Excerpts from the diary of Periapsys 11th Septober, 5500: Mooney starting speaking of the dark whispers of Feebs and I could not rouse them from their visions for hours. Once again she proves to be terrible company and I question my benevolence in allowing her to stay. If I must endure their company then I should at least have more comfortable conditions to sleep in. Bubbles has been assigned the task of constructing a bedroom. 12th Septober: Bullets rained from the sky overnight, an entertaining event to record in this journal. Fortunately the trials of Mooney have been eased by the emanations of some far off kindly Stillwalker who has decided to emit a pleasant psychic emanation. When it came time for Mooney to leave she begged me to let her with her stay after having seen glory in the ways of the Triarch faith and in the splendour of Marble Hearth and the Graven Forge. She is tormented by her faith and I could see in her the makings of a noble triune, so I promised that I would let her remain. We will induct her into the proper ways before she is ready to rejoin the community, hopefully in time she will serve as a beacon to Reejery and inspire him to join the faith as well. 13th Septober: As Marble Hearth expands we will need more storage. My starting shelter is increasingly crowded with new people and their needs, so we have set aside land nearby for the construction of a warehouse. Now that the barracks has been finished now is a good time to start new projects. One of the tribal communities on this world also has someone who would like to see the magnificence of the Graven Forge and stay at Marble Hearth for some time. While I had my reservations about allowing more bothersome people to stay, Reejery reminded me that fostering positive relations with others will pay dividends in the future. Even if I must suffer inconveniences in the short term to pay for those future rewards. 14th Septober: I thought our guest would arrive by land with the traders today but they have somehow acquired the use of drop pods. They were later followed by raiders of a more primitive stock and judging by the fact that they decided to enter the insect warrens, they are burned with equally primitive intellects. One of them had better judgment than the fellows and avoided the caves, but they did not survive their fight with the domestic bots and myself. A trader came just before I stopped to pen this entry and took the items from the raiders we did not need. 15th Septober: More dreams tonight, and three more names to add to the list of the Shatterkin tormenting us. Now in addition to Montoya and Feeb there is Noob, Kaamio and Uma. They showed me visions of how to brutally cut meat and hide from animal, carve bloodied stone from the earth and how to inflict death though firearm and club upon my enemies. Reejery mumbled something about ‘dealing with the exalted invader’ and then later I found extra meat in our food stocks. I am not a fool and can deduce the source of our new food, but I am not so closed minded about the body after death as many in the galaxy. Perhaps he too feels the influence of the demons in his sleep, he does not share the Triune faith but perhaps in time he will. 1st Decembary: There was a brief period of solar activity and we needed to shut down our electronics for a while today. Our first harvest of hay grass has lifted the spirits of the chickens keeping them laying. The night is punctured with more sounds of raiders dying in the insect tunnels. I do not understand why none in this world have not learned to respect the predators they live amongst. We shall see if there is worthwhile items to scavenge in the morning. 2nd Decembary: Why do I ever allow other humans into my home? Our guest not only insulted my honour but further humbled me when I tried to demand satisfaction. I left the glitterworlds to escape people like this and I find them even here. The great work of the Graven Forge will prove me correct then I shall remind Rogaga of this insult on that day. At the very least I am not a knight pleading for protection against a small mad hare. The Refugee Empire might benefit from being more selective about whom they allow into their noble ranks. 3rd Decembary: With the south western hive ruined with only a sole survivor, I made the decision to mercy kill it and make the area safe. Traders from another tribal community came later and so exchanged many spoils with them for some sundries. The education of Mooney is complete but she is still shy and has requested that I speak to the others before she fully joins the community. It would only be fitting a duty for myself as they leader of this community. 