How do you feel about this perspective on the classroom of the future? Do you think gamified learning would get students excited about school? What role do you think teachers would play in a tech-fuelled classroom? Share your thoughts below!
Aliyu Rabi'u, thanks for asking! Please request permission through the contact form on my website ( - That way you can provide some more detail about how you plan to use the video.
It's pretty slick. I think we are heading that way with technology based learning right now but we do have a ways to go. Right now in my school we still don't have enough Chromebooks to go around and that creates a big bottle neck with technological based instruction. I do think that using gaming elements will build student interest and will help teachers with assessments. Teachers, in this classroom, will have a very different role. They will move to being facilitators and away from being the centerpiece of instruction. Like being tour guides showing people around and directing them rather than being the direct instructor. I think with the right curriculum this model can be very successful! The key is to ensure that students are meeting real world standards by using real world tools. Like we say in the Army, the kids are "training the way that that they will fight". That is they are learning the skills that they need to be effective in whatever career field that they choose and they are becoming proficient using the tools that they will use in that career. Our technology and curriculum must put them on that path for us to be effective!
As a student teacher: technology can be used to improve teaching and learning and help our learners to be successful, through the use of learning management system students can access online resources to get assistance on demand beyond the physical reach of their teacher. Yes. However, technology can be a "force multiplier" for the teacher. Instead of the teacher being the only source of help in a classroom, students can access websites, online tutorials, and more to assist them.
There will be no schools, classrooms, no teachers in the future. Just dumbed down slaves. You are totally lost if you don't see what's around the corner. When you or your children will not be allowed to go back to schools, classrooms because this pandemic, because of another pandemic, because the climate emergency, sustainability, so on and so forth, the education, your entire lives will be in the hands of those who will or will not provide you these type or gadgets, softwares and internet. Should I mention the name of the few Big Teach companies to make you understand that the monopoly of these companies, which are always in bed with the Guvernment(s), is already here? Nobody loves you, nobody cares about you ppl. You will slowly become a useless eater. Make a quess what comes next. Greetings from Budapest.
Great video! I think this type of technology will 100% be present within classrooms in the future. Although I don’t think the classroom structure will be the same. The traditional model has programmed us to think like computers, something that is going to quickly replace us. A collaborative setting will take place where we now have to space to think creatively rather than robotically.
Cool gadget is not a future of education. It is just better scrapbook. I do understand the film as a work piece, and it is great, but I think future education will be really different than just 3D iPhone
One of the greatest transformations in the classroom over the past several decades has been the introduction of technology. As a high school teacher who grew up before the internet was widely available, I have been able to witness firsthand the monumental impact that technology has had on education. The internet has enabled us to access vast amounts of information and resources that were previously unavailable, allowing us to create more dynamic and engaging lessons for our students. With the help of the internet, we can now access a wide variety of learning materials that can be tailored to the specific needs of our students, enabling us to create more individualized learning experiences. In addition to providing us with access to new resources, technology has also allowed us to become more connected with our students. We can now easily communicate with our students, both in the classroom and outside of it. We can send messages, post updates, and even host virtual lessons. This level of connectivity has allowed us to create deeper relationships with our students and to better understand and meet their needs. Technology has also enabled us to track student progress in real time, allowing us to quickly identify areas where our students may need extra help. Technology has truly revolutionized the way we teach and has enabled us to provide our students with an even better education.
The intention of technology invention is to reach out people across the globe without georgraphical limitations and to connect them. Don't misuse it and disconnect relationships.
Still students in rows of desks. The technology was innovative and futuristic, the classroom structure traditional. The outside scenery in the first shot looked so inviting for exploration.
Very good and interesting the participation of the Teachers to know this "New Future Classroom". A imaginative criation of the man, showing to the world what will be the education in the future, and how to teach the pupil into the classroom. Congratulations for all this new method. Prof. Dr. Vicente de Paula Mursci
A Future classroom adalah kelas masa depan kelas yang sepertinya menjadi impian untuk semua siswa dan guru. Pada kelas tersebut, teknologi begitu dekat dan sangat mudah diaplikasikan sehingga pembelajaran sangat menarik dan modern. Kecanggihan teknologi membuat semua materi seolah hidup dan nyata, ada dalam genggaman bukan hanya dalam pikiran. Oleh karena ini, siswa tidak hanya berimajinasi, namun bisa melihat materi secara nyata dan mampu menciptakan.
awesome video guys .. I used it twice for my English language classroom, it i good enough to show to my students in the classroom. they will be aware of the use of technology itself. let's introduce the future classroom to our children start now!!
