❤❤❤❤ querida Diana você é uma benção de Deus eu acompanho você desde o seu nascimento gostaria de ver você mais arrumadinha você é tão linda meiga e abençoada por Deus você é uma criança muito linda parabéns querida Diana ❤❤❤❤
My goodness Diana! That screaming when Dad picks her up 0:57 is full of baby rage! She'll go hoarse from the howling before any cold takes effect! I've never heard a toddler "rage" like this before!
What's wrong with this child. She cries when you wash her, cries when you dress her, brush her hair, putting her socks on, etc. You can't do any of these normal things with her. Don't care how cute she can be at times, she has some issues other than just being spoiled.
@@lisadawes9427 Diana has always behaved strangely. Very anti-social to where people thought she had a hearing problem as a baby. Unusually quiet. Slept all the time. Then cried all the time when not held. She's always irritable and rarely smiles or laughs, unless when being naughty. I wonder like many if she's on the spectrum. She's behind her developmental skills for her age. *I noticed that Adrianna, Zulika's baby can do roll overs, and lift herself up off the floor with her arms. She is pleasant and smiles all the time. Observes her surroundings and responds to people's voices. Diana always ignored people talking to her. Just stared emotionless with that pouty lower lip sticking out. No gleam in her eyes, no expression or emotion, just stare or look away or cry. She's different.
Малоумная семейка,все трое,раньше смотрела,потом поняла,что делают все назло зрителю,прыгают как дурачки с места на место,не знают как привлечь к себе внимание,не интересно стало,ребенок этот ненормальный,всегда и везде орущий,раздражает больше чем дурковатые родители.
They will never be able to keep Diana healthy because they don’t have the courage to be parents. They will always give Diana her way. So if she doesn’t want to wear socks in the winter she won’t. If she doesn’t want to wear her shoes she won’t. If she wants to eat junk food all say she will. I remember reading somewhere that being a good parent takes a lot of courage. It isn’t for the weak. You have to have the courage to say no to your children, and let them cry about it, and you have to have the courage to make them do things that don’t want to do because it is good for them. You have to be strong everyday so your children stay healthy, study in school, and make something of their lives. Nifuler and Khosrow do not have the courage to be good parents. They always want to take the easy way and let Diana do what she wants.
The good thing is the hard work you invest in the beginning with consistency in behavioral management at home, eventually pays off. Your child doesn't argue with you as they learned no meant no at a young age. All those times you disciplined your child starting as a baby/toddler pays off. My children were alway more calmer than others due to their very scheduled routines. They understood what was expected of them and why. They understood consequences very well and being consistent was the most important. All that hard work paid off beautifully, and made them enjoyable to be around. *Sadly for Khosrow and Niloufar being lazy now is already backfiring on them, as they've to work twice as hard to maintain Diana. She never gives them peace as she doesn't listen, because she's never had to. She knows she's naughty too, and enjoys it. By nature she's willfull and stubborn like her mother, which makes her more difficult than her sweet little cousins like Adrianna who is always smiling. By allowing her to fight them all the time she's become more rebellious and aggressive. Diana is not a sweet little child she's very manipulative. She needs a firm hand, but is allowed to run wild. They'll never know a minutes peace.
У них не смелости не хватает,а ответственности.Ответственность на себя может взять только взрослый..мамаша как 5 летняя.ей папочка нужен а не муж..и такой папочка который с плеткой.иначе она не воспримет никакого мужа так как ее надо воспитывать в строгости
@@luckylogger7594. Very well said. I totally agree with you. Sometimes I can’t help feeling a little bit of pleasure watching Diana frustrate the hell out of them because they can’t make her mind, and they never established who is in charge.
Yes exactly, there's no reason for that child to scream out the way she did and dad gives her way . She screamed like someone was taking her away . She needs serious discipline . I can't understand all the toys this child has they give sticks to play with and she will hit someone with it .
Зачем уезжают что там делвть девочка часто болеет Нудефар нужно часто набоюдаться у эндокринолога как говорил что увезет коз и овец но Хосрову мать не дала что там делать не обжитом месте люди стараются жить ближе к цнвилизации а Хосров наоборот среди камней и в грязи
Диана болеет бесконечно, какая разница где живет. Девочку не одевают , не моют ,Ходит босиком, что в палатке , что дома по дворовой плитке. У нюрки все болезни выдуманные , просто дома можно ничего не делать , сделают родители , или родственники. А в горах надо самой рис варить. Чем дальше от цивилизации , тем денег больше зарабатывают оба.
Myslím si, že muži pijí alkohol a berou drogy. Buď se mezi sebou perou, hádají, nebo ukazují penisy na kameru, nenosí ani spodní prádlo. Ženy jdou do nemocnice, dostanou infuze a druhý den běhají jako roboti.
Diana is having a blast walking around on her own. I am so glad to see her finally want to be out of her mother’s arms and walking about freely. She has finally found it fun to walk on her own. It took her long enough, but she got there.
Нулефар почему Вы так складываете вещи неряшливо черт с ними вашими но детские в таком состоянии скомканые в полиэтиленовом мешке ну если у Вас нет чемодана дорожной сумки погладьте аккуратно сложте в коробку как можно после этого мешка надевать на ребенка но ужас просто как можно там найти нужную вещь
Dieser Kanal ist so langweilig geworden. Jeder baut Häuser hat aber keine Genehmigung und Geld haben sie auch nicht . Sie leben von unserem Geld, weil wir diese bescheuerten Filme anschauen. Was sind das für komische Menschen. 😂😂😂
Hallo Monika, die "komischen " Leute sind wir. Die beiden haben ein Haus und leben sehr gut. Die Leute, die das schauen und die Abonnenten finanzieren denen ihr Nichtstun. Und solange sich die Abonnentenzahlen nicht nach unten bewegen, werden die Beiden ihre dummen Filmchen zeigen.
