Lead should be weighted higher. The late game scarcity is absolutely real and limits the size of the army you can run. Way more than taxes - in fact you will have way too much money, just not the resources.
Thanks for the input! I had it higher initially, but brought it back down because it's not a very high need resource in the early game, and I felt the need to bring up iron/coal relative to lead. I could see bringing lead up a little (or down rubber/whales/fish, which would bring lead up relative to those).
the thing is solving a lead problem is trivial. not only do most major powers have access to lead but a lot of colonizable land can give it to you as well. not that it matters much. lead is only used by 3 building. two of those buildings will always produce more value than lead even at max price costs so as long as you avoid a shortage your good and the final is the one that you use for the military so subsidizing it is justified. its also not a building materiel. Iron and Wood are franky more valuable than Lead for most of the game.
@@cyrusol by how much thuogh? I mean France has the largest army in game at game start. A french sized army doesn't need all that much lead and keeping up with increased demands is not hard. and is more than sufficient to conquor the world. hell GB doesn't need to build a single troop either. none of the great powers do really (though some certianly need some quality upgrades) . if your playing as someone smaller you need even less lead than they do. and have forever to get it. yes led is used for ammo. so subsidize and if you have to make ends meet import. but if your doing any signifigant conquest your going to take land with lead on it. and that lead may well be developed already. the one exception to this is Russia. Russia has a massive army so if it wants to stay up to date on tech it needs a ton of ammo to feed the troops. even then Russia starts with all the Lead Russia will ever need within its borders. Lead unlike many resources in this game is not needed in infinite amounts. Wood, Fabric, Iron, and tools all are. late game glass and Steel are too. but the amount of lead used to make the glass is not tremendous. which makes Coal and Iorn even more valuable. It does depend on how high you send your construction. at some point you will need more lead to make the glass to make the construction points go brrr but let me put it this way. a level 5 glassworks needs 51 lead to run. but a level 5 lead mine produces over 200 lead. you need one lead mine per 4 glassworks. and that by far is going to be your biggest lead consumer in game. (in fairness this is apmospheric engine/leaded glass level. but late game prouction methods make mining even more efficent. especially once dynamite is added.
@@scorpioneldar timing window evaluations are a bit tricky - wood and iron are better most of the game, but you're still unlikely to run out of either of those before you run out of lead (well, you can with hardwood). I'm not saying that I think lead should be higher, just that iron and wood are also not a problem, for the most part. It's difficult to evaluate. I think the relative abundance of coal/iron is a big part of why they score lower relative to lead (imo). I kinda agree that solving it is relatively trivial though/it's hard to run out of ammo, in my experience (between imports, conquest, and shopping around with your glassworks pms).
8/22 MOSQUE OF DJENNE IS NOW LOCAL ONLY I MADE AN ERROR IN LOOKING UP STATES/DOUBLE CHECKING RESOURCES - Apparently Shanxi also has 30 oil, bringing it up to a whopping resource score of 443 (which would bump it up to 5th place). 3/17 - It's also easier, in general, to get trade centers in coastal provinces. These give bonus migration attraction, and can be a good source of jobs, but such a benefit is also difficult to quantify.
If you are making a spreadsheet with these numbers, couldn't you factor in economies of scale? So if you value iron at 1, a place with 25 max iron mines would have 1.25 points per iron mine, or 31.25 total points. A place with 50 max iron mines would have 1.5 points per iron, or 75 total points. This would solve the issue at 11:52 where where you say it would be better for a level 70-something than split between two different things.
Counties are sort of like states in the US though they don't have any real independence, unlike the states. The home counties is just a name given to the counties near London, Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire etc. Pronounced count-tees.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the idea/pronunciation. I generally switch back and forth - my brain just autocompletes "countries" because of the phrase "home country" a lot of the time
I think gold is not that bad late game. Yea, granted, getting 10k per mine when you are already on a gazillion balance may not affect your economy a lot but the bonuses to minting benefit them too, along with any throughput one. On top of that, they are a really good measure of artificially inflating SoL, which means more population attraction and more population growth. Also, sulphur sounds to me much more valuable, being key to produce explosives for industry, fertilizer for agriculture, and weapons for the army, as well as dye and paper. It's useful for almost any type of industry. Also it's a better "cash crop" to trade as it has slightly higher base price
Oh, I def think gold is still good lategame, and better than let's say coal or iron, but I don't think it's 6x better. Super early it's definitely waaay more than 6x as good as iron or coal. I could buy that sulfur should be a little higher. Alternatively lowering some of the other 1x goods to raise sulfur relatively also makes sense. I think it's def worse less than iron or coal though. Though, it's much less abundant, so for some countries without sulfur, finding a source is pretty critical.
