我在北美,曾經被問大陸缺乏自信,因為它設置防火牆防止大陸人民上外網接受信息,所謂的censorship。我說,其實大陸的防火牆防的不是大陸內部而是外面。其實大陸對人民有點過度保護,大陸政府把人民保護在世外桃源裡,大陸人到了外面才是真正了解世界很險惡。很多大陸人在國內覺得西方很好,到了西方才深刻體會到它們很邪惡。我覺得老共太不容易了,大陸不需要反對黨,因為全西方世界就是它的反對黨,誰不聽話不搞‘民主自由’就要被‘民主自由’制裁,就像被種族滅絕制裁了60年的古巴,聯合國高票通過要求解除制裁30年,西方‘民主’偽善國家集體漠視。但凡大陸做了一點點🤏錯,那西方媒體那是大宣特傳啊,無限放大,抓住任何抹黑大陸的機會。比如這次小小幾百人protest,一個晚上就偃旗息鼓,還被大量圍觀群眾一頓臭罵,絕大多數中國人非常感激政府,雖然也會有抱怨,政策執行也有不完美,但是大家都知道政府已經做出最大努力保護人民生命健康👍西方媒體不報導這些,在西媒的瘋狂宣傳下,那簡直是14億人要鬧革命了😂 還比如新疆職業教育營,給那些無業遊民免費吃住,免費職業教育,還給介紹男女朋友,結業以後有技能,有工作,不遊手好閒,還討到老婆,安居樂業,誰還去遊行反政府啊。西方不幹了,所以才會氣急敗壞抹黑造謠。我覺得中國實在太不容易了,它其實在被西方國家集體霸凌,因為英語擁有話語權。遲早全世界都要學中文,到時候中國就擁有了話語權,那個時候就是不需要防火牆的時候了。If you hate what your rival is doing, they are doing it right.真理。大陸應該做的是,堅定去做自己認為對的事,不去管西方哇哇亂叫😂
In God we trust, all others use facts & evidence. Professor Kishore has played his role perfectly to answer the naive and biased questions from the West! Professor deserved respect from me...
Well said professor 🎉you are telling the truth about the nature of western bias. I really respect you being able to stand up and telling the truth. Thank you Sir❤
why not those westerners migrate to China? the safest place in the world? why still so many Chinese wish to migrate out of country? I can assure you more than 90% of the Chinese in China would migrate if they are capable.....
I’ve spent about 100,000 hours studying English humor and Western culture. My native language is Chinese. I’m teaching Chinese language in jokes and pictures. It makes learning Chinese funny and much easier. Laughter can help us reduce tensions.
@bigboy hk 那些只是你的认知偏见而已,每一代领导人都面对很困难的挑战,如果说难度无疑第一代领导人才是最难的,一贫如洗,没资源,没人才,没资本,没技术,百废待兴,为追求国家主权独立性同时面临美苏双重封锁。朝鲜战场打了一场立国之战,中印边境打了一场战争,中苏之间也摩擦了非常久,双方边境陈兵数百万长达十数年。 在毛、邓、江、胡、习这几个人里,仅从面对挑战方面习最多也就勉强能冲到第三名。你的很多描述也是不确切的,比如银行坏账是在胡温时代解决的,北京奥运前四大国有银行都集体上市了,不良资本早就剥离处理。2003年非典正处于江泽民向胡锦涛交班的关键时期,全民抗疫早就有过演习。乌克兰危机那是欧洲的危机,是中国的机遇又怎么能理解为挑战呢?香港的动乱又算得了什么,胡锦涛调任中央之前在西藏做什么你知道吗?九六台海危机江泽民面临的处境比习容易?
@@magicsmurfy They boast themselves to be the most trusted voice. How ironically it is! Another one is they report the news in underdeveloped countries to express humanitarianism; however, it is their countries made it. The point is they are willing to see others' misery, not to give a hand.
Thumbs up for Professor Kishore for his unapparelled wisdom and impressive knowledge,. He calmly rebutted biased questions from A-S reporters with great clarity and logic.
Because Chinese people are raised in a way that's similar to how terrorists raise their suicide bombers, locked up, isolated from the outside world, and fed with hatred toward outside "enemies".
And then, in the name of "reform" China tricked the free world into sharing all the know-hows of building a modern civilization that took hundreds of years to develop, and tricked them into investing in China and sharing their technologies, China grew rapidly, and in return, China calling itself a superior system and trying to build a new world order based on oppression and terror.