5th Decembary: The Gubia Pact requested our assistance in protecting some of their number against two bands of Yttakin. Marble Hearth lacks the appropriate soldiers and equipment to attempt such a diversion so we sent our condolences and hoped the tribals would manage to escape their pursuers. There is too much clutter and so I have decided to attend to it, I am sure Reejery will appreciate cleaner and neater workspaces in the colony. Mooney is yet to join the colony fully as she has yet to fully process the traumas of her old ideoligion. 6th Decembary: Bubbles had been missing for a while and I found them low on power outside of the colony, beeping forlornly until I rescued them. They are still charging as I write this, watched by our new guest Dewdrop. The poor lady crashed in a transport pod nearby and was badly wounded in the event so we have rescued her and are tending to her injuries. As a mercy she does not belong to any one community in this world, perhaps as frustrated with them as I have come to be at times. 7th Decembary: It seems that Mooney had good reason to avoid Reejery as the brute attacked her without warning today. I had been aware of his foul mood the past few day after he had run out of Go Juice, but I had thought he had better sense than to attack a fellow member of the Graven Forge. Hopefully the sound beating that Mooney gave him in return will cause him to take a more temperate path in the future, but she did inspire Dewdrop to join in solidarity. We have been rewarded by the Forgebound and the Stillwalkers for overcoming this trial set by the Shatterkin. Glory to the Triune and to those who follow its noble path. Reejery is taking time to recover in the wake of his poor self care over the past few days. 8th Decembary: We will soon have new members of the insect warrens as cocoons were sighted to the north east today. No doubt some wandering fools will anger these as well, but I have instructed all members of the community to avoid them so it will not be the Marble Hearth who provokes these new arrivals at least. Unlike the fool who radioed for help today who had willingly gone to exterminate insects and found himself a walking target for his misdeeds. 9th Decembary: Reejery tests my patience these past few days. There are too many tasks to be done in our community and too few hands for us to suffer his moodiness. If I had the Go Juice to indulge him I would deny him out of spite. However the matter of drugs has reminded me that it is around time we started to grow psychite for both medicinal and (repeatedly underlined) -judicious- recreational use. I find myself spending more time in the solace of Bubbles and Encrypt 10th Decembary: This morning Dewdrop assured me of her full recovery and was eager to get to work. I was relieved for the good news from a member of the community for once, there have been too many petty dramas the past few days. The initial shelter we built has grown into a crowded common room, full of work stations and living spaces in equal measure. It was decided that we needed a dedicated work space for at least some of the tasks for the Marble Forge and plans for a room and workspaces has been drawn up. 11th Decembary: Yttakin attacked today but their ramshackle numbers and tactics were no match for our stalwart defenders. The only injury to our number was a stray shot from Rogaga that hit Enrcypt, which displeased me immensely. While I had been in a mind to leave those who had not fled to bleed out, one begged to be saved as I turned to walk away. Their companion spat and cursed them for their weakness which made me decide to save them to spite their companion. For now Mooney will help educate them on the community as they are rehabilitated in mind and body. Their are signs of mechanoid activity nearby which represents both considerable risk but considerable reward. Our new workshop opens up new options to us and plans must be made to take advantage of our new neighbours in the future.
i don't often go back n read other's comments after watching so imagine my surprise to find this ... great diary excerpts based on the ep ^^ , i see you did it for the previous ep now too , not gonna lie i hope you keep doing them ^^
Machine Spirit, hear my cry to you and St. Algorithmis, let this series be blessed by the holy binary, and destroy all heresies and impurities in the code.
Couldn't help but notice Dewdrop's Ideoligion lists ferrets as a venerated animal. I feel like they'll do well among the Dapperlings. Assuming they survive the dangers of Marble Hearth.
Oh, the man that warned that imperial in distress was definitively called "Tim". It would have been hilarious if you had any grenades to deal with that hare. Preferably the holy type.
