That's how you know this game was a glitch in the matrix. It can't be remade to replicate the experience. If you weren't around when this game was on top you just missed out. That's it.
THANK GOD I PLAYED THIS!!!....Rust on Multiplayer to be honest was my favorite map me and my brother were quickscoping each other with the Intervention.....ahhh the old days.....I wish I was going back in time to that....
a-6_grindtime It was a real shitstorm on PC too. This game was rife with controversy on PC due to various downgrades from COD4 and WaW. Framerate could no longer be uncapped. You could no longer adjust FOV off of 65 (and 65 FOV seemed narrower in MW2 as well). VAC anticheat was enabled, preventing mods, and editing anything other than .cfg got you banned. Lack of dedicated server support. Game required Steam (which pissed off people who didn’t use Steam back then). There was even a Steam Group dedicated to boycotting the game due to lack of dedicated server support (a huge deal for clans, who could easily organize clan matches in the past. Without dedis they had to use the inferior “Xbox Live” way of setting up matches).
Same with the sounds of scrolling through menus. I'm honestly kinda sad that no game since has had sounds that were that good. They've been good, but not THAT good.
I'm 32 years old now. What I wouldn't give to be put back in my 22 year old body where I heard this theme song for hours every night. This was the first COD that I ever played, and made so many incredible memories playing this game with my buds who haven't been online in 7 or 8 years.
I'd imagine alot of us men that are in this comment section reminiscent about this game 10+ year ago but now have our own shit going on (wives, children, careers etc). I am glad to be apart of this gaming era with ya'll.
@@BLACKOPSMan115092198 the nostalgia is too much It makes you really realize the fact that you'll never relive those 2010 or 2012 days (especially if you were growing up) experiencing a new world of gaming but being the first generation to experience it. Our generation definitely had it lucky. The generation growing up today are going to get better graphics but no character or specialness. What I mean is people today won't have anything special and new that they can look back on in 2028 in nostalgia... Man I just want to go back to 2011 or something. Just to play this as a 10 year old growing up.
POV your TV screen after passing out, the only light in the room giving the walls a faint yellow glow, this music playing quietly as you lay in your bed - it's early morning sometime in February 2010 at 3:50am, you were customizing your classes after 10 back to back sessions of HCTD only 3 months after the game was released and you just woke up after passing out for 40 minutes. You haven't got a worry in the world, except getting your perks back having prestiged again for the 3rd time. You go to turn off your TV but you can't be bothered and pass out again, waking up at 10am in the morning, with this still playing, the clicking notification sound of your friends coming online. Its a weekend, so you leave it playing while you brush your teeth, grab some breakfast real quick, shower and then get playing again with the boys who are inviting you to a party... But not before you finish laughing listening to three guys arguing and swearing at each other in the lobby you're about to leave. This game just hit different. If you experienced this, you're a real one. RIP to all our fallen brothers offline for the last 14 years.
I was 14 when this came out, now I’m 27, time flies, my brother bought the game and when I first played it I was addicted instantly, 48 days of playing time, not just my favorite cod of all time but my favorite game of all time!
Lots of night staying up with the boys and just having the best time ever. Nothing has ever been the same since 😢 this was the pinnacle of gaming for me
So true man, I was the same age in 8th grade. It’s the only game I ever no lifed. I’d do anything to relive this experience again. 40 days of play time and I’d double it if I knew cod would never be this good again.
I was so lucky to grow up with games like these. The golden years. I learned every death threat racial slur and curse word in these lobbies and I loved every second of it.
