They need to teach Diana not to throw rocks at the goats, or to hit them. Khosrow is the one who taught her how to throw rocks at them. It was upsetting to see Diana laughing and thinking it was funny to hurt a goat at such a young age. It disturbs me how cruel these people can be.
У них жестокость в крови, Арад на канале Сайфуллы, действует, точно также...при виде любого животного, рука у него,так и тянется бросить в нее камень, или огреть палкой...21-й век на дворе, но мракобесие ещё процветает...все дети очень грубо относятся к домашним животным...
Better teach Diana not throw stones at goats ,that’s terrible it’s animal abuse . Against the law where I’m from 🇺🇸 Go to jail need to educate your child.
In the Idaho mountains people live across the other side of rivers. They park their car on the road and take the pulley car across the river. The pulley car is a metal cage, where they put their groceries and themselves and pulley across.
Kosrow pir favor enseña a Diana no maltratar los animales por favor los animales hay que cuidarlos darles de comer y beber es biblico alimentar no maltratar ella lo ve gracioso eso no esta bien
Yes, we did point that 0ut months ago. Diana’s father walks with his feet pointing out, and so does Hassan. I think it is some kind of hereditary thing, but I don’t really know that much about it. I do know they -it a cast on my son when he was a couple of months old, and then a leg brace to keep his foot from going outwards. He only wore the. Race at night, and then he had to wear a special shoe. His pediatrician referred him to an orthopedic doctor when he was about a month, or two old. That is why those regular well baby visits are so important because they pick up problems early, and get get things corrected while they’re young.
Niloufar telling Khosrow he's ugly just demonstrates how insecure she is. It's obvious Khosrow was joking with the master. Instead of laughing she scoffs and tells them nobody would marry them as they're so ugly. Khosrow had a good come-back, "If nobody would marry us, why do you get so angry?"
Diana is throwing just as many tantrums. What I see happening is they cut away from filming when she starts throwing a fit like she did at lunch,and a few other times today. They used to keep filming her tantrums. I think they are trying to avoid it because people were leaving the channel because they didn’t want to hear her anymore. A child who is used to throwing tantrums all the time to get her way isn’t going to suddenly stop because they have moved. I have been noticing they stop filming when she starts to throw one, and start filming later when she is doing something different and isn’t crying.
Khosrow I live on open range where we turn out cattle lose on the mountain like you do your sheep. On my property, I've to fence it off from the open range. It's my responsibility to fence out all the cowboy's cattle from my yard, pastures, and homeplace. I'm surrounded by tall pine trees, and a lumber company owns the forest. We get our firewood from them. We made a bridge to cross our creek twice, and now we've to make another one as the logs rotted. I wish you have tall trees that would cross the river. You can bolt logs together to make one long plank or log to cross. Then take small logs or planks to make steps or wrungs. Nail the planks to the logs. So you've two long logs bolted together that cross the river, with boards nailed parallel for steps or the floor of the bridge.
Очередная сказочка о том, почему они переехали в эту глушь. Еще летом Хосров так же с умным лицом объяснял свой переезд в горы. Мол в деревне нет воды, а в горах она есть и там не так жарко, и что он будет разводить коз и т.д и т.п. Но при всем при этом остальные жители деревни никуда не уехали, а остались на месте и спокойно пережили лето. Эта же парочка начала строить очередную халупу в горах. В итоге разругались, кинули не дострой и свалили назад в деревню, где якобы нет воды. Затем попытка обосноваться на полях возле города. Потом они сеяли пшеницу в долине на камнях)) и опять Хосров сочинял о том, что они будут выращивать пшеницу для продаж. Потом они начали строить новый дом в деревне - кинули. А теперь строят очередную халупу у черта на куличиках, чтоб опять ее кинуть недостроенной и вернуться назад в деревню)). Эта парочка на столько не умная, что нет слов. Смех да и только.
Khosrow is so full of nonsense saying they migrate during some parts of the year. He really is trying very hard to pretend he is a real nomad. He didn’t start moving around until he needed to attract more viewers. I don’t listen to him anymore because his story always changes, but please Khosrow don’t try to fool the viewers into thinking you have always migrated all your life. Everyone knows that isn’t true. You are only doing it for TH-cam.
He had to get someone to buy 10 goats, which is nothing to make him look legitimate. A healthy productive herd is all nannies, (females) and one (buck).
La cattiveria di questa bambina è incredibile ,già così piccola provare gioia a maltrattate gli animali,insegnatele un po' di educazione, video da segnalare
Io nn riesco ancora a spiegarmi cosa ci fanno lì,in mezzo al niente,sporchi, accampati alla meno peggio quando hanno una casa più confortevole per la piccola Diana...
Ей подписчики хватить говорит хосров красив , что у него красивые ,даже походка не красиво, да он только красиво обманываеть зрителей и даже это место не хорошая в округ грязь, камни, у них село красиво чем там, там только мсто для постухов а не для семьи .там все дикые , первобытные люди
Хосров красавчик и доброй души человек! Мы его любим! А его жену , хоть куда приввези , в горы , или цивилизацию, значения не имеет, все равно засранка везде.
I was hoping in my absence that Khosrow would find a new wife who loves and respects him. Niloufer treats him badly. She’s immature dramatic and disrespectful
Who do you think u are? What if u are in her shoes, and someone telling you like u said? Stop judging her based on what u see or hear you don't know her personally and you don't lived her life. Her husband is not perfect though as u think .
Нилуфер истеричка, скандадьная, и Диана унаследовала это. Ножку Дианы нужно лечить пока она маленькая, но им же некогда они то ругаются, то камни разгружают.
Deina has one toy the bike that she is not that found of ! She is so board with nothing to play with that she is walking all over. She is almost two and can’t talk she has trouble walking. When she went to get on her bike she couldn’t lift her leg to get on it. Neifter has time to sit and talk and laugh with the men then she has time to sit with her daughter and teach her how to talk to work with her talking get her education books and toys. The child is obsessed throwing rocks at the goats. She needs to be told not to do that to any animal. She should not be going around the goats with the buck. The male goat. He could head butt her and hurt her bad. Bucks can break a mans back think what it would do to a child. Even one of the mommas today was not pleased with her she lowered her head to her. Again Deina needs a time out throwing rocks at animals is not good. But they won’t teach her how to be nice to the animals. The goats are hunger and need water all the time. We had 110 goats and never not once did any of my grandkids or friends ever throw rocks at any animal. Neifter has no respect for her husband at all. Telling him to spread the bedding out himself ! Neifter is so lazy she won’t comb Deinas hair. Either a hat or today she pulled the hood up ! Deina got her hair washed last week I wonder if it’s been combed since dad washed it and brushed it. Again lazy mom. I know I just wasted my time writing this cause to operator reads all the comments and They don’t have a clue what we comment to them. Do your job we take time to comment they should read all of ours. There numbers ash fallen a a lot since they got to the island and had to build another house. How long will they stay there until he gets ants in his baggy pants and wants to go back home ?
I totally agree with everything you have said. I don’t see them staying there very long. Even when they move into their house life will still be just as hard as living in the tent. Nifuler won’t have her stove, sink, or washing machine. Everything will always be dirty.
я вижу Хосрова очень работящим..к сожалению я вижу что Хосров болен.Раньше у него часто болела голова,а сейчас идет носом кровь..этл ослабляет человека и делает его вялым против его воли..такие симптомы часто заставляют человека лечь и поспать..Хосров не виноват в этом((
Хосров болен пусть останется дома у него есть хороши дом, и не только из носа пойдут кровь , вся тела будет болеть, столько тяжёлый вещей ,из за канал из за деньги, поднимать на верх через гор, не только из носа будут кровь,если место его столько вещей на лошади подняли ,лошадь бы умер
Если материально тяжело построить мост через реку то можно сварить из хорошего металла короб прицепите его к тросу легче будет переправляться как вы переправляли листы металла садясь на них
Porqué construir tantas casa si tú tienes una te vas a quedar en ese lugar veo que es incómodo no sé cómo puedes vivir de esa forma veo que Diana no de baña siempre anda sucia teniendo su casa y comodidad
I agree. She is very jealous of Khosrow. Nifuler was forced to get married at 14 years of age so I imagine she resents her husband, and parents for cutting short her childhood. Khosrow said the only reason he married her was out of respect for her father. Nifuler’s father came and asked Khosrow to marry her. Khosrow did not go to him asking to marry his daughter. If I were in Nifuler’s shoes I would feel pretty insecure as well. It would hurt knowing your husband didn’t choose you.