I'm so excited to see another rimworld run. It's what brought me to your channel and I never left finding good quality games I would not have considered if not for your run through s. Thank you thank for all the good quality content
1:03:06 No, that "Armor - sharp 14mm" is also it's protection 😬 Thrumbos are crazy tough as well in CE. You need some pretty high calibre rifles with AP rounds to take thrumbos out
@@mortisCZ Well tbf, with moderate angling and plate hardness, 8mm-ish of steel plate can protect against full calibre rifle fire, as well as offer reasonable frag protection. I'd rather sit behind a few more mm than that tho lol
great ep as always . personally i had no doubt that the human noms would happen sooner than later , did not disappoint. also loving the time lapse at the end , its really cool seeing the progress
While I'm wholly on team insects-are-jelly-friends, megaspiders in CE are no joke. If you look at their piercing attack penetration, it's crazy high. They're kind of like scythers and can be damn scary up close
So, for some clarification at 1:03:25: the body part armour is, from my understanding, the absolute minimum amount of armour the creature has, even AFTER it's actual armour has been completely shredded by taking excessive amounts of hits. The thrumbo's actual armour value, at least at the start of any given engagement, is 14mm RHA, which, for context, is enough to reliably stop a .50 BMG FMJ and take only blunt damage from it (a fact i have confirmed from experiencing that firsthand ingame). Granted, you probably COULD take one down with .45 ACP eventually, but it'd take a long time of chipping away at its armour, or a fair few lucky shots at the few unarmoured bits, or both; by which point you've burned an immense amount of ammo, and it's almost certainly caught up and turned your pawns into a fine red paste. So, in conclusion: CE makes thrumbos absolutely TERRIFYING. Or, really, anything with especially good armour, which, in my eyes at least, kinda feels like a good change from the basegame where armour barely mattered half the time
No problem! As much as I may love CE, one thing it could really improve is making a lot of the info window stats like that a little bit clearer; While a lot of the mechanics are good at making the game's combat far more interesting, at least in my opinion, it doesn't tend to be that good at explaining exactly how everything fits together. Certainly took me a while to figure some of these things out, at least, and that's with the starting advantage that i was already a huge firearms nerd
i don't know what the combat extended mod changes, but it seems to make firearms more deadly... you should not expect you're colonists to tank many shots from mechanoids. maybe you should not only focus on ammo, but actual body armor?
The reason your early game raiders are going down so quickly to the 1911's is for several reasons, 1 the pistol actually does really good damage but is normally utterly defeated by armor, 2 you are using hollow points which do bonus damage and pain on unarmored opponents.
You see its intriguing, the character my name has been leant to has go-juice addiction, yesterday morning I was watching old stream rim vods and you were talking about the addiction of coffee. A coincidence? Yes probably, but still probability is an interesting thing. As to why I didn't get the mood buff from eating raw human flesh, its because its only the ideology that makes me eat it, the character themselves is not a cannibal, so cooked human meat is the best for a cannibal without the trait
Wouldn't it be better to dump the toxic waste inside the caves, and then build a wall with a gate behind the first opening, so raiders would have to divert through the caves, but then during peacetime, you can leave the gate open for travelers? There's a lot of collateral damage happening, lol.
BTW, this could easily be just my setup, but you might want to check your pop filter... the last few videos the P syllable seems to be overblowing the mic a bit sometimes. Other commenters, please feel free to chime in whether it's just me or not... if it is, I'd very much like to know. :)
i do think you should reduce resistance and will, i have no clue if that helps with the idiologon stuff but i wouldnt be surprised if it does. also...I think 2 episodes is your fastest yet. counting dark aavak play throughs
In fairness, only ONE colonists is eating humans, and only because their religion requires it (they only eat when they need to, and not all the time) so I only count this as /half/ giving in...
I find that embrasures have a much narrower cone of sight than a gap in the wall does, so extra spots to shoot from help cover blind spots. But you may well be right regardless, we'll do some experimentation.
I was thinking that given the skillset, that doctor was going to definitely gain significant value over time doing constant RnD and medical emergencies, and manning a rifle as a backup, but no, pick a generalist who cannot save lives huh?
Right now, I feel that we can't support the cost of an extra colonists who has a very narrow field of potential work (and having a medic as a main part of your combat force is almost always a recipe for disaster in my experience) But apart from that, I'm a somewhat in Heinlein's camp on this one: “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
@@Aavak given we always want for research, have a good crafter, and always have need for general purpose folks, a specialist who can ensure survival in exchange for not being out and about and in the line of fire is very much a perfect specialist in every situation besides a near total wipeout where their inability to do basic tasks will kill themselves without robotic assistance. But I'm not going to say you chose poorly, odds are that individual might die regardless, but I saw a potential for a 10+ rank doctor to allow you to save a lot more good citizens in future who might otherwise die, and their off task skill is an indoors skill with 100% duty cycle regardless. So of all the possible doctor specialists we could have seen, that one was the best, but given their origin they probably would have needed reprogramming to a safer religion and then still persuaded to rejoin your colony. so, maybe not worth waiting for?
i would suggest 1st reduce resistance to 0; 2nd convert; 3rd recruit. coz what happens to me allot of times i convert pawns to my religion then while im trying to recruit them they sometimes go on a mental break and change religion again....
