I think Ungrol would be cool as a Drycha type FLC, where you can’t recruit gors, bestigors, or minotaurs (you get some exclusive human mutants instead or something and a mechanic to summon monsters), and your main goal isn’t to destroy everything, but to kill off the other major beastmen/take all their herdstones.
If I was in 2022: Fans so wanted these units for Beastmen so badly. If I was in 2025: Shadows of Change got most of the units for Beastmen, and there are now Chaos Ungor units for Beastmen
Tzaangors make me want to start a Tzeentch army. I'm honestly so surprised that they and Slaangors didn't make it into Warhammer 3, seeing as how there are Khorne blessed Minotaurs in Khorne's roster. Their models are so cool, if they never add them as a DLC it would be a huge shame.
It's crazy just how much they could still do with Beastmen. They could release a DLC focused around Centigors and fast moving units, with Ghorros Warhoof as the LL, and a generic Centigor Lord, then have elite Armoured Centigors, Praetons, Cockatrices as units. Slugtongue could introduce Pestigors and be a Beastmen/Nurgle hybrid faction. Then my personal favourite, Ungrol Fourhorn could be a LL that'd come with Mutants, and would have a focus on Ungols and some of the other lesser beastmen. I'd see him being the best pick for a FLC.
Ungrol could definitely fill a Skarsnik role, having an army built of ungors and mutants. There's also mention of latent magic from his stolen horns which could give us another caster lord.
@@arthropox738 That's what I was thinking too! I love the underdog type factions that rely on and buff the lesser units, like Skarsnik, Oxyotl, etc. And that would be cool, I think they should make him a caster, or at least make him a hybrid with some bound spells or something!
As Beastmen are my favourite, I habe to say that there in actually more stuff in the lore and rpg books for about 2 versus DLCs as not only centigors are forgotten but also the underclasses of the beastmen society of turnskins, brays and mutants. Ungors are known to sometimes form their own tribes or rise to prominance as Half-horn heroes which would be ranged hero/lord options (anti-large javelins with stalk would clap) which are even more relevant as mutants often come with human-tier armour and centigor heroes would likelely act as fast buff characters to be a real alternative to Gorebulls which already have the brawn and speed. Besides the god-touched beastmen, we could get beastfiends who are forsaken beastmen who roam the chaos wastes as part-deamon which could give us tougher tier 4 infantry. As for lords - give us Ghorros and Ungrol in versus DLCs with Centigors, God-Touched Beastmen and the Incarnate Elemental with Ghorros and Brays. Mutants, the Cocatrice, Ungor characters and the Prayton with Unrgol. Make Moonclaw a Free-LC and space it in the next 5 years. I'll be happy. Gorthor is dead in the lore for 1 000 years and all CA could do is bring him back as a deamon prince or as a ghost which both would work with some hybrid caster shenanigans but I feel he doesn't bring anything new with him to bother. Like, I think he would be better in a Chaos Undivided faction with beastmen unit access. >How to make Ungrol tho? Just make him a Legendary Lord, add a penalty to diplomacy and that will spice the game up as you are getting hostile with litterally anything thats not a demon or chaos human and you are butcher your way through the world as awakening other legendary lords is more expensive or has some mission attached to it so you dominate them by force.
Personally I think Beastmen could at most get an FLC faction complmenting a DLC pack which aimed at a monogod faction, but it seems to me a lot of this could be/has been moded no?
@@liofalba Remember CA is constantly pushing what can be done and I think all races will get like 2 versus DLCs in the next 5-6 years. Cross-game-race lord DLC, Vampire Coast, Cathay, what they doing with deamons and kislev... They will pair the lords with game 1/2 races and pile up the content.
@@karolkwiecjasz9356 The thing is for that you’d need a crazy level of content turnover. For example say 6 years and a DLC every 5 months, that comes out to 14 (2 race packs and 12 LL Packs). That’s 24 LL, and if we assume core game 3 will get 2-3 LLs that’s 14-21 of those Lords being game, so 3-10 being cross faction. That means some Cross game DLC but not for every faction. Personally I think we’ll get 1 Empire, 1 Vampires and a couple of more. Still, that means a lot of FLC LLs and reworks thankfully, most game 2 factions are fine just need modest faction mechanic tweaks not full blown changes.
Honestly, I would be satisfied with a pack consisting of Ghorros, Centigor Lords, Preyton, Cockatrice amd armored centigors for a dedicated 'swift assault' theme for Beastsmen that gives them those few speedy units that could really make a difference with them. This could include Moonclaq as a legendary hero for all Beastsmen factions And for a FLC faction, you could do Slugtongue as a nurgle themed Beastsmen lord and give him Pestigors(These however would arrive alongside Nurgle DLC)
I recall in the Endtimes that a bunch of humans got turned into beast men by a spell during a battle. Having a one time spell that allows you to turn an enemy unit into beast men would be awesome.
same thing in shamanslayer. giant herdstone turning humans into beasts by emitting blue light. that thing was ridiculously OP tho, and could turn entire armies.
Big angry spirit is cool. Chaos-themed Gors are also very cool, and seem like they'd fit well into a bunch of rosters. Gorfor? The chariot guy, looks insanely cool, I hope he gets in at some point. Lots of fun details on that model. Ungral? Has some *striking* art, and honestly his faction sounds interesting enough that I'd play him if he was a Legendary Lord. Maybe would be the only one that couldn't confederate, for uh, obvious reasons.
Another Forge World unit that could fit for Beastmen is the Giant Chaos Spawn. I've always been one to complain about models being reused across armies, but Spawns and Chaos just go hand in hand.
Worth mentioning that Ghorthor the Beastlord was also a caster, he was the only Beastman that was allowed to kill a bray shaman, he killed one and wears his skull and so could cast a small list of spells. Not a full caster.