A really wise man who Singapore is proud to have. It’s the style that former PM Mr Lee Kuan Yew used to rebut and refute the Western biased view of Asia. 👏👍
@文君 尔东 average Singapore minister pay is $ 40K per month , senior minister $ 60K. So your standard to bribe is only last about 8 months . That they can make in less than a year. They are also board of directors in a few companies. Bonus Divided per year from a few companies is unknown . How much money do u think they need to earn illegally ?
He is talking the truth! I respect him. I am not saying China Government is perfect, they are still far away but I cannot accept the biases from Westerners
Professor Kishore, is speaking the very true of the fact about what the western countries are trying to do with the world. Very respectful of his saying the truth.😄👍
I’ve spent about 100,000 hours studying English humor and Western culture. My native language is Chinese. I’m teaching Chinese language in jokes and pictures. It makes learning Chinese funny and much easier. Laughter can help us reduce tensions.
Professor Kishore Mahbubani revealed one ugly truth about global climate change: the developed country created this global disaster and continue to refuse to take responsibility to take effective measures to cut down their own carbon emissions...... For example, at the end of any given school day, at the gates of all K-12 schools all across America, there are a long line (hundreds) of cars idling (parked with engines running) for 30 minutes or longer. In those cars, are the parents of the students waiting to pick up their school-aged children. If any US politicians truly cared about climate change, they could have easily passed a law (or local order) to curtail such senseless carbon-emitting behavior by assessing a fine for idling your car for 5 minutes or longer. It does not cost the government anything (may create revenue with the fines) to change this bad behavior by most American citizens. ....
'to curtail such senseless carbon-emitting behavior by assessing a fine for idling your car for 5 minutes or longer. It does not cost the government anything' ????? You are sure it does not cost the US government anything? It cost them to lose votes for the next election. It cost them to lose the donations by the big oil corporations in the US! What a hefty price to pay for them to pay for if they do this!
In China, cars are as many as insects...... In Beijing(and Shanghai?),traffic jams are very normal,especially school.The problem you mentioned is also happening in China.That is OK.The most serious problem is that in US people are not allowed to dry their clothes on balcony,so people have to use electricity to dry their clothes!?AND THEN THEY SAID THAT CHINA HAD A VERY BAD BEHAVIOR ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS!🤣
The professor was right, what he said was absolutely true. If Western countries act in line with the values they uphold, they should stop Japan from releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. It is disappointing that the United States and European countries have done nothing about Japan's environmental damage.
@@悉帅 Are these two types of water the same? The water discharged by China is free of nuclear radiation, while the water discharged by Japan is nuclear contaminated water. If we do not object to Japan's deliberate discharge of nuclear contaminated water into nature, then any other country with problems in its nuclear power plants can discharge nuclear contaminated water into nature without any worries.
I don't like you to add "Objectively" and "we know" before you express your opinion. We generally call it "arrogance and prejudice". This often represents mistakes and lies.
Great response! I can’t believe there are still so many journalists appear to be so narrow minded, foolish, and poor in understanding what’s really happening in the world. Stopping living in the past and opening up your eyes and mind, the world is now completely different.
Useless. They will say that your numbers are fake, it is propaganda from the Chinese government. They will jump topics and argue with you something else. Then they will say that they have ex wives, or friends in China and put up some hearsay stories to go against you. If that does not work, then they will vaguely threaten you by calling you a communist troll.
The professor stated a simple truth that is easy to understand. If the only thing left for china is derogatory words, then you really don't need to be afraid.
Greatest respect for this professor. The American and European, especially the Anglo-Saxon breed cannot see any nation or race better than theirs. Hope we rise against this kind of repression from this group of evil lots.
I adore Prof Kishore Mahbubani's way of orating, succinct, yet full of wisdom; Slow but powerful; Brings calmness into a field often filled with opposing rhetoric, thanks for sharing!
@@An-Book 好強的衛星,為什麼醬多失蹤人口還找不回?
@@kohseowkey2769 他不是亲中,他是心疼美国,苦口婆心劝美国政客多听取国内有智慧的战略家们金玉良言,别一脑子热敌视中国。
@@amberteng4213 失蹤人口數字是國民主動報警所得的官方數據,你又怎分是主動離家出走,避債還是其它原因?
