What people forget is how fans of the original series shat on TNG for the longest time. Now TNG farts defecate on succeeding generations. For all of you close-minded cucks: Realize that there is enough room for everyone. Just because something is not exactly your childhood memory, does not deem it responsible for the fall of western civilization … so chill the $&%# up.
There was a very important plot point that was dropped that you did not discuss: Data said that planet was damaged in the exact same way that the Federation and Romulan outposts bordering the Neutral Zone had been. The Borg were already on our doorstep and Q actually gave us a head's up.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate the desires both subtle and gross. _But it's not for the timid."_ That is one of my favorite TNG quotes. Q is absolutely right, too; it's a lesson Picard needed to learn. And as I'm sure most of us already know what an important lesson it is.
I think that that line, more than anything, sums up the difference between "Roddenberry TREK" and "post-Roddenberry TREK." The assumption that humanity had "evolved beyond" all of the divisive "isms" of the 20th-21st century (sexism, racism, capitalism, etc) is a sound premise, but there was always an assumption that IF there was danger out there, it was mostly confined to planets (Talos IV) or systems (the Romulan and Klingon empires) and that it was an avoidable threat, but moreso, that if there were species far advanced from ours, they weren't malevolent (the Organians, etc). The Borg were, to that point in TREK, basically the worst possible thing we could imagine encountering, and made possible other similar "advanced but malevolent" species-civilizations in DS9, Voyager, Enterprise on into Discovery and Strange New Worlds...
@@docsavage8640 So there were never any shoot-em-up, gratuitous leading man fight scenes in the original TREK? And the original TREK had no elements of militarism (rank, protocols, etc)? Got it.
The Ferengi will be back, but the idea of them as a serious threat is pretty much over. They retooled them into comic relief gremlins - occasionally being SLIGHTLY more threatening, but still played for laughs more often than not. Q Who is a game changer, as others have said. Even aside from being a great Q episode and establishing some stuff about Guinan, the introduction of the Borg will be a massive change to the franchise for good and bad. There will be some retcons along the way about them, too, but the idea of how scary they are - this big, single-minded hive that consumes what's in their path that continually dwarfs our heroes - will never REALLY go away. You have a long journey ahead of you still, but you've taken your first REAL step into the shape of the franchise for the next few series. Measure of a Man showed you guys the level of writing that TNG would later strive for with excellent character stuff as well as philosophical and ethical discussions... but the Borg represent the sci-fi action that forces our heroes to get smarter, more innovative, and show tension and humanity in moments unlike anything else we've seen before. I kind of envy you guys seeing this for the first time and being blown away. Sure, the episode is still great to revisit, but sometimes it never hits you as hard as the first time you saw it.
I love Picard's "kick in our complacency" line. Starfleet WAS complacent by this time. The Klingons were allies, the Romulans were keeping to themselves, everything seemed cool. They were so comfortable that they even allowed families on board their ships. Q did them a favor by reminding them that space is dangerous.
Considering the part of the ship that was sliced up, it's not unreasonable to think that some of the people they lost weren't even in Starfleet. Could be spouses or kids.
@@fakecubed_”Captain, the daycare in that section took a direct hit. 18 children were sucked out into space.”_ _“Correction, sir. That’s blown out.”_
I long wondered if this episode was partly inspired by the perceived or claimed American complacency regarding the economic ascent of Japan in the 70s and 80s. I know it sounds bonkers especially to anyone not from the era, but there's many parallels. The Japanese were "taking over" (buying up everything), taking US technology, being technological wizards, and of course to most Americans, the Japanese seemed both collective and "other". If it sounds crazy, consider the attitude of many Americans toward the ascent of China. AND, look at the Styx classic "Mr Roboto". (And please nobody accuse me of racism because I was aware of these beliefs and themes of the 80s.)
If I could pick out any episode, that could be a, “game changer“ for Star Trek, it’s this one. Suddenly the audience had to be put on notice; humanity isn’t out of the woods yet. An argument can be made that Roddenberry tried to portray humanity as being above all of our prejudices and, “perfect.” The Measure of a Man showed us that we still weren’t quite over certain prejudices, but Q-Who shows that we are definitely not perfect. We need humility in order to be able to truly thrive. Picard’s line that Q “kicked them out of complacency” is just what the show needed to get to the next level. This is the turning point for TNG. It matures from here on out to produce some really amazing things.
Fun fact: in the conference room scene, where they discuss the Borg and the loss of life with Q, Q was originally supposed to leap out of his chair angrily and respond with his (up to this point) normal theatrics like we saw in Hide and Q… Instead John DeLancie stayed sitting and delivered the wonderfully sardonic line of “oh please.” At which point, a new, better take on Q was born, and with the introduction of the Borg, TNG was kicked into high gear and never looked back.
I totally agree. Up to this point TNG was very reminiscent of TOS in storytelling style, minus a few episodes like "Conspiracy", which was also a new for Star Trek. Moving forward, Star Trek elevated the storytelling style, throughout the rest of it's run.
Indeed. Much like a certain later thematically related film, this episode ended up so good partly by accident: the Borg were allegedly a replacement for a planned insectoid villain race because the SFX budget wouldn't extend to them, John de Lancie's ad libs considerably enhanced the script...
Q Who is an all-time great and a massive game changer in so many ways. In fact one of my favourite memories when first watching TNG was that I knew both Q and the Borg by reputation including the Borg's simple but iconic ship design but had no idea that Q himself kick-started the Borg's introduction so as soon as that cube popped up onscreen I vividly remember my heart plummeting because, like Picard and his crew, I was utterly unprepared for what was coming...