She was joking! They were talking about taking another wife and teasing her. Also I’ve noticed that when they translate something into “ugly” they are not referring to physical ugliness but personality unpleasantness. When someone is gossiping or speaking I’ll of others you will often see th e translation saying it is ugly.
@@52480-lДело в том ,что Налуфа ленива,Налуфа не хотела учиться дома работать..вот отец и сплавил скорее замуж.Хосров купил швейную машику и Налуфа закинула ее в угол она ничему не хочет учиться,сидит дома нигде не работает..зато самомнения гора.Мужа унижает постоянно,а сама пустышка
Y no mientas usted siempre ha estado en la aldea con su familia nunca has emigrado a esas montañas como los vecinos son Buenos y se ayudan uno al otro y los felicito por eso
Diana jete des pierres sur les chevres vous devez lui apprendre a ne pas maltraiter les animaux les parents vous devez surveiller et conttoler votre gamine
Родители,из за того что у вашей хромающей малышки Дианы не ровная качающаяся походка впоследствии это может привести к искривлению позвоночника,потом сколиз и потом может вырасти горб.Как вы халатно относитесь к своей малышке.И еще-вы обучаете ее злому отношению к брптьям нашим меньшим-животным
Хосров, а у тебя есть разрешение строительства дома? А то вы строите без разрешения и правительство приходит и разрушает незаконно построенные дома.Таким образом вы опозорите свою страну на весь мир.Потому, что среди зрителей есть наивные люди, которые верят этому, считая ваших властей бесчеловечными.
Hoslow must have hated the reality that in his village, he scattered his money around and even his relatives only relied on Hoslow's money. He changed cars frequently and went to town all the time, but he didn't do much work. He was doing something like a car broker, but there are so many bad car brokers in Iran that Hosrow could never be a broker. When he was still a repairman, he seemed sincere. Now he doesn't seem so sincere. Sometimes he plays the hero by pretending to support young children, but it doesn't last long. The nomadic life is hard and not at all financially profitable, but the warmth and closeness of the people seems to be something that Hoslow now has a lot to learn. It would be nice if we could build relationships that are not just about money, because the reality of relying on TH-cam revenues is not going to change. Why don't you try to imitate the lives of the ants on the chavil channel by your side? They are solid.
He also liked to be the popular uncle buying goodies from the local "tinker" that showed up in his pick-up van full of household nick-nacks and treats, bobbles, and goodies for the kids. His nephews and nieces all gathered to beg for candy, junk food, or those sweet fruity pop-cycles.
Ta dziewczyna to tragedia, brudna i rozwydrzona. Rodzice nie potrafia jej wychowywac. Kamerzysta nakreca film jak dzieci znręcajà się nad zwierzętami, to jest straszne.😢
If they were smart they would be getting milk from the goats with babies. That is the time to get goat milk, but I don’t think they know what they are doing.
I know. I could tell by the way he was talking he was lying. Nifuler knows Khosrow is full of nonsense, especially about the migrating part as if he was a real nomad. I about gagged when he said we often migrate.
@@52480-l To me it seems like he's standing in front of a circle of children telling them a sweet bed-time story. A "feel-good" narrative to invite us for a journey into Bakhtiari Fantasy Land. We' re all suppose to be excited like children to join in on the adventure, and normally I would be enthusiastic! However, sadly, I've been on this journey so many times, and they always end the same. The beautiful little rock hut gets knocked down. The children fall to the floor in unison covering their faces in front of the camera, (as they peek out from underneath their uncombed hair) bawling and wailing. The mother's voice rises by 3 octaves as she explains to the viewers through the camera how they're now homeless, and where are they going to go? Sheets are spread out on the floor as the children gather all their earthly possessions. The fake police show up with, (three of them), one dressed in olive green cotton shirt, second one in a white cotton shirt, the other in camouflaged military tactigal uniform; no insignias. The dad is escorted away in handcuffs (five and dime variety) or (zip tyes) into an unmarked white police vehicle. The wife is handed an unwrinkled piece of white paperwork. The baby of the family, (usually a toddler) runs in barefeet chasing the white unmarked vehicle down the dusty rocky driveway, blocked by goats. The scene ends with the mother gathering her fatherless orphans, each carrying their own bundle of earthly goods to walk to grandma's. For a more dramatic exit some families choose the "Moses in the Desert" scene in, "The Wilderness," where the mother holding her baby leads the way into the desert at sun-set, disappearing into the desert night.
@@shirleydosanjos1430 Se reía y se tapaba la boca con el pañuelo continuamente riendo....miralo bien!! Donde dice "el maestro de obra quiere decir unas palabras" es una mujer NECIA!! Ese es el respeto que le tiene a su esposo!!
Yo no se como estaréis hay. Pero mejores condiciones no tenéis y muy lejos de médicos tiendas y cosas ..ustedes veréis pero teniendo donde vivir eso es un atraso ..a y a Diana comprarle zapatillas 👟 cerradas q con esas chanclas se va a caer y los pies no debe de andar muy cómoda y además se le ve a la pobre 😥 el pataje q tiene!!
Ne donne pas a mangerba ta fille avec tes mains c 'est.degoutant donne lui une cuillere franchement tu fleme avec ta fille a lui apprendre les bonnes manieres
They actually seem happier up in the mountain. Maybe being away from family has freed them a bit. They seem to socialize more, laugh more and Dianah is happier.
I believe these are people from Nifuler’s village where she grew up. It is probably nice to get away from all the family drama going on in the village right now, especially with Hassan, and his family.
Oddly, I've to agree with you on this one especally when it comes to Niloufar. She complains a lot about being there, but her demeanor says other-wise.
Camera/operator are you being unkind and rude? … it won’t hurt you to carry a bag or help Nilofar with blankets.. it is only human and kind to offer a hand. When you see all these people helping each other this is good? No?…
That isn’t what he is being paid to do. Out of all the camera people filming these nomad channels Khosrow is the only person constantly asking the person behind the camera to help him. The operators are not his little servants. Khosrow and Nifuler are always whining and complaining that they need help all the time. They are not used to working hard every day. They are too accustomed to sitting around in their little house doing nothing. They have no right to put the camera operator on the spot like that. I don’t like how Khosrow treats him.
lol good one. I am so glad I am not the only one who doesn’t believe his nonsense. I would like to call it something else, but it is probably forbidden on TH-cam. I laugh when he gives his little speeches. He thinks he is so important,mand that we actually believe his B.S.
Я бы сказала, точнее, не актеры,а аферисты, ведь они, целенаправленно, дурачат зрителей своими фейковыми историями, с определенной целью, повысить обманным путем, количество просмотров, и соответственно, свои доходы с Ютуба...очень некрасиво, так нагло врать и обманывать преданных и наивных подписчиков...
Nao sei de onde Nilofar tirou essa história que Khosrow é feio,ele é lindo,rosto,corpo,cabelo,olho...agora vc Nilofar não é muito bonita não...Bonita é Zahra,Ziba,parisa...até a sua sogra já velha ainda é mas bonita que você. Essa é a realidade.
Niloufar is surrounded by beauties in that village, because most are relatives of Khosrow. Fatima must've been a Queen in her younger years, as she is still a very attractive woman for her age without makeup. Her genes flow through her children and they're beautiful. All three of her daughters have beautiful fine features, then there's Khosrow. Face it, he might get on our nerves at times, but he's physically an unsually gorgeous man. He could be a top model in New York, or featured in some main men's brand as an advertisement. Of all of Fatima's daughters, Sabijan I think resembles her the most. I think Fatima must've looked like Sabajan with blue eyes as a young woman. *Niloufar is very pretty, but compared to her husband and his sisters she doesn't outshine them.
Diana ya dikkat edin o artık kendi başına gidiyor lütfen ona dikkat edin. Ayrıca Nilüfer cebinde sürekli pecete bulundur Diana nın burnunu elbisenle silme lütfen hijyene ve temizliğe özen göster.
