Hubert Dreyfus Interview - AI, Heidegger, Meaning in the Modern World

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 พ.ค. 2024
  • Hubert Lederer Dreyfus (October 15, 1929 - April 22, 2017) was an American philosopher and professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley.
    The Present Age by Soren Kierkegaard:
    Credit: Open Media Lab - An Existential Ride with Hubert Dreyfus
    This video was uploaded under a Creative Commons License.

ความคิดเห็น • 51

  • @sevdev9844
    @sevdev9844 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I wish the creater of this doku/interview would have been more committed to get the audio right. However, better than nothing. I'm glad the vid exists and I could watch it.

  • @grippimatt
    @grippimatt 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I read The Present Age a few weeks ago and it really rung true for me. "Ours is the age of inaction. Nothing ever happens and it's publicized everywhere, immediately". Too many spectators in life these days - thank you for participating!

  • @RichInk
    @RichInk ปีที่แล้ว

    Wonderful in every way: For the listener as a reminder, for the philosopher knowing his intuition.

  • @blanocas
    @blanocas 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey, Finn. Would it be possible to upload an unedited version of the interview?

  • @redtree732
    @redtree732 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dreyfus is so proud of the fact that they didn’t achieve general AI back in the 70s. But what about now? Recent advancements have shown that, given enough data (and advanced enough hardware to allow it) something resembling general AI seems to be possible (ala chatGPT).

  • @LetsFindOut1
    @LetsFindOut1 ปีที่แล้ว

    i don't hear enough thinkers like Dreyfus. And not enough people seem to contend with the built-in/hardwired evolutionary-psychological aspects of perception like Jung, Peterson and Heidegger. Shout out to @GodwardPodcast for pointing me to Dreyfus

  • @ethanpettit
    @ethanpettit ปีที่แล้ว

    L’amore che move il sole é l’altere stelle

  • @yuryakseenov9766
    @yuryakseenov9766 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @Ykpaina988
    @Ykpaina988 ปีที่แล้ว

    We are living in a maximalist global society and hurling off a cliff, luckily that cliff is the singularity event horizon, and that jus means that humans have finally replaced metaphysics with physical transcendent.

  • @yuryakseenov9766
    @yuryakseenov9766 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @die_schlechtere_Milch
    @die_schlechtere_Milch 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Horrible "music" in the intro

  • @arzoo_singh
    @arzoo_singh ปีที่แล้ว

    They hate philosophy but the Matrix or simulation will or is made of some philosophy.

  • @johnmartin2813
    @johnmartin2813 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    (1) He misses out the status of past-master. Cf. 'His nature is subdued to what it works in Like the dyer's hand.'
    In my scheme - derived from the arts - there are four phases: apprenticeship -> discipline -> mastery -> freedom. Van Gogh accomplished all four phases in just ten years. Picasso took ninety.
    (2) To be totally committed to one thing can be salvation. Or more often it can be idolatry. It may be the 'saving' of oneself ... But alas at the cost of destroying other people. Remember suicide-bombers and terrorists are totally committed to one thing. It depends on what you commit yourself to. Even if you commit yourself to something virtuous it can result in a serious limitation of one's field of view. And therefore result in partial blindness. This is never a good idea. It is surely an act of desperation. This is why religion is so important. Only religion can provide one with the necessary perspective. And a sufficiently noble aim. (Of course I mean by this good religion. In the same way that I mean by 'art' 'good art' in the preceding paragraph. - It is equally fallacious to generalise from bad religion in the field of religion as it is to generalise from bad art in the field of art or bad behaviour or bad people in the field of ethics.)

    • @mrbwatson8081
      @mrbwatson8081 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My friend all religion is bad. Religion is based on belief. Belief is synonymous with ignorance just as you mentioned. All beliefs are bad. You believe this i believe that. We have correct beliefs you have bad beliefs. Beliefs or religions are like mental barriers. They are cultural agreed upon social conventions. Belief represents a lack of faith. Its as if you are clinging on to something. Trying too hold on too the idea that there is a god he loves you and will save you from death.. Belief represents a LACK of faith in your own existence. Beliefs represent a lack of knowledge or understanding. A lack of knowledge about your own true nature.. Chldren just believe things. Ignorant people's also just BELIEVE things... Dont be ignorant look more deeply into things..

    • @johnmartin2813
      @johnmartin2813 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mrbwatson8081 : Your condemnation of religion seems to be pretty sweeping. Just as there is bad philosophy as well as good philosophy, bad art as well as good art, bad schools as well as good schools, bad universities as well as good universities, bad governments as well as good governments, bad economics as well as good economics, etc., so can't you conceive that there might be good religion as well as bad religion? We do not judge all art by bad art even though the amount of bad art vastly outnumbers the amount of good art. So how can we judge all religion by bad religion even if bad religion is the norm? Just because the number of hypocrites vastly exceeds the number of saints that doesn't invalidate those few saints. Far from it, they become even more precious. Your way of thinking can only lead to cynicism and destroy all idealism. And this is a very dangerous path to take.