That's pretty interesting. I was watching this episode when it first aired on TV. It really scared me because I was just a very young child. This was also the first episode where they really talked about people on the crew dying in large numbers. Freaked me out, the idea of being cut out of the hull and sucked up by a tractor beam. I had to leave the room and sort of watched it/listened to it from the next room until my mom told me the scary part was over. Ended up being one of the most vivid memories I still have today. The Borg aren't really villains like Klingons or Romulans, talking on a view screen making threats. The Borg are so inhuman and menacing in their apathy as they pursue their collective goals.
Fun fact: When the Borg laser out the section of the Enterprise a toilet can be seen on one of the decks, and this is the only time we see a toilet in the entire run of TNG.
In my opinion, this was one of the most important Star Trek episodes. It was the first time the show had the Federation facing a true existential threat, one that you feel could actually utterly destroy them. This changed the tone of Star Trek, the realization that there are powers in unexplored sectors of space that are far beyond the Federation, and which are truly alien; they do not think like the Federation, or even the Romulans or Klingons. The same things don’t matter to them. They don’t have the same moral framework, if they have a moral framework at all. There is no reasoning with them, no diplomacy, little communication. They don’t even view the Federation as a threat, which makes negotiation even more impossible, since they will negotiate with the Federation about as much as you’d negotiate with the ants and their insignificant empire that you’re about to dig out. To paraphrase H.G. Wells, they are an intelligence “vast, cool, and unsympathetic.”
A lot of people have concluded, that Q did indeed do this to warn the Federation about the existence of the Borg. He knew that if the Borg arrived after the event of The Neutral Zone, The Federation would not have stood a chance against them.
My new headcanon is that Q did the same with the Ferengi, sending DaiMon Bok's son on a course to where Picard was commanding the Stargazer. But Q underestimated Picard and Starfleet. The Ferengi were dangerous but didn't prove enough of a warning. Picard defeated the Ferengi ship with a crazy tactic, but lost his own ship in the process making further investigation of the enemy ship impossible. So Starfleet didn't learn their lesson and the incident largely was forgotten. When they did have further contact with the Ferengi later on, they thought they were a joke, rather than a serious threat, and so Q decided Starfleet would need a bigger wake up call.
@@fakecubed Apparently it was kind of the other way around; the Ferengi had never encountered a post-scarcity society before. They had nothing to compare the Federation to, and thought that the hew-mons in particular were insane. So Grand Negus Zek spread around a bunch of rumors of the Ferengi being bloodthirsty monsters who ate their conquests, so the Federation would avoid them and buy the Ferengi more time to figure these strange people out.
I cant wait for the discussion on this one. This is one of those shining episodes, not just for the season but for the entire show. There is also Q character development here as well - did he *really* do all of this to show some tough love? Or is he still just being a pain in the buttocks.
Glad to see you guys recognized that the outposts along the Romulan Neutral Zone were destroyed by the Borg. They've known about the Federation for some time, but now the Federation knows about them. And that's only because of Q--a fact forcing us to reconsider his motivation here.
The first time I saw this episode, on it’s original airing on TV, I thought that was one of my favorite episodes of TNG up to that point. It became one of my favorite episodes of what was to become my favorite series of all time. I remember new episodes of TNG would premiere on the WPIX-TV station from New York, on Saturdays at 7:00pm, and then you would have a second showing of that episode the following Sunday around 11:00pm. Decades later I still get the same scary thrill for seeing the Borg for the very first time. Bummer I can’t say anything more to avoid spoilers. Only a peek forward as to how good this series gets later on. It’s amazing how this series doesn’t look dated even after it premiered in the later 1980s. It was all just so well done then. Excellence in quality is timeless.
By all means, watch their reactions to "Man Trap" and "City on the Edge of Forever" and "A Private Little War" for sure. But every reaction is worth it.
The Borg aren't a force to be reckoned with, they are the force to which all other forces are compared. You gentlemen just got introduced to Humanity's greatest threat.
Whoopi was a big Star Trek fan since she saw Lt. Uhura in TOS, a black female actor doing an important job on the Enterprise. That was so inspiring for herself, so she asked to appear in TNG just for the passion
This was the VHS rental from Blockbuster that convinced my friend in elementary school that Star Trek could be COOL! RIP those 18 people and the hot chocolate
I think it's safe to say there was one kind of "Star Trek" before "Q Who" and a different kind of "Star Trek" after "Q Who." It's not apparent after a few true clunkers we're about to get to, but after that ... look out!
I love seeing your genuine reactions to Q, the Borg, and this whole season. There are some stinkers in Season 2, but to me, it was the transition needed to really propel the series forward. Looking forward to more reactions!
You will never be disappointed by a Q or a Borg episode. The Borg are terrifying in concept and, by virtue of that, allow Picard and the crew some of their best moments.
So you've finally encountered the Borg! I was at a Star Trek convention once, where someone was wearing a homemade Borg costume so elaborate and so perfect that it could have been designed for the actual show.
This is the episode where the showrunners basically said "Whelp, the Ferengi clearly don't work as the new Primary Villains. Lets try this again, shall we?"
Truly, another landmark episode. Another example of why Picard is my favourite Captain; this time showing his confidence is tempered with wisdom and more importantly, with humility.
Whatever you may think about Q as a character be it bad guy or misunderstood good guy or just flat out trickster every time he shows up he has a lesson to teach
Ho boy, it's so hard to not any anything without a hint of spoilers. Like others have said, the Federation is the dominant force in the explored part of the galaxy and thus live very comfortable, virtually fearless lives. Now that begins to change...
