Becky. I enjoyed your homestead very much. Took. Me back to our family farm in Walland Tennessee when I was a little girl. I am 76 years old now. Such a joy to see your farm animals. sincerely Jewel
I had buff orpinton and they were terrific. They were good layers, good broody hen, good for meat , and easy to pluck. The buff orpinton rooster was sooo big and sooo gentle, and he was a doll aroundthe small kids. My chickens free ranged and I never had to worry about the roosters getting sassy. For all these reasons they were my favorite breed.
I currently have an Australorp, Jersey Giant, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Dominique, Black Copper Maran and Campine hens with a black Silkie rooster They all get along great and love to get their treats. They also survived bitter cold temps this winter in an unheated coop. I encourage everyone to try raising heritage breeds.
Thanks Becky, I checked the codes in the city I live in and I can have up to 8 chickens and 2 roosters but actually I don't even want a rooster. Unfortunately my husband has nixed that! I thought about sneaking them in one by one but he might notice the chicken house when he mows the lawn. I'm still working on him and I really appreciate the information you provided. I decided I would like to have the buff chickens since they're good layers and have brown eggs. Thanks again and I always enjoy your vlogs because you give so much information.
O my God !!! I loved this video so MUCH! By the end of it I was rollin'! You and those Hens, AND MARIO WITH HIS BLACK EYEBROWS! I'm whoopin' and crying with laughter! Geez, I've got to calm down so I can go to sleep. Thank you for a wonderful time, Becky!
Thanks for posting this video Becky. I have 16 Barred Rock chickens and 11 Americanas. They Barred Rocks started pecking the other breed and I put the Pin less Peepers on them and solved the problem of bossiness of all the chickens. Also it helps when one or two chickens get injured. I use a chicken tractor which I move every 2-3 days so it's on fresh ground and cuts all the smell to zero. I enjoy learning from your experience and thank you for adding you new found insight. I have not lost any chickens using the predator guards on all four side and snake aways in a pan keeps all the snakes out of the area. Have fun, as I am too.
This is Ahmed Kalki from Los Angeles, California. I am 20 years old, and love watching your videos because you are one of those people on earth who reminds me that there are still some good religious people with a very kind and innocent heart. I come from Bangladesh where I had a big house like you where my birds and animals lived mostly in the wild and my plants grew in good soil. I even had some big trees and I did not really have to worry or care about anything since things were mostly in the wild. When we moved to U.S.A. my life became a disaster for the first few years. We were renting a small apartment until now. Two months ago we finally bought a small town house in Los Angeles and my dead dreams started to be alive after many dead years of my life. We are more poor now, but my dreams became more rich. I had Chickens, Ducks, Animals, and Plants since I was a very young boy. Now our small house has a south cement front balcony and a north cement back balcony. Since I have cemented limited place now, I want to be picky and only plant fragrant plants like Rose, Lily, Jasmine, Brugmansia, Queen of The Night, and a few more may be. Please teach me and my friends in one of your new videos how should I try to plant these kinds of fragrant flower plants in pots. I and my friends never did pot gardening before. I would say my balconies do get some good sun light. During last 2 months of Summer my north balcony got full sun, but now in Fall my south balcony gets better sun but not full sun. I don't understand how big the pots should be, and for how long is a big pot good for a plant. I am also very ignorant about the weather and seasons for California plants. I never had any Lily in Bangladesh, so I want to know about Oriental White Casablanca Lily. If they can grow in pots and what do I need to do throughout the year for them. I also have Black Australorp Hen and Roosters for about two months. They still look like teenagers to me. For the Summer I made them a net fence coop and kept them in my front south balcony, because my back balcony was empty, sunny, and hot. Now that Fall just started with cold nights and my back balcony is surrounded and shaded by some tall vegetable plants that my Mom and Grandma planted, I broke the net fence coop to cover the plants from my chickens and made them a bigger wooden coop in the back balcony. I decided to set them free in the balcony throughout the day. I tried my best to make them a good coop but it is still very cold and windy at nights. Now I have 1 Hen and 3 Roosters, but in the future I would want 1 Rooster and more Hen. Please teach us about Black Australorp Hens, Weather, Cold, Heat, Rains, and having baby chickens from my Hen. If my neighbors complain and I have to take out my Roosters, will my Hen still lay eggs and have babies? My balcony has cement walls and it is big enough to have 10 Hens if I really take good care of them. Sorry for the lots of writings. I never thought I would have to write this much. I and my friends watch your youtube videos regularly. They told me to write you to make a video for us. My friends are Chris, Dip, Shanu, Jobeda, Noah, and Krishna. Please please please make a video for us because we want to be a part of your good works. Your videos are really bringing more peace and humanity in the society. Peace for both of you!!!
