It's finally time!! Lets talk about some of Stephen King's best movies! What are your favorites? Support this week's charity - Nostalgiaween intro animation by Kritken - Nostalgiaween intro music by Jayhan -
I like Stephen King. His movies never cause me MISERY. I know IT sounds stupid, but almost all of them are SHINING examples of what horror movies should be. Maybe I MIST the point on some of them, but I know some people will STAND BY ME on this one
the observation that Jack was crazy before ever got there and the hotel stripped away his fake persona he puts up for the world is brilliant. props. He always looked nuts pretending to be sane, even in his first scene...probably not a huge stretch for Nicholson
This is a guy who DATED Angelica Houston, wasn't home when Pulanski drugged and RAPED that girl, and she KNEW about it. Or could have suspected something, then proceeds to BLAME a 13 year old kid! She wrote a book. The girl.
The critic`s interpretation is an interesting one to be sure, but when I read the book, my interpretation of the character was slightly different... To me Jack was overall a well meaning guy who had previously been an alcoholic of the agressive and violant veriety, and who kicked the habit not long before taking on the job as caretaker of the hotel... In my eyes his descent into madness was mainly a result of withdrawal, combined with the isolation, which ultametly pushed him to go insane and homicidal (if I recall his motivation was that the existance of his wife and kid stopped him from being able to indulge in alcohol, and in his mind that needed to change)... It doesn`t help that it is ultimately kind of ambiguous whether the hotel is actually haunted, with the hotel and it`s ghosts having by far the biggest effect on jack due to his somewhat fractured psyche from him dealing with the withdrawel and craving for alcohol (though the book does imply this pretty heavily, and I seem to remember 2 of the characters seeing the same halucination at the same time), or whether it is a simple case of cabin fever causing all 3 to hallucinate, with the most severly affected being Jack due to what he was already struggling with
Before Misery, King wrote The Eyes of the Dragon, and critics loved the novels but the fans didn't. Fans expected King's next novel was going to be a horror novel, instead they got a fairy tale fantasy novel. Their reactions gave King the insperation to write Misery.
I remember my sister had Dragon in hardcover (she had all of them while I was growing up). Anyway I just recall it having art work in the cover that just blew me away.
Actually, Misery was inspired by a dream he had on an aeroplane ride to England. Ready his book On Writing, it tells the origins of almost all his books.
I didn’t even realize 1408 was a King movie until this video. It was one of my favorite movies the year it came out, or at least one that stuck with me the most.
Its one of my favorite movies of all time. I watched a video drawing comparisons between 1408 and Dante's Inferno and it was brilliant. I love that movie so much.
Whenever it cuts to 'Hallelujah', I automatically think of Nick Cage headbanging in the priests robe in Face Off... The image is permanently etched in my brain.
@@elrick471 Are you saying can I 'Händel' this? :) Yup. I was thinking just the movie though. Perhaps I should re-watch the review to see if that's in there...
I don't know if anyone already said it, but "The Green Mile" was an amazing movie as well. If you weren't sure if Andy did it, you were sure John didn't do it. Everyone's performances in that movie caught me at every word, every action; it took me on an emotional rollercoaster.
For those that didn’t catch the honorable mentions, here you go: Creepshow 2 Cujo The Green Mile Cat’s Eye Christine Silver Bullet The Running Man Dead Zone Maximum Overdrive
@@lukacalov1988 you realise this is just one person's opinion, right? I love the green mile but I don't have any issues with it not being on someone else's list.
Green Mile will always be my number 1, it has an actually unnerving effect on me where I cry every second that John is on screen uncontrollably no matter how many times I see it. Michael Clarke Duncan gave the greatest performance of all time
The fact that it's not even on the actual list is a crime, let alone #1 like it should be. I love Misery, Shining, and Shawshank, but they're not even close.
And lest we forget, Carrie was Stephen King's FIRST novel. One of the most iconic film sequences in history, coming from the man's FIRST foray onto bookshelves. Understating his talent is a straight up tragedy.
I'm just saying it was the mainstream's first real taste of his work. I know he wrote a shit ton of short fiction before Carrie, most of it published in magazines, etc. Carrie was what actually gave him a writing career and took him away from teaching. "Carrie was actually King's fourth novel, but it was the first one to be published. It was written while he was living in a trailer, on a portable typewriter (on which he also wrote Misery) that belonged to his wife Tabitha. It began as a short story intended for Cavalier magazine, but King tossed the first three pages of his work in the garbage can."
I have to say that I disagree that the Shawshank Redemption "leaves it up to the viewer" to decide if Andy killed his wife. I think it's clear (at least how it was handled in the film) that it was all but flat out stated that he did not kill her. Sure, you could still argue that it's possible that he did, but it pretty much ruins the whole movie if he did. Besides, that also makes the scene with Elmo Blatch pointless and confusing. And the story arc with Tommy. No, Andy did not kill her. He did not. Oh, hi Mark.
I think it would have been more impact full if he DID kill his wife. His character being so sympathetic is how people get away with murder. And it makes the wardens actions another mind fuck because he's abusing actual criminals, people you are NOT supposed to be sorry for. And when the main character escapes, you can't share his joy because an actual killer is now on the loose.
Green Mile and Shawshank are bascally the same movie with a few things different. The main difference is Green Mile has more supernatural elements than Shawshank does.
When he was about to announce the #1, and said "you're going to hate this." I paused and made a bet for for $100 with my friend what it would be. He said Christine, i said Creepshow. Wish i filmed my reaction when those words came out his mouth
Like with your Top 11 South Park, I don’t agree with your #1 but I understand your reason behind them. Also Green Mile should’ve appeared somewhere on this list
It's honestly why I love the movie. It's not a ghost. It''s not a monster. It's not serial killer. It's not a meatball with chainsaw teeth or an alien spider pretending to be a clown. It's just a hotel room that makes your life a living hell. And it's more terrifying than all of the above.
1408 is special to me. It was one of the few horror movies my mom and I ever watched together. It was just on one day, and she couldn't stop watching. I popped in about a fourth of the way through, and we were just _enthralled_ the whole time.
1 The Shawshank redemption 2 Carrie 3 the Shining 4 stand by me 5 Creep show 6 Geralds game 7 it (2017) 8 misery 9 Dolores Claiborne 10 1408 11 pet cemetery (The old one)
I understand everyone yelling about The Green Mile and The Mist, but I think you're forgetting that this is Doug's opinion and you don't have to agree with it. Frankly, I think Creepshow deserved to be on the list because every other script writing endeavor King has made has turned to shit. Creepshow proves that he CAN write a competent screenplay. Therefore it deserves a spot imo because it's not an adaption. It's a film written by him that turned out well.
I don't see anybody even mentioning "The Mist" except for you and one other person, and no one is yelling about it. I'd like to know why Doug didn't even give it an honorable mention. It's my fave SK short story, but I've never watched the movie. I've seen 2 clips,- the one where they are in the vehicle and encounter the behemoth creature that shakes the Scout with every step (I was really curious how they would portray this creature), and the final scene. I never wanted to watch the whole movie b/c I liked the audiobook so well that I thought a film adaptation would be disappointing.
He put Creepshow as #1 because it is something he will never see again? I know something I will never see again is a list of the top Steven King film adaptations that have Gerald's Game and Creepshow in the top 4! You were right to flip that table over such an injustice. Now flip it a second time for putting Creepshow before The Shining and at least it will be upright again.
Shawshank is a good movie that is very hard to criticize, but at the same time, it does nothing special. I think it's ok at #4 on this list, but it bugs me to no end that it's ranked #1 on IMDB's top 250.
My Top 10 1. Shawshank Redemption 2. The Green Mile 3. The Shining 4. Stand By Me 5. Misery 6. Gerald's Game 7. Carrie 8. It (2017) 9. 1408 10. Silver Bullet
I don't think *Salem's Lot* gets enough credit and would like to see an new film adaptation of it. I mean those are legitimately the only vampires in film or literature to have ever managed to scare me. It would also undo the damage done by Twilight...
twilight didn't damage shit, people have forgotten about it that said, the salem's lot movie damaged itself. bright blue vampire in a basement was a little silly.
