Food Addiction: Breaking the cycle with a Carnivore Diet!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ส.ค. 2019
  • To follow my my journey and daily life come find me on Instagram @lauraespath
    People I mentioned in this video: Dr. Robert Cywes, Amy Berger, Dr. Tro.
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ความคิดเห็น • 595

  • @stevegannonhandmade
    @stevegannonhandmade 4 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    I remember leaving work and going to AA meetings, one after another, until the liquor stores were all closed. This got me through the day, one day at a time. Now you ( and others ) are helping deal with my food/carb addiction and emotional eating issues. Thank you for sharing and your honesty!!

    • @chloe5susan
      @chloe5susan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Steve Gannon wow that was an eye opener bless you.

    • @tiffney829
      @tiffney829 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This is me! I love to drink 😢

    • @Lori1976
      @Lori1976 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@tiffney829 Don't be afraid to say you need help. There is no shame. We ALL have addiction issues of some kind. ❤️

    • @andreamarie3224
      @andreamarie3224 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@chloe5susan Steve...(APPLAUSE!) :-)

    • @paoladellabilancia5965
      @paoladellabilancia5965 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Alcohol is carbs too.

  • @kmaryott
    @kmaryott 4 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    I just bawled my eyes out watching this video. Nobody in my life understands this food addiction. I lost 35 pounds on Carnivore. Then my old demons raised their ugly head. I was sneaking to the gas station to buy candy and chips. I would eat entire bags of chips and several candy bars in one sitting. I would hide the evidence and then feel horrible. You would think I could stop, but I couldn't. Then it was endless sneaky trips through the McDonald's drive thru.I feel so much shame.

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I have been there so many times!! We can get past it. I am trying to focus on each day and letting that build 🥰🥰🥰

  • @charalson3023
    @charalson3023 4 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    It’s what we in the Bariatric patient arena call “head hunger”’s excruciating!!!!!

    • @hildahambone7277
      @hildahambone7277 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Wow! Never heard that before. The brain is incredibly powerful.

  • @widamo59
    @widamo59 4 ปีที่แล้ว +315

    Laura, I've been in recovery from alcohol addiction for over 26 years and have found that after 8 months carnivore that my food addiction is as strong or stronger than my alcohol addiction. Somedays I have to go one hour at a time to get past the mental addiction of carbs. It's a REAL thing! Looking longingly to be "like others" as you alluded to 5:03 into your share is a powerful mental struggle for so much of us. Perhaps we need to start Carbaholics Anonymous! We've done a huge mind/emotion disservice to our bodies, now we have to manage it. To get past my mental/emotional food addiction struggles I have a brief gratitude session with myself and that seems to pull me out of the funk. I appreciate your realness.

    • @christianlee9360
      @christianlee9360 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      William Moseley your body wants carbs as a fuel source.That’s not addiction that sounds like physiology to me

    • @topherg4909
      @topherg4909 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      Christian Lee Not necessarily triggering a fuel addiction but more likely its the sugar addiction. Sugar act on the same receptors in your brain as opioids do. Carbohydrates are the only macros you do not need to survive.

    • @widamo59
      @widamo59 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Christian Lee body does not need external carbs as a fuel source. Carbs are not an essential nutrient for life. Our liver produces glucose naturally when needed. The body is designed to live with a total of 5 grams of glucose in the blood stream at any given time. More than that is over saturating and insulin producing.

    • @christianlee9360
      @christianlee9360 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      William Moseley to me that just speaks to the importance of glucose in the body. Because the body does not require it externally, it seems it important enough to make itself. The same thing can be said about cholesterol; the body knows it’s essential and makes its its own. I

    • @marzbar5941
      @marzbar5941 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Christian Lee that’s a real thought

  • @herbalcat
    @herbalcat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    Hi. My name is Beth, and I’m a food addict. I totally needed to hear someone else’s experience and feelings on this subject. Thank you for sharing your struggles. ❤️😢❤️

  • @drive-byguitarlessons1858
    @drive-byguitarlessons1858 4 ปีที่แล้ว +84

    You rock. Glad your man is on board. My fiancé cringes at the thought of carnivore. She will see. She will come around. I’m not going to push it on her.

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      I agree. Let your example be there. She will come around when she is ready.

    • @petercallinicos
      @petercallinicos 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      My wife also. She thinks I'm crazy and I'm killing myself. Very frufrustrating. I feel so great now and my energy is through the roof. I'm 72 and feel like 30 again. Amazing.

  • @karenonketo1590
    @karenonketo1590 4 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    Thank you for your honesty & transparency on your journey! I am struggling with the same things - will be 55 in oct and wish I’d had your dedication at your age. Keep up your fight to overcome emotional/binge eating - your future 50+ self will thank you (as well as better quality of life between now and then). One resource you may find helpful is the book by Joyce Meyer, “Battlefield of the Mind”. Prayers and best wishes for you!! 🙏😇🙏

    • @widamo59
      @widamo59 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Fantastic book!!

