I Am THE Mistress of BOTH Couple

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 58

  • @DoMorrMusic
    @DoMorrMusic 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +84

    I’ve never seen an accidental polyamorous relationship before but here we are.

    • @metal.gendalf
      @metal.gendalf 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I selfishly want to see how it will play out. Would be interesting to whatch from the outside 😂

    • @RhiFoxx
      @RhiFoxx 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I came here to comment this too.. what a wild venture

    • @tarrantwolf
      @tarrantwolf 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It's not that hard, just get into a non monogamous relationship with 2 people that both have keys to your place and happen to both be bi, eventually ones going to walk in at an inopertune time. The hard part is making it last.

  • @Triloking
    @Triloking 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    UPDATE: WIBTA for telling a couple I'm a mistress for both of them? submitted anonymously to tumbler
    some people asked for an update on the situation and so I'm here to deliver I guess. I ended up dealing with the situation quite a bit before my question actually got posted because it was kinda time sensitive (to me at least, I did not feel comfortable sitting on that info any longer than I already had).
    thanks for all y'all's kind words though, and for all the jokes at my expense. to the person who said this would happen to a modern george costanza I just need you to know ive laughed about that like a million times and I'm a little in love with you bc of it. my life is typically incredibly boring so this has been a Time, to say the least.
    so. here's what ended up happening.
    I ended up meeting with my therapist the day after I submitted the ask to talk about normal therapy stuff, but also to get her take on this situation i'd found myself in. she said that involving myself in this situation more than I needed to was a bad idea, that I shouldn't try to talk things out and should likely just cut contact with both of them and not divulge info about the fact i'd been dating both of them.
    this kind of left a bad taste in my mouth because I guess I felt like I would owe it to both of them to at least explain why I'm dipping from our relationships? because even though there's not commitment necessarily, lots of feelings have been shared and reciprocated and it wouldn't feel right to just walk away with no explanation. I also wasn't really wanting to break up with either of them despite the fact that I'd started to grow kind of upset about being made into a mistress without knowing. im still giving them both grace for their mistakes, but can't deny that I've been feeling really hurt by the whole situation.
    I also ended up talking to a friend of mine who suggested that hosting a talk with both of them at my place would be a bad idea since if things went bad between them I wouldn't be able to just leave, and I agreed after thinking about it.
    I really wasn't sure how to approach this because no option felt good? or right? so I ended up taking a kind of clumsy route. the day after therapy I invited C over to my place to talk because she tends to be the more level headed and less emotional of the two of them, and I thought it would be easier to explain to her first.
    I admitted to her that I knew M, and that I'd actually been seeing him for a little longer than I'd been seeing her. I told her I hadn't known they were married or that they even knew each other until the day I confronted her about having a partner.
    she was pretty taken aback and upset that I hadn't said anything before (fair), and I apologized and told her that I didn't know how to approach the situation without potentially ruining things for them and that's why I waited to gather info and decide what to do.
    we talked for a long time about everything. I apologized for not telling her sooner, she apologized for involving me in a huge mess without my knowledge, lots of apologies all around and emotional talk. she said she felt kind of betrayed by M, but also felt that she didn't have the right to feel that way considering....everything. I then told her that I hadn't talked to M about this yet, and that I would leave the news up to her discretion since theyre at a level of commitment I simply don't have with either of them. I offered to tell him myself or to be there with her, or to keep myself out of it if that's what she preferred.
    she decided that she wanted to talk to M by herself and would let me know how things went, and I agreed with this. she told me I love you, gave me a kiss, and off she went.
    that night at like 4 in the morning I get texts from M. he says he and C have been up all night talking about the situation, and that he's upset with me for not divulging the fact that I'd been dating both of them sooner, but that he understands why I was hesitant and doesn't blame me. he gives a long-winded apology for involving me in the whole situation, then says that he needs time to think about everything with C and that they want to work on their communication and their marriage, so he'd be taking space from our relationship for the time being. I text him back once I've woken up and apologize too, and tell him I understand. C texts me a similar thing about needing time and space, I tell her the same thing.
    I'm not like, completely stupid. I knew this was gonna be a really likely possibility, but it still hurts in a lot of ways. I feel kind of betrayed by both of them for making me a mistress without my knowledge, and I'm also heartbroken because I do genuinely love both of them despite the fact that I'm a little angry with them in this moment. maybe I'm jumping the gun by thinking "taking time" means a breakup, but I can't help but feel like that's what it is. maybe I'm just catastrophizing bc of anxiety, but I really don't know how else to feel tbh, or how to talk myself off this ledge.
    I also feel incredibly selfish for wanting something from them still while they're trying to figure out how they're going to move forward in their relationship, esp because obviously their marriage takes priority over "woman I've loved for half a year".
    it's been almost a week and I haven't heard from either of them yet, so I've kinda just been wallowing in my misery and expecting the worst. I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to reach out and also feel it would be unfair of me to do so since they both asked for time, so I'm kinda just in waiting mode until I hear from them.
    they're both genuinely really great people despite how the situation has turned out, and I really hope things work out for them and they can work thru this together. but man I can't help but wish that I could be there, too.
    if I hear back from them I might update again (it's kind of nice to vent about everything in an anonymous setting), but if they don't contact me again then....I guess that's all from me. thanks for listening to my dumb feelings