I second Salem's Lot. We ARE talking about the '79 mini-series with David Soul and James Mason, yes? It feels weird to call it a mini-series. It was a lousy two-parter. But it was brilliant. The thing I loved about this adaptation is that it differed from the book so much. In the book, Kurt Barlow's minion Straker was an effete European gentleman, just like on the screen. But then when we met Barlow himself, he was: ... another effete European gentleman. Just like every other vampire we'd ever seen up until that time. In the mini-series, however, Barlow was a freaking MONSTER. Watching Straker calmly and eloquently speak to the heroes with this demon lurking behind him was just such an un-nerving scene. Then when you add in the scenes with the two Glick boys, and the "Look at me, Teacher..." scene, and Hutch frantically reciting Psalm 23 as the mother wakes up looking for her kids ... damn, this flick still terrifies me. Also: "Bright blue vampire"? I remember him being more of a pale corpse-like periwinkle blue.
Astrithor no, an insult would be not mentioning it at all, honorable mentions are meant to be that they almost got onto the list but just not enough while remaining above others
I’d love to see if he likes or hates it given it’s by John Carpenter. Plus the movie had to be rushed out as it came out months after the best-seller itself came out. I think the movie is actually good even with the minimal changes that were approved by King himself
I love it, my teen-age son does too, first time we watched it together i asked him how he thought they did the scenes where Christine regenerates,his first response was "CG?", i showed him what cutting edge CGI looked like at the time. He spent a good 1/2 hour trying to figure it out before i told him how, blew his mind with how simple the trick was. He was also taken aback by Tim Curry's makeup and performance in Legend
@@randomguy2518 That wasn't CG, though. Those were real cars, 24 or so of them and rigged to pull the car in, then played backwards. I think 2 or 3 survive.
Okay, but can you please do "Clue" (1985)? It's something of a Cult Classic, it's it has TIM CURRY! Think of all the jokes that can be made!
1408 is such an underrated movie. The way the room itself was messing with the persons head is something that reminded me of the Silent Hill games, where they use phsyologic horror to scare the player to their advantage. If you love Team Silent's Silent Hill games, then I would suggest checking 1408 out. :)
@Judson Joist I liked Jacob's ladder but it's pretty obvious where it was going and the ending could have been a bit better if they didnt show that he died and left it subtle.
Never seen a psychological horror movie before 1408 so watching it for the first time really threw me for a loop. By the end of it I still wasn’t sure if anything happening was real.
Yeah, that's really damning the movie with faint praise. If you're Christian or even have the vaguest understanding of Christian theology, it has extremely powerful Christian imagery (miracles, the Christ figure of John Coffee, his unfair and unjust execution, etc.)
My personal favorite is Storm of the Century. I love seeing the human nature of looking out for oneself and always thinking it will be someone else while also showing that there are people who aren't like this. And I love the last line and its implications that as dark and twisted as you can desire to be in times of pain, it's what you actually choose to so that defines you as a person.
@@1IbramGaunt no, silver bullet, cujo, creepshow 2, the running man, christine, cat's eye, dead zone, green mile, and maximum overdrive were the only ones flashed up, not the mist
I’m disappointed The Green Mile and The Mist didn’t make it to the list. I would’ve liked if he included some miniseries as well, The Stand was pretty good. While I’m not surprised the original Carrie is on the list, I think the 2013 version was more faithful to the book.
The Green Mile is one of the Honourable Mentions. Along with Cujo, Silver Bullet, Creepshow 2, Cat's Eye, The Dead Zone, The Running Man, Christine, and Maximum Overdrive.
I didn't say Carrie (2013) was a better movie. But I do feel it's a better adaptation, that's my personal opinion. I perfectly understand why most people prefer the 1976 version it's a classic for a reason. It's like asking someone which their favourite adaptation of Dracula or Frankenstein is, their is no right or wrong choice. Each version will capture something you'll love most about the book, that's what Carrie (2013) did for me.
Shadow Moses yeah I’m surprised he didn’t lock up all his books in a vase after what Kubric did to his ass. Heck even after the shining that didn’t stop Stephen King from handing out movie rights like candy.
Far be it for me to be another voice that says this, but he thinks IT and Pet Semetary deserve a spot, and Green Mile doesn't? Creepshow beats Shawshank and Shining, two of the top ten or twenty greatest films in the world? Fucking Creepshow? I love the Critic, but he certainly loves to be a contrarian.
He's allowed to have different opinions than you, RyanKaufman. Not to mention, he explained exactly why he believes it's his best work - it's unique and hasn't been replicated at the same level of success it had originally.
IT deserves to be on the list. The Green Mile should've been on it. And maybe even The Mist. But not Pet Cemetary or Creepshow. Different does not always mean good.
The new Pennywise doesn't say any jokes, yes, but I personally think just the way he acts are some great dark comedy, (spoilers) for instance, the seen were he waves a dismembered hand at one of the kids is funny...and I swear just the actors energy is so energetic its just fun in general.
He's also fucking ruthless when it comes to comments "This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you!? It was real enough for Georgie!"
The new Pennywise never created to be funny at the first place and it's way more closer to the book. But, you gotta admit nobody can make that stupid dance scary and unsettling like that. Also, the actor who played Pennywise is hot AF in real life.
I decided to have a little fun with the number 1408 by adding the numbers until I get a single digit. 1 + 4 + 0 + 8 = 13 Thirteen is possibly the most famous unlucky number, but we're not done. 1 + 3 = 4 Four is considered unlucky in China because it sounds like death. (Google it if you don't believe me) So intentionally or not, 1408 is a pretty unlucky number.
This is the first time seeing this animation at the beginning and honestly it’s hard to keep up cuz it’s constantly moving but I love how smooth it is and all the Easter eggs to it.
The written and film versions are actually really good. I too like the dual endings, one hopeful and one tragic. The book ending to me was more realistic because once you rip open the fabric of our dimensional boundaries, I don't see the army being able to just close it back up. Especially after what we see getting through. But I like the film version too because it has that excellent Twilight Zone ending that just works so well. Another great book and film combo with opposing endings that I love is "Secret Window, Secret Garden" by King. I'm actually confused that it wasn't mentioned. I think it was one of King's best adapted stories with Johny Depp's best acting performance.
The Green Mile is actually a series of stories that is actually an amazing read. The Film tried to force all 7 stories (6 books but there is a 7th story that spans the 6 books) into one short movie. You just can't do that and make it work the way it's supposed to work. The Green Mile would make a great Netflix series though.
Boss Man Maximum Overdrive he’s mentioned is so crazy it’s awesome. As for the Mist, Rob least favorite trope of Kings is the crazy religious person which the Mist has in spades
Uh... maybe I missed something but they pretty clearly address Andy's innocence in Shawshank. Tommy was an eye witness to Elmo Blatch confessing in prison to both murders. Andy is revealed as innocent in the film. And several of the other characters openly discuss their crimes at various times. And the warden is clearly painted, more or less from the beginning, as the villain. The film is praiseworthy for many reasons... I don't know if this line of analysis really holds much weight.
Yeah. But you spend much time in the movie not knowing. When they inform you that he is innocent, you just doesnt care anymorre at that point. Andy is our protagonist, being a murderer or not.
Pet Semetary had an very weird trivialfact. In the German version, its called Friedhof der Kuscheltiere, Cemetary of stuffedanimals. Back in the days, Germans had a TERRIBLE English. But its a nice random fact, i guess.
I used to do personal ads for different papers and the BDSM crowd were the nicest people. I believe the issue with Gerald is that he IS trying to control his wife and not respecting her boundaries.
@@biffyqueen I can see that. Unfortunately, I think Gerald's backstory was a necessary victim to cinematic screenwriting. The book details the "intentions and feelings" of both Gerald and Jessie that guide the reader to where they are in the current setting of the story. The movie stands strong without and deep dive into Gerald's backstory, but his backstory would add a useful layer to Gerald movie portrayal. Also, for those who have watched Gerald's Game, you MUST watch Dolores Claiborne if just for the crossover references.
Eh, in my opinion Shawshank is pretty overated. I don't mean to say it's bad, because it's very good, but not...not quite as good as the people who love it make it out to be. 9/10 movie, rather than the 11/10 that some people claim. Just my opinion though. I know a lot of people who really love it, but at the same time, I know a lot of people who can't stand it.