This NEEDS to be like a "music pack" in Modern Warfare 2019! Loading up the game and hearing this nostalgia would make MW 2019 a way better game imo lol
look put this video on and put your phone behind your tv and load in the new MR and look/ listen to how PERFECT IT GOES WITH THE WALKING AND THE GAME IN GENERAL👌👌👌
Haha I had such a high pitch voice as a 10 year old playing this! I used to get into arguments all the time when I used my mic, but I was good so I would chat so much shit haha. I would love to have another argument like that again.
man ya'll we're good at the game as kids? i couldnt play for shit but had fun anyway. i never had a mic so i was never violated but it was always funny hearing the arguments
Hope everyone is good out there. This was truly the greatest time in gaming. Hard to believe it was almost 13 years ago... What I would give to go back and relive those days. At the time it was just staying up late playing with friends but little did we know that we were living the good ol days and it would never ever be like that again!
I once watched my buddy earn an absolutely wild nuke on Favela in the final seconds of the game, so the nuke countdown actually extended the time of the match. We went bonkers, jumping all over place and yelling with joy. One of the best gaming moments of my life.
I’m glad I was around to play this game as a kid, I used to love sitting in the lobby listening to this theme play over and over and even as a kid it never got boring listening to it especially when there were people arguing over something with that bad game chat mic quality lol good times.
For me it was work. Shift ended, loads of soda in the kitchen, Xbox waiting to be turned on. Friends see my gamertag pop online and the invites flooded my goddamn screen. Truly amazing times, not gonna lie.
Had the honor of playing COD4 (my 1st FPS experience) and I had a blast playing it. When MW2 was announced, I pre-ordered the hell out of that game. After playing MW2 as a whole, I was thoroughly convinced that there would no other COD game that would beat this. BO2 is a close 2nd to me personally. But even now, there’s no other COD game that’ll ever have the captivating magic like MW2. It was that good!! If you missed out on playing this, especially in its prime, man you missed out on greatness. MW2’s the 🐐 hands down.
Vondad2004 I agree man! I met my best friend on mw2. He kicked my ass 3 matches in a row and I added him 😂😂. That was 11 grade for me now I am 25 and we still talk. I will never forget the moment I pre order bop2 got the dragon fire calling card, the poster too. Waw,mw2,mw3,black ops 1 and 2 greatest memories and I mean greatest. Cod will never be the same.
i have 21 years now. i remember when i played for the first time in 2009. that was the best moments of my life. i’m so sad at this moment. feel so nostalgic. thank you mw2. all this moments the night, after the school, when i played with my big bro 1v1 intervention shittt. thanks for all the players who played mw2 2009 to 2016 when i stopped mw2. 😭😢😢😞
Used to spend hours in this menu just goign through records, emblems and loadout settings. What a vibe this was. Truly a piece of art game will forever cherish it
Man. We really did have a golden age of gaming, didn’t we? Jumped between MW2, WaW, Halo 3, Left 4 Dead, Fable 2 and Skate 2. Damn we had it good. Great online experiences.
This game is a masterpiece this music brings back nostalgia I will always remember hopping into a lobby waiting to jump in a game while hearing screaming and bunch of people yelling cussing at each other with really bad quality sounding mics good times!
I went to the midnight release of this when I was 13. . I’m now 27. Still probably the most fun I’ve ever had in a video game. Closely tied with Metal Gear Online (MGS4). Games were so different back then.
I remember coming here from time to time reminiscing about playing this game for years and now we’re finally able to play it again which I find amazing.
played this game when it was first released, i was 11 years old, within 1 month of the game coming out i got 1000/1000gamerscore on xbox360. Still have so many memories with playing this game with my friends, none of which i speak to now. I use to get up at 5am everyday and sneak downstairs to play multiplayer for a couple hours before my dad would wake up. Time almost 27 now.
Sitting in my new apartment with my boys drinking some brewskis. Most nights playing this of course. I remember one night where we were just straight fire. Kept passing the controller each game and we each had at least one nuke in the same night almost in a row. Man where do the times go.
L1KECLOCKWORK reminds me and my friends Daniel, Charlie and Kyle. I remember in 2009 were they came over and we all drank some beer, ordered pizza, playing this game. All of them still contact me but none of the memories of the all nighters we pulled
Feel bad for the people who didnt experience this game
Kids today are soft, they would get klapped pretty quickly.