Ahmed Dip, Good for you, you have a great attitude. Personally I would keep the number of chickens down, because the more room each one has, the healthier they all are, and will lay more eggs. Also, to keep your neighbors from complaining about them, bring them a few eggs every so often! One thing worth noting, where I live (N.California), there are laws about keeping Backyard Chickens, which say you may not have a coop closer than - i think?- 60 ft from any dwelling (including your neighbors-- kind of hard to comply if you're in an apartment building). But i won't tell. 🙊 As for babies, I think it would be better to wait on that, due to the space requirements. Also another rule which could vary by city/county, NO ROOSTERS!!! They are loud and obnoxious, and wake up the entire neighborhood at the crack of dawn, even on your day off! No amount of free eggs will fix that. You do not need roosters to get eggs, though. Becky said in one of her videos that the hen needs to be as much as 10 months old to start laying; in that video's comments many people said they started getting eggs from 20 weeks (5 monthsof age). This is very important: Lots of plants produce seeds which are toxic/poisonous to BYC (backyard chickens). You mentioned Brugmansia, and I am pretty sure that is on the list. You can Google "Chicken-safe garden plants" and get an idea of which to avoid. There are many lists of this kind, and most are not all-inclusive. And there's always the person telling you he's "never had a problem with [-fill in the blank]". A chicken will eat anything that looks like a seed, so making sure no piosonous ones are available is quite the task. One more thing! The feed you give your chickens needs to be cleaned up daily, because in the city, and in the suburbs, and in the country, RATS are a serious problem, and they will come onto your deck to find something edible. Your coop needs to be animal-proof, because even in an urban setting you will have raccoons, possums, possibly even coyotes try to find their way in. Also, to keep complaints down and for your own health, you have to clean up the waste your chickens will produce, every day. Good luck to you! And keep posting to update everyone on your progress.
I have Buff and Rock chickens! I am a new chicken owner and my birds are 4 weeks old. The 4th chicken was the best!! Thanks for the smile! Love your chicken videos!!
I just discovered your channel and just love you and what you do! We are city slickers who just moved to the country to begin our own homesteading adventure. We just got a dozen chicks and have no clue what we are doing lol. I hope to learn a lot from you.
Ha, the prices they charge 4 cable,.nothing but greed,.U can get everything here on Internet,..Put ur movie's on T.V screen,.Don't think anyone watches cable anymore,..
I love you life so much... You are definitely added to my Role Model list Becky! I am in FFA right now and I am looking into what I want my life to be like one day and I just smiled when I heard about you and saw pieces of your farm :)
Thank You for your post. In my experience with my chickens, that orneriness in the coup has been only a short span. And once the hen set their pecking order they settle down quite nicely and start into enjoying their chicken feed and laying mesh and talk with me every day at feeding time. They seem to like sharing their day and showing off their daily production of fine fresh eggs and chatting with me as I thank them while chatting and petting them. I have enjoyed our many chats. I have happy hens, and one roster named Cookie Monster, he likes cookies and pinkies.
I totally clicked on this video because I'm holding my baby and I said to him, "Let's watch this one, she looks fun, doesn't she?" And you totally were! Lol, kudos for your great personality ...while being educational!
love it.... like chickens and chicks all the time, black and golden one my favorite. i had barred rock before...... like black and golden one most. You made the right decision living in the country side.... respect that.
this was great! the Bloopers are great! i just got a Buff Orpington to be w/ my Leghorn (which she is also a lovely, friendly chicken). it's been a week 1/2 and she's only laid twice... must be stressed. but she sure is getting used to all of us :) Thanks for everything!
I have a barred rock mixed in with two other chickens of different breeds. it might be because the three grew up together since being a day old but they never fight and the barred rock is the most passive one that I have.