@@Diderot68 sorry, 本人是从网上查的资料。
舔勾真多 kk干嘛做勾
@@kouan3520 他应是知道的,但是这个话题跟本视频没有任何关系呀
你是不是在美国啊 卧槽
@@新冯 在新加坡
@@牛皮纸老虎 朋友已经信奉自由民主神教的教徒是没有办法有能力分析逻辑问题🙈🙊🙉🐸🇺🇲😓
@@aannddyychang6162 是新加坡口音啦,我在新加坡住的,听得出来
@@yun-z 好吧,我还以为是印度人的英式口音
我在北美,曾經被問大陸缺乏自信,因為它設置防火牆防止大陸人民上外網接受信息,所謂的censorship。我說,其實大陸的防火牆防的不是大陸內部而是外面。其實大陸對人民有點過度保護,大陸政府把人民保護在世外桃源裡,大陸人到了外面才是真正了解世界很險惡。很多大陸人在國內覺得西方很好,到了西方才深刻體會到它們很邪惡。我覺得老共太不容易了,大陸不需要反對黨,因為全西方世界就是它的反對黨,誰不聽話不搞‘民主自由’就要被‘民主自由’制裁,就像被種族滅絕制裁了60年的古巴,聯合國高票通過要求解除制裁30年,西方‘民主’偽善國家集體漠視。但凡大陸做了一點點🤏錯,那西方媒體那是大宣特傳啊,無限放大,抓住任何抹黑大陸的機會。比如這次小小幾百人protest,一個晚上就偃旗息鼓,還被大量圍觀群眾一頓臭罵,絕大多數中國人非常感激政府,雖然也會有抱怨,政策執行也有不完美,但是大家都知道政府已經做出最大努力保護人民生命健康👍西方媒體不報導這些,在西媒的瘋狂宣傳下,那簡直是14億人要鬧革命了😂 還比如新疆職業教育營,給那些無業遊民免費吃住,免費職業教育,還給介紹男女朋友,結業以後有技能,有工作,不遊手好閒,還討到老婆,安居樂業,誰還去遊行反政府啊。西方不幹了,所以才會氣急敗壞抹黑造謠。我覺得中國實在太不容易了,它其實在被西方國家集體霸凌,因為英語擁有話語權。遲早全世界都要學中文,到時候中國就擁有了話語權,那個時候就是不需要防火牆的時候了。If you hate what your rival is doing, they are doing it right.真理。大陸應該做的是,堅定去做自己認為對的事,不去管西方哇哇亂叫😂
大陆网民被过度保护的体现就是一出事网上就一堆撒泼打滚的 唐山事件能发酵得这么厉害,放在西方国家根本没人会关注,多少人在家里躺被人闯进去打的杀的 别说几个女人半夜出去玩了。还有铁链女事件之类的贩卖妇女事件,在西方国家早就不是新鲜事了。
的确是过度保护了= =有时候我也觉得一些熊孩子也太安逸了... 就怎么说? 闲的... 以前我们小时候哪有那么好.
@@chihungchan5086 因为社會主義極權的劣勢已经被西方说了无数遍了,全西方人都知道了,但优势他们却一无所知
@@chihungchan5086 我就想问,如果让你们民进党从1949年开始管理14亿人口的大国,能治理的有多好?别拿弹丸之地两千多万人口来比,蒋介石在1945年-1949年在统治大陆阶段什么尿性想必你很清楚吧?不然为什么节节败退?你们不是有自由民主的军队吗?不是有美国的支援吗?为什么还能败退到台湾?
In God we trust, all others use facts & evidence. Professor Kishore has played his role perfectly to answer the naive and biased questions from the West! Professor deserved respect from me...
No wonder More than a third of Chinese millionaires want to leave China
@@chichester21 ???bbc,cnn?oh my god!!!!!!
do you understand the question raised?
Uncle sam enjoyed the Chinese cheap products but wouldn't foot the bill for carbon tax. I am just an consumer but you chinese the producer.