Atleast i experienced bo2
Itz jokesta boi yeaaaa not the same bro
@@eltigueraso i mean instead of people yelling at each other we had hentai embems in bo2 lol we have differences ya know
its okay, i was on black ops 2 some years later
The pre-game lobbies were more of a warzone than the game back then.
It was
Lol this is ironic because br for modern warfare is called warzone
xXDr_HiTMaN_16Xx I remember
The bad mic quality chat aged like fine wine
That's how you know this game was a glitch in the matrix. It can't be remade to replicate the experience. If you weren't around when this game was on top you just missed out. That's it.
THANK GOD I PLAYED THIS!!!....Rust on Multiplayer to be honest was my favorite map me and my brother were quickscoping each other with the Intervention.....ahhh the old days.....I wish I was going back in time to that....
@@themiataisntahonda334 ikr, such an iconic time in history
I once earned an emergency airdrop on rust...... and got all 4 packages without being killed
a-6_grindtime It was a real shitstorm on PC too. This game was rife with controversy on PC due to various downgrades from COD4 and WaW. Framerate could no longer be uncapped. You could no longer adjust FOV off of 65 (and 65 FOV seemed narrower in MW2 as well). VAC anticheat was enabled, preventing mods, and editing anything other than .cfg got you banned. Lack of dedicated server support. Game required Steam (which pissed off people who didn’t use Steam back then). There was even a Steam Group dedicated to boycotting the game due to lack of dedicated server support (a huge deal for clans, who could easily organize clan matches in the past. Without dedis they had to use the inferior “Xbox Live” way of setting up matches).
the sound of lobbies merging and dispersing is part of the soundtrack too change my mind.
The epic sound of an empty lobby filling up in seconds like bam bam babababam babam lol
I legit hear that sound every time I hear this theme
@@PilotAwe yes 😂😂 then the trash talk starts 🤣
*Trying to merge our lobby with another*
Same with the sounds of scrolling through menus. I'm honestly kinda sad that no game since has had sounds that were that good. They've been good, but not THAT good.
I like how the music itself is supposed to sound menacing and scary but the only feelings I'm feeling listening to it are excitement and nostalgia
I am scared tf?
and faint echoes of trash talking teens and squeakers
How? WAW's background music is probably more unsettling sounding than MW2's. XD But yes, still nostalgic. :)
Holy fuck it was. Yeah, you right.
@@HuggableLoveablePlushies Cause WWII games are supposed to be unsettling, the music is no exception. XD
Was 17. Truly better days.
I was 11 and i trash talked so much on the game lol
Shinx Mobile lmao same here I’m guessing you were born 98?
Mandingo Man me too
@@eltigueraso 98 gang rise up!
Rebelgoose ayeee, feel like most of the cod gamers are 98 gang lmao
Spetsnaz announcer:
*ENEMY AC-130 ABOVE!!!!!*
zakkattack316 -_-
You remember that nuke siren?
Chills ..
KingJayyzWorld I remember everything from this game. Games too legendary to forget
*_Tactical nuke ready, turn the key.._*
I still remember the time I called in my first nuke… I’m married with children and it’s still one of top moments of my life
dude you just made my day ! LOL
tactical birth incoming!!
Love it 😂😂😂
@@renegadealpha144 tactical children ready for launch, I repeat, tactical children ready for launch.
7,11,25 or were you such a boss that you straight up just went to 25?
0:53 Wait lemme just equip my new unlocks before the match star-
Loading Team Deathmatch on Estate
*entire class fucked*
Underrated comment
*loading noise*
I hate that when it happen
I'm 32 years old now. What I wouldn't give to be put back in my 22 year old body where I heard this theme song for hours every night. This was the first COD that I ever played, and made so many incredible memories playing this game with my buds who haven't been online in 7 or 8 years.