    • @Icalasari
      @Icalasari 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Aww D:

  • @nationalinstituteofcheese3012
    @nationalinstituteofcheese3012 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

    Story 1: You kinda got a moral obligation to tell them.

    • @BrotherMag
      @BrotherMag 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Op is a hypocrite. Dump them

    • @therebelreaper1486
      @therebelreaper1486 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      She told them

    • @steph8030593
      @steph8030593 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@therebelreaper1486and? How’d it go?

  • @GamerGirlieNatasha
    @GamerGirlieNatasha 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Story 1: it probably would have helped to specifically ask them both "well, hypothetically, how would you feel if you imagine your wife/husband with someone, perhaps me, in the same way as you are with me? If I was affectionate with them, them with me or even just having sex with me?" because you could get your real answer while just trying to help them with a 'thought experiment'.

  • @samcruz8188
    @samcruz8188 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Yeah, I already need an update to story 1

    • @superc.j
      @superc.j 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      They actually give an update in this comment section! It's close to the top.

  • @josiegipson90
    @josiegipson90 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    That last story. Yea, I'm pretty what shes feeling is just really strong lust (for the first time in her marriage). Her marriage doesn't necessarily have to have problems for her to lust over another man. This where really weak ass people would cheat just to alleviate the lust but she sounds extremely morally sound and that's why it's bothering her so much. My advice would be to stay away from him as much as possible and if the fantasizing is becoming problematic find something else to occupy mindspace, like a hobby or something.

  • @CT-1001
    @CT-1001 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I have a retro pug. As in a pug that was bred from original pugs. Longer nose a little larger an zero breathing or health problems. He is absolutely the best an smartest pup I've ever had.
    As for how pugs have been bred now. Absolutely no way I would condone getting one, it's heart breaking how much they struggle

    • @breannagulack5131
      @breannagulack5131 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you for supporting ethically bred animals ❤ - doggy midwife

  • @badwolfhunter221b
    @badwolfhunter221b 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Pug story: listen, I love pugs. They're super cute and my brother had a pug for like 12 years. He was THE best boi, never so much as snapped at anyone. I miss him every goddamn day. That being said, LISTEN TO VETS AND VET TECHS. They know more than you do regarding animals and they are in that field SOLELY because they love animals.

  • @KrazyKatLady9393
    @KrazyKatLady9393 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I couldn't be polyamorous. I'm too jealous.😂

