Good afternoon. Please tell me For 110-160 wobblers which one would be better? Who's going to throw next? I will use PE 2 . Exsence 22 DC or ANTARES 23 DC MD. Shimano bantam 2022 170MG-2 fishing rod. Thanks
It depends on what kind of line you're using, Exsence is a more PE-focused reel. It has an X-mode tuned for long cast with thin PE line. So can you use the Exsence to reach the farthest distance? Yes, if you are using thin PE line. If this is not the configuration you need, I think the DCMD will be a little more comprehensive and stable.
@@hkrsfishingtk thank you very much. Yes I’m a pe type of fisherman. I brought 2 Antares dc md for 1oz to 4oz swimbait but realize it has no drag clicker, the exsence does. Also I want the longest cast! What reel in general you have the longest cast? 🙏 Im looking for a exsence left hand and it going for 6 to 700 plus usd 😬
Hello again, question,, is the 1st.dial ( minimum) break dial in DC MD mean zero break or 1? all the way down to minimum is no break or break one ? I have the 21 and the 23 DC MD and now serious about this Excense, maybe i have too many ?
You hear that DC sound, you have break...It cannot be turned to 0 break My personal opinion, you don't need the EXSENCE‘s X mode can make some thing better, like long cast with thin PE line ,maybe 5% further... But on the whole, it's just not worth it if you already have 21 and 23 DCs
@@hkrsfishingtk oh it's too late , I'm really addicted I ordered the Excense 🤔😞already , and paid more from Ali Express..but nobodyelse has left model in stock in Japan online stores like Digitaka , JDM heaven or plat. ..yes , you're 100 percent correct about xmode on DC MD it flies like a bullet ..
Excellent detailed explanation ! I started backlashing with my Antares DC lately , line trouble plus tension knob too loose , and today I tightened it too much I think with the plastic lever. I will purchase this reel ! Addiction is getting worse lol , have Daiwa Steez HLC , zillion hd , tatula and PE special ( nice reel) , Antares DC MD, btw Antares 21 is smoother than the MD imo. Thank you !oh I received the 22 bantam too today 🙄
@@hkrsfishingtk thanks, had some trouble with tension knob on Antares , cannot move the outside one by star drag with their plastic tool, so I went inside side plate and tried adjusting the center screw 🤔
@@muskyvictim That's why the tension knobs come back in later models... To fix this trouble permanently, you can order a Mechanical Brake Knob for 21 ANTARES DC from YUMEYA for your reel😀
@@hkrsfishingtk please help me - trouble still with ANTARES DC - it works ok with Gorham 147 lure but when I put another Shimano armaboost( more aerodynamic) it snapped off again in 1st third of cast ? Breaks are on 1, minimal. Is the tension knob TOO TIGHT still? Outside one cannot move , inside screw I can toy with. So if I try anf exert too much force on cast with armaboost it snaps line immediately. When I tried a half ounce spoon ( kastmaster) it flew a mile though .
@@muskyvictim You should set the brake to 6,7 or max when you casting big baits,because wind resistance of big bait is very strong, it is a bait that is very difficult to match the speed of the spool. On the ANTARES DC MD‘s Japanese page , there are detailed instructions for braking conditions from 1 to 8,unfortunately I can't find it on the English wedsite...
等了半年多,我的EXSENCE終於在飛機上了,這部影片還沒搬家之前我已經看了無數遍,還沒到貨之前再來享受一次大大的解說,如果順利的話禮拜天就可以拿去水庫釣魚虎啦~ 他即將是我未來在台灣南部的打虎主力捲了 ~ 開心開心
很棒的分享,期待 antares dc md 23 跟這顆的比較 ❤❤❤
这款和20款的有什么不同 求指点
看了这个视频至少5次了 很喜欢,请问哪里能购买到呢 不过也很纠结买这个还是买新款的安达
Good afternoon. Please tell me For 110-160 wobblers which one would be better? Who's going to throw next? I will use PE 2 . Exsence 22 DC or ANTARES 23 DC MD. Shimano bantam 2022 170MG-2 fishing rod. Thanks
Since Exsence is a PE specialized reel, I will go with that first
Which one cast farther?