Never had Australorps but have raised Buff Orpingtons and Bared Rocks and love them both. My little flock at present consists of 3 Barred Rocks. You're so right! They are bossy, but I love how well they tolerate the cold.
Loved this video. New sub cause this was too awesome. Got a small flock of chickens myself for the kids. All hoping for a decent egg turnout with 13 chickens and 2 ducks. 😉 Looking forward to more content.
I've got an Australorp called Maleficent and she's such a sweetheart. Blue Andalusians are also really sweet. I had a grayish one who would come up and perch on me and even snuggle a bit. She died of heat exhaustion during the heatwave this summer though, and I'll be forever sad about it. They lay nice white eggs and are hilarious.
I'm 26, live in the city of Chicago, & I'm just at home so jealous of you. I can't wait to finish college, and move to a solitary suburb here in Illinois. New Subby !!
Aloha from Hawaii, Becky ! Great channel. You should have your own TV show ;-) Question : What's the difference between Buff Orpington and Buff Delaware ? Thanks !
I am so excited to tell you ,I get to start having chickens we are moving out of the city to a house on 5 acres , I wondered what kinda chickes to buy now I know
wow that was two years ago and I have had chickens ever since and love them very much i also have 3 horses and barn cats and a dog and a house cat the family has grown
I saw my neighbor yesterday. I noticed that he purchased a chicken coop. My guess he's going to raise some chickens and get fresh eggs daily. Chicken poop make great fertilizer for your plants too. I'm jealous.
Ooh, you have a coop for the chickens? My wife has made pets out of the chickens, each night they roost up one at a time, the house. They lay their eggs there, in the winter they lay down in front of the fireplace and watch Green Acres reruns. Absolutely a true story and an interesting life for sure.
I had just the opposite experience: Our Australorp was a psycho pecking the daylights out of her flockmates from day one till we donated her to someone with a huge flock. (she learned her place with them and adjusted her attitude big time). Our Barred Rock was the sweetest, most easy going hen whose best mates were a Buff Orpington and a Rhode Island Red.
Just stumbled on your video… it’s crazy that we only have 3 breeds and it’s the same three that is on this video. Good to see that we made the right decision.
I once had a Black Australorp named Smokey. She was the gentle giant of the coop, and if you put your hand over her, she'd sit and you could just pet her. She loved it. Her eggs were rather large too...
I have had the first one because it had white nails and shone greenish a shiny greenish color and she was black to and was nice and another breed mixed in both hens laid great eggs saved me some money!
Hi Becky, Im from Uk i just wanted to say what a great lady you are that works so hard, that has a passion for her animals. We have just bought 5 chickens, and yes we have been stupid here they have got out and our dog has had 3 of them so far. We are down to 2 we have put more chicken wire around, but they are able to jump pretty high. Well our own common sense should tell us that the fence needs to be higher. Still we live and we learn, thank you for posting such wonderful videos. Perhaps we should get a large pig:}:}
You can trim the flight feathers to reduce their range :) I've done that and it worked great!... but then the fox got in the pen so we had to put the lot in chicken tractors :( It kind of works but I have a LOT of chickens so that is a lot of tractors to move around (about 5 birds each tractor +1 nest). If you don't have a predator problem trimming the flight feathers is a great way to stop them from say... roosting on the roof of your home at night and scratching around the rain gutters--yes that happened LOL
I would like to hear more about your dog that guards the chickens at night. I just put up our coop and will be getting our first chickens in the spring.
I have a mixed flock of one buff orpington, one barred rock, and a RIR cross and a black orpington rooster. The BR is the weakest link, it took her several weeks to even come out of the coop and they all came from the same place and hatch except the rooster.