Нулуфер но купи себе штанишки , брючки и ходи тебе будет удобно и тепло я понимаю , закон но почему в городе все ходят в брюках ,значит можно ты же молодая красивая Мужчинам у вас все можно и даже феном пользуются ,красавцы!!!
@@52480-l Yes, or just demand staying home for my daughters sake, and my health, but we forget Khosrow needs Diana for viewership numbers, and Diana can't go without Niloufar.
Koshrow, could you at least explain the need for this madness. Now it comes down to the fact that you are doing it out of stubbornness and hurt. If you're doing it for the views, it's not worth it, because it won't get bigger anyway. You can't show us something we haven't seen before. Everywhere, you can only show your everyday life, which is not enough for a huge viewership. You'll take your family, but you'll be the first to get bored of that life. You will be the one who will miss coming and going, going to town. Nilufer and Diana will stay because they can't move from there, and you will live your world. Nilufer will rebel and I understand.
khosrow please why don't you ever say no to this child. she is going to grow up spoiled and intitled like her mother...you have to say no to her and if she throws herself on the ground to cry,let her cry she will get tired. she's just a child and you are the parent. you set the rules not her. it is very disturbing to watch
@RinavdWorpEa este foarte lenesa si psihopată. Se preface bolnava si aduce familia sa i faca curat. Diana trebuie data in adopție. Niloparul nu are capacitate sa o ingrijeasca sa o hraneasca sau sa o incalte. Azi dupa baie a dat o desculta pe afara. Ea niciodata nu i gaseste sosetele si incaltamintea fetitei. E oribila. Nu as tine Niloparul acesta nespalat si prost nici o zi la usa mea daca as fi Khosrow.
Niloufar doesn't care if she's hungry, tired, dirty, thirsty, bored, happy, sad, sick, or healthy, all she cares about is Diana being quiet and leaving her alone.
Kroshow and Nulifer are the most dysfunctional couple I have ever seen. They are both very lazy, no social skills. They have parenting skills and are both know it all and won’t take any advice or direction from anyone.m
Ребёнок хочет есть!!! Что вы даёте ему одни сладости? Нулофер не хочет ничего делать. Она совсем не заботится ни о муже, ни о ребенке. Диана всегда капризничает, потому что голодная. Жаль девочку.
Nifuler always puts her to sleep around lunch time and then gives her cakes and cookies when she wakes up. Nifuler is just plain stupid when it comes to eating to be healthy. She just thinks any kind of food will do. I get mad when she feeds Diana whatever Diana brings her from the cabinets. She even feeds her raw noodles. Who does that.
вы правы..она попросила Хосрова купить шоколад и сладости и сама скорее запихала в рот и Диану накормила.зачем готовить.муж ходит и напоминает чтобы она приготовила еду
@@52480-lгрибы растут везде где есть сырость и гниль.На мусорных ямах куда выбрасывают и ковры и все что угодно растут грибы.Это так..для консультации🤗
I've never wanted to discipline a child so much in my life. She isn't enjoyable to watch anymore, and the anticipation of watching her develop long faded away months ago as she doesn't progress and they don't educate her at all.
So they are packing up the house and taking carpets and crap to their tent. That carpet will be amazing in the tent. LOL Did you also notice they put her washer in the house so that way nobody in the village can use it. But they can take care of your chicken for you. These two are very selfish.
There are other village screamers such as Hadi, he still has a daily tantrum, Maryam is very loud, and Ahura still cries a lot. It is normal for toddlers to cry a lot. Unfortunately it usually gets them their way except for Ahura.
I still don't understand why Khosrow and his family has to leave his house in the village and move to the river. Diana is happier in the home in the village where she can stay clean and eat good.
Arad’s mother is in Tehran for plastic surgery .It’s obvious to cover up one lie they had to this . She will be introduced as Saifullah’s new wife . Do any number of fake dramas but you guys tortured that little boy for money 💰 to do this countless fake dramas . Shame on you as parents . As you sow shall you reap .
Ze nemen een vol vat olie mee ,,en dat is nog niet genoeg Nilifur vilt ooi nog even een tonnetje om mee te nemen Ik vind ze steeds minder leuk om te zien alles voor hun ,,niks voor een ander ,,,en dan de hele tijd dat gehuil van Diana pofff ik zou gek worden
Потому что она мечтает чтобы ее муж был идеален во всем,тогда как сама пойдет только на оценку 2..но зато Хосрову ошибок не прощает она никогда никого не сможет любить
Diana's leg's & feet are uncoordinated, they go every which way. So sad the parent's could have this fixed !!! She is so neglected, in urine & poo stained pant's every video. Why would you treat your child this way 😒 😢 she's alway's dirty. So sad 😢😢😢❤
Еще есть время все исправить с ножками Диане. В нашей стране такие операции делают до 3 лет. так прооперировали маленькую соседскую девочку, все стало нормально. Не повезло Диане с родителями, другие бы возили ее по врачам и лечили. А этиих бездельников волнуют только деньги заработанные Дианой. Мать у нее полуразвитая женщина , которая содержит ребенка в антисанитарных условиях
Miért?? Még nagyon ,nagyon sok nép eszik és alszik a főldön ,nézz útána a Google-on ,de azért nórmális emberek.. Mãs a tradiciójuk ,és az életfelfógásuk,te ezt miért nem akarod megérteni?? Nekik ez a " nórmális" ,nem az a sok bútor ,meg minden pórfogó ,ami nekünk van..