半殺大您好,最近加入海水岸拋的行列,使用fishman ripout 9.0m+(負重8-60g)常用克數20-40g鐵板,有些許的遠投需求約70m+,捲的選擇22ExsenceDC跟23CQ MD300有哪個比較推薦嗎?使用2號PE,對象魚多少藍鰭鲹、馬加鰆、竹梭這類的。😅自己覺得遠投是DC比較好的感覺但是最汏煞車就只是堪用萬一中稍大的魚搭上海流不對可能一去不回⋯
@@hkrsfishingtk 目前我這邊還沒看過有人使用槍拋的,不過紡車都使用6000型以上剎車值都會選有10kg,才有CQMD的想法,不然差了130多克真的好可怕
@@花蓮草猴仔如果是我的話,我更推薦daiwa的蜘蛛300,或是今年出的saltist 300,這兩顆的距離屌打金康,煞車力也夠,只是捲感沒有金康那麼絲滑,但是有hyperdrive的加持下捲感也是很優秀,你可以考慮看看,另外fb有槍柄岸拋的社團,也有line群,可以加進來一起分享槍柄岸拋的心得
就決定買入這顆了~心很想要買顆21安達..然後看到Exsence 22又是安達的後裔
@@一語道破-n3u 我和朋友共3人 買了3顆左捲 剩我留著沒賣 原因是消光黑很好看
@@柳丁-u6y 我刚卖了右手的想换成左手,请问有什么问题啊
@@joey2658 如果不是玩pe線原則上與安達DC無異 且相比之下更容易產生齒感
X模式是全線種的順風遠投模式 但稍有側風或逆風就容易炒米粉 原則上大部分的情況下都用不到X模式 差不多的價錢建議直接上DCMD 如果是只使用PE線做母線的釣友 這顆的P模式確實比其他DC要穩定
@@柳丁-u6y 谢谢我是玩PE线
Perfect comparison video! Any chance you could look at the Calcutta Conquest DC?
發片後下訂左捲至今還沒有入手……難到台灣這邊還是屬於次等銷售區嗎?只能一直重複看您的評測影片了……Shimano NG!
請問有機會測試imz 嗎?看了你的視頻訂了一個exsence dc, 但看到目前imz 可解鎖也很心動,主PE, 10-28g拋投的話,不知道你怎麼看這兩顆?謝謝
但是你要求的pe線和餌重範圍,似乎exsence dc也是完美的匹配
看了你的视频刚下单了一颗 请问北美钓鲈鱼和狗鱼 应该上多重的pe线呀。主要拿来玩jerkbait和topwater
@@hkrsfishingtk 好滴谢谢
jerk和topwater我建议买更轻的, steez ctsv或者阿德,因为要一直抽
请问一下 这个轮子得侧抛性能如何?容易炒粉吗?
@@hkrsfishingtk 好的 多谢
So which one is king? Which one cast farther
It depends on what kind of line you're using, Exsence is a more PE-focused reel. It has an X-mode tuned for long cast with thin PE line.
So can you use the Exsence to reach the farthest distance? Yes, if you are using thin PE line. If this is not the configuration you need, I think the DCMD will be a little more comprehensive and stable.
@@hkrsfishingtk thank you very much. Yes I’m a pe type of fisherman. I brought 2 Antares dc md for 1oz to 4oz swimbait but realize it has no drag clicker, the exsence does. Also I want the longest cast! What reel in general you have the longest cast? 🙏 Im looking for a exsence left hand and it going for 6 to 700 plus usd 😬
沒用過SHIMANO 安達DC 一直想丟14-35克硬餌類的捲 看到你的解說直接買一顆海鱸DC 3/26可以出門丟看看
這一顆跟24 Metanium DC比哪個比較好?
Hello again, question,, is the 1st.dial ( minimum) break dial in DC MD mean zero break or 1? all the way down to minimum is no break or break one ?
I have the 21 and the 23 DC MD and now serious about this Excense, maybe i have too many ?
You hear that DC sound, you have break...It cannot be turned to 0 break
My personal opinion, you don't need the EXSENCE‘s X mode can make some thing better, like long cast with thin PE line ,maybe 5% further...
But on the whole, it's just not worth it if you already have 21 and 23 DCs
@@hkrsfishingtk oh it's too late , I'm really addicted I ordered the Excense 🤔😞already , and paid more from Ali Express..but nobodyelse has left model in stock in Japan online stores like Digitaka , JDM heaven or plat.
..yes , you're 100 percent correct about xmode on DC MD it flies like a bullet ..
嗯,機械刹車爲什麽還要調緊一點?不是零刹車就不用管了,所有的都DC搞定不是嗎?我以前總是調節機械刹車,但是這幾年好多聲音,包括你也這麽説零刹車不要管了,沒想到你有時候還是會調節它 😅
煞車給你就是可以調的,why not?
That's Pointe-des-Cascades right?
daiwa steez tw hlc PE线的视频有吗……找不到哈哈哈
@@hkrsfishingtk 准备也来一个exscence玩玩
PE的使用感覺我反而喜歡窄線杯。 我自己是Tatula 80跟SLX MGL71在使用。重大物咬線這個我覺得在所難免,但是SLX MGL線規跟線出線角度過大時也常常突然咬住線,寬線杯還多了一個咬線的可能性。
請問大大 dc調零應該怎樣調 🫡
分析的真棒!! 所以Exsence系列就是屬於海鱸或大物為基礎設定嗎?