This was the other episode after Measure of a Man I was looking forward to your reaction to the most from this season and it did not disappoint. As Data implied, there is or was at least one Borg ship floating around The Neutral Zone. Music by Ron Jones. That's the name you are looking for for awesome scores in episodes like this one, and the Romulan Theme. Man was a musical genius in TNG.
This episode is the third of three (the other two being "Elementary Dear Data" and "Measure of a Man") which I've been looking forward to your seeing and reacting, and, as far as I'm concerned, the most important of those three. Your comments right after the credits reflect what I expected you'd think of this one. Looking forward to the wrapup tomorrow.
The lesson of this episode is when Picard said "I need you!" and Q said "That was a difficult admission to make." We are most capable in life when we make agreements with and cooperate with others.
I love how watching you two react to these episodes reminds me of what it was like seeing the for the first time while I was in grad school. This blew EVERYONE away. And I'll add my agreement that the score for this episode was above and beyond. All around gorgeous work.
It was originally intended to have Q reveal that the anomaly of "Time Squared" (the "time loop episode") was a test created by Q. The line never made it into the final cut of this episode however.
`funny moment with my first wife took place during this episode. when worf was sneaking up behind q in 10 forward, and picard said "mr. worf" then gestured toward the door for him to leave, she said "worf go lay down". was like 33 years ago, and i still remember it as one of the funniest things i ever heard.
The original plan was that Time Squared would be the first part leading to this episode, and we would find out Q was the instigator trying to get Picard into the shuttlecraft.
Fellas -- this is one of the CLASSICS we've been waiting for you to see! "A Matter of Honor" and "Measure of a Man" and "Q Who" are all next level, especially the last two. A trio of very different episodes with high quality being the main commonality.
As I used to record these episodes back in the day, The night it aired, I believe I watch this one 3 or 4 times in a row. it was that good. Glad you guys like it as much as the rest of us did on first broadcast.
Q is teaching Picard, and humanity as a whole, a lesson... Preparing them for things yet to come... Not just a lesson about the Borg threat lurking out there... Not just a lesson for the TNG series alone either...
After you guys constantly bringing up the lack of music, you finally get to my favorite scored episode in the series. “They Will Be Coming” is one of my favorite music pieces.
I love it! I love it!! I LOVE it!!! I've been SOOOO waiting to see your reaction to this episode!!! You brought back ALL the thoughts and emotions when I saw this live for the first time! I simply cannot WAIT for you to watch the rest of this series unfold!!! You guys make it SO much fun!!!!
This is how I prefer Q to be handled. When he's not simply there for the laughs, but when he actually has something useful to say to Picard, or even to teach. Mind you, I always enjoy John de Lancie being around, but this episode and another down the line really stand above the rest.
Get ready and strap yourselves in guys! I've been waiting for you to get to this episode. Just as you said TNG just stepped it up another level, The Borg bring terror, fear and death anywhere they go.
Great reaction, fellas! This episode casts one of the longest shadows of any episode in Season Two. It impacts every other season of TNG, some of the movies, *all* of Voyager, some of DS9, all of ST:Picard. It's hugely important. Also, one of you guys made an offhand remark about "versions of humanity's future" which I'm not going to get into, but much later down the road, you're going to chuckle at it. The Borg remind me a lot of the Cybermen in Doctor Who; you can make your own judgments about that. If you think Season 2 is bringing Trek to the next level, wait until you see Season 3.
The scary thing about Q's power is that if he so desires he could make the entirety of the ship's population endure an eternity of the most constant gruesome and unbearable pain without dulling of the senses, blacking out or dying.
I have a theory on this, but it would include massive spoilers for the future, so I won't mention that. But in essence, it was the right thing for humanity/Alpha Quadrant.
Federation and starfleet ships use forcefields to seal hull breaches. I think doors and the like are still used but forcefields are standard. Emergency forcefields for said breaches I assume are automatic. Just an FYI
Ultimatly this episode shows Qs nature not as a bored trickster god but a tough love teacher whos showing his student his complacency and giving perhspse the most precious of gifts.
Neat little bookend placed at the start; the ensign's "first impressions are the most important" with the captain thinking his morning's ruined over a little spill.
I really liked how they were subtle in showing the Borg power at first. For example, they're at red alert, shields are up and a Borg just casually transports into engineering with no trouble at all.
This episode was one of the early ones that told the audience that TNG could become awesome. And then the 3rd season hit and kept knocking it out of the park, over and over again.
You said you'd love to see the decisions behind the scenes... oh boy. Once you're past Season 3, I'd say, you should check out an incredible documentary narrated by William Shatner about the tumultuous first couple of seasons of TNG. It's called "Chaos on the Bridge," and it is pure crack for Trekkies.
Funny thing, I’m watching your reaction video for the second time and not only did I just now realize how brilliant the little bit of foreshadowing with Sonia saying “please” to the replicator. Seen this episode so many times, but that part never clicked until now.
Absolutely a turning point in the timeline. Without this wakeup call, Starfleet would have never been able to respond to the Borg or the Dominion, or any of the other greater threats.
You guys are in for a serious treat. The Borg is the most terrifying enemy you could imagine encountering, but it took me well into my adult years to fully appreciate that.
With all the new revelations, it's fun to laugh with the humorous moments. Great lighting, sound, directing, intensity. As Worf could possibly say: " Less family , more sci-fi!" 🎉
Alex: "Also, there's a human soul in there" is low key one of the highlights of this video lol. It's not out of the realm of possibility in Star Trek. Ira Graves anyone?
This is the episode that changed the game for TNG. From this point on, it gets better and better, especially where Q is concerned. Resistance is Futile.