If you want to go back to the time when Beastmen were “children of Slaanesh” rather than “children of Chaos”, there is also the option to bring in beastmen from around Cathy that are based on different animals. What basically happened was that Games Workshop started bringing out different beastmen races - Minotaurs and Centaurs were part of 2nd edition chaos lists, but beastmen were supposed to be all different kinds of beasts. They brought out the goatmen that would be expanded into Gods, then they moved onto the Ratmen and got stuck there for years, eventually spinning the,m off into their own race before coming back and retconning the goat based beastmen into gors. But there was still lore and art for other beastmen floating around. The beastman artwork in the first Warhammer Quest rule book is a dog-based or Fox-based beastman and the lore for Arabay and Cathay mentioned beastmen based on lions and insects I for one have always wanted to see the expansion of the beastmen to represent their original concept, but I never thought it would go anywhere unless the game expanded into those areas…. and now (through Total War) it has. It would be an immense project, but given the third game’s focus on the dark powers and the introduction of Cathay… maybe it could come full circle.
They could rework the current LLs into specific chaos god factions. Taurox for khorne, Malagor for Tzeench, Morghur for Nurgle, Khazrak for undivided and Ghorros for slannesh. Then add their specific tzaangors and pestigors etc for each faction
I´d say, the actual monogod factions work better, and likeloier to get content. I mean maybe add some units to beastment factions...maybe...but kind of weird from a DLC sale perspective
I like the idea of god specific beastmen but I think it should be Taurox for Khorne, Morghur for Tzeench, Khazrak for Slannesh, Slugtongue for Nurgle, and Malagor for undivided. Morghur is basically half chaos spawn and already has abilities and lore related directly to Tzeench, and I think Khazrak's habit in the lore of letting his biggest enemies go just so he can fight them again sounds like a Slannesh follower delighting in the pain.
I would see mutants, at least for some factions. Beastmen had in lore mixed hordes that included mutated humans. Maybe even a militia-style unit as RoR.
@@ShadowWolfRising It is weird because it such an interesting concept for exploration in any of the Warhammer settings! Did you know older Warhammer 40k editions actually had support for and allowed people to create mutant characters whom could have various well...mutations ranging from stuff that would add different strengths and weaknesses to stuff that was purely cosmetic. (though often coming with footnotes stating some might find these cosmetic mutations disturbing) At the very least their could be small skirmishing forces attached to various factions (not just Chaos) that have them be colorful bands of mutants. They could work like a larger organism where each mutant soldier or warrior has their unique mutations that while not very strong or advantageous actually synergize well with one another! Picture one group of mutants that have some with stone-like skin for strong natural defenses, while others have extra eyes that give them more awareness in battle (more accurate, consistent hits?), and some others with various blade-like or spiky limbs that gives them an advantage to damage. Now image you could have these various combos ot mutants take up different formations where these previously mentioned mutant types that take up upfront or central positions depending on need or what they're facing. Basically think of units that have a suprising degree of adaptability, able to take on many challenges. Even for more cosmetic mutations, you could give them an effect that disturbs many of your opponents, make fighting them draing mentally on an opponent's troops. (vile, gross mutants!) Really just about anything would be awesome, and reminds people the potential wealth of creativity to be found! Oh! *And some unique mutant heroes!*
They could also introduce ettins for all chaos factions when they introduce chaos touched gors for beastmen and all the other chaos factions ect. The way ettins would work thou is you wouldn't be able to recruit them directly into your army. You would have to combine two giants together and you would have to have a spellcaster in your army in order to recruit one ettin. They would be as fast as a giant but more tankier with some armour and a much bigger health pool, with the ability to cast spells of course.
IIRC, I think one of the last things of 2021 shown off by GW was a Khorne team for Bloodbowl, complete with Khronegors. I'll go see if I can find the article again.
Imagine them getting a mechanic similar to clan moulder's mutations! (but based on various ""blessings"" and signs from their gods) That or they can recruit mutants that would've been killed or out casted anyway by various other factions...maybe Choas corruption or other wierd magical stuff could increase the amount of mutants you could recruit! (more people growing extra eyes on their stomach or mouths on their hands!) Maybe for the first bit they could have prophetic visions telling them of new legendary mutants being born in various places they could snatch up to have them grow into terrible beasts and cruel warriors for the dark gods! Or for other factions maybe they can hire some 'fortunate', fortune seeking mutants from warbands that will fight for various groups for the right price. (mercenary mutates!)
Well... it would be great/crazy idea if CA would create crossDLC, that would affect all chaos factions - Beastmens, Norska, Chaos mortals and Demons allowing us to play all of them in form of one roster under single chaos god.
I would expect Belakor and Archaon to both have access to undivided faction of some sort, though. can´t be sure if they´d get access to everything or just the basics from each god + undivded stuff.
Gorthor: FLC LL once Boris is released that buffs chariots. Morghur’s current start fits him perfectly. Maybe move Morghur to Forest of Arden? Moonclaw: FLC LH with a lore of wilds, lore of shadows, and a highly buffed Comet of Casandora ability. Ghorros: DLC LL that buffs centigors. Paired with a Wood Elf LL in the dlc with a unique campaign. Also has extra movement range and increased unit replenishment. Ungrol: FLC for Ghorros DLC LL that buffs ungors, can recruit mutants, and has a relations penalty with other Beastmen. Starts at war with Manblight Tribe. Slugtongue: DLC LL that causes attrition in local region for non-chaos armies, spreads Nurgle corruption, and introduces Slangors, Pestigors, Khorngors, and Tzaangors.
A centigor faction would make sense to my mind lore wise somewhere off in the far north east wastes, Warhammer always took a bit of inspiration from real world history (or at least charactures of hisortical entites) and a Mongol/Jurchen/Manchu inspired centigor horde faction might be fun.
