1.1.1 The CEO/The lady with the necklace/The lady with the curly hair 1.1.2 In closing: Change is good! Change is inevitable! Change is exciting! 1.1.3 Interpersonal communication 1.1.4 It is face to face between a sender and few individuals/small group. 1.1.5 Intrapersonal communication 1.1.6 Thinking takes place within a person. 1.1.7 Pays attention to the words, ideas and feelings of the sender Makes eye contact and pays attention to nonverbal language Listens openly and objectively and avoids stereotyping Repeats the message to show understanding Offers appropriate body language to support the message Does not interrupt the speaker - allows for strategic pauses in conversation Remembers what was said and can reproduce the information
please i need your help i'm writing first paper for management communication n4 monday next week so need your clue for previous question paper i here so see
1.1.1 The CEO/The lady with the necklace/The lady with the curly hair
1.1.2 In closing: Change is good! Change is inevitable! Change is exciting!
1.1.3 Interpersonal communication
1.1.4 It is face to face between a sender and few individuals/small group.
1.1.5 Intrapersonal communication
1.1.6 Thinking takes place within a person.
1.1.7 Pays attention to the words, ideas and feelings of the sender
Makes eye contact and pays attention to nonverbal language
Listens openly and objectively and avoids stereotyping
Repeats the message to show understanding
Offers appropriate body language to support the message
Does not interrupt the speaker - allows for strategic pauses in conversation
Remembers what was said and can reproduce the information
Question 1.1.1 answer is CEO, the title is there in front of the lady
Question 1.1.5 answer is INTRAPERSONAL communication
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please i need your help i'm writing first paper for management communication n4 monday next week so need your clue for previous question paper i here so see