  • @tiffanyfiercebeautyhoik3692
    @tiffanyfiercebeautyhoik3692 4 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Girl I know exactly how you feel, thank you for sharing. I have lost 150 pounds and I feel like I will never overcome this food addiction. Keto has been a life changer, but still not where I want to be mentally with this food stuff.

  • @kjcase2228
    @kjcase2228 4 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    I very much relate to this video!

  • @revtmyers1
    @revtmyers1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    I know I have been doing carnivore for over 3 months and once in a blue moon while at work I will try something from the vending machine and regret it. Not because of trying it, but my body doesn't respond to "junk" like it used to. The feeling I used to get of gratification doesn't happen. Foods I used to love taste like crap now, sweets. I used to make pastries and now the thought of eating one now is not appealing to me. I know this may not be the case for many but it definitely makes it easier to stay healthy with my eating habits. If I want something different it would be a salad or something that is at least Keto friendly. That way I know my stomach won't be upset.

    • @grannygoes7882
      @grannygoes7882 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      That is the main reason I'm doing the carnivore diet. To break my addiction to sweets. I never realized how addicted I was to sugar until I was diagnosed with Crhons several years ago. My doctor told me alcohol and sugar were the main triggers for flare ups. I gave up my daily glass of wine (sometimes more) that day. It's been 3 years and I still can't give up the sweets. I'm just beginning but hoping this diet will help me.

    • @1GoldenBreeze
      @1GoldenBreeze 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm the same as you. I rarely have a taste for foods that aren't in the carnivore family, and when I do it's usually cabbage, olives, nuts, or berries. Why those four? I have no idea, but in the scheme of things that I could want outside of carnivore foods I don't think those are that bad. So far I've not binged on them I'll have a serving of one of them for a couple of days and then I'm done for months at a time. I don't consider myself a true carnivore, but I'm closer to carnivore than anything else.

    • @christianlee9360
      @christianlee9360 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      1GoldenBreeze it’s not that we don’t need carbohydrates. It’s the other way around. Carbohydrates are SO essential to the body that it will literally create it out of protein and fat through gluconeogenesis. There is a mechanism built in that creates it if we don’t get it from food. It’s the same thing with cholesterol. It’s so essential that it will literally make it. Carbohydrates is the primary fuel source for the human body. Ketones are a backup plain and simple

    • @akaydyke
      @akaydyke 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Christian Lee but the point you are missing here is that we consume carbohydrates in excess of the small “essential “ Amt the body “needs”. What’s happening here is outside of that normal physiological process and in the realms of a psychological craving for sugar and not for fuel because you’ve got plenty.. and that’s why it ends up as fat and stored all over the body.
      The standard American diets over the generations have reset our original physiology..

  • @lindatrenholm9958
    @lindatrenholm9958 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    You definitely are not alone! I've been struggling with binge eating disorder for years too and can really relate to the "all or nothing" mentality about food/eating. As well as struggling with extreme emotions as you described, boredom is also a big trigger for me. I need to keep looking for better ways to cope too.
    So far, I find that getting angry at non carnivore food - remembering what it's done to you in the past and really working up some righteous anger - helps me to make a mental shift from seeing it as the answer/solution, to seeing it as the problem. It's about maintaining the anger and not letting myself get all nostalgic about those past "good times" with food that only led to misery and more problems.
    Remember the bad things about eating those foods and focus on those until you feel the attraction waning. It's human nature for us to remember the good, and for the bad memories to fade over time so you need to work at keeping the anger alive! Probably not for forever, but at least for a year or two until you develop other ways of handling uncomfortable feelings.
    Thimking that food is able to exert control over me also adds to my anger and resolve too. I try to adopt an "I'll show food it can't control me" attitude, lol.
    Please keep these great videos coming!

  • @caroann
    @caroann 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Great motivation for me. I’ve been doing carnivorous for two weeks. My husband does, I’m still cooking for him. It’s difficult sometimes.

    • @lorenawarren25
      @lorenawarren25 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      uniquecritique I too am in the same place. Got up cooked some ground beef and ate that for breakfast and then cooked my husband a pancake with eggs which I’m allergic to but I know that food is poison...cuz it triggers my immune system and so keep going! u got this!!!

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yes that part is what. We cook other foods for our kids. When I am triggered though anything can be a problem and when I am feeling strong nothing phases me. And I agree he will see your example and strength and likely come around.

  • @rgentry101
    @rgentry101 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My weight loss has not been linear. I lost 103 pounds and gained back 80; I lost 114 and gained back 75; I am 95 pounds down right now and have switched from Keto to carnivore to lose the rest. Every cheat meal I have ever had ends up lasting a year or more. The strictness that I will need to adhere to for the rest of my life is a bitter pill to swallow, but your videos help me - it's comforting to know I am not alone.