I had to have surgery this morning. Very unpleasant. Still in pain. At least I finally got to come home and watch this while eating White Castle, I deserve it. Thank you for the reaction. Obviously a great episode.
I like the economy of storytelling in this one. It's not explained why Deanna wonders where Picard is and it's not needed. Likewise, the implication of the empty 10 Forward is that Guinan closed it.
I seriously can’t wait for you guys to get deeper in, and especially, to work in Deep Space Nine. Pretty sure DS9 was crafted partially from fragments of Alex’s DNA.
I love the look on your faces when they did the pull-out shot inside the Borg cube. Completely immersed! I love it. Also, I wonder if the lack of background music in the last episode was because they were running behind schedule and couldn't add the score where it normally would have been?
We also know that they'd sometimes skimp on the budget for one episode to do something more elaborate in another one. I think that's why we often see Classics and outstanding episodes so close to real stinkers.
This guy was supposed to be the two-part episode that started the season but due the writer strike, it was pushed back to this spot and only made a one partner, but it still accomplishes its goal and I think you guys are gonna really enjoy this one
Those 2 Borg drones in engineering were truly frightening and a real threat. Who ever came up with the creation of the Borg deserved a bonus and a McDonald's gift card.
Ron Jones did the score for this. His music was so good that it was ultimately released in a 14 disc box set in 2011. Unfortuntely he was fired by Rick Berman because his music was "too noticeable".
This is gonna be a big one folks :) CBS: Leave your dirty little hands off of this one
"Where are the Ferengi?" They're all over CBS's legal division.
Very big, and very cubey
Hands off CBS!!!!!
What people forget is how fans of the original series shat on TNG for the longest time. Now TNG farts defecate on succeeding generations.
For all of you close-minded cucks: Realize that there is enough room for everyone. Just because something is not exactly your childhood memory, does not deem it responsible for the fall of western civilization … so chill the $&%# up.
There was a very important plot point that was dropped that you did not discuss: Data said that planet was damaged in the exact same way that the Federation and Romulan outposts bordering the Neutral Zone had been. The Borg were already on our doorstep and Q actually gave us a head's up.
We talk about it in the discussion coming tomorrow
@@targetaudiencedude, spoilers, wtf
@@motorcycleboy9000- You’re talking to the two guys themselves.
@@MoonjumperReviews- They are being scolded for giving their viewers spoilers for tomorrow's reaction video.
@@jowbloe3673 - that literally makes no sense. It's their show.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate the desires both subtle and gross. _But it's not for the timid."_ That is one of my favorite TNG quotes. Q is absolutely right, too; it's a lesson Picard needed to learn. And as I'm sure most of us already know what an important lesson it is.
I think that that line, more than anything, sums up the difference between "Roddenberry TREK" and "post-Roddenberry TREK." The assumption that humanity had "evolved beyond" all of the divisive "isms" of the 20th-21st century (sexism, racism, capitalism, etc) is a sound premise, but there was always an assumption that IF there was danger out there, it was mostly confined to planets (Talos IV) or systems (the Romulan and Klingon empires) and that it was an avoidable threat, but moreso, that if there were species far advanced from ours, they weren't malevolent (the Organians, etc). The Borg were, to that point in TREK, basically the worst possible thing we could imagine encountering, and made possible other similar "advanced but malevolent" species-civilizations in DS9, Voyager, Enterprise on into Discovery and Strange New Worlds...
Yeah I love that line too!
haha wrong franchise
This is TNGs “Risk is our business” episode.
@@docsavage8640 So there were never any shoot-em-up, gratuitous leading man fight scenes in the original TREK? And the original TREK had no elements of militarism (rank, protocols, etc)? Got it.
The Ferengi will be back, but the idea of them as a serious threat is pretty much over. They retooled them into comic relief gremlins - occasionally being SLIGHTLY more threatening, but still played for laughs more often than not.
Q Who is a game changer, as others have said. Even aside from being a great Q episode and establishing some stuff about Guinan, the introduction of the Borg will be a massive change to the franchise for good and bad. There will be some retcons along the way about them, too, but the idea of how scary they are - this big, single-minded hive that consumes what's in their path that continually dwarfs our heroes - will never REALLY go away. You have a long journey ahead of you still, but you've taken your first REAL step into the shape of the franchise for the next few series. Measure of a Man showed you guys the level of writing that TNG would later strive for with excellent character stuff as well as philosophical and ethical discussions... but the Borg represent the sci-fi action that forces our heroes to get smarter, more innovative, and show tension and humanity in moments unlike anything else we've seen before.
I kind of envy you guys seeing this for the first time and being blown away. Sure, the episode is still great to revisit, but sometimes it never hits you as hard as the first time you saw it.
I love Picard's "kick in our complacency" line. Starfleet WAS complacent by this time. The Klingons were allies, the Romulans were keeping to themselves, everything seemed cool. They were so comfortable that they even allowed families on board their ships. Q did them a favor by reminding them that space is dangerous.
Considering the part of the ship that was sliced up, it's not unreasonable to think that some of the people they lost weren't even in Starfleet. Could be spouses or kids.
@@fakecubed_”Captain, the daycare in that section took a direct hit. 18 children were sucked out into space.”_
_“Correction, sir. That’s blown out.”_
I sorta assume that this is a meta line. Saying that TNG needs a big villain and this is their introduction.
I long wondered if this episode was partly inspired by the perceived or claimed American complacency regarding the economic ascent of Japan in the 70s and 80s.
I know it sounds bonkers especially to anyone not from the era, but there's many parallels. The Japanese were "taking over" (buying up everything), taking US technology, being technological wizards, and of course to most Americans, the Japanese seemed both collective and "other".