Excerpts from the diary of Periapsys
11th Septober, 5500: Mooney starting speaking of the dark whispers of Feebs and I could not rouse them from their visions for hours. Once again she proves to be terrible company and I question my benevolence in allowing her to stay. If I must endure their company then I should at least have more comfortable conditions to sleep in. Bubbles has been assigned the task of constructing a bedroom.
12th Septober: Bullets rained from the sky overnight, an entertaining event to record in this journal. Fortunately the trials of Mooney have been eased by the emanations of some far off kindly Stillwalker who has decided to emit a pleasant psychic emanation. When it came time for Mooney to leave she begged me to let her with her stay after having seen glory in the ways of the Triarch faith and in the splendour of Marble Hearth and the Graven Forge. She is tormented by her faith and I could see in her the makings of a noble triune, so I promised that I would let her remain. We will induct her into the proper ways before she is ready to rejoin the community, hopefully in time she will serve as a beacon to Reejery and inspire him to join the faith as well.
13th Septober: As Marble Hearth expands we will need more storage. My starting shelter is increasingly crowded with new people and their needs, so we have set aside land nearby for the construction of a warehouse. Now that the barracks has been finished now is a good time to start new projects. One of the tribal communities on this world also has someone who would like to see the magnificence of the Graven Forge and stay at Marble Hearth for some time. While I had my reservations about allowing more bothersome people to stay, Reejery reminded me that fostering positive relations with others will pay dividends in the future. Even if I must suffer inconveniences in the short term to pay for those future rewards.
14th Septober: I thought our guest would arrive by land with the traders today but they have somehow acquired the use of drop pods. They were later followed by raiders of a more primitive stock and judging by the fact that they decided to enter the insect warrens, they are burned with equally primitive intellects. One of them had better judgment than the fellows and avoided the caves, but they did not survive their fight with the domestic bots and myself. A trader came just before I stopped to pen this entry and took the items from the raiders we did not need.
15th Septober: More dreams tonight, and three more names to add to the list of the Shatterkin tormenting us. Now in addition to Montoya and Feeb there is Noob, Kaamio and Uma. They showed me visions of how to brutally cut meat and hide from animal, carve bloodied stone from the earth and how to inflict death though firearm and club upon my enemies. Reejery mumbled something about ‘dealing with the exalted invader’ and then later I found extra meat in our food stocks. I am not a fool and can deduce the source of our new food, but I am not so closed minded about the body after death as many in the galaxy. Perhaps he too feels the influence of the demons in his sleep, he does not share the Triune faith but perhaps in time he will.
1st Decembary: There was a brief period of solar activity and we needed to shut down our electronics for a while today. Our first harvest of hay grass has lifted the spirits of the chickens keeping them laying. The night is punctured with more sounds of raiders dying in the insect tunnels. I do not understand why none in this world have not learned to respect the predators they live amongst. We shall see if there is worthwhile items to scavenge in the morning.
2nd Decembary: Why do I ever allow other humans into my home? Our guest not only insulted my honour but further humbled me when I tried to demand satisfaction. I left the glitterworlds to escape people like this and I find them even here. The great work of the Graven Forge will prove me correct then I shall remind Rogaga of this insult on that day. At the very least I am not a knight pleading for protection against a small mad hare. The Refugee Empire might benefit from being more selective about whom they allow into their noble ranks.
3rd Decembary: With the south western hive ruined with only a sole survivor, I made the decision to mercy kill it and make the area safe. Traders from another tribal community came later and so exchanged many spoils with them for some sundries. The education of Mooney is complete but she is still shy and has requested that I speak to the others before she fully joins the community. It would only be fitting a duty for myself as they leader of this community.
5th Decembary: The Gubia Pact requested our assistance in protecting some of their number against two bands of Yttakin. Marble Hearth lacks the appropriate soldiers and equipment to attempt such a diversion so we sent our condolences and hoped the tribals would manage to escape their pursuers. There is too much clutter and so I have decided to attend to it, I am sure Reejery will appreciate cleaner and neater workspaces in the colony. Mooney is yet to join the colony fully as she has yet to fully process the traumas of her old ideoligion.
6th Decembary: Bubbles had been missing for a while and I found them low on power outside of the colony, beeping forlornly until I rescued them. They are still charging as I write this, watched by our new guest Dewdrop. The poor lady crashed in a transport pod nearby and was badly wounded in the event so we have rescued her and are tending to her injuries. As a mercy she does not belong to any one community in this world, perhaps as frustrated with them as I have come to be at times.