Without a doubt the technology of the future will surpass our imagination and be a great help for teachers, but I believe there will be drastic changes in teaching, caluculators will replace the traditional methods of caluculating mathmatics, the same will happen with other áreas , as information is available immediately (as with cell phones) . Teachers will teach where to find the information rather than how to use it.
If all the student knows is how to find information instead of understanding and applying how will there be advancements or invention beyond what we already have? Love all the ideas in the video as tools to increase interest, attention, and new way of looking at things.
Would this not be amazing if the children of today could have access to technology such as this? Physical computers would be extinct. All you would have to do to check in is to carry a piece of glass that has all your information on it, lay it upon a special table that reads it and poof, you have been acknowledged as present at work, school, and any other place that is necessary. Amazing! How long until we can expect to see this technology in the works? Soon I hope!
we should adapt our teaching strategies and methods to the tech changes because what i have seen in my career is traditional education with new tools ( smart board- tablets- net-...)
Video itself is good and demonstrates possible developments in the future, but it is only about using technological tools and methods. It would be very nice to see more about how technological development will affect our way of learning and teaching.
wow! such a great classroom if ever . . . so amazing kids wouldn't be boring and no more drop outs for sure. kids will always be excited to go to school and technology nowadays really attracts the learners to go to school. nice video!
Thanks for sharing. Looks amazing. But still interesting to see that with all the advanced technology, the teacher still teaches frontal and standing in front of the class ...
I think that it is very important to use the techology in the classroom, nowadayas students like to use and learn more. it helps us that students learn better.
nice video - not sure about the continuing use of the QWERTY style keyboard- especially when you consider the origins of why the keyboard is styled the way that it is.
Video ini sangat memberika inspirasi dan dorong untuk belajar teknologi demi kemajuan teknologi pembelajaran. Betapa saya berharap saya bisa mengajarkan anak didik kami seperti itu, dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi dan mengimplementasikannya pada pembelajaran dimasa yang akan datang.
The table can heat up?! So chemistry classes won't require bunsen burners anymore? But what if the table malfunctions somehow and heats up when or where it isn't supposed to?
Luar biasa, teknologi masa depan akan melampaui imajinasi kita dan sangat membantu para guru, tetapi saya yakin akan ada perubahan drastis dalam pengajaran, kalukulator akan menggantikan metode tradisional menghitung matematika, hal yang sama akan terjadi dengan bidang lain, seperti informasi tersedia segera (seperti dengan ponsel). Guru akan mengajarkan di mana menemukan informasi daripada bagaimana menggunakannya.
Technology is playing an increasing role in education. As technology advances in schools like (, it is used to benefit students of all ages in the learning process. Students use computers to create presentations and use the Internet to research topics for papers and essays, pan boards, touch boards or more. Technology has undoubtedly improved the scope of education and through this there will be more technological advancements.
lt is really amazing... By this technology every student's grasping power will increase and it also looks interesting to see that .With all this advance technology teacher still teaches student by standing infront of class....
Hello I president of Poland. We would love this wideo for big science time. Please can i use for 20 schmarples? We use in hulu show about the war. Very popular, please consider thank.
Really interesting video. Certainly technology will surely have it's place in education. It will help people grow what they know and come up with their own new software/programs.
Great video. But this "future" classroom shows today's learning methods (teacher talk + students taking notes). The only significant change is the furniture.
This is an awesome video! although maybe instructors might not be the ones explaining if there is the possibility of holograms? Maybe they can use an expert in the related fields and teachers can be support for questions and discussion
You cannot predict the future of all schools. Some schools will be integrating technology while other schools will wait until students are 14 to integrate technology. What evidence is there that all students learn or retain more information when they are using technology?