They never had an army book, they were created as a placeholder faction to fill the map which is tied to why they implicitly suck a bit, Norsca can´t be as fun as monogod chaos factions or an eventual undivided faction because they´re getting the scraps. Free campaign rework would be nice though to make them a bit better.
@@liofalba The simple solution to that is...make up new stuff! Not like anyone would stop them and there's a TON of interesting stuff you could do to spice them up. All it takes is daring to break away from their old, OLD chains in the old lore. (and even then still some neat stuff that's not used!)
The video was very good, Nathan. :)) I congratulate you and thank you. :)) To be honest, I didn't know some of possibilities. And saw it in this video. :)) And you covered all of them in pretty good shape. :))This is the first time I have seen Tzeentch based centigor shaman. :)) I want this I want that skylock aha. :)) ;)) Keep it up. :)) Best regards.:))
The beastmen could use the Preyton instead of incarnates for an air focused army. Cockatrice and other chaos monsters would be best if added as a hunt mechanic for norsca instead imo.
I’d like to see more legendary heroes. Plenty in there shouldn’t be lords but would be cool. Fleshed out skill trees though, not doing like Felix. Caradryan, Korhil, Tullaris, Kouran, Shadowblade, Ludwig Schwarzhelm, Krell, Konrad, etc etc
Moonclaw as legendary hero would be great, I was kind of disappointed, that the beastman didn't get him in the dlc. I hoped they would go on adding legendary heros with every dlc. And slugtong maybe a mixed nurgle/beastman roaster 👀😋
Cockatrice could be flying short-range artillery, or a flying debuff/mortice, Chimera could be like a manticore with a poison and a breath attack... yes we need them all...
Khornegors AND pestigors actually both had og whfb models, both being vastly different than their current blood bowl incarnations. And speaking on blood bowl incarnations, khornegors just recently got added in to blood bowl with official modern models that make them more dog like than angry armored goatmen.
4 Horns Brayherd is unique enough to be a faction I think. Moonclaw needs to be one as well. Dunno what to do with the others, maybe Slugtongue will be a Nurgle Faction with Beastmen units.
A little late to the party, but that Preyton model looks like it would be an easy Terrorgheist reskin with a "breath" attack that inflicts Rampage on the target unit, for example.
Gorehoof as a lord or hero, Ghorros Warhoof, PREYTON, (which see having a self loathing mechanic that give it more damage the lower on health it gets.) Armored Centigors (both shelded and great weapons) and Cockatrice flock (24 units greatly slow units when they are in melee) Moonclaw Hero
For gorus they could do a drunk tab where u gain a alcohol from razing settlements/possible battle. This could give bonuses to his armys and could give something along the lines as tarox 3 tabs of buffs. Possibly having a mechanic like the waaagh he tried to target faction capitals for they have the most booze. To his title of sire of a thousand young. He could have special campaign only units that he could have no cap on but u would only get a handful at a time when your drunken rampage is over.
I actually think they could make one more dlc themed around dark magic, - Slugtongue as our LL - moonclaw as a LH - preyton as a big set peace - Mutants just to fill out the dlc - gorehoofs/armord centigors would go well with a ghorros warhoof flc lord Tho been wondering if the Cockatrice gets introduced which faction should it go to? Or should it be a similar case to the manticore where its shared between multiple factions?
Moonclaw would be a great DLC where you have to fend off Skaven and Vampire counts who are trying to consume you because you are made of Warpstone... But Magnus the Pious ( of the Knights of the Blazing Sun) would be your main opponent so they could call the DLC "The Sun and the Moon"... ( I know Magnus is dead at the time of this game but I need an Empire DLC to add engineers and Halflings)
This is legit a really good idea, skeptical of any Beastment DLC (all game 3 + nagash + chaos dwarfs + ... will take years and will come first), but if it happens, I guess this is how it happens. Might also work as an FLC.
Basilisks, Preytons, Cockatrices, RAMHORNS...not to mention monogod Beastmen like Khorngors and such. They still have stuff to be added. Edit: Also give them back stuff like Dragon Ogres and Chaos Trolls because those were part of their army list in Beasts of Chaos.
I could see the cockatrice/preyton functioning kind of like the vargheists being a group of flying monstrous units like I think the chimera could be an upgraded version of the manticore.
I want the armoured centigor to look like they are actually armoured wearing armour that was looted off the corpses of the cavalry units of the forces of order
6:05 I like the idea of daemon like beings borne from each respective wind of magic, the 8 elemental lords! Imagine a Aqshy elemental, big flaming skeleton! Imagine the elemental lord of the heavens being a big angry storm cloud with a mean looking face! Imagine a wind of life elemental that bursts from the ground as a GIANT killer plant monster! I hope this concept gets fleshed out more with the return of the Old World! Best part is that you could mix things up even more by having different incarnations of the elementals of the 8 winds that better reflect the cultures they are filtered through or the summoners own thoughts. Like imagine a elemental of Ghur (lore of beasts) that reflects popular creatures from Ind like elephants, serpents and other creatures, you get the idea! Or for say Nippon's elemental of fire being a GIANT oni-like beast, think the boss monster *"Shura"* from Sekiro!
Imo Ungrol should be a LL. It doesn’t make sense for an outcast leader to be a hero in someone else’s army, especially if they hate him. Give him Moonclaw as an LH that can be recruited by all, and the units they’re missing like the Preyton, and you’ve got a solid lord pack. Ghorros and Gorthor can come later as FLC.
Well, de don't have an ungor LL neither. And Four-Horn is the closest to an Ungor LL. Also, Halhorns would also be the hero for the Ungor that is missing like the centigor hero is missing.
Agree, though its mostly base campaigns that need work, the army works well enough, it just needs campaign map stuff to make it more thematic. I would not be shocked if they got an FLC rework at some point I mean game 1 factions save Vamps don´t need it, so some game 2 reworks are definelty in the cards.definelty
We got some art and a troop for Khornegors, Slaangors, Tzaangors & Pestigors in Warhammer Chaos and Conquest (a mobile game) recently with more beastmen to come according to the developers.