中國富豪 爆發出走潮!... 留下"買命錢"
That's why spore can be successful
@@kwokkuencheung1314 That's why mosquito can be successful
@@QRK-b5v Well, actually, cockroach is far more successful! 🤣🪳
@@thangchad2977 亲印度没关系,印度想要的是印度洋霸权,中国想要的是多极化,双方没有利益冲突,反而殊途同归。
@@jerrylou3791 好吧好吧。高情商: 左右逢缘, 低情商:两头讨好😁
@@2-un4jt 我似内跌
@@中国人不吃你这一套 只能说难绷,长大点再找我,怼人请怼的有技术涵养一点而不是跟控制不了情绪的小孩一样,只会情绪输出
@@frozen378 华人勤奋耐劳,在哪里都可以落地生根。中国这片大地已经变成中共的玩物了,没必要留恋。
昂撒: 我们欺骗,我们作弊,我们偷窃。 提问题只是一种攻击的手段,教授你太耿直了
所以世界有很多騙案,國務卿已經明言說他 喜歡說謊,但依然很多人相信他,因為有一類人就是喜歡被騙。
calm, collected composure, and fact-based data presented by kishore entirely.. salute and respect only for this man❤
Well said professor 🎉you are telling the truth about the nature of western bias. I really respect you being able to stand up and telling the truth. Thank you Sir❤
why not those westerners migrate to China? the safest place in the world? why still so many Chinese wish to migrate out of country? I can assure you more than 90% of the Chinese in China would migrate if they are capable.....
I’ve spent about 100,000 hours studying English humor and Western culture. My native language is Chinese. I’m teaching Chinese language in jokes and pictures. It makes learning Chinese funny and much easier. Laughter can help us reduce tensions.
how much money will u be able to accept to turn to be a traitor for china ?
@@stayprepared2388 对现在的政府是有意见的 中国还有很多要完善的地方 但是多少钱也不会叛国 那些叛国者加入美国时宣誓也一样要效忠美国 只是这些墙头草 他们只会效忠他们的屁股
@@stayprepared2388 We can also ask U the same, how much money makes U act so hated on China
Bravo Mr Kishore Mahbubani give them a lesson 👏👏👏
@bigboy hk 那些只是你的认知偏见而已,每一代领导人都面对很困难的挑战,如果说难度无疑第一代领导人才是最难的,一贫如洗,没资源,没人才,没资本,没技术,百废待兴,为追求国家主权独立性同时面临美苏双重封锁。朝鲜战场打了一场立国之战,中印边境打了一场战争,中苏之间也摩擦了非常久,双方边境陈兵数百万长达十数年。
@@vayegu 何謂民主?以我自身為台灣人認為的現況可悲之處在於...只剩手中的選票,還有如果監督政府說實話就會有人找你瞎BB,完全不管事情是否正確,也不肯去深思或追根究底...這樣...叫民主嗎?民主不就是應該"以民為主"嗎?而選票選出的政治人物,不應受到監督與負責嗎?至於憲法,馬凱碩教授在他的談論中並無任何違憲(新加坡憲法)的事項,如果有,還請你指教點出是哪一條哪一項
@@0723kenchin 所以说本质上任何国家都不可能言论自由或者民主。
He speaks truth fairly, rationally and without bias.
Embarrassing for the guy asking such stupid question, yet the answer is so calm and rational! .
They always ask such questions, always
@@magicsmurfy They boast themselves to be the most trusted voice. How ironically it is! Another one is they report the news in underdeveloped countries to express humanitarianism; however, it is their countries made it. The point is they are willing to see others' misery, not to give a hand.
And at the end he had the cheek to claim professor put words into his mouth. What an imbecile 😂
@Beau Bear Money drives Beau Bear, too.
He knew that he had asked a stupid question even before the answer was given, he only hope is the Prof agrees to what he said.
Thumbs up for Professor Kishore for his unapparelled wisdom and impressive knowledge,. He calmly rebutted biased questions from A-S reporters with great clarity and logic.
Because Chinese people are raised in a way that's similar to how terrorists raise their suicide bombers, locked up, isolated from the outside world, and fed with hatred toward outside "enemies".
And then, in the name of "reform" China tricked the free world into sharing all the know-hows of building a modern civilization that took hundreds of years to develop, and tricked them into investing in China and sharing their technologies, China grew rapidly, and in return, China calling itself a superior system and trying to build a new world order based on oppression and terror.