Some changes to note are Services Transportation and notably Electricty are now local goods meaning they aren't moved beyond the state they're produced in. Electricity might change later to allow for connecting neighboring states again but for now electricity is no longer something you stack in one state and forget about. The electricity throughput is kinda weakened significantly because of that but at least it still makes industry in that state more effecient. Also this is just my personal opinion/playstyle but I value resource diversity a lot since it fits with my playstyle of building tall on a few super states. Having 20/20/20/30 for mineable resources is thus more important to me than 100/50/0/0, but both have their values just depending on how you play. Also important is having certain argicultural products, specifically Dyes and Silk early game and Opium and Rubber later. Those are easy enough to conquer/colonize but having them means you can play a game where you don't have to colonize. Yes Synthetics plants exist and can cover lack of dyes and silk, no I don't care also it comes too late for early industrialization when you won't have all the juicy colonies.
Sorry if I missed this resource, but what about silk? Particularly in the Italian peninsula, Tuscany's textile industry can take off thanks to Silk, and similarly for Two Sicilies and several other states. The ability to export silk directly to European market is also great for trade. Maybe not as broken as some other resources, but I feel if fish and lumber get included, silk may be fair. That aside, great video, I really like trying to play tall in Vic 3, so I may try playing as some of these states.
@@lachy_942 the silk synthesis pm isn't very good because it requires more wood, and decreases the amount of dyes by the same amount as the extra silk produced. Because silk and dye have the same base price, this means that it's just a less efficient PM than regular dye production. I counted the arable land that could build silk as being worth 5% more.
@@generalistgaming Huh, I didn't realize silk synthesis was inferior. I feel I am competent at Vicky III, but by no means an expert. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
@@lachy_942 the regular silk plantation is also inferior to dyes plantations (notably they're equal for China w/ Sericulture tech). I think best practice is to build silk plantations and dyes workshops (if you don't have a lot of arable land) but I haven't mathed it out. (Ofc, importing silk from China is good, as they will be more influenced to build it than others, because their PM is better).
Maybe? I have like 600 hrs played. On the other hand I feel a little burnt out, tbh (though, tbf, I think most addicts feel burnt out, so there's that)
Yeah, Australia got left out of the new world buffs - expecting them to get an arable land buff in the near future. Probably not going to play them before that happens
Arbitrarily? I just tried to think of how valuable the goods are. I need to develop a system for accounting for the economies of scale bonuses though in google sheets. Like a 60 iron mine or 60 coal mine is significantly better than a 30 iron and 30 coal.
@@generalistgaming - I mentioned it in response to another comment you had, but basically multiplying the value of the resource by the max throughput bonus would do that, I think. For example, a level 50 coal mine (Technically 51, but for easy maths...) is 1.5x50 = 75 points, and a level 25 coal mine is 1.25x25 = 31.25 and level 25 iron mine is 1.25x25 = 31.25, which means a split 25/25 is worth 61.5 points, while a straight 50 is worth 75 (20% more points). A 60 coal mine would still have a max throughput of 1.5 (Purely based off economies of scale, not counting other bonuses) so it would be 1.5x60 = 90 points, and a split 30/30 coal/iron is 1.3x30 (39) for each, so 78 total points, which means the single resource is just over 15% better than the split. The closer to max EoS the split is, the less difference between a split and a single resource, for example, 49/49 split versus 100 would be 1.49x49 = 73 (Rounded) or 146 for the split total points, versus 150 points for the single, which is only 2.7% more efficient. You could also include the bonus for those resources, so provinces with a bonus to the throughput of a particular resource would be something like: Total_Iron_Score =(Max_Building_Level*Resource_Score*(1+(State_Bonus+(Throughput_From_Buildings+Colonial_Exploitation))) Throughput_From_Buildings =IF(Max_Building_Level>51,0.5,(Max_Building_Level-1)/100) So for instance the province of Perm would be something like this: Non-Colonial Exploitation Total_Iron_Score = 127.5 = (75*1*(1+(0.2+0.5+0))) Total_Coal_Score = 120 = (80*1*(1+(0+0.5+0)))) Total_Wood_Score = 27.8 = (20*1*(1+(0.2+0.19+0))) Total_Oil_Score = 202.5 = (54*2.5*(1+(0+0.5+0))) Total_Resource_Score = 477.8 Colonial Exploitation Total_Iron_Score = 135 = (75*1*(1+(0.2+0.5+0.1))) Total_Coal_Score = 128 = (80*1*(1+(0+0.5+0.1)))) Total_Wood_Score = 29.8 = (20*1*(1+(0.2+0.19+0.1))) Total_Oil_Score = 216 = (54*2.5*(1+(0+0.5+0.1))) Total_Resource_Score = 508.8
As Im only playing with Serbia, I can recommend conquering Transvanal, Punjab, Sind, colonizing Igbo, Zanzibar, colonize Sulawesi, Kenya, Afganistan and taking Wallachia, cos its close, also liberating Iraq, Manchuria, Yunnan and some other chinese minors (Mongolia etc), reducing cost for puppeting China.
Wallachia is definitely one of the better states not mentioned in the video. Eastern Galicia is also good and sort of in that area. I'd probably prioritize taking Dalmatia as well for that type of run. I have an upcoming video on how you can release Xibei, Mongolia, and Yunnan to cut China's market in half.