Kyle Flanagan I totally agree with you. It's really overrated. Besides the plot is very similar to Don Siegel's Escape from Alcatraz which is quite underrated
SOMEONE KNOWS WHAT 1408 IS? TODAY IS A DAY TO CELEBRATE! Personally I think it is the scariest film I have ever seen, followed closely by The Shining (Kubrick's version, obviously).
1408 is the entire reason I add up room/house/any number in films now, _just_ to check. I remember I did that in one of Supernatural's goofier episodes and _sure enough..._ lucky number 13.
1408 is and always will be my favorite king film. A surely over looked piece of cinema. But how often does a film have one main character for most of the film. It's truly a film to watch more than once. If only to truly understand how he feels.
Also, seeing the synopsis of Gerald's Game makes super grateful that we use cloth cuffs at home. If I struggle to tie the cuffs I can usually shimmy out of them without much problem.
Honorable Mentions 1408 (2007) Creepshow (1982) The Running Man (1987) Silver Bullet (1985) The Dead Zone (1983) 11. The Mist (2007) 10. Carrie (1976) 9. Pet Sematary (1989) 8. Misery (1990) 7. Christine (1983) 6. The Green Mile (1999) 5. IT: Chapter 2 (2019) 4. IT (2017) 3. Stand By Me (1986) 2. The Shining (1980) 1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Haha very funny. Here are the ACTUAL Honorable Mentions of this video: Cujo Creepshow 2 The Running Man Christine Silver Bullet Cat's Eye The Green Mile Maximum Overdrive Your Welcome.
The Dead Zone got an honorable mention, but no love for The Mist? Directed by Frank Darabont, it's an adaptation of King's tribute to H.P. Lovecraft. A small New England town is invaded by a thick mist and people seek shelter inside a grocery store. The mist is full of dangerous creatures reminiscent of spiders, bats, dragonflies and so on, and the people inside the store are trying to survive, understand, and cope with the situation. It's a classic zombie film scenario, with interesting characters, creative creatures, and really-good-for-2007 special effects.
Duuuuude, that animated intro looks INCREDIBLE!! Its amazing! I love all the throwbacks to older reviews too! IT, But the chart says, Bill opening the door, its AMAZING! Fantastic job from everyone!
I wish Doug had addressed the Change the Channel stuff & tried to make things right. Mike Michaud/Beria is still CEO & nothing changed. Since no kind of closure was brought to this, its hard to fully enjoy his new stuff, despite being a huge fan for many years.
Darth Vegeta i have to agree, but I still want to support the artists he has that do this type of stuff. This probably took a year to make ( the animation & perfecting the song) so supporting the smaller artists that work with him, like these 2 for example, i feel like it is good thing to support those people
I found Green Mile to be my favorite Steven King Movie ever made. I love everything about it, from the acting to the setting to the overall tone and the feeling of innocence dying. One of my favorite movies of all time!
If I had to guess why he left it off, 1 Shawshank Redemption is a similar story, and 2 it's an exact adaptation of the book. They don't change or leave out hardly anything. So while it's a damn good story either way, reading the book or watching the movie, they're kinda interchangeable experiences.
The thing that bothered me about IT 2017 was how they changed "They float" to be literally floating in the air. I thought King's original idea was that "They Float" ment that their bodies were floating in the water. That would've given us a way better ending between Bill and Georgie's relationship. Making it more emotional when Bill finally finds Georgie is dead.
The Mist doesnt even get a damn mention. Seriously that film is the perfect adaption of what a stephen king story is to the general audience. A story that lingers after you watch it from the amazing writing...mixed with the amazing direction of frank darabont (who also made two little films called the green mile and the shawshank redemption). The film gives off the perfect essence of Stephen king dread (mixed with the fact the story was his take on two types of stories, lovecraftian and 60's zombie stories) And the ending that was added by frank that stephen king himself approved of so fucking much that he wished he had thought of it years ago (since he actually couldnt think up an ending for the novella when he wrote it). Its an ending that will leave you speechless, pissed off, depressed, and lingering on it many weeks after you watch it. Its everything a perfect Stephen king adaption should be. It gives off the essensse in everything that is most beloved about stephen king.
Well Green Mile got an honorable mention, but seeing it along with Maximum overdrive it just..... No. It would be really interesting to know what Doug thinks about it.
I might agree that Creepshow is underrated and unique, but better than The Shining, Shawshank, and The Green Mile? That I cannot agree to, sir. You specifically mention that "there are other films like" and list basically the most popular choices, saying that Creepshow''s great because there is no other film quite like it, but you intentionally skim past The Shining entirely in your example. Many films may have tried a similar concept and tried to replicate it's slow horror, but no other film has the unique atmosphere The Shining has. For that you receive my comical over-snoodiness, sir.
I cannot believe he didnt even put the Mist on the list at all...very faithful adaption and just plain badass story from the guy who did the green mile and shawshank redemption, frank darabont. Unbelievable
11 positions is not enough aparently. "Green Mile", "Cat's Eye", "Crhistine" diserved more than "honorable mentions")) And there is "The Mist" (2007)?!
I will never get over how happy that number one pick makes me. It's one of my favorite movies and I felt so vindicated the first time he announced it as his top pick and went into why.
It is in the Honorable Mentions at 20:10 It's a great movie, but the atmosphere of the things that happen in prison, had already been said first with "Shawshank Redemption". The Green Mile added the supernatural aspect.
It's a little too late for this nostalgiaween as I assume you've already filmed all of the reviews. But you should look into Scream: a Michael Jackson Halloween. It came out last year as an hour long NBC special and it was terrible but hilariously so. I remember that the description started with "two millennials... " and Michael Jackson saves Halloween with the power of dance. It's a mix of terribly boring and forgettable and hilariously out of touch TV executives. The Michael Jackson angle is nostalgic enough. I don't know if this flew under your radar, but in the small chance you read this: check it out.
Creepshow as number one... nicely done. didn't see that coming. Makes me forgive you entirely for leaving Christine out of the top 10 :P Really great to see you doing a countdown again. Walter is nice but nothing beats the good ol' nostalgia critic putting things in order
I’m a big punk, so I don’t watch horror movies. I always thought Delors Claiborne was the movie Misery. They star the same actress and were both me at least. Thanks for educating me critic.
Goleon You're thinking of Rear Window with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly, dingleberry. Besides, the director is irrelevant to who wrote the source material.
Well at least the Running Man got mentioned somewhere here. Sure it had about as much to do with he source material as Lawnmower Man but hey, it's one of the best Schwarzenegger movies, it's just so freaking nuts. Now to wait for the next Nostalgiaween where we knock down The Dark Tower.
It's finally time!! Lets talk about some of Stephen King's best movies! What are your favorites?
Support this week's charity -
Nostalgiaween intro animation by Kritken -
Nostalgiaween intro music by Jayhan -
Review the 2010 nightmare on elm street remake
Love the intro
2019... Pet Sematary and IT Chapter Two...
Do top episodes of pysch pls
Can you do a video of N.C on Half Baked movie?
“It’s every celebrities worst nightmare being held hostage by a crazy fan who is virtually impossible to please.”
So... the internet?
In the future, everyone is Annie Wilkes for 15 minutes.
Just read the comments :)
Sounds more like tumblr to me
Literally virtually impossible
With Misery, Doug is scared that one day, a fan will lock him up and ask to him to stop changing wall colour x)
"I'm thinking of olive."
"NOOOOOOOO!" *breaks Critic's legs*
I read this as soon as the title showed up.
Or locks him up and gets him to change "The Wall" review.
That would require this hack to have fans.
I like Stephen King. His movies never cause me MISERY. I know IT sounds stupid, but almost all of them are SHINING examples of what horror movies should be. Maybe I MIST the point on some of them, but I know some people will STAND BY ME on this one
justanotherchannelonyoutube stop please
Goddammit this'll be the top comment!
justanotherchannelonyoutube how are you still alive??
Juan S. Moreno sadly
justanotherchannelonyoutube, YOUR JOKES ARE BAD AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!
the observation that Jack was crazy before ever got there and the hotel stripped away his fake persona he puts up for the world is brilliant. props. He always looked nuts pretending to be sane, even in his first scene...probably not a huge stretch for Nicholson
This is a guy who DATED Angelica Houston, wasn't home when Pulanski drugged and RAPED that girl, and she KNEW about it. Or could have suspected something, then proceeds to BLAME a 13 year old kid!