I love your videos And pleases make more vids on chickens and baby chicks and please can you make a video on how to make your own chick feed I would be really greatful
I actually have a single barred rock hen mixed with other breeds and she is so gentle and sweet that the Orpington bosses her around 😂. Very paradoxical
TVmind123 Mine used to and still does worry about where the others are like a mama but the other two got bossy toward her because she is so nice. She's my favorite, too. We named ours the Golden Gals after the Golden Girls and named them after the character's personalities. Dorothy is the barred rock, the Rhode Island Red is beautiful red and is named Blanche, the third is smaller but same age and we called her Rose because she was kinda dumb ha ha but her size too made the name Rose. She turned out more clever than the rest. She lays the white eggs. I think she is definitely the leader and highest in pecking order and hoards the hen house. She was getting away, too but we found the hole she found. She like the slimy slugs under the neighbor's pine trees. Yuck. I had to start giving her especially one diatomaceous Earth because those slugs carry all kinds of parasites. Then she had poopy eggs. I was all eggs with a small bit of antibacterial hand soap anyway before putting them in the carton in the fridge. That diatomaceous earth worked fast. No more poopy eggs. I also sprinted some on them but they run away from it so it's hard to get them to get some on and under their feathers to keep lice away or whatever. The red one loves it when I sprinkle her and the other two run. Ha ha. The red one also likes taking dirt baths. She always looks pretty like Blanch on the Golden Girls.
The shouting buff orpington is adorable! And so chatty just like ours
Becky. I enjoyed your homestead very much. Took. Me back to our family farm in Walland Tennessee when I was a little girl. I am 76 years old now. Such a joy to see your farm animals. sincerely Jewel
Hi I'm Indian your video is very very nice I like you.thanks... I'm poultryfarm ar
John and Barbara, When I saw and listened to this wonderful lady she reminded me of a very dear friend now living in Pa. Bib Hugs and love Rachel
I had buff orpinton and they were terrific. They were good layers, good broody hen, good for meat , and easy to pluck. The buff orpinton rooster was sooo big and sooo gentle, and he was a doll aroundthe small kids. My chickens free ranged and I never had to worry about the roosters getting sassy. For all these reasons they were my favorite breed.
Just started watching your videos last night. Im so impressed you built your own log home!!!!! You are a woman who can truly do it all. My idol!!!!!
I agree with you on Black Australorps! They are the sweetest!
I have 5 hens that were rehomed to me and they are my favorite hens! I will always incorporate them into my flock ❤
I currently have an Australorp, Jersey Giant, Golden Laced Wyandotte, Dominique, Black Copper Maran and Campine hens with a black Silkie rooster They all get along great and love to get their treats. They also survived bitter cold temps this winter in an unheated coop. I encourage everyone to try raising heritage breeds.
Thanks Becky, I checked the codes in the city I live in and I can have up to 8 chickens and 2 roosters but actually I don't even want a rooster. Unfortunately my husband has nixed that! I thought about sneaking them in one by one but he might notice the chicken house when he mows the lawn. I'm still working on him and I really appreciate the information you provided. I decided I would like to have the buff chickens since they're good layers and have brown eggs. Thanks again and I always enjoy your vlogs because you give so much information.
O my God !!! I loved this video so MUCH! By the end of it I was rollin'! You and those Hens, AND MARIO WITH HIS BLACK EYEBROWS! I'm whoopin' and crying with laughter! Geez, I've got to calm down so I can go to sleep. Thank you for a wonderful time, Becky!
That intro just made me fall in love!! You need your own show! Let's start a petition: GET BECKY ON TV
Thanks for posting this video Becky. I have 16 Barred Rock chickens and 11 Americanas. They Barred Rocks started pecking the other breed and I put the Pin less Peepers on them and solved the problem of bossiness of all the chickens. Also it helps when one or two chickens get injured. I use a chicken tractor which I move every 2-3 days so it's on fresh ground and cuts all the smell to zero.
I enjoy learning from your experience and thank you for adding you new found insight. I have not lost any chickens using the predator guards on all four side and snake aways in a pan keeps all the snakes out of the area.
Have fun, as I am too.
Yes the Americanas will be laying the colored eggs.