@@generalistgaming Thanks for response. Breaking China is really good stratagy which I used in my campaign as Russia. Releasing Yunnan, Manchuria, Mongolia, Uyguristan, made me possible to puppet both China and Heavenly kingdom. I also realeased Da cheng, Zhili and some other minors but it wasnt helpfull as much as realeasing previous countries. Since snowballing is a thing in this game, gold early game makes a lot of impact, so Im not surprised ranking it 6.5. South America is really rich in gold mines. Thanks for really good video and keep up with your work.
@@steand5406 you can also protectorate them now, even if they're a regional major power, and (I'm pretty sure) vassalize them after. Gold is tough to evaluate, yeah. I think 6x might be too conservative as well, thank you for the input. Either way, I think there aren't too many high gold states that are very good (on other metrics) outside of Transvaal, California, and Mines Geres? Hokaido, Outer Manchuria, and New South Wales come to mind. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it
True, other than the ones already mentioned, I don't think there is a lot of significant Gold states. For example North Cape has the highest Gold if I remember. Unfortunately it also starts partially owned by Cape Colony and in severe Malaria. So by the time anyone else can get their hands on it, chances are Gold isn't that important anymore. And I don't think North Cape has a lot of other things speaking for it.
As a sokoto enjoyer, its not that hard. Just make sure to get all the stuff around you before colonizers do and try to ally with a great power for deterrence. From there you can conquer the world bit by bit, but it will take quite long.
Recently found your channel. Keep the vids coming; they're great! Any chance of an updated top state list or tier list for VOTP? I think they significantly nerfed Mosque of Djenne so now the education access applies only to the state, not nationwide.
Yeah, a little weird to see them nerf it and not New York - it also might be a bug, since the Mosque tooltip still says national. I think I’d need another major change to redo the list, since the only change would really be the removal of Eastern Mali and bumping a hm to 10th. I don’t think the additional of gold and opium to some provinces changes anything - although I would update the values of some of the resources now though. Glad you’re enjoying the videos!
Isnt it kinda risky to build for example New York or Dalmatia verry tall? Because people can just naval invade it and kill your economy. Especially if you are an european Country for example and take New York. Its hard to defend and also if the market access drops during war, because of convoys.
This was back before local goods and you could supply electricity to your entire economy from one state - building up super tall in these states isn't as good as it was then
I would like to see your analysis of the Spanish Philippines. I like to play their liberation but in addition to understanding your resource analysis who and what would you do with the country? It seems like an area of the world no one talks about.
I was surprised with how much resources they had when I actually looked, but I don't remember off the top of my head what they look like, other than having a decent chunk of Iron. Honestly the Brunei/Borneo, Bahrain, Zulu into Transvaal/Oranje while colonizing to get Eastern Mali meta is probably good/best on every country rn. Hope some of the resource changes in 1.3 shake it up a bit.
Imo it should be the average of 3 values where 1 value is resources, another is arable land/population and the third is monuments/bonus effects. Why? Well if you need raw resources then monuments/bonuses don't mean anything. Same for if you are playing a low population country and want more pops. You can then tether a multiplier to each country for each category. Ie China gets 1x multiplier on resources but 0.5x on arable land/population so you can determine what you think the best location is. Monuments/bonus effects probably should almost always be 1x but get lower the more of them you have (If you still want a single score for every nation you can find the average of the three)
That makes some sense. I think I like this system better because states are not mutually exclusive? Like, you'll tend to expand and get a lot of states over the course of the game (ie, the game doesn't make it so you play off a single state or w/e). This will make anything that has a global effect much better. I think your system of giving weighting to countries starts makes sense, but is too complex to make a YT video for, unless I was to make a video for a single country at a time. Interesting though.
I think youre forgetting the how much I would like to live there factor which is worth 1000 points, and places like Hawaii and Rio shoot up on your list. How often do you hear about people saying they wanna move to the big apple anymore
I played austria-hungary and i had 10.5 SoL. I had 30 million radicals and only 5 million loyalists. What am i doing wrong? Can More universities solve the problem?
Yeah, but like, that bad? Almost all the "new world" places go huge arable land buffs - places where pop greatly increased from the late 19th early 20th cent, and Iirc, Aus got a similar increase.
@@generalistgaming Yeah, the ariable land and resource distribution really, really don't make sense. I suspect the problem is that the game currently doesn't really have a concept of distance for migration attraction and the current dominion system doesn't really model the colonial missmanagement or extractive nature of pre-independence Australia very well. Take for instance the size of the UK (240,000 km2) vs the size of just the state of victoria (228,000 km2). The state of Tasmania (australia's smallest state), is more than twice the size of Sicily (68,401 km2 vs 25,711 km2) and ike sicily, has a fully temperate climate. In the modern day in terms of ariable land, Australia (307,520 km2) has almost double the area of France (180,955 km2). They radically under resource Australia too, it should have access to tobaco in NSW, VIC and QLD. Basically all the states should have access to both coal and iron and oil should be added to at least VIC and potentially other areas. While most of Australia is desert, the area that isn't is still almost double the total size of France, and should likely be modelled in game as comparable to Brazil or Mexico.