La niña le gusta más dónde está la abuela anda por ahí muy bien allí sin familia una casa nada más que de piedra qué locura había hecho he quitado de tu madre de la abuela Fátima de toda la familia allí no va a tener a nadie
Camarógrafo ponga la traducción en español no se entiende nada de que se trata el drama de la mujer más idiota de la historia de esta flia ya da miedo ver la cara de nilofer 😱🫣
I've to admit she was cuter than a bug's ear at the start of the video walking circles around her dad, because she didn't want him capturing her. I was impressed she was able to move so quickly and cover some ground. It won't be long before her and Ahura will be sneaking away in that village getting lost like Hansel and Gretel.
Al menos en Rod.puedo mirar a la abuela.recuetdo que Dría era su canal.pero ahora solo filman los maltratos que la suegra de Venus le da.eso es aburrido.yo quiero ver a la abuela Fátima en Dría.
Kroshow & Niloufer what you gonna do with your houses in the village? The other newly built unfinished... And now you migrate to s harder place,which you need to cross a river in order to get into the place you choose again to build another house. You need to make your decisions firm. To live a happy harmonious life with your family Niloufer and Diana❤ Godbless
I find it strange that you want to build another you tube shack during this time that the government tore down parisa's shack,and tearing dawn saifulla's house in the next six days...
The government would have a very hard time getting to the house they are building in the mountains. It wouldn’t be able to get the heavy equipment it uses to knock the houses down.
Viewers think that is why he chose this particular spot across the river, because the government of Natural Resources can't bring the bulldozers across the river and up that steep cliff to tear down their new rock house.
I have noticed that she doesn’t care for Diana because of Nifuler. Nifuler would never let her hold Diana and get to know her. Nifuler kept Diana away from her, and whenever Fatima would try to interact with Diana she would turn her head away , or scream. So Fatima would back off and dismiss her.
0:05 💋👐🏻🧒🏻💋👏🏼😘💬Love Watching Shorty Baby Princess As She Stares At Her Toddler Feet 👣 Walking Down The Road…She’s Way Too Cute & Capricious But With A Whole Lot Of Fun In-Between! 👐🏻🧒🏻👋🏼💋💋💋💋
Parece otra persona cuando estaba con el taxi estaba muy bien muy guapo y ella igual la mujer y extrae mucho operado de dónde se habéis ido teniendo todas sus comodidades qué es lo que ha hecho una locura vivía ahí pasando un río estáis locos la niña se va a estropear el cutis Thor día pleno sol la madre está más delgada muy estropeada estropea mucho el sol la cara cómo ha consentido de irte con tu hija es una locura lo hubiera dejado que se hubiera ido el
I think his behavior is ridiculous. I am so tired of seeing the slob wrestling with everyone at the drop of a hat when they are trying to get work done.
Diana est souvent malade, elle ne reçoit pas de nourriture saine. Je n'ai jamais vu cette enfant boire un bon verre de lait frais, ni manger de bons yaourts Elle boulotte du sucré toute la journée. Foie et pancréas en prenne un coup. Ni chaussée ,chaudement elle risque d'être malade mais sérieusement. Les parents n'ont pas reçu d'éducation pour savoir comment éduquer son enfant. Il serai grand temps d'apprendre. Des jeux éducatifs pour Diana à acheter ?? Ça ne vous viendrait pas à l'esprit
Сценарий по переезду в горы уже отсняли, дом там построили? Или на проводе кататься устали и вернулись в деревню? Артисты ,честно говоря, каких Голливуд не встретил😅😅😅
Болезнь щитовидки вызывает как раз стервозный характер.Она много кричит..когда она кричит в злобном потоке вибраций,то горло и щитовидка напрягаются,в организм идет мощный всплеск гормона стресса кортизол,потом она начинает бить Хосрова,выплескивать много сил, и снова выброс кортизола, норадреналина..ииии..пожалуйста вам..болезни щитовидки ..и я вас уверяю-если она не умерит свою злобу на мужа и на мир вокруг себя,то она разрушит себя окончательно..и это еще только цветочки,ягодки впереди..к 35 годам у нее будут болезни 90 летней старухи..и в этом никто не виноват кроме ее самой.своего злобного ,неуёмного дурного нрава.жить с такой женщиной женой испытание для любого мужчины..и она сделала такой же Диану,с таким же дурным нравом
She was told her thyroid is normal. She is trying to pretend she has a problem. They told her she didn’t need medication. If it isn’t normal they put you on medication. I have taken thyroid medication for years. When off my medication it didn’t make me nervous it just made me tired. They checked her thyroid to see if that was the cause of her last embryo not forming a heart. Nifuis fine. Her biggest problem is not eating correctly. She skips meals and replaces it with junk food. She didn’t eat lunch today. She hasn’t wanted to eat since she got a sore throat. She is very stupid when it comes to eating so you can be healthy. She doesn’t seem to understand the connection. If you don’t eat you will be grouchy and tired all the time. I hope they aren’t trying to get pregnant be she is not eating nutritious meals.
I think the way Mirza is always wrestling with everyone when they are working is so juvenile. It makes absolutely no sense.,what is his problem. I don’t find it funny at all, and he comes across as pretty stupid to me when he does it.