We want Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Multiplayer.. Do you agree?
Scorpio X who fucking doesn’t lol 😂
Scorpio X yea I do
I’m 23 now. This was the greatest at 13 lol
Same here..also 32 gaming experience in life
The whole time we played, We were having fun.Not knowing that we were making the greatest memories.
What makes it sound more crazy is we might have even walked by the people we used to play with
Kids today would not survive MW2’s lobbychat.
*W A R N I N G* *N O S T A L G I A*
Living the nostalgia. People still play this.
@@iBloodxHunter it's a Shame the game is so broke and hacked and unplayed.
@@althepsyphros3314 ikr all because of hackers
σσfєr gαng there’s hackers on Xbox 360.
we didn’t realize how lucky we were to get this banger of a game then black ops right after
The scary part is that some of us in the comment section played together and we don't even know about it.
(Yes I stole this comment so what? =P)
σσfєr gαng Maybe you have
A real Einstein detected
@@monkeymanthegod you just need the likes cause you are lonely
Tabris I just realized I said cates instead of cares
Rascho Mascho Nigga if I really wanted likes so bad I would say “like this if that’s true” stfu you no life random
I'd imagine alot of us men that are in this comment section reminiscent about this game 10+ year ago but now have our own shit going on (wives, children, careers etc). I am glad to be apart of this gaming era with ya'll.
I’m with you brother 🤙🏽
With you my guy!
Im a drug addict, i havent got any shit since then
I feel ya bro 👍
My first COD... can’t believe it’s 10 years old in a month!!
I know!! I played first time!
@@BLACKOPSMan115092198 the nostalgia is too much
It makes you really realize the fact that you'll never relive those 2010 or 2012 days (especially if you were growing up) experiencing a new world of gaming but being the first generation to experience it.
Our generation definitely had it lucky. The generation growing up today are going to get better graphics but no character or specialness. What I mean is people today won't have anything special and new that they can look back on in 2028 in nostalgia...
Man I just want to go back to 2011 or something. Just to play this as a 10 year old growing up.
@@althepsyphros3314 I hear you my dude!
I am here to tell u im from da future and happy 10th anniversary
Justin Y. 2.0 im a sucker for old cods man. cod4, WaW,mw2,bo1,mw3, and bo2 were all part of my childhood. damn they were all amazing games.
POV your TV screen after passing out, the only light in the room giving the walls a faint yellow glow, this music playing quietly as you lay in your bed - it's early morning sometime in February 2010 at 3:50am, you were customizing your classes after 10 back to back sessions of HCTD only 3 months after the game was released and you just woke up after passing out for 40 minutes.
You haven't got a worry in the world, except getting your perks back having prestiged again for the 3rd time. You go to turn off your TV but you can't be bothered and pass out again, waking up at 10am in the morning, with this still playing, the clicking notification sound of your friends coming online. Its a weekend, so you leave it playing while you brush your teeth, grab some breakfast real quick, shower and then get playing again with the boys who are inviting you to a party... But not before you finish laughing listening to three guys arguing and swearing at each other in the lobby you're about to leave.
This game just hit different. If you experienced this, you're a real one. RIP to all our fallen brothers offline for the last 14 years.
Wish I could go back, miss 2010-2012 so much.
I know me too
We want Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Multiplayer.. Do you agree?
@angry child That was what he was talking about. The mics made the game even better.
2007-12 was the golden age of COD
that's the golden age of the Internet, no shitty YT update, good cartoons on the TV, and memes actually survive for a long time
I was in high school playing this all night with the bros now I’m almost 30. Time flies man enjoy it.
I was 14 when this came out, now I’m 27, time flies, my brother bought the game and when I first played it I was addicted instantly, 48 days of playing time, not just my favorite cod of all time but my favorite game of all time!