Do you still want to do ALL of the sharing??? Someone just stole your GOAT!!! And let them know it's their turn to cook everyone's dinner!! They are going to rob you clean!!!! They knew it was your goat, but said that they wanted and going to take it!! God said to never be a fool!! Nice, love each other, BUT NOT FOOLS!! 😒❤❤
Не обманывайте зрителей, вы сами сказали из за долги Хасана вы уехали из села или всё забыл раньше что сказал, вы с братом чуть не убили друг друга, просто вы не серьёзный человек, у тебя в голове ветер гоняет туда суда, вы сначала хотели заниматься сельскохозяйственными делами, вроде посеяли зерно а что будет там с зерном , теперь здесь обманываешь людей, у тебя только один ребёнок и то не можете держать красиво, чисто,что за вид диане мне просто жалко, у Фатимы сыновья все ветреные. И люди кто сейчас там, у всех есть канал хотят деньги зарабатывать, я за миллион даже десять кг вещей не буду поднимать на верх через эту гор. Там раньше жили ваши предки первобытные люди, в конце хочу сказать лучше остались в селе и построили свой дом до конца, тогда тебя было бы много зрителей и комментариев чем сейчас там, ты всегда был такой и опять говорите про вторую жену, ваше ссора всегда было за женщины и нули Фер стала такая из за ревности.
I totally agree with you. He says something different every time he talks. He really likes to puff up his chest and talk a bunch of nonsense to the viewers. With every speech he lies more and more. I can’t believe one viewer thought he was highly educated . He sounds like a big dreamer when he talks.
Yes I see helping your fellow man but a lot of viewers don’t see you helping as much as people help you. When comes to you helping you seem to be a slacker
Did you hear him fuss at the camera person to help him. Khosrow is a big baby. He is always whining for people to help him. You are correct he is a big time slacker when it comes to helping others. He never once helped with the goats in the village, and whined to Fatima to give him 10 goats because he felt like she owed him some goats. I would have thrown a glass at him as well. He is all talk about everyone helping each other as they are helping him. I guarantee you when his house is done he won’t be helping anyone.
Well said they don’t help anyone they only use people. Yesterday when Nulifer was making bread, she only did that so tat woman could take care of Diana. These two only use people and take what they can.
Usted tiene luz llevele a su esposa la maquina de lavar se le hace mejor y la ropa queda limpia esa ropa lavada asi se ven percudida lleve la lavadora a su mujer
How are they going to use a washing machine without electricity? I don’t see any electrical wires around there. Where would they put it? In the dirt outside? It would take up way too much room in their house. They aren’t going to stay here forever. It would be very hard to move everything they own from this place.
Nilufer no parece una jóven de 20 años sino de 30 y no es bella. Además si fuera una mujer limpia y ordenada tendría esos atractivos pero carece de ellos. Y se le añade que es una madre descuidada por lo que nada le queda. Todas las mujeres casadas iraníes saben hacer pan, ella tampoco lo hace, sólo sabe tampoco coser sus vestidos. Sólo estar holgazaneando con la niña en brazos.
Thank you for talking to we the viewers Khosrow!!! 🙏 It makes all the difference hearing it from you. I admire your neighbors and the way you all work together!!! ❤❤❤ I see a great village in the future because of it. Wishing you, Nilifar, and Diana many blessings. Nice to see you hugging Nilufar on the video picture! Your happiness is what matters. All the best 💞💞💞
In den meisten Filmen sieht mann,wie Kinder die Agressionen annehmen von den Eltern,wenn sie immer Kämpfen und einander Schlagen und Schuhe nachwerfen 😮😮Z,B bei Hard Leif😢😢😢😢😢So Schlimm😮😢
That brat is still throwing stones at the goats and nobody corrects her 😡😡😡. I stopped watching fir a while because of bratty Diana and dramatic Nilofer who only smiles fir the camera man. Nothing has changed. Bye for now again
Es un entorno árido sin nada de vegetación verde y propicio para que tropiece continuamente con piedras, un entorno donde las cabras hacen sus necesidades y la niña pisa con sus pies descalzos etc etc...yo no quisiera para mi hija un entorno así sino un lugar mucho más seguro e higiénico, teniendo en cuenta como son esos padres de descuidados. Y en caso de una emergencia para la niña vulnerable, mientras cruzan el río etc etc, es muy preocupante.
Есть не которые подписчи, что не видят как они там живут в грязи в холоде как первобытные люди а не как молодые которые стремятся на хорошую жизни, а говорят не праду, что там красиво, хороший место а не видять их плохое грязное усовия, как диана всегда грязная, мокрая, и говорять про хосров хорошие слова а за это виноват только хосров. Я хочу сказать что как нулифер это грязное условия терпеть, и от этого от нерва, не хорошо смотрить ребёнка а хочу нули фер сказать , она не прова что так смотрить ребёнка,за этой плохой жизни страдаеть диана, я бы не час не осталось там.
Nilüfer lütfen tavuğu parçalarken Diana ya elini sürtmemesi gerektiğini öğren tavuk bulaşığı çok zararlı salmonella riski yüksek bulaşıklarını çamaşır suyuyla temiz yıka ve Diana nın ellerinide sürekli yıka lütfen
Consro asle un labadero cómo se us an en Mexico y una pileta para almacenar sufficient agua para lávate su ropa trastes comida y él agua en la pileta se puede conservation muy limpia para bañarse y aser todo tipo de limpieza pero asle alta y el labadero también para que no labe agachada mi chinita loca errs toda una campeona
Khosrow to make life easy on that river why don't you guys make a bridge like so that you can transport everything easy for you because it's too dangerous crossing like that remember you a child think about it
Vous pouvez construire une passerelle comme en montagne avec corde et planche moins cher qu'un pont Juste pour traverser à pieds ce qui serait moins dangereux pour les enfants Pourquoi les autres familles reste sous une tente et ne construisent pas de maison Bon courage à vous et toutes les personnes qui vous aident Une mamie de France
Bj la famille j ai une question à vous poser surtout à nilufor pourquoi vous allez pas voir votre mere elle n est pas bien du tout depui que votre pere s est fait aretez ?
Si no le importa su pequeña hija, le van a importar sus padres?? Ella está feliz porque tiene al marido al lado y no se va a la ciudad porque eso la mortificaba. Una vez tenga la choza hecha, ya veremos lo que dura Krosof en ése lugar árido.
إن شاء الله غدا سيكمل بناء بيتكم وتكونوا سعداء ومسرزرين ومرتاحين لان الجو والطبيعه تمنحكم الصحه والعافيه تحياتنا لكم من الاعماق أسرة خسرو الجميله❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Krhosrow fuiste claro al dar explicaciones Nilofer tú marido es demasiado guapo cuídalo y no té rías dejá qué hablé y tú comportarte cómo una señora Diana hermosa tú casa 🏠 es bonita y ya deseó verla terminada . 🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️🩵🩵💙🧡💚☕☕☕🌾🍀🌿🙏🏼😍
I am sorry, but I would never live in a hut like that with a the interior wall made out of mud. I can just see it cracking, and falling apart before long.
I have never felt like Khosrow speaks well at all. I cringe when he talks. He doesn’t sound educated at all in my opinion. By the way he isn’t very educated. He thinks he is hot stuff now with the money he is making from TH-cam, but no well educated man would live like he does. He is nothing but the son of goat herders. He grew up very simply. This is the first time in his life he has ever had this much money, and it is obvious. He isn’t saving for the future. He is wasting money left and right. Building cheap houses wherever he goes. An educated person would be investing his money, and would buy some decent educational toys for his daughter. Would not let his daughter be seen on TH-cam looking so dirty , and hair so unkempt. He would be reading books to his daughter, and would have books, and magazines in his house to read. Khosrow,and Nifuler don’t read anything. He has to hire someone to install everything for him because he doesn’t know how to read how to do it from the internet. Khosrow is a simple car mechanic who is very lucky that his brother, Hassan, came up with the idea of making nomad videos. It was something different on TH-cam that people from the west had never seen before.