She wrote a book. The girl.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 Wait wait what, never heard of that. Can you elaborate / give sources please?
The critic`s interpretation is an interesting one to be sure, but when I read the book, my interpretation of the character was slightly different...
To me Jack was overall a well meaning guy who had previously been an alcoholic of the agressive and violant veriety, and who kicked the habit not long before taking on the job as caretaker of the hotel...
In my eyes his descent into madness was mainly a result of withdrawal, combined with the isolation, which ultametly pushed him to go insane and homicidal (if I recall his motivation was that the existance of his wife and kid stopped him from being able to indulge in alcohol, and in his mind that needed to change)... It doesn`t help that it is ultimately kind of ambiguous whether the hotel is actually haunted, with the hotel and it`s ghosts having by far the biggest effect on jack due to his somewhat fractured psyche from him dealing with the withdrawel and craving for alcohol (though the book does imply this pretty heavily, and I seem to remember 2 of the characters seeing the same halucination at the same time), or whether it is a simple case of cabin fever causing all 3 to hallucinate, with the most severly affected being Jack due to what he was already struggling with
The bbok is the opposite though... so which version is the true canon one.
I heard he used to date black ladies
Before Misery, King wrote The Eyes of the Dragon, and critics loved the novels but the fans didn't. Fans expected King's next novel was going to be a horror novel, instead they got a fairy tale fantasy novel. Their reactions gave King the insperation to write Misery.
That a bit funny, Eyes of the Dragon was my first King book and I loved it.
I love eyes of the dragon
@@orwellianson was probably some of both. Writers rarely use only a single source if inspiration for a work.
I remember my sister had Dragon in hardcover (she had all of them while I was growing up). Anyway I just recall it having art work in the cover that just blew me away.
Actually, Misery was inspired by a dream he had on an aeroplane ride to England. Ready his book On Writing, it tells the origins of almost all his books.
I love 1408 and that is sad of how many people do not know of it.
lmao MrGear what are you doing here?
I didn’t even realize 1408 was a King movie until this video. It was one of my favorite movies the year it came out, or at least one that stuck with me the most.
Its one of my favorite movies of all time. I watched a video drawing comparisons between 1408 and Dante's Inferno and it was brilliant. I love that movie so much.
I 100% agree with you
...we've only just begun....
Whenever it cuts to 'Hallelujah', I automatically think of Nick Cage headbanging in the priests robe in Face Off... The image is permanently etched in my brain.
Mikael Kuutti can you handle this?! Can you handle this?!? Hahah takes me back to the NC face/off review
@@elrick471 Are you saying can I 'Händel' this? :) Yup. I was thinking just the movie though. Perhaps I should re-watch the review to see if that's in there...
so it's not just me?
Good to know
I usually think of angel Carl Winslow and I usually expect the music to cut at the moment angel Carl Winslow makes the "cut it out" gesture.
I don't know if anyone already said it, but "The Green Mile" was an amazing movie as well. If you weren't sure if Andy did it, you were sure John didn't do it. Everyone's performances in that movie caught me at every word, every action; it took me on an emotional rollercoaster.
Watch The Shawshank Redemption they directly said he was innocent even more than they say John Coffey’s Innocent
I can't believe it's not in this list. It's the best King film made imo. And I love his work.
@Marky11694 I know, I couldn't understand Crtic saying that. Andy was definitely innocent. It's hinted at the entire film.
You're damn right that movie is amazing! I put that as my number 1 Stephen King movie!!
Whatever you say, fanboy. XD
If I was Creepshow and I was on trial for murder, I would want this guy as my lawyer.
SO Pet Semetary is getting an OLD VS NEW... right?
He might do that. But the new one has to come out first.
@@mandelabutterfly9162 Do we actually need a new one? The old one is so freaking good.
Nathan Crossen YAAAS!
As soon as the new is on DVD I'm sure he'll do an old vs new.
It better
For those that didn’t catch the honorable mentions, here you go:
Creepshow 2
The Green Mile
Cat’s Eye
Silver Bullet
The Running Man
Dead Zone
Maximum Overdrive
Yeah, I had seen Running Man, but I didn't even catch that it was a Stephen King adaption. I just focused on the story and on Schwarzeneggar.
Green mile didnt make it in the top 10???
So glad i reed the comments first before the video
Im not even gonna watch this is a joke
@@lukacalov1988 you realise this is just one person's opinion, right? I love the green mile but I don't have any issues with it not being on someone else's list.
@@lukacalov1988 *reeed
Christine is my favourite Stephen King movie.
Especially because I’m a car guy and it’s a kind of a creative premise
Green Mile will always be my number 1, it has an actually unnerving effect on me where I cry every second that John is on screen uncontrollably no matter how many times I see it. Michael Clarke Duncan gave the greatest performance of all time
Я впервые зашел на оригинальный канал, (обычно смотрю на русском, где переводят), чтобы предъявить Критику за то что он не добавил сюда Зелёной мили
The fact that it's not even on the actual list is a crime, let alone #1 like it should be. I love Misery, Shining, and Shawshank, but they're not even close.
@@coolnerdlll6053 It probably has something to do with it being over 3 hours long.
@@bubba200874426 It's still a million times better than the original Pet Sematary. That movie is awful until the last twenty minutes.
@@coolnerdlll6053 they should have switched out The Shining due to how King hated it.
You talk about misery without even a short glimpse of hyper fangirl? How.. Disappointing ;)
hey yeah what gives?
And I still haven’t seen misery
And lest we forget, Carrie was Stephen King's FIRST novel. One of the most iconic film sequences in history, coming from the man's FIRST foray onto bookshelves. Understating his talent is a straight up tragedy.
incorrect. it was his first popular novel. he had 3-4 duds befor carrie
I'm just saying it was the mainstream's first real taste of his work. I know he wrote a shit ton of short fiction before Carrie, most of it published in magazines, etc. Carrie was what actually gave him a writing career and took him away from teaching. "Carrie was actually King's fourth novel, but it was the first one to be published. It was written while he was living in a trailer, on a portable typewriter (on which he also wrote Misery) that belonged to his wife Tabitha. It began as a short story intended for Cavalier magazine, but King tossed the first three pages of his work in the garbage can."
He damn near threw it out and his wife dug it out of the trash😅
@@sabbathjackalnah it was his first novel. But I think he had a gig in magazines before then
Green mile is better than an honorable mention
Го на персиках лолиться? Или зассал?)
The truth.
Yes, It deserved a spot on the list
No. Just No. It's barely outside top 10 worst SK movies.
@@southpakrules WhAt? what's wrong with it?
I have to say that I disagree that the Shawshank Redemption "leaves it up to the viewer" to decide if Andy killed his wife. I think it's clear (at least how it was handled in the film) that it was all but flat out stated that he did not kill her. Sure, you could still argue that it's possible that he did, but it pretty much ruins the whole movie if he did. Besides, that also makes the scene with Elmo Blatch pointless and confusing. And the story arc with Tommy. No, Andy did not kill her. He did not. Oh, hi Mark.
I think it would have been more impact full if he DID kill his wife. His character being so sympathetic is how people get away with murder. And it makes the wardens actions another mind fuck because he's abusing actual criminals, people you are NOT supposed to be sorry for. And when the main character escapes, you can't share his joy because an actual killer is now on the loose.
@@PandaMonium92827 True.
Oh, HI Johnny, i didn’t know it was was you. You’re my favorite customer
Surprised green mile didn't make it. I'll definitely have to check out the lesser known films
Winged Hussar At least it got a honorable mention. Firestarter got no mention at all.
Оно - самый лучший фильм Кинга. Ибо чёбы нет?) АБВГДЖЗИКЛМНОПРСТ
Green Mile and Shawshank are bascally the same movie with a few things different. The main difference is Green Mile has more supernatural elements than Shawshank does.
Krahe Harding either way Shawshank is more memorable than Green Zimmerman. I love both movies but Shawshank remembered more than Green Mile.
I agree, I like Green Mile too.