I just want a stormhorn it is their version of a dread sauros capable of destroying entire cities and with a mouth so big it could actually eat a small dragon with ease.
@@maidros9856 th-cam.com/video/b5R4GsVdsBs/w-d-xo.html or ramhorn for short you can find them in the wiki but like most Beastmen units it never got a model 😓
Honestly the Beastmen went from my least favourite campaign to one of my favourites they're so much fun now! Ghorros and Centigor lords are the only things I'm desperate to see added, anything else is just a bonus.
Here’s the 3 second vampire coast missing unit list Units Merworm Razortooth rats Legendary lords. Skretch half dead Amonhotep the intolerant Todrek hackhart Vangeist (who coulda replaced cylostra direfin but eh. I like her)
What about Basilisks? Beastmen deserve two DLCs IMO. DLC 1: Ghorros Warhoof, Centigot Lord, Centigor Hero, Armored Centigors, Basilisk, Preyton DLC 2: Slugtongue, Moonclaw (LH), Khorngors, Pestigors, Slaangors, Tzangors, Cockatrice (also each god specific Gor should become available to their specific god faction if you own this DLC) Give Ungrol Four horn as an FLC LL, with one or two free units in Gaves/mutants (or both)
What about a final beastmen vs woodelves dlc, with %10 brettonian missing units archers with stakes and extra made up units,....GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY?
I hope for a DLC with Moonclaw as LL with the Goal to destroy the Waystones around the World an he becomes more powerful the more he destroys... n_n And Slugtongue as LH...
They could honestly get more monster units in the form of god-beasts who they think are representatives of their norscan gods. (yes they worship more than Chaos) And maybe some sort of rune or tattoo magic mechanics, the tribes of real life ancient Scandinavia believed various charms and tattoos would imbue people with great strength, resistance and courage in battle, so why not Norsca? Honestly there's A lot they could do with them that sadly isn't done.
Lots of centigor milk in this video
Sweet boy he was...
I find it very funny that you forgot about the beastmen of all things, when that's the army you want to build tzhis year for TT xD
May I ask taurox never had a model and art so why not atleast mention ramhorn i know it never was released but so taurox please
Shame on you for forgetting the Beastmen 😡, like anyone would do that 🤣😂
I think Ungrol would be cool as a Drycha type FLC, where you can’t recruit gors, bestigors, or minotaurs (you get some exclusive human mutants instead or something and a mechanic to summon monsters), and your main goal isn’t to destroy everything, but to kill off the other major beastmen/take all their herdstones.
Maybe something like skarsnik where he can't recruit gors bestigors and minotaurs until he completes some sort of objective
PseudoDaemon Units?
If I was in 2022: Fans so wanted these units for Beastmen so badly.
If I was in 2025: Shadows of Change got most of the units for Beastmen, and there are now Chaos Ungor units for Beastmen
Tzaangors are probably my favorite model design in AoS and I desperately hope they get in game 3
Tzaangors make me want to start a Tzeentch army. I'm honestly so surprised that they and Slaangors didn't make it into Warhammer 3, seeing as how there are Khorne blessed Minotaurs in Khorne's roster. Their models are so cool, if they never add them as a DLC it would be a huge shame.
@@KL-ls1qc tzaangors come 40k because they got pistols , but they can easily replace it by a shield
I would love for Moonclaw to be added as a Legendary Hero each herd could recruit similar to how Kroak works for the Lizardmen
It's crazy just how much they could still do with Beastmen. They could release a DLC focused around Centigors and fast moving units, with Ghorros Warhoof as the LL, and a generic Centigor Lord, then have elite Armoured Centigors, Praetons, Cockatrices as units.
Slugtongue could introduce Pestigors and be a Beastmen/Nurgle hybrid faction.
Then my personal favourite, Ungrol Fourhorn could be a LL that'd come with Mutants, and would have a focus on Ungols and some of the other lesser beastmen. I'd see him being the best pick for a FLC.
Ungrol could definitely fill a Skarsnik role, having an army built of ungors and mutants. There's also mention of latent magic from his stolen horns which could give us another caster lord.
@@arthropox738 That's what I was thinking too! I love the underdog type factions that rely on and buff the lesser units, like Skarsnik, Oxyotl, etc.
And that would be cool, I think they should make him a caster, or at least make him a hybrid with some bound spells or something!
Molokh Slugtongue as the first of the "Warherds of the Gods" faction? Yes please!
As Beastmen are my favourite, I habe to say that there in actually more stuff in the lore and rpg books for about 2 versus DLCs as not only centigors are forgotten but also the underclasses of the beastmen society of turnskins, brays and mutants. Ungors are known to sometimes form their own tribes or rise to prominance as Half-horn heroes which would be ranged hero/lord options (anti-large javelins with stalk would clap) which are even more relevant as mutants often come with human-tier armour and centigor heroes would likelely act as fast buff characters to be a real alternative to Gorebulls which already have the brawn and speed. Besides the god-touched beastmen, we could get beastfiends who are forsaken beastmen who roam the chaos wastes as part-deamon which could give us tougher tier 4 infantry.
As for lords - give us Ghorros and Ungrol in versus DLCs with Centigors, God-Touched Beastmen and the Incarnate Elemental with Ghorros and Brays. Mutants, the Cocatrice, Ungor characters and the Prayton with Unrgol. Make Moonclaw a Free-LC and space it in the next 5 years. I'll be happy. Gorthor is dead in the lore for 1 000 years and all CA could do is bring him back as a deamon prince or as a ghost which both would work with some hybrid caster shenanigans but I feel he doesn't bring anything new with him to bother. Like, I think he would be better in a Chaos Undivided faction with beastmen unit access.