This is Ahmed Kalki from Los Angeles, California. I am 20 years old, and love watching your videos because you are one of those people on earth who reminds me that there are still some good religious people with a very kind and innocent heart. I come from Bangladesh where I had a big house like you where my birds and animals lived mostly in the wild and my plants grew in good soil. I even had some big trees and I did not really have to worry or care about anything since things were mostly in the wild. When we moved to U.S.A. my life became a disaster for the first few years. We were renting a small apartment until now. Two months ago we finally bought a small town house in Los Angeles and my dead dreams started to be alive after many dead years of my life. We are more poor now, but my dreams became more rich. I had Chickens, Ducks, Animals, and Plants since I was a very young boy. Now our small house has a south cement front balcony and a north cement back balcony. Since I have cemented limited place now, I want to be picky and only plant fragrant plants like Rose, Lily, Jasmine, Brugmansia, Queen of The Night, and a few more may be. Please teach me and my friends in one of your new videos how should I try to plant these kinds of fragrant flower plants in pots. I and my friends never did pot gardening before. I would say my balconies do get some good sun light. During last 2 months of Summer my north balcony got full sun, but now in Fall my south balcony gets better sun but not full sun. I don't understand how big the pots should be, and for how long is a big pot good for a plant. I am also very ignorant about the weather and seasons for California plants. I never had any Lily in Bangladesh, so I want to know about Oriental White Casablanca Lily. If they can grow in pots and what do I need to do throughout the year for them. I also have Black Australorp Hen and Roosters for about two months. They still look like teenagers to me. For the Summer I made them a net fence coop and kept them in my front south balcony, because my back balcony was empty, sunny, and hot. Now that Fall just started with cold nights and my back balcony is surrounded and shaded by some tall vegetable plants that my Mom and Grandma planted, I broke the net fence coop to cover the plants from my chickens and made them a bigger wooden coop in the back balcony. I decided to set them free in the balcony throughout the day. I tried my best to make them a good coop but it is still very cold and windy at nights. Now I have 1 Hen and 3 Roosters, but in the future I would want 1 Rooster and more Hen. Please teach us about Black Australorp Hens, Weather, Cold, Heat, Rains, and having baby chickens from my Hen. If my neighbors complain and I have to take out my Roosters, will my Hen still lay eggs and have babies? My balcony has cement walls and it is big enough to have 10 Hens if I really take good care of them. Sorry for the lots of writings. I never thought I would have to write this much. I and my friends watch your youtube videos regularly. They told me to write you to make a video for us. My friends are Chris, Dip, Shanu, Jobeda, Noah, and Krishna. Please please please make a video for us because we want to be a part of your good works. Your videos are really bringing more peace and humanity in the society. Peace for both of you!!!
I think Becky's Homestead should see this comment and reply!
Brother check out justin Rhodes, joel salatin.
Ahmed Dip is
Ahmed Dip, Good for you, you have a great attitude. Personally I would keep the number of chickens down, because the more room each one has, the healthier they all are, and will lay more eggs. Also, to keep your neighbors from complaining about them, bring them a few eggs every so often! One thing worth noting, where I live (N.California), there are laws about keeping Backyard Chickens, which say you may not have a coop closer than - i think?- 60 ft from any dwelling (including your neighbors-- kind of hard to comply if you're in an apartment building). But i won't tell. 🙊
As for babies, I think it would be better to wait on that, due to the space requirements. Also another rule which could vary by city/county, NO ROOSTERS!!! They are loud and obnoxious, and wake up the entire neighborhood at the crack of dawn, even on your day off! No amount of free eggs will fix that. You do not need roosters to get eggs, though. Becky said in one of her videos that the hen needs to be as much as 10 months old to start laying; in that video's comments many people said they started getting eggs from 20 weeks (5 monthsof age).
This is very important: Lots of plants produce seeds which are toxic/poisonous to BYC (backyard chickens). You mentioned Brugmansia, and I am pretty sure that is on the list. You can Google "Chicken-safe garden plants" and get an idea of which to avoid. There are many lists of this kind, and most are not all-inclusive. And there's always the person telling you he's "never had a problem with [-fill in the blank]". A chicken will eat anything that looks like a seed, so making sure no piosonous ones are available is quite the task.
One more thing! The feed you give your chickens needs to be cleaned up daily, because in the city, and in the suburbs, and in the country, RATS are a serious problem, and they will come onto your deck to find something edible. Your coop needs to be animal-proof, because even in an urban setting you will have raccoons, possums, possibly even coyotes try to find their way in. Also, to keep complaints down and for your own health, you have to clean up the waste your chickens will produce, every day.
Good luck to you! And keep posting to update everyone on your progress.
Ahmed Dip oh, i just noticed your post is 4 yrs old! How is your little Chicken Farm doing?
