This guitar is very interesting to me. It's got a lot of knobs and a lot of switches. Just looks very complicated. But I bet if you got to know your way around, I bet that you can produce some amazing tonal sounds.
the knobs.. what about that error of design! 😢 i want to buy that model but i use many palm mute technique.. Is the place where they put the knobs a problem?
@@Jizzo75 the knobs.. what about that error of design! 😢 i want to buy that model but i use many palm mute technique.. Is the place where they put the knobs a problem?
This guitar is very interesting to me. It's got a lot of knobs and a lot of switches. Just looks very complicated. But I bet if you got to know your way around, I bet that you can produce some amazing tonal sounds.
Awesome playing to showcase a beautiful Guitar. #1 on my list right now.
Thanks a lot for the compliments!
the knobs.. what about that error of design! 😢 i want to buy that model but i use many palm mute technique.. Is the place where they put the knobs a problem?
I agree haha, but you get used to it, you can palm mute but yeah, the knobs are there....
@@Jizzo75 Could you give me an idea to solve it?
@@Papanatas-go5cx i would not know, it’s not a problem for me. Just get a little used to.
Do you also accidentally roll the bridge pickup volume knob down just by playing this thing?
I even considered duct taping the damn thing steady 😂
Never had issues myself but a mate of mine did this haha tape it up!
@@Jizzo75 the knobs.. what about that error of design! 😢 i want to buy that model but i use many palm mute technique.. Is the place where they put the knobs a problem?