Very interesting! Didnt know about that monument in Mali. I have to say that I quite disagree with your opinion on the Devout interest group though (which is also why I think Lazio should be higher up there) while they block some good reforms they are also like the only IG early game that push for Schools and Healthcare ( Also considering that religious schools are strictly better than Public as conversion gets rid of discriminated pops while assimilation does not). Also I am not sure why total Seperation is better? I think State religion is far superior, discriminated pops will convert anyway and the extra 200 authority, devout strength and extra loyalist are very good. Also, ofc, a strong and happy devout group gives you that extremely valuable 5% extra birthrate which is why I think these political strength modifiers are very valuable as its kinda hard to keep the church powerful mid to late game.
I don't think it would be insane to put Lazio in the top 10. 100 authority is pretty good. It's weird to evaluate the monument states because they're so much different in terms of what's important relative to resources. So I'll respond here point by point: First, just to kind of set the scene, devout are an awesome IG in a vaccum. Their bonuses are great. The problem is that they are fundamentally opposed to the intelligentsia, which is a better IG. It's very difficult to get both 20+ clout and 10+ approval simultaneously. Also, devout will oppose most progressive laws (which are generally better) meaning you'll lose bonuses from them often. You can generally get schools from the industrialists, and often healthcare is not super good early, and by the time you want it private can often be better. But, in the very early game the devout are super good for passing either/both, yeah. The reason why total separation is better is because migration is so overtuned. Pops won't want to migrate to your country unless they're not discriminated against, and they'll be discriminated against on the basis of religion, unless you have total separation. I think migration should be nerfed, but until it is total sep/multiculturalism seems pretty squarely meta. One reason it's hard to keep them powerful is because they get less IG attraction as your literacy goes up. One way to make it so you get more of them is to build universities/gov admins super tall in the capital, where pops get bonus clout (in addition to doing charity hospitals/religious schools). I think there are maybe a handful of starts where going devout makes a lot of sense. China in particular comes to mind, where pop growth is significantly more valuable, and migration less so. Also they have unique IGs where there intelligentsia doesn't oppose as much devout stuff.
Home *Counties*. Not home countries. Countries and counties are completely different things. Also calling logging camps "chop chops" without explaining what you mean by that in every video is bizarre...
That's fair - after 1.5 I think Beijing is best again, because NY's electricity bonus can now only provide for local electricity, and the Mosque was nerfed several patches ago to only be local. I would take 20% literacy over 20 legitimacy/50 authority in a general sense though.
You mentioned California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Obvious anti-Florida bias, we are the best state and deserve to be treated as such!
East Galicia scored 282, and was the highest scoring state that I looked at that I didn't mention in the video. I believe it is also the second highest scoring state that has 60 oil (Cali and Texas both have 50 only) after Perm.
@@generalistgaming sick you replied, i see ive been only recently starting to learn VIC 3 through participating in MPs and your videos have been a godsend, like seriously thank you alot for your content mate - your awesome
Lead should be weighted higher. The late game scarcity is absolutely real and limits the size of the army you can run. Way more than taxes - in fact you will have way too much money, just not the resources.
Thanks for the input! I had it higher initially, but brought it back down because it's not a very high need resource in the early game, and I felt the need to bring up iron/coal relative to lead. I could see bringing lead up a little (or down rubber/whales/fish, which would bring lead up relative to those).
the thing is solving a lead problem is trivial. not only do most major powers have access to lead but a lot of colonizable land can give it to you as well. not that it matters much. lead is only used by 3 building. two of those buildings will always produce more value than lead even at max price costs so as long as you avoid a shortage your good and the final is the one that you use for the military so subsidizing it is justified. its also not a building materiel. Iron and Wood are franky more valuable than Lead for most of the game.
@@scorpioneldar And yet it limits the army size!
@@cyrusol by how much thuogh? I mean France has the largest army in game at game start. A french sized army doesn't need all that much lead and keeping up with increased demands is not hard. and is more than sufficient to conquor the world. hell GB doesn't need to build a single troop either. none of the great powers do really (though some certianly need some quality upgrades) . if your playing as someone smaller you need even less lead than they do. and have forever to get it. yes led is used for ammo. so subsidize and if you have to make ends meet import. but if your doing any signifigant conquest your going to take land with lead on it. and that lead may well be developed already. the one exception to this is Russia. Russia has a massive army so if it wants to stay up to date on tech it needs a ton of ammo to feed the troops. even then Russia starts with all the Lead Russia will ever need within its borders. Lead unlike many resources in this game is not needed in infinite amounts. Wood, Fabric, Iron, and tools all are. late game glass and Steel are too. but the amount of lead used to make the glass is not tremendous. which makes Coal and Iorn even more valuable.
It does depend on how high you send your construction. at some point you will need more lead to make the glass to make the construction points go brrr but let me put it this way. a level 5 glassworks needs 51 lead to run. but a level 5 lead mine produces over 200 lead. you need one lead mine per 4 glassworks. and that by far is going to be your biggest lead consumer in game. (in fairness this is apmospheric engine/leaded glass level. but late game prouction methods make mining even more efficent. especially once dynamite is added.