目前我看了23年安達DC MD剛發表 , 線容量與煞車值更大 .......
現在好懊惱該買哪一款才對 , 我都是釣中大型魚 , 使用PE1.5 , 米諾與VIB餌重約10~40g . . . . .這兩款捲我該如何抉擇好?
@@hkrsfishingtk 不好意思怎麼說
@@鍾承逸 個人覺得比較匹配你的餌重範圍
我好像幾個月前看了你的影片介紹買了, 出釣十多次 到現在大概3個月
得出的結論這個exsence dc 2022
簡直是垃圾, 維護極麻煩(要拆鏍絲才能拿下線杯)
機械剎那邊的bearing 已經生銹了兩次
真是世界級....我用過metanium 2013, metanium dc 2015, daiwa zillion sv tw都沒有這樣誇張
@@hkrsfishingtk 我是直接在日本雅虎拍賣買的...本來對上鏍絲款的dc 很抗拒, 看面已經這麼多年, 想不到還是這樣
另外那個1034 培林更是笑話, 比普通培林多了個小膠圈, 竟然是必定生銹款
@@jackdark2960 我最近也收了一顆二手的,捲起來感覺有些噪音,打開機剎蓋檢查裡面那顆1034的拋投培林,發現它也生鏽了,後來換了zpi sic培林後就跟新的一樣,也不怕生鏽了😂
@@黎世研 shimano 真的太差了... 取線杯要鬆鏍絲....而且鏍絲質素太差了
真的不再買shimano 的捲線器
zpi sic 的培林太貴了, 我只換了淘寶20元的nmb 培林
@@黎世研 我也換了刺猬1034 air hd 完全不行, 釣一次就生銹,是設計問題
現在換臂那邊的1034 跟 593 直接換成全陶瓷培林....
但發現也有點問題..... 黃銅小齒輪會氧化 導致頭幾次按下線杯鍵時卡卡的
請問半殺大 單純打虎用的話
建議21安達還是這顆呢 感謝大大
@@hkrsfishingtk 感謝大大 有您真好🥹
@@Kelberi 我訂了22海鱸~
可惜它也跟21安達一樣非常不防海水.......因為它的 機煞及握把座 本身設計有問題....
@@威威-g7e 只要 機煞及握把座延用21安達形式設計都會有這問題...解決辦法,避開這兩部份沖水就可以了~當然排水孔也要貼封住
最後我還是買了Daiwa steez a2 tw😂
Thank you
后果自负? 看来你不喜欢装B 哥的频道。
@@hkrsfishingtk 你们都很棒,imz 来一波测试不
@@蓝鱼-s4h 目前大家都拿到了,但是都面臨一些問題,都在努力解決
@@hkrsfishingtk 拿到都是无法匹配app的嘛?
Excellent detailed explanation ! I started backlashing with my Antares DC lately , line trouble plus tension knob too loose , and today I tightened it too much I think with the plastic lever. I will purchase this reel ! Addiction is getting worse lol , have Daiwa Steez HLC , zillion hd , tatula and PE special ( nice reel) , Antares DC MD, btw Antares 21 is smoother than the MD imo. Thank you !oh I received the 22 bantam too today 🙄
The Silver Wolf is indeed a great reel, congratulations to your Bantam🎉
@@hkrsfishingtk thanks, had some trouble with tension knob on Antares , cannot move the outside one by star drag with their plastic tool, so I went inside side plate and tried adjusting the center screw 🤔
@@muskyvictim That's why the tension knobs come back in later models...
To fix this trouble permanently, you can order a Mechanical Brake Knob for 21 ANTARES DC from YUMEYA for your reel😀
@@hkrsfishingtk please help me - trouble still with ANTARES DC - it works ok with Gorham 147 lure but when I put another Shimano armaboost( more aerodynamic) it snapped off again in 1st third of cast ? Breaks are on 1, minimal. Is the tension knob TOO TIGHT still? Outside one cannot move , inside screw I can toy with. So if I try anf exert too much force on cast with armaboost it snaps line immediately. When I tried a half ounce spoon ( kastmaster) it flew a mile though .
@@muskyvictim You should set the brake to 6,7 or max when you casting big baits,because wind resistance of big bait is very strong, it is a bait that is very difficult to match the speed of the spool.
On the ANTARES DC MD‘s Japanese page , there are detailed instructions for braking conditions from 1 to 8,unfortunately I can't find it on the English wedsite...
좋은 릴, 잘못된 캐스팅