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I did that same yo-yo for so many years

  • @lindahollander1531
    @lindahollander1531 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Thank you, perfect timing. I can relate to all of the same feelings, wish my husband could understand and be more supportive.

  • @miawright365
    @miawright365 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I just want to say God-bless you for sharing your struggles of food addiction. I have recently realized, and you have confirmed, that I too am struggling with food addiction. It's very difficult to admit because it seems silly and amateur but it's the truth! SO PLEASE continue sharing YOU'RE definitely a motivation and pushing me to continue my journey with carnivore to help me to stay disciplined.💜🙏🏽😊

  • @pedrolavigne9718
    @pedrolavigne9718 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    You could not describe in a better way what addiction is all the the context of food that can act as a drug that drive pleasure hormones.

  • @MWKinkor
    @MWKinkor 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you so much for this open and honest video. You've done a remarkable job of losing the weight, but now you are facing the reality of the fact that the weight was never your problem. It was just a symptom. Addiction doesn't go away. You have to learn new coping skills for dealing with life on life's terms. I am in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. I just had my 30 year sobriety anniversary and I feel great about that, but I realized that I when I put those drugs down, I picked up food to replace them. I'm working hard to find alternate comforts to replace food. I've been doing carnivore for 44 days, and I love how it has turned off the physical trigger switch in my brain, but the thinking/feeling aspect is still there and always will be. Thank you sooo much for mentioning Dr. Rob Cywes, Amy Berger, and Dr. Tro. I have looked into all three, but I'm finding Dr. Cywes to be the most helpful in understanding what's happening here. I've listened to him for hours today. Anyway - excellent video - looking forward to more.

  • @terarenae
    @terarenae 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you for sharing all of this. You are the first person that speaks exactly of what I go through. I do well then I fail. Over and over and over. Ive been watching your videos everytime I want to turn to food for comfort.

  • @Deanriley
    @Deanriley 4 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I learned from someone to write down how I used to feel, and my worst binge, and keep it handy to read when I feel low. AA says “one is too many, a thousand not enough” which perfectly describes the addictive mind whether it’s booze or brownies.

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes I feel that exact same way!

    • @cindylewis2390
      @cindylewis2390 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep, I can relate to that too.

  • @krystakane725
    @krystakane725 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I know this video is 3 years old, but I would like to say this is the first time I've heard someone mention what giving yourself permission to have things that will trigger further indulgences that feed our addictions does. And I realized the last couple of months I have been doing this with myself with my own food addictions. This was quite the wake-up call for me, and I am going to be much more mindful with this when I start to think "oh I can have one bite of this" knowing that I cannot. I worked way too hard from February of last year through October to lose 80 lbs, and I ended up gaining 20 of that back since then because I started giving myself permission. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. The last thing I want to do is go back to where I was, not just weight, but back to constant doctor visits with them telling me I'll need to be put on all these medications for health issues that have resolved since I lost all this weight. I was over halfway through reaching my goal. This video has definitely helped give me that push to come back to reality and to get back on track. Again, thank you so much.

    • @caroldorothy4138
      @caroldorothy4138 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can relate to what you said about not wanting to go back to the doctors for health issues. Carnivore for me has cured so many things. We can easily forget how far we've come! Thanks for your comment. 🙂

  • @DanielRaymondQuebec
    @DanielRaymondQuebec 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Nice testimonial! Do not give up :)

  • @beatingobesity2410
    @beatingobesity2410 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Don't worry about not being normal Laura. You're beyond normal. You're a super hero. You've done what millions of people dream about. Draw strength from that. Don't compare yourself to others who appear to be doing the "normal" things with food. You've been there and you know what the result will be for you if you do the same. It may superficially appear that others having a normal relationship with food have it so good, but you don't know what might be going on that is hidden, or what might only manifest as the years go by. Sometimes people ask me how I feel after having lost so much weight, sometimes I just say "I feel like SuperMan". And in a way I'm not joking, I kind of feel invincible and it sounds like you have that same confidence for the majority of the time.
    Now about stress, this is when our defenses are weakest, when we most want to seek out some comfort, to self-soothe with food for example.
    Stress is our kryptonite. You'll probably have to face stress and handle it in the same way you did the weight loss. Be tough and unrelentingly in pursuing changes which will bring about more harmony in your life. Insist on having some time to yourself, during this alone time take a walk, read, meditate or do something you find relaxing. For me it's running. I find I can handle stress as long as I always have enough alone time to process my thoughts. Without it I feel like the world is closing in, like I want to escape, or explode, or sometimes even to have some kind of tasty treat. With a family it might take some work and cooperation from others to establish this, but it might really help if you can pull it off. Just a suggestion.
    Good luck,

  • @kimberleyreef4736
    @kimberleyreef4736 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Again....your honesty is so beautiful. You're singing my song!