7th Decembary: It seems that Mooney had good reason to avoid Reejery as the brute attacked her without warning today. I had been aware of his foul mood the past few day after he had run out of Go Juice, but I had thought he had better sense than to attack a fellow member of the Graven Forge. Hopefully the sound beating that Mooney gave him in return will cause him to take a more temperate path in the future, but she did inspire Dewdrop to join in solidarity. We have been rewarded by the Forgebound and the Stillwalkers for overcoming this trial set by the Shatterkin. Glory to the Triune and to those who follow its noble path. Reejery is taking time to recover in the wake of his poor self care over the past few days.
8th Decembary: We will soon have new members of the insect warrens as cocoons were sighted to the north east today. No doubt some wandering fools will anger these as well, but I have instructed all members of the community to avoid them so it will not be the Marble Hearth who provokes these new arrivals at least. Unlike the fool who radioed for help today who had willingly gone to exterminate insects and found himself a walking target for his misdeeds.
9th Decembary: Reejery tests my patience these past few days. There are too many tasks to be done in our community and too few hands for us to suffer his moodiness. If I had the Go Juice to indulge him I would deny him out of spite. However the matter of drugs has reminded me that it is around time we started to grow psychite for both medicinal and (repeatedly underlined) -judicious- recreational use. I find myself spending more time in the solace of Bubbles and Encrypt
10th Decembary: This morning Dewdrop assured me of her full recovery and was eager to get to work. I was relieved for the good news from a member of the community for once, there have been too many petty dramas the past few days. The initial shelter we built has grown into a crowded common room, full of work stations and living spaces in equal measure. It was decided that we needed a dedicated work space for at least some of the tasks for the Marble Forge and plans for a room and workspaces has been drawn up.
11th Decembary: Yttakin attacked today but their ramshackle numbers and tactics were no match for our stalwart defenders. The only injury to our number was a stray shot from Rogaga that hit Enrcypt, which displeased me immensely. While I had been in a mind to leave those who had not fled to bleed out, one begged to be saved as I turned to walk away. Their companion spat and cursed them for their weakness which made me decide to save them to spite their companion. For now Mooney will help educate them on the community as they are rehabilitated in mind and body. Their are signs of mechanoid activity nearby which represents both considerable risk but considerable reward. Our new workshop opens up new options to us and plans must be made to take advantage of our new neighbours in the future.
i don't often go back n read other's comments after watching so imagine my surprise to find this ... great diary excerpts based on the ep ^^ , i see you did it for the previous ep now too , not gonna lie i hope you keep doing them ^^
If you keep doing these I will voice them and post them on the Discord server.
Machine Spirit, hear my cry to you and St. Algorithmis, let this series be blessed by the holy binary, and destroy all heresies and impurities in the code.
may thy bugs be vanquish'd, and erroneous machine cant purified with the divine erasure implement
Our cult great.
Aavak and not having Cannibalism: Challenge impossible Love your series
Of course there's a cannibal in the colony, business as usual
Couldn't help but notice Dewdrop's Ideoligion lists ferrets as a venerated animal. I feel like they'll do well among the Dapperlings. Assuming they survive the dangers of Marble Hearth.
I came to the comments to note this!
I knew five episodes was too generous when it comes to cannibalism
I will be a very happy man if you keeping shovelling one and a half, to two hour long Rimworld videos at me every day
Omg!! The moment when he caves!!
A second long rimworld video in one week. Praise the St. Algorithmus
Praise indeed for their mercy on our dapperlord
Oh, the man that warned that imperial in distress was definitively called "Tim". It would have been hilarious if you had any grenades to deal with that hare. Preferably the holy type.
An Aavak playthrough of Rimworld is like putting on an old pair of shoes. Gotta love it!
Reejery... you wonderful person you... teach our colonists the TRUE sacred meat.
Don't encourage them!! D:
I shall do what I can! I shall encourage the followers of the machine that they should use ground flesh as their fuel and not rely on the sun
@@Aavak did you expect ANYTHING else?
oh wow! that's wild that i got to join almost right away!
personally i think it'd be hilarious if my pawn was the first to die too haha
Well, hopefully not on the last part, but who can say. They're currently rolling up to battle with their fists and a shield XD
@@Aavak her fists are rated E for everyone!!
