Hon Mpuuga is the Mandela or call him Kibaki of Uganda. Because he is of age ,highly educated and with a lot of experience of working with both opposition groups and Government. NUP leaderships in their 30s needs mentoring . Patrice Lumumba at 37yrs was killed by his closest friend Mobutu at 31yrs. Kenyatta at 70yrs lead a united Kenya to Independence at almost same age Mandela brought a peaceful SA to independence. Leaderships needs somber minds. Gen mutara 37yrs of Nigerian overthrow Gen Yakubu Gowan on to be killed by his friends while fresh in office. Its about knowing the western interests and balance it with African wealth creation not lude languages
Thanks Honourabk
Le Winnie Kiiza•
No body wants them back.
And Mpuuga was removed from commissioner.he is still commissioner because of the speaker and their deals with museveni
This is a movement
Please don't let them come back, at least bakoze ebimala tukooye
Thank you Hon Nambooze for that spirit of being "Diehard"let's for the Hypocrites more over fool of intrigue to confess
Hon Nampooze will soon be out of Parliament.
Hon Mpuuga is the Mandela or call him Kibaki of Uganda. Because he is of age ,highly educated and with a lot of experience of working with both opposition groups and Government. NUP leaderships in their 30s needs mentoring . Patrice Lumumba at 37yrs was killed by his closest friend Mobutu at 31yrs. Kenyatta at 70yrs lead a united Kenya to Independence at almost same age Mandela brought a peaceful SA to independence. Leaderships needs somber minds. Gen mutara 37yrs of Nigerian overthrow Gen Yakubu Gowan on to be killed by his friends while fresh in office. Its about knowing the western interests and balance it with African wealth creation not lude languages