Lots of night staying up with the boys and just having the best time ever. Nothing has ever been the same since 😢 this was the pinnacle of gaming for me
I’m 26 now…
So true man, I was the same age in 8th grade. It’s the only game I ever no lifed. I’d do anything to relive this experience again. 40 days of play time and I’d double it if I knew cod would never be this good again.
same here bro. crazy how times flies!
I am 39 now. I was 24 and loved it!
Knowing that there will never be another game quite like this kinda breaks my heart
The real MW2.
MW2 2022 was fine
@@sladetuner8661and that’s exactly the problem: it was just « fine » compared to this one
"My dad works for cod, imma ban you" with the terrible mics and arguments. I miss it
One hell of a game this was! Hundreds of hours playing to reach prestige 10. The days when you felt a badass with a unique title and emblem
That's right
YESS!! 😭😭
Yh and it was easy to understand the cod games now are becoming to much futeristuc and don’t get what’s going
Never forgetting summer 2010 playing all day mw2 while friends were outside.. lol
We all got to experience this shit man, we all had different upbringings but we all had this marked as the golden days... hope u r all good out there.
Playing this game as a kid at midnight on your ps3.... just nostalgic vibe
Infinity Ward need to Remastered MW2 the old school deserve it
Activision Release #MW2RMultiplayer
That's right. We need the remastered of Modern Warfare 2
Something like this can't be remastered or made again
@@suspiciouschicken Eh, depends if it doesn't get microtransactions or supply drops.
@@themiataisntahonda334 I get what you mean but they simply cannot recreate a game like this it's impossible
I was so lucky to grow up with games like these. The golden years. I learned every death threat racial slur and curse word in these lobbies and I loved every second of it.
I can actually hear the intense insulting lobbies xD
Ahh I remember me and my ten year old friends getting flamed by stoners that was when we became men
“I’m a pussy and I use riot shield”
The distorted mic of a 12 year old calling you a n-- or a f---
This NEEDS to be like a "music pack" in Modern Warfare 2019! Loading up the game and hearing this nostalgia would make MW 2019 a way better game imo lol
look put this video on and put your phone behind your tv and load in the new MR and look/ listen to how PERFECT IT GOES WITH THE WALKING AND THE GAME IN GENERAL👌👌👌
@@bullett8995 thanks man this is hella sick
@@eazy.y makes it feel like the good old days
@@bullett8995 yup!😭
Don’t think anything gives me more nostalgia than MW2’s soundtrack honestly takes me back to a happy place
Dla mnie to najlepsza gra
i blasted this on the speakers during my kid’s birth
He will be a true gamer
You’re a great dad
Never challenge him to a 1v1 in rust
@@aqee1 tell that to my brother
Legend!!!! Lmao
I know right!!! Totally!!!
Newland2k05 fr dude
No, the best CoD ever is United Offensive, and if you disagree you are probably just a console peasant or a zoomer
@@jenniferkeates United fr?
@@MyShortsAreWet_ yes, zoomer, it was before you were born so you wouldn't understand
MW1, WaW, MW2, BO1, MW3, BO2, what a fuckin run of games that was 😭
I was only 9 years old when I played this game and now, I'm 20 years old. Time flies so fast.
The noise of lobbies meging and demerging programmed into my mind forever
This makes me cry of joy. Miss all the trash talk bout how my nuts haven’t dropped yet
Haha I had such a high pitch voice as a 10 year old playing this! I used to get into arguments all the time when I used my mic, but I was good so I would chat so much shit haha. I would love to have another argument like that again.
man ya'll we're good at the game as kids? i couldnt play for shit but had fun anyway. i never had a mic so i was never violated but it was always funny hearing the arguments
This song playing in the background while lobbies are just taking it out on each other during the intermissions is simply perfect
I can still hear the sound of the countdown before the match begin...oh man....i miss those days...i miss my teen age with all these loving memories
I'm in tears right now man. We will never get to enjoy this in its prime again:( we all have jobs and kids now:(
i can feel the racial slurs coming back into the xbox 360 mic
Hope everyone is good out there. This was truly the greatest time in gaming. Hard to believe it was almost 13 years ago... What I would give to go back and relive those days. At the time it was just staying up late playing with friends but little did we know that we were living the good ol days and it would never ever be like that again!
