Hello! Yes, you can add the Portuguese language to your project from the project dashboard. Within the Cookie Solution generator you're able to select the positioning of the banner. Please keep in mind that any changes made in the Cookie Solution generator do change the script, so you'll have to re-embed it in order to see the changes on your own domain.
I just got ripped off by a survey you produced. Very sloppy. It was one of the first pages and did not work properly. Why is it so difficult to contact you? Extremely poor website design and mangement.
No recomiendo Ibuenda, pague la suscripción anual y constantemente me envian mensajes para que amplie el plan y si no lo activas te quitan el banner. es un sacadero de dinero. Hay opciones mas ecónomicas. Son unos sinverguenzas
Thanks for the tutorial
Will there be another opportunity for an appsumo deal?
Is there a way to have the text in Portuguese and to display the banner on bottom?
Hello! Yes, you can add the Portuguese language to your project from the project dashboard. Within the Cookie Solution generator you're able to select the positioning of the banner. Please keep in mind that any changes made in the Cookie Solution generator do change the script, so you'll have to re-embed it in order to see the changes on your own domain.
I just got ripped off by a survey you produced. Very sloppy. It was one of the first pages and did not work properly. Why is it so difficult to contact you? Extremely poor website design and mangement.
Io eion recegee
No recomiendo Ibuenda, pague la suscripción anual y constantemente me envian mensajes para que amplie el plan y si no lo activas te quitan el banner. es un sacadero de dinero. Hay opciones mas ecónomicas. Son unos sinverguenzas