>How to make Ungrol tho? Just make him a Legendary Lord, add a penalty to diplomacy and that will spice the game up as you are getting hostile with litterally anything thats not a demon or chaos human and you are butcher your way through the world as awakening other legendary lords is more expensive or has some mission attached to it so you dominate them by force.
Personally I think Beastmen could at most get an FLC faction complmenting a DLC pack which aimed at a monogod faction, but it seems to me a lot of this could be/has been moded no?
@@liofalba Remember CA is constantly pushing what can be done and I think all races will get like 2 versus DLCs in the next 5-6 years. Cross-game-race lord DLC, Vampire Coast, Cathay, what they doing with deamons and kislev... They will pair the lords with game 1/2 races and pile up the content.
@@karolkwiecjasz9356 The thing is for that you’d need a crazy level of content turnover. For example say 6 years and a DLC every 5 months, that comes out to 14 (2 race packs and 12 LL Packs). That’s 24 LL, and if we assume core game 3 will get 2-3 LLs that’s 14-21 of those Lords being game, so 3-10 being cross faction. That means some Cross game DLC but not for every faction. Personally I think we’ll get 1 Empire, 1 Vampires and a couple of more. Still, that means a lot of FLC LLs and reworks thankfully, most game 2 factions are fine just need modest faction mechanic tweaks not full blown changes.
Honestly, I would be satisfied with a pack consisting of Ghorros, Centigor Lords, Preyton, Cockatrice amd armored centigors for a dedicated 'swift assault' theme for Beastsmen that gives them those few speedy units that could really make a difference with them.
This could include Moonclaq as a legendary hero for all Beastsmen factions
And for a FLC faction, you could do Slugtongue as a nurgle themed Beastsmen lord and give him Pestigors(These however would arrive alongside Nurgle DLC)
I recall in the Endtimes that a bunch of humans got turned into beast men by a spell during a battle. Having a one time spell that allows you to turn an enemy unit into beast men would be awesome.
same thing in shamanslayer. giant herdstone turning humans into beasts by emitting blue light. that thing was ridiculously OP tho, and could turn entire armies.
Big angry spirit is cool. Chaos-themed Gors are also very cool, and seem like they'd fit well into a bunch of rosters. Gorfor? The chariot guy, looks insanely cool, I hope he gets in at some point. Lots of fun details on that model. Ungral? Has some *striking* art, and honestly his faction sounds interesting enough that I'd play him if he was a Legendary Lord. Maybe would be the only one that couldn't confederate, for uh, obvious reasons.
Another Forge World unit that could fit for Beastmen is the Giant Chaos Spawn. I've always been one to complain about models being reused across armies, but Spawns and Chaos just go hand in hand.
Worth mentioning that Ghorthor the Beastlord was also a caster, he was the only Beastman that was allowed to kill a bray shaman, he killed one and wears his skull and so could cast a small list of spells. Not a full caster.
If you want to go back to the time when Beastmen were “children of Slaanesh” rather than “children of Chaos”, there is also the option to bring in beastmen from around Cathy that are based on different animals. What basically happened was that Games Workshop started bringing out different beastmen races - Minotaurs and Centaurs were part of 2nd edition chaos lists, but beastmen were supposed to be all different kinds of beasts. They brought out the goatmen that would be expanded into Gods, then they moved onto the Ratmen and got stuck there for years, eventually spinning the,m off into their own race before coming back and retconning the goat based beastmen into gors. But there was still lore and art for other beastmen floating around. The beastman artwork in the first Warhammer Quest rule book is a dog-based or Fox-based beastman and the lore for Arabay and Cathay mentioned beastmen based on lions and insects
I for one have always wanted to see the expansion of the beastmen to represent their original concept, but I never thought it would go anywhere unless the game expanded into those areas…. and now (through Total War) it has.
It would be an immense project, but given the third game’s focus on the dark powers and the introduction of Cathay… maybe it could come full circle.
Great video, would love CA to add Ghorros!
I'd give Cockatrice to Norsca for their monster hunting theme.
Cockatrice to Norsca
Preyton to Beastmen
Chimerae to Woc
Manticore to everyone.
Ghorros Warhoof is a centigor lord from the lore
Would like to see an ungor lord who specialises in boosting ungors towards a skirmish style.
Beastmen lore has something akin to daemons. Beastfiends from the south pole. Archaon had a follower that was one of these.
They could rework the current LLs into specific chaos god factions. Taurox for khorne, Malagor for Tzeench, Morghur for Nurgle, Khazrak for undivided and Ghorros for slannesh. Then add their specific tzaangors and pestigors etc for each faction
I´d say, the actual monogod factions work better, and likeloier to get content. I mean maybe add some units to beastment factions...maybe...but kind of weird from a DLC sale perspective
I like the idea of god specific beastmen but I think it should be Taurox for Khorne, Morghur for Tzeench, Khazrak for Slannesh, Slugtongue for Nurgle, and Malagor for undivided. Morghur is basically half chaos spawn and already has abilities and lore related directly to Tzeench, and I think Khazrak's habit in the lore of letting his biggest enemies go just so he can fight them again sounds like a Slannesh follower delighting in the pain.
I would see mutants, at least for some factions. Beastmen had in lore mixed hordes that included mutated humans. Maybe even a militia-style unit as RoR.
They'd also work for the Other Chaos factions, possibly even a few non-Chaos factions.
Mutants are weirdly underrepresented.
@@ShadowWolfRising no argue here :)
It is weird because it such an interesting concept for exploration in any of the Warhammer settings! Did you know older Warhammer 40k editions actually had support for and allowed people to create mutant characters whom could have various well...mutations ranging from stuff that would add different strengths and weaknesses to stuff that was purely cosmetic. (though often coming with footnotes stating some might find these cosmetic mutations disturbing)
At the very least their could be small skirmishing forces attached to various factions (not just Chaos) that have them be colorful bands of mutants. They could work like a larger organism where each mutant soldier or warrior has their unique mutations that while not very strong or advantageous actually synergize well with one another!