Δεν μπορω να καταλάβω γιατί είναι στο βουνο κρύο βρωμια ζωα δεν υπάρχουν εκεί!!το νιτεο χαλια θα σταματήσω να σας βλεπω μετάφραση τιποτα τι λέτε??η Νιλουφαρ ολο νευρσ κακια τεμπελα δεν μαγειρεύει συνέχεια με χυμούς και γλυκα στο παιδι !! Η Ματινα ολο φωνές κοιτάζει μονο τις κόρες της !!κριμα !!😮😮😮😮
❤❤❤❤ querida Diana você é uma benção de Deus eu acompanho você desde o seu nascimento gostaria de ver você mais arrumadinha você é tão linda meiga e abençoada por Deus você é uma criança muito linda parabéns querida Diana ❤❤❤❤
My goodness Diana! That screaming when Dad picks her up 0:57 is full of baby rage! She'll go hoarse from the howling before any cold takes effect! I've never heard a toddler "rage" like this before!
What's wrong with this child. She cries when you wash her, cries when you dress her, brush her hair, putting her socks on, etc. You can't do any of these normal things with her. Don't care how cute she can be at times, she has some issues other than just being spoiled.
@@lisadawes9427 Diana has always behaved strangely. Very anti-social to where people thought she had a hearing problem as a baby. Unusually quiet. Slept all the time. Then cried all the time when not held. She's always irritable and rarely smiles or laughs, unless when being naughty. I wonder like many if she's on the spectrum. She's behind her developmental skills for her age. *I noticed that Adrianna, Zulika's baby can do roll overs, and lift herself up off the floor with her arms. She is pleasant and smiles all the time. Observes her surroundings and responds to people's voices. Diana always ignored people talking to her. Just stared emotionless with that pouty lower lip sticking out. No gleam in her eyes, no expression or emotion, just stare or look away or cry. She's different.
Lisa, My reply to you isn't being published or is deleted. I replied with a lengthy explanation, and will try to respond again later.
@@lisadawes9427 testing
Малоумная семейка,все трое,раньше смотрела,потом поняла,что делают все назло зрителю,прыгают как дурачки с места на место,не знают как привлечь к себе внимание,не интересно стало,ребенок этот ненормальный,всегда и везде орущий,раздражает больше чем дурковатые родители.
Наконец то, купают Диану,ура...😂
Apoi o da desculta pe drum. O mama dobitoacă
Good! It's been almost a month!
They will never be able to keep Diana healthy because they don’t have the courage to be parents. They will always give Diana her way. So if she doesn’t want to wear socks in the winter she won’t. If she doesn’t want to wear her shoes she won’t. If she wants to eat junk food all say she will. I remember reading somewhere that being a good parent takes a lot of courage. It isn’t for the weak. You have to have the courage to say no to your children, and let them cry about it, and you have to have the courage to make them do things that don’t want to do because it is good for them. You have to be strong everyday so your children stay healthy, study in school, and make something of their lives. Nifuler and Khosrow do not have the courage to be good parents. They always want to take the easy way and let Diana do what she wants.
I Noticed That, They Never Correct Her When She Doing Wrong. Shorty Is Going To Be A Handful When Starts Her Schooling Age!☹️
@@honeysosweet637 She already is a handful!
The good thing is the hard work you invest in the beginning with consistency in behavioral management at home, eventually pays off. Your child doesn't argue with you as they learned no meant no at a young age. All those times you disciplined your child starting as a baby/toddler pays off. My children were alway more calmer than others due to their very scheduled routines. They understood what was expected of them and why. They understood consequences very well and being consistent was the most important. All that hard work paid off beautifully, and made them enjoyable to be around. *Sadly for Khosrow and Niloufar being lazy now is already backfiring on them, as they've to work twice as hard to maintain Diana. She never gives them peace as she doesn't listen, because she's never had to. She knows she's naughty too, and enjoys it. By nature she's willfull and stubborn like her mother, which makes her more difficult than her sweet little cousins like Adrianna who is always smiling. By allowing her to fight them all the time she's become more rebellious and aggressive. Diana is not a sweet little child she's very manipulative. She needs a firm hand, but is allowed to run wild. They'll never know a minutes peace.
У них не смелости не хватает,а ответственности.Ответственность на себя может взять только взрослый..мамаша как 5 летняя.ей папочка нужен а не муж..и такой папочка который с плеткой.иначе она не воспримет никакого мужа так как ее надо воспитывать в строгости
@@luckylogger7594. Very well said. I totally agree with you. Sometimes I can’t help feeling a little bit of pleasure watching Diana frustrate the hell out of them because they can’t make her mind, and they never established who is in charge.
Нилуфер всегда злая,на Хозрова всегда орёт,так не приятно слушать.
Нилуфер, учись быть адекватной. Диана подражает тебе.
she taught diana to hit her father. so disgusting to see.
Хосров достоите свой дом и живи в одном месте не кочуйтеи
Why don’t they discipline her, I’m tired of her screaming and immature parents
Yes exactly, there's no reason for that child to scream out the way she did and dad gives her way . She screamed like someone was taking her away . She needs serious discipline . I can't understand all the toys this child has they give sticks to play with and she will hit someone with it .
Зачем уезжают что там делвть девочка часто болеет Нудефар нужно часто набоюдаться у эндокринолога как говорил что увезет коз и овец но Хосрову мать не дала что там делать не обжитом месте люди стараются жить ближе к цнвилизации а Хосров наоборот среди камней и в грязи
Диана болеет бесконечно, какая разница где живет. Девочку не одевают , не моют ,Ходит босиком, что в палатке , что дома по дворовой плитке. У нюрки все болезни выдуманные , просто дома можно ничего не делать , сделают родители , или родственники. А в горах надо самой рис варить. Чем дальше от цивилизации , тем денег больше зарабатывают оба.