  • @DeadmanwalkingXI
    @DeadmanwalkingXI 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Story 3 has a couple of updates:
    The first update involves OP sitting down and discussing things with her boyfriend. He apparently had a pug as a child and wanted another like it, and thought OP was exaggerating because it was 'never sick'...as it turns out, looking at old photos and OP asking about vet visits, the dog was 'never sick' because it never got taken to the vet and diagnosed, not because it didn't have problems (it had a bunch). Which the boyfriend wasn't to blame for (being a kid), but yeah, puts a different spin on things. They also discussed the friend who called her, and she put her foot down about giving him money. No pug was purchased.
    The second update is an entirely different situation, where one of her boyfriends friends came over. She has a cat that is very unfriendly with strangers and will bite you if you try and touch it as a stranger. She tried to put it in a separate room and warned the friend repeatedly not to touch the cat...but they went into that room anyway and he decided to pet the cat despite her repeated warnings (and, from description, the cat itself having "pupils dilated, ears pinned back flat, tail lashing"), got badly bitten, went to get medical treatment (he needed it bandaged, a tetanus shot, and antibiotics), and then both he and the boyfriend demanded she pay for said treatment. At that point she was done, refused to pay, and broke up with the boyfriend, though he continued to try and demand she pay the medical bills and even threatened to call animal control (she wasn't worried...she's familiar with the animal control people from her job and knows they'll do nothing in a case like this).
    Story 5 also has an update:
    The guy in question apparently felt the same as OP and with fewer compunctions about acting on it. He broke up with his girlfriend and hit on her despite knowing she was married (seemingly willing to have an affair with her), and she immediately shot him down. Apparently, this killed her crush on him dead...she still found him physically attractive, but now also thought of him as a sleazy douche. Especially since he 'apologized' by email while also offering to take her to dinner as part of the apology. She shut that down even harder. She also told her husband (who was out of town) broad strokes of the interaction, and intended to fill him in on the details when he got back (though not the feelings she previously had).
    She also suggested that the mutual attraction was maybe a pheromone thing, for whatever that's worth.

  • @drawbyyourselve
    @drawbyyourselve 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My sister and her So wanted a pug for a long time but were afraid of medical problems. They decided to get a retro pug (a pug re bread to have better health, longer nose, larger size etc) and he is doing fine. The pug is 2+ years old now and hasn't had any major health complications and there are about 3 other retro pugs in his general area who are also looking fine.
    I do not say you should absolutely buy thinly bred animals, but if you do so, work against it by getting a healthier breed. On the topic of pugs for a first dog for someone who has no experience, don't. They can be handfuls and you should start with a breed easy to keep.

  • @EnDB
    @EnDB 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sat outside with a blanket and multiple jackets on... There's a definitely a status being conveyed there and the guy huddled in the blanket knew that.
    I get the feeling he only did that because OP didn't offer money.

  • @rohesilmnelohe
    @rohesilmnelohe 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Last story is just lust... she needs to confront the colleague.
    If he is decent, he will back off... if not and keeps obviously flirting, it could put OP off enough to get free from it.

  • @Arianainthedark
    @Arianainthedark 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Everyone in story 1 are aholes. The married couple are cheaters, and OP is a huge hypocrite. If this is how she handles being poly normally, then she is definitely NOT poly. How can she try to make the others feel like trash for already being in a relationship while not telling either of them she was doing the same? Why is she mad when she assumed they were already seeing other people? She said it was casual, but she never told them that she was seeing other people. Forget a poly relationship, they both might just dump her for trying to emotionally manipulate them.

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Agreed. Everyone sucks here. The couple and op should do what Mr. Facts always preach: open and honest communication. Although I think we need more info before we throw shade at her being poly or not

    • @superc.j
      @superc.j 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They actually gave an update in this comment section! It's close to the top.

  • @lethalty6055
    @lethalty6055 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Story 1: That's a terrible idea! OP would have nowhere to go if that's what happened! Situation needs to be different! OP needs to talk to the one with more openness and understanding and bring up the whole situation!
    Story 2: It's petty, but I'm siding with the friend!
    Story 3: NOPE! NTA! OP knew what's going to happen, and expressed her concern!
    Story 4: Don't assume! Always think of another way to ask!
    Story 5: OP needs to have a serious talk about it! If she keeps this bottled up, eventually she'll crack on the pressure and possibly cheat on her husband! She needs to talk to someone!

  • @wraith176
    @wraith176 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    We as a species should just stop breeding pugs and bulldogs. Nothing deserves that kind of living suffering.

  • @Pikapower7
    @Pikapower7 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's not just pugs. So many people have frenchies now.

  • @byuftbl
    @byuftbl 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    13:15 you have a Great Dane???? LUCKY!! I want one 🥺

  • @miramyth2971
    @miramyth2971 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I honestly don't understand why anyone would want to pursue a relationship with cheaters. For polyamory to work you need absolutely fantastic communication and trust, which super obviously does not exist here. Neither wife nor husband sounds emotionally mature enough to handle their relationship, let alone opening it up to others.

  • @breannagulack5131
    @breannagulack5131 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ethical dog breeders are not the problem. It’s backyard breeders that aren’t breeding for healthy animals and breed standards. It’s heartbreaking to see horribly bred dogs and designer breeds dumped for not being healthy or because the breeder won’t take them back.