I will forever love King. He has written some stinkers but when he hits a home run he really shakes the whole field.
People who often said that didn't read more than one book...
@@eliasruizdiaz7097 I'm dying to read your own personal works. Please share. Thanks.
Nah, he hits a game winning grand slam!
You missed your opportunity to review Misery and have Hyper Fan Girl go insane because you reviewed Misery, and she had a different opinion
But then again she has moved on and married with Devil Boner.
That’s how we met hyper
Violeta M H As I recall, yes.
The Editorials are just him and give us a break from the annoying co-hosts.
When he was about to announce the #1, and said "you're going to hate this." I paused and made a bet for for $100 with my friend what it would be. He said Christine, i said Creepshow. Wish i filmed my reaction when those words came out his mouth
lmao bruh your friend must be mega blind it legit pops up in the honorable mentions he never even had a chance lmao
I thought for sure The Green Mile would be number one.
I thought so too. Can't believe it didn't even make the list!
I demand an explanation for the Green Mile
Which is more than likley its a top 11 not top 12
I can't believe he put Pet Semetary and Carrie over The Green Mile, they're not bad films but come on The Green Mile is amazing.
RIGHT! how wasn't it mentioned
Like with your Top 11 South Park, I don’t agree with your #1 but I understand your reason behind them.
Also Green Mile should’ve appeared somewhere on this list
It was one of the Honorable Mentions
King Fubuki ah ok, I didn’t see that
Ahh the Simpsons top ten episodes is another.
With that said, which one should be removed from the list. Part of me wants to say IT, but it's a tough call
Samuel L. Jackson's epic line in 1408: It's a fucking evil room. Personally for me it's the Green Mile
@@ledzeppelin27 rofl. 1408 was a great movie
I so wanted that to be the tag line printed onto the DVD case. 1408. "It's a fucking evil room."
wait the green mile is a steven king movie?
Should’ve said “It’s a motherfucking evil room.” Lol
It's honestly why I love the movie. It's not a ghost. It''s not a monster. It's not serial killer. It's not a meatball with chainsaw teeth or an alien spider pretending to be a clown. It's just a hotel room that makes your life a living hell. And it's more terrifying than all of the above.
1408 is special to me. It was one of the few horror movies my mom and I ever watched together. It was just on one day, and she couldn't stop watching. I popped in about a fourth of the way through, and we were just _enthralled_ the whole time.
Easily the best Nostalgiaween intro ever made and will probably always be so.
Tristan T Nah, the Gravity Falls one was better.
That one is great too, but in terms of animation, it's untouchable.
Agreed reminds me of fox kids intros
"Green Mile" gets an honorable mention ONLY....?
I agree the Green Mile is a great movie
Yeah.... I thought the same.
The great thing about Steven King is that even when he’s bad, he’s good
And when he’s good, he’s fucking fantastic
The Game Grumps Let’s Play of Majora’s Mask exactly
100% agreed
I am so using this quote!
Like pizza
1 The Shawshank redemption
2 Carrie
3 the Shining
4 stand by me
5 Creep show
6 Geralds game
7 it (2017)
8 misery
9 Dolores Claiborne
10 1408
11 pet cemetery (The old one)
same reaction
I understand everyone yelling about The Green Mile and The Mist, but I think you're forgetting that this is Doug's opinion and you don't have to agree with it. Frankly, I think Creepshow deserved to be on the list because every other script writing endeavor King has made has turned to shit. Creepshow proves that he CAN write a competent screenplay. Therefore it deserves a spot imo because it's not an adaption. It's a film written by him that turned out well.
GREEN MILE. my favorite and best adaption bar none
Yesssss creepshow is the best
I don't see anybody even mentioning "The Mist" except for you and one other person, and no one is yelling about it. I'd like to know why Doug didn't even give it an honorable mention. It's my fave SK short story, but I've never watched the movie. I've seen 2 clips,- the one where they are in the vehicle and encounter the behemoth creature that shakes the Scout with every step (I was really curious how they would portray this creature), and the final scene. I never wanted to watch the whole movie b/c I liked the audiobook so well that I thought a film adaptation would be disappointing.
In fact, King starred in one of the sections of Creepshow
BLA5T3R Productions which, fun fact is the only story in the movie thats based on one of Stephan King’s short stories
seriously it’s called Weeds
*Sees Shawshank is #4
*Flips table
S a m e.
He put Creepshow as #1 because it is something he will never see again? I know something I will never see again is a list of the top Steven King film adaptations that have Gerald's Game and Creepshow in the top 4! You were right to flip that table over such an injustice. Now flip it a second time for putting Creepshow before The Shining and at least it will be upright again.
Shawshank is a good movie that is very hard to criticize, but at the same time, it does nothing special. I think it's ok at #4 on this list, but it bugs me to no end that it's ranked #1 on IMDB's top 250.
Green Mile honorable mention...
Get busy flipping or get busy dying
My Top 10
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. The Green Mile
3. The Shining
4. Stand By Me
5. Misery
6. Gerald's Game
7. Carrie
8. It (2017)
9. 1408
10. Silver Bullet
ok you just DON'T put 2 movies higer than the one directed by Kubrik.
@@ginogatash4030 sorry I'm not really a Kubrick guy, I respect him as a director and visionary but his stuff isn't really my taste
@@ginogatash4030 Kubrik? I LOVE the little son of a bitch.
I thought 1922 was displayed perfectly visual wise and also story wise
I feel like Rose Red is underrated
If Misery isn't on the list, I'll be as broken as the author's legs.
Edit: Never mind
I was thinking similar over Dolores Claiborne, so I guess it's the Kathy Bates magic.
That's why you don't comment first
Can I just say about the Nostalgiaween opening for this year, 100% amazing great to who did that
Doctor Sleep was a good film. I love how there’s barely any jump scares in the film. The atmosphere and tone make it scary. Highly recommend it
Loved the book and it was a more than decent adaptation Ewan McGregor was perfect as Danny as was Rose the Hat
@@leerequiem Rebecca Ferguson was creepy in this. She played Rose
I didn't think it was scary or even creepy at all but I really enjoyed it.
Still love the WAHA’s to this day
I don't think *Salem's Lot* gets enough credit and would like to see an new film adaptation of it. I mean those are legitimately the only vampires in film or literature to have ever managed to scare me. It would also undo the damage done by Twilight...
Salem's lot is a mini series
I am aware and I would like to see it remade as a film.
twilight didn't damage shit, people have forgotten about it
that said, the salem's lot movie damaged itself. bright blue vampire in a basement was a little silly.
yeah because we've gotten so many quality vampire films since then! oh wait...
also, I'd take blue vampires over glitter vampires any day of the week.
I second Salem's Lot. We ARE talking about the '79 mini-series with David Soul and James Mason, yes? It feels weird to call it a mini-series. It was a lousy two-parter. But it was brilliant. The thing I loved about this adaptation is that it differed from the book so much. In the book, Kurt Barlow's minion Straker was an effete European gentleman, just like on the screen. But then when we met Barlow himself, he was: ... another effete European gentleman. Just like every other vampire we'd ever seen up until that time. In the mini-series, however, Barlow was a freaking MONSTER. Watching Straker calmly and eloquently speak to the heroes with this demon lurking behind him was just such an un-nerving scene. Then when you add in the scenes with the two Glick boys, and the "Look at me, Teacher..." scene, and Hutch frantically reciting Psalm 23 as the mother wakes up looking for her kids ... damn, this flick still terrifies me.
Also: "Bright blue vampire"? I remember him being more of a pale corpse-like periwinkle blue.
Chocolate Sunday It got a honorable mention.
@@imaginepeace63 Which might as well be an insult in this context. That movie is freaking fantastic
Astrithor no, an insult would be not mentioning it at all, honorable mentions are meant to be that they almost got onto the list but just not enough while remaining above others
And cujo?
Alexander Hart what about Cujo?