If it sounds crazy, consider the attitude of many Americans toward the ascent of China. AND, look at the Styx classic "Mr Roboto".
(And please nobody accuse me of racism because I was aware of these beliefs and themes of the 80s.)
@@Gunnar001 Lol'd at this. I'll see you in Hell😅
If I could pick out any episode, that could be a, “game changer“ for Star Trek, it’s this one. Suddenly the audience had to be put on notice; humanity isn’t out of the woods yet. An argument can be made that Roddenberry tried to portray humanity as being above all of our prejudices and, “perfect.” The Measure of a Man showed us that we still weren’t quite over certain prejudices, but Q-Who shows that we are definitely not perfect. We need humility in order to be able to truly thrive. Picard’s line that Q “kicked them out of complacency” is just what the show needed to get to the next level.
This is the turning point for TNG. It matures from here on out to produce some really amazing things.
Finally, The answer to what Happened in The Neutral Zone at the end of season 1.
Fun fact: in the conference room scene, where they discuss the Borg and the loss of life with Q, Q was originally supposed to leap out of his chair angrily and respond with his (up to this point) normal theatrics like we saw in Hide and Q…
Instead John DeLancie stayed sitting and delivered the wonderfully sardonic line of “oh please.” At which point, a new, better take on Q was born, and with the introduction of the Borg, TNG was kicked into high gear and never looked back.
I totally agree. Up to this point TNG was very reminiscent of TOS in storytelling style, minus a few episodes like "Conspiracy", which was also a new for Star Trek.
Moving forward, Star Trek elevated the storytelling style, throughout the rest of it's run.
Indeed. Much like a certain later thematically related film, this episode ended up so good partly by accident: the Borg were allegedly a replacement for a planned insectoid villain race because the SFX budget wouldn't extend to them, John de Lancie's ad libs considerably enhanced the script...
I was going to mention exactly this! I love that reaction from him. Just pitch perfect.
"Your species is always suffering and dying..." is a similar line
@@retromilleniumAs Roddenberry faded out.....
This is the point where TNG hooks and launches.
I am subscribed to about a dozen reaction channels, and this is by far my most favorite!
it is fascinating, to watch people seeing the Borg for the first time.
Star trek will never be the same again after this episode.. been looking forward to this one
I'm looking forward to Up the Long Ladder. For Rikers rizz
@@wyrmshadow4374 Ok I'm 72 .... What Exactly is RIZZ? I've heard the Word but have No Idea!
@@trekkiejunk Thanks! .... I used thave it back in the Day!
Q Who is an all-time great and a massive game changer in so many ways. In fact one of my favourite memories when first watching TNG was that I knew both Q and the Borg by reputation including the Borg's simple but iconic ship design but had no idea that Q himself kick-started the Borg's introduction so as soon as that cube popped up onscreen I vividly remember my heart plummeting because, like Picard and his crew, I was utterly unprepared for what was coming...
That's pretty interesting. I was watching this episode when it first aired on TV. It really scared me because I was just a very young child. This was also the first episode where they really talked about people on the crew dying in large numbers. Freaked me out, the idea of being cut out of the hull and sucked up by a tractor beam. I had to leave the room and sort of watched it/listened to it from the next room until my mom told me the scary part was over. Ended up being one of the most vivid memories I still have today. The Borg aren't really villains like Klingons or Romulans, talking on a view screen making threats. The Borg are so inhuman and menacing in their apathy as they pursue their collective goals.
Fun fact: When the Borg laser out the section of the Enterprise a toilet can be seen on one of the decks, and this is the only time we see a toilet in the entire run of TNG.
We do however see people coming from the bathroom in the aft of the bridge all the time😅
You can see bathrooms in the detention room, sinks and sonic showers.
Imagine being on the crapper when all of a sudden your bathroom gets sliced out if the ship and next thing you know you're on a Borg ship...
LOL. I suspect at this time humanity has forgotten how to goto the bathroom like we do. Because you know full well they are beaming out the #2 !!!
@@Lans32485"He died doing what he loves."
In my opinion, this was one of the most important Star Trek episodes. It was the first time the show had the Federation facing a true existential threat, one that you feel could actually utterly destroy them. This changed the tone of Star Trek, the realization that there are powers in unexplored sectors of space that are far beyond the Federation, and which are truly alien; they do not think like the Federation, or even the Romulans or Klingons. The same things don’t matter to them. They don’t have the same moral framework, if they have a moral framework at all. There is no reasoning with them, no diplomacy, little communication. They don’t even view the Federation as a threat, which makes negotiation even more impossible, since they will negotiate with the Federation about as much as you’d negotiate with the ants and their insignificant empire that you’re about to dig out. To paraphrase H.G. Wells, they are an intelligence “vast, cool, and unsympathetic.”
"All of the Federation's strengths are weaknesses against the Borg" - Rich, RLM
A lot of people have concluded, that Q did indeed do this to warn the Federation about the existence of the Borg. He knew that if the Borg arrived after the event of The Neutral Zone, The Federation would not have stood a chance against them.
Didn't want to lose his favorite pet.
My new headcanon is that Q did the same with the Ferengi, sending DaiMon Bok's son on a course to where Picard was commanding the Stargazer. But Q underestimated Picard and Starfleet. The Ferengi were dangerous but didn't prove enough of a warning. Picard defeated the Ferengi ship with a crazy tactic, but lost his own ship in the process making further investigation of the enemy ship impossible. So Starfleet didn't learn their lesson and the incident largely was forgotten. When they did have further contact with the Ferengi later on, they thought they were a joke, rather than a serious threat, and so Q decided Starfleet would need a bigger wake up call.