  • @smile182blink
    @smile182blink 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I completely understand that girl & don't disagree with her, however I still covered my Pugs ears during that story.

  • @CYBER_5KU11
    @CYBER_5KU11 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is there an update to story 1 I need to know what happened after the confrontation if it happened

    • @Arianainthedark
      @Arianainthedark 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yup, Triloking posted it in the comments somewhere

  • @TSA595
    @TSA595 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Adopt a kitten. Free hugs all day. I approve of dogs too

  • @erinwessel2195
    @erinwessel2195 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh i would've liked to hear comments on the accidental poli situation. If there is an update can you do it with the comments!

  • @michellecoleman5577
    @michellecoleman5577 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    story 4: ... Where do you live? Around here that's one of the crappiest, most expensive grocery stores you could pick.

  • @justinoverlock8652
    @justinoverlock8652 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pug mixed with something to help it's genetics

  • @ruddiko
    @ruddiko 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I had up to 12 dogs before the seniors started dying and even tho stray dog population here is half the human one people still get dogs from breeders even tho all it tskes to get a dog is going outside and grabbing a s dog, any dog

  • @RedneckWarlock
    @RedneckWarlock 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah dude, I've known people who got pugs. No judgement at all. Cute little baes. But I know the background of how these breeders are, and the medical issues, so I wouldn't. And if someone said they were going that route I'd tell them what I know. I understand some people going with breeders, if they need a hypoallergenic pet or something, and I understand some breeders are ok, but mostly just gonna nah and continue to go with rescues. Again though, I don't at all judge anyone for where they get their pets. I've known some who hate on anyone who gets a puppy or kitten, but if there's a sensitive, older pet in the home already, a baby is easier to deal with. But damn, my friend who used to cut my hair back in my old province had a pug, and that cute lil thing just breathing normally when I came over for an afternoon haircut sounded like my fat asthmatic ass with sleep apnea hahah

  • @garboguy9506
    @garboguy9506 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Story 4 gotta be ai generated

  • @cactuscoolersunrise
    @cactuscoolersunrise 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Are you also the host of the Mostly Facts channel?

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think they are or they might be family members

    • @cactuscoolersunrise
      @cactuscoolersunrise 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@doll9340 I just wanted to double check as a lot of folks these days like to “reuse” other people’s content without permission for views. 🥸

  • @idkwhttouse
    @idkwhttouse 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    1st op is the asshole for not immediately telling them the situation

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      They wanted advice. I don't think that's a asshole move for them

    • @idkwhttouse
      @idkwhttouse 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @doll9340 idk I feel like he or she is worried about herself and the relationship they have with both of then instead of there marriage

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@idkwhttouse I can definitely see why you think that. She does try to play off as caring for their marriage but there are definitely some selfishness coming from the story as well since she keeps deflecting back to how their marriage and her being a mistress and all will affect her relationship with them and that she hopes that they will want a poly relationship with her or whatever

  • @elaine8417
    @elaine8417 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Op. Leave them alone they love each other

  • @dirt-rules
    @dirt-rules 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    So... rather than buying health tested pugs from responsible breeders, you support rescuing a pug...
    Thereby supporting the terrible back yard breeders that perpetuate said health problems?
    They dont care what happens to their dogs, they already got their money.
    Responsible breeders dont have to deal with rescues because they take their dogs back.

    • @josiegipson90
      @josiegipson90 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exactly. People keep pushing rescues, rescues, rescues but what they don't realize is they're supporting backyard breeders more than what they would if they bought from a reputable breeder. Also, rescues are shutdown all the time in my state for animal hoarding. Their intentions were good but they wind up being worse off than puppy mills.

    • @MsAngelique
      @MsAngelique 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      So where are those rescue dogs supposed to go?

    • @Jahito_EBT
      @Jahito_EBT 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      *ig the people above would rather have them euthanised if it means backyard breeders arent supported* ​@@MsAngelique

    • @DeadmanwalkingXI
      @DeadmanwalkingXI 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How does getting a rescue dog support back yard breeders? The animal rescue place sure isn't giving them money.

  • @douglasnewell8539
    @douglasnewell8539 7 หลายเดือนก่อน
