Tim ALWAYS makes me laugh, cry, and think - sometimes simultaneously. You can hold me tight any time you want, darlin'. And as to your importance in society - you have gotten my little smidgeon through pandemical times so much better than if you hadn't been. And I thank you from the top, middle, and bottom of my heart.
One can see that Tim is passionate about his concerns for the world, the environment, and people who are hurting. He’s a wonderful caring man who is a genius with his ability to make us laugh, cry, and think!
Just finished watching a video where Jack Tame directly lied to epidemiologist Dr Thornley during an interview where he denied that he'd compared COVID to a mild form of the flu. So disappointing Jack.
Tim ALWAYS makes me laugh, cry, and think - sometimes simultaneously. You can hold me tight any time you want, darlin'. And as to your importance in society - you have gotten my little smidgeon through pandemical times so much better than if you hadn't been. And I thank you from the top, middle, and bottom of my heart.
One can see that Tim is passionate about his concerns for the world, the environment, and people who are hurting. He’s a wonderful caring man who is a genius with his ability to make us laugh, cry, and think!
Just finished watching a video where Jack Tame directly lied to epidemiologist Dr Thornley during an interview where he denied that he'd compared COVID to a mild form of the flu. So disappointing Jack.