The Yvetal fight in Pokémon mystery dungeon with nuzleaf and beyheem is almost impossible primal dilliga was hard that why I didn’t beat him in Pokémon mystery dungeon time and darkness because I didn’t get access to riolu.
So I agree that Cynthia's Garchomp was an absolute menace, but it was kind of expected to be, as it was her ace and all. Her lead Spiritomb was what really what got me and my friends fuming as kids. In gen 4, Its Dark/Ghost typing had no weaknesses, and strategizing as an 8 y/o was practically non-existent. So to this day, 15 years later, Spiritomb is still Cynthia's most infamous Pokémon to my friends and I. My friend absolutely hates it because of the trouble it caused him as a kid, and I absolutely love it for the same reason lol
I found a way to deal with spiritomb, have one of your Pokemon learn foresight or odor sleuth then your Pokemon can hit supereffective hits with fighting or normal moves.
For Sabrina's Alakazam, a Snorlax is always good counter, its has high HP, access to amnesia to counter Psychic and headbutt for Alakazam's low defense stat
Lenora was a nightmare! My pignite got swept around 5 times cuz of that took me around 5 rematches to beat this gym in my childhood! People complain about miltank..but MY GOD watchog is right up there WITH it for me 😂
During my first playthrough of Diamond when I was 14, I had Ice Beam on my Empoleon (who somehow had a perfect defense IV now that I am looking at it), and tanked an EQ from Cynthia's Garchomp (I had one on my team so I knew how to counter it), and obliterated Cynthia's Garchomp with an Ice Beam.
Ultra Necrozma was even more difficult for me, because I had no idea it was even a thing going into the game, and decided to do a run with only poison type pokemon. It took a LONG time, and I had to use a ton of revives, but I eventually beat it.
@igorlopes8463 alolan Muk did a lot of the heavy lifting so I could revive and heal other team members, since as a dark/poison it was my safest bet in that battle, it was the most important of my six lol
Mystic if you read this, do a how to improve every Fully evolved Pokemon. Could be anything from changing abilities, amending or adding stats, evolving them or adding types or moves to their move pool. That would be a great series.
I agree. For one, I think Blastoise should’ve been given given the Steel-type in addition to his Water-type, considering he has those water cannons & learns Flash Cannon upon evolution.
Yeah that Miltank caught me out when I was younger and didn't know as much about how to beat all the different kinds of pokemon...Getting stomped on was NOT fun
Because of my experience with Gen 4, I didn’t have that big of an issue with Garchomp, so I was fully expecting Juniper’s Skuntank- aka the Nuzlocke Killer
@@kamentrainerhorn2073 If u remember what Mystic said he says "you're playing DPP as a kid." If a veteran player who is not a kid, is an adult (or at the very least an older teenager), then they're not going to struggle against Cynthia like a little kid would. Its likely the original poster was already an experienced veteran player.
This video was very well done. Just one tiny thing to mention: The 'it's 29 in Emerald' edit also appeared under the gen 1 games image. I didn't get what that was about until we got to Torkoal.
Steven's Metagross kicked my ass as a kid, and fighting him right after having to deal with a Salamance only made it worse. Also Winona's Altaria is a menace to society
My problem when I first faced Cynthia, was that at the time, I was using Ash's team as it currently was... and she molly whomped me back into my Red and Blue days... Try beating her in Pearl with a Pikachu, Turtwig, Chimchar, Staravia, Buizel and Gligar... my God that painful lol
Gen 1’s Alakazams (Sabrina/Blue) Gen 2’ Whitney’s Miltank Gen 3 Double team Kingdra Colloseum’s final boss Slaking Cynthia’s Garchomp in gen 4 And Ghetsis’ Hydregion in gen 5
I would like to add Yellow's Koga into the list. Just after you beat Erika and her level 30s Pokemons, you head down the cycling road and enter Fuschia City to challenge Koga, thinking your level 30-40s mons will do the trick. Only for Koga to slam you in your face with a level 44 Venonat which increases 2 levels as you defeat one, culminating in a level 50 Venomoth. This is a whole whopping 7 level difference compared to his RBG version lineup. Thinking of bringing one of your Nidos or any Poison types (Which is just mainly Zubat/Golbat) to tank Toxic? No can do as all sport Psychic moves and 2 of them sports Sleep Powder while the other sports Supersonic... Think you can just burn his entire lineup down? Just pray they don't survive. What's better? Koga even have 2 X Attacks in his pocket that he might use. Yellow Koga might as well be Grass + Psychic + Poison Gyms all combined into one. I even find Sabrina easier compared to Koga, despite Sabrina having 3 Level 50 Alakazam line. This shook me up so hard, that I made a note to myself to level grind my mons to level 40 before even challenging the 3rd gym in future games. Yeah, you can imagine how well that went in Gen 2 and Gen 5 games.