Picture one group of mutants that have some with stone-like skin for strong natural defenses, while others have extra eyes that give them more awareness in battle (more accurate, consistent hits?), and some others with various blade-like or spiky limbs that gives them an advantage to damage. Now image you could have these various combos ot mutants take up different formations where these previously mentioned mutant types that take up upfront or central positions depending on need or what they're facing. Basically think of units that have a suprising degree of adaptability, able to take on many challenges.
Even for more cosmetic mutations, you could give them an effect that disturbs many of your opponents, make fighting them draing mentally on an opponent's troops. (vile, gross mutants!)
Really just about anything would be awesome, and reminds people the potential wealth of creativity to be found! Oh! *And some unique mutant heroes!*
Ungrol four horns could be the legendary lord for a unique hybrid faction. With outcast beastmen, mutants, human outlaws, cultists, and other things
They could also introduce ettins for all chaos factions when they introduce chaos touched gors for beastmen and all the other chaos factions ect. The way ettins would work thou is you wouldn't be able to recruit them directly into your army. You would have to combine two giants together and you would have to have a spellcaster in your army in order to recruit one ettin. They would be as fast as a giant but more tankier with some armour and a much bigger health pool, with the ability to cast spells of course.
I just love the aesthetic of Slugtongue. Like please CA make him a LL.
Moonclaw as a LH
And Ghorros as a FLC.
IIRC, I think one of the last things of 2021 shown off by GW was a Khorne team for Bloodbowl, complete with Khronegors. I'll go see if I can find the article again.
It's a complete no-brainer that beastmen receives the mutations as a form of rework/addon.
Imagine them getting a mechanic similar to clan moulder's mutations! (but based on various ""blessings"" and signs from their gods) That or they can recruit mutants that would've been killed or out casted anyway by various other factions...maybe Choas corruption or other wierd magical stuff could increase the amount of mutants you could recruit! (more people growing extra eyes on their stomach or mouths on their hands!)
Maybe for the first bit they could have prophetic visions telling them of new legendary mutants being born in various places they could snatch up to have them grow into terrible beasts and cruel warriors for the dark gods! Or for other factions maybe they can hire some 'fortunate', fortune seeking mutants from warbands that will fight for various groups for the right price. (mercenary mutates!)
In my head I imagine the cockatrice as a flying Sepulchral Stalker, perhaps in a squad or perhaps a lone model. But flying medusa works too!
Well... it would be great/crazy idea if CA would create crossDLC, that would affect all chaos factions - Beastmens, Norska, Chaos mortals and Demons allowing us to play all of them in form of one roster under single chaos god.
Archaon should have access to all Chaos maybe even Skaven units in Game 3
I would expect Belakor and Archaon to both have access to undivided faction of some sort, though. can´t be sure if they´d get access to everything or just the basics from each god + undivded stuff.
Be'lakor gets Daemons, Archaon gets everything
Gorthor: FLC LL once Boris is released that buffs chariots. Morghur’s current start fits him perfectly. Maybe move Morghur to Forest of Arden?
Moonclaw: FLC LH with a lore of wilds, lore of shadows, and a highly buffed Comet of Casandora ability.
Ghorros: DLC LL that buffs centigors. Paired with a Wood Elf LL in the dlc with a unique campaign. Also has extra movement range and increased unit replenishment.
Ungrol: FLC for Ghorros DLC LL that buffs ungors, can recruit mutants, and has a relations penalty with other Beastmen. Starts at war with Manblight Tribe.
Slugtongue: DLC LL that causes attrition in local region for non-chaos armies, spreads Nurgle corruption, and introduces Slangors, Pestigors, Khorngors, and Tzaangors.
A centigor faction would make sense to my mind lore wise somewhere off in the far north east wastes, Warhammer always took a bit of inspiration from real world history (or at least charactures of hisortical entites) and a Mongol/Jurchen/Manchu inspired centigor horde faction might be fun.
8:46 mentioning about Norsca.. are we forgetting missing units of Norsca videos by any chance? :)
They never had an army book, they were created as a placeholder faction to fill the map which is tied to why they implicitly suck a bit, Norsca can´t be as fun as monogod chaos factions or an eventual undivided faction because they´re getting the scraps. Free campaign rework would be nice though to make them a bit better.
@@liofalba oh wow i didn't know they never had army book thanks for explanation
The simple solution to that is...make up new stuff! Not like anyone would stop them and there's a TON of interesting stuff you could do to spice them up. All it takes is daring to break away from their old, OLD chains in the old lore. (and even then still some neat stuff that's not used!)
The video was very good, Nathan. :)) I congratulate you and thank you. :)) To be honest, I didn't know some of possibilities. And saw it in this video. :)) And you covered all of them in pretty good shape. :))This is the first time I have seen Tzeentch based centigor shaman. :)) I want this I want that skylock aha. :)) ;)) Keep it up. :)) Best regards.:))
The beastmen could use the Preyton instead of incarnates for an air focused army. Cockatrice and other chaos monsters would be best if added as a hunt mechanic for norsca instead imo.
Incarnate elemental and cockatrice would make the monster mash of warhammer 3 be even more brutal, a man can dream.
I’d like to see more legendary heroes. Plenty in there shouldn’t be lords but would be cool. Fleshed out skill trees though, not doing like Felix. Caradryan, Korhil, Tullaris, Kouran, Shadowblade, Ludwig Schwarzhelm, Krell, Konrad, etc etc
I believe Beastmem can easily reach 6 Legandary lords.