I would love to see you review Christine
Thats my favorite Stephen King adaptation, would like to see "The Talisman" or "The Eyes of The Dragon" made into movies as well
I’d love to see if he likes or hates it given it’s by John Carpenter. Plus the movie had to be rushed out as it came out months after the best-seller itself came out. I think the movie is actually good even with the minimal changes that were approved by King himself
I love it, my teen-age son does too, first time we watched it together i asked him how he thought they did the scenes where Christine regenerates,his first response was "CG?", i showed him what cutting edge CGI looked like at the time. He spent a good 1/2 hour trying to figure it out before i told him how, blew his mind with how simple the trick was. He was also taken aback by Tim Curry's makeup and performance in Legend
@@randomguy2518 That wasn't CG, though. Those were real cars, 24 or so of them and rigged to pull the car in, then played backwards.
I think 2 or 3 survive.
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 I said it wasn't CG, my kid thought that at first, then I showed him a making if kinda thing. Read better
Okay, but can you please do "Clue" (1985)? It's something of a Cult Classic, it's it has TIM CURRY! Think of all the jokes that can be made!
I don't say this lightly but OMFG YES!! It's one of my favorite comedies, one of those lightning-in-a-bottle movies.. Like Creepshow was.
To make a long story short, TOO LATE
Maybe the Diamonds were HERE in the mansion. :P
It's a very funny movie!
"Do you have PRince Albert in the can?
You do? well you better let the poor guy out *laughter*"
1408 is such an underrated movie. The way the room itself was messing with the persons head is something that reminded me of the Silent Hill games, where they use phsyologic horror to scare the player to their advantage. If you love Team Silent's Silent Hill games, then I would suggest checking 1408 out. :)
@Judson Joist I liked Jacob's ladder but it's pretty obvious where it was going and the ending could have been a bit better if they didnt show that he died and left it subtle.
It really is underrated.
Never seen a psychological horror movie before 1408 so watching it for the first time really threw me for a loop. By the end of it I still wasn’t sure if anything happening was real.
Asylum117 1408 gets better and better with each viewing.
@@AmazingKevinWClark Did you know the girlfriend in Jacob's...died irl of alcoholism? Sad. It's a nasty way to die.
Green mile is just an honorable mention?
Probably because it's in the same vein as Shawshank.
they’re vastly different movies that just happen to both take place in a prison
Green Mile should have been on the list. Regardless if its in the same vein as Shawshank.
To me it's the best Stephan King movie
Yeah, that's really damning the movie with faint praise. If you're Christian or even have the vaguest understanding of Christian theology, it has extremely powerful Christian imagery (miracles, the Christ figure of John Coffee, his unfair and unjust execution, etc.)
My personal favorite is Storm of the Century. I love seeing the human nature of looking out for oneself and always thinking it will be someone else while also showing that there are people who aren't like this. And I love the last line and its implications that as dark and twisted as you can desire to be in times of pain, it's what you actually choose to so that defines you as a person.
My favorite as well. It was never a book that someone else had to adapt to film. It was a screen play written by King, so it was 100% authentic King.
I'm surprised The Mist didn't even get an honorable mention...
BlackWolflord right the one movie Stephen King said was better doesn’t make it i was so surprised
What about Firestarter,The Night Flier, the Dark Half, or Needful things?
It actually does technically, it's one of the ones he flashes up before the number one movie lol
@@1IbramGaunt no, silver bullet, cujo, creepshow 2, the running man, christine, cat's eye, dead zone, green mile, and maximum overdrive were the only ones flashed up, not the mist
I’m disappointed The Green Mile and The Mist didn’t make it to the list. I would’ve liked if he included some miniseries as well, The Stand was pretty good. While I’m not surprised the original Carrie is on the list, I think the 2013 version was more faithful to the book.
The 2013 was a carbon copy of the 1976 version. Only had one scene similar to the book and it ended up getting cut
He hasn't seen those movies
The Green Mile is one of the Honourable Mentions. Along with Cujo, Silver Bullet, Creepshow 2, Cat's Eye, The Dead Zone, The Running Man, Christine, and Maximum Overdrive.
I didn’t know Green Mike was a Stephen King.
I didn't say Carrie (2013) was a better movie. But I do feel it's a better adaptation, that's my personal opinion. I perfectly understand why most people prefer the 1976 version it's a classic for a reason. It's like asking someone which their favourite adaptation of Dracula or Frankenstein is, their is no right or wrong choice. Each version will capture something you'll love most about the book, that's what Carrie (2013) did for me.
Fun Fact: The writer with most movie adaptations is Stephen King
Shadow Moses yeah I’m surprised he didn’t lock up all his books in a vase after what Kubric did to his ass. Heck even after the shining that didn’t stop Stephen King from handing out movie rights like candy.
With the caveat that he have final say on any creative decisions made.
But, they need to keep him out of the directors chair!
@@STRAKAZulu Oh come now, we could use another Maximum Overdrive.
Actually that's God, tyvm.
Most adaptations of unique works, most likely. I'm almost certain there's been twelve tons of adaptations of A Christmas Carol.
I guessed Creepshow before you even said it! I love that film.
I'm surprised The Mist wasn't here, though.
Agreed. To me The Mist is a top-5 movie of his, especially if you see it in the black and white like the director intended
Yeah, The Mist is such a creative movie
It didn't even make the honorable mentions.
Yeah. Doug didn't like that one very much. Check out his review.
I really liked the list....buuuut...WHERE IS THE MIST???.
To be honest, it's just the ending. Really generic otherwise.
Yeah, kinda, but the whole "crazy religious lady" part of the movie is really well made too
Damn your right
Nvm that, where’s The Green Mile? That was great. Also, did anyone see The Mist tv series that came out a year or so ago?
Disappointed the Green Mile didn't make the list
It was an a honorable mention. You just gotta pause the video.
Me too
Far be it for me to be another voice that says this, but he thinks IT and Pet Semetary deserve a spot, and Green Mile doesn't? Creepshow beats Shawshank and Shining, two of the top ten or twenty greatest films in the world? Fucking Creepshow?
I love the Critic, but he certainly loves to be a contrarian.
He's allowed to have different opinions than you, RyanKaufman. Not to mention, he explained exactly why he believes it's his best work - it's unique and hasn't been replicated at the same level of success it had originally.
IT deserves to be on the list. The Green Mile should've been on it. And maybe even The Mist. But not Pet Cemetary or Creepshow. Different does not always mean good.
CREEPSHOW is a HALLOWEEN Tradition in my house haha LOVE THAT MOVIE xD
Right on... I do the same!!!
Aye my dude what you doing here XD
Mine too I loved the movie so much I also bought the comic version of the movie
Alongside Poltergeist, Exorcist I & III, and (fittingly enough) Carrie, Creepshow gets a viewing every Halloween at my place too.
@Suzane O Riordan JaxBlade _is_ everywhere.
For me, nothing will ever beat "The Shawshank Redemption."
It is one of the all time greats
I´m not the kind of person who cries during movies, but God the Green Mile made me cry like a kid.
Happens to everyone bud
The new Pennywise doesn't say any jokes, yes, but I personally think just the way he acts are some great dark comedy, (spoilers)
for instance, the seen were he waves a dismembered hand at one of the kids is funny...and I swear just the actors energy is so energetic its just fun in general.
He's also fucking ruthless when it comes to comments
"This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you!? It was real enough for Georgie!"
The new Pennywise never created to be funny at the first place and it's way more closer to the book. But, you gotta admit nobody can make that stupid dance scary and unsettling like that. Also, the actor who played Pennywise is hot AF in real life.
Unnecessary ellipse used after, "funny".
And the way penny chases new white bill after playing puppet with georgie was so over the top and so out of nowhere you know that was made for laughs
Also when he's mocking eddie's asthma lmao
I decided to have a little fun with the number 1408 by adding the numbers until I get a single digit.
1 + 4 + 0 + 8 = 13
Thirteen is possibly the most famous unlucky number, but we're not done.
1 + 3 = 4
Four is considered unlucky in China because it sounds like death. (Google it if you don't believe me)
So intentionally or not, 1408 is a pretty unlucky number.
4 is also considered unlucky in japan
Yes, it was intentional.
That was the idea lol))
i win the lottery with the number 13
You should not see the number 23
This is the first time seeing this animation at the beginning and honestly it’s hard to keep up cuz it’s constantly moving but I love how smooth it is and all the Easter eggs to it.
I'm really surprised there's no Christina or Green Mile
Both are honorable mentions
I think Green Mile was looked at as just another version of Shawshank. But I was still surprised it didn’t make the list.