I've been dreadfully ill today and this series has definitely made this far more survivable. Thanks so much as always.
I'm really glad to have been able to help, if only just a little. Hope you feel much better soon!
I love how Aavak's map evolves slowly and steady. Usually all Rimworld LPs I watch have a bazillion of never-ending tasks.
Just sitting down with coffee and sofa snuggles with the family... Aavak is the perfect addition!!
I'm so excited to see another rimworld run. It's what brought me to your channel and I never left finding good quality games I would not have considered if not for your run through s. Thank you thank for all the good quality content
You're more than welcome :D
49:10 I've heard that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide!
Very interesting that a distinction is made between cannibalism for religious reasons and cannibalism for pure love of eating people.
1:03:06 No, that "Armor - sharp 14mm" is also it's protection 😬 Thrumbos are crazy tough as well in CE. You need some pretty high calibre rifles with AP rounds to take thrumbos out
I know about military APCs with lower level of armor. 😀I wouldn't say they are good APCs or IFVs but nevertheless. 😀
@@mortisCZ Well tbf, with moderate angling and plate hardness, 8mm-ish of steel plate can protect against full calibre rifle fire, as well as offer reasonable frag protection. I'd rather sit behind a few more mm than that tho lol
Can't get enough, sipping on a spiced cider tea is perfect for this. 💜
great ep as always . personally i had no doubt that the human noms would happen sooner than later , did not disappoint. also loving the time lapse at the end , its really cool seeing the progress
Gotta love the whole colony getting together to stomp a bug.
Just doing their part.
wouldnt be rimworld with out dark aavak loving this cant wait for the next episode
Aavak you scallywag, I dang near choked when you called Reejery a silly sausage xD
Saint Algorithmus, our Aavak Great!
Please share series to all.
the trader of the faction he wants to ally with immediately walks into the blood soaked cave
While I'm wholly on team insects-are-jelly-friends, megaspiders in CE are no joke. If you look at their piercing attack penetration, it's crazy high. They're kind of like scythers and can be damn scary up close
Love this, keep the episode coming❤
I told him! I told him! But no! It's just a harmless wee _bunny_.
I give you two praise to insert into your bots at the time you deem appropriate.
Many thanks ^^
So, for some clarification at 1:03:25: the body part armour is, from my understanding, the absolute minimum amount of armour the creature has, even AFTER it's actual armour has been completely shredded by taking excessive amounts of hits. The thrumbo's actual armour value, at least at the start of any given engagement, is 14mm RHA, which, for context, is enough to reliably stop a .50 BMG FMJ and take only blunt damage from it (a fact i have confirmed from experiencing that firsthand ingame). Granted, you probably COULD take one down with .45 ACP eventually, but it'd take a long time of chipping away at its armour, or a fair few lucky shots at the few unarmoured bits, or both; by which point you've burned an immense amount of ammo, and it's almost certainly caught up and turned your pawns into a fine red paste.
So, in conclusion: CE makes thrumbos absolutely TERRIFYING. Or, really, anything with especially good armour, which, in my eyes at least, kinda feels like a good change from the basegame where armour barely mattered half the time
oh wow, thanks for this bit of information, I apparently dodged a bullet (badum-tsh) with this one XD
No problem! As much as I may love CE, one thing it could really improve is making a lot of the info window stats like that a little bit clearer; While a lot of the mechanics are good at making the game's combat far more interesting, at least in my opinion, it doesn't tend to be that good at explaining exactly how everything fits together. Certainly took me a while to figure some of these things out, at least, and that's with the starting advantage that i was already a huge firearms nerd
Loved the episode!
so third time is the charm! Hope I can watch the episode without falling asleep
"We need to get Bullettes made"
"Land shark"
i don't know what the combat extended mod changes, but it seems to make firearms more deadly... you should not expect you're colonists to tank many shots from mechanoids.
maybe you should not only focus on ammo, but actual body armor?
Agreed, massively.
episode 2 for the nom is fairly solid. :-D
The reason your early game raiders are going down so quickly to the 1911's is for several reasons, 1 the pistol actually does really good damage but is normally utterly defeated by armor, 2 you are using hollow points which do bonus damage and pain on unarmored opponents.
You see its intriguing, the character my name has been leant to has go-juice addiction, yesterday morning I was watching old stream rim vods and you were talking about the addiction of coffee. A coincidence? Yes probably, but still probability is an interesting thing.