1 DLC could contain:
LL: Ghoros
LH: Moonclaw
-Unit: Preyton
-Unit: Armored Centigors
-Unit: Basilisk
DLC 2:
LL: Ungrol 4 horns
LH: Slugtongue
-Unit: Incarnate of Wild
-Unit: Mutants/Anti-infantry/Poison
-Unit: Bestigor Archers/Hybrid unit similar to streltsi for Kislev.
This unit: am I a joke to you?
Moonclaw as legendary hero would be great, I was kind of disappointed, that the beastman didn't get him in the dlc. I hoped they would go on adding legendary heros with every dlc. And slugtong maybe a mixed nurgle/beastman roaster 👀😋
Cockatrice could be flying short-range artillery, or a flying debuff/mortice, Chimera could be like a manticore with a poison and a breath attack... yes we need them all...
Khornegors AND pestigors actually both had og whfb models, both being vastly different than their current blood bowl incarnations. And speaking on blood bowl incarnations, khornegors just recently got added in to blood bowl with official modern models that make them more dog like than angry armored goatmen.
4 Horns Brayherd is unique enough to be a faction I think.
Moonclaw needs to be one as well.
Dunno what to do with the others, maybe Slugtongue will be a Nurgle Faction with Beastmen units.
Bloodbowl has Khornegores too.
A little late to the party, but that Preyton model looks like it would be an easy Terrorgheist reskin with a "breath" attack that inflicts Rampage on the target unit, for example.
In the Lost and the Damned it describes three different ranks of centaur shamans, which over time clearly turned into centigors.
Gorehoof as a lord or hero, Ghorros Warhoof, PREYTON, (which see having a self loathing mechanic that give it more damage the lower on health it gets.) Armored Centigors (both shelded and great weapons) and Cockatrice flock (24 units greatly slow units when they are in melee) Moonclaw Hero
For gorus they could do a drunk tab where u gain a alcohol from razing settlements/possible battle. This could give bonuses to his armys and could give something along the lines as tarox 3 tabs of buffs. Possibly having a mechanic like the waaagh he tried to target faction capitals for they have the most booze. To his title of sire of a thousand young. He could have special campaign only units that he could have no cap on but u would only get a handful at a time when your drunken rampage is over.
Greenskin sauce with some Neverending Troll Steak and Centigor Milkshare? Give me pleaze
Bovigors would be cool too. They're bestigor sized minotaurs and they would be fun and more powerful infantry to have in mid and late games
What about Dragon ogres though? Weren't they also a part of the beastmen lineup`?
I actually think they could make one more dlc themed around dark magic,
- Slugtongue as our LL
- moonclaw as a LH
- preyton as a big set peace
- Mutants just to fill out the dlc
- gorehoofs/armord centigors would go well with a ghorros warhoof flc lord
Tho been wondering if the Cockatrice gets introduced which faction should it go to? Or should it be a similar case to the manticore where its shared between multiple factions?
Cockatrice seems like a "go to multiple armies" kind of unit. But it fits Beasts so much more than anyone else.
and ghorros as free LC lord
I'd give Cockatrice to Norsca for their monster hunting theme.
Cockatrice to Norsca
Preyton to Beastmen
Chimerae to Woc
Manticore to everyone.
@@Yes4HumanRace that acutaly makes a lot os sense I like the way you think
@@Yes4HumanRace that acutaly makes a lot os sense I like the way you think
Moonclaw would be a great DLC where you have to fend off Skaven and Vampire counts who are trying to consume you because you are made of Warpstone... But Magnus the Pious ( of the Knights of the Blazing Sun) would be your main opponent so they could call the DLC "The Sun and the Moon"... ( I know Magnus is dead at the time of this game but I need an Empire DLC to add engineers and Halflings)
Beastmen need just tons of made up scary dark woods mythological fairy tale folklore inspired ideas turned into all manner of creatures and monsters.
There's a wealth of folklore and myths to use and it's a shame how little is used!
I hope we will get a last Beastmen DLC. Gjoros could be the Genghis Kan of Grand cathay si it would fit!
This is legit a really good idea, skeptical of any Beastment DLC (all game 3 + nagash + chaos dwarfs + ... will take years and will come first), but if it happens, I guess this is how it happens. Might also work as an FLC.
I say Ungrol as LL, Moonclaw as LH, Ghorros as FLC for those that own original Beastmen DLC.
You forgot the menbeast from the southern chaos wastes who are fusion of man and demons :)
Basilisks, Preytons, Cockatrices, RAMHORNS...not to mention monogod Beastmen like Khorngors and such. They still have stuff to be added.
Edit: Also give them back stuff like Dragon Ogres and Chaos Trolls because those were part of their army list in Beasts of Chaos.
I could see the cockatrice/preyton functioning kind of like the vargheists being a group of flying monstrous units like I think the chimera could be an upgraded version of the manticore.
3:26 Blood Bowl also just recently put out a new Khorngor model.
I want the armoured centigor to look like they are actually armoured wearing armour that was looted off the corpses of the cavalry units of the forces of order
if empire gets caster lords, the elemental of ghur could be a summon for the amber wizard lord at maxed out transformation of kadon
i guess they are going to make dlc for monogod mortals, with daemon princes, gors and the missing warriors, chosen and knights
Why don't CA want to implement end times units tho? Are they planning an end times dlc?
I think it’s due to the negative publicity around the endtimes. Though I’d love an endtimes dlc personally!
The third units looks so grim and good. I wonder why its not in the game it looks AWSOME
Those two flighing monsters look cool as f%%k, would love to see them inplemented 😍
Goros Warhoof was a CentiGor hero.
6:05 I like the idea of daemon like beings borne from each respective wind of magic, the 8 elemental lords!
Imagine a Aqshy elemental, big flaming skeleton!
Imagine the elemental lord of the heavens being a big angry storm cloud with a mean looking face!
Imagine a wind of life elemental that bursts from the ground as a GIANT killer plant monster!