  • @Dedaq4
    @Dedaq4 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I am thankful that you shared so that I dont feel alone in the same thoughts! I'm 5 lbs from a benchmark weight and I am struggling I know Im not hungry. anyway... blah blah blah thanks and keep this type of real coming!

  • @robertblick5745
    @robertblick5745 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Laura, your honesty is wonderful and so helpful...helps me realize there are many more on this journey who are going through the same things as I am. I'm like you; if I have a cheat day, it can take weeks to get back on track. Keep doing what you're doing. You are helping many people.

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      🥰🥰 thank you. I has opened my eyes to how many of us struggle with this.

  • @psmitheasy
    @psmitheasy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Great job! I have been watching a lot of Dr Cywes this weekend and I'm going to try to start sipping coffee through the afternoon. You have hit on a big issue for those that have already reached their goals but still have the underlining reasons why they gained in the first place. I really appreciate your willingness to share the struggle with us. God bless!

  • @Tiffycha1982
    @Tiffycha1982 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED TO HEAR!!! Not that I'm glad you let struggle is real, but I am thankful that I'm not the only one who struggles I'm these ways! Thanks for all you do!!

  • @ilmkisa
    @ilmkisa 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    20 years ago I tried going to overeaters anonymous when my ex-husband thought I was fat at 160! Those meetings never even came close to describing how I felt as your video just described! In 2017 i weighed 207, but was able to lose 60 pounds on keto&IF... then I gained it all back!! I’m now at my highest weight and am determined to get healthy again. This video describes me to a tee! We are so similar. I am going to replay this video whenever I need to feel understood. Thank you so much for being able to finally post this, difficult as it was, it means so much to those who are struggling in the same way!!! ❤️❤️❤️. You’re awesome!

  • @ziggster2k
    @ziggster2k 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I am Carnivore
    Carnivore has been my saving grace from the SAD (Standard/Stupid American Diet) Following the USDA RDA's and it wrecked my body and life. No way in HELL I would ever go back to that.... Funny thing is I would never be able to. September 2018 was when I became Carnivore, and in about a week and a half or two... the Asthma that has plague me for over 30 years.. Gone. When I had brain fog I didn't know I had brain fog. Gone... Trouble tying my shoes and being able to breath... Gone... I had bloat in my gut thinking it was normal... The list goes on and improves everyday.... A FAD???! Maybe for some.... but not for me... That Is if I feel like not breathing anymore I suppose I would quit being carnivore.... And then you woke up... Regardless what others may do... This is me from now on.
    P.S. I experienced my teeth crumbling in my mouth from all the propaganda veg that I was consuming.... So that is a no way in hell option. Carnivore or Death are my options... But these are my option's you guys eat what you can or want.... I just can't. Peace!

  • @annbrady4151
    @annbrady4151 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for telling my story.

  • @arlynelauro9872
    @arlynelauro9872 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you for sharing an addiction that is so overlooked and so many people struggle with. I’m one of them. It’s a daily struggle even hourly test to stay on track.

  • @barbarasmith6756
    @barbarasmith6756 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Hi Laura,
    Your honesty is so endearing!
    So helpful!
    I imagine that if I lost that much weight and looked as good as you, that alone would keep me going, by never wanting to go back there matter the cost.
    I hope you find the answers you are looking for. I think you will!
    You are a hard worker as you seek to discover "how, what & why".
    Your weight loss answer was special to all of us who followed you. But "Carnivore" was not your first experiment.
    You will also find the answers to this little bump in the road. No perfection required. Life is not that way.

  • @nanazorrinamartinez6486
    @nanazorrinamartinez6486 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Bless you sweet girl... 💕💕

  • @livn4JC
    @livn4JC 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm the same way in that it takes just one bite! Thanks for your honesty. The phrase "one is too many and a thousand is not enough" describes me to a T. I appreciate your content in here!

  • @renataornelas5271
    @renataornelas5271 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I can SO relate to everything YOU said...Wow

  • @nataliesmith3205
    @nataliesmith3205 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video is 4 years old and I watched it today. It is still as relevant today as in years past. I am thankful for this video. I am grateful for Laura's honesty and willingness to share. We are all on this continual journey and it is so frustrating sometimes. To be willing to feel joy as well as pain is essential to healing as well. It is just as difficult to stay tuned in to our emotions as it is to stay tuned in to what we are putting in our mouths. Thank you so much for validating the feelings and thoughts of so many.

  • @janicelarson1531
    @janicelarson1531 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thank you Laura for making a video on this tough, personal topic. You have no idea how much putting this content out and shinning a light on this topic helps those of us struggling with this same issue. Let’s me know I am not alone in this and that these are real feelings that others have as well. No glossing over reality on your channel! Thank you! I will be following along and finding that strength for myself you mentioned that you garner from others. What a great service you are providing by making these videos!