Honestly my first time against Whitney and her Miltank was a breeze that I didn't realize it was causing people so much trouble until years later. Of course I did happen to check out the game corner and realize I could get a Dratini early into the game so grinded to get the 2100 tokens I needed. Got lucky and received a female and once it was at level 22 and knew Dragon Rage and Thunder Wave I was set. Claire did still cause me trouble, so can still relate with that one.
My Ultra Sun playthrough was after my Ultra Moon playthrough, so I grabbed an Inkay early on to be my ultra Necrozma answer. I kept topsy-turvy on her the entire time, and it helped with the Totem Pokémon throughout the game; however, it was especially helpful when I finally faced Necrozma! I had max affection with Malamar by this point, so she dodged Necrozma’s dragon pulse and got the topsy-turvy off on turn one. That pretty much completely shut down Necrozma, and made my second battle with it much easier.
To a lesser extent, Brock in Yellow if you're not using Butterfree, either Nidoran, or Mankey. Pikachu does nothing to them with Electric attacks, so Quick Attack is all you have
My girlfriend beated platinum's cynthia (1st match) at her first try (with some issues oc) with her "meme team" (only good looking pokemon: altaria, gardevoir, milotic, rapidash, claifaible and i dont remebrer the last one). I was shocked. Then, after some months she beated champion N in white with another meme team. Then Hydraygon swiped her team 5 times. When she entered the Undella-town city she just switch off the emulator the moment she saw her was all priceless
I guess I never had an issue with Necrozma, but I suppose that's because my team, even before I knew what I was dealing with, was built to be prepared for it. The first time I just came in with a Zoroark cloaked as a Salazzle, and the AI couldn't handle that. Done that ever since.
Metagross is another solid option for Ultra Necrozma as its Steel/Psychic-typing resists everything U-Necrozma uses. And yes I did this in a repeat playthrough as in my initial playthrough I will confess that I beat it on my 2nd try mainly thanks to Tyranitar's Sand Stream.
I remember my first playthrough of Diamond strictly because of how well Cynthia's Garchomp molly-wopped my team. Is it cheese to revive Gyarados and Intimidate spam it over and over again? Yes. But, aren't most main dishes better with a little cheese?
Dude i was so happy to see greevil mentioned here! I legit used 50 ultra balls and 34 revives trying to catch zapdos and i RAN OUT OF POKEBALLS!!! I had to grind money at the arenas for hours just to get 99 ultra balls to try again!
When my older brother and I first played Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, we struggled to catch Shadow Lugia with Ultra Balls and it having 4 Super Effective Shadow Moves caused quite a few team wipes, and we didn't even know we'd have to fight 6 Shadow Pokemon right after. So I told him to just use the Master Ball but have only 5 Pokemon so Shadow Lugia would be in the party at full health to tank Shadow Attacks since it'd resist all of them. He was actually shocked that I thought of that, since we've always had the concept of never using the Master Ball drilled into our heads. Edit: Gen 4 Pearl was the most I struggled with ever, primarily on Elite 4 Aaron since I took Torterra and only beat him for the first time after a month of fails, legit tried using Bastiodon w/ Ancient Power to take out his Vespiquen. Then I finally got a Rapidash and it was a cakewalk and thought Rapidash was awesome, till years later when I replayed Pearl for a Nuzlocke Run and found it was Hot Garbage due to it's VERY Limited move pool.
Can't remember her name, but the Electric Gym from Black/White. It was so difficult if you weren't running a Boldore or Krokorok. I will never forget seeing Volt Switch on my DS over and over again 😭 Oh, and the fact that no matter what starter you chose, Emolga was super effective against it
The best way to deal with Alakazam is to get a Jolteon and level it up until it learns Pin Missile at level 48, that'll tear through Sabrina's psychics pretty good.
Your commentary about running into Red is exactly what happened to me. It took me 45 minutes to win with a team of high 50s-low 60s. Felt like I cheated the game, honestly
I didn't play diamond/pearl until brilliant diamond, and Cynthia was easily the hardest fight I had ever done. It was often times harder than battles with actual people.