Me gusta y se demuestra que a pesar de las nuevas tecnologías o lo avanzadas que nos llegan, el maestro siempre estará ahí para orientar los procesos pedagógicos por medio de lo que le falta a la máquina: la reflexión y la comprensión de los significados dentro de una situación contextual propia de cada estudiante...
This video feels like a threat. I'm going to have stress nightmares about it. I'm a teacher and I'm forced to use a smartboard and specially designed teaching software in every class. Each student has a tablet that is linked to the software through in-class wifi. I waste SO MUCH TIME doing tech support on a nearly daily basis, trying to force this crap to work more or less correctly. And our campus is brand new! All of the tech is the latest models, new out of the box! I shudder to think what will happen in a year or two when the planned obsolescence kicks in. Having the amount of tech shown in this video would be unending misery. Not to be dramatic, lol. The worst part is, the tech we're already using in our classroom actually hinders learning. Changing every classroom activity or special project we used to do into a smartboard- or tablet-based activity eliminates opportunities for students to learn through actions or in different contexts, and it limits their creativity to whatever limited options are pre-programmed into the software. Our school sells itself to parents partly by claiming the tech use in the class teaches students "digital literacy." It does not. They get to poke at a tablet and choose between a a few pre-programmed options and hit submit. They do more, and more creative, things just decorating their selfies that they send to friends in texting apps. This teaches them nothing new. Plus, it's boring just poking at a tablet every time. Not to mention, we regularly lose actual teaching time while I have to fix some tech malfunction. Compared to my last school, where we just used books and a white board like normal people, the achievement of the students here is much lower and much slower. I'm trying my hardest, but I'm not permitted to change anything at all about the lesson plans, so there's not much I can do to improve the situation. Thank you for reading my manifesto about why I will not be renewing my contract when it finishes in a few months.
In the SAMR model, this is all beautiful augmentation but no modification or redefinition whatsoever. Instruction must change, technology is useless without and deep change in the instruction.
je suis la seule française mdrrrr. Sinon c notre prof d'anglais qui nous a montrée ça en cours. Il fallait qu'on écrive les trucs qu'on voulait avoir dans notre collège
How do you feel about this perspective on the classroom of the future? Do you think gamified learning would get students excited about school? What role do you think teachers would play in a tech-fuelled classroom? Share your thoughts below!
Aliyu Rabi'u, thanks for asking! Please request permission through the contact form on my website ( - That way you can provide some more detail about how you plan to use the video.
It's pretty slick. I think we are heading that way with technology based learning right now but we do have a ways to go. Right now in my school we still don't have enough Chromebooks to go around and that creates a big bottle neck with technological based instruction. I do think that using gaming elements will build student interest and will help teachers with assessments.
Teachers, in this classroom, will have a very different role. They will move to being facilitators and away from being the centerpiece of instruction. Like being tour guides showing people around and directing them rather than being the direct instructor. I think with the right curriculum this model can be very successful!
The key is to ensure that students are meeting real world standards by using real world tools. Like we say in the Army, the kids are "training the way that that they will fight". That is they are learning the skills that they need to be effective in whatever career field that they choose and they are becoming proficient using the tools that they will use in that career. Our technology and curriculum must put them on that path for us to be effective!
As a student teacher: technology can be used to improve teaching and learning and help our learners to be successful, through the use of learning management system students can access online resources to get assistance on demand beyond the physical reach of their teacher. Yes. However, technology can be a "force multiplier" for the teacher. Instead of the teacher being the only source of help in a classroom, students can access websites, online tutorials, and more to assist them.
There will be no schools, classrooms, no teachers in the future. Just dumbed down slaves. You are totally lost if you don't see what's around the corner.
When you or your children will not be allowed to go back to schools, classrooms because this pandemic, because of another pandemic, because the climate emergency, sustainability, so on and so forth, the education, your entire lives will be in the hands of those who will or will not provide you these type or gadgets, softwares and internet. Should I mention the name of the few Big Teach companies to make you understand that the monopoly of these companies, which are always in bed with the Guvernment(s), is already here?