Who is looking this in 2024? :D
this game was out of this world at its time
now i belive 14 years have passed
damn man...
There is a small probability that some of us played against each other hahahaha
For real haha
I once watched my buddy earn an absolutely wild nuke on Favela in the final seconds of the game, so the nuke countdown actually extended the time of the match. We went bonkers, jumping all over place and yelling with joy. One of the best gaming moments of my life.
jus came home from middle school an the clan is online.... aw man
I was so addicted to this game back in 2009, I hated going to school so bad all I could think about was MW2 lol
If only I could go back to this amazing time in my life..
I’m glad I was around to play this game as a kid, I used to love sitting in the lobby listening to this theme play over and over and even as a kid it never got boring listening to it especially when there were people arguing over something with that bad game chat mic quality lol good times.
Man I just feel sad every time I hear this song, I miss those days so much.
the hours spent on this game were some of the funniest/ most fun moments i’ve had on any game ever
Rip to all the people who didn't get to experience this for any reason
coming home from school telling ur buds too get on after u do ur homework what a time so glad i grew up in this era
For me it was work. Shift ended, loads of soda in the kitchen, Xbox waiting to be turned on. Friends see my gamertag pop online and the invites flooded my goddamn screen. Truly amazing times, not gonna lie.
and this kids, is what we had...
2009 wow man time flies 💔 grateful I got to experience this when it dropped.
Had the honor of playing COD4 (my 1st FPS experience) and I had a blast playing it. When MW2 was announced, I pre-ordered the hell out of that game. After playing MW2 as a whole, I was thoroughly convinced that there would no other COD game that would beat this. BO2 is a close 2nd to me personally. But even now, there’s no other COD game that’ll ever have the captivating magic like MW2. It was that good!! If you missed out on playing this, especially in its prime, man you missed out on greatness. MW2’s the 🐐 hands down.
Vondad2004 I agree man! I met my best friend on mw2. He kicked my ass 3 matches in a row and I added him 😂😂. That was 11 grade for me now I am 25 and we still talk. I will never forget the moment I pre order bop2 got the dragon fire calling card, the poster too. Waw,mw2,mw3,black ops 1 and 2 greatest memories and I mean greatest. Cod will never be the same.
I dont understand why they didnt remake the multiplayer of MW2?? Cod4 got a full remaster...really pissed about that still
i have 21 years now. i remember when i played for the first time in 2009. that was the best moments of my life. i’m so sad at this moment. feel so nostalgic. thank you mw2. all this moments the night, after the school, when i played with my big bro 1v1 intervention shittt. thanks for all the players who played mw2 2009 to 2016 when i stopped mw2. 😭😢😢😞
we blessed to have been part of this, so much memories
Used to spend hours in this menu just goign through records, emblems and loadout settings. What a vibe this was. Truly a piece of art game will forever cherish it
No season pass, no money making bullshit. Pure fun and pure fucking gold of a game.
Pure gold here, long live the 2 greatest cods of all time, MW2 And BOPS 2
I still remember the time I first touched this game. Still the one of best CoDs left.
This one is the best
BLACK OPS Man you right
I went 10-5 om terminal on my first game... So happy about that 2.0 KD :)
The joy of trying to unlock all the emblems in the game and camouflage for your guns.. those were the days man I miss pre 2012.
back when emblems and callsigns meant more than just spending money on buying micro transactions
I started playing this game back in 2010 it was amazing I wish to be back to when life was good
Man. We really did have a golden age of gaming, didn’t we? Jumped between MW2, WaW, Halo 3, Left 4 Dead, Fable 2 and Skate 2. Damn we had it good. Great online experiences.