Teatru de țigani mincinosi. Filme. Motivatii sa nu mai mearga la munte. Se filmeaza pe risc acasa
Esa chiquita es como un gato no quiere que la toque el agua 😂 eso significa que no se bañan a diario,
A diario???????😂😂😂😂😂
Так мыть холодильник? Дурнее не придумать. Хосров, ты хоть инструкцию читал, как за ним ухаживать?
Tengo muchas ganas de desuscribirme por las chifladuras de Khrosrow y sus locas andanzas y disparatados "emprendimientos".
Love the picture of Diana and her grandmother.🥰
Comunque vorrei sapere quale medicina iniettano quando stanno male, perché è miracolosa 😂😂😂
Myslím si, že muži pijí alkohol a berou drogy. Buď se mezi sebou perou, hádají, nebo ukazují penisy na kameru, nenosí ani spodní prádlo. Ženy jdou do nemocnice, dostanou infuze a druhý den běhají jako roboti.
Por lo q veo estan cargando para irse y yo pense q se quedarian esa casa entonse no es de ustdes 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢q pena Dianita sige con bronquitis
Diana is having a blast walking around on her own. I am so glad to see her finally want to be out of her mother’s arms and walking about freely. She has finally found it fun to walk on her own. It took her long enough, but she got there.
If they stayed in the village Diana would be running loose just like Hassan little boy. Neither of these idiots would care.
but the parents dont like it bcus that means they have to be more accountable where she is and what she is doing
REFUZ sa mai urmaresc acest canal.
aha si cum il blochezi ??
Нулефар почему Вы так складываете вещи неряшливо черт с ними вашими но детские в таком состоянии скомканые в полиэтиленовом мешке ну если у Вас нет чемодана дорожной сумки погладьте аккуратно сложте в коробку как можно после этого мешка надевать на ребенка но ужас просто как можно там найти нужную вещь
там все вместе и грязные и обосанные которые высохли
Khosrow wanted Diana to walk so badly , so here you go sir she walking the whole village now .
That way they don’t have to tolerate her. This kid hasn’t stop screaming and crying tonight. Nothing changes with this brat.
Dieser Kanal ist so langweilig geworden.
Jeder baut Häuser hat aber keine Genehmigung
Geld haben sie auch nicht .
Sie leben von unserem Geld, weil wir diese
bescheuerten Filme anschauen.
Was sind das für komische Menschen. 😂😂😂
Hallo Monika, die "komischen " Leute sind wir. Die beiden haben ein Haus und leben sehr gut. Die Leute, die das schauen und die Abonnenten finanzieren denen ihr Nichtstun. Und solange sich die Abonnentenzahlen nicht nach unten bewegen, werden die Beiden ihre dummen Filmchen zeigen.
So oder so geschrieben, ist am Ende doch das gleiche gemeint.
video 13:04 that trash by the door has been there for several months now. these people are sooooo lazy -they cannot pick up their trash outside.
у них умерли все куры.Тоба пошла кормить кур и в подвале не нашла ни одной,так и вышла с тарелкой полной зерна назад
там уже скорее всего развелись мыши и крысы,недаром там лазят кошки
😮😮😮😮 Πάλι θα πάτε πίσω δε λυπάστε το καημέ νο το παιδί σας τι ανευθυνοτητα😊😊😊
It s just video to make money..
Только в Иране так моют холодильник 😂😂😂
Who does that. Omg
Я прожила столько лет и неправильно мыла холодильник😂. Но как быть, если так мыть, значит ,залить квартиры соседей на нижних этажах?😮😅
Genau,sie gehorchen ihr stattumgekehrt😮😮😮😮
Как раньше приятно было смотреть род канал а сейчас стало скучно
Не скучно, а противно.
Bañecen tienen esa ropa hae dias😮
😮yo si fuera ella no me fuera andar batallando teniendo su bueno casita andar sufriendo frios y tido
I would refuse to go with him. I would go stay with my parents until the house was completely ready.
Нулуфер но купи себе штанишки , брючки и ходи тебе будет удобно и тепло я понимаю , закон но почему в городе все ходят в брюках ,значит можно ты же молодая красивая
Мужчинам у вас все можно и даже феном пользуются ,красавцы!!!
@@52480-l Yes, or just demand staying home for my daughters sake, and my health, but we forget Khosrow needs Diana for viewership numbers, and Diana can't go without Niloufar.
Πήρες την απόφαση να την πλένεις τώρα το χρόνου πάλι 😂😂😂
вы прочитали мои мысли😂
И я такого мнения😂👍👍👍
Seara se face baie copilului. A scoso din casa uda si descultă . Nilopar psihotic
the female chucky doll is at her screaming again.
Koshrow, could you at least explain the need for this madness. Now it comes down to the fact that you are doing it out of stubbornness and hurt. If you're doing it for the views, it's not worth it, because it won't get bigger anyway. You can't show us something we haven't seen before. Everywhere, you can only show your everyday life, which is not enough for a huge viewership. You'll take your family, but you'll be the first to get bored of that life. You will be the one who will miss coming and going, going to town. Nilufer and Diana will stay because they can't move from there, and you will live your world. Nilufer will rebel and I understand.