The Q clearly don't have a prime directive.
@@fakecubed Apparently it was kind of the other way around; the Ferengi had never encountered a post-scarcity society before. They had nothing to compare the Federation to, and thought that the hew-mons in particular were insane. So Grand Negus Zek spread around a bunch of rumors of the Ferengi being bloodthirsty monsters who ate their conquests, so the Federation would avoid them and buy the Ferengi more time to figure these strange people out.
@@christopherwall2121 heh, buy :P
Now I want a baby Borg with suction cups for my car.
Baby Borg on board!
Lol, if you do that, you need to drive the blockiest car you can find.
@@nicks.5552Gonna have to be a Nissan Cube
Baby on borg? :p
Why the hell has no one thought of this until now?
6:43 - “Con permiso, Capitan. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. It's now time to see if you can dance.”
This is it. The one I've been waiting for since I found this channel
When did you find our channel?
@@targetaudienceShortly into season 1 of tng Been silently waiting =D
Yep, Now I look forward to The Best of Both Worlds!
Enter the Big Bad.
The Borg were genuinely terrifying back in the day.
Not really. They're here. Now we use smartphones to think and communicate and Tinder to mate.
I cant wait for the discussion on this one. This is one of those shining episodes, not just for the season but for the entire show. There is also Q character development here as well - did he *really* do all of this to show some tough love? Or is he still just being a pain in the buttocks.
Both. I'm definitely going to go with both.
Glad to see you guys recognized that the outposts along the Romulan Neutral Zone were destroyed by the Borg. They've known about the Federation for some time, but now the Federation knows about them. And that's only because of Q--a fact forcing us to reconsider his motivation here.
If you're gonna watch all of TNG for the first time, I am SO HERE FOR THIS! You have a new subscriber.
Geordi says to Sonya... "it's a meeting the captain won't soon forget"
Nice foreshadowing.
Fortunately, for Ensign Gomez, her faux pas was not the worst thing that happened to Picard that day.
It was the introduction of the Borg that made TNG legit for long time Trek fans.
The first time I saw this episode, on it’s original airing on TV, I thought that was one of my favorite episodes of TNG up to that point. It became one of my favorite episodes of what was to become my favorite series of all time.
I remember new episodes of TNG would premiere on the WPIX-TV station from New York, on Saturdays at 7:00pm, and then you would have a second showing of that episode the following Sunday around 11:00pm. Decades later I still get the same scary thrill for seeing the Borg for the very first time. Bummer I can’t say anything more to avoid spoilers. Only a peek forward as to how good this series gets later on.
It’s amazing how this series doesn’t look dated even after it premiered in the later 1980s. It was all just so well done then. Excellence in quality is timeless.
This is the start point of a tonal shift that later trek would deal with. To this day it’s still one of my top 10 episodes.
Q does what Q does best. Makes Picard work to use his mind to further the case of Humanity.
Your excitement seeing Q was my exact reaction when I watched this on TV
Our production quality has come a long way in a short time 😅, but hope you enjoy the TOS reactions and welcome to the Target Audience!
By all means, watch their reactions to "Man Trap" and "City on the Edge of Forever" and "A Private Little War" for sure. But every reaction is worth it.
The Borg aren't a force to be reckoned with, they are the force to which all other forces are compared. You gentlemen just got introduced to Humanity's greatest threat.
Whoopi was a big Star Trek fan since she saw Lt. Uhura in TOS, a black female actor doing an important job on the Enterprise. That was so inspiring for herself, so she asked to appear in TNG just for the passion
To me, Guinan never ever exuded "oh I'm just a normal human bartender, don't mind me..."
I used to like Whoopi but for the last decade she has imitated Q's temper tantrums.
This was the VHS rental from Blockbuster that convinced my friend in elementary school that Star Trek could be COOL!
RIP those 18 people and the hot chocolate
If you cant take a bloody nose and a stained uniform go home
Star Trek will never be the same after this episode. This one episode forever changed the landscape of the Star Trek franchise
I think it's safe to say there was one kind of "Star Trek" before "Q Who" and a different kind of "Star Trek" after "Q Who." It's not apparent after a few true clunkers we're about to get to, but after that ... look out!
I love seeing your genuine reactions to Q, the Borg, and this whole season. There are some stinkers in Season 2, but to me, it was the transition needed to really propel the series forward. Looking forward to more reactions!
This is a pivotal episode of TNG, I'll say no more. I'm really glad that you both enjoyed it, Alex and Josh.
A good example of some commentary that doesn't spill over into outright spoilerdom.
@@greenbrown7776Thank you, it's difficult sometimes as fans (like myself) are so tempted to say more, but restraint is a must.
You will never be disappointed by a Q or a Borg episode. The Borg are terrifying in concept and, by virtue of that, allow Picard and the crew some of their best moments.
well .... there are one, two episode I personally would erase from history. That one with Lore´s Borgdrones for example
Hmmm…you may have a point there…
Three things to point out:
You recently saw the actress that played Ensign Gomez in Total Recall.
She had 3 boobs at the time.
She also reappears way down the line in Star Trek.
I see what you did there
Wow, what a change of character! I never knew this!
@@robertfindley921 she also plays the prostitute Dixie in lethal weapon and is totally different in that to
So you've finally encountered the Borg! I was at a Star Trek convention once, where someone was wearing a homemade Borg costume so elaborate and so perfect that it could have been designed for the actual show.
It was TWO guys; and they walked in to total silence.
@@RideAcrossTheRiverOnly one on the occasion I was there, and even though I didn't get very close I'm pretty sure it was a woman.
