Featured Storyteller - Audrey Steele

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ต.ค. 2021
  • As long as she can remember, Audrey loathed herself. She felt uncomfortable in her own skin. She always looked at pretty girls and thought “why can’t I look like that” or “why did I have to look like this”. In 5th grade one of her friends said that a kid called her fat. That ruined her self-esteem and life became consumed by anorexia. She struggled with friends, school, family and herself. Every day became a struggle. She felt ashamed for having a mental health condition and was afraid to ask for help. Unaware of what was happening in her mind, she worked up enough courage and reached out to her mom for help. This was the turning point for her recovery. With the help of a loving family, doctors and counselors Audrey learned the coping skills she needed and found a support network to help her heal and thrive.
    Audrey Steele is an ASHA Storyteller and her story has inspired hundreds of students to take charge of their mental health and well-being.
    #MyStoryMYSUPERPOWER, # YouthMentalHealth

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