I hope this concept gets fleshed out more with the return of the Old World!
Best part is that you could mix things up even more by having different incarnations of the elementals of the 8 winds that better reflect the cultures they are filtered through or the summoners own thoughts.
Like imagine a elemental of Ghur (lore of beasts) that reflects popular creatures from Ind like elephants, serpents and other creatures, you get the idea!
Or for say Nippon's elemental of fire being a GIANT oni-like beast, think the boss monster *"Shura"* from Sekiro!
Yes Beastmen time!
Imo Ungrol should be a LL. It doesn’t make sense for an outcast leader to be a hero in someone else’s army, especially if they hate him.
Give him Moonclaw as an LH that can be recruited by all, and the units they’re missing like the Preyton, and you’ve got a solid lord pack. Ghorros and Gorthor can come later as FLC.
I would like to the Centagors and a dedicated faction for each Chaos god, and Moonclaw as either a LH or LL.
all I really care about are the Khrongors, Slaangors, Tzaangors & Pestigors. The Pretyon would be nice, but those are the main thing
Thanks for the video
A Ranged Centigor hero and a Melee Assassin Centigor hero would be nice. :D
All centigor centered faction would be sweet. Could use the AoS lord who looks sweet
Angril Fourhorn, Ghoros ans Slugtongue would make for great lords. Angril focused on ungors and mutants, ghoros on centigors and slugtongue on nurgle.
Beastmen forgotten...
Well, de don't have an ungor LL neither. And Four-Horn is the closest to an Ungor LL. Also, Halhorns would also be the hero for the Ungor that is missing like the centigor hero is missing.
Just saying you skipped Norsca too
Can't wait to get to lizardmen, because out of all game 2 races they need a rework the most.
Agree, though its mostly base campaigns that need work, the army works well enough, it just needs campaign map stuff to make it more thematic. I would not be shocked if they got an FLC rework at some point I mean game 1 factions save Vamps don´t need it, so some game 2 reworks are definelty in the cards.definelty
There is a Khorngor model for blood bowl
Here’s hoping we get Gorthor and Ghorros warhoof.
How about just "mutants" as a unit? They could be a bottom tier, zombie-type tar-pit unit with an Ungrol DLC
We got some art and a troop for Khornegors, Slaangors, Tzaangors & Pestigors in Warhammer Chaos and Conquest (a mobile game) recently with more beastmen to come according to the developers.
I just want a stormhorn it is their version of a dread sauros capable of destroying entire cities and with a mouth so big it could actually eat a small dragon with ease.
Are there any pictures of it? I looked it up but couldn't find anything on this.
@@maidros9856 th-cam.com/video/b5R4GsVdsBs/w-d-xo.html or ramhorn for short you can find them in the wiki but like most Beastmen units it never got a model 😓
@@memesofwarhemmer7076 Thos could be cool!
Makes sense and really allows the beastmen to truly live up to their creed as destroyers of centralized civilization!
The bestmen
Since beast unit dont realy hav flyin unit in a sense, i hoped beastmen gets fling unit and chaos units as well
I think the beastmen are good for now the only thing I wish for right now is the god specific units
I saw some people say the Cockatrice is now Slaves to Darkness in AOS but from what I’ve read it’s not, is it?
It is not, it is in the Beast of Chaos Battletome and is part of their Allegiance.
I just find funny how he forgot tzzambulls sllanbull and pesta-bull
All Minotaur touched by the ruinous powers
Can you do a dark elves missing video next
Honestly the Beastmen went from my least favourite campaign to one of my favourites they're so much fun now!
Ghorros and Centigor lords are the only things I'm desperate to see added, anything else is just a bonus.
There are quite narrow mods that add cool LLs for Beastment, so that´s always an option
Here’s the 3 second vampire coast missing unit list
Razortooth rats
Legendary lords.
Skretch half dead
Amonhotep the intolerant
Todrek hackhart
Vangeist (who coulda replaced cylostra direfin but eh. I like her)
I for my part would also like to see Brays, Basilisks and Ramhorns.
No one is ever really gone -CA, probably
What about Basilisks?
Beastmen deserve two DLCs IMO.
DLC 1: Ghorros Warhoof, Centigot Lord, Centigor Hero, Armored Centigors, Basilisk, Preyton
DLC 2: Slugtongue, Moonclaw (LH), Khorngors, Pestigors, Slaangors, Tzangors, Cockatrice (also each god specific Gor should become available to their specific god faction if you own this DLC)
Give Ungrol Four horn as an FLC LL, with one or two free units in Gaves/mutants (or both)
Blood Bowl has Khorngors and so does wfrp 4th edition
What about a final beastmen vs woodelves dlc, with %10 brettonian missing units archers with stakes and extra made up units,....GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY?
im here for your complaining nathan im here for it lmao
I hope for a DLC with Moonclaw as LL with the Goal to destroy the Waystones around the World an he becomes more powerful the more he destroys... n_n
And Slugtongue as LH...
you forgot norsca?
Couldn't that Skylock easily be repurposed as a spellcaster Centigor?
Didn't ya forget about norsca? I mean I know they are demonless chaos but no need to forget about them.
Warriors of Chaos and Norsca should have been 1 faction, in my opinion atleast.
@@ksanbahlyngwa1998 I disagree completely
@@ksanbahlyngwa1998 The inclusion of norsca was great, in fact kurgan should get the same treatment and become their own thing.
They could honestly get more monster units in the form of god-beasts who they think are representatives of their norscan gods. (yes they worship more than Chaos) And maybe some sort of rune or tattoo magic mechanics, the tribes of real life ancient Scandinavia believed various charms and tattoos would imbue people with great strength, resistance and courage in battle, so why not Norsca? Honestly there's A lot they could do with them that sadly isn't done.
Did they have a god touched in a Felix and gotex Book Shaman slayer