I have Buff and Rock chickens! I am a new chicken owner and my birds are 4 weeks old. The 4th chicken was the best!! Thanks for the smile! Love your chicken videos!!
I just discovered your channel and just love you and what you do! We are city slickers who just moved to the country to begin our own homesteading adventure. We just got a dozen chicks and have no clue what we are doing lol. I hope to learn a lot from you.
A homestead life style is very simple and ez for tips reply
y isnt this a tv show???? i swear id watch this if it was a reality tv show
Ha, the prices they charge 4 cable,.nothing but greed,.U can get everything here on Internet,..Put ur movie's on T.V screen,.Don't think anyone watches cable anymore,..
Just watch it here, put it on your TV and pretend it is if you want. And you don't have to watch the obnoxious commercials.
me too.:)
Donetta Lowe can I keep mh rooster in a seprate coop & run?
I love you life so much... You are definitely added to my Role Model list Becky! I am in FFA right now and I am looking into what I want my life to be like one day and I just smiled when I heard about you and saw pieces of your farm :)
Thank You for your post.
In my experience with my chickens, that orneriness in the coup has been only a short span. And once the hen set their pecking order they settle down quite nicely and start into enjoying their chicken feed and laying mesh and talk with me every day at feeding time. They seem to like sharing their day and showing off their daily production of fine fresh eggs and chatting with me as I thank them while chatting and petting them. I have enjoyed our many chats. I have happy hens, and one roster named Cookie Monster, he likes cookies and pinkies.
LOL! I love how you drew eyebrows on little Mario! Hilarious! You make my day brighter Becky!
I totally clicked on this video because I'm holding my baby and I said to him, "Let's watch this one, she looks fun, doesn't she?" And you totally were! Lol, kudos for your great personality ...while being educational!
4:24 Why Does It Look Like The Dog Has Eyebrows? LOL
+Kattie Kilburn lol i think she drew it on i know people that do that
+TheLychie I do that 😂😂
Ticats xp What next? A draw on mustache? He he. That would be cute and a little sombrero.
TheWildCat 7
Im currently fixing up a mobile hone i bought for cash!!! When im done im buying land and homesteading. Thanks for the inspiration!
I always enjoy your video's. Hope all is well and things are going smoothly with your homestead.
love it.... like chickens and chicks all the time, black and golden one my favorite. i had barred rock before...... like black and golden one most. You made the right decision living in the country side.... respect that.
this was great! the Bloopers are great! i just got a Buff Orpington to be w/ my Leghorn (which she is also a lovely, friendly chicken). it's been a week 1/2 and she's only laid twice... must be stressed. but she sure is getting used to all of us :) Thanks for everything!
I have a barred rock mixed in with two other chickens of different breeds. it might be because the three grew up together since being a day old but they never fight and the barred rock is the most passive one that I have.
Never had Australorps but have raised Buff Orpingtons and Bared Rocks and love them both. My little flock at present consists of 3 Barred Rocks. You're so right! They are bossy, but I love how well they tolerate the cold.
OMG!! Those Eyebrows! Becky I LOVE YOU. My husband and I want to live the homestead life one day!
You are adorable! Your animals are so happy. Your house and yard are wonderful!
I love the personality of the Buff Orpington!! She is lovely!!
You're just such a personality :) Great voice. I could listen to you all day!
Lol "Mario, the biggest chicken of them all" I love it!!!
Great info thanks! Love the chickens. Even after all the warnings about cholesterol, eggs are still a great homesteading food.
Omg that dog has EYEBROW markings!!! lolz. Soooo cute.
as an aussie girl am so happy to see you love the australian australorp ,, i breed these chickens for selling, eggs and they are a good meat bird
OMG the eyebrows on the dog!! So cute!
Loved this video. New sub cause this was too awesome. Got a small flock of chickens myself for the kids. All hoping for a decent egg turnout with 13 chickens and 2 ducks. 😉 Looking forward to more content.
Becky my family just loves your videos and we think you are the GREATEST!
I've got an Australorp called Maleficent and she's such a sweetheart.
Blue Andalusians are also really sweet. I had a grayish one who would come up and perch on me and even snuggle a bit. She died of heat exhaustion during the heatwave this summer though, and I'll be forever sad about it. They lay nice white eggs and are hilarious.
