this programmed offer has blinded me a confused thought of global pharmacist , Versailles and Saint Michael Mount souvenir designer, not paris, france, or even provence , and diplomatic receptionist dream. the role and responsibility cannot be selective and it is hard to get definition of what basic life should be? to determine among historical culture relationship study v.s beauty product v.s healthy science service? god, please guild me?
Can i choose more than one as a major course in this program??
Hi Kushal! Unfortunately, we as a social team cannot answer this question. You can find more information via: ^BW
this programmed offer has blinded me a confused thought of global pharmacist , Versailles and Saint Michael Mount souvenir designer, not paris, france, or even provence , and diplomatic receptionist dream. the role and responsibility cannot be selective and it is hard to get definition of what basic life should be? to determine among historical culture relationship study v.s beauty product v.s healthy science service? god, please guild me?
my brain hurts reading this comment
@@Aoifahhh i think hes having an breakdown
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