the hatch where all the crew is, but you’d have to melee it only. After breaking the hatch, you’d jump down, kill the crew, and destroy the scarab by destroying a weak spot on the inside.