Me desespera el cabello de Dianita porque no la peinan ?😅
I've never seen a worse case of bed-head in my life.
khosrow please why don't you ever say no to this child. she is going to grow up spoiled and intitled like her mother...you have to say no to her and if she throws herself on the ground to cry,let her cry she will get tired. she's just a child and you are the parent. you set the rules not her. it is very disturbing to watch
Niloparul nu are grija de Diana deloc
Precies en dan nog een kind erbij,,kan ze niet aan
@RinavdWorpEa este foarte lenesa si psihopată. Se preface bolnava si aduce familia sa i faca curat. Diana trebuie data in adopție. Niloparul nu are capacitate sa o ingrijeasca sa o hraneasca sau sa o incalte. Azi dupa baie a dat o desculta pe afara. Ea niciodata nu i gaseste sosetele si incaltamintea fetitei. E oribila. Nu as tine Niloparul acesta nespalat si prost nici o zi la usa mea daca as fi Khosrow.
Nu mai sterge comentariile. Te supara adevarul???
Niloufar doesn't care if she's hungry, tired, dirty, thirsty, bored, happy, sad, sick, or healthy, all she cares about is Diana being quiet and leaving her alone.
Kroshow and Nulifer are the most dysfunctional couple I have ever seen. They are both very lazy, no social skills. They have parenting skills and are both know it all and won’t take any advice or direction from anyone.m
Ребёнок хочет есть!!! Что вы даёте ему одни сладости? Нулофер не хочет ничего делать. Она совсем не заботится ни о муже, ни о ребенке. Диана всегда капризничает, потому что голодная. Жаль девочку.
Nifuler always puts her to sleep around lunch time and then gives her cakes and cookies when she wakes up. Nifuler is just plain stupid when it comes to eating to be healthy. She just thinks any kind of food will do. I get mad when she feeds Diana whatever Diana brings her from the cabinets. She even feeds her raw noodles. Who does that.
вы правы..она попросила Хосрова купить шоколад и сладости и сама скорее запихала в рот и Диану накормила.зачем готовить.муж ходит и напоминает чтобы она приготовила еду
Khosrow went to his mother’s house to eat, and Nifuler worked while Khosrow was eating. Since Nifuler didn’t eat Diana didn’t eat. Selfish mother.
Son muy sucios, con esos faldones no se ventilan! Además ni se bañan seguido!
No niestety to im pasuje!@@aracelitierrablanca2305
Сгноила все ковры,лила воду на ковры,теперь говорит Хосрову что ковры мокрые.там уже грибы выросли ты не заметила????
Are you saying you saw mushrooms growing on the carpet?
Were these carpets in the house wet when they returnd, or stored in the basement??
@@52480-lDid you notice if they had these carpets on the floor in their house when they returned, or were they stored damp in the basement?
They were in the house when they returned. Nifuler was taking a nap on the carpet the day Khosrow went to the funeral 3 days ago.
@@52480-lгрибы растут везде где есть сырость и гниль.На мусорных ямах куда выбрасывают и ковры и все что угодно растут грибы.Это так..для консультации🤗
Und jetzt kommt wieder das Schuhproblem😮😮😮Ha ha
Господи если ты есть на свети ,закрой рот этому ребёнку. Этот канал невозможно смотреть?😢😢😢
Diana e bolnava si flăminda. Ei sunt doi parinți idioți care nu au grijă de copil cum trebuie.
I've never wanted to discipline a child so much in my life. She isn't enjoyable to watch anymore, and the anticipation of watching her develop long faded away months ago as she doesn't progress and they don't educate her at all.
E bolnava ,flaminda si desculta si nimeni nu o ia in seamă
So they are packing up the house and taking carpets and crap to their tent. That carpet will be amazing in the tent. LOL Did you also notice they put her washer in the house so that way nobody in the village can use it. But they can take care of your chicken for you. These two are very selfish.
Oh, now Diana is the village screamer!
Village screamer! 😂😂
👍유아 1인자
Well, they'll always know where she is at least.
There are other village screamers such as Hadi, he still has a daily tantrum, Maryam is very loud, and Ahura still cries a lot. It is normal for toddlers to cry a lot. Unfortunately it usually gets them their way except for Ahura.
I still don't understand why Khosrow and his family has to leave his house in the village and move to the river. Diana is happier in the home in the village where she can stay clean and eat good.
Arad’s mother is in Tehran for plastic surgery .It’s obvious to cover up one lie they had to this . She will be introduced as Saifullah’s new wife .
Do any number of fake dramas but you guys tortured that little boy for money 💰 to do this countless fake dramas . Shame on you as parents . As you sow shall you reap .
Where did you find information about Arad's mother? I thought she was dead.
Kross eres mala gente
Er i nicht schlecht er ist dumm 🙄🙄🙄🙄😊
Es estupido y malo y egoísta y creído.
😅niña mal criada😮😮😮
Quel bordel ce village, on dirait qu il a ete bombarde....😂
No entiendo porque se complican la vida de esa manera, porque no quedarse a vivir ahi.
Viewership for their channel, but it's not working.
Να σας πω εγώ γιατί είναι όλα ψέματα και το κάνουν για πιο πολλές προβολές διάβασα λίγα σχόλια μέχρι εκεί τους βαρέθηκα είναι όλα τα κανάλια ψέματα
Ze nemen een vol vat olie mee ,,en dat is nog niet genoeg Nilifur vilt ooi nog even een tonnetje om mee te nemen
Ik vind ze steeds minder leuk om te zien alles voor hun ,,niks voor een ander ,,,en dan de hele tijd dat gehuil van Diana pofff ik zou gek worden
Why does Nifuler raise her voice and have such a hateful face when she talks to Khosrow.