One answer to Claire people might not think about is Dragon Claw. It’s available in the Goldenrod Department Store and can be taught to ONLY Feraligatr. If only I knew about that as a kid
Cynthia was the first E4 member outside of your rival in RBY to have a non mono-type team as well. I’m surprised you didn’t mention her BDSP team - especially as they’re IV and EV trained.
I was very lucky against Garchomp in SP. I taught my Altaria (named Fluffy) ice beam. It FROZE Garchomp. Before anyone asks, I got a Swablu in the Grand Underground.
6:03 you know what’s even worse than that when I played black and white and was defeated by ghetsis and when I got back at the Pokémon center I tried to enter the Pokémon league to try again they didn’t let me enter and the worse part is that I have no choice but to delete all my data just to start all over again and get back at ghetsis
Gen 1 Elite 4, as a kid going into the Water/Ice Type arena I kept getting destroyed by Dewgong thanks to his rest healing him to full, Jynx, and Cloyster had high af defense with an Ice Beam that just decimated my team. I've never forgotten the trouncing I got as a kid and still hold a hatred for all three of them, Lapras wasn't much better but those 3 took the cake.
My very first nuzlocke was BDSP and my Whiscash was the only survivor she somehow didnt get one shot and was able take down the Garchomp. It was a rough battle.
Torrtera actually is huge vs Garchomp in BDSP. It forces Garchomp into mainly using Dragon Claw over its other moves, and tanks its attacks quite easily. I'd argue that her Milotic and Lucario are much more dangerous on her BDSP team.
My first team that I've ever built in 01 in crystal was : Goofy(aipom) Smoke(typhlosion) Sky ♀️(shiny Skarmory) Chi chou(Lanturn) Kombat(Heracross) Reptar(tyranitar) This team I transferred all the way from my original crystal and is well put in bdsp 🏆😌💙🤩😁😁😁 & I can honestly say red was challenging but my team matched him lv for lv the highest lv pokemon were typhlosion, aipom & tyranitar Which were lv 90-100 & the last 3 shiny Skarmory, Lanturn & Heracross were lv80-88 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Am I the only one who never had a problem with miltank? I just spammed screech with onix and being a rock type it resisted all of the cows moves. Then I one shot it with quilavas flame wheel.
Yea never once had a problem with any of the Johto gym leaders tbh. Clair took a couple times and that was it. I guess Whitney was technically the hardest but even then. I got heracross thinking it'd get a good fighting move but it didn't. Still was pretty easy. Heracross went down after a few roll outs and finished her off with qualava.
My method of defeating garchomp: using Luxray's and Staraptor's intimidate one after another (revive them if you need to) and then using mon like floatzel or gastrodon with a strong ice move. also, ice shard as a priority could benefit you as well, I believe weavile learnes it
I personally had a hard time beating Tate and Liza's Emerald team mainly because of Solrock and its range to OHKO Swampert (because I tend to choose Mudkip) and Sunny Day support helds it takes less damage from Water-type attacks Also, I approve the start of the #6 segment being a LA Knight reference, YEAAAAAAHHHH
I never noticed Psychic being immune to Ghost in Gen 1, but I also never actually used Lick, the ONLY Ghost type attack other than Night Shade, against a Psychic in Gen 1. But, I also think Bug was also Super Effective against Poison, or the other way around, which I never noticed as there were 4 Bugs, 2 of them were horrible, and Beedrill was the only one of them that used the only 2 Bug attacks. Butterfree could learn Psybeam and Psychic, which also killed Poison.
i actually cheezed the necrozma fight as well in the same way on my 1st try, i had a zoroark who looked like my blaziken, and necrozma just kept using a psychic move while i easily defeated it.
Yes I clicked this video because of the thumbnail. I here to see Watchog get what it deserves, a good thrashing. Always told myself if I ever put together a top 10 pokemon I just don't like, Watchog would easily make that list.
Admittedly, this one's an easy fix, via rock tomb, but as I was a kid, I didn't think of that, and struggled very much when my ground moves were ineffective versus the Emolga that Elesa would pivot into with volt switch.
That is why I brought a Trapinch at least level 25 to wreck Elesa in B2W2. Rock Slide those annoying electric flying rodents while blocking Volt Switch. That or getting a Ground type that can learn Smack Down
Lance definetly was the most infuriating foe in heart gold for me Witney was fine since I always have a female bayleaf. Claire is tough but poison does help, and also hypnosis, hyper beam noctowl is a funny troll that does work funny enough. Now lance, frikin lance with his army of endless full restores, I lost the count of how many times I would had beaten that dude but he would just full restore everything up again (Specially since I like to do a "fair" playthrough and battle the npcs as if it were online battles, set battles and no items)
Totem Araquanid is actually quite nasty for a early boss. Brionne's Disarming Voice doesn't have the best effect. Water Type neutralizes Torracat's Fire advantage against Bugs. Rowlet is a bad choice since Araquanid has the Aurora Beam 4x beam damage. It's a good game but i dread ever doing a new run in Ultra Sun. Totem Pokemon are just really annoying. Bouncing Togedemaru? Ribombee with really a strong steal technique. Lurantis...people were never sure if it was able to use Solar Blade more often than it was.
Pokemon stadium using only rentals wrecked me as a kid and still to this day gives me a hard time. That RNG is no joke.
Don’t even mention the Pika cup round 2 😩
@@frankietafuro530 I still have Nightmares from it
I was always mad when a preevolution would have better moves than the final evolution!
The Yvetal fight in Pokémon mystery dungeon with nuzleaf and beyheem is almost impossible primal dilliga was hard that why I didn’t beat him in Pokémon mystery dungeon time and darkness because I didn’t get access to riolu.
So I agree that Cynthia's Garchomp was an absolute menace, but it was kind of expected to be, as it was her ace and all. Her lead Spiritomb was what really what got me and my friends fuming as kids. In gen 4, Its Dark/Ghost typing had no weaknesses, and strategizing as an 8 y/o was practically non-existent. So to this day, 15 years later, Spiritomb is still Cynthia's most infamous Pokémon to my friends and I. My friend absolutely hates it because of the trouble it caused him as a kid, and I absolutely love it for the same reason lol
This 100% that Spiritomb seemed like immortal. Yeah sure Garchomp was KO machine but you knew what to excpect
@@valtteri1640 I was legit replaying BDSP over this last week, and I am like damn the fairy typing made this thing so much easier to deal with.
I found a way to deal with spiritomb, have one of your Pokemon learn foresight or odor sleuth then your Pokemon can hit supereffective hits with fighting or normal moves.
@@kevinvictor8620 In BDSP it's at least easier if u have a fairy type or fairy type move on you for your lead
May's Grovyle is up there for Mudkip players in RSE, especially considering Mudkip steamrolls everything else in the game
For Sabrina's Alakazam, a Snorlax is always good counter, its has high HP, access to amnesia to counter Psychic and headbutt for Alakazam's low defense stat
Oh yeah for sure, thats why Snorlax is one of the Kanto Best Team's MVPs!
Lenora was a nightmare! My pignite got swept around 5 times cuz of that took me around 5 rematches to beat this gym in my childhood! People complain about miltank..but MY GOD watchog is right up there WITH it for me 😂
I won't lie. Lenora smashed my first run of black multiple times. Watchhog was a monster
During my first playthrough of Diamond when I was 14, I had Ice Beam on my Empoleon (who somehow had a perfect defense IV now that I am looking at it), and tanked an EQ from Cynthia's Garchomp (I had one on my team so I knew how to counter it), and obliterated Cynthia's Garchomp with an Ice Beam.
as someone that always went for Torchic in Gen 3. Winona's Altaria was always the biggest nightmare for me.
Plus it has Earthquake :p
Ultra Necrozma was even more difficult for me, because I had no idea it was even a thing going into the game, and decided to do a run with only poison type pokemon. It took a LONG time, and I had to use a ton of revives, but I eventually beat it.
Toxic stall is the only way I know to cheese that fight
@igorlopes8463 alolan Muk did a lot of the heavy lifting so I could revive and heal other team members, since as a dark/poison it was my safest bet in that battle, it was the most important of my six lol
Mystic if you read this, do a how to improve every Fully evolved Pokemon. Could be anything from changing abilities, amending or adding stats, evolving them or adding types or moves to their move pool. That would be a great series.
I agree. For one, I think Blastoise should’ve been given given the Steel-type in addition to his Water-type, considering he has those water cannons & learns Flash Cannon upon evolution.
@@tempest9186 Imagine Slaking without Truant
@@fgtrhwu2 Definitely would be a beast.
Yeah that Miltank caught me out when I was younger and didn't know as much about how to beat all the different kinds of pokemon...Getting stomped on was NOT fun
Keep it up on your work and this video and channel
I ❤️ this video and channel
Thanks you for your video and channel
I ❤️ Pokemon all franchise
Because of my experience with Gen 4, I didn’t have that big of an issue with Garchomp, so I was fully expecting Juniper’s Skuntank- aka the Nuzlocke Killer
I guess Mars’ Purugly wasn’t an issue for you, either.
@@kamentrainerhorn2073 If u remember what Mystic said he says "you're playing DPP as a kid." If a veteran player who is not a kid, is an adult (or at the very least an older teenager), then they're not going to struggle against Cynthia like a little kid would. Its likely the original poster was already an experienced veteran player.
The lack of fantina's mismagius when I lost to that thing even when I knew it was coming is unfortunate
It's only annoying in Platinum
Jokes on Cynthia, my Gastrodon has Ice Beam, that Milotic however… it couldn’t break it
This video was very well done. Just one tiny thing to mention: The 'it's 29 in Emerald' edit also appeared under the gen 1 games image. I didn't get what that was about until we got to Torkoal.
I think that Cynthia is the number 1 boss battle to ruin people’s childhoods.
You could also use a fast electric type to paralyze it with Thunder Wave, and that will shut down its speed.
Great video!!
From the title of “Top 10 Pokémon that ruined your childhood” this is a pretty awesome video!!!
Steven's Metagross kicked my ass as a kid, and fighting him right after having to deal with a Salamance only made it worse.
Also Winona's Altaria is a menace to society
For Red I always struggled against Snorlax, thing was just so damn bulky. The first time i took it down as a kid in silver i literally screamed.
I don't know why so many players struggled with Ultra Necrozma... I went in and beat it 1st try, only lost 2 mons as well.
Same 😂 also with bdsp tho we already knew who Cynthia was running on her team just pre plan on type advantage and you’d be good
Never forget the volo battle which none of us expected
Oh god Lenora and her Watchog...the trauma is back
My problem when I first faced Cynthia, was that at the time, I was using Ash's team as it currently was... and she molly whomped me back into my Red and Blue days...
Try beating her in Pearl with a Pikachu, Turtwig, Chimchar, Staravia, Buizel and Gligar... my God that painful lol
That Miltank is the reason I started leveling up my team by 7 after each gym.
Gen 1’s Alakazams (Sabrina/Blue)
Gen 2’ Whitney’s Miltank
Gen 3 Double team Kingdra
Colloseum’s final boss Slaking
Cynthia’s Garchomp in gen 4
And Ghetsis’ Hydregion in gen 5
I would love pokemon colosseum and Gale of Darkness to be on switch. Mirror B needs to be seen again.
The first time I battled Totem Wishiwashi was the first time I ever had trouble outright defeating a non-trainer Pokémon.
Loved the LA Knight Reference, just had to add that lol
I would like to add Yellow's Koga into the list. Just after you beat Erika and her level 30s Pokemons, you head down the cycling road and enter Fuschia City to challenge Koga, thinking your level 30-40s mons will do the trick. Only for Koga to slam you in your face with a level 44 Venonat which increases 2 levels as you defeat one, culminating in a level 50 Venomoth. This is a whole whopping 7 level difference compared to his RBG version lineup.
Thinking of bringing one of your Nidos or any Poison types (Which is just mainly Zubat/Golbat) to tank Toxic? No can do as all sport Psychic moves and 2 of them sports Sleep Powder while the other sports Supersonic... Think you can just burn his entire lineup down? Just pray they don't survive. What's better? Koga even have 2 X Attacks in his pocket that he might use. Yellow Koga might as well be Grass + Psychic + Poison Gyms all combined into one. I even find Sabrina easier compared to Koga, despite Sabrina having 3 Level 50 Alakazam line.
This shook me up so hard, that I made a note to myself to level grind my mons to level 40 before even challenging the 3rd gym in future games. Yeah, you can imagine how well that went in Gen 2 and Gen 5 games.
Honestly my first time against Whitney and her Miltank was a breeze that I didn't realize it was causing people so much trouble until years later. Of course I did happen to check out the game corner and realize I could get a Dratini early into the game so grinded to get the 2100 tokens I needed. Got lucky and received a female and once it was at level 22 and knew Dragon Rage and Thunder Wave I was set. Claire did still cause me trouble, so can still relate with that one.
Dang, I actually didn't take Dragon Rage into consideration for Whitney! The more you know!
I defeated Ultra Necrozma with Mirror Coat on Milotic in my second playthrough of Ultra Sun. That was the sole reason I was able to survive the fight/
Giritina in Legends arceus was insane and I’ve beat every game since Gen 5
That Giratina was literally what Shadow Lugia probably should’ve been in Gale of Darkness.
I love the LA Knight reference. YEAH!
My Ultra Sun playthrough was after my Ultra Moon playthrough, so I grabbed an Inkay early on to be my ultra Necrozma answer. I kept topsy-turvy on her the entire time, and it helped with the Totem Pokémon throughout the game; however, it was especially helpful when I finally faced Necrozma! I had max affection with Malamar by this point, so she dodged Necrozma’s dragon pulse and got the topsy-turvy off on turn one. That pretty much completely shut down Necrozma, and made my second battle with it much easier.
Great video as always. How can they do Garchomp dirty like that 😢. Btw, what's the name of that last song?
In brilliant diamond i had an garchomp with rough skin and a rocky helmet and max attack
'Lenora's watchog' was another generation of kids 'Whitneys miltank' i mean, just devastating
To a lesser extent, Brock in Yellow if you're not using Butterfree, either Nidoran, or Mankey. Pikachu does nothing to them with Electric attacks, so Quick Attack is all you have
My girlfriend beated platinum's cynthia (1st match) at her first try (with some issues oc) with her "meme team" (only good looking pokemon: altaria, gardevoir, milotic, rapidash, claifaible and i dont remebrer the last one). I was shocked. Then, after some months she beated champion N in white with another meme team. Then Hydraygon swiped her team 5 times. When she entered the Undella-town city she just switch off the emulator the moment she saw her was all priceless
Seeing Lenoras Watchog legitimately made me ball up my fist in rage, I HATED THAT THING on my first playthrough of Black
For me it's fantina who gave me the nightmare because I couldn't do anything in platinum. Diamond and pearl was ok.
I guess I never had an issue with Necrozma, but I suppose that's because my team, even before I knew what I was dealing with, was built to be prepared for it. The first time I just came in with a Zoroark cloaked as a Salazzle, and the AI couldn't handle that. Done that ever since.
Metagross is another solid option for Ultra Necrozma as its Steel/Psychic-typing resists everything U-Necrozma uses. And yes I did this in a repeat playthrough as in my initial playthrough I will confess that I beat it on my 2nd try mainly thanks to Tyranitar's Sand Stream.
I agree, Metagross is amazing for Ultra Necrozma, I started with pyukumuku and used toxic and inards out ability and stalled it with metagross
Gold and Silver came out in 1999 but Milktank is traumatising us to this day. I can remember being 8/9 years old a rage quiting more than once
as somebody who played the remakes of GSC i can confirm she is also a menace in HGSS
Lenora was also tough but I guess I won that battle because of a crit.
I remember my first playthrough of Diamond strictly because of how well Cynthia's Garchomp molly-wopped my team. Is it cheese to revive Gyarados and Intimidate spam it over and over again? Yes. But, aren't most main dishes better with a little cheese?
Have you ever used a Garchomp against hers?
Dude i was so happy to see greevil mentioned here! I legit used 50 ultra balls and 34 revives trying to catch zapdos and i RAN OUT OF POKEBALLS!!! I had to grind money at the arenas for hours just to get 99 ultra balls to try again!
Cynthia's Garchomp being here is a no brainer. She's terrifying to deal with, especially in BDSP
It makes me sad to think we’re probably not going to get more “If I were a Gym Leader” videos 😢
What typing do you want to see next?
@@MysticUmbreon Grass, Ghost, or Fire
Dude the LA Knight reference was hilarious😂yeah!
When my older brother and I first played Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, we struggled to catch Shadow Lugia with Ultra Balls and it having 4 Super Effective Shadow Moves caused quite a few team wipes, and we didn't even know we'd have to fight 6 Shadow Pokemon right after. So I told him to just use the Master Ball but have only 5 Pokemon so Shadow Lugia would be in the party at full health to tank Shadow Attacks since it'd resist all of them. He was actually shocked that I thought of that, since we've always had the concept of never using the Master Ball drilled into our heads.
Edit: Gen 4 Pearl was the most I struggled with ever, primarily on Elite 4 Aaron since I took Torterra and only beat him for the first time after a month of fails, legit tried using Bastiodon w/ Ancient Power to take out his Vespiquen. Then I finally got a Rapidash and it was a cakewalk and thought Rapidash was awesome, till years later when I replayed Pearl for a Nuzlocke Run and found it was Hot Garbage due to it's VERY Limited move pool.
Mystic, please do the updated ranking videos I asked for!
Can't remember her name, but the Electric Gym from Black/White. It was so difficult if you weren't running a Boldore or Krokorok. I will never forget seeing Volt Switch on my DS over and over again 😭
Oh, and the fact that no matter what starter you chose, Emolga was super effective against it
I beat necrozma with a single hit from my Primarina 😅
I remember getting desperate with shadow zapdos and chucking a regular pokeball at it after everything else was gone! And it worked! I screamed. XD
The best way to deal with Alakazam is to get a Jolteon and level it up until it learns Pin Missile at level 48, that'll tear through Sabrina's psychics pretty good.
Can we talk about May’s Marshtomp in Gen 3? That one was a menace!
Lol I remember that watchog really passing me off. Of course Mitank was a big part of my childhood.
Game Freak is always trying to nerf Garchomp. No scale shot, no d dance, and slower speed when it megas.
Your commentary about running into Red is exactly what happened to me. It took me 45 minutes to win with a team of high 50s-low 60s. Felt like I cheated the game, honestly
Based take with the Torkoal. That White Herb, sun-boosted Overheat is no joke.
Me proudly taking down Ultra Necrozma with a Destiny Bond Mimikyu 😅😅
I didn't play diamond/pearl until brilliant diamond, and Cynthia was easily the hardest fight I had ever done. It was often times harder than battles with actual people.
Best Team for Kanto Paldea Dex edition with Fuecoco as the starter?
One answer to Claire people might not think about is Dragon Claw. It’s available in the Goldenrod Department Store and can be taught to ONLY Feraligatr. If only I knew about that as a kid
I figured that one out.
Garchomp almost ruind my childhood more then a decade ago i remember my fingers sweting on the ds while i was battling chynthia
13:30 can't believe man mentions the entire game corner but forgets about dragon rage dratini
Cynthia was the first E4 member outside of your rival in RBY to have a non mono-type team as well. I’m surprised you didn’t mention her BDSP team - especially as they’re IV and EV trained.
I was very lucky against Garchomp in SP. I taught my Altaria (named Fluffy) ice beam. It FROZE Garchomp.
Before anyone asks, I got a Swablu in the Grand Underground.
6:03 you know what’s even worse than that when I played black and white and was defeated by ghetsis and when I got back at the Pokémon center I tried to enter the Pokémon league to try again they didn’t let me enter and the worse part is that I have no choice but to delete all my data just to start all over again and get back at ghetsis
Gen 1 Elite 4, as a kid going into the Water/Ice Type arena I kept getting destroyed by Dewgong thanks to his rest healing him to full, Jynx, and Cloyster had high af defense with an Ice Beam that just decimated my team. I've never forgotten the trouncing I got as a kid and still hold a hatred for all three of them, Lapras wasn't much better but those 3 took the cake.
For me back when I didn’t understand team building ghetsis electktross was the bane of my existence
My very first nuzlocke was BDSP and my Whiscash was the only survivor she somehow didnt get one shot and was able take down the Garchomp. It was a rough battle.
Nice video
Torrtera actually is huge vs Garchomp in BDSP. It forces Garchomp into mainly using Dragon Claw over its other moves, and tanks its attacks quite easily. I'd argue that her Milotic and Lucario are much more dangerous on her BDSP team.
My first team that I've ever built in 01 in crystal was :
Sky ♀️(shiny Skarmory)
Chi chou(Lanturn)
This team I transferred all the way from my original crystal and is well put in bdsp 🏆😌💙🤩😁😁😁
& I can honestly say red was challenging but my team matched him lv for lv the highest lv pokemon were typhlosion, aipom & tyranitar
Which were lv 90-100
& the last 3 shiny Skarmory, Lanturn & Heracross were lv80-88 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Am I the only one who never had a problem with miltank? I just spammed screech with onix and being a rock type it resisted all of the cows moves. Then I one shot it with quilavas flame wheel.
Never had a problem with her either. I pretty much never use status moves I just use razor leaf with bayleef and it works
Yea never once had a problem with any of the Johto gym leaders tbh. Clair took a couple times and that was it. I guess Whitney was technically the hardest but even then. I got heracross thinking it'd get a good fighting move but it didn't. Still was pretty easy. Heracross went down after a few roll outs and finished her off with qualava.
about ultra necrozma: i had a traded feraligatr i got from a friend only to set up 6 dragon dances and 1shot it with an ice punch
My method of defeating garchomp: using Luxray's and Staraptor's intimidate one after another (revive them if you need to) and then using mon like floatzel or gastrodon with a strong ice move. also, ice shard as a priority could benefit you as well, I believe weavile learnes it
I mopped the floor with Ultra Necrozma without losing a Pokémon with Zoroark disguised as Salazzle
I personally had a hard time beating Tate and Liza's Emerald team mainly because of Solrock and its range to OHKO Swampert (because I tend to choose Mudkip) and Sunny Day support helds it takes less damage from Water-type attacks
Also, I approve the start of the #6 segment being a LA Knight reference, YEAAAAAAHHHH
I never noticed Psychic being immune to Ghost in Gen 1, but I also never actually used Lick, the ONLY Ghost type attack other than Night Shade, against a Psychic in Gen 1. But, I also think Bug was also Super Effective against Poison, or the other way around, which I never noticed as there were 4 Bugs, 2 of them were horrible, and Beedrill was the only one of them that used the only 2 Bug attacks. Butterfree could learn Psybeam and Psychic, which also killed Poison.
For the shadow legendary birds, I found that Timer Balls work best. It took me 12 balls to snag his entire team in one battle.
Can you make teams for scarlet/voilet with only new pokemon
i actually cheezed the necrozma fight as well in the same way on my 1st try, i had a zoroark who looked like my blaziken, and necrozma just kept using a psychic move while i easily defeated it.
I was in college when DPPt dropped, and Cynthia gave me Whitney flashbacks.
Yes I clicked this video because of the thumbnail. I here to see Watchog get what it deserves, a good thrashing. Always told myself if I ever put together a top 10 pokemon I just don't like, Watchog would easily make that list.
Red: … …?
Gamefreak: Only a spoonful
Red: *pulls out comically overpowered rat*
Loved LA Knight reference
The only thing that has managed to actually irritate me in diamond and pearl is the purugly commander inside the windworks
Admittedly, this one's an easy fix, via rock tomb, but as I was a kid, I didn't think of that, and struggled very much when my ground moves were ineffective versus the Emolga that Elesa would pivot into with volt switch.
That is why I brought a Trapinch at least level 25 to wreck Elesa in B2W2. Rock Slide those annoying electric flying rodents while blocking Volt Switch. That or getting a Ground type that can learn Smack Down
Lord Voltorb from legends is the biggest pain especially if you don't battle the lord's & just Chuck did at them
Lance definetly was the most infuriating foe in heart gold for me
Witney was fine since I always have a female bayleaf.
Claire is tough but poison does help, and also hypnosis, hyper beam noctowl is a funny troll that does work funny enough.
Now lance, frikin lance with his army of endless full restores, I lost the count of how many times I would had beaten that dude but he would just full restore everything up again
(Specially since I like to do a "fair" playthrough and battle the npcs as if it were online battles, set battles and no items)
This video made me think that thank god there was no Hisuian Garchomp with dragon dance
I remember Whitney and Norman beating my Pokémon heart gold and soul sliver and omega ruby and alpha sapphire back to back
I managed to defeat Necrozma while using a level 56 Decidueye without losing a Pokémon
Ah yes, the power of friendship!
Totem Araquanid is actually quite nasty for a early boss. Brionne's Disarming Voice doesn't have the best effect. Water Type neutralizes Torracat's Fire advantage against Bugs. Rowlet is a bad choice since Araquanid has the Aurora Beam 4x beam damage.
It's a good game but i dread ever doing a new run in Ultra Sun. Totem Pokemon are just really annoying. Bouncing Togedemaru? Ribombee with really a strong steal technique. Lurantis...people were never sure if it was able to use Solar Blade more often than it was.
Huh I've never had trouble with Lenora. Elesa and her volt switching mons tho... hoo boy...
I see Ultra Necrozma as the Pokemon Equivalent of "The Radiance" in Hollow Knight