  • @EB-wl9st
    @EB-wl9st 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for this video. I have the SAME addiction and issues with food. We cannot have a cheat day or have “just one” candy bar no more than an addict can have just one shot of heroin or one drink... This video was so wonderful, thank you.

  • @AstralOracle
    @AstralOracle 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thanks for sharing, Laura. You're inspiring to follow. You've built a nice community here and on Instagram. Makes us all feel a little less alone. So thank you 🤗

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      🥰🥰 it has meant so much to me too. You are all so kind and supportive!

  • @cindylewis2390
    @cindylewis2390 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Food is what has always made me happy and I really enjoy. Take away food and I don't have anything to look forward to anymore, life is a total drag and that is how I feel and always will feel. I'm mostly addicted to sweets. I've always been fat and miserable, don't like myself much either. Been on diets all my life till I've gotten to the point of just fed up and tired of doing them, just wanna eat. I hate exercising, boring! I can totally understand how you feel completely and have compassion for you. Some days it makes me so mad, frustrated and I just want to scream and cry, why can't I just be normal!!! Right now I am back at trying to lose weight "again" and since beginning of Aug, I've lost only 9 or 10 lbs. I'd like to lose 50 to maybe 80lbs. Anyway, thank you for sharing yourself with us through your journey.

    • @hildahambone7277
      @hildahambone7277 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      At 73yrs I couldn’t have said it better. This is my day 2 of trying again. I hate the feeling of dying I’m currently experiencing. Just like when I gave up smoking in 1974, it will be one day at a time. 😥🤪

  • @janesmith5871
    @janesmith5871 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The only thing that keeps me from bingeing many times is knowing how absolutely horrible I will feel afterwards, emotionally. It's not worth it anymore, but I still have the same problem you do---keeping the food away from my mouth! Eating secretly got us in a bad place, remembering how good a fresh french fry is can be the devil on your shoulder!

  • @JenniferHRoss
    @JenniferHRoss 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    After I quit smoking (28 years ago), it took me probably three full years of still having cravings and still wanting to smoke. After that, I was completely addiction-free, and I have never looked back. Like you, I am struggling with food (ugly carb) addiction. I wonder if it will get to the point in a couple of years where there is no longer that emotional connection and the desire to eat the processed/refined ugly carbs. You 're a true inspiration. I am loving your videos. Do you write a journal? Just grab a pen and paper and put all your thoughts down. It helps to work through it, and it takes longer than talking about it. So you can work through a craving and have a testament and some inspiration to look back on when you need it. Take care.

    • @slsl5243
      @slsl5243 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's funny, I smoked for a couple years as a teen/young adult and quit (my then BF was a non smoker, and he said something about lines under my eyes which made me quit real fast 😂). I wasn't a heavy smoker, maybe a half pack a day. 15 years later I STILL get the occasional craving when I'm down. I'm starting carnivore 3/1/22 because Laura's story resonates with me like none other -everything she says about the constant yo yo diets, lose 30-gain 40 cycles, hang ups on certain foods, health issues, etc...I relate to all of it. I also did keto some years ago (in 2018 I think, same time as Laura started her plan!) And found it to be the most successful plan in terms of loss, but it wasn't sustainable. I do suspect the carbs I allowed (20g or so) may have lead to greater and greater cravings. I have nothing to lose at this point, my weight and health are worse than ever. I'm 36 and feel trapped by my own body and mind because I feel I can't stop eating junk food...I know I can, but it's my only source of pleasure at times. I'm going to give carnivore 30 says and see what happens.
      Laura- I thank you for sharing your (and Chris') journey. You are incredibly inspiring- I learned about carnivore after stumbling across you on IG. I too thought it was silly...but now I'm starting to think it's the only thing that makes sense. I'm ready.

  • @emiliahalstead49
    @emiliahalstead49 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dear Laura,
    I watched this video for the first time 3 years ago, shortly afterwards I found my way into my first Overeaters Anonymous meeting, and I am now recovered from my compulsive food behaviors and "alcoholic foods" (though not cured, there is no cure for the disease of addiction) and it feels like a miracle. THANK YOU for being honest and open about your journey, as it provides experience, strength, and hope for others who are living with the disease.

  • @chopsbump1
    @chopsbump1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Well done... ❤️🦋🦋

    • @LauraSpath
      @LauraSpath  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you 💛💛

  • @spaceghost8995
    @spaceghost8995 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As an alcoholic who has now been sober for nearly 27 years, I consider myself an expert in addiction. Food addiction can be even harder. You still need to eat! I have lost 60 on keto/carnivore/OMAD, stalled out now with 20 to go. The work will continue even after I make that goal! You better REALLY value yourself, (independent of anyone else) or you will fail. You better have a reason or FIND a reason to get out of bed in the morning. This I know.

