A new report about that place has proved your comment. I hate to hear they let logistics and or cleanliness go to the doggies. Logistics are a setback for restaurants; if they food is just too old to serve, law requires the rotten food to be thrown away.
The line is sometimes around the block. The best Mexican food place in San Diego.
Thanks, great investigative journalism!!!
The food is okay. Its not the best. I visited my brother and he took me here. The food is overhyped. I wish them the best.
Please show us your best then I’d love to see
Been there. The food is wack. Nothing impressive.
A new report about that place has proved your comment. I hate to hear they let logistics and or cleanliness go to the doggies. Logistics are a setback for restaurants; if they food is just too old to serve, law requires the rotten food to be thrown away.
The epicenter of type II diabetes in San Diego
Sounds like some of the family members want to cash out.
Since when does a rumor merit a whole news segment?
Was this just a publicity stunt and not a rumor?
Ask Sandiegoville , they post an article on their social media with False information.
The customer's buy for Tribute.
The Graf is going away 😂
Bomb ass food!!!!!!❤❤❤
Food is so good!!!!!
Boycott CBS never forget 2nd Debate fake news 😢😢😢 ABC CBS Disney 60 min MSNBC crap...
2:09 we not gonna talk about how Asmongold has been visiting San Diego to get authentic Mexican food since the 70’s???
The problems we Mexicanos like to create gossip 😂 we are chismosos y crear pedo 💨 😂