Little kid: *breathes*
Everyone else in the lobby: So you’ve chosen......death!
I was 11 in this games prime, it really hardens you up in a way lmao
@@schlobster3929I was 11-13 during this time and I came across so many arguments it was great!
Man i miss this game even the pre game in lobby trash talk i miss this was the Golden age of COD and nobody knew it at the time
Nobody knew it. Black ops kept the magic going for a bit longer then things changed after that..
This is almost therapeutic to me. I loved this game so much bro. I’d give a lot to experience these moments again
I swear, if I close my eyes, its like I'm back.
Back when the only problem you had was homework
Still listening to this amazing music in 2022 and thinking about all games played on MW2 after schoolday... Nostalgia
Argh.. the nostalgia in 2022 is hitting me hard. How many wonderful memories I have in this game, I miss my homies of MW2.
people who play the old cod game ur a og legend
as a call of duty veteran, i can genuinely tell you, mw2 and BO2 were the peak of toxicity yet fun with no complaints
The chicken noises when you back out of the last prestige screen 😂😂😂😂
I can literally hear this blasting my ear drums from my turtle beach’s while trying not to wake up my family every night 😂
Haha this comment resonated hard bro
Hopefully mw2 remastered multiplayer coming soon!!
Yes that would be fucking amazing
It’s better to let nostalgia be nostalgia
I don’t they will ever release it because they don’t wanna take attention away from Cold War, and they may ruin it
The cake is a lie
Miss the old days man ✌
I know. Me too.
Me to
I'm 26 now,
Oh those were the sweet memories.
I started playing when I was about 12 or 13,
Good times.
i miss this game so much :(
Yeah me too 😭
This game is a masterpiece this music brings back nostalgia I will always remember hopping into a lobby waiting to jump in a game while hearing screaming and bunch of people yelling cussing at each other with really bad quality sounding mics good times!
I went to the midnight release of this when I was 13. . I’m now 27. Still probably the most fun I’ve ever had in a video game. Closely tied with Metal Gear Online (MGS4). Games were so different back then.
id give up everything in life just to go back to 2009-2010 and play this shit with the boys again....
This took me back to the times when life was easy and simple. Just school-play mw2-sleep couple of hours then start over again. Good old times
Bo2: Gameplay
Mw2: Music
Lyrics: offensive slurs
I was 11 playing this game. I was destroyed in an SnD lobby but I believed it made me the man I am today
R.i.P to those who played this in 2009 and aren't here today, ❤
I’d kill to go back to the days where I’d spend hours playing this game
Played MW2 this morning. Found games in 0.5 second. F**** amazing
I remember coming here from time to time reminiscing about playing this game for years and now we’re finally able to play it again which I find amazing.
Between this, Halo 3 and GTA 4, you could have endless fun playing with your friends online.
Was 7 years old man… Miss this shit smh
You just had to be there when mw2 was popping. Unreal memories with this masterpiece
I was 10 when this came out. I'm 25 now. Crazy to think this.
Best guns, best maps, best kill streaks, best emblems, best titles, Best call of duty ever!
played this game when it was first released, i was 11 years old, within 1 month of the game coming out i got 1000/1000gamerscore on xbox360. Still have so many memories with playing this game with my friends, none of which i speak to now. I use to get up at 5am everyday and sneak downstairs to play multiplayer for a couple hours before my dad would wake up. Time almost 27 now.
Sitting in my new apartment with my boys drinking some brewskis. Most nights playing this of course. I remember one night where we were just straight fire. Kept passing the controller each game and we each had at least one nuke in the same night almost in a row. Man where do the times go.
L1KECLOCKWORK reminds me and my friends Daniel, Charlie and Kyle. I remember in 2009 were they came over and we all drank some beer, ordered pizza, playing this game. All of them still contact me but none of the memories of the all nighters we pulled