  • @nanaobx
    @nanaobx 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This resonated with me. I'm 66 and very heavy with hypertension and on the verge of prediabetic. I grew up in a family where food was connected to celebration and happy family times. My husband once pointed out that in most of my happy memories food was involved. An act of love for me is cooking for my family, and it usually involves gravy. I have to break this chain.

  • @lhenkle13
    @lhenkle13 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Omg! This is me! Thank you for sharing

  • @joeygirl_
    @joeygirl_ ปีที่แล้ว

    I have someone in my life who I love like a mom but she always makes comments like “when will you eat real food” or “will you ever just be happy with who you are” when I’m doing a strict dietary plan… and it’s so so frustrating. I can go strict like you and I know I seriously can’t do a cheat or it leads to binging. I’m thankful for your talks because it can be lonely at times. Thank you for just being real. ❤

  • @collores79
    @collores79 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you! It’s rare to find someone that understands what it’s like. I follow rules and restrictions but I cannot have unhealthy items in moderation. I quickly lose control. Thank you for speaking about this.

  • @Lisas-Days
    @Lisas-Days 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That whole permission bit is spot on. Thank you.

  • @janellelashley3856
    @janellelashley3856 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for telling your story. I just turned 50 and have been on a yo-yo diet most of my life. Food has been my best friend for years. I’m working hard to find that balance of eating healthy and not emotional eating.

  • @ryanstice7027
    @ryanstice7027 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I found your channel about a week ago when i started my carnivore journey and have watched a few dozen of your videos. This is by far my favorite one! There is incredible strength in vulnerability. Thank you so much for the work that you do on this channel and the impact that you're having on people's lives everyday. You are amazing, and not because you've succeeded (though you have) but because you have the strength to be vulnerable. Keep up the good work. I have more of your videos to watch!

  • @susie2366
    @susie2366 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm in the first month of carnivore (my second attempt) and so, for now, I have just the blessed relief that those strong cravings Laura so truthfully describes here have subsided. I don't miss food variety anymore either. I'm twice Laura's age so the "why me?" issues don't carry the same sadness anymore. If this works, and I can keep diabetes and nerve pain at bay, it's going to be so worth what I'm having to give up. My daughter is getting married in a month, so there's a big test ahead, but for now, I'm just feeling grateful.

  • @larah2521
    @larah2521 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I can relate. Thank you for being real. I look forward to your next vid. 💖

  • @bosslady1914
    @bosslady1914 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Honestly I'm thin and look super fit but I'm adicted to food too and just because it doesn't affect me negatively weight-wise, no one can escape the harm of eating the wrong diet, or binging, so don't think "I wish I could be like them" honestly, so many people are sicker on the inside than you realize

    • @hildahambone7277
      @hildahambone7277 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are so right. I remember when I tried to start KETO I listened to Dr Fung and he said exactly that. He pointed to the Indian population who look skinny but ridiculously Insulin Resistant and the resultant Diabetes problem was shocking. So skinny doesn’t equate to good health either.

  • @kristiesjourneytoselflove
    @kristiesjourneytoselflove 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This made me cry a little. I so relate. Yes brushing my teeth and going for a walk does not work. I just stopped at gas station today and said nobody will know. I am just saying this right now because I am done. I will not give myself permission anymore. Thank you so much for this video. Wow I needed this!!

  • @bmetal2
    @bmetal2 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I have to leave now, I will watch your video later. but I found your channel yesterday, and you are definitely shining out from the screen. Seeing your face gives me positive energy. Definitely subbed! and want to watch and listened to more (not yet ready for carnivore but switching slowly from keto)

  • @KevinCGleason
    @KevinCGleason 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for opening up and sharing "off topic" when this is really THE topic.

  • @iselaaguirre369
    @iselaaguirre369 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Laura you are inspiration to me. Have you ever tough about hypnosis!! 🤔 I
    I've been following you for at least 2monts, jumping from keto to carnivore. Been on keto from October 2019 to April 2021. It's a struggle. Not easy. But addiction😣 is some times stronger. So I got this in my mind of hypnosis maybe will work. 💗Love your TH-cam videos. And information you share......thanks you for been real. I'm addicted to carbs😔

  • @terriketokooni3100
    @terriketokooni3100 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I feel you girl. It’s good to know that you or others go through food addiction,it’s hard and it’s REAL. I will keep you in my prayers seriously 🙏🙏

  • @juliusvichinsky
    @juliusvichinsky 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    HI! Very few people have been able to voice how I feel about food. I weighed the most at nearly 500lbs. I've lost 170 lbs and looking to lose another 130. Thank you for sharing your story. I look forward to following you. All the best. You are amazing. :)

  • @jrowlove7328
    @jrowlove7328 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am addicted to carbs too. Plus, I binge. It is all emotional. I am So proud of you. You are amazing. Thank you for helping us. It is SO hard for me to live in the present.