I'm 26, live in the city of Chicago, & I'm just at home so jealous of you. I can't wait to finish college, and move to a solitary suburb here in Illinois. New Subby !!
Lol I just loved your bits of hidden humor. Marion's brows lmao
🤣🤣🤣 Buffy is telling her mom off the entire time, lol, I love it! "You have no right to put me on that table MOM!" 😁🤣👌
Oh wow you have an Appaloosa too ! As do we, we raise them. I love my Australorp chickens. And you were so fun to listen to!
Aloha from Hawaii, Becky ! Great channel. You should have your own TV show ;-) Question : What's the difference between Buff Orpington and Buff Delaware ? Thanks !
Love Mario's eyebrow makeover at the end.
I adore your channel remind so much of my hometown Philippines I miss the farm life so much...
Those are the three chicken breeds I chose for my backyard chicken coup. Should be getting my chickens late March.
I am so excited to tell you ,I get to start having chickens we are moving out of the city to a house on 5 acres , I wondered what kinda chickes to buy now I know
That's great!
Thank You so Much I am really excited
wow that was two years ago and I have had chickens ever since and love them very much i also have 3 horses and barn cats and a dog and a house cat the family has grown
Barbara Nelson So excited and happy for you, too.
oh Sharon I have been here a while now still love my chickens
Barred Rock chickens are my favorite. But I also love Cochins.
I saw my neighbor yesterday. I noticed that he purchased a chicken coop. My guess he's going to raise some chickens and get fresh eggs daily. Chicken poop make great fertilizer for your plants too. I'm jealous.
Ooh, you have a coop for the chickens?
My wife has made pets out of the chickens, each night they roost up one at a time, the house.
They lay their eggs there, in the winter they lay down in front of the fireplace and watch Green Acres reruns.
Absolutely a true story and an interesting life for sure.
like your videos Becky. Mario is too funny. Hoping to get some chickens soon. This was good info for me. Love your cabin! What a handy lady you are.
About to buy 3 hens for my north Florida home. Thanks for posting a very informative video.
I wish we were neighbors! I love your videos!
I had just the opposite experience: Our Australorp was a psycho pecking the daylights out of her flockmates from day one till we donated her to someone with a huge flock. (she learned her place with them and adjusted her attitude big time). Our Barred Rock was the sweetest, most easy going hen whose best mates were a Buff Orpington and a Rhode Island Red.
I like this video - because a chickens cackle is lower in frequency then a lets say a parrot
so cute.its a beautiful bird❤️hoping someday i will have this bird❤️
Just stumbled on your video… it’s crazy that we only have 3 breeds and it’s the same three that is on this video. Good to see that we made the right decision.
I love how you do all these very helpful videos
I once had a Black Australorp named Smokey. She was the gentle giant of the coop, and if you put your hand over her, she'd sit and you could just pet her. She loved it. Her eggs were rather large too...
Thanks for your tips, ideas and great videos. I love your homestead.
I Love the eyebrows on the dog!! Thanks for all the great chicken info!
OHMYGOSH! The eyebrows are hysterical!!! Great video. Thanks!
"there you have it, three of my favourite chicken breeds"
Mario: Am I a joke to you?
LOL The way that orpington chicka was rattling on at you was soooo funny to watch HAAA I am hysterically laughing
HILLCROSS FARM Kristin Z, Buffy: "bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, bok, b'gok!"
Your little dog is so adorable!!
I love watching your videos. I wish I can built a house in a country and have chickens.
Lol Mario, that was hilarious. And a great idea, I've never thought of putting a small dog in the coup! Thank you!
mario has eye brows
Sami_Callea 12, HaHa he got drunk and his buds drew them on (with Sharpie!!) after he fell asleep. He had to go to Church like that, LoL.
I saw that and laughed so hard! And Becky, thank you for including Mario on this video :)
those eyebrows, lol...
Very becoming
I have had the first one because it had white nails and shone greenish a shiny greenish color and she was black to and was nice and another breed mixed in both hens laid great eggs saved me some money!