Selam sevgili izleyiciler ben Türkiye'den 🇹🇷 izlyorum bir buçuk yıldır takip ediyorum,bu güzel aile bir buçuk yıl önce uzak bir arazide anayola yakın bir kayanın altına bir kulübe yapmaya başladılar zamanla yan yana küçük iki oda oldu birisinde eşyaları diğerinde yatmaları içindi önüne güzel bir gölgelik yaptılar betonla sonra Hüsrev çalışmaya gitti keçleri vardı, Nilüfer okadar çalışkandıki kendisi bir tegah yaptı bulaşıkları ı yıkamak için Ocak yeri yaptı kap kacak koyacak raf yaptı alanı büyüttü Hüsrev bir araba alıp geldi gerçekten o zaman ben bu çifte hayrandım çok güzel yapmışlardı oradaki yerlerini evlilik yıl dönümlerini doğum gününü orada kutladılar Nilüfer in hatta cep telefonu almıştı Nilüfere, Hüsrev in bir hayali vardı büyük bir çiftlik kurmaktı hayali ama kimler tarafından yıktılar bilmiyorum oranın altını üstüne getirdiler sonra köye döndüler çadırda yaşarlarken ilk odayı yaptı ondan sonra aralarında bir sürtüşmeler devam etti, Hüsrev dolmuşçuluk yaparak geçimni sağlıyordu nilüfer burada artık tembelleşmeye başladı ışıl ışıl Nilüfer hem kıskanç hemde pasaklı biri oldu çıktı kocası tsbikide yakışıklı ve kendine bakan çalışkan bir genç ve kızıyla devamlı Hüsrev ilgilendi,buraya bu noktaya nasıl geldiler bende bilmiyorum azgın akan bir del çay var köprü yok nasıl bir cesaretle orada yaşıyorlar bilemiyorum belki hayalindeki çiftliği burada yapacaktır Allah yardımcıları olsun aynen sizlere katılıyorum oraya bir ocak çamaşır makinesi için banyonun kenarında çamaşır makinasına bir yer yapacaklar kulübenin önüne bir gölgelik yapsın üzeri kapalı bir tarafına mutfak yapsın tezgahıyla birlikte ocağınıda yanına bir dolap yukarı bir dolap aşagığa yezgahınaltına yanına yapsınlar valla yaşadıkları yer mükemmel komşularıda var temiz hava suda var toprağıda güzel hayvanların gübrelerin kullanarak güzel bir bahçe yapsınlar her şey eksinler ceviz erik dut elma ağaçları diksinler asmada çok güzel olur orada üzüm asması Hüsrev sen yaparsın bunları sana güveniyorum ama nilüferin kıymetini bil kızını iyi yetiştir vahşi yetiştirme onu hayvanlara vurmasın sevgiyi aşılayın tam bir yörük kızı gibi yetiştir hepinizi sevgiyle kucaklıyorum Allah'a emanet olun 🇹🇷 Türkiye den çok çok çok selamlar❤️🤲🌷🌹🥰🪴🎁🪻🍇🌽🍏🍒🍑🍓🐤🐝🦜
Хосров Зуйлехе негде жить с детьми замок опечатали она пока у Фатимы но Фатиме не нравится что они у нее Фатиму можно понять у нее ещё Зиба очень жаль Зуйлеху она не виновата что Хасан со всеми так поступил столько у вас родственников и не можете решить где жить бедной матери с детьми Хасан в тюрьме еще ❤
aku orang indonesia ,,,aku cinta kalian semua nonmade ...selamat untuk kalian semoga sukses kehidupan baru kalian ,semoga pembangunan rumah kalian segera di selesaikan..
Salaam Niloufar thanks for paying attention to your new flock of sheep/goats you always had better views continue to care for them well done❤️ Khrosrow you trust too easily and get distracted let your wife handle some things too get her input on the finances she’s very smart. Take care of your family god bless 🤲🩷
Their animals mean nothing to them accept their worth for food or selling for cash. They don't love animals like the most of us do. It's hard to watch sometimes.😢
Yes Diana still cries as much as before. They just stop filming as soon as she starts having a fit, and start back in filming again when she has stopped crying, and is doing something different. Before they used to keep on filming all through her temper tantrums.
Eso les asia falta trabajo para dejar sus pleitos pura pérdida de tiempo y se estaba arruinando solos por su mal vivir pero ahora si da gusto verlos felices y trabajando
I don’t think Nifuler is that happy. She has been complaining that she is tired. She is having to work way harder than she did in the village so I just don’t see her all that happy. She also doesn’t seem to have any women friends to sit down and drink tea with.
They need to teach Diana not to throw rocks at the goats, or to hit them. Khosrow is the one who taught her how to throw rocks at them. It was upsetting to see Diana laughing and thinking it was funny to hurt a goat at such a young age. It disturbs me how cruel these people can be.
This makes me so furious
У них жестокость в крови, Арад на канале Сайфуллы, действует, точно также...при виде любого животного, рука у него,так и тянется бросить в нее камень, или огреть палкой...21-й век на дворе, но мракобесие ещё процветает...все дети очень грубо относятся к домашним животным...
If parents dont teach to they, then the kids doesnt learn nothing😮😮😮.
Better teach Diana not throw stones at goats ,that’s terrible it’s animal abuse . Against the law where I’m from 🇺🇸 Go to jail need to educate your child.
In the Idaho mountains people live across the other side of rivers. They park their car on the road and take the pulley car across the river. The pulley car is a metal cage, where they put their groceries and themselves and pulley across.
You must NOT let Diana throw stones at the goats. It is not funny, it is cruelty. Tell her NO!
Kosrow pir favor enseña a Diana no maltratar los animales por favor los animales hay que cuidarlos darles de comer y beber es biblico alimentar no maltratar ella lo ve gracioso eso no esta bien
У Дианы отсутствует чувство импатии-сострадания и виноваты родители
Diana's right foot is always at an outside angle when she walks which causes her to be unstable.
I remember us viewers pointing this fact out months ago!
Yes, we did point that 0ut months ago. Diana’s father walks with his feet pointing out, and so does Hassan. I think it is some kind of hereditary thing, but I don’t really know that much about it. I do know they -it a cast on my son when he was a couple of months old, and then a leg brace to keep his foot from going outwards. He only wore the. Race at night, and then he had to wear a special shoe. His pediatrician referred him to an orthopedic doctor when he was about a month, or two old. That is why those regular well baby visits are so important because they pick up problems early, and get get things corrected while they’re young.
I think Diana takes after Khosrow they way he walks
She drags her feet.
@52480-l Never realize that Khoshrow's foot was the same.
Niloufar telling Khosrow he's ugly just demonstrates how insecure she is. It's obvious Khosrow was joking with the master. Instead of laughing she scoffs and tells them nobody would marry them as they're so ugly. Khosrow had a good come-back, "If nobody would marry us, why do you get so angry?"
Налуфара претендует на слишком многое для себя тогда как сама "пустышка"
Diana is throwing just as many tantrums. What I see happening is they cut away from filming when she starts throwing a fit like she did at lunch,and a few other times today. They used to keep filming her tantrums. I think they are trying to avoid it because people were leaving the channel because they didn’t want to hear her anymore. A child who is used to throwing tantrums all the time to get her way isn’t going to suddenly stop because they have moved. I have been noticing they stop filming when she starts to throw one, and start filming later when she is doing something different and isn’t crying.
Diana ist ein sehr ungeborenen Mädchen
Khosrow I live on open range where we turn out cattle lose on the mountain like you do your sheep. On my property, I've to fence it off from the open range. It's my responsibility to fence out all the cowboy's cattle from my yard, pastures, and homeplace. I'm surrounded by tall pine trees, and a lumber company owns the forest. We get our firewood from them. We made a bridge to cross our creek twice, and now we've to make another one as the logs rotted. I wish you have tall trees that would cross the river. You can bolt logs together to make one long plank or log to cross. Then take small logs or planks to make steps or wrungs. Nail the planks to the logs. So you've two long logs bolted together that cross the river, with boards nailed parallel for steps or the floor of the bridge.
Очередная сказочка о том, почему они переехали в эту глушь. Еще летом Хосров так же с умным лицом объяснял свой переезд в горы. Мол в деревне нет воды, а в горах она есть и там не так жарко, и что он будет разводить коз и т.д и т.п. Но при всем при этом остальные жители деревни никуда не уехали, а остались на месте и спокойно пережили лето. Эта же парочка начала строить очередную халупу в горах. В итоге разругались, кинули не дострой и свалили назад в деревню, где якобы нет воды. Затем попытка обосноваться на полях возле города. Потом они сеяли пшеницу в долине на камнях)) и опять Хосров сочинял о том, что они будут выращивать пшеницу для продаж. Потом они начали строить новый дом в деревне - кинули. А теперь строят очередную халупу у черта на куличиках, чтоб опять ее кинуть недостроенной и вернуться назад в деревню)). Эта парочка на столько не умная, что нет слов. Смех да и только.