Потому что она мечтает чтобы ее муж был идеален во всем,тогда как сама пойдет только на оценку 2..но зато Хосрову ошибок не прощает она никогда никого не сможет любить
She's been pi$$ed off ever since they returned. I think today she's furious he's preparing to return to the mountain.
Again my reply was deleted
Kross eres maleducado tratas no muy bien gritado que horror😮e
Diana's leg's & feet are uncoordinated, they go every which way. So sad the parent's could have this fixed !!! She is so neglected, in urine & poo stained pant's every video. Why would you treat your child this way 😒 😢 she's alway's dirty.
So sad 😢😢😢❤
Еще есть время все исправить с ножками Диане. В нашей стране такие операции делают до 3 лет. так прооперировали маленькую соседскую девочку, все стало нормально. Не повезло Диане с родителями, другие бы возили ее по врачам и лечили. А этиих бездельников волнуют только деньги заработанные Дианой. Мать у нее полуразвитая женщина , которая содержит ребенка в антисанитарных условиях
Khosrow the way to win Nilufars heart is to move back to the village house. 😊 I think it would be best for your future and the future of your family.
@naoonikisu4492 Title of this video!
@@naoonikisu4492Хосров отличный муж.Наоуфе никогда он не угодит
I don’t think Khosrow cares anymore about winning Nifuler’s heart. I am glad he stopped giving her flowers to throw down in disdain.
Купи кровать стол стулья и живитеикак люди
Még nagyon ,nagyon sok nép eszik és alszik a főldön ,nézz útána a Google-on ,de azért nórmális emberek..
Mãs a tradiciójuk ,és az életfelfógásuk,te ezt miért nem akarod megérteni??
Nekik ez a " nórmális" ,nem az a sok bútor ,meg minden pórfogó ,ami nekünk van..
La niña le gusta más dónde está la abuela anda por ahí muy bien allí sin familia una casa nada más que de piedra qué locura había hecho he quitado de tu madre de la abuela Fátima de toda la familia allí no va a tener a nadie
Camarógrafo ponga la traducción en español no se entiende nada de que se trata el drama de la mujer más idiota de la historia de esta flia ya da miedo ver la cara de nilofer 😱🫣
Diana is really cute when she isn’t screaming. Unfortunately she still screams more than she is cute.
I've to admit she was cuter than a bug's ear at the start of the video walking circles around her dad, because she didn't want him capturing her. I was impressed she was able to move so quickly and cover some ground. It won't be long before her and Ahura will be sneaking away in that village getting lost like Hansel and Gretel.
Al menos en Rod.puedo mirar a la abuela.recuetdo que Dría era su canal.pero ahora solo filman los maltratos que la suegra de Venus le da.eso es aburrido.yo quiero ver a la abuela Fátima en Dría.
Kroshow & Niloufer what you gonna do with your houses in the village? The other newly built unfinished... And now you migrate to s harder place,which you need to cross a river in order to get into the place you choose again to build another house. You need to make your decisions firm. To live a happy harmonious life with your family Niloufer and Diana❤ Godbless
Eles precisam fazer essas construções para gerar conteúdo para o canal. Todos os canais você pode perceber que tem os mesmos conteúdo, nada muda .
I find it strange that you want to build another you tube shack during this time that the government tore down parisa's shack,and tearing dawn saifulla's house in the next six days...
The government would have a very hard time getting to the house they are building in the mountains. It wouldn’t be able to get the heavy equipment it uses to knock the houses down.
Viewers think that is why he chose this particular spot across the river, because the government of Natural Resources can't bring the bulldozers across the river and up that steep cliff to tear down their new rock house.
..e sicuramente verrà demolito anche il castello di Hassan
Have they come now back to home? What annoying pair!
Esa niña tiene muy mal equilibrio,deberían de llevarla a un pediatra para un examen completo,de arriba a abajo.
I dont understand why they have left their house in the village??
Viewership was going downhill and to raise it all this drama … 24:14
Huset ska rivas🎉🎉🎉😢
All is fake..it s just a bad soap..
Ну как хорошо дома, живите здесь
Diana ❤❤❤❤❤
esa señora no quiere a diana la otra abuela es diferente solo quiere a los hijos de sus hijas 😡 mala fatima
I have noticed that she doesn’t care for Diana because of Nifuler. Nifuler would never let her hold Diana and get to know her. Nifuler kept Diana away from her, and whenever Fatima would try to interact with Diana she would turn her head away , or scream. So Fatima would back off and dismiss her.
Часто когда Диана была малышкой совсеи и Фатима брала на руки Диану,Наоуфа лезла в драку с Фатимой и буквально выдирала малышку из рук Фатимы
Würden Sie Diana lieben??..Dieses Kind ist nur auf ihre Eltern fixiert und schreit wegen alles.
Q estan haciendo se quedaran en su casa
Baby Diana is walking!
0:05 💋👐🏻🧒🏻💋👏🏼😘💬Love Watching Shorty Baby Princess As She Stares At Her Toddler Feet 👣 Walking Down The Road…She’s Way Too Cute & Capricious But With A Whole Lot Of Fun In-Between!
Parece otra persona cuando estaba con el taxi estaba muy bien muy guapo y ella igual la mujer y extrae mucho operado de dónde se habéis ido teniendo todas sus comodidades qué es lo que ha hecho una locura vivía ahí pasando un río estáis locos la niña se va a estropear el cutis Thor día pleno sol la madre está más delgada muy estropeada estropea mucho el sol la cara cómo ha consentido de irte con tu hija es una locura lo hubiera dejado que se hubiera ido el
Ich versteh nicht,Krosov sagt immer,wir müssen gehn,dann Arbeitet er wieder irgendwo?????😮🙏🙏🙏
Хосров, что это, живите дружно, стройте свой дом, везде не устаешь как цыган
Does this child ever not whine?