@@scorpioneldar timing window evaluations are a bit tricky - wood and iron are better most of the game, but you're still unlikely to run out of either of those before you run out of lead (well, you can with hardwood). I'm not saying that I think lead should be higher, just that iron and wood are also not a problem, for the most part. It's difficult to evaluate. I think the relative abundance of coal/iron is a big part of why they score lower relative to lead (imo).
I kinda agree that solving it is relatively trivial though/it's hard to run out of ammo, in my experience (between imports, conquest, and shopping around with your glassworks pms).
This is the best Vicky 3 content I've seen so far, what a find!
Thank you!
man really conquered the world with sokoto lmao
Wasn't about to let the colonizers have Africa
Watching him scroll over different parts of the map and gradually seeing more and more areas labeled "Sokoto" was freaking hilarious.
I MADE AN ERROR IN LOOKING UP STATES/DOUBLE CHECKING RESOURCES - Apparently Shanxi also has 30 oil, bringing it up to a whopping resource score of 443 (which would bump it up to 5th place).
3/17 - It's also easier, in general, to get trade centers in coastal provinces. These give bonus migration attraction, and can be a good source of jobs, but such a benefit is also difficult to quantify.
If you are making a spreadsheet with these numbers, couldn't you factor in economies of scale? So if you value iron at 1, a place with 25 max iron mines would have 1.25 points per iron mine, or 31.25 total points. A place with 50 max iron mines would have 1.5 points per iron, or 75 total points. This would solve the issue at 11:52 where where you say it would be better for a level 70-something than split between two different things.
Counties are sort of like states in the US though they don't have any real independence, unlike the states. The home counties is just a name given to the counties near London, Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire etc. Pronounced count-tees.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the idea/pronunciation. I generally switch back and forth - my brain just autocompletes "countries" because of the phrase "home country" a lot of the time
After CK2, Stellaris, CK3, this is my 4th PDX game.
Great video! Really good. A lot of deep mechanics well explained.
Glad it helped!
I think gold is not that bad late game. Yea, granted, getting 10k per mine when you are already on a gazillion balance may not affect your economy a lot but the bonuses to minting benefit them too, along with any throughput one. On top of that, they are a really good measure of artificially inflating SoL, which means more population attraction and more population growth.
Also, sulphur sounds to me much more valuable, being key to produce explosives for industry, fertilizer for agriculture, and weapons for the army, as well as dye and paper. It's useful for almost any type of industry. Also it's a better "cash crop" to trade as it has slightly higher base price
Oh, I def think gold is still good lategame, and better than let's say coal or iron, but I don't think it's 6x better. Super early it's definitely waaay more than 6x as good as iron or coal.
I could buy that sulfur should be a little higher. Alternatively lowering some of the other 1x goods to raise sulfur relatively also makes sense. I think it's def worse less than iron or coal though. Though, it's much less abundant, so for some countries without sulfur, finding a source is pretty critical.
Some changes to note are Services Transportation and notably Electricty are now local goods meaning they aren't moved beyond the state they're produced in. Electricity might change later to allow for connecting neighboring states again but for now electricity is no longer something you stack in one state and forget about. The electricity throughput is kinda weakened significantly because of that but at least it still makes industry in that state more effecient.
Also this is just my personal opinion/playstyle but I value resource diversity a lot since it fits with my playstyle of building tall on a few super states. Having 20/20/20/30 for mineable resources is thus more important to me than 100/50/0/0, but both have their values just depending on how you play. Also important is having certain argicultural products, specifically Dyes and Silk early game and Opium and Rubber later. Those are easy enough to conquer/colonize but having them means you can play a game where you don't have to colonize. Yes Synthetics plants exist and can cover lack of dyes and silk, no I don't care also it comes too late for early industrialization when you won't have all the juicy colonies.
Yeah, this video is pretty out of date now, at least for the top states.
Sorry if I missed this resource, but what about silk? Particularly in the Italian peninsula, Tuscany's textile industry can take off thanks to Silk, and similarly for Two Sicilies and several other states. The ability to export silk directly to European market is also great for trade. Maybe not as broken as some other resources, but I feel if fish and lumber get included, silk may be fair. That aside, great video, I really like trying to play tall in Vic 3, so I may try playing as some of these states.
Hang on, I think I just answered my own question. Its because once you get synthetic fibers, you can synthesize silk isn't it? My bad.
@@lachy_942 the silk synthesis pm isn't very good because it requires more wood, and decreases the amount of dyes by the same amount as the extra silk produced. Because silk and dye have the same base price, this means that it's just a less efficient PM than regular dye production.
I counted the arable land that could build silk as being worth 5% more.
@@generalistgaming Huh, I didn't realize silk synthesis was inferior. I feel I am competent at Vicky III, but by no means an expert. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
@@lachy_942 the regular silk plantation is also inferior to dyes plantations (notably they're equal for China w/ Sericulture tech). I think best practice is to build silk plantations and dyes workshops (if you don't have a lot of arable land) but I haven't mathed it out. (Ofc, importing silk from China is good, as they will be more influenced to build it than others, because their PM is better).