Ezek úgy élnek, mint a vándorcigányok. Megint építenek egy gusztustalan odut. Ez minden csak nem otthonnak való..
Casal de pilantras e Diana é a vítima.
Khosrow is so full of nonsense saying they migrate during some parts of the year. He really is trying very hard to pretend he is a real nomad. He didn’t start moving around until he needed to attract more viewers. I don’t listen to him anymore because his story always changes, but please Khosrow don’t try to fool the viewers into thinking you have always migrated all your life. Everyone knows that isn’t true. You are only doing it for TH-cam.
He had to get someone to buy 10 goats, which is nothing to make him look legitimate. A healthy productive herd is all nannies, (females) and one (buck).
Khosrow y nilufer yo quiero ir aconoserlos siquiera me encanta el lugar donde viven horita saluditos para ustedes
Vă salut din România și aș vrea să întreb de ce nu stați în casă voastră, că acolo aveți toate condițiile.
La cattiveria di questa bambina è incredibile ,già così piccola provare gioia a maltrattate gli animali,insegnatele un po' di educazione, video da segnalare
@@kendymaciel1098ga bij hun wonen gezellig naast Khosrow en NULIFER slapen 😂😂😂
Io nn riesco ancora a spiegarmi cosa ci fanno lì,in mezzo al niente,sporchi, accampati alla meno peggio quando hanno una casa più confortevole per la piccola Diana...
I am glad to see Diana wearing socks, and a jacket to keep her warm. I realize the hat is to hide her hair as well as keep her warm.
I've never seen a toddler with a worse case of bed-hair in my life.
Ей подписчики хватить говорит хосров красив , что у него красивые ,даже походка не красиво, да он только красиво обманываеть зрителей и даже это место не хорошая в округ грязь, камни, у них село красиво чем там, там только мсто для постухов а не для семьи .там все дикые , первобытные люди
Хосров красавчик и доброй души человек! Мы его любим! А его жену , хоть куда приввези , в горы , или цивилизацию, значения не имеет, все равно засранка везде.
Khosrow ist nicht schön, er ist sehr eingebildet.
Хосров симпатичен,трудолюбив.Настроен на семейные ценности.Ненадо судить.кто как может так и зарабатывает,ничего грешного он не делает как я вижу
а место прекрасное,есть равнин много,много воды
My god building again 😮😮
I was hoping in my absence that Khosrow would find a new wife who loves and respects him. Niloufer treats him badly. She’s immature dramatic and disrespectful
Who do you think u are? What if u are in her shoes, and someone telling you like u said? Stop judging her based on what u see or hear you don't know her personally and you don't lived her life. Her husband is not perfect though as u think .
Нилуфер истеричка, скандадьная, и Диана унаследовала это. Ножку Дианы нужно лечить пока она маленькая, но им же некогда они то ругаются, то камни разгружают.
Deina has one toy the bike that she is not that found of ! She is so board with nothing to play with that she is walking all over. She is almost two and can’t talk she has trouble walking. When she went to get on her bike she couldn’t lift her leg to get on it. Neifter has time to sit and talk and laugh with the men then she has time to sit with her daughter and teach her how to talk to work with her talking get her education books and toys. The child is obsessed throwing rocks at the goats. She needs to be told not to do that to any animal. She should not be going around the goats with the buck. The male goat. He could head butt her and hurt her bad. Bucks can break a mans back think what it would do to a child. Even one of the mommas today was not pleased with her she lowered her head to her. Again Deina needs a time out throwing rocks at animals is not good. But they won’t teach her how to be nice to the animals. The goats are hunger and need water all the time. We had 110 goats and never not once did any of my grandkids or friends ever throw rocks at any animal. Neifter has no respect for her husband at all. Telling him to spread the bedding out himself ! Neifter is so lazy she won’t comb Deinas hair. Either a hat or today she pulled the hood up ! Deina got her hair washed last week I wonder if it’s been combed since dad washed it and brushed it. Again lazy mom. I know I just wasted my time writing this cause to operator reads all the comments and They don’t have a clue what we comment to them. Do your job we take time to comment they should read all of ours. There numbers ash fallen a a lot since they got to the island and had to build another house. How long will they stay there until he gets ants in his baggy pants and wants to go back home ?
I totally agree with everything you have said. I don’t see them staying there very long. Even when they move into their house life will still be just as hard as living in the tent. Nifuler won’t have her stove, sink, or washing machine. Everything will always be dirty.
Nejlepší na celém videu je pracovitý pán.😂 Khosrow je větroplach..práce se trochu bojí.
Not just a bit a lot afraid !
я вижу Хосрова очень работящим..к сожалению я вижу что Хосров болен.Раньше у него часто болела голова,а сейчас идет носом кровь..этл ослабляет человека и делает его вялым против его воли..такие симптомы часто заставляют человека лечь и поспать..Хосров не виноват в этом((
Хосров болен пусть останется дома у него есть хороши дом, и не только из носа пойдут кровь , вся тела будет болеть, столько тяжёлый вещей ,из за канал из за деньги, поднимать на верх через гор, не только из носа будут кровь,если место его столько вещей на лошади подняли ,лошадь бы умер
He is a good worker .
Если материально тяжело построить мост через реку то можно сварить из хорошего металла короб прицепите его к тросу легче будет переправляться как вы переправляли листы металла садясь на них
Oni izgledaju presrečni,kao dažive u gradu. Znači dobroimje samo nama pokazuju kakose"muče".
U prevodu zafrkavaju nas sve koji gledamo.
Porqué construir tantas casa si tú tienes una te vas a quedar en ese lugar veo que es incómodo no sé cómo puedes vivir de esa forma veo que Diana no de baña siempre anda sucia teniendo su casa y comodidad
Ей комментаршик как взять дети хасана , от них убежал в горы,он очень бессовестный человек как его мать
Usta çok iyi bir insan ve işini çok güzel yapıyor 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Nulifer, kosorow no es un hombre guapo e inteligente ❤, creo que tu eres insegura por eso tratas mal a tu esposo.
I agree. She is very jealous of Khosrow. Nifuler was forced to get married at 14 years of age so I imagine she resents her husband, and parents for cutting short her childhood. Khosrow said the only reason he married her was out of respect for her father. Nifuler’s father came and asked Khosrow to marry her. Khosrow did not go to him asking to marry his daughter. If I were in Nifuler’s shoes I would feel pretty insecure as well. It would hurt knowing your husband didn’t choose you.
She was joking! They were talking about taking another wife and teasing her. Also I’ve noticed that when they translate something into “ugly” they are not referring to physical ugliness but personality unpleasantness. When someone is gossiping or speaking I’ll of others you will often see th e translation saying it is ugly.
@@52480-l Didn't she get married at 18 a year before she had Diana?
@@52480-lДело в том ,что Налуфа ленива,Налуфа не хотела учиться дома работать..вот отец и сплавил скорее замуж.Хосров купил швейную машику и Налуфа закинула ее в угол она ничему не хочет учиться,сидит дома нигде не работает..зато самомнения гора.Мужа унижает постоянно,а сама пустышка
Ella le dijo varias veces que es feo...@@michaelmeyer4895
Please don’t let Diana around you when cutting up chicken . You almost hit her with the knife 🤨🫣😬😤so careless . 😩careful please 🙏🏼
Omg who taught Diana to throw stones at the goats..
Y no mientas usted siempre ha estado en la aldea con su familia nunca has emigrado a esas montañas como los vecinos son Buenos y se ayudan uno al otro y los felicito por eso
Diana jete des pierres sur les chevres vous devez lui apprendre a ne pas maltraiter les animaux les parents vous devez surveiller et conttoler votre gamine
Родители,из за того что у вашей хромающей малышки Дианы не ровная качающаяся походка впоследствии это может привести к искривлению позвоночника,потом сколиз и потом может вырасти горб.Как вы халатно относитесь к своей малышке.И еще-вы обучаете ее злому отношению к брптьям нашим меньшим-животным
Хосров, а у тебя есть разрешение строительства дома? А то вы строите без разрешения и правительство приходит и разрушает незаконно построенные дома.Таким образом вы опозорите свою страну на весь мир.Потому, что среди зрителей есть наивные люди, которые верят этому, считая ваших властей бесчеловечными.