Nobody loves you, nobody cares about you ppl. You will slowly become a useless eater. Make a quess what comes next.
Greetings from Budapest.
Great video! I think this type of technology will 100% be present within classrooms in the future. Although I don’t think the classroom structure will be the same. The traditional model has programmed us to think like computers, something that is going to quickly replace us. A collaborative setting will take place where we now have to space to think creatively rather than robotically.
Could we just appreciate how the editing is just god level like wtf the editor need a raise
Cool gadget is not a future of education. It is just better scrapbook. I do understand the film as a work piece, and it is great, but I think future education will be really different than just 3D iPhone
this is the future
One of the greatest transformations in the classroom over the past several decades has been the introduction of technology. As a high school teacher who grew up before the internet was widely available, I have been able to witness firsthand the monumental impact that technology has had on education. The internet has enabled us to access vast amounts of information and resources that were previously unavailable, allowing us to create more dynamic and engaging lessons for our students. With the help of the internet, we can now access a wide variety of learning materials that can be tailored to the specific needs of our students, enabling us to create more individualized learning experiences.
In addition to providing us with access to new resources, technology has also allowed us to become more connected with our students. We can now easily communicate with our students, both in the classroom and outside of it. We can send messages, post updates, and even host virtual lessons. This level of connectivity has allowed us to create deeper relationships with our students and to better understand and meet their needs. Technology has also enabled us to track student progress in real time, allowing us to quickly identify areas where our students may need extra help. Technology has truly revolutionized the way we teach and has enabled us to provide our students with an even better education.
I wish these classrooms become a reality soon.
Daniel this is amazing! Creative and looks like a whole team of editors worked on it. I wish school was actually like that.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!
We cannot deny the fact that the technology plays an important role when in comes to our studies nowadays.
This video may use new technologies but the didactic teaching style is still evident with teacher-led instruction of the past.
The intention of technology invention is to reach out people across the globe without georgraphical limitations and to connect them. Don't misuse it and disconnect relationships.
Still students in rows of desks. The technology was innovative and futuristic, the classroom structure traditional. The outside scenery in the first shot looked so inviting for exploration.
Looks like an OH&S nightmare!
hello duddy
when your school can't even afford just getting laptops
Thank you Daniel. That was absolutely amazing. You're vision is probably spot on.
Very good and interesting the participation of the Teachers to know this "New Future Classroom". A imaginative criation of the man, showing to the world what will be the education in the future, and how to teach the pupil into the classroom. Congratulations for all this new method. Prof. Dr. Vicente de Paula Mursci
A Future classroom adalah kelas masa depan kelas yang sepertinya menjadi impian untuk semua siswa dan guru. Pada kelas tersebut, teknologi begitu dekat dan sangat mudah diaplikasikan sehingga pembelajaran sangat menarik dan modern. Kecanggihan teknologi membuat semua materi seolah hidup dan nyata, ada dalam genggaman bukan hanya dalam pikiran. Oleh karena ini, siswa tidak hanya berimajinasi, namun bisa melihat materi secara nyata dan mampu menciptakan.
awesome video guys .. I used it twice for my English language classroom, it i good enough to show to my students in the classroom. they will be aware of the use of technology itself. let's introduce the future classroom to our children start now!!
Ke bahasa indonesia bisa
It is high time to develop such a path of humanity
Without a doubt the technology of the future will surpass our imagination and be a great help for teachers, but I believe there will be drastic changes in teaching, caluculators will replace the traditional methods of caluculating mathmatics, the same will happen with other áreas , as information is available immediately (as with cell phones) . Teachers will teach where to find the information rather than how to use it.
You've already modernised. áreas. Beautiful.
-An Englishman
If all the student knows is how to find information instead of understanding and applying how will there be advancements or invention beyond what we already have? Love all the ideas in the video as tools to increase interest, attention, and new way of looking at things.
Would this not be amazing if the children of today could have access to technology such as this? Physical computers would be extinct. All you would have to do to check in is to carry a piece of glass that has all your information on it, lay it upon a special table that reads it and poof, you have been acknowledged as present at work, school, and any other place that is necessary. Amazing! How long until we can expect to see this technology in the works? Soon I hope!
we should adapt our teaching strategies and methods to the tech changes because what i have seen in my career is traditional education with new tools ( smart board- tablets- net-...)