This is the episode where the showrunners basically said "Whelp, the Ferengi clearly don't work as the new Primary Villains. Lets try this again, shall we?"
No Grand Nagus Borg though...all the funny Borg shenenigans we were robbed...
Truly, another landmark episode. Another example of why Picard is my favourite Captain; this time showing his confidence is tempered with wisdom and more importantly, with humility.
Whatever you may think about Q as a character be it bad guy or misunderstood good guy or just flat out trickster every time he shows up he has a lesson to teach
Ho boy, it's so hard to not any anything without a hint of spoilers. Like others have said, the Federation is the dominant force in the explored part of the galaxy and thus live very comfortable, virtually fearless lives. Now that begins to change...
And there are other "Dick" Species to Come!
This was the other episode after Measure of a Man I was looking forward to your reaction to the most from this season and it did not disappoint. As Data implied, there is or was at least one Borg ship floating around The Neutral Zone.
Music by Ron Jones. That's the name you are looking for for awesome scores in episodes like this one, and the Romulan Theme. Man was a musical genius in TNG.
This episode is the third of three (the other two being "Elementary Dear Data" and "Measure of a Man") which I've been looking forward to your seeing and reacting, and, as far as I'm concerned, the most important of those three. Your comments right after the credits reflect what I expected you'd think of this one. Looking forward to the wrapup tomorrow.
I’ve been waiting for months. This is going to be fun.
Welcome to TNG as a television force of nature.
The lesson of this episode is when Picard said "I need you!" and Q said "That was a difficult admission to make." We are most capable in life when we make agreements with and cooperate with others.
I love how watching you two react to these episodes reminds me of what it was like seeing the for the first time while I was in grad school. This blew EVERYONE away. And I'll add my agreement that the score for this episode was above and beyond. All around gorgeous work.
It was originally intended to have Q reveal that the anomaly of "Time Squared" (the "time loop episode") was a test created by Q. The line never made it into the final cut of this episode however.
this episode established warp 9.65 as the fastest the enterprise D can go.
`funny moment with my first wife took place during this episode. when worf was sneaking up behind q in 10 forward, and picard said "mr. worf" then gestured toward the door for him to leave, she said "worf go lay down". was like 33 years ago, and i still remember it as one of the funniest things i ever heard.
This proves to be an extremely pivotal episode, not just for TNG but for all other Star Trek programs and movies going forward. Be prepared!!
The original plan was that Time Squared would be the first part leading to this episode, and we would find out Q was the instigator trying to get Picard into the shuttlecraft.
Dang it! I was going to point that out! Indeed, Picard being alone in a shuttle in both is not a coincidence.
Fellas -- this is one of the CLASSICS we've been waiting for you to see! "A Matter of Honor" and "Measure of a Man" and "Q Who" are all next level, especially the last two. A trio of very different episodes with high quality being the main commonality.
As I used to record these episodes back in the day, The night it aired, I believe I watch this one 3 or 4 times in a row. it was that good. Glad you guys like it as much as the rest of us did on first broadcast.
To quote a character from an entirely different scifi franchise I hope you'll react to some year: "And so it begins..."
What do you want?
And who do you serve?
This one is a lock for any "must-watch TNG episodes" list.
Q is teaching Picard, and humanity as a whole, a lesson... Preparing them for things yet to come... Not just a lesson about the Borg threat lurking out there... Not just a lesson for the TNG series alone either...
After you guys constantly bringing up the lack of music, you finally get to my favorite scored episode in the series. “They Will Be Coming” is one of my favorite music pieces.
I love it! I love it!! I LOVE it!!! I've been SOOOO waiting to see your reaction to this episode!!! You brought back ALL the thoughts and emotions when I saw this live for the first time! I simply cannot WAIT for you to watch the rest of this series unfold!!! You guys make it SO much fun!!!!
All this!
Yep I was there I felt all the same things.😊
This is how I prefer Q to be handled. When he's not simply there for the laughs, but when he actually has something useful to say to Picard, or even to teach. Mind you, I always enjoy John de Lancie being around, but this episode and another down the line really stand above the rest.
Best Q outing so far by far.
Get ready and strap yourselves in guys! I've been waiting for you to get to this episode. Just as you said TNG just stepped it up another level,
The Borg bring terror, fear and death anywhere they go.
Okay on second thought you guys should make a T-shirt with Josh in uniform looking like Riker and have a baby Borg on his back with Alex's face.
The second Borg that shows up on the ship looks at Picard like a cat on your coffee table that stares you in the eye... then knocks off your glass.
This is where TNG really starts to gel into something very special indeed…. You guys are SOOO lucky to be watching this for the first time. 🎉
And the rabbit hole begins.... Great reaction guys. Can't wait for more.
Great reaction, fellas!
This episode casts one of the longest shadows of any episode in Season Two. It impacts every other season of TNG, some of the movies, *all* of Voyager, some of DS9, all of ST:Picard. It's hugely important. Also, one of you guys made an offhand remark about "versions of humanity's future" which I'm not going to get into, but much later down the road, you're going to chuckle at it.
The Borg remind me a lot of the Cybermen in Doctor Who; you can make your own judgments about that.
If you think Season 2 is bringing Trek to the next level, wait until you see Season 3.
The scary thing about Q's power is that if he so desires he could make the entirety of the ship's population endure an eternity of the most constant gruesome and unbearable pain without dulling of the senses, blacking out or dying.
You have a pretty dark imagination.
Picard said at the end "Maybe Q did the right thing for the wrong reasons". What do you think? Why do you think Q did this?
I have a theory on this, but it would include massive spoilers for the future, so I won't mention that. But in essence, it was the right thing for humanity/Alpha Quadrant.