@tommy tommy 逃出去心里没数?,但凡你查一下就不会无知
@tommy tommy 首先,怎么富的心理没逼数吗?其次中国是国家资本主义,个人资本不想先富带后富。是个人都会跑路,这很正常。
@tommy tommy 逃出中国??冯小刚 吴京不还在国内乱蹦乱跳??就你们这些湾湾天天造谣 结果把自己都洗脑了
Professor Kishore, you showed us the truth and fact!👍👍
@@abc0118 赚了多少了?
@@russellng7730 有些地方叫星加坡
@@panbaonini 所以有些地方叫错了。
@@panbaonini 国名是正式的,不是能够自己起的
最愚蠢的人才會相信這個瘋子謊言。爭論所有細節太浪費時間,簡單的方法就是看事實現像。1, 為什麼只有大陸人移民國外,沒有外國人移民中共國?2, 為什麼狗共怕開放信息?讓大陸人比較外國的社會,發現自己生活在中共統治下是多幸福!!!
A really wise man who Singapore is proud to have. It’s the style that former PM Mr Lee Kuan Yew used to rebut and refute the Western biased view of Asia. 👏👍
how much money will u be able to accept to turn to be a traitor for china ?
L singh - kishore is a traitor for china if that is what you mean .
@@stayprepared2388 500000dollar
@@stayprepared2388 s
@文君 尔东 average Singapore minister pay is $ 40K per month , senior minister $ 60K. So your standard to bribe is only last about 8 months . That they can make in less than a year. They are also board of directors in a few companies. Bonus Divided per year from a few companies is unknown . How much money do u think they need to earn illegally ?
@@笑紅塵-e4f 好多孩子都走了
@@笑紅塵-e4f 明天就到你装袋了
那个白人记者不会感到无地自容,因为没有良知,正义和羞耻感,他毫无感觉,只是感觉倒霉没能成功抹黑中国。 您把他们想得太好了。
@@zsmmmer 🐶🐶👍
@@xichen2933 怕不是你想吧
@@xichen2933 Again, the same question ,why China's economy is very dynamic if China is a authoritarian state?
He is talking the truth! I respect him. I am not saying China Government is perfect, they are still far away but I cannot accept the biases from Westerners
They think they are the Master Race
They have Hitler syndrome
Professor Kishore, is speaking the very true of the fact about what the western countries are trying to do with the world. Very respectful of his saying the truth.😄👍
I’ve spent about 100,000 hours studying English humor and Western culture. My native language is Chinese. I’m teaching Chinese language in jokes and pictures. It makes learning Chinese funny and much easier. Laughter can help us reduce tensions.
how much money will u be able to accept to turn to be a traitor for china ?
@ staypared2388 at least $100 million.
@@wahafung9374 家里没通网不怪你,出来吓人就不对了
@@wahafung9374 家里没通网不怪你,出来吓人就不对了,台浦寨河飘子井里呆着不好吗
金錢掛帥, 空污嚴重, 城管暴力, 維權困難, 鬼城處處, 普遍知識落後, 人均收入水平低還有很多窮人等等都是要面對的課題, 不過中國現代化才 70 年多, 人口還那麼多, 也算是快速了, 希望以後可以更進一步
Thankyou Professor Kishore. My greatest respect for your true & unbiased view.
Unbiased... omg... lol
Professor Kishore Mahbubani revealed one ugly truth about global climate change: the developed country created this global disaster and continue to refuse to take responsibility to take effective measures to cut down their own carbon emissions...... For example, at the end of any given school day, at the gates of all K-12 schools all across America, there are a long line (hundreds) of cars idling (parked with engines running) for 30 minutes or longer. In those cars, are the parents of the students waiting to pick up their school-aged children. If any US politicians truly cared about climate change, they could have easily passed a law (or local order) to curtail such senseless carbon-emitting behavior by assessing a fine for idling your car for 5 minutes or longer. It does not cost the government anything (may create revenue with the fines) to change this bad behavior by most American citizens. ....
'to curtail such senseless carbon-emitting behavior by assessing a fine for idling your car for 5 minutes or longer. It does not cost the government anything' ?????
You are sure it does not cost the US government anything? It cost them to lose votes for the next election. It cost them to lose the donations by the big oil corporations in the US!
What a hefty price to pay for them to pay for if they do this!
In China, cars are as many as insects...... In Beijing(and Shanghai?),traffic jams are very normal,especially school.The problem you mentioned is also happening in China.That is OK.The most serious problem is that in US people are not allowed to dry their clothes on balcony,so people have to use electricity to dry their clothes!?AND THEN THEY SAID THAT CHINA HAD A VERY BAD BEHAVIOR ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS!🤣
@ User-KV3X6bF4 Osb Nowadays, most of the cities are trams, and China is vigorously developing new energy vehicles.