Hoslow must have hated the reality that in his village, he scattered his money around and even his relatives only relied on Hoslow's money. He changed cars frequently and went to town all the time, but he didn't do much work. He was doing something like a car broker, but there are so many bad car brokers in Iran that Hosrow could never be a broker.
When he was still a repairman, he seemed sincere. Now he doesn't seem so sincere.
Sometimes he plays the hero by pretending to support young children, but it doesn't last long.
The nomadic life is hard and not at all financially profitable, but the warmth and closeness of the people seems to be something that Hoslow now has a lot to learn. It would be nice if we could build relationships that are not just about money, because the reality of relying on TH-cam revenues is not going to change. Why don't you try to imitate the lives of the ants on the chavil channel by your side? They are solid.
He also liked to be the popular uncle buying goodies from the local "tinker" that showed up in his pick-up van full of household nick-nacks and treats, bobbles, and goodies for the kids. His nephews and nieces all gathered to beg for candy, junk food, or those sweet fruity pop-cycles.
Ta dziewczyna to tragedia, brudna i rozwydrzona. Rodzice nie potrafia jej wychowywac.
Kamerzysta nakreca film jak dzieci znręcajà się nad zwierzętami, to jest straszne.😢
Non riesco a capire come fanno a vivere così 😢
If they were smart they would be getting milk from the goats with babies. That is the time to get goat milk, but I don’t think they know what they are doing.
Налуфер ленивая не будет она доить коз
goog job diana..always help mama nilofar
Would a suspension bridge be a big expense? Foot traffic would go more easily.
Mientras su marido habla a la cámara, Nilufer está riéndose a carcajadas. Osea que TODO MENTIRA!!
I know. I could tell by the way he was talking he was lying. Nifuler knows Khosrow is full of nonsense, especially about the migrating part as if he was a real nomad. I about gagged when he said we often migrate.
Voltei o videoumas duas veses e não vi isso,"Nilofar rindo alto"?bom agora se é mentira as palavras de Khosrow já não posso afirmar.
@@52480-l To me it seems like he's standing in front of a circle of children telling them a sweet bed-time story. A "feel-good" narrative to invite us for a journey into Bakhtiari Fantasy Land. We' re all suppose to be excited like children to join in on the adventure, and normally I would be enthusiastic! However, sadly, I've been on this journey so many times, and they always end the same. The beautiful little rock hut gets knocked down. The children fall to the floor in unison covering their faces in front of the camera, (as they peek out from underneath their uncombed hair) bawling and wailing. The mother's voice rises by 3 octaves as she explains to the viewers through the camera how they're now homeless, and where are they going to go? Sheets are spread out on the floor as the children gather all their earthly possessions. The fake police show up with, (three of them), one dressed in olive green cotton shirt, second one in a white cotton shirt, the other in camouflaged military tactigal uniform; no insignias. The dad is escorted away in handcuffs (five and dime variety) or (zip tyes) into an unmarked white police vehicle. The wife is handed an unwrinkled piece of white paperwork. The baby of the family, (usually a toddler) runs in barefeet chasing the white unmarked vehicle down the dusty rocky driveway, blocked by goats. The scene ends with the mother gathering her fatherless orphans, each carrying their own bundle of earthly goods to walk to grandma's. For a more dramatic exit some families choose the "Moses in the Desert" scene in, "The Wilderness," where the mother holding her baby leads the way into the desert at sun-set, disappearing into the desert night.
Da asa este!
@@shirleydosanjos1430 Se reía y se tapaba la boca con el pañuelo continuamente riendo....miralo bien!! Donde dice "el maestro de obra quiere decir unas palabras" es una mujer NECIA!! Ese es el respeto que le tiene a su esposo!!
Yo no se como estaréis hay. Pero mejores condiciones no tenéis y muy lejos de médicos tiendas y cosas ..ustedes veréis pero teniendo donde vivir eso es un atraso ..a y a Diana comprarle zapatillas 👟 cerradas q con esas chanclas se va a caer y los pies no debe de andar muy cómoda y además se le ve a la pobre 😥 el pataje q tiene!!
Ne donne pas a mangerba ta fille avec tes mains c 'est.degoutant donne lui une cuillere franchement tu fleme avec ta fille a lui apprendre les bonnes manieres
They actually seem happier up in the mountain. Maybe being away from family has freed them a bit. They seem to socialize more, laugh more and Dianah is happier.
I believe these are people from Nifuler’s village where she grew up. It is probably nice to get away from all the family drama going on in the village right now, especially with Hassan, and his family.
Oddly, I've to agree with you on this one especally when it comes to Niloufar. She complains a lot about being there, but her demeanor says other-wise.
@@luckylogger7594 it does. I’ve never seen her laugh so much.
@@52480-l probably true. And it must be Stressful trying to keep up with the family too. You are right. These people are from her parents village
Diana esta horrible,no para de berrear es inaguantable
Yo si veo luz de donde no se usted no ve que el esta ensoldando unos tubo de algun sitio toma corriente
Camera/operator are you being unkind and rude? … it won’t hurt you to carry a bag or help Nilofar with blankets.. it is only human and kind to offer a hand. When you see all these people helping each other this is good? No?…
That isn’t what he is being paid to do. Out of all the camera people filming these nomad channels Khosrow is the only person constantly asking the person behind the camera to help him. The operators are not his little servants. Khosrow and Nifuler are always whining and complaining that they need help all the time. They are not used to working hard every day. They are too accustomed to sitting around in their little house doing nothing. They have no right to put the camera operator on the spot like that. I don’t like how Khosrow treats him.
Ich finde auch,Diana ist viel Glücklicher,sie hatt Abwechslung,Läuft immer was und sie kann herumwandern😂😂😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏
Want to know how to tell when khosrow is lying??? His lips are moving!😂😂😂
lol good one. I am so glad I am not the only one who doesn’t believe his nonsense. I would like to call it something else, but it is probably forbidden on TH-cam. I laugh when he gives his little speeches. He thinks he is so important,mand that we actually believe his B.S.
The entire clan is nothing but actors,and poor acting at that!
Я бы сказала, точнее, не актеры,а аферисты, ведь они, целенаправленно, дурачат зрителей своими фейковыми историями, с определенной целью, повысить обманным путем, количество просмотров, и соответственно, свои доходы с Ютуба...очень некрасиво, так нагло врать и обманывать преданных и наивных подписчиков...
Yazlık için çok güzel bir yer ama köyde yaptırdığı gibi ev olsa daha güzel olacak
Nao sei de onde Nilofar tirou essa história que Khosrow é feio,ele é lindo,rosto,corpo,cabelo,olho...agora vc Nilofar não é muito bonita não...Bonita é Zahra,Ziba,parisa...até a sua sogra já velha ainda é mas bonita que você.
Essa é a realidade.
Niloufar is surrounded by beauties in that village, because most are relatives of Khosrow. Fatima must've been a Queen in her younger years, as she is still a very attractive woman for her age without makeup. Her genes flow through her children and they're beautiful. All three of her daughters have beautiful fine features, then there's Khosrow. Face it, he might get on our nerves at times, but he's physically an unsually gorgeous man. He could be a top model in New York, or featured in some main men's brand as an advertisement. Of all of Fatima's daughters, Sabijan I think resembles her the most. I think Fatima must've looked like Sabajan with blue eyes as a young woman. *Niloufar is very pretty, but compared to her husband and his sisters she doesn't outshine them.
علمتم ديانا تضرب الغنم الان بتضربهم وهم يأكلون
Молодец Хосров , как приятно смотреть, как ты заботишься о своей семье.Понимаю, что ты хочешь быть не зависим от своих родных.
That noise the bell is insoportable for the goat😢😢😢😢.... dont put it more...