  • @DanasWanderlustCrochet
    @DanasWanderlustCrochet 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I needed to hear that someone else goes through the exact same thing I do. Thank you with tears.

  • @janicemorris6085
    @janicemorris6085 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    That's the rub, and why folks who loose have difficulty msintaining, myself included I am not a carnivore follower but I have certainly been heavy and also very thin (couple times sadly) in my life.Thin does not mean freedom to go eat whatever I want.

    • @chloe5susan
      @chloe5susan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Janice Morris yep you can say THAT again. We first think it is though 🥺

    • @cconroy1677
      @cconroy1677 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well, if you walk there, and only eat once a day, it kinda does. Tradeoffs. My stomach hurts on anything but carni, but if I could walk 1-3 mi to carb central and then back, I’d do it once a week or month and not eat the rest of the day.

  • @lindarichie2585
    @lindarichie2585 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really can relate to this ! I cheated for the holidays and didn’t stop there till after my birthday in
    March ! It’s been a struggle to get back on track ! Just one treat of chocolate cake and I lost it ! Sugar is so addictive! I get up each day to do my best to not sabotage myself ! I got all the chocolate out of the house -even ChocZero! I just have to find the strength to move forward from this !!! ❤❤❤😢❤❤❤

  • @shannonshott5770
    @shannonshott5770 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for your honesty about your struggles.

  • @50SBarb
    @50SBarb 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You have described me. I’ve always been a stress eater, and the struggle is real. I have a lot of weight to lose, but am having a hard time getting started, and staying on track. You are an inspiration, and very strong. Thanks for sharing your struggles with us

  • @sevenstars7640
    @sevenstars7640 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for being so open about food addiction; it is just so helpful to me to know that I'm not alone in this. We're stronger together♥️

  • @jillf24
    @jillf24 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just found you and this is the best video on food addiction I have watched. I have 20 pounds to lose-due to eating for comfort and stress and trust me it feels like 100 pounds. I ache, my cholesterol is up, my blood work is not so great, I am so tired and I keep dealing with emotional stress fro surgery, kids being ill, death, etc. Thank you for my wake up call!!!!! Food is not for comfort-it is for fuel only!!!

  • @lvelez99ev
    @lvelez99ev 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You really spoke to me! I struggle with this daily. Even when I know what I'm going to eat that day, once I start eating, it's hard to stop, even after I am physically full. Just going from keto to carnivore has helped a lot. It's a process. Love you!

  • @CMchannel824
    @CMchannel824 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Looking forward to hearing more on this.

  • @BA-yo3vz
    @BA-yo3vz 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Years ago I realized that carbohydrates would trigger a certain unwanted reaction. Hyperinsulinemia. About a decade ago I read amazing book(s) called the carbs addicts diet from drs Rachel and Richard Heller. I learned a lot about food addiction and why our bodies overreact to foods. I totally relate to your journey. I was always so skinny and then my body went into hyper reactions to carbohydrates. I realized that It always did, but now that my body is older it can no longer ignore the addiction and reactions. I still reread those books. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Lori1976
    @Lori1976 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi my name is Lori and am addicted to carbs. Thank you Laura for bringing this up.

  • @Jesusmyking3108
    @Jesusmyking3108 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am doing keto/carnivore for about 5 months now but I am definitely a food addict and relate to all you just said. Still struggling with some episodes of compulsive eating! But not giving up! Lost almost 20 pounds still 20 to go but is the emotional side of it that needs improving. Thanks for charing, appreciate the honesty and you look gorgeous. 💙🙏😘

  • @tamikaford7439
    @tamikaford7439 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    What works for me is looking at old pictures at my bigger body and then reminding myself how I don't ever wanna look like that again. Been carnivore for 6 weeks and was keto for months before that. I love looking slimmer and feeling healthier. The pictures are a great deterrence for me.

  • @michaelhenderson7075
    @michaelhenderson7075 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I hear the emotion in your voice I feel sympathy for you best of luck to you keep sharing

  • @claireryan8074
    @claireryan8074 ปีที่แล้ว

    Food has been our safety valve, but not our friend. Slowly learning how to eat to live instead of living to eat. You are an inspiration.

  • @Jllybean23
    @Jllybean23 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I needed this! This is my struggle and you’ve put it into words so well. This gave me the push to rethink things and plan better. Work through the emotions. And to figure out how to mourn the food I desperately loved and used to comfort myself.

  • @prospectmmapod
    @prospectmmapod 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Omg I can relate to this so much! Thanks for being honest!

  • @khwezim7439
    @khwezim7439 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you. I’m in this battle right now. I have tried so many times and always yo-yo back. I’m so tired of it. I like your perspective of being real honest with yourself about your triggers. I haven’t heard that before. I’ve just heard about moderation. And I’ve failed at that countless times.
    I have been praying and asking God to help me because seek comfort in food doesn’t honor him.