Video itself is good and demonstrates possible developments in the future, but it is only about using technological tools and methods. It would be very nice to see more about how technological development will affect our way of learning and teaching.
wow! such a great classroom if ever . . . so amazing kids wouldn't be boring and no more drop outs for sure. kids will always be excited to go to school and technology nowadays really attracts the learners to go to school. nice video!
Thanks for sharing. Looks amazing. But still interesting to see that with all the advanced technology, the teacher still teaches frontal and standing in front of the class ...
I think that it is very important to use the techology in the classroom, nowadayas students like to use and learn more. it helps us that students learn better.
nice video - not sure about the continuing use of the QWERTY style keyboard- especially when you consider the origins of why the keyboard is styled the way that it is.
hello duddy
Video ini sangat memberika inspirasi dan dorong untuk belajar teknologi demi kemajuan teknologi pembelajaran. Betapa saya berharap saya bisa mengajarkan anak didik kami seperti itu, dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi dan mengimplementasikannya pada pembelajaran dimasa yang akan datang.
Excellent video!!!!! Excellent video!!!!!
Thank you!!
Thanksss a bunch for this videoo! Have been searching for this type of video for so long, and finally..... Yay!!
The table can heat up?! So chemistry classes won't require bunsen burners anymore? But what if the table malfunctions somehow and heats up when or where it isn't supposed to?
Luar biasa, teknologi masa depan akan melampaui imajinasi kita dan sangat membantu para guru, tetapi saya yakin akan ada perubahan drastis dalam pengajaran, kalukulator akan menggantikan metode tradisional menghitung matematika, hal yang sama akan terjadi dengan bidang lain, seperti informasi tersedia segera (seperti dengan ponsel). Guru akan mengajarkan di mana menemukan informasi daripada bagaimana menggunakannya.
Technology is playing an increasing role in education. As technology advances in schools like (, it is used to benefit students of all ages in the learning process. Students use computers to create presentations and use the Internet to research topics for papers and essays, pan boards, touch boards or more. Technology has undoubtedly improved the scope of education and through this there will be more technological advancements.
Exciting and Amazing Experience of Teaching and Learning in the future classroom... 🌷 😊
You don't know how bad I want future tech now that I've watched this
I'm proudly to be among of the families of Uopeople it's so amusing
lt is really amazing... By this technology every student's grasping power will increase and it also looks interesting to see that .With all this advance technology teacher still teaches student by standing infront of class....
Really great conceptual video! Nice job!
how can we make these type of classrooms....which technology is being use in this work??????
I'm interested in HTML programming in computing lessons.
wonderful, it make everything look easier and it makes learning more fun.
Hello I president of Poland. We would love this wideo for big science time. Please can i use for 20 schmarples? We use in hulu show about the war. Very popular, please consider thank.
Really Wonderful... actually when we get these gadgets...?
Really interesting video. Certainly technology will surely have it's place in education. It will help people grow what they know and come up with their own new software/programs.
This is all possible with augmented reality
Does the glass thing have angry birds?
Great video. But this "future" classroom shows today's learning methods (teacher talk + students taking notes). The only significant change is the furniture.
A classroom shouldn't be "tech-fuelled". Technology should be used to support learning. The teachers role is more of a facilitator.
I hope so it's really amazing highly organized technological classrooms for achieving 21century goals anyhow praying for same system
Where is that school???It's really or fantastic???
This is an awesome video! although maybe instructors might not be the ones explaining if there is the possibility of holograms? Maybe they can use an expert in the related fields and teachers can be support for questions and discussion
wow that is amazing. how I wish I could teach chemistry that way, showing 4D shapes of compounds as large as and as fun as what I watch in this video.
Great video, I hope that this´ll be the education of the future.
Truly awesome video. Lots of work. Very inspiring. You guys rock! Hope you win.