بهرحال آرزوی موفقیت برایتان دارم☺️ایشالاه همیشه پیروزخوشبت سلامت وکنارهمدیگه به زیبایی به سرکنید🏄♀️لطفا ویدیوبه زبان👅فارسی زیرنویس بشه
Θα ήθελα να μ απαντήσει ο Κροστο όταν αστειεύεται για δεύτερη σύζυγο το κάνει πραγματικά η το πιστεύει ότι ο άντρας πρέπει να έχει δύο γυναίκες?
diana needs toys for playing and learning. she wanders around with nothing to do so sad.
Diana ya dikkat edin o artık kendi başına gidiyor lütfen ona dikkat edin. Ayrıca Nilüfer cebinde sürekli pecete bulundur Diana nın burnunu elbisenle silme lütfen hijyene ve temizliğe özen göster.
Живите , как вам удобно, это главное.А зрители,ну что у каждого свое мнение😊. Важно - вам хорошо
Do you still want to do ALL of the sharing??? Someone just stole your GOAT!!! And let them know it's their turn to cook everyone's dinner!! They are going to rob you clean!!!! They knew it was your goat, but said that they wanted and going to take it!! God said to never be a fool!! Nice, love each other, BUT NOT FOOLS!! 😒❤❤
When did you see someone steal a goat?
Están más limpias y relucientes las cabritas que la pobre Diana
Не обманывайте зрителей, вы сами сказали из за долги Хасана вы уехали из села или всё забыл раньше что сказал, вы с братом чуть не убили друг друга, просто вы не серьёзный человек, у тебя в голове ветер гоняет туда суда, вы сначала хотели заниматься сельскохозяйственными делами, вроде посеяли зерно а что будет там с зерном , теперь здесь обманываешь людей, у тебя только один ребёнок и то не можете держать красиво, чисто,что за вид диане мне просто жалко, у Фатимы сыновья все ветреные. И люди кто сейчас там, у всех есть канал хотят деньги зарабатывать, я за миллион даже десять кг вещей не буду поднимать на верх через эту гор. Там раньше жили ваши предки первобытные люди, в конце хочу сказать лучше остались в селе и построили свой дом до конца, тогда тебя было бы много зрителей и комментариев чем сейчас там, ты всегда был такой и опять говорите про вторую жену, ваше ссора всегда было за женщины и нули Фер стала такая из за ревности.
I totally agree with you. He says something different every time he talks. He really likes to puff up his chest and talk a bunch of nonsense to the viewers. With every speech he lies more and more. I can’t believe one viewer thought he was highly educated . He sounds like a big dreamer when he talks.
Khosrow..stavíme si s pánem dům..a pán řekl..pomáhám vám,aby jste tu nezmrzli..😂😊 chytrý pán.
Es un hombre inestable. No tardará mucho en cambiar de escenario. Además a él le gusta ir a la ciudad y estar libre de esposa e hija. Al tiempo....
Скоро весна и приедет BAGGER и тогда от его сарая и следа не останется, развалины и баста!
De ce nu traduceți și în limba Română?
Yes I see helping your fellow man but a lot of viewers don’t see you helping as much as people help you. When comes to you helping you seem to be a slacker
Did you hear him fuss at the camera person to help him. Khosrow is a big baby. He is always whining for people to help him. You are correct he is a big time slacker when it comes to helping others. He never once helped with the goats in the village, and whined to Fatima to give him 10 goats because he felt like she owed him some goats. I would have thrown a glass at him as well. He is all talk about everyone helping each other as they are helping him. I guarantee you when his house is done he won’t be helping anyone.
Well said they don’t help anyone they only use people. Yesterday when Nulifer was making bread, she only did that so tat woman could take care of Diana. These two only use people and take what they can.
일단 나무 다리를 건설하는게 어떨까요? 구름 다리식으로 지으면 괜찮을것 같아요
마을사람들이 공동체로 움직이면 오래걸리지 않을겁니다
Usted tiene luz llevele a su esposa la maquina de lavar se le hace mejor y la ropa queda limpia esa ropa lavada asi se ven percudida lleve la lavadora a su mujer
How are they going to use a washing machine without electricity? I don’t see any electrical wires around there. Where would they put it? In the dirt outside? It would take up way too much room in their house. They aren’t going to stay here forever. It would be very hard to move everything they own from this place.
تقول عن زوجها قبيح هل نظرتي الى المرٱة ورأيتي كم انتي عجوز ولاتملكين اي جمال كل بنات القريه اجمل منك وخسرو وسيم واجمل منك بأضعاف
Nilufer no parece una jóven de 20 años sino de 30 y no es bella. Además si fuera una mujer limpia y ordenada tendría esos atractivos pero carece de ellos. Y se le añade que es una madre descuidada por lo que nada le queda. Todas las mujeres casadas iraníes saben hacer pan, ella tampoco lo hace, sólo sabe tampoco coser sus vestidos. Sólo estar holgazaneando con la niña en brazos.
She knows how to make the bread, and is very good at it. She hasn’t done it for a long time because she is too lazy.
Thank you for talking to we the viewers Khosrow!!! 🙏 It makes all the difference hearing it from you. I admire your neighbors and the way you all work together!!! ❤❤❤ I see a great village in the future because of it. Wishing you, Nilifar, and Diana many blessings. Nice to see you hugging Nilufar on the video picture! Your happiness is what matters. All the best 💞💞💞
In den meisten Filmen sieht mann,wie Kinder die Agressionen annehmen von den Eltern,wenn sie immer Kämpfen und einander Schlagen und Schuhe nachwerfen 😮😮Z,B bei Hard Leif😢😢😢😢😢So Schlimm😮😢
That brat is still throwing stones at the goats and nobody corrects her 😡😡😡. I stopped watching fir a while because of bratty Diana and dramatic Nilofer who only smiles fir the camera man. Nothing has changed. Bye for now again
Es un entorno árido sin nada de vegetación verde y propicio para que tropiece continuamente con piedras, un entorno donde las cabras hacen sus necesidades y la niña pisa con sus pies descalzos etc etc...yo no quisiera para mi hija un entorno así sino un lugar mucho más seguro e higiénico, teniendo en cuenta como son esos padres de descuidados. Y en caso de una emergencia para la niña vulnerable, mientras cruzan el río etc etc, es muy preocupante.
It good see all the new friends they are making . They all look happier, in the summer the place will be beautiful.❤
Есть не которые подписчи, что не видят как они там живут в грязи в холоде как первобытные люди а не как молодые которые стремятся на хорошую жизни, а говорят не праду, что там красиво, хороший место а не видять их плохое грязное усовия, как диана всегда грязная, мокрая, и говорять про хосров хорошие слова а за это виноват только хосров. Я хочу сказать что как нулифер это грязное условия терпеть, и от этого от нерва, не хорошо смотрить ребёнка а хочу нули фер сказать , она не прова что так смотрить ребёнка,за этой плохой жизни страдаеть диана, я бы не час не осталось там.
I wouldn’t either. I don’t see anything wonderful about it.
Молодец подписчик что вы тоже говорите правду
Yo no iría ahí, ni de visita. Es un lugar para cabras!!
Вы тоже правильно, там не место для семьи,там чудесного нечего нету кроме грязи
Nilüfer lütfen tavuğu parçalarken Diana ya elini sürtmemesi gerektiğini öğren tavuk bulaşığı çok zararlı salmonella riski yüksek bulaşıklarını çamaşır suyuyla temiz yıka ve Diana nın ellerinide sürekli yıka lütfen
Consro asle un labadero cómo se us an en Mexico y una pileta para almacenar sufficient agua para lávate su ropa trastes comida y él agua en la pileta se puede conservation muy limpia para bañarse y aser todo tipo de limpieza pero asle alta y el labadero también para que no labe agachada mi chinita loca errs toda una campeona
Schulden?! Hoe kom je dan aan die geld om huizen overal te bouwen ?! Astublieft vertel geen onzin🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤨
Khosrow to make life easy on that river why don't you guys make a bridge like so that you can transport everything easy for you because it's too dangerous crossing like that remember you a child think about it
Hola familia es verdad kros es muy mino rico he inteligente saludoooo de Chile cuidese chicos y A Dianita
Vous pouvez construire une passerelle comme en montagne avec corde et planche moins cher
qu'un pont
Juste pour traverser à pieds ce qui serait moins dangereux pour les enfants
Pourquoi les autres familles reste sous une tente et ne construisent pas de maison
Bon courage à vous et toutes les personnes qui vous aident
Une mamie de France
Bj la famille j ai une question à vous poser surtout à nilufor pourquoi vous allez pas voir votre mere elle n est pas bien du tout depui que votre pere s est fait aretez ?