@@generalistgaming Sweet, thanks for letting me know
Are you kind of addicted to this game? I’m close to it, comes in waves.
Maybe? I have like 600 hrs played. On the other hand I feel a little burnt out, tbh (though, tbf, I think most addicts feel burnt out, so there's that)
6:22 "Okay in 8th place we have Texas..."
*A giant "Sokoto" is written on the map*
Man, this is why I love PDX games, lfmao
thanks for your content i am enjoying just as much as playing lately :)!
Glad you enjoy it!
You should do a play through with the goal of getting all the 10 states under one country.
That would be interesting, but also probably roughly the same as an intentionally high infamy run.
They really did my home of Australia dirty in this game damn
Yeah, Australia got left out of the new world buffs - expecting them to get an arable land buff in the near future. Probably not going to play them before that happens
Great job, this is all awesome victoria 3 content, thanks!
I like the scoring system you used for the different resources. How did you come up with it?
Arbitrarily? I just tried to think of how valuable the goods are. I need to develop a system for accounting for the economies of scale bonuses though in google sheets. Like a 60 iron mine or 60 coal mine is significantly better than a 30 iron and 30 coal.
@@generalistgaming - I mentioned it in response to another comment you had, but basically multiplying the value of the resource by the max throughput bonus would do that, I think. For example, a level 50 coal mine (Technically 51, but for easy maths...) is 1.5x50 = 75 points, and a level 25 coal mine is 1.25x25 = 31.25 and level 25 iron mine is 1.25x25 = 31.25, which means a split 25/25 is worth 61.5 points, while a straight 50 is worth 75 (20% more points). A 60 coal mine would still have a max throughput of 1.5 (Purely based off economies of scale, not counting other bonuses) so it would be 1.5x60 = 90 points, and a split 30/30 coal/iron is 1.3x30 (39) for each, so 78 total points, which means the single resource is just over 15% better than the split. The closer to max EoS the split is, the less difference between a split and a single resource, for example, 49/49 split versus 100 would be 1.49x49 = 73 (Rounded) or 146 for the split total points, versus 150 points for the single, which is only 2.7% more efficient.
You could also include the bonus for those resources, so provinces with a bonus to the throughput of a particular resource would be something like:
Total_Iron_Score =(Max_Building_Level*Resource_Score*(1+(State_Bonus+(Throughput_From_Buildings+Colonial_Exploitation)))
Throughput_From_Buildings =IF(Max_Building_Level>51,0.5,(Max_Building_Level-1)/100)
So for instance the province of Perm would be something like this:
Non-Colonial Exploitation
Total_Iron_Score = 127.5 = (75*1*(1+(0.2+0.5+0)))
Total_Coal_Score = 120 = (80*1*(1+(0+0.5+0))))
Total_Wood_Score = 27.8 = (20*1*(1+(0.2+0.19+0)))
Total_Oil_Score = 202.5 = (54*2.5*(1+(0+0.5+0)))
Total_Resource_Score = 477.8
Colonial Exploitation
Total_Iron_Score = 135 = (75*1*(1+(0.2+0.5+0.1)))
Total_Coal_Score = 128 = (80*1*(1+(0+0.5+0.1))))
Total_Wood_Score = 29.8 = (20*1*(1+(0.2+0.19+0.1)))
Total_Oil_Score = 216 = (54*2.5*(1+(0+0.5+0.1)))
Total_Resource_Score = 508.8
i think a huge popluation gives taxation incapacity and that actually makes popluation a double sided sword
Will there be an updated video on this for 1.7.x? Maybe a shorter one
When the honorable mentions are 60% of the video 💀
I didn't want to leave anyone out :(
Nice channel! Very different from other Pradox TH-camrs, love it
Thank you! It seems, at least right now, that most people specialize in other games and just splash v3, and I'm pretty much only v3 over here atm.
As Im only playing with Serbia, I can recommend conquering Transvanal, Punjab, Sind, colonizing Igbo, Zanzibar, colonize Sulawesi, Kenya, Afganistan and taking Wallachia, cos its close, also liberating Iraq, Manchuria, Yunnan and some other chinese minors (Mongolia etc), reducing cost for puppeting China.
Wallachia is definitely one of the better states not mentioned in the video. Eastern Galicia is also good and sort of in that area. I'd probably prioritize taking Dalmatia as well for that type of run. I have an upcoming video on how you can release Xibei, Mongolia, and Yunnan to cut China's market in half.
@@generalistgaming Thanks for response. Breaking China is really good stratagy which I used in my campaign as Russia. Releasing Yunnan, Manchuria, Mongolia, Uyguristan, made me possible to puppet both China and Heavenly kingdom. I also realeased Da cheng, Zhili and some other minors but it wasnt helpfull as much as realeasing previous countries.
Since snowballing is a thing in this game, gold early game makes a lot of impact, so Im not surprised ranking it 6.5. South America is really rich in gold mines.
Thanks for really good video and keep up with your work.
@@steand5406 you can also protectorate them now, even if they're a regional major power, and (I'm pretty sure) vassalize them after.
