Coastal Catchments: Dairy Nutrient Management in the Bega Valley

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2024
  • Join us on a dairy farm at Jellat Jellat near Bega, with farmer Will Russell as we explore sustainable dairy farming strategies and challenges.
    Over the past five years, the Russell family has faced weather extremes and rising fertiliser costs, challenges that have highlighted the need for efficient business planning and best management practices on the farm.
    Will’s goal is to enhance farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability while improving water quality in coastal creeks, rivers and estuaries.  
    One key strategy for Will, has been to use soil testing to ensure fertiliser applications are targeted and effective.
    Other best practice farm management strategies implemented on the farm, include upgrading irrigation systems for better efficiency, managing water and fertiliser inputs wisely, and maintaining natural assets like creeks and tree corridors. 
    Will has also been working with South East Local Land Services (LLS) and the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) on a nutrient research trial that highlights the benefits of soil testing to maximise pasture yields and reduce nitrogen losses. 
    If land managers would like to participate in field days and seek advice from Local Land Services, please contact us at 1300 795 299. 
    This project is funded by the NSW Government under the Marine Estate Management Strategy (MEMS):, and has been delivered in collaboration between the LLS Clean Coastal Catchments On-ground project, and the DPIRD  Clean Coastal Catchments Research project. 
    The 10-year MEMS Strategy was developed by the NSW Marine Estate Management Authority to coordinate the management of the marine estate.

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