    • @mrbwatson8081
      @mrbwatson8081 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      John Martin first of all I’m sorry if I was a bit blunt. I like to post my perspective in hope of it being challenged. I always like too challenge my perspectives where ever possible. I love your reply you made some great points, it challenges my perspective and for that I am great full. You made me think and I show you what I see.... I see there is no such thing as good or bad. Good philosophy or bad philosophy. If I was born into a family of professional thieves, in order too make my way in life my philosophy in life might be “ do what ever it takes, cheat steal whatever to get what you want”..... that would be a good philosophy for a thief. But would it be a good philosophy for everyone..? No, but does it mean it is a bad philosophy...? There is no such thing as good and bad my friend. Another example university. If I came from a upper class back ground, my father went to Oxford University And my mother attended Harvard university and I went to Swansea university. I could say well Swansea uni is a bad university because I have all these notions or ideas about other universities. But if I was born on a council estate in Swansea and made it too university of Swansea my experience might be a whole lot different, I would enjoy facilities like football pitches, and swimming pool, gym,one on one tutoring. I would say Swansea uni is amazing! So the idea or notion of good or bad only exists between your ears, good and bad are nothing to do with REALITY!! Good and bad are subjective notions, we PROJECT them onto reality...
      I love your example about saints. They are so few, so does it mean all religions are bad. Nice.... well I show you something.. Saints do not follow religions!! Saints are leaders not followers!!! Do you lead a saint or do you follow a saint? Saints lead religions they do not follow them! Ignorant peoples no sorry believers follow saints, believers follow religions... A saint leads peoples NOT by authority. Religions lead by authority. Saints lead by EXAMPLE !! Religions say “DO AS I SAY..!” But a saint says “DO AS I DO”..! I would argue saints existed before religions. The word saint is a cultural label given to a human with certain qualities. Humans possessed these qualities long before the word saint existed. The problem is religions claim to have the authority to recognise these qualities... why do people surrender authority too religions..?

    • @johnmartin2813
      @johnmartin2813 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mrbwatson8081 : I agree that saints tend to lead religions, where they do not actually found them. That is surely because they take their cues directly from God. But before they get to that point they must follow the examples of others. The example of saints can help people less advanced along the path to make progress. And religion serves to keep their example alive.
      If saints commonly found religions then they cannot consider them essentially bad per se. Indeed what else can they do? And if saints do not consider religions bad per se then who are we to disagree? After all they are the ones who shed light in a darkened world.
      Otherwise you confuse relative and absolute. In this imperfect world we often have to choose between the least of several evils. But this does not mean that there is no such thing as as absolute good. We all have a notion of what a good person is or a good education. And very often there is quite a lot of common ground. Hypocrites at least pay lipservice to what is good. So even they acknowledge that there is such a thing as absolute good. As an artist from a family of artists I prefer to take my examples from the field of art. It is possible to rank artists in terms of accomplishment. This doesn't invalidate those artists lower down the scale. They still have something original and unique in their work. And any artist no matter how good or bad must operate with some idea of what good art is in their mind's eye. Indeed very often artists fail precisely because they have a wrong notion of what is good. They follow inadequate models. Or adopt silly academic ideas such as that music must be atonal. Or painting must be abstract. Or poetry must not rhyme. None of which are based on a complete knowledge of what is best in the art. Some of our best music is tonal. Some of our greatest painting is figurative. And a great deal of the finest poetry has rhyme. You are in danger of making this sort of mistake vis-à-vis the moral life. Just as these artists condemn themselves to produce bad art so you condemn yourself to produce bad actions. By refusing to countenance what is best because you are too wrapped up in what is worst.
      You must also carefully distinguish between religion as an organisation and religion as a teaching. Remember there are some people who will politicise anything and turn it into an opportunity to exercise personal power. Such wolves in sheep's clothing are everywhere. But even so they do not invalidate the sheep. Or the shepherd.

    • @mrbwatson8081
      @mrbwatson8081 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      John Martin your perspective is much appreciated you see the world differently too me, I dig that. you also explain things well. A clear defender of religion which I really do understand, and I hope you forgive me for looking at religion in this way I don’t want this to be a personal attack. And I will take on board what you said about being wrapped up in what is worst.thanks. I decided some time ago to just drop all my beliefs, I want too know. I find myself believing all religion is bad, so a great way to test it is to put it out there.. I might get a response that might change my mind, or it may sharpen my perspective... win win and for that again thanks :) the points that stick out to me the most were..if a saint thinks religion is good, who are we too disagree...!! 😂 I love that..we live in an imperfect world... there is such thing as absolute good.. we could rank artist by accomplishments....Or the Shepard.... So the big problem for me is HIERARCHY.. Authority I know people use religion to gain power I understand that. I think I am narrowing down my problem with religion is hierarchy and authority. Look of course the saint is all for religion, as religion gives him a high standing in the hierarchy. He is higher up then the average Joe. In fact he is higher and therefore closer to god 😂... above the saint would be the arch bishop or head priest some man with a title basically and above him would be the king then the angels then god HIERARCHY have you ever heard a king speak bad about god..?
      Look when I look at reality I try my best to drop all thoughts beliefs notions and ideas and just 👀 no 🧠 💭 .... and I don’t see hierarchy...! all this hierarchy we have in our lives, is a human concept that has historical and geographical origins. The thoughts myths and beliefs of the ancient Middle East has a profound influence on our culture and so in turn our concept of who we our and our place in all this.. peoples from ancient Middle East were ruled by kings Pharos sultans all who’s power authority comes from god. Even today 2019 I am supposedly the subject of a queen who has her power authority granted by god... So the concept of god is king mighty ruler of a all is easy trap too fall into in my view.... I mean you said we could rank artist, or a saint gets his cues straight from god because he is now higher up the hierarchy where as before he had to follow others..all HIERARCHY.... could we rank a wave 🌊 or a ☁️? Could we say this is a good 🌲 this is a bad 🌳...? This mountain is greater then that one..? This tiger is more closer to god then this one...? In reality there is no such thing as hierarchy, that exists only in minds and on pieces of paper.... I know hierarchy in human culture is inevitable we need judges and teachers and so on... but hierarchy is for our own survival purposes or convenience. At one point presumably humans had survival taken care of and they would retreat into dark places and explore the mystery of there existence. Maybe this is what we should be doing more of.