Si no le importa su pequeña hija, le van a importar sus padres?? Ella está feliz porque tiene al marido al lado y no se va a la ciudad porque eso la mortificaba. Una vez tenga la choza hecha, ya veremos lo que dura Krosof en ése lugar árido.
Ooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
إن شاء الله غدا سيكمل بناء بيتكم وتكونوا سعداء ومسرزرين ومرتاحين لان الجو والطبيعه تمنحكم الصحه والعافيه تحياتنا لكم من الاعماق أسرة خسرو الجميله❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
ممنون ازتوضیحاتتون .موفق باشید
good ckosrow nilofer.always loving...god bless..i love diana
Deberías de poner el techo primero
Krhosrow fuiste claro al dar explicaciones Nilofer tú marido es demasiado guapo cuídalo y no té rías dejá qué hablé y tú comportarte cómo una señora Diana hermosa tú casa 🏠 es bonita y ya deseó verla terminada .
I am sorry, but I would never live in a hut like that with a the interior wall made out of mud. I can just see it cracking, and falling apart before long.
τα παιδια που ζουν σε αυτή την περιοχή πάνε σχολειο
Kosrob Tú sí sabes hablar muy bien tienes mucha educación.
Eres un buen hombre y muy trabajador y muy guapo
I have never felt like Khosrow speaks well at all. I cringe when he talks. He doesn’t sound educated at all in my opinion. By the way he isn’t very educated. He thinks he is hot stuff now with the money he is making from TH-cam, but no well educated man would live like he does. He is nothing but the son of goat herders. He grew up very simply. This is the first time in his life he has ever had this much money, and it is obvious. He isn’t saving for the future. He is wasting money left and right. Building cheap houses wherever he goes. An educated person would be investing his money, and would buy some decent educational toys for his daughter. Would not let his daughter be seen on TH-cam looking so dirty , and hair so unkempt. He would be reading books to his daughter, and would have books, and magazines in his house to read. Khosrow,and Nifuler don’t read anything. He has to hire someone to install everything for him because he doesn’t know how to read how to do it from the internet. Khosrow is a simple car mechanic who is very lucky that his brother, Hassan, came up with the idea of making nomad videos. It was something different on TH-cam that people from the west had never seen before.
Khosrow hat keine Bildung, er ist nur clever und macht fake Videos und verdient damit Geld.
Selam sevgili izleyiciler ben Türkiye'den 🇹🇷 izlyorum bir buçuk yıldır takip ediyorum,bu güzel aile bir buçuk yıl önce uzak bir arazide anayola yakın bir kayanın altına bir kulübe yapmaya başladılar zamanla yan yana küçük iki oda oldu birisinde eşyaları diğerinde yatmaları içindi önüne güzel bir gölgelik yaptılar betonla sonra Hüsrev çalışmaya gitti keçleri vardı, Nilüfer okadar çalışkandıki kendisi bir tegah yaptı bulaşıkları ı yıkamak için Ocak yeri yaptı kap kacak koyacak raf yaptı alanı büyüttü Hüsrev bir araba alıp geldi gerçekten o zaman ben bu çifte hayrandım çok güzel yapmışlardı oradaki yerlerini evlilik yıl dönümlerini doğum gününü orada kutladılar Nilüfer in hatta cep telefonu almıştı Nilüfere, Hüsrev in bir hayali vardı büyük bir çiftlik kurmaktı hayali ama kimler tarafından yıktılar bilmiyorum oranın altını üstüne getirdiler sonra köye döndüler çadırda yaşarlarken ilk odayı yaptı ondan sonra aralarında bir sürtüşmeler devam etti, Hüsrev dolmuşçuluk yaparak geçimni sağlıyordu nilüfer burada artık tembelleşmeye başladı ışıl ışıl Nilüfer hem kıskanç hemde pasaklı biri oldu çıktı kocası tsbikide yakışıklı ve kendine bakan çalışkan bir genç ve kızıyla devamlı Hüsrev ilgilendi,buraya bu noktaya nasıl geldiler bende bilmiyorum azgın akan bir del çay var köprü yok nasıl bir cesaretle orada yaşıyorlar bilemiyorum belki hayalindeki çiftliği burada yapacaktır Allah yardımcıları olsun aynen sizlere katılıyorum oraya bir ocak çamaşır makinesi için banyonun kenarında çamaşır makinasına bir yer yapacaklar kulübenin önüne bir gölgelik yapsın üzeri kapalı bir tarafına mutfak yapsın tezgahıyla birlikte ocağınıda yanına bir dolap yukarı bir dolap aşagığa yezgahınaltına yanına yapsınlar valla yaşadıkları yer mükemmel komşularıda var temiz hava suda var toprağıda güzel hayvanların gübrelerin kullanarak güzel bir bahçe yapsınlar her şey eksinler ceviz erik dut elma ağaçları diksinler asmada çok güzel olur orada üzüm asması Hüsrev sen yaparsın bunları sana güveniyorum ama nilüferin kıymetini bil kızını iyi yetiştir vahşi yetiştirme onu hayvanlara vurmasın sevgiyi aşılayın tam bir yörük kızı gibi yetiştir hepinizi sevgiyle kucaklıyorum Allah'a emanet olun 🇹🇷 Türkiye den çok çok çok selamlar❤️🤲🌷🌹🥰🪴🎁🪻🍇🌽🍏🍒🍑🍓🐤🐝🦜
Хосров Зуйлехе негде жить с детьми замок опечатали она пока у Фатимы но Фатиме не нравится что они у нее Фатиму можно понять у нее ещё Зиба очень жаль Зуйлеху она не виновата что Хасан со всеми так поступил столько у вас родственников и не можете решить где жить бедной матери с детьми Хасан в тюрьме еще ❤
Nu crede minciunile lor. De ce fac zid de p8atra in jurul castelului???
aku orang indonesia ,,,aku cinta kalian semua nonmade ...selamat untuk kalian semoga sukses kehidupan baru kalian ,semoga pembangunan rumah kalian segera di selesaikan..
Take a bath diana always clean and take care your daugther mizmillla firts your daugther before you do thing in your house
❤️👨🏻💋🌟👐🏻🧒🏻🌟💋🧕🏻❤️Good Evening/Morning Dear Lovely Family! Enjoy Your New Mountain ⛰️ Love nest!❤️💋❤️💋❤️
Es Stimmt eh was nicht nit Dianas Beinen😮Sie kann sie gar nicht richtig Hochheben,würde das untersuchen Lassen🙏🙏🙏Unbedingt😮😮😮😮
جونتون مهم تر از پول خطرناک با بچه از روی رودخونه رد میشید
Salaam Niloufar thanks for paying attention to your new flock of sheep/goats you always had better views continue to care for them well done❤️ Khrosrow you trust too easily and get distracted let your wife handle some things too get her input on the finances she’s very smart. Take care of your family god bless 🤲🩷
hi diana ang cute mo..i love diana
Their animals mean nothing to them accept their worth for food or selling for cash. They don't love animals like the most of us do. It's hard to watch sometimes.😢
Los dos son muy lindos
Pero kroso.parese actor
Diana Ya No llora tanto
Esta muy tranquila en ese lugar
Solo cuidenlan !!
Yes Diana still cries as much as before. They just stop filming as soon as she starts having a fit, and start back in filming again when she has stopped crying, and is doing something different. Before they used to keep on filming all through her temper tantrums.
Eso les asia falta trabajo para dejar sus pleitos pura pérdida de tiempo y se estaba arruinando solos por su mal vivir pero ahora si da gusto verlos felices y trabajando
I don’t think Nifuler is that happy. She has been complaining that she is tired. She is having to work way harder than she did in the village so I just don’t see her all that happy. She also doesn’t seem to have any women friends to sit down and drink tea with.
Ассалому алайкум азизлар. Мен сизларни Диана чақалоқлик давридан буён кузатиб бораман. Сизларга оллохдан соғлик, бойлик сурайман. 🎉 Фарғонадан. ❤
Traduceti va rog si in lb.romana!!
Este lb romăna in subtitrari.