@@高志瑋-z3y You are telling the story of your own?
@@高志瑋-z3y 是的,都是胡說八道,希望你趕緊去給拜登留言,中國不值得他老人家举舉國甚至結盟針對。台灣才是南波灣,希望拜登應該讓美國好好針對下,不要不識抬舉,不然再過幾年美國地位肯定不穩。
@@a.i.5192 白眼🙄️ 中國最厲害👍 習近平萬歲 繼續割韭菜
@@tatakai8848 我还以为中文是台湾发明的,什么你不用象形文闻既然你这样注重原装原版,世界在开发,进化,可是你为了找茬什么都可以. 希望英文字你不要用到 HI, LOL, BTW. PM,AM, etc ...
This professor is wise, honest and brave. I really respect him!
@@andylam6062 呦,1450小井蛙换话术了?
The professor was right, what he said was absolutely true. If Western countries act in line with the values they uphold, they should stop Japan from releasing nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean. It is disappointing that the United States and European countries have done nothing about Japan's environmental damage.
@@悉帅 Are these two types of water the same? The water discharged by China is free of nuclear radiation, while the water discharged by Japan is nuclear contaminated water. If we do not object to Japan's deliberate discharge of nuclear contaminated water into nature, then any other country with problems in its nuclear power plants can discharge nuclear contaminated water into nature without any worries.
Obviously, we know who grew up in a culture that is not treating others equally and fairly with basic respect. Kudos Professor.
Only one question. Have you ever seen it with your own eyes? I suggest you come to China and have a look in person.
I don't like you to add "Objectively" and "we know" before you express your opinion. We generally call it "arrogance and prejudice". This often represents mistakes and lies.
how much money will u be able to accept to turn to be a traitor for china ?
Is there any difference between you and the journalist in the video?
Time will witness everything, look forward to your coming to China to witness, welcome your arrival.
He is such a wise man, and his way answering the question shows his highly educated level.
Well done, Professor Kishore !👏👍
Great response! I can’t believe there are still so many journalists appear to be so narrow minded, foolish, and poor in understanding what’s really happening in the world. Stopping living in the past and opening up your eyes and mind, the world is now completely different.
That is why Western country is falling behind
They do not understand the real world
👏👏👏👏👏👏this is what I want to say for a long time to my bias coworkers, I will write this down and practice at home
Useless. They will say that your numbers are fake, it is propaganda from the Chinese government. They will jump topics and argue with you something else. Then they will say that they have ex wives, or friends in China and put up some hearsay stories to go against you. If that does not work, then they will vaguely threaten you by calling you a communist troll.
同意,不過你的話讓我想起西方媒體的對等詞: 中國媒體...
@@荘虔悳 原来你的判断就是看中国的党校位置,好可怜的脑子
@@荘虔悳 靠地理位置判断?你比提问的记者还要蠢
@@荘虔悳 美军基地也在新加坡,你品 你细品。美军基地合中国党校开一起。中共同路人?
@@荘虔悳 你除了无能狂怒还能找出一句这位教授的语言漏洞或者逻辑漏洞吗?既然反华论都说中国要崩溃了,那你们就让中国崩溃去啊,不正合你们的心意么?你们骂来骂去万一给中国骂醒了,不崩溃了怎么办?
老傻逼 拿钱说话
@@kouan3520 ,可人家是新加坡的教授!还有外媒,来采访!
最愚蠢的人才會相信這個瘋子謊言。爭論所有細節太浪費時間,簡單的方法就是看事實現像。1, 為什麼只有大陸人移民國外,沒有外國人移民中共國?2, 為什麼狗共怕開放信息?讓大陸人比較外國的社會,發現自己生活在中共統治下是多幸福!!!
this is a respectable professor, who using facts and data to show opinions.
What a respectable individual with great intelligence and wisdom.
He answered "what stupid question are you asking?" in a professor way
how much money will u be able to accept to turn to be a traitor for china ?