Because they needed a kick in their complacency to prepare them for what lies ahead?
Because Q is exactly right. Humanity was awfully smug at this point.
Q has a fondness for humanity. Perhaps he knows if he doesn’t do this, humanity will be defenseless when the Borg comes to Alpha sector.
Easily one of my favorite Trek episodes. A rare example of a "deus ex machina" executed correctly without undermining dramatic payoff.
Federation and starfleet ships use forcefields to seal hull breaches. I think doors and the like are still used but forcefields are standard. Emergency forcefields for said breaches I assume are automatic. Just an FYI
Ultimatly this episode shows Qs nature not as a bored trickster god but a tough love teacher whos showing his student his complacency and giving perhspse the most precious of gifts.
Neat little bookend placed at the start; the ensign's "first impressions are the most important" with the captain thinking his morning's ruined over a little spill.
I’ve been waiting for your reaction on this one as I just watched it a month ago!
Are you watching TNG for the first time too?
@@fakecubed yes. I’m staying a few episodes ahead of these guys to watch their reactions as I ho through it.
We all knew this was a next level episode when we saw it.
I really liked how they were subtle in showing the Borg power at first. For example, they're at red alert, shields are up and a Borg just casually transports into engineering with no trouble at all.
This episode was one of the early ones that told the audience that TNG could become awesome. And then the 3rd season hit and kept knocking it out of the park, over and over again.
You said you'd love to see the decisions behind the scenes... oh boy. Once you're past Season 3, I'd say, you should check out an incredible documentary narrated by William Shatner about the tumultuous first couple of seasons of TNG. It's called "Chaos on the Bridge," and it is pure crack for Trekkies.
Funny thing, I’m watching your reaction video for the second time and not only did I just now realize how brilliant the little bit of foreshadowing with Sonia saying “please” to the replicator. Seen this episode so many times, but that part never clicked until now.
Any episode with Q is a GREAT one
Absolutely a turning point in the timeline. Without this wakeup call, Starfleet would have never been able to respond to the Borg or the Dominion, or any of the other greater threats.
You guys are in for a serious treat. The Borg is the most terrifying enemy you could imagine encountering, but it took me well into my adult years to fully appreciate that.
I got to meet John DeLancie last summer. Wonderful man with a great sense of humor.
Afaik he still likes being known for Q (and Discord)
Oh...I'm jealous. He was a crush back in the day
With all the new revelations, it's fun to laugh with the humorous moments. Great lighting, sound, directing, intensity. As Worf could possibly say: " Less family , more sci-fi!" 🎉
Alex: "Also, there's a human soul in there" is low key one of the highlights of this video lol. It's not out of the realm of possibility in Star Trek. Ira Graves anyone?
When the Daystrom Institute merged with Venture Industries, they acquired the latter's forsaken child technology.
This is the episode that changed the game for TNG. From this point on, it gets better and better, especially where Q is concerned. Resistance is Futile.
As an old Trekkie when the next generation came out it as exciting and a new adventure Enjoy this whole series
Absolutely one of the most important episodes in all of the Star Trek series
I had to have surgery this morning. Very unpleasant. Still in pain. At least I finally got to come home and watch this while eating White Castle, I deserve it. Thank you for the reaction. Obviously a great episode.
Wishing you a speedy recovery
It's nice to have a heads up when someone like the Borg is knocking at your door. Thank you Q.
Great seeing people see this for the first time.
Q is my favorite on TNG. The attitude especially.
Possibly my favourite episode in all of trek. A solid contender for the best TNG episode!
I like the economy of storytelling in this one. It's not explained why Deanna wonders where Picard is and it's not needed.
Likewise, the implication of the empty 10 Forward is that Guinan closed it.
I always thought that Q snapped everyone away, but his powers don't work on Guinan.
I seriously can’t wait for you guys to get deeper in, and especially, to work in Deep Space Nine. Pretty sure DS9 was crafted partially from fragments of Alex’s DNA.
I'm 87.4% sure of that myself.
I love the look on your faces when they did the pull-out shot inside the Borg cube. Completely immersed! I love it.
Also, I wonder if the lack of background music in the last episode was because they were running behind schedule and couldn't add the score where it normally would have been?
We also know that they'd sometimes skimp on the budget for one episode to do something more elaborate in another one. I think that's why we often see Classics and outstanding episodes so close to real stinkers.
I like to think that every time Geordi looks up or anywhere off screen he's reading rainbows
This guy was supposed to be the two-part episode that started the season but due the writer strike, it was pushed back to this spot and only made a one partner, but it still accomplishes its goal and I think you guys are gonna really enjoy this one
TOS introduced the Klingon and the Romulan Empires as good villains. TNG gave us the Borg Collective.
Good point. Never thought of it that way but you're absolutely right.
Those 2 Borg drones in engineering were truly frightening and a real threat. Who ever came up with the creation of the Borg deserved a bonus and a McDonald's gift card.
@@kerry-j4m That'd be Maurice Hurley, most unfortunately.
@@christopherwall2121 Maurice Hurley ?? Thanks for the info,amigo. What do you mean unfortunately ??? Has he passed away ???
Q: "You should have stayed where you belonged!"
As if he weren't personally responsible for them being there, lol.
Ron Jones did the score for this. His music was so good that it was ultimately released in a 14 disc box set in 2011. Unfortuntely he was fired by Rick Berman because his music was "too noticeable".
In post-production, Guinan's fingers were supposed to have swirls of energy when she curls them at Q. Obviously they skipped it.
The tone and excellence of this episode influences everything that comes after this. TNG and beyond.