When is this tech expected?
guys is this the text from ib e assessment english
guys can you pls mention the technology name that has been screened !! Thnx
i love to join one of this. Pls let me know how? thanks
Really nice and cool video, i really hope that happens in the future but again REALLY NICE VIDEO! 😄😁😊
can u please name the technologies used....please
doesnt exist yet, they just used special effects.
Show de amostra. Muito futurista este modelo de sala de aula. O futuro promete muitas renovações e inovações. Prof. Dr. Vicente de P. Mursci
very cool and technical video
Always wanted a glass brick to throw at my students.
I want all of that tech.
You cannot predict the future of all schools. Some schools will be integrating technology while other schools will wait until students are 14 to integrate technology. What evidence is there that all students learn or retain more information when they are using technology?
Me gusta y se demuestra que a pesar de las nuevas tecnologías o lo avanzadas que nos llegan, el maestro siempre estará ahí para orientar los procesos pedagógicos por medio de lo que le falta a la máquina: la reflexión y la comprensión de los significados dentro de una situación contextual propia de cada estudiante...
Hello can i get permission tu use your music into my video??
OMG IT'S AMAZING😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰
I want this type education please tell me how to buy
This is a great video. May I have permission to use it for my graduate portfolio?
What's the glass name
I really liked your video. Keep up the great work
This video feels like a threat. I'm going to have stress nightmares about it. I'm a teacher and I'm forced to use a smartboard and specially designed teaching software in every class. Each student has a tablet that is linked to the software through in-class wifi. I waste SO MUCH TIME doing tech support on a nearly daily basis, trying to force this crap to work more or less correctly. And our campus is brand new! All of the tech is the latest models, new out of the box! I shudder to think what will happen in a year or two when the planned obsolescence kicks in.
Having the amount of tech shown in this video would be unending misery. Not to be dramatic, lol.
The worst part is, the tech we're already using in our classroom actually hinders learning. Changing every classroom activity or special project we used to do into a smartboard- or tablet-based activity eliminates opportunities for students to learn through actions or in different contexts, and it limits their creativity to whatever limited options are pre-programmed into the software. Our school sells itself to parents partly by claiming the tech use in the class teaches students "digital literacy." It does not. They get to poke at a tablet and choose between a a few pre-programmed options and hit submit. They do more, and more creative, things just decorating their selfies that they send to friends in texting apps. This teaches them nothing new. Plus, it's boring just poking at a tablet every time. Not to mention, we regularly lose actual teaching time while I have to fix some tech malfunction.
Compared to my last school, where we just used books and a white board like normal people, the achievement of the students here is much lower and much slower. I'm trying my hardest, but I'm not permitted to change anything at all about the lesson plans, so there's not much I can do to improve the situation.
Thank you for reading my manifesto about why I will not be renewing my contract when it finishes in a few months.
amazing.. i hope it comes in my time also...
Awesome video man!
what is the device name??
This Is Video That Im Saw In My School..
my teacher showed me this video and she said they are actually making these things
watching this today, for it research about digital education
Excellent video!!!!! Excelente video!!!!!
Thank you!
I like the message.
I really liked your clip Mrnes :) dope
Hello I am the president of brazil. Can we pls use wideo for our video national anthem? Thank. and as always pls come to brazil
realy very nice and very easy to study
who can tell me some disadvantages of the future class, pls. I need to write my essay now :
Wonderful imagination
سریہ ٹیکنالوجی ھمارے ایشیائی ممالک میں کب آ ئیے گی شکریہ
i guess future of education will be a product of video editors.
In the SAMR model, this is all beautiful augmentation but no modification or redefinition whatsoever. Instruction must change, technology is useless without and deep change in the instruction.
To this day I still can’t figure out this song😂
great video
It is so amazing video
omg me encantooooooo
Friends Central student (class of 2015)
I am Tripura university students Education. So much m.a after ph. D preparation. Then try again
Oldukça başarılı tebrikler.
still in 2018 we don't this school :(
je suis la seule française mdrrrr. Sinon c notre prof d'anglais qui nous a montrée ça en cours. Il fallait qu'on écrive les trucs qu'on voulait avoir dans notre collège
is this real?