When she's dead asleep
17:14. 🚜👋🏼🧔🏻♂️🙏🏼😘💬”Hail To ……Mirza Agha, Mirza Agha, Mirza Agha!”
I think his behavior is ridiculous. I am so tired of seeing the slob wrestling with everyone at the drop of a hat when they are trying to get work done.
اسوأ مافي يوتيوب انهم يمنحون المال لمجتمعات جاهله عاطلون عن العمل اغبياء ليزدادو بطاله ويساهمون في جهلهم
Diana est souvent malade, elle ne reçoit pas de nourriture saine. Je n'ai jamais vu cette enfant boire un bon verre de lait frais, ni manger de bons yaourts
Elle boulotte du sucré toute la journée. Foie et pancréas en prenne un coup.
Ni chaussée ,chaudement elle risque d'être malade mais sérieusement.
Les parents n'ont pas reçu d'éducation pour savoir comment éduquer son enfant.
Il serai grand temps d'apprendre.
Des jeux éducatifs pour Diana à acheter ?? Ça ne vous viendrait pas à l'esprit
Диана нахаленок маленький 😂😂😂❤❤❤
Huy puro llanto esta niña aburren.
Khosow ha adelgazado desde que está en esa montaña
Das ist mir sowas von Scheiss egal ob er angenommen hat oder nicht.🙄🙄🙄🙄
Сценарий по переезду в горы уже отсняли, дом там построили? Или на проводе кататься устали и вернулись в деревню? Артисты ,честно говоря, каких Голливуд не встретил😅😅😅
Ma Khosrov riesce a "" fare l'uomo"?Si lascia comandare da una bambina di 18 mesi😂😂😂😂😂 È uno scherzo di uomo😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ياخسرو لابد من مساعدة نيلوفر دائماً لأنها لوحدها ولم تستقر فى اى مكان إلى الآن وهى مريضة غدة وهذا المرض يسبب العصبية المفرطة
she look not very nice anymore live in jungle, her skin is dark now
Болезнь щитовидки вызывает как раз стервозный характер.Она много кричит..когда она кричит в злобном потоке вибраций,то горло и щитовидка напрягаются,в организм идет мощный всплеск гормона стресса кортизол,потом она начинает бить Хосрова,выплескивать много сил, и снова выброс кортизола, норадреналина..ииии..пожалуйста вам..болезни щитовидки ..и я вас уверяю-если она не умерит свою злобу на мужа и на мир вокруг себя,то она разрушит себя окончательно..и это еще только цветочки,ягодки впереди..к 35 годам у нее будут болезни 90 летней старухи..и в этом никто не виноват кроме ее самой.своего злобного ,неуёмного дурного нрава.жить с такой женщиной женой испытание для любого мужчины..и она сделала такой же Диану,с таким же дурным нравом
She was told her thyroid is normal. She is trying to pretend she has a problem. They told her she didn’t need medication. If it isn’t normal they put you on medication. I have taken thyroid medication for years. When off my medication it didn’t make me nervous it just made me tired. They checked her thyroid to see if that was the cause of her last embryo not forming a heart. Nifuis fine. Her biggest problem is not eating correctly. She skips meals and replaces it with junk food. She didn’t eat lunch today. She hasn’t wanted to eat since she got a sore throat. She is very stupid when it comes to eating so you can be healthy. She doesn’t seem to understand the connection. If you don’t eat you will be grouchy and tired all the time. I hope they aren’t trying to get pregnant be she is not eating nutritious meals.
Lo que está es loca completamente y además es una inmadura total,esta no debió de tener ningún hijo,así se esta6criando de mal la niña Diana.
Good to see a normal life
Por favor pongan en español gracias
video 3:23 for goodness sakes, fix the curtain hanging off the rod over the back door! dont be lazy and careless
Диана так кашлеет, почему они её не лечат, будет хронический бронхит.
Diana and Arad are cousins. Saifullah has earned so much money
코스로우가 등장하면 우리힘으로 할수없어!! 도움을 받아야되!!!!😒
I think the way Mirza is always wrestling with everyone when they are working is so juvenile. It makes absolutely no sense.,what is his problem. I don’t find it funny at all, and he comes across as pretty stupid to me when he does it.
Hon er mörkhårig nuförtiden
Hon var på Zahras bröllop 🎉
Why do they show him driving and holding the baby this is to get viewers like myself to comment and Rod would put that stupid heart
Δεν μπορω να καταλάβω γιατί είναι στο βουνο κρύο βρωμια ζωα δεν υπάρχουν εκεί!!το νιτεο χαλια θα σταματήσω να σας βλεπω μετάφραση τιποτα τι λέτε??η Νιλουφαρ ολο νευρσ κακια τεμπελα δεν μαγειρεύει συνέχεια με χυμούς και γλυκα στο παιδι !! Η Ματινα ολο φωνές κοιτάζει μονο τις κόρες της !!κριμα !!😮😮😮😮
23:35 リンゴ1㎏45,000トマンは円またはドルで誰か教えてください。
Hola familia no entiendo nada todo esta en ingles
I think they will return at the end of the winter. They are having the carpets cleaned and then put back in their house so they plan on coming back.
А что по Вашему она должна стиральную машину нести сама ?