Gold is tough to evaluate, yeah. I think 6x might be too conservative as well, thank you for the input. Either way, I think there aren't too many high gold states that are very good (on other metrics) outside of Transvaal, California, and Mines Geres? Hokaido, Outer Manchuria, and New South Wales come to mind.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it
True, other than the ones already mentioned, I don't think there is a lot of significant Gold states.
For example North Cape has the highest Gold if I remember.
Unfortunately it also starts partially owned by Cape Colony and in severe Malaria.
So by the time anyone else can get their hands on it, chances are Gold isn't that important anymore.
And I don't think North Cape has a lot of other things speaking for it.
Oops, I have totally misremembered that.
Frystaat actually has the most Gold at 16, not North Cape, that one only has 9.
Great video, thanks, now.... how did you do all that with Sokoto? :D
Tbf I'm not sure I could do that on Sokoto on the current patch
As a sokoto enjoyer, its not that hard. Just make sure to get all the stuff around you before colonizers do and try to ally with a great power for deterrence. From there you can conquer the world bit by bit, but it will take quite long.
Recently found your channel. Keep the vids coming; they're great! Any chance of an updated top state list or tier list for VOTP? I think they significantly nerfed Mosque of Djenne so now the education access applies only to the state, not nationwide.
Yeah, a little weird to see them nerf it and not New York - it also might be a bug, since the Mosque tooltip still says national.
I think I’d need another major change to redo the list, since the only change would really be the removal of Eastern Mali and bumping a hm to 10th. I don’t think the additional of gold and opium to some provinces changes anything - although I would update the values of some of the resources now though.
Glad you’re enjoying the videos!
Isnt it kinda risky to build for example New York or Dalmatia verry tall? Because people can just naval invade it and kill your economy. Especially if you are an european Country for example and take New York. Its hard to defend and also if the market access drops during war, because of convoys.
This was back before local goods and you could supply electricity to your entire economy from one state - building up super tall in these states isn't as good as it was then
Awesome video, but what’s with the obsession with “juice”?
It's delicious.
I would like to see your analysis of the Spanish Philippines. I like to play their liberation but in addition to understanding your resource analysis who and what would you do with the country? It seems like an area of the world no one talks about.
I was surprised with how much resources they had when I actually looked, but I don't remember off the top of my head what they look like, other than having a decent chunk of Iron. Honestly the Brunei/Borneo, Bahrain, Zulu into Transvaal/Oranje while colonizing to get Eastern Mali meta is probably good/best on every country rn. Hope some of the resource changes in 1.3 shake it up a bit.
Ohh, I was confused for a while about cheap electricity for your country - aha, electricity used to not be local, before 1.5
Any update coming soon?
Bro is the nerd of Victoria 3
Imo it should be the average of 3 values where 1 value is resources, another is arable land/population and the third is monuments/bonus effects. Why? Well if you need raw resources then monuments/bonuses don't mean anything. Same for if you are playing a low population country and want more pops. You can then tether a multiplier to each country for each category. Ie China gets 1x multiplier on resources but 0.5x on arable land/population so you can determine what you think the best location is. Monuments/bonus effects probably should almost always be 1x but get lower the more of them you have (If you still want a single score for every nation you can find the average of the three)
That makes some sense. I think I like this system better because states are not mutually exclusive? Like, you'll tend to expand and get a lot of states over the course of the game (ie, the game doesn't make it so you play off a single state or w/e). This will make anything that has a global effect much better.
I think your system of giving weighting to countries starts makes sense, but is too complex to make a YT video for, unless I was to make a video for a single country at a time. Interesting though.
I believe i had oil in shanxi in a few runs
Yes! It has 30 oil, I put this correction (and the updated resource score) in the pinned comment
I think youre forgetting the how much I would like to live there factor which is worth 1000 points, and places like Hawaii and Rio shoot up on your list. How often do you hear about people saying they wanna move to the big apple anymore
I yearn for the mines, so nope, off to Perm for me!
This needs an update!
I played austria-hungary and i had 10.5 SoL. I had 30 million radicals and only 5 million loyalists. What am i doing wrong? Can More universities solve the problem?
Generally guaranteed liberties and ending discrimination do a pretty good job on that front, in addition to steady economic growth
Where I can find list of states with data on how much resources they have?
Just looking up them in game one by one?
There are some charts for resources on the wiki, but yeah, you just gotta click and look from what I understand
Minas Gerais is pronounced MIHN-ahs ƷER-ice (Ʒ as in treaƷure and preciƷion)
where did you get the data for this?, i would love to take a look at the spreadsheet
I'd share it, but I don't want to dox my primary email. I'll share it in the community tab, a screenshot, hopefully it's legible
Okay, I tried sharing it and it looked super bricked so I deleted it. I'll look into maybe making another email to create spreadsheets on
Australia not getting any buffs, the arable land is low because that’s how it IRL. Most of Australia is Desert lmao.
Yeah, but like, that bad? Almost all the "new world" places go huge arable land buffs - places where pop greatly increased from the late 19th early 20th cent, and Iirc, Aus got a similar increase.