The written and film versions are actually really good. I too like the dual endings, one hopeful and one tragic. The book ending to me was more realistic because once you rip open the fabric of our dimensional boundaries, I don't see the army being able to just close it back up. Especially after what we see getting through. But I like the film version too because it has that excellent Twilight Zone ending that just works so well. Another great book and film combo with opposing endings that I love is "Secret Window, Secret Garden" by King. I'm actually confused that it wasn't mentioned. I think it was one of King's best adapted stories with Johny Depp's best acting performance.
The Green Mile is actually a series of stories that is actually an amazing read. The Film tried to force all 7 stories (6 books but there is a 7th story that spans the 6 books) into one short movie. You just can't do that and make it work the way it's supposed to work. The Green Mile would make a great Netflix series though.
Christine and Yah Im surprised they didnt make the list
Humanity has nothing left to accomplish with the nostagiaween intro.
Not The Mist? Green Mile? I know Green Mile was an honorable mention, but so was Maximum Overdrive.
Boss Man Maximum Overdrive he’s mentioned is so crazy it’s awesome. As for the Mist, Rob least favorite trope of Kings is the crazy religious person which the Mist has in spades
YES! The Green Mile is one of my favorite films. I'd have put it at #2. (Shawshank being #1)
1:31 I need those shot glasses! I love how the one with Critic as Jack says “Derob” 🤣
Uh... maybe I missed something but they pretty clearly address Andy's innocence in Shawshank. Tommy was an eye witness to Elmo Blatch confessing in prison to both murders. Andy is revealed as innocent in the film. And several of the other characters openly discuss their crimes at various times. And the warden is clearly painted, more or less from the beginning, as the villain. The film is praiseworthy for many reasons... I don't know if this line of analysis really holds much weight.
Yeah, I too thought it was pretty clear he was innocent.
I always thought Andy being guilty made the movie better. I mean your rooting for a fn murderer
"I had to come to prison in order to be a crook." - Andy Dufresne.
NC knows, he said it would be better if we never found out if Andy was innocent or not.
Yeah. But you spend much time in the movie not knowing. When they inform you that he is innocent, you just doesnt care anymorre at that point. Andy is our protagonist, being a murderer or not.
Why no love for The Green Mile? ;-;
Smith Wesson got honorable mentions
Is in the Honorable Mentions
@@Nolroa Will Turner: *slams axe into table* THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!
Perhaps, as punishment... We won't wet the sponge.
@@daylebond9502 Do him in like Delacroix
Coincidence that this releases on the same day the Pet Semetary trailer comes out?! I think NOT!!
I was thinking the same thing
@@inferno9714 Don't Bernie me! This Critc is guilty!
Pet Semetary had an very weird trivialfact. In the German version, its called Friedhof der Kuscheltiere, Cemetary of stuffedanimals. Back in the days, Germans had a TERRIBLE English. But its a nice random fact, i guess.
Have you seen the trailer for it yet? Looks pretty good
I saw Gerald's Game recently. As someone who's actually into BDSM, that movie _terrified_ me!
I used to do personal ads for different papers and the BDSM crowd were the nicest people. I believe the issue with Gerald is that he IS trying to control his wife and not respecting her boundaries.
@@biffyqueen I can see that.
Unfortunately, I think Gerald's backstory was a necessary victim to cinematic screenwriting. The book details the "intentions and feelings" of both Gerald and Jessie that guide the reader to where they are in the current setting of the story. The movie stands strong without and deep dive into Gerald's backstory, but his backstory would add a useful layer to Gerald movie portrayal.
Also, for those who have watched Gerald's Game, you MUST watch Dolores Claiborne if just for the crossover references.
Why would you openly admit to being into bdsm. Actually disgusting
@@quandaledingle5155bdsm is great! Fun and nothing disgusting about it
I’m sorry but Shawshank Redemption is no doubt the greatest King movie. It’s one of the best movies of all time. It’s either Shawshank or Shining.
I dont think Shining counts because King himself said that he hated it then tried to make his own version and it fucking sucked
Eh, in my opinion Shawshank is pretty overated. I don't mean to say it's bad, because it's very good, but not...not quite as good as the people who love it make it out to be. 9/10 movie, rather than the 11/10 that some people claim.
Just my opinion though. I know a lot of people who really love it, but at the same time, I know a lot of people who can't stand it.
Kyle Flanagan
I totally agree with you. It's really overrated. Besides the plot is very similar to Don Siegel's Escape from Alcatraz which is quite underrated
Kyle Flanagan yeah going from a 10/10 to a 9/10 doesn’t make the film “pretty overrated”.
@@ivans.191 yes it reminds me a lot of escape from alcatraz definitely
Personally I think it is the scariest film I have ever seen, followed closely by The Shining (Kubrick's version, obviously).
1408 is the entire reason I add up room/house/any number in films now, _just_ to check. I remember I did that in one of Supernatural's goofier episodes and _sure enough..._ lucky number 13.
1408 is and always will be my favorite king film. A surely over looked piece of cinema. But how often does a film have one main character for most of the film. It's truly a film to watch more than once. If only to truly understand how he feels.
Carrie: It's no use!
Silver: Hey! That's my line!
Sonic: Hey! That's my line!
Joseph Joestar: Your next line is "Hey! That's my line!"
@@Xarazel Hey that's my li-NANI?
Ill forever hear that line in mentally snapped arin handsons voice .
Also, seeing the synopsis of Gerald's Game makes super grateful that we use cloth cuffs at home. If I struggle to tie the cuffs I can usually shimmy out of them without much problem.
There's also cuffs that can be easily unlocked just by pressing a lever. Much, much safer
Green mile as an honorable mention? Scoffs in your general direction sir!
No Green Mile nostalgia critic? Gimmie your hands boss *crushes hands*
Agree, wanted to see green mile on this list
I legitimently think he hasnt seen it.
It a honorable mention
if the langoliers isn't number one i will be scaring the little girls
My friend didn't believed my that this movie exist ;D
Its a mini-series and Doug already did a review on it years ago. Remember the Skygina?
"I deduce" the critic didnt like langoliers. Langoliers owns creep show. Its just lacked a decent ending
L A D Y !
Honorable Mentions
1408 (2007)
Creepshow (1982)
The Running Man (1987)
Silver Bullet (1985)
The Dead Zone (1983)
11. The Mist (2007)
10. Carrie (1976)
9. Pet Sematary (1989)
8. Misery (1990)
7. Christine (1983)
6. The Green Mile (1999)
5. IT: Chapter 2 (2019)
4. IT (2017)
3. Stand By Me (1986)
2. The Shining (1980)
1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Thank god Christines in here “get to the chopper”
i like how much effort you put in this
Haha very funny. Here are the ACTUAL Honorable Mentions of this video:
Creepshow 2
The Running Man
Silver Bullet
Cat's Eye
The Green Mile
Maximum Overdrive
Your Welcome.
Wonder where you would put Doctor Sleep, and the tv series Creepshow in?
The Dead Zone got an honorable mention, but no love for The Mist? Directed by Frank Darabont, it's an adaptation of King's tribute to H.P. Lovecraft. A small New England town is invaded by a thick mist and people seek shelter inside a grocery store. The mist is full of dangerous creatures reminiscent of spiders, bats, dragonflies and so on, and the people inside the store are trying to survive, understand, and cope with the situation. It's a classic zombie film scenario, with interesting characters, creative creatures, and really-good-for-2007 special effects.
Agreed. Seriously i wouldve taken an honorable mention even...but not even a wink in its direction-fuck
And don't forget the ending that has been haunting us for a decade...
Seriously, how was The Mist not even in the top three?
On my list, The Mist comes in at number 5. Critic's list really sucks this time.
True, and I recall hearing that King himself wished he had thought of that ending.
Duuuuude, that animated intro looks INCREDIBLE!! Its amazing! I love all the throwbacks to older reviews too! IT, But the chart says, Bill opening the door, its AMAZING! Fantastic job from everyone!
animated into ??????
HEART HERO 456XL65 forgot the R, i was typing fast, thank you for showing me
I wish Doug had addressed the Change the Channel stuff & tried to make things right. Mike Michaud/Beria is still CEO & nothing changed.