@@stayprepared2388 it's easier if you ask a HK ppl with UK flag around their neck
@@Ralphbush1029 你的逻辑谁教的
@@Ralphbush1029 可憐風向仔啊你,🙄
这真是我最近看到的最有力的阐述,提问者说的明显是不经思考和考证的偏见,回答者给出的是数据和逻辑,高下立判!这两个人在思维层面明显不是一个level 😂
Calm , polite explaining how western media prefer to put their position first before finding facts.
The professor's speech is rational and wise. For those who understand the world with prejudice all day long, how sad their lives are
Thank you Professor, for those unarguable points. 😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏
老馬语速不急不缓 条理清晰 观点犀利 不愧是智库高人
Thanking you for your honest opinions about China 🇨🇳 👍
Wow! Im sucked into watching the entire clip by the way the message was driven across... so smooth, so confident, so loaded with supporting evidence.
This is so called wisdom. it's so rare now days.
The professor gave impromptu answers to reporters' questions, which were clear, logical and well-founded.
這名記者最後還要強辯說是馬凱碩曲解了他 我回頭再看一次他的提問 難道 說中國的成功建立在高壓,破壞環境,言論審查。。。不是從他口中說出的嗎 還是現場有另外一個他?
确实有点 马凯硕也蛮狡猾的
人家问他如何reconcile 妓者的意思就是 高压 环境污染 言论审查这些都是facts 不需要你来justify
其实这些问题都有答案 马可能也是知道的 但是台面上怎么可能来教育你 显然是要拿冠冕堂皇的数据来教训你
Now you are just putting words in my mouth lol
wow! so well said. i shall remember his words by heart! Respect!
wow... what a beautiful reply and wakening answer from Mr. Mahbubani to all those who has bias on China!
Thank you for the fair comments
@@wahafung9374 谁说不能打的 你这属于乱说了 国民党不能打那是真的 政府这些可以
@@wahafung9374 你多久没回国了?或者是根本进不来了吧!中国老百姓天天在政府前都有闹事,还有专业上北京告状的,退休金医疗拆迁补偿等等包罗万象的事,就是个闹,这世界上最难治理的就是中国人,有智商还敢玩命。
@@wahafung9374 你用过微博吗?我打了N个政府也没事啊,你到底去哪里听说的不能打政府两个字?
@@wahafung9374 我骂制定某个政策就是一刀切,就是懒政。也没人封我号。
@@wmandli2005 这么做是骗老外,还是骗中国人,还是分化出中国粉红反贼。
The professor stated a simple truth that is easy to understand. If the only thing left for china is derogatory words, then you really don't need to be afraid.
As we can see, the India professor is study On china!
@@ymshen587He is from Singapore
The west may not agree, but it is the truth. Thanks, professor.
West never care about the truth, they only care about win and control.
He’s a great professor to learn from. Most of the time I don’t even understand what my own professors lectures.
伟大的学者!真正的学者!Kishore Mahbubani 是理性的世界大教授。至理至真。。。
擔心中共國這位小學博士領袖忍不住 像叮噹忌安 發啤氣亂按核彈毀滅地球 夠嗎
Greatest respect for this professor. The American and European, especially the Anglo-Saxon breed cannot see any nation or race better than theirs. Hope we rise against this kind of repression from this group of evil lots.
That is why Asia is rising
The west is going down
A brilliant answer to the intentionally misleading question and descriptions. The questioner did nothing but showed his stupidity.
how much money will u be able to accept to turn to be a traitor for china ?
@@stayprepared2388 it reveals people like you and the country you are from would/have done.
@Tom - this is how kishore act as a traitor working for china.
@@stayprepared2388 你能接受多少钱变成我的狗?
He is still living in the seventies
真正的专家 学者!佩服佩服👍💯‼️
@@solarrockzhou8019 你是不是挺孤独的?
I adore Prof Kishore Mahbubani's way of orating, succinct, yet full of wisdom; Slow but powerful; Brings calmness into a field often filled with opposing rhetoric, thanks for sharing!
I like your comment!
This professor is amazing -- polite, sophisticated and rational. Thumbs up!!
错了 世界上被除西方外各国说的最多的就是美国,毕竟是超级大国的待遇嘛
This is called Wisdom!
they are just performing, never intended to learn anything. Good thing is that is exactly what the last emperor of china did.
@@BSRM1978 他們不是希望中國改變,而是希望中國崩潰。
没关系 话也不是说给他们听的。 不过还是感谢他们的提问,让教授得以借题发挥