  • @nananeva333
    @nananeva333 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just catching this...Thank you so much for posting this... I resonate so strongly. I'm learning to treat food as fuel instead of entertainment. I've proven to myself too many times that no carb eating works for me. I know it works and yet there are times where I use that against myself and figure, what the heck, I've done it all these times and I'll just do it again. That's a dangerous mindset. The body can't take all that abuse. I've learned to love myself enough to now make the changes once again. My intention is that this will be the last time and I will be and remain successful and healthy.

  • @mewzy2283
    @mewzy2283 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wow! I can so relate!

  • @elizacathleen2916
    @elizacathleen2916 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you so much for your honesty! It’s so tough with food addiction I too struggle every day! You look great! Hope you find the right way to control food ? I know what works for me once I achieve my goal. Best wishes

  • @aliciamany
    @aliciamany 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I really admire your strength!!!. Thank you also for standing in front of a camara and share your stories. 😇🤗

  • @janegarcia4513
    @janegarcia4513 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The only way I stay on track is with podcasts. When I hit goal, I stop listening, I regain…. But I listen to you A LOT, so remember what a positive force you are in the world when you’re feeling down. And don’t go anywhere because I really lean on you. Me, me, me lol

  • @brinh
    @brinh 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wouldn’t think of it so much as “Will I ever have a good relationship with food.” But change that perception to “Normal food isn’t good for me and I know this.”
    You lived with so many horrible health issues before you found carnivore. If you go back, those things may reappear. It’s like “Do I eat this and bring back those ailments? Or do I just be happy that I’ve found what works?” It’s definitely sad when we realize we can’t have something we really enjoyed, but the benefit is knowing you’re strong enough not go back.
    Perception is everything. You are awesome and I love your videos! They’ve definitely helped me through starting carnivore and staying motivated!

  • @shibaak
    @shibaak 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I found you last night and I watched a couple of videos and I am watching them again. It's just like I am listening to you narrating my story of my weight gain and weight loss and my relationship with food.

  • @bbfleur4736
    @bbfleur4736 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, THANK you, for being so transparent. I value your vulnerability and resonate with it more than you’ll ever know! Xx

    @RGMGDA 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yep!👍 A True,Honest Video! 👌 A Very Nice Lady! ☺️ Respect ✊

  • @mandysavoy2924
    @mandysavoy2924 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    LOVE all your videos! Thank you so much for your honesty 🙏🏼❤️

  • @alyssalz21x
    @alyssalz21x 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I needed this video. Thank you so much.

  • @sarikatimmi
    @sarikatimmi 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    ive been binging and purging so much lately and realizing i’ve never had an ok relationship with food

  • @tinatinteen5271
    @tinatinteen5271 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cheers to all!
    Wonderful to hear someone so honest and sincere.

  • @alexberry5941
    @alexberry5941 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey Laura Spath. I'm a little late to your party, but this video and many of your commentors are very much appreciated. I see me in your eyes in the 6 or 8 videos I have watched of you and this one is a bullseye. I just told my dad today, who is very supportive, but is not sure of my extended fasting, (keto, not carnivore yet, but I think that is where I will land), about my relationship with food, which could as easily be the same with alcohol, sex, drugs, etc., but just happens to be with food. This time around, I have accepted that there may never be a time when I can allow myself to eat freely, unchecked without deliberation, and that is just my life.... Six weeks in, 58 lbs down, 175 lbs to go, a little psoriasis left, a little edema left, though, full of hope. Thank you!

  • @melissabrewer2712
    @melissabrewer2712 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for being real and raw.
    Maybe you need a new goal. Do you have anything that needs healing?

  • @peterfairlawn4688
    @peterfairlawn4688 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I wish you all the best in your struggle. Get better everyday, even the tough ones.

  • 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for sharing. I feel the same way, and it's nice to hear other people who are going through the same things! 🙂

  • @karenpilla32
    @karenpilla32 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just to chime in with everyone else and say I not only admire your candid, honest account of your experience with food addiction, despite your amazing success at losing so much weight, but also your story totally resonates with me. I'm keto but I'm such an emotional eater and previous binger that your described experiences totally struck a chord with me and no doubt many others. Keep being real and bringing these struggles to the forefront so that they can be talked about more. We shouldn't feel like we have dirty little secrets to hide but these are issues that many contend with regularly. Nobody is virtuous 100% of the time! :-)

  • @KimberlyHardinLanning
    @KimberlyHardinLanning 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am 100% in agreement with you! Your food issues are exactly like mine. I'm still on the journey to lose but I know maintenance will be a mental challenge. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @dwightj.7895
    @dwightj.7895 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow your truthfulness is through the roof
    Thanks you're very inspiring.
    God bless , this too shall pass