@@generalistgaming Yeah, the ariable land and resource distribution really, really don't make sense. I suspect the problem is that the game currently doesn't really have a concept of distance for migration attraction and the current dominion system doesn't really model the colonial missmanagement or extractive nature of pre-independence Australia very well. Take for instance the size of the UK (240,000 km2) vs the size of just the state of victoria (228,000 km2). The state of Tasmania (australia's smallest state), is more than twice the size of Sicily (68,401 km2 vs 25,711 km2) and ike sicily, has a fully temperate climate.
In the modern day in terms of ariable land, Australia (307,520 km2) has almost double the area of France (180,955 km2).
They radically under resource Australia too, it should have access to tobaco in NSW, VIC and QLD. Basically all the states should have access to both coal and iron and oil should be added to at least VIC and potentially other areas.
While most of Australia is desert, the area that isn't is still almost double the total size of France, and should likely be modelled in game as comparable to Brazil or Mexico.
Wow that Sokoto game is crazy
Tbf I think this is like 2 yrs after the end date; the goal was to eject all the colonizers from Africa. About halfway through uploading the run
Very interesting! Didnt know about that monument in Mali.
I have to say that I quite disagree with your opinion on the Devout interest group though (which is also why I think Lazio should be higher up there)
while they block some good reforms they are also like the only IG early game that push for Schools and Healthcare ( Also considering that religious schools are strictly better than Public as conversion gets rid of discriminated pops while assimilation does not). Also I am not sure why total Seperation is better? I think State religion is far superior, discriminated pops will convert anyway and the extra 200 authority, devout strength and extra loyalist are very good. Also, ofc, a strong and happy devout group gives you that extremely valuable 5% extra birthrate which is why I think these political strength modifiers are very valuable as its kinda hard to keep the church powerful mid to late game.
I don't think it would be insane to put Lazio in the top 10. 100 authority is pretty good. It's weird to evaluate the monument states because they're so much different in terms of what's important relative to resources.
So I'll respond here point by point:
First, just to kind of set the scene, devout are an awesome IG in a vaccum. Their bonuses are great. The problem is that they are fundamentally opposed to the intelligentsia, which is a better IG. It's very difficult to get both 20+ clout and 10+ approval simultaneously. Also, devout will oppose most progressive laws (which are generally better) meaning you'll lose bonuses from them often.
You can generally get schools from the industrialists, and often healthcare is not super good early, and by the time you want it private can often be better. But, in the very early game the devout are super good for passing either/both, yeah.
The reason why total separation is better is because migration is so overtuned. Pops won't want to migrate to your country unless they're not discriminated against, and they'll be discriminated against on the basis of religion, unless you have total separation. I think migration should be nerfed, but until it is total sep/multiculturalism seems pretty squarely meta.
One reason it's hard to keep them powerful is because they get less IG attraction as your literacy goes up. One way to make it so you get more of them is to build universities/gov admins super tall in the capital, where pops get bonus clout (in addition to doing charity hospitals/religious schools).
I think there are maybe a handful of starts where going devout makes a lot of sense. China in particular comes to mind, where pop growth is significantly more valuable, and migration less so. Also they have unique IGs where there intelligentsia doesn't oppose as much devout stuff.
Ouch Bengal
Absolutely cursed Asia that run lol. Like 5 GPs took bites out of China - we just stole provinces back from them
Home *Counties*. Not home countries. Countries and counties are completely different things. Also calling logging camps "chop chops" without explaining what you mean by that in every video is bizarre...
Yeah, my brain def just does an autocomplete on the counties at this point, trying to work on that :(.
Calling what chop chops?
It is Home Cou(n)ties not Home Countries.
Yeah, my brain often just autocompletes this, mb
In my opinion Beijing is the only one that deserves the top tier just becuse forbidden city +20 legitimacy bonus.
That's fair - after 1.5 I think Beijing is best again, because NY's electricity bonus can now only provide for local electricity, and the Mosque was nerfed several patches ago to only be local. I would take 20% literacy over 20 legitimacy/50 authority in a general sense though.
You mentioned California, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Obvious anti-Florida bias, we are the best state and deserve to be treated as such!
xD - Florida even has a pretty hefty swamp malus
They had to remove our Bone Valley modifier for being too OP
How did east galicia fair?
East Galicia scored 282, and was the highest scoring state that I looked at that I didn't mention in the video. I believe it is also the second highest scoring state that has 60 oil (Cali and Texas both have 50 only) after Perm.
@@generalistgaming I wonder why with such high coal it doesn't have a modifier.
Dixieland delight baby.
Skyrockets in flight?
"Sailaysia" "Trukal Coast"
Thank you! Pronunciation corrections are always appreciated!
I always thought Wallonia was one of the best states, go figure
Wallonia was significantly buffed since this video was made
@@generalistgaming sick you replied, i see ive been only recently starting to learn VIC 3 through participating in MPs and your videos have been a godsend, like seriously thank you alot for your content mate - your awesome
Stop saying “juice”
Him talking about the jews all the time
Me: 😶
Cursed juice, I hope the automatic subtitles don't have that as "jew" lol
California > Texas
I'm not sure what you mean here. Isn't that how I ranked them.