Hi Becky, Im from Uk i just wanted to say what a great lady you are that works so hard, that has a passion for her animals. We have just bought 5 chickens, and yes we have been stupid here they have got out and our dog has had 3 of them so far. We are down to 2 we have put more chicken wire around, but they are able to jump pretty high. Well our own common sense should tell us that the fence needs to be higher. Still we live and we learn, thank you for posting such wonderful videos. Perhaps we should get a large pig:}:}
You can trim the flight feathers to reduce their range :) I've done that and it worked great!... but then the fox got in the pen so we had to put the lot in chicken tractors :( It kind of works but I have a LOT of chickens so that is a lot of tractors to move around (about 5 birds each tractor +1 nest). If you don't have a predator problem trimming the flight feathers is a great way to stop them from say... roosting on the roof of your home at night and scratching around the rain gutters--yes that happened LOL
Love the chicken banter at the end.
You are such a huge inspiration!! Love your videos I hope to someday have a farm like yours!! All the best of wishes from the UK xxx
Wow the dogs eyebrows.. your to funny Becky ..We enjoy your videos!
I would like to hear more about your dog that guards the chickens at night. I just put up our coop and will be getting our first chickens in the spring.
I have a mixed flock of one buff orpington, one barred rock, and a RIR cross and a black orpington rooster. The BR is the weakest link, it took her several weeks to even come out of the coop and they all came from the same place and hatch except the rooster.
Becky, I just love your videos. You seem to really enjoy all your animals.
The chickens that I have are buff Orpington and barred rock and right now I'm watching the vid and they are laying eggs they are so CUTE
I have 2 buff orpingtons they are great! Thanks Becky!
Love the three chickens. The Black Australorps' eggs have a violet hue to them.
I agree on black australorps! My favorite breed. They are adorable and I want to have more female black australorp!!
Beautiful animals u have. I love that pony. Enjoy!
Great video! I love Mario's eyebrows!
Its good to have a well built Coop and the space to range the hens
I love your videos. Keep up the great work! I loved how chatty they were...
Is he called Mario because of his eyebrows?? 😂 how adorable!!
Becky your awesome i love you ! love your vids and your bravery to leave "mainstream" and go homesteading !
Haven't tried the blacks..I love when they squat for u to pick them up
Lol that cats like "you mean how to cook chicken right?"
Haha Becky when you were speaking when you were talking about the buff Orpington or something and it was just going bac bac bac bac 😂
your little puppy's eye brows what a cute boy!!
Hi Becky, are your chickens free range? Also do you ever eat your laying chickens? Thanks for all the wonderful videos girl. You are the best to watch
I love your videos Becky, Buff Orpingtons spend more time brooding than laying, I had 4 of them.
hi your life is very enjoyable you are so care of nature thanks
I love the concept behind your videos
Barred rock pecks my hand every day when I run the keep . Still my best layer her
I love the introduction. You're awesome!
I love your videos
And pleases make more vids on chickens and baby chicks and please can you make a video on how to make your own chick feed I would be really greatful
Haha 😂 loved Mario’s eyebrows!
I actually have a single barred rock hen mixed with other breeds and she is so gentle and sweet that the Orpington bosses her around 😂. Very paradoxical
My br is kinda mean XD
TVmind123 Mine used to and still does worry about where the others are like a mama but the other two got bossy toward her because she is so nice. She's my favorite, too. We named ours the Golden Gals after the Golden Girls and named them after the character's personalities. Dorothy is the barred rock, the Rhode Island Red is beautiful red and is named Blanche, the third is smaller but same age and we called her Rose because she was kinda dumb ha ha but her size too made the name Rose. She turned out more clever than the rest. She lays the white eggs. I think she is definitely the leader and highest in pecking order and hoards the hen house. She was getting away, too but we found the hole she found. She like the slimy slugs under the neighbor's pine trees. Yuck. I had to start giving her especially one diatomaceous Earth because those slugs carry all kinds of parasites. Then she had poopy eggs. I was all eggs with a small bit of antibacterial hand soap anyway before putting them in the carton in the fridge. That diatomaceous earth worked fast. No more poopy eggs. I also sprinted some on them but they run away from it so it's hard to get them to get some on and under their feathers to keep lice away or whatever. The red one loves it when I sprinkle her and the other two run. Ha ha. The red one also likes taking dirt baths. She always looks pretty like Blanch on the Golden Girls.