Since no kind of closure was brought to this, its hard to fully enjoy his new stuff, despite being a huge fan for many years.
Darth Vegeta i have to agree, but I still want to support the artists he has that do this type of stuff. This probably took a year to make ( the animation & perfecting the song) so supporting the smaller artists that work with him, like these 2 for example, i feel like it is good thing to support those people
I found Green Mile to be my favorite Steven King Movie ever made. I love everything about it, from the acting to the setting to the overall tone and the feeling of innocence dying. One of my favorite movies of all time!
If I had to guess why he left it off, 1 Shawshank Redemption is a similar story, and 2 it's an exact adaptation of the book. They don't change or leave out hardly anything. So while it's a damn good story either way, reading the book or watching the movie, they're kinda interchangeable experiences.
How do you know he was innocent to begin with?
The thing that bothered me about IT 2017 was how they changed "They float" to be literally floating in the air. I thought King's original idea was that "They Float" ment that their bodies were floating in the water. That would've given us a way better ending between Bill and Georgie's relationship. Making it more emotional when Bill finally finds Georgie is dead.
4 years ago but i just have to say.. i love ur interpretation, makes the phrase much creepier
What about the The Mist from 2007?!
Green Mill is too much like Shawshank. It would just be doubling Shawshank
The Mist was controversial. I liked it though
Good God the ending...I remember everyone's reaction in the theater.
Stephen King loved the new ending to The Mist.
I'm extremely surprised The Mist wasn't even an honorable mention. That's, by far, my favorite Stephen King movie.
Yeah! Love the happy ending
He hasn't seen that movie that's why it's not there
The Mist doesnt even get a damn mention. Seriously that film is the perfect adaption of what a stephen king story is to the general audience. A story that lingers after you watch it from the amazing writing...mixed with the amazing direction of frank darabont (who also made two little films called the green mile and the shawshank redemption). The film gives off the perfect essence of Stephen king dread (mixed with the fact the story was his take on two types of stories, lovecraftian and 60's zombie stories)
And the ending that was added by frank that stephen king himself approved of so fucking much that he wished he had thought of it years ago (since he actually couldnt think up an ending for the novella when he wrote it).
Its an ending that will leave you speechless, pissed off, depressed, and lingering on it many weeks after you watch it.
Its everything a perfect Stephen king adaption should be. It gives off the essensse in everything that is most beloved about stephen king.
IT, *walks out*
Ah Ha Ah Ha
But I did like the mist
The Mist was shot to be in Black and White as well. It helps with the mist effect.
Great movie.
Apparently he did not see the mist
Well time for him to watch it! I'm surprised he's seen 1408 before "The Mist".
For me
5. The Shining
4. The Green Mile
3. It
2. Shawshank Redemption
1. Misery
shawshank is my fav movie of all time :D
Stand by me
That intro made me so happy!
I was expecting a side look at Hyper Fan Girl during the Misery part and her going. "...What?"
Icalasari well, Hyper Fan Girl likes the Critic himself, whereas the girl in Misery loves the character in the book.
Well Green Mile got an honorable mention, but seeing it along with Maximum overdrive it just..... No.
It would be really interesting to know what Doug thinks about it.
These intros are always so creative. And I love how they're all references to shows Doug likes, or talks about.
I might agree that Creepshow is underrated and unique, but better than The Shining, Shawshank, and The Green Mile? That I cannot agree to, sir.
You specifically mention that "there are other films like" and list basically the most popular choices, saying that Creepshow''s great because there is no other film quite like it, but you intentionally skim past The Shining entirely in your example. Many films may have tried a similar concept and tried to replicate it's slow horror, but no other film has the unique atmosphere The Shining has.
For that you receive my comical over-snoodiness, sir.
I cannot believe he didnt even put the Mist on the list at all...very faithful adaption and just plain badass story from the guy who did the green mile and shawshank redemption, frank darabont.
You're not gonna like it.
It's creepshow.
Wow, you were wrong
Yeah, Creepshow is sweeeeeet!
I think what he meant was SOME people wouldn't like that Creepshow got the number one spot instead of, say, The Green Mile.
11 positions is not enough aparently. "Green Mile", "Cat's Eye", "Crhistine" diserved more than "honorable mentions")) And there is "The Mist" (2007)?!
OMG - Cat's Eye was a cool ass flick !
I need to see if that's available on DVD !
I like Christine a lot. The acting. LeBay and Darnell.
I will never get over how happy that number one pick makes me. It's one of my favorite movies and I felt so vindicated the first time he announced it as his top pick and went into why.
I really wish that The Green Mile was on this list. At least on the eleventh spot. Its at least in the top ten in my opinion
It is in the Honorable Mentions at 20:10 It's a great movie, but the atmosphere of the things that happen in prison, had already been said first with "Shawshank Redemption". The Green Mile added the supernatural aspect.
It's a little too late for this nostalgiaween as I assume you've already filmed all of the reviews. But you should look into Scream: a Michael Jackson Halloween. It came out last year as an hour long NBC special and it was terrible but hilariously so. I remember that the description started with "two millennials... " and Michael Jackson saves Halloween with the power of dance. It's a mix of terribly boring and forgettable and hilariously out of touch TV executives. The Michael Jackson angle is nostalgic enough. I don't know if this flew under your radar, but in the small chance you read this: check it out.
1408 should’ve had the title “The Room”
Jackson Gibbs lol
Jackson Gibbs Oh hI MArK
Haha... What a story King!?...
"I did not hit her"
Dolores Claiborne is definitely one of my favourite King movies. So good! And overlooked sadly.
I never knew they'd made that into a movie. I will have to find it.
...I honestly didn’t know that _1408_ was a Stephen King movie. 😳
It's based on a short story.
Green Mile an honorable mention and Creep Show #1? Seems legit.
Creepshow as number one... nicely done. didn't see that coming. Makes me forgive you entirely for leaving Christine out of the top 10 :P Really great to see you doing a countdown again. Walter is nice but nothing beats the good ol' nostalgia critic putting things in order
MsNorringtonSims it is his top 11 ir u dislike it do one ur self
@@inesvillanueva8017 he very clearly stated that he likes it
adam vialpando
thank you. I saw that response and was immediately confused lol it's almost like words no longer have meaning
But Christine is among the Honorable Mentions.
I wonder what was the ost that was used during that segment
I’m a big punk, so I don’t watch horror movies.
I always thought Delors Claiborne was the movie Misery. They star the same actress and were both me at least.
Thanks for educating me critic.
Oooh, new headcanon: Delores Claiborne and Misery are alternate universes of the same woman!
It's Stephen King -- you know it's possible!
Those shot glasses are amazing! I want a set! 😱
Funny you say that, I'm friends with the guy who made 'em
Tyler Games Lucky you!
1:30 Maximum Overdrive, Children of the Corn, Dreamcatcher, It, It (again) the Langoliers, Tommyknockers and The Shining Mini-Series.
@@welcometothemetaverse2523 Here's the thing, many of those are mini series not movies. So they wouldn't even make the list.
No but they make for a great set of shot glasses.
Secret Window is very underrated
Husnain A - That's Hitchcock.
No, it’s Stephen King.
Goleon You're thinking of Rear Window with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly, dingleberry. Besides, the director is irrelevant to who wrote the source material.
Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that movie! Too bad it wasn't mentioned not even as an honorable mention :(
That ending is crazy
Eh, I thought it was waaaay too predictable. Took the fun out of it for me. :/
Well at least the Running Man got mentioned somewhere here. Sure it had about as much to do with he source material as Lawnmower Man but hey, it's one of the best Schwarzenegger movies, it's just so freaking nuts. Now to wait for the next Nostalgiaween where we knock down The Dark Tower.
This might be blasphemy, buuutttt....
Movie running man > novel running man
Someone really needs to do a short film version of the Lawnmower Man. It was a really weird story.
My dad likes Dark Tower and he's one of the biggest Stephen King fans I know.
What? Does he review dark tower next week?! Are you sure about that
If you think the next Nostalgiaween is next week, then sure.
I'm not saying that Pastor Tommy McMurtry is sexually attracted to that jacket. I am however saying we don't know.
Not that Bitch Again ?!? I was waiting for someone to say this XD
I'm sexually attracted to it.