As to why I didn't get the mood buff from eating raw human flesh, its because its only the ideology that makes me eat it, the character themselves is not a cannibal, so cooked human meat is the best for a cannibal without the trait
Yay, more rimworld!
I would recommend putting fences in front of your defences instead of barricades they block enemy positioning and provide less cover to your opponents
This is a great suggestion!
Fetch the conversational bonking stick. o7
Insulting someone's honor is an interesting way to learn about their culture.
Indeed XD
Yay more rim rim ❤❤
For St. Algorithms!
Ha! I said last episode it'd happen this episode and I called it!
The fact your human meals are not Soylent Green Meal is terribly disappointing! lol
Wouldn't it be better to dump the toxic waste inside the caves, and then build a wall with a gate behind the first opening, so raiders would have to divert through the caves, but then during peacetime, you can leave the gate open for travelers? There's a lot of collateral damage happening, lol.
Hmm, you make a very valid suggestion!
"Useful to have a varied diet" as I eat nutrient paste...
BTW, this could easily be just my setup, but you might want to check your pop filter... the last few videos the P syllable seems to be overblowing the mic a bit sometimes.
Other commenters, please feel free to chime in whether it's just me or not... if it is, I'd very much like to know. :)
Guns. Lots of guns.
Should have checked social tab... "ate human meat" should cause fear in non-cannibals
i do think you should reduce resistance and will, i have no clue if that helps with the idiologon stuff but i wouldnt be surprised if it does.
also...I think 2 episodes is your fastest yet. counting dark aavak play throughs
In fairness, only ONE colonists is eating humans, and only because their religion requires it (they only eat when they need to, and not all the time) so I only count this as /half/ giving in...
Long pork... Episode two, lol!
Defensive walls work better if it's set up as wgwwgw that way 4 walls to hide behind and 2 gaps for 4 pops to shoot out thrue.
I find that embrasures have a much narrower cone of sight than a gap in the wall does, so extra spots to shoot from help cover blind spots. But you may well be right regardless, we'll do some experimentation.
4 episodes to go before he starts eating people again
Yay! Punching practice!
Was the insect-safe area updated with the arrival of the wastepack insects?
So with Episode 0 and considering your normal episode times, I'd say it happened in the middle of what would normally count as Episode 4. :D
Comment to the higher power so that Aavak gets all the views possible.
Deeply appreciated ^^
i hope you dig into the danger zone with out thinking about the area
Love the series so far but I don't think u mentioned the Mao access point in the cave to the east tnx for ep
Hey Aavak, can we get a look at your mod list? I'd love to know what mod you're using that changes the pawns' equipment screen.
Check the video description ;)
@@Aavak I'm an idiot. I didn't even think to look at that.
hehe, no worries, YT does a poor job of drawing attention to the info there ^^
I was thinking that given the skillset, that doctor was going to definitely gain significant value over time doing constant RnD and medical emergencies, and manning a rifle as a backup, but no, pick a generalist who cannot save lives huh?
Right now, I feel that we can't support the cost of an extra colonists who has a very narrow field of potential work (and having a medic as a main part of your combat force is almost always a recipe for disaster in my experience)
But apart from that, I'm a somewhat in Heinlein's camp on this one:
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, and die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.”
@@Aavak given we always want for research, have a good crafter, and always have need for general purpose folks, a specialist who can ensure survival in exchange for not being out and about and in the line of fire is very much a perfect specialist in every situation besides a near total wipeout where their inability to do basic tasks will kill themselves without robotic assistance.
But I'm not going to say you chose poorly, odds are that individual might die regardless, but I saw a potential for a 10+ rank doctor to allow you to save a lot more good citizens in future who might otherwise die, and their off task skill is an indoors skill with 100% duty cycle regardless. So of all the possible doctor specialists we could have seen, that one was the best, but given their origin they probably would have needed reprogramming to a safer religion and then still persuaded to rejoin your colony. so, maybe not worth waiting for?
i would suggest 1st reduce resistance to 0; 2nd convert; 3rd recruit. coz what happens to me allot of times i convert pawns to my religion then while im trying to recruit them they sometimes go on a mental break and change religion again....
Solid bit of advice, there!
Is it possible for Aavak to do a rimworld game without eating people?
Absolutely, check the archives ;)