It turns out that my measuring the reflected and forward power with precision on the OHR precision watt meter at a high resolution - the threshold for triggering the high SWR light is close to 2:1. The SWR meter in the KPA500 is indicating a higher SWR. The OHR watt meter is much closer to the output of the TR45 finals 😊
TR45L i.e. no button to set CW monitoring tone frequency. Also the switches to the right (2) and left (1) of the 'aluminium look' plate are a design failure. Same as the too large knobs on the back for the ATU.
The switches to the right are for the audio filter and the the speaker (on / off). These do work as the audio filter reduces noise. The switch to the left dims the display.
I recon those small switches being placed under the guard rails get them out of the way nicely as they aren't used that much in the field. I think the radio has been well thought out.
the KX2 is an awful radio for /p... the menu system is indecipherable - so much so that elecraft has to sell a separate book just to decipher the spaghetti-like, obtuse factory manual - simply awful - i dumped my KX2 after a year and have not regretted it one bit... my other QRP rigs, such as the TX-500 are far more capable, easier to use and just as good as the over-priced, over-hyped KX2... when operating /p you want simplicity, ease of use, robust finals, etc...
It turns out that my measuring the reflected and forward power with precision on the OHR precision watt meter at a high resolution - the threshold for triggering the high SWR light is close to 2:1. The SWR meter in the KPA500 is indicating a higher SWR. The OHR watt meter is much closer to the output of the TR45 finals 😊
TR45L i.e. no button to set CW monitoring tone frequency. Also the switches to the right (2) and left (1) of the 'aluminium look' plate are a design failure. Same as the too large knobs on the back for the ATU.
Yes the side tone pitch is fixed at 700 Hz
The switches to the right are for the audio filter and the the speaker (on / off). These do work as the audio filter reduces noise. The switch to the left dims the display.
I recon those small switches being placed under the guard rails get them out of the way nicely as they aren't used that much in the field. I think the radio has been well thought out.
the KX2 is an awful radio for /p... the menu system is indecipherable - so much so that elecraft has to sell a separate book just to decipher the spaghetti-like, obtuse factory manual - simply awful - i dumped my KX2 after a year and have not regretted it one bit... my other QRP rigs, such as the TX-500 are far more capable, easier to use and just as good as the over-priced, over-hyped KX2... when operating